HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-14, Page 5Leudo- Brace Railway
14°rulerr .Dtvisiari
4xo1xc. No:.Ti€-Time; T.&nns--Paseter.
Louden, depa t...7.45 A.u. 4.25 ate.
Luctrn Crossing.. 8.28 5.20
tylandeboy e.... „ 8.34 5.28
Centralia. ..,, 6.45 5.45
8.56 5.57
Ilensaall .... , . 0.01
Ji'.ippen . , ... 9.14
Brueelield, .. , .. , 9.23
Clinton.. ;,.40
.,ondesb..,ro' R , 10.00 7.03
J►eigrave, . , -10.25 i.; .
'l'ingliale,an ive.10.45 7.4 ►
Uoixo Soru. Passenger.
Witlghanl,4epart. 7.05 a. i. 3.40 roe
udtsllol ,' 7.47
Clinton„..... 8.07
Eineef11eid , ....� �, S.20 5.01
I ippent.,.,.,S.34 5.12
Dropped Dead.
In Dashwood, on Saturday evening,
Mrs, John Held was out planting some
vegetables in the garden, After doing
tliis,she returnee) to the house,and she,
looeing somewhat strange, was ()mot-
ioned as to what was the trouble. and
she answered that she had never felt
better in her life. she went to her
bed shortly after: and had only been in
bead a few ulinutes,wlien she raised #ter-
serf up, to a sitting position, but had
had no keener done so, when she fell
back expired. The cause of her death
is supposed to be heart disease,
Fadi Accident,
Oar Friday last, Mr Wrn. Etlrering-
ton, who was employed at the White
eti_ghce works, Lolldon,for the past two
weeks, was putting the belt on one of
the wheels in the feundary,and by some
4.00 mem* got entangled in the belt and
4.15 wheel, which was revolving ata rapid
4.25 rate of speed. and got his erne broken
4,45 mid sueteinreil several other severe In-
es. Re live() e, sheet time, but
death being near at hand, put an end
to his sufferings. Re was to young rusts
aria was highly esteemed by all who
happened to ):now hinn,aend all will de
plore the less. Ilia vareer, which seem•
ti to be a bright one,is now at an end.
e e 'teed to the bereaved relatives
ends, our sincerest ayntpatby.
Heusall. .... e.41
Centralia . .... 9.07
C'laudebose .., .... 9.18
7 ucere croseg; , ... 9.24
Loirtlon, ar r ive ..10.15
Notice. inserted under this
tde per line each insert.
E' '' i'e wmild ask our friends
atoll rider's to as ist as in making; this
Battu t interesting by contributing items
,1: changes for advertiseinent.s in
{rain Anvocna; must be handed in be -
Tuesday noon; from this time for-
watrcl. This rifle will be rigidly adhered
Via►, mit)" a,dvcrticerswill please take no.
No exeepfk ns will be made;'
Local News.
v Exiaiteittan1,
"nacaarsion. Dareet trent Exeter to
Glasgow. Filet Cabin, $18..70, return
$92.40. Steerage at lowest rates.
ply to Capt. Geo. Nemp,inimaml ware
stea►ms'hip Fire & Life 1u ur.'#nne- ag eat
Town Hall, Exeter.
1.., 0. County Lodge.
The Qetlai•annual meeting
County Orange Lodge cif South a feeen
will be held in Clinton on Tuesdityr
June 19th' 1888, at the hour of ten
o'clock. Eery ollit'erand member of
that body is expected toatten(l.
Wretch Stolen.
On Friday evening latstl Mr. John
Vail, Ito states which was intended for
a joke only, stole a. wateh front Mr. I3.
Ti. Melnteslt of the Central Hotel. He
'Was arrested by constable Gill and
eectrehed when the watch was found up.
tilt lite. He was eonntitted to stand
leis trial at (odericli,
'very effort is being niucle to get
our Vole steer company organized. Wo
ituderettuel they have fully organized.
The company will be captained by Mr.
'41'alt Andrews, who served during. tlw
Northwest rebellion nt 1386, he alnl.
ual drill will bc held at Stratford, in-
-stead of Loudon, and opens on 19th
For 1tilgomJz.
Mr. G. F. Dyer ]eft on Wednesday
morning for Wiarton, en -route for
Tessalon, on the north shore of Lake
Huron. We hear it is Mr, ].T's. intent-
ion of building a summer Hotel for
sportsmen and invalids, more especial.
ly that of consumption, the climate
in that vicinity being suitable for that
Here is a neat little arithmetical
problem, upon which our readers may
exercise their ingenuity: -put down in
aures the year in which you were
born; to this add 4f then add your age,
at your next birthday, provided it
tonnes before Jan. 1,otberwise your age.
at your last birthday; multiply by
.,> 1,000; from this deduct G7 ,423; sub-
stitute from the figures corresponding
letters of the alphabet, as A for 1, B
for 2, 0 for 3, D for 4,ets. The result
will give you the name by which you
are popularly known. Try it and you
will be surbri.ed.
$he's Gone.
-We are in deep sympathy with
one of our bachlor friends. From what
,we can gather, it appears that one of
bachelors Qf our town has been paying
his attention to a young lady,who hap-
pened. to .be employed in one of t he
ladies' furnishing establishments of our
town, through the window. This lady
friend left the village, a few days ago.
but before leaving, she tacked a card
with a black border with the following
teseriptioti thereon "Gone but not for-
gotten" to, t}ie backdoor, and a piece.
of: crape tied tothe door knob. Cur
lsauhelor is in the utmost of trouble,
st.;al; we must syinpatlliae with, kini,,• •
11 Prete ceding -S.
lnett et to pnranaut to adjourn
at the Town Rall, Exeter lith
e,1888. .E1.Il members pre entAex.
opt Mr. Piuka.>'cl.l The minutes of
previous meeting read end confirmed.
Mr. Jne. McInnis made application for
Johnny Clarke Moved by tip, G.
Eieeett, see,tl b} I. II, McCallum, that
1r. Mr. t11r'elnnis Lo 'instruwted with
the keeping of Johnny Clarke. Car.
Moved by T. 11 earring, seed
T. 11. McCallum, tinit orders b5
nt4al for the following sums viz:-
nlal Taylor, SI, taller; Walter
trntt, $1, do; Jaie.1Ceyes, $2. ting
t, Welleter, $1, de T. Rriaitacoanbe,'
21,43, de.; duo. Gillespie i<1, do; R.
Piineembe, $18,1:, eloe .111a Gould, .8..
9f1, for lend,. D. Regan, $2 for burying'.
Bail gratia: Bolen Iko., 30 49, for beef
or ;hark Clarke -lee. Metheeee,90 ets.
nianatlriee Marl; Clarho,and Wm Sutton
10, for hoard of b'. Ford. -Carried.
Mr. P. Bell having refueed to sign
agreement for delivery of Lumber it
was moved by W. Ct. ilissett, sed'd by
T. B. Carling that Dyer d: Howard
tender be accepted, prier $13.25 per
thousand. -Carried. The clerk to order
tor plank and scuttling. The
(louneil and Inspector to look for the
most convenientplaee to get gravel for
Wednesday rftt,rnaou. Moved by T.
B. Carling, seed by W. G. Ilissett,that
the council adjourn until call of the
Reeve. AI. ] acm re Clerk.
Brier Items.
Mr. Isaac Bissett is an the sick
- Mr, Dan Dyer, of Zurich, gave us
n frierelly call
,For Field, Flower and Carden
seeds, go to Sa►llweli Pickard's
---The beautiful rains of Sunday has
bli to 1G
la 1 d u) the YO wonderfully.
) erops a onciarfully,
--Samwell. Piekards are now
showing the latest styles in gents felt
-The Ber. Jas. Graham, of Exeter,
was elected President of the Methodist
-Mr. W. Crispin,a former resident
of Exeter, but now of Toronto was in
town last week.
-A full assortment of T. D. Ring's
celebrated Boots, Shoes and Slippers
at Samwell & Pickard's.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thos Carling, of
Chilton, were the guests of lir. E.
Christie, for a few days last week.
-A fine lot of English and Scotch
Tweeds for gents suits. Perfect fit
guaranteed at Samwell ct Pickard.
-Mr. W. Southcott's new brick
block is being rapidly pushedforward
by the contractor Mr. Alfred Sheerc.
-Preparations are still being made
for the enjoyment of the visitors to
Hensall on 2nd July. Everybody
waitfor it.
-Samwell & Pickard has just re-
ceived a large variety. of 'Wall Papers,
Ceiling Decorations, Window 'Shades
and Curtain Poles
-About fifty went to London on
Thursday evening laot,and were attend-
ing the Giltnore Band concert. They
report an excellent time.
-Mr, Geo. Moir, of•St Marys,editor
of; the Journal and Secy-Treas. Blansh-
hard ire Ins. Co., was in town on
Thursday last, and gave us a friendly
13e sure and call , on Satuwell
Pickard and seetheir•grand display of
Q1iIiinery, including tTTe latest and
newest Ncw York and: England styles
.and novelties.,
-Mrs. Harry M. •Cowen spent a fe
days in. Goderich during the week.
-Mr:. Rgbt. Sanders arrived home
from hili fishing tour, on Saturday
-�.Mr. Wm.. Dearing jr, and sister of
Stephen, is visiting friends and relat•
ions in l�lchigau.
-We received from the committee,
a cemplementary ticket for the Mitch-
ell races on Jiily grad. Thais gerit1e-
The Central Hotel is being tlioro-
ug111y renovated and repainted. Tie
'rent Rent prese145 an attractive eppear
--Mr.J.J. Knight, who Lias been
stationed at Ifarriston, has taken the
position ofoperator alt th(1 Clinton
-Mr, E. Floocly, a£ Clinton,generel
agent ]l<lanufecturers Ike Insurance
Coy. spent a couple of days ia town
during the week.
.1)r. Rous Re(ave,azld W. G. Tills
Deo-. from Gode
r ielr on Friday evening, were they in
attendance to the Cknity Couaeil,
Ms Wine. h'erugsQR who -eras the
nes of Mr. Walt x anclreu's last week,
succeeded it obtainiug the Silver Med.
al Art Extimialartien at Toronto 1.7111-
A Bawl Ttluriutiuetlt will be hell
art the tower of 'Walkerton, on the 8th
alnd 9th of ,t1,u ust, underthe nirspeces
of 32nd Battalion Zuni. $1,200 will
be given as prizes.
..The Manufactures Life Insurance
Goulpauy, Toronto, of which the Rot:.
Sin Joint .A. MACDON ALD is President
is the cheapest and best to insul'e with
Wm. Sanders, agent, Aneteenn ol6Me
-Mr, E. 11, Fislt has been appoint.
d4ieoenotf fioLndeoePars1riwrotrek unelrLtrn-
to his (.~are will receive prompt a1 t-
tertian. Glee those Leuiidries 'as
The program foi• the County Sale
ltattlt School Associatiosn meeting, Sin le
held ]here on the 19th.. mad 2tltli of
Jraate, has been issued, and eiaabreces t1
„ ood n my topics of s lewini intereet to
Sunday School workers,
Mr. John Bayes wishes to lam l
the pnblie that he is prepared to raepair"
Binders, Sewing; Machine:, Nrring('ra'.
()lame etc,, en shortest pollee. En-
quire art Bissett .Oros. Hardware Stere,
Exeter,-Fe.by. 23n1, 8-=tt
The senli•anrnlnl meeting of the
Biddulph District Orange Ledge, uihl
be held at Lucan ,te•tlay ("Murrell/I
Messrs. Wm. Sanders, Jas. Ferg;u'.oit,
and Jas. 'Willis go as delegates frown
Exeter, Na
-A new puzzle is going the rounds:
If 14 dogs with 377 legs eau catch 40
rabbits with 1.3 legs in 46A. minutes,
how ntarnny legs must the a:ame number
at rabbits have to get away from 103
dogs with 161 legs in 30 ininutesl
-A gentleman living not ton miles
fro .he residence of Mr. John Far-
mer, is very troublesome to those en-
gaged in and around there: This party
is quite a meddlesome niatty,or a neem.
leve of the "anti poke your nose sn•
--Ono of the ,good effects of the late,
seasons is that fruit -buds are kept back
and so are less liable to injury by late
spring frosts. Unlese, therefore, the
buds have been hurt by the winter,
there is a fair chance of our having
another good fruit crop this year.
-Dr. Washington,the Catarrh Spec-
ialist, on account of an error in the
date,visited our town yesterday instead
of Tuesday. The Dr. will now make a
special visit here to see his patients on
Monday June 25th. He will be here
from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5
o'clock in the evening, at the Central
Hotel. All requiring his services will
kindly remember the date. See "ad"
in another column.
-The Victoria (B. C.) Times says:
-"Mr. W. Morrison, of Exeter, Out.,
is in the city. This gentleman is man-
ager of the Exeter Salt Co, He is also
an experienced driller for either oil,salt
or water, having done much in that
line of business in Western Ont. and in
Ohio and Pennsylvania. He is about
to undertake a test to be made in this
vicinity of. New Westminster, or 'Van-
-We clip the following from the
Indianapolis News of May 24th: -Miss
Adella N. Wilson, of Iverington, and
Dr. S. I. Harrison of Armourdate,Kan.
were quietly married last evening 23rd;
at the residence of the bride's parents.
Only relatives and a few imfnediate•
personal friends were ; present. The
residence washandsomely decorated,and
there were many tokens andgifts, indi-
cating the: esteem in which the' bride
is held. The bridal pair left on the
night train for their itew home." Dr.
S. I. Harrison is a sou of Mr; R. Har-
,risou,.o£.this tows.,. •
&A „ ,; ' X PR +11 4. =.04
�'�°'��''Lri. !'4C�'t.^M1,Ini' .s'ad:+F'iii'AfAFC.di✓NA3F".AM•'y6L..n.fa,�+y-y�pa..,. y..
u w
<1,00Xe t'bbb off` 3eit's old stand..
t std„Orowning Life Work
Dr. C'hu'e's Third, Last and Complete
%vela Book and Household Physician, or
the Book for the liiUion, contains nearly
DIM pages and Fells fur S.',.:.'5inclothbind.
tug and '2, i0 in imported oil cloth,
marble edge, and is petty by hint eaglet')
"The Orowniop Work of My Lige."
It la the result of over half a century's
observation, etu1ly and experience. Yet
this embodies no compilation of his former
If 30 years ago he could produce a book
that has had a sale of over fifteen hundred
thousand copies, and has made his name
familiar in nearly ever* English-speaking
home in the United States, Canada, and
thousands of homes in Europe, Australia
and South America, what RIND of a book
could or would he produce as his Crown-
ing Life Work, wan MORE WAN ntxn
rnitiLr;tri? The book itself answers the
question? and is the most valuable pro-
duction m the history of book publishing.
CAUTION!' Unscrupulous and pirating
publishers are attempting
to copy this book by taking portions of it
out and palming it off on the public as
the complete work. We own the manu-
script, purchased from Dr. Chase's heirs.
See that you that you get the GENUINE
book. See that it has our name on the,
title page and is copyrighted by us,
Agents Wanted! Big Terms:.
F. 13, DICKERSON & Co.,,
))lain Office, Detroit, Mich. Wiudsor,Ont.
Published in both English and Getman.
P ..' TEN T S,
Caveats, Re -issues and Trade -Marks secured
and all other patent causes in the Patent
Ofl ee and before the Courts promptly and
carefully attended to.
Upon.reeeipt of Mode: or Sl.ctela of In-
vention, I make careful examination, and
advise as to patentability Z+ree of charge.
FEES MODERATE, and I make No charge
unless- patent is secured., Information,;
advice mull, special, refreages sent en stiala%i
LaTELL, �l i1 Wasbin N?
Qpnosi$r, U. f$, Patent 0414:
.&DVICII Tt) eurenE39.
are you disturbed atnis;btm id broken ofYour •
reetby a sick ebild sufferhQ and crying witlt
tnaizt of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once ani
getsbottle4i'J!Rs.'ti'lsig w'sS4,orlral lei L-.,
von Cnattxaxu;ra °I'st:rutxo. It'i awe Is ineatt nt.
able. Itwnlre
rlttn dl tot�.Depend upon itmo mothers, there an
miatnt o
c about
t, It
t cores dysentery and diet'.
rhea, reaailatesthe stomach and ibowels, cur.,s
wind collet so Ilene t be )tarns, redoeta Inflation. -
tion, and fives tone and enemy to the whole
system, bllis. {PJssLow'sSoaTmsofiroar or.
Cnmmmts TnET1iriaispleasanttothctaste,sat)
Is the prescription ofone of the oldest and best.
female nurses add physicians in the Dint(YL.
S o
thte 1
. ala18 ror salele b
all a.ru .is
druggists u� ..
turn .i1
eat trio
world. mica es . ,
�crit a 1�i
to atttc,
Amuse Yourself'
and friends, by -
hunting out famil-
amil-tar faces in the
view of the proees--
sign taken by
An Sx10 Photographic view for -
25 cents. Everybody should.have one.
14-417C1 lmazz
issETT[] S JJL VERY.>,
First -Class Horses and, Rigs„.
SEeoin,t. Bates: with-. Cow rater
• dal:. MM.
Orders 'left• at; BISSETr 13ROS"
Hardware. Store,. wilt receive.,
prompt. attention.
JiISSEIJ; BItt" ` c,