HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-14, Page 6TIM THREAD OF LIFE
The Oirtott govexnese et these letter Itete
etude 04 very: different, foollee indeeri in
tee family fPora the ferty-peeedeleer-and-
,alleeettuel reig. perliell who metreeted Yeah
as 4 filed •bid fee We the last geueratien,
iestinotevely oo their etroeg petrel; and in
tee minutee, ined the Stinire were fast
friende, united by firm. ties et commenlovee
and sommon animositles, They were bath
Oxford es—et whistever yawning eeterval
of time that frietully liede fume elways
WM bond Of itnion between youth end age;
and heti) had been at the eeme Origl*
She mike, in feet, he the unwrdtee table ot 441,mq yog neow rey eoieos, t e
ualveIsiV maa 3 aallx as tilts gatw" k°41.. "They looked out over Fellowe' 01%4, and
v.tsible inv. of her palmier paeltiou, She bAO. eheening Letin Imeemeter oe a pue
dinee with the rot et the he/deltoid. at tooted, eitaitee eue of the hay wiedowee
keow them well," Hugh nnewered,
preeedenee with the tater wha bee ea seeiro oeserverl with A meditellve sigh,
eeyee.thirty,. inetenel a takin' ,essiy
diener. in the schoole.00in With leer junior
Petals off:bathed •uutttoo ifed dTg
4t.tielf-ree 'Owe, Eislo 'ChellOper bed built
Oirteti kith She was an orphen,left with •
UUe ta the. Werld Init bee hreimi toad
her geed too ke to feud her fertene
upon 4141, She ha w1soy ieveeted her
whelk -email 'capital 14 getting herielt
Bit • educatiou which wetiel miebie her
to earn hereelt .atta-lito A reetierate
Evellheede In the tidally et Whim -trend,
with e. ng smile of genuine* pleasure --for
he laved Oxfoed with A loVe pueleg the love
et her erdluary children. "A. friend of
lulu tied them tu my time. AO I remem-
ber the lief); *thfortiem queen willed
=editor': An excelleot leonine es temp
ine,s ge, though in its qautity.—Do
QB know, 1 tell in Uwe eitle thet pene se
greedy, thet 1 lied *sire framework made
to put ever it, for fear mete fellowe
SMAsh Wane night, diegiug *beet omegee
arid pet oat his bee ()love to be ars he had
elwees done since tleay Were children to-
gether. " One kies, Elsie," he isaiel persea-
Qnickt tay child; we may heve
no other thence. Theo dreedfal oI ore*
williefich to Aslike leeches. "Gather ye twee
while yeu.myt Old Time Uayw"
Elide drew hack tier face half le elem.
No, no, Anglo" iihe cried, strugglieg with
Minter eficeoitde "Wre belle growing too
old for such nouseese now. Reniereben
we've owed lona ago to lee ehildree."
"Bet as acousin,EI»Itugheeid with*,
VtiatfU1 leok hiS eemthat belied hie write.
Elide prefeered in her own he to he
kiteed byIfueli,QA didezieue group& ; but
she did eet eay eo. She beld tip her face,
Itawever, with a rather ba4 mete ape
flugh- reseed th hia own tenderly.
" reee'e paradise, my dear," he mew -
mewed low, limiting deep both he beetith
fel lipid eyeet
" see of ley nude, that waa Wirglx14
*where she bed lotely some, she lored. far et 0, noisy weteretteo
dittereice Ile years hetweeu hewn rem. teee tto enereachinene isf rati.i, ilea, are
Mere like a Weed than 4 aevevago ; tho From Oxford, they seettgot oft upon se-
•weeneot gefeente. ; feed
lug a. teuey to eee weenier from ilia
ame einopeideite at ewe, :eo latte
ether, Abet Riede eould herdly with
Ow me • eoein brie% bereelf to,
o- hrter eutherity over the Weer
the tilown pude ; then . ...
.ideted epee %king IWO for * fozvi• do pie.
priseeire zoned 'the whelo eetatee with tem -
Wes •011gOtTAtik upon the wattle; et the
foreehote wed, the etioneimble revel:mem of
the Beerd of Admixelty be mit ereetin
of innocent ehildheedi which hee to be kept
engaged with Blindreauei Butt' an.d an Mk-
liznited supply ot Everton toffee, for fear it
Shotald bore itself with its own lenity.
Oa that grimed, I 000sider nautie end guru
at eithurben eeriee the reaMiree of 'MOM-
peteneN Sefisible people fmd imough to
*mem them in One emeher% society,. with -
t playing dumb goodie or aeleing addles.
Relf me 1 will dad mere than enough, Pm
eure„ to -morrow in yours and Eisietet'
He shook heeds with them. ele roiled mid
raised his hat in farewelt with that Wind -
table. veva welch wan aasbk MaSainPr'S
peenikae property, When he left the Dail
that etterieeset, he left four upereie
quest. behind Inc Squile theught
singer answered with a gay nod-
"I've•finished my neW hatch cif verses
O4 the oeea044Otion—potion---devetiort
theme, aed I'm Sendinv them off, all hot
from the OVOU, tf4) my cousin Eleiteo-Tiaey're
nats ban in. their way. I like them ineetelf.
I shall print them, think, in neSt Wee1470
(Iv 1m co7,4MMIstt4
The Greaf MaeUeuglo Basin,
Zoede Afereery report preeeeteil to
the Canadian rarliaMent MS the " Oreat.
bylaeltengie 1NS140" Can eeareely fail to in-
spire the imagieetlee of ell who reed, by
tee pieteite whiela it suegeete almest
thia London newapener fellow WAS 4 Meet tomeeserehle Veetneee 4441 UnlinAlted re-
eeesiblet rightexonfled1. intelligut young &AMMO- The noted tens, it it true, to grasp
Ma% WW1 14e$4 434 ehoelders, St41. 4 the sigitficanee of the figuree with Valet% the
complete eeinprefteesioe et the rights and report de*, it istiteed not the less by
wroege of the iettleeto tipeeitet propriaorei the seem of indelinitemegaileuie *bid, thee
Mrs. Me my thought Etslee imply, 44.4. by the petentiality el the netneed
indeed; but that wee not Wig OMMitt, cousin Was most polite end Attentive, se forem destribed Virg Yet wider*
she aneviered with, *faint ettemet to robe welt AS MA extreuiely tied along the *Ores of tbia gret Aeetio river
his playlidnem, ae the Withdrew, binsblug. euellent pereen, (Indite of certain_n? mad ite feribeterito it within few
Eugh limehed, and ,glanred Idly round utile of A century view the discover -
him with alum leek at -the denehig water.
to Yon may eell it whet yen nee,'" he wide -
vexed with ie deep pee tate her big dude
Mlle. "1 don't Sore WhAt ceyacity on
earth you 494oider yoereellf Meted, ee
cie yen eti ll eermit tO irie4 yew"
For tea ra'inatte they me there tend:ogee
sayine those thousaudetedente aw-ee empty
things; that ypung people eay 040 anOtbgX
utter ugh Metenstanzes-44ve not We all
teen peag, sled de reit we all well know
them reeend then B1410 Tete With 4 eigie et
regret. "1 ebbak," *be mid; "we coulitn't
stop here elouo eity lour ; pezbepe Men
Moveey wouldn't illee
ether blee.eleysey r.. ,t.
with eu feegry eideweed tau of hp head.
Urea% 04PAOG,It, And, melee preper gtoyog8 to vrottct the alone
mum, theugli etill deberred
f heert, 41401074er exently
ve hereon A morel dragon, ;
recegniZe the exieteeee
de in the weed we lehebite
itd not even rbiddee tee itomede e.e times
the abetratet pamibility thee till= she or
pupils might Ceneeivably get married to itu
eligible permit, shauld the eligible pewee
the right moment chug() to eremite himself'
with the mietennery ereeleittima ea to peeitien
reel preepeeta.
wonder, We,'" Wilailred eadd After
whether your coedit win really
eerae Ode atm:melte Perhape he wotet
now, Ater thet drea4fel Idemmy,
eis eialy came dewit in the $4W1, he Lintet.
got emitter *mit et ghillie* with him I
elumideit eurprieed U be had to ge to
btel et the het, as Mr. Belt doe% white they
dry his thine tor hire by tbe icitcheu nee
Mr. Reif never brim more, they see*, thee
hie one blue tootle.
gout -wise propnetem, lisigle bete=
all With hie grevii face of preload eympethy
APLI interest, pa -taught from time to
tinw an aeqnle19014 newel; goultritietery 44
the wicitednot of proem:mut ellitiele to
geuerel, end ot the deliequent •Dear4 at
Admiralty ie particuler.
" :EA= undo I" he old once, wi
ingerug codelicex rolling the
e. hie tongue, a3 the Squire pa
tbe leg poplar et the reornin
venture TO paint bias out the blown don
the oppoeiteshore-0.1tolian 1 la
whee they gen. tbeta t liew very peed.
What A lowly word to pee bee trielet I
--juat tho very thin of all °them Us
gn eihfoure with au aeljettive like
Twine)) 1-40 it welleye4 un fert$' *term
of prime ealreetareh enitere—did it, reellytt
Thet meet hese bee*. a very Gorton lux
' deed. Forty A'ara et priest sett math I
I weapon it wax the 4QTP land eQVCred.
Wi rank reedy smite% where e'en
44 uot like Elsie *omen)/ ttea these enegeidecot, rough-ceeted, loug*
are elwaya etreeig we the r 4 p
ples, which they diacees es tlareigh they
vivre denuitely memorable quautity, like
money or weigek or degree,* Fehrenheita
WileUeed theaght Mr- blaSei47,er WAS *horn
t and eh eft nice and kind Mid Appre.
er who geve the river ite name new
gated its waters, and, yet to the world,
it has renteteed tbrougle alt theat. years
little more than a name. It refeetree indeed
A big map to show its femme, erid it win
eletIve. .Fellele thefight dear darling Hugh eoreettee Me4Y reedere tele.= thet it bee 4
....... .
wee keg) the going, eweet, itytopethetie -eld goestline en flitde044 Bent of =re then 4
frieud .airl any- endemnforter ite ever. Ault tlimeand Milee. ilitherte the Mackenzie
they. all fear netted iP, %24Oking 11O NW* very toe beele regarded oe: an attain river, taking
itaielseine, very elever,, veey hal*" **V '0* rise * the Great Slave Wee.. .and .disa
ory deli Allied. ,. elmegieg itself Ude the Amite Ozeauelfte
As for It aglie he eaglet to himself, ve be er4OrMOSIS elver ; het lb; wetexe leeked. in itm
wagered hank ItY. 'the reeedmedered leutto: Peutr.elole ice for hell tbe veer, eud temple .
the villege hat; tied) theSeptire Wee a meet vag may the fur header Awl traveller to ex-
Pertentous eel bevy old Wideerten; thid, Ono itedelimpitable tertitotiele A hundred
Inne WYellie Mercy Was 4 COMIC :40 MA. year** efter ell, 'erii• hut 44 4 dey when they
tete ; that hrele wee reelly * mot ehaerie haVe rtin their comae ; and .perleepe, utter .
"Them) old people are A terrible niii*Anc,.. . . ing girl i. mil that Winifred, te..epitteat her ail, to true diegovenre ..of the Meeltenele
the world. I Wiel), we coal4 .gee.elew peek bresehauddeitter Mule% wmal hell bed, Are the neeireb:re -of the oemmittee whom
ed by e triutaphaut wejerity Viet at tarty , . Weir '1411—fer an helm& eltilierate ;evert bee neW tor the deet time
eVerybefly WAS tO be thzottitd, or et leied The. Wren le ept. to be. 'plain and ferlfide emote kliewn, haw geormom le the bean,
treneported, Vigra he tome her) Of e ding. Shiite telt Mir to. outwerd view, ite Web. it dretnte 'how prieelete the weelth
little pea%) mid eujeyineet iii the wield -coney meidene. be. Hee *Panty WI Staid. • Wilich it beide WitiliA ita land** Ao-
. tuit to *kr istri4t4,?. intollio. voilltim feed erdiag to the eepeet ot the eeeemittee, it ie •
'bie but, Hugh, Moe Ileeeey% jut reeldee orinelpielly ha * aide at her honker**. Old ie ek Ulitlietine*.4/1 OU ittleaVe peptx,
. es iteelft Wea I knOW .ekezalt let you have traelied dime 44 heirese who wee Mon ; end le tee .linat exteesive petroleum .
Ito 40 pao ever eu °me., She etea et, Asa peaty W01'1,11400, lInghtalt, a statuette aid, on the Amerieen coutiaget„ it no ti it
X might go out en the witter or mye 4*-everyt the world., Wage Its gout -lines aa thee
liked, •wheuver I dame, way time W.hen he zeeelicil the. takt he foiled War- two A..r etie wail end on the Greet Slave Lake, .
coraleAtly. fit Irogh wouldn't go iikoy. liklit4134.4004Pfl cattle' we ow
where, kr sea d, without ptoper this moreieg Spieudid huge ; moet edc-
eledliee for every poteible eivilir.ed 'Uwno And reZhh "Deb rhht tho
tjusevoy„ lIoi# got, for, you nuew—etee returea kiegly.flethiug cube" 'Georg))
sitall over --but dreatee niceli and ap. leredith •wee)14 cal! them. We pencil 4
ful then. They suit him eplendi ly." I ly overwhelmed aud wcieted. elle Dear
44 So eitould think, deer " Wieffred e I dear inc I Whet terrible eelentity
eaeop!iiitely . always!. You "heel just ace let et them al We cruised V eit dema te-deY
elm irk eveuing elothea ; he's simry beauti. WhiteetranA0d the sand bee atem.
severed with wertete. wonder, reek, wee the Adutirelty's fault I Might make
whether pare ma mammy* will lihe your ceyieal wide out of Owe to belly the
vitiate 1" goverument in the 41forninv TelegrOM.
It'S ewfully geed ot you, darling, "11 you dill, my due sir," the theatre
warmly with appreatetive and,
coseem:' tate ettet JIM) ;mimed frons a sketching ex, there ifs Within the region * possible eree of
reeeeneble, lutelligent pedillege up the *Wei PA*. 44 We% Rah 1446.005 equoro Wigs fa for eletettegrowleete
Hugh avawat4 approviegly, Ate cried, "yea Pea Me trierOphant. r del7,000 euiteble for the coltivetien hee*
- ley, 316.00.4 ter Viet of wileet ; widiet the
Weft WI. "1 wiale they irvcgo r AA -0'4 are* It veal to S'h4.0inf eflizere
their geueratim, The Video, oillenand talsOtId kitgaum mile* ere Ardirer,
QU, like mut ethere, bee Wee ex% Yet it Is coTt*I*th%t Ws virtuolly riew
wereld lee A the hotter now territere cunt be reekenel. as it field for
el jedieleu thionitreeeeltet ineareellete celouteetioa. tieuy yeue mut
Id theta I wm e melte I rue liefore even Cenedieu fete:prise wilt
rigItt, II*N-fa pn or. epre up tlie Maglieerte Bathe wad penetrate
detail the preette te- its wild and atcnimIonnd reeetheeloy dtive
all rt.:IA=440 ' . i*g theiron berm over ite eucultiveted lewd".
a viettely. "No, Ilegle" The uriferou and MIAMI VQ4Ah Is likely
why"! lbefs it Mat- TOWS nateatehed uutil the relient fielde
labor are fiCalpied, And the cermet of out -
t. Very mush the with urge repeeet ea 11 e ette.
len flaws In the direetiore of *hie hither -
n didn't. It's better there twat Dave you eten her idea ?, '
ompittetieely unknown atorehoutie of
toy child, I think " YmeElvie was there," elle poet mute
levee tie 0, quiet sort ot ed lugendly, a* he rug the hall for a glese troptrite elehee. The report, we em
, o , they etn TM VOlOt. of soileweter, "Lite was there, looking told, attraeta greet attention; end we ere
t.ok, you, a 1,1f4 rireit,C4steint, It VA tihaliaing Ma at piqueute wee ast peetty net surprised thee it ehould de so. A teed.
eili sociel iuterreeme comidendily. es ever ; mid, by Jove 1 elm% the clevereat Wry 4Q rich, and yet ea hem -Adieu, meet
eguebahoodte each ii jelle indtlinita Ole *, MA brigliteet eu4 meet aleueiug girl / ever hue* certela feseleetien for eves' the or.
one mey ne Well eujoyes lenge,* pendido t et ally where up eta down la Reglad. Many emierant; bat, atter idl, the wet*
full hued of Ito ntorming vageeizoist.- Thaggh sUo's my own sonsln, and Int me must be peved by the pioneer)! who le the
think so rauth of whet wort of rezeptiori my 44 But ILO, is it right? De you telt* e thee map) It, at oughtn't to InNys it. ws future, it in the ptet, are the Melt who first
ougoto,t to my It, gm e A email. to tht, tette redue___,.....„.00ed the Imponehmk.le leem.„....._..to the poesilde.
ty.) "But, ot count), your Tape and marn- arid Indeed acing the whole neglected Best know at once, lust for thee very relAMil how RY. I. tiho Billie. -d.t times, rVe ahaatt
"light the ridetzeuthip rainy is between est' 1144t fa' Minds "Iwa "'Y *°°11t°111K:Fu.'1"°° eleeW tie $11fIneC Draught Moses.
cousin gets," Ride replied with 4 Maet la yOU'd emu the deepeit gratitude of teeter onglit to l--1 r seen, oughtal, 1 to let them
velvet inuocenee, (Winifred blueltect faint- owner el property na the eouuty et Sulltillt,
Ina ere sure to like hon Everybody alweys Coeate—The way 'We've beep treated And " The relatlentiolp le tiot alight," tee& to the NeIntle, Ma 4th, her to emu and me
, The difference between tbo Engliett at
doe' like litegh. There's soutething wiemug abused, I assure you, hes been just teaudele wered with werrath, dating an @lemma r a thtre ot r(17 Poor otolr 10 161Y ..it°-"nber' Seat& el:teems of judging dratt horses bee
treneellut Itwon t do, tote hhett—wttr,erker often exeited muiteity, The Begliehmen
veesel fevousite, wherever he pace. Ilea ao Alike behaved to us with ineredibleievity. tionthiph IN great deal cloaer, hutted, then ft. 8;44 Cerrrt a .134"1"-earidet rtml-t* rdr"' begies with the body, and semetimes would
About hire that inaures auceme. Ho% a um- ue. le overumente, huff or blue, bete ell. Imo deep ilewn into htr nye.% 4' Tho re.
elever rent so nice, eta so kied oia to Byrn- When the presaut diegreceed eilminietree era a much never one.—Thet ineyel) a
t fuetrY e girl with a fortune rrldlY glance" et the lower extreinitke of the
ust make*, fortuue et a. ittroke, or Kett,, te etiee there, teeing enly omelet
oympathetie as liugh. Ile 'mows °eat:0y liugh never heart the rereeluder of tit hate—Still, it'e AO 'Azle virgules e twine de to my heed already, LeV4 its a cot- Unable The Scoteliman, on the other hand,
ne *with the feet, end just as seldom lets
pathetic). I never met anybody else ao time for example, came loth pewee— amities, but it's ewe the lees true, for all
beforehand how one feels aboat everything, evessionee herenee eon - a 1.
, g fence e trete u y N a $e x r a ir . oil
/at N tut Tea It . (.1 to ei y ie oal very well in ita New, :to doubt, i
and =heti allowances so cordially for all with profound gusto ee 0, own distinct oleo. oW rie much *bout ethics at I do and it ewes and sglIkutiue—whAtaver eglaie
allowe his to deecend to the hoofe. no
yLi riee to the body as the Etiglialunati.
One's little *private until:mate. 3. suppose thin platforms. He wee direly aware of the great cleat more into the bergaite i*Dely a o Inv be—elirablog retuad the wiedows ;
the.* ;he poetic tempereineut in him- Squire's voice, pouriag forth, dezioncisaion eousin's *cousin enyhow ; and I for nay pert hnt love in e bevel—which is thoplitin prone Seeteint an ergam that without mend, AVeil
reoteY must aleAM Atbottomlielsould thinki ef the peWers t het be In etrielent tones and wouldn't go out of my way to descend gretni. at it in these hard times—ean'the coneldereti tot limbo, flee, clue, ilinty boue, sloping
eeett tonight into the emotion" of others." measured eenteece3 ,• but he didn't listen ; totality into minute genealogleal partioulars either pretty ex poetical, Unlees um) Col-
e._ norso eau be of little use for hard work,
puterne, erel line, aound feet, a draft
"But rot alweys power of respondiug bis soul was occupied in, two otber far more iii %ICC, tWie04 thrice, or ton times removea, .
inane of a critic, eruleing through TOMS at
aympathetically to those einotions.—loolc, congenial purauits ; one of them, watching out of pure puritanism. Them questione of 'n a
inor voile diseovers my priceless worm
* , .. , - „ however big nod handsome his body may
for example, at Imola a testi as Onethe's ' a Elsie and Winifred with hire Morley ; the pedigree are alweys tedious. Whatimbeiste 5$ 4
401/10 6 ' AM nevulgee me to zee worm
, 1 1 * be. The Englishman will not venture
hedge. They were vaaking along, as they' elailian Bands in oenneetion with his latest
often walked, with ertne claimed round one projected hernia eoent on the Bathe of
another's waiets, just inside the grounds, Aiello. ..Xelian; dashes: Tmolian ; itbashes,
the foot-peth that led across fields ; not a bad subetratum, that, he flattered
himself for the thunderene lilt of hie open-
ing stanza.
hue TeeM1Mlitting Miee Novice* *teepee**,
with en vitt/mete view to einieible *lege op-
OCAMIAL Toa !Oat by the time Tombs ei
my }megrim:Itemize Ole 41Mail vq.7 decent
wort et Utile iu hee ownwey, *mete
etety her stem I dunes mita
disehergiug *few verde:tile et then from *
huedrecleten son paluthlenk tit her or.
'cake. blue, et teem eau be meet *
4PIMei c**4 ueed, euether CAA"
ledge, oteevion lettere."
" Aud tam Challeueri" Delt OillaRZOk
44 W
I 'he 'laid from the other aide of the other trying to find it ereetioable tule for all t rough le the individual feet that len there° u° 0 "vne° 0 n17 "" 14139 ratt;' t° to dispnto the truth oi theee canton -
Hugh and you're Elsie, eaul that I love you afford enything to port and 4Weet al leek. tions, but he finds that the big hero*,
dearly—of course with a purely cousuily —But the other me% it nice itinell gie ..1 et 515 it rule, bring the hIgheet prices, and to
degree of devotion." her earl) too. / think for my pot I suit with him 31Z3 Ala form of body have come
' ' Efueh, you needn't alwisys flourish (het alter and emend those paint littie vanes 01 ta be oatunderatione of firat importnnce. It
limitation ia tny face, like it broometick." 3311c3d°i° 6 bit--.2nake nu' tun' is hudly necessary tu say that it is undosir-
" CUttiOn, my dear child—mere ingrained e eau nee it eundren woman ;
1 canto% s a tears • able to panne either of these extreme%
caution—the eolitery resource of pomety 4)05, Witt' 1, berld.fi ;oval" Gould lege and feet are undoubtedly easen-
arid vidadom. Whet's the good of loving Warship three or bur."' ials in draft horse!, but we fear Scotialimen
you dearly on any other grounds, I Should Relf laughed merrily in spite of himself.
in ae, under. too far, confining attention too exelueively
are, in nuiny es,am, carrying their notioas „
remain a. -1-ierfect drug in the publishing tone ; "Not that I like the first and. third to leSa and feet, end neglecting Site and
like to Unow,solong as poetry, divine poetry, meseineer went on musing
market 1 A Irian. and a girl can't live on 'erase as they atana, ea au ; 6, careful versifier subetance of body. Sze will always be an
bread and cheese andthe domestic offeetions, would have masted upon rhyming them. I important element in eetermining the -value
con they, Elsie! Very well, then, for the Oltenia have made "elevotien." chime in with of a draithorse. Other thinga helix equal,
present iV8 are both free. If ever ciretim- "ocean" er "lotion" or " °inhere" or the bigger home will Always brieg more
attunes ahould turn out differently—" a emotion," or something of that twit, to money than the smaller, and if only the
The remainder of that sentence assure- polish it up a bit. There's very good brsi- greater 'weight is properly disposed over the
ed a form inexpressible by the reisourees oftram° of the animal, it is, no doubt, worth
priaiter's ink, even with the aid of aphonetie ness to be got one of "emotion," if you
work it properly; hitt " ocean" comes in more neonate.
body, however handsome it may be, is of
On the other hand, a ,hn,ge
spelling. handy, too, do wither& at Whitestran.d. 111
value little in front of 'a big load if the
When they turned aside frora the guelder- dress it up into a bit of verse this evening, I
eirL—yene. limbs or feet are weak and unsound.
roses at last with crimson twee, they etroll- think, for Vine or the other
ed side by side rip to the hones once more, feed's her Christian name. Hard case,
talking about the weather or some equelly Winifred. "Been afraid" is only worthy
cometenplace and uninteresting subject, and of Browning,. who'd perpetrate anything in
joined the Meyseys under the big tree. the way of a rhyme to save himself trouble.
The Squire had disappeared, and Winifred Has a false Ingoldsby gallop of verse about
came out to meet them on the path, "Ma- it that I don's quite like. Wittrde's com-
ma says, Mr. Maseinger," she began timid- paratively easy, of course 1 you've got
ly " we're going. to it little picnic all by " skinny " and d• finny," and "Minnie' and
ourselves on the river tonnorrow—up anion " spinney." But Winifred's it very hard
the sandhills paps, was showing you. They're case indeed. " Viriiiiiie " and " guinee " are
a -delicious place to picnic in, the eandhille ; good enough rhyarese; but not quite neve
and mamma thinks perhaps you wouldn't they've been virtnealy done before by
mind coming to join ne, and bringaig your Itossetti, you know. 'But I doubt if I could
friend, the artist, with you. But 1 daresay even consent to make love to a girl whose
you won't care to come; there'll be only name's so utterly and atrociously unatan-
ourselves—just a family party." ageable ad plain Winifred. ---Now, Mary
"My tastes are catholic)," Hugh an- —there's a name for you if you like;
swered jauntily. "1 love all innocent with ' fairy ' and ' airy,' slid ' chary ' and
avausements—and most -wicked ones. 'vagary,' and all sorts of other jolly old -
There's nothing. on earth I should enjoy a3 world rhymes to go with it. Or 11 700 want
much as a picnic in the sandhills.--You'll to be rural, you can bring in ' dairy '—do
be coming too, of course, won't you, Eleie 7 the pretty milkmaid bueiness to perfection.
—Very, well, then. I'll bring Ralf, and Bat 'Winifred t--." bin afraid '--the thing's
the Mud. Turtle to boot. I know he wants impossible, It corapella you to murder the
to go rand-psinting himself. He may as English language. I wouldn't demun my
well take us all up in a body." self—or I think it ought to be by rights be-
" We shall do nothing, you know, Wini. mean myself—by writing verses to her with
fred cried apologetically. "We shall only ench a name as that. I shall send them to
just sit on the sandhills and teak, or pick Elsie, who after all, dererves them more,
yellew horned -poppies, and throw stones and will tai flattered with the attention:into
into the sea, and behave ourselves generally the bargain.
like a pack of idlers." ,
and only it high fence of privet and clograse
separated their confideneesfrom the ear of the
fortuitous public. on the adjoiuing footpath.
So lingh had coma up, unawares from be -
bind, and overheard their confidential chit-
etutt 1 How far back had he °Yeah:avail
Elsie wondered to herself. If he had weight
it ell, she would be to ashamed of herself 1
"Hugh 1" she cried, running on to the
little wicket gate to meet him. rm to glad
you've tome. It'a delighttul to see you.—
Bat oh, yort must have thought us two dread-
ful little much of our conversa-
tion did you catch. I wonder 1"
Only the last sentence," Hugh answered
lightly, taking both her hands 132 his end
14ssing her it quiet °Duskily kies ort her
smooth bror.d forehead. "Just that about
poetry meaning keen insighe into the emo-
tions of others; 80, 11 you were seying any
111 about me ray child, or bearing falses -wit-
ness against your neighbour, you may rest
assured anyrate that I didn't hear it --
Good. inerning, MissMeysey. I'm recovered,
you see dried and clothed and in my right
mind—at least, I hope so. I trust the hat
is the sante idea V'
Winifred held ont a tiraid small hand.
"it's all right thank ave. " she said, with. a
sudden flush ; "but f shall never, never
wear it nein, for all that. I couldn't bear
to. I don't think you ought to have risked
you e life for so very little.'
«A life's nothing where a lady's concern-
ed," Hugh answered airily with a Mock. bow.
"But indeed. yoa give me credit for too
much gallantry: My life was not in question
at alt; I only risked a delightfulbe.th, which
was somewhat; impeded by an unnecessarily
• lieavy and awkward bathing dreas.--Wilat
e. sweet place this is, Elsie; so flowery and
bowery, when you get inside it. The little
Inc with the roses overhead seems created
after designs by Birket Foster. From out-
side, I confess, to a casual observer the first
glimpse of East Anglian scenery is by no
means reassuring."
They strolled up slowly together to the
Hall door, where the senior branches were
fleeted on'the lawn, under the shade of the
one big spreading lime -tree, enjoying the
clelicions eoolnese of the breeze as it blew in
fresh from the open ocean. Elsie wondered
how Hugh and the Squire would get on
together ; but her wonder indeed. was little
needed; for Hugla, as she had said, always
got on admirably with everybody every-
where; Be had a way of attacking people
It was not till the close of the afternoon,
however, that he coteld snatch, few seconds
alone with Elsie. They wandered eff by
thennolves then, near the water's edge,
among the thick shrubbery; and 'Hugh,
sitting down 'in a retired spot under the lee
of a sheltering geoup of guider -roses, took
his pretty renam's hande for a. moment in
his cern, and looking down into her great
lie& eyes witb. it fond look, erica laughing-
ly " 0 Elsie, Elsie, this le juat what Vve
been tonging for all day long. I thought I
should. never manage to get away from that
amiable old bore, with his encroachments
and his mandamuses, and hie groynes and
his interlocutors. As far as I could under-
stand him, he wants to get the Beard of Ad-
miralty, or the Conrb of Chancery, or some-
body else high up to lame in-
structions to the east wind not to blow
Rotten sends in future over his sacred
property. It's too grotesque ; Waite., quite
too langlis.ble. He's trying to bring an
action for trespass against the Garman
Will ye bridle the deep sea with reinsl will ye °has
ten the high sea with rods?
Will ye take her to chain her with ohains who is old-
er than all ye gods ?
Or -Will ye get an injunction against her in
due form stamped paper from the Lord
Chief -justice of England? Canute tried it
on, end found its. failure. And all the:time,
while the good old soul was moaning and
droning his drowned land, there was
I, just sighing and groaning to get away to a
convenient corner with whom I had urgent
private affairs to settle. —My own dear Elsie,
Suffolk agrees with yon. You're looking
this moment simply charming."
,g it's your own fault, Hugh," Elsie an-
swered with a blush, never heeding overtly
his last strictly personal observation. "You
shouldn't make yourself so universally de-
lightful. I'm sure I thought, by the way
you talked with him, you were absolutely
absorbed in the wasting of the cliff, and per.
oneily affronted by the aggressive east
wind, I was jast beginning to get quite.
jealous of the encroachments—For youknow
Hugh, it's finch a real pleasure to me always
to see you."
She spoke tenderly, with the innocent
openness of old acquaintance; and Hugh
fain holding her hand in his own leaned for-
ward with admiration in his sad dark, eyes,
The attack on the British garrison at Gra
tong by a Urge force af Thibetans indicatet
that the letter ate seriously bent on hostili-
ties. For a loug time armed parties have
crossed foto leepaul and created disturbana
us there, and severol skirmishes have moue -
red, The Bengal Government has been ob-
liged to send troops to the frontier, and now
itiooks as if open war was to go on, Thibet
has been one of the most vigorously exclu-
sive of even. Asiatic countries, A few yeaes
ago the famous traveller, Prajevalaky, was
prevented from reaching jig capital, Lassa,
that afew months hence, le appears, he is go-
ing to -make another effort to get there, with
an escort of two °facers and a few men, he
himself being in the Russien military ser-
vice. The real opposition to opening Thibet
to travel and trade is thought to come from
Pekin, since Thibat is an integral part of
the Chinese Empire, and China watches
with suspicion all efforts to gain access
tlarmigh this "back door" of her provine.e.s,
whose trade and resources she wishes to
completely control. Whether the present
turbulence in Nepaul is encouraged either
atPekin or iiViSa does not, appear, but it is
clear enough that the recent amicable over
tures of the Viceroy of Indio. have thus far
proved of little even. 'Stet, out of the hos.
Valdes may come important rotas towards
the opening of Ihibet.--nr. Y. Times.
One of the Boku (Russia) oil wells recentl3r
reduced about 55,000,000 gallone in 11.6
"That'll exactly suit. ins," Hugh replied At ten o'clook he ozone out once more frora
with a smile. "My most marked &area. his own room to the little parlor, where
irides are indolence and. the practke of the Warren Relf was seated " cooking " a sky
Christian virtues. I hate the idea that in one of his }unity seaside elietehes. He
when people invite their friends to a feast
they're bound to do something .01 other de-
finite to amuse them. It's an insult to oneai
intelligence ; it's degrading one to the level
had an envelope in Ins handan a p
his head. 44 Where are you ()Or Ralf asked days. The greater portion was lost, became
carelessly" there was no apparatus to control the out-
" On, lust to the post," Hugh Maeput, which flowed away to the river.