HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-14, Page 3THE WEEK'S NEWS Fire at Annapolis, N. S., ehorbly after midair=ht on N,Londay, destroyeda number of.busineee buildings and two houses, oaus- ,ing a Ioss of $30,000. A Montreal hotel -keeper is: gulag the cor. potation for damages for property destroyed by ropgles in hie hotel on aceoeut of the alleged refraaat, of the police to protect him when called upon. At a meeting e£ mutual beeevolennt Bed ties, in Qztawe it was decided to ask the Goverenimaat totamelldthe SeviegaBenk Act, ee as to, allow benevolent societies to deposit to any ainolaratr instead of limiting thein to one tho t aqd dollars, A test ease has been commenced in the Supreme Court at Montreal against the in- renv cerobine gni expert settle, »espies- time having becn applied for to restrain the Beaver liars from cerryieg on an inauraD0 business, being common carriers. lewd Preston, it Sat understood, will Pro- ceed direct to Ottawa on his arrival in Can- ada, and after inspecting Rideau hall and poietieg out any cbaegea desired in the ar- ra,ngen?eete, will Lei away for summer sport while the change* are being made, saved the :@rope, Aad an abundant harvest is fleeted, Emperor Broderick continues. so well that all fears of his immediate demise have die; appeared, The Australian alathorities arestrietlyen- foreieg the reetrietive ; regulations: against the Cbineee. Tests made ie various porta of the eity eta' S.iesstoae, by member's of the Rept. i tory College stat£, with a solar eampssa and an inclineuretor, revealed remarkable varix- time in the dipping, needle, indicating the existence of a hargea siegea of magnetic rook St/ iron aro Sri the a;niuiedtata 3a iein!lty, A torrid() explosion (seamed red early QA Saturday morning In the new gasholder et the hiQutreal Gas Camparry'at works at Soeholega, by Melt Aver men were kbits!` and several seeioualy Wiwi. The building was completely wrecked and adjoining- pro. pretty bra Jy damaged. The logia is aateraiat• 04 At a`Ebent< $200,000. Ib etetohe tirT. B.) correspondent writes . A curiosity in the amp et e, amt - ting hen a eying, the part of P. mother to litter of $tj ai to reported. set Sts Casiine,. ebotrt coven wiles firm here. It appease a saw bad a litter of young pip, and a ben had been .setting eloao by, On discovery the east under the hen were found to be no. good, a and were taken away, whereupon the ben took ups with the young pigs, covering thecae with hos wings. She Warne finite happy with her strange breed. AMERICAN Nies. AU Jews, exxeeft ng merehaate et the i3ret guild, have been ordered: to quit. Moscow within Iv fortnight, Germany and Anstrits are negotiating with sell other for the edoptiioa of coraMen re- grIsola against Banda. It le rumea^ed. Haat the bake of Edinburgh ie suffering from bleed poieening canoed by the use of bad water at Oibsaiiar. 4 Berlin report says that Russianeotcliere have been drafted into the army tailoring tactoriea en account of press of work. The native press of India le excited uvea the salleged bad treatment of native normo by Earopeens and thteeteas retalitition. Mr. Rider Ruggeri has gone ie Iceland for a holiday, 'with the ulterior object et Oho tabling a new setting for bis next novel.. The Birmioghatn, Eng„ gra trade he re^ peirtsd to be in aapoorer condition this season than for 27 years. There is anmere-mod de- mand for revolvers. Experinsenta are being made in London with. a view to purifying the air of sewer* by electrical discharges. Tba wet is Mid to be trifling and the results achieved axe described as wenderfu4. Tl:e French syndicate,. orgnaized. to take the new Unman leans bas abanclontel the prxaject en the neva of Germane* tariff re prints. Fafoan, vafietel Mettle which bait) bee* re - caved it ie estimeted that 103 tiibermee leave bean lost in tate gale off the coach of Ireleed. Several et the wealtbieat Alernis ants Q1 ¥eschew stave been eentietedel ednitefatiug tea, and one of there bas been bnrtiabeel to Siberia far ilk. The Tinaea' Reins correspondent kart l.rt- formation that i$ One of the frith bisho retorts to liaised he would be boyeotted autd paroba fly imulted. Gatlingg m company bail been leaned moon, ng., with .capital of $4,000,0ZO. petty hen eu agreereut with the people wbmch given it exclusive all all mairkets outside of the We,et- .m. Cure ler leo ardreaaaess. The opium :habit, dekeoa+ a, m�PrPhlno blt., iervoa9 'proetreLo a oataeed 1sy thetha rad et tobwaoba metastasis. mental ee ocean, Botta of tine begin, etc„ Preto -Age oldsae, Wee el vlf al oaaeed by ever.exertion of the brains, And leas of natural strength. from any cause whatever. iSen yontng. oki or mtedle•aged—who are brolrenn down from any vett-600o causes.or any care aretmerat'+ansd.et,r rend your sddroso and 10 4eute In ez1?e for Lubin, 1'reatytee is book teres. of of Mafon. i3oo s aaanteaoilad and eeoaze iron# obeerration. Address 14. 4' teem47 teellinvton 'street Sesta Teroneo t►.at. A. 1\4: ' 4fel Unroll Kellogg, of Battle Greek i it ,trlro h74 rage o'lti, is hinting hie hair A e1 teeth. The U. S. Senate resolved to remove injunction et se2recy Iran the procaedin relating t o the Viiiberiea Treaty,, at Vermont ;Wader bee preeeiteld Itinei7il *mune, with stet eettatuset two seise of "ivies and **fiver dollar. ii1Uwe are entertained Qf tnii bear are out break at Oelricb, Dakota, and the reddenna .and ranebutsa are leaving the plane. The U. S. Cousnl•Crnoralal at she Sandwich 7atanda says that large numbers of persona of leprous tendencies emigrate to the Staten. An ,Augusta olerpatcb atetaa that some person broke into ear. Blaine'* hoele, over - heeled Idea private papers and abstracted same of tbi'zn, Skowlzegen, Me., convent', has intro• antacid a new way of lasting in its mills. TLe sok* are fa/stoned with content ;instead', at tacky or pogo. 4, colored mall convicted of vagranoy was sold by auetion on, Friday at Marthet Mietonrl, for a terra ef six mouth for eix dollars and a half. 4 St. Louis phyeician hes cured a woman of chronic nervousneas by compelling her to spend four weeks in a boiler faotory, where ehe curiae t hear herself halls:, There are 130 mites of oleotrie rniiroatis in operation intho"tinited.Staten, and 10more have been contracted for. The greatest area of miles is in Ponnaylvania. The Now York lYorid nays Mr. Blaine has already written ono of his friends poaltively refueing the use of hie name art tt Presiden- tial candidate and declaring that ho would not under any circumatancea accept tho nomination. re. aQ PrP . `or The Nervous Tile Debilitated The Aged PIMA NerxoueP ostrotiometervomHead- - ache,Nesircigia,.tlervinetWealFnese. Steousetaand Liver Piscaeae,end old aa, SariX the # . atl4ctiorzs o A NERVE TONIO. Geonet i4 Bourse , Srasn or_a a OoNtr,aa7s: 'For two years i was a madam faces :none= de- b ty. aM d I hassle Ord gond fl<a dtaniOterer of the valeee1Ta Raaedy 140;'are;r`d (1E3 RaeM00 1 e mw fs is a M-aaluattio reit; - _1iroeg vas, at fare I,ne*Any gag/write temeter athice ,4911 Aa1'.TEli A T 11i'E. VAS ao anseftr.fi'uavatoat.va:.arm NI believe ParSC'a hemmer Co ntraaa ssysd zany fate; Ma? trouble aged to beau rtsterr.01 tumor, Deign t used ttlwaecovesedwttharte>mpneafrom "beat to £heel.'* The artaptiarr Is T+t04413' beali.•air. Ind I sale £stet minaret! per fent. Witte wen' /MY," A. Ida/13151R, AS- UM dvt+Grtol. M11'•, @Slyer For 010 Fg;?ra nett have been A great eutlerer from kidney all/Sliver ta''zvhlr'. atisnarl with dee, MA,ta ARA Wrtrtatvation- tkrAre I AAM 30 take ColnuttEosatmarent St Razed es thouxtt GewAan,7 egoasza Naw! MAW w jraaails1t~E. A ly1URZTIt . GOOK AORCaT,a`110'Xore Tulips.Rsen: «I lieve bete mews i'Atsr'a Criers. Comatose zee it tis desserts mere Jeweler eteaieeo ant lame 1lac4 t Iasi saeyeaterxseelgmaY leave ewe teem =seBreda 01 tesllvasuiala ham Wen received Lane peergabawhobateneedlidsreatoblew+iifrsmaakakg benefit, fiend tee eircrebar, Primlt,0Q gid la/Brcigr`n. l,l.$,RUCHARPSQN St CO., Pfopr ttot i $outxeal. P. Q, ,errs en. sl at: - ertitz-tee;" +rftrlp*r .One. rad esjrerdaa .,Taaronte. .MONEY pQaAGoi&uoendeoea FLoweaoBad soiv,ByTLER.nodal Agt., .,gatcabfiafutf WO. 721Cing,st. lr,., Toronte, ionto Cutting p4400X—Scientific and relic- ble eystens taught whereby stylish, perfect-dt Mg Samosais are produced, Cutterebaving troub:e abet/Ad secure not spatting and taaa're fueure success. En'ire eetiatactior. guaranteed. Shirt eyetea. taught separate. A raro chance for young; men to acquire a !'entire profoeseon. S. CORRIGAN. Prop, 12$ Ytnge r ep•licatioo_. AUa Terartem tel.,Beaver Irina of V Steaaaehlas, mlltpg weekly between Montreal en i Liverpool. Saigon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, 4N.09:and 560. Return takete,a-0, Pa rand $11x3, according to Mower And accommodation, fetrer- naedlate, g34 ;: Rotted tri Coke* 564. Steerage. &26 £toned trip tiekete, a 114. trip farther particulere and to *snare b:rtba,, epply to H. E. 5tilltR0Y,Oelaera3 Reneger. I Qne or novae Square, Montreal, or to the Long Agnate La the att&erentTwoneend eitree.. ' hhr9 pep ar lastitatt'100, now ,n cruses!. 4th yea -- r, is doing a l;rmad wcrk for the Education of yoe g seen nand Rumens 1n those lazRzaebQs. a kngw ecedge of 5�1 {c-li 1.3 eo taSt Sal to the Snte111gent grad sacs s30 ulaoa.gement of proatiaal affairs. lte geode/4g Are everyeg sgnal prgctof tbxroughoess of thewhir tmre In .givin. studibearing gratefulthe '308000007 1p the monetary value et its course el study, The Fourth Annual Circular rubs £call tofarmaticn will; he matted free. Address 11. filacCosuace, l,ioeipat. f" 1` IRD AND B1;ROLASI: pa,.ie •' kept , and Sault *3030. AeuuaxRrood SI ar 1 fes *2 low rim. 1 At..1 .# TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. 1 Co $'l E SIII .R 1F�f.vzr,Y.E1FR'>G: F,1-- NTREAM. AND 1,IVERPOOL-. Ta iclr,ete. 4, bra. t00. Return, V:4), 40. uP*I a e, *10. Stetrage,413. Apply to bill WAY Or a'l. Manager, 1 CQas Mentessaare.lioe 14'StIrs iagx "4/,Raa ,CRi#3, bora >!reelf fr'iflae-etteml, Rowe, az earns. Sand for Ceeesogne. n estroine C0.s 11i carton. Orr. " ' ( "� OF THZ BXBLE -By Ca4nrait: V 7,/i teras. pfofntelY letstra'te4 Sales roerveiloue -*� as 400,000. Send 84.54 fora Ropy- go erygo to wart. .Agents Meted. Address, J+r 0. WATSON, tfeeeger, Tolman/ wnr.Ar o Ts4re Aaroenoar. To Alla Line Aoyal J ail tBaaoo Selling during winter from Portion% retry %%Poe day and IIalita# every Saturday to tevorp�aooll, and to summer from Qnebeo every Saturday to LSverpoo1, calling at under terry tro land mails anti parer, 0, & for otlend and Ireland:' also from liimprea via: Halifax and St. Johan, N. F.. to LiverpooltortnighW* datingbeam.-ter months. The *were et the hilae. hout oe nail durlog winter to nand from Naliiax,. portlaud, ?foston and pinks delphia- and during aiT- vr klv; G ow o it w nail iata'eai ee, . mer Boston Taegu a, awl Boston weekly., and Glas;ove and Rhundetk104 fortnightly bol freight. pee*" or other lntorenetaern apply to A. Schumacher fe Co.. Baltn. ores Cnoerd Co.. Wilfaxa Sheat fa Go., St, Johns, FIs Win. Thole*, KA ib Co.. St, John, N. R-; Adan eaCo„ 4'hfese% Leve +r Mdse. !Sams York, If- Ifenteliera Toros/tee bllane. Itae 4e•, Qoebeo: Win. Brooele. ebss 4- pabz e,;1. Alien. reetieada 8otan, Montreal. elE greatest dins. cover, of the Me - age Ser Reguista the bowels and Ing ell Blood Urir- Kidney wCem.. l Prather.- few �e titoai whohtve rulhteai be ata NAL M. Regan.. robed St. enrol ryarpelaa of r ire at+Av,ttngi Vans Per - .24 sau4h Brack, tau, ter. eared arn tits *ter Elering ^ Jen- ), 14 Wigg coof e.t mQI~r • AP Nene $af..re#s, Tla9 ebtapsat f lies Ina Canada BMW!OSTR E*TS New And Se000dlrad. Asentefor "eBESSON""' and s"HigliAM" Barad Orchestra M[78IO. REPAID= or BAND Gr ac A Chicago police justice hes made a funny legel blunder. Bo has built a fine house on another man's lot, and the man will neither bay 17 nor let him remove it. The surveyor got the wrong lino, and the owner of the property wasn't saying sword. A monster citizens' meeting wall held on Sunday in Chicago to protesoagarca: the re- fusal of the city council to prohibit redeem within two hundred feet of churches and schools, at which it was decided to extend the demand to the .closing of saloons on Sun- days. 1,"hiladelphia will .soon begin to realize the benefits of the High License law. All the applications of saloon keepers have now been passed on, and whereas there are at present 6,940 grog -shops in the pity there will be only 1,310 lincensed saloons after June 1. ie parr yon, ex dent uleere, perbapp tinged whin hi voice cheesed and Millers a to it;; is your breath offensive; teases of taste stud smell impaired 1 If yo have *11 or any of tinea aymptome, you aro muttering from that must common nail clamorous of nielaalieat- -tilt natal caataarrb. The more complicated loon (listen bat become, the greater tha number and eliveralty of symptoeny. No zn*iter what stage it has reeehed,::Dr. Sage's Ca- tarria Remedy, whioll h mold by firmglide at oulr Cao cents, will cure It, Tho mama. faoturera of thin wonilerful.:remedy offer, in. good fait, $500 for a ease of this disease which they cannot cute. lclsery follows the spendthrift, but :dwells with the miser. Detectives Wanted. HIRE B A R:tGat as 4l . wd .!114 In yc a CALF SK arae C $1i Filf a; cd tar Rat oda 'wry g Irene. C. S PAGE, Hs do Paris, i Ginonl,11. Iia $400 oaf Leather Reporter. Y.. or nd Leather llel.kW, Ghlraba, the itadteg 1. cI the 1 S. In tine lltde line, bravo feet their nt Ares toIns beilaattKr. Pea* busmen/And oroo *i esa0rerat;o0 grid etteMaelseo, the terAA'ShG.w. Chia audintemesat • Ve behese Matta eataut et If.lat'weiobt raw mgr trlai collided and earrletl, Mr. Fait beide the lead Cooly competitor end Haat tie prtseet t9130 le the atheta by aro hence In deli caaatry: .,ed: tha Reviewasya "After a matt thorough lug/dig/Alan et 11r. Pogo% lertsi, as compared with Athena In sumo rine we o become tally tattatltd that ea hie epecialt} Ilubt right s:oak,leetr>tcquxsttonablyt elorgesdealer`; In this country. while Ira auperierlty of quality. heir cantesredly at the heart:' e W.RT:0Ur. paa„asbusiness Itthe iarlcatWits line In the Caned States„ Ie It not tho best passable proof of hit ability to pay hf hestpriers': It he dad not do so, would ho naturally get snore trltina Oast soy ct his eonpetitons In theaarue lino: Young men SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, tho real* of Ignorance and felly, who find themselves uea1:. nervous and exhausted3; alma aGcnr.r.•Aoasosad Our Nes who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over.wcrk. and In a ivaneld life feel the df for .ad r ace o re cat youthful exerts, co none a ouch 9i,':, Lebon s Treatise an the Diseases of Men. 21ro book will be neat staled to any address on receipt of two 0e., strips. Address N. V. LIMON, Wellington St. F , Toronto, Ont. Nervous Debility. Dht. CRAY'S Specific bas been used for the past fifteen years, wltb great muooee3, In the treatment of Nervous i eblllty, and all diseases *rising from ex. testae, overworked'bride, loss otvitality, ringing la the ears, palpitation, etc. For vale by all druggists. Pries ti per box, ore beret for Qt, or rill be cent by mail on receipt et Antoci. Pamphlet on application, THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. 0 0 Where is a curious custom prevalent among the Negroes of Georgia sa to their dead. The dead man is generally put into a cheap plank coffin and laid away in the grave with no ceremony whatever. A year afterwards a preacher's services are procur- ed and the funeral sermon is preached amid weeping and wailing and other manifesta- tions of grief. FOREIGN. An uprising has occurre 1 on, the island of Hayti, and a revolution is imminent. A parliamentary return shows that 32 persona starved to death in London in 1887. The Land Sub -Commission. for Ulster has reduced a number of rents from 25 to 40 per cent., Zanzibar advices report that Stanley and his forces were all well about the .first of October. 'A copious rainfall in Southern Russia has to ferret out and discover, if they can, n simile Date where Dr. l'ierco't Golden Medi- cal Discovery has been used tor torpid liver, indigestion, impure blood, or consumption in its early stages, without giving Immediate and ;prrmauent relict ; provided, cf conrae, that the directions have been resaonably well followed. Speak what you think, be what you are, pay your debts of all kinds, Tho voyage from maiden fair to woman- hood its often attended with many perils. Mothers should insist upon their daughters being prepp*red with every means of safety. Univcreslly acknowledged as the reliable «Life preserver on this rough sea of un- certeintiea, is Dr. Pierce's Puvorite Pie- ecription. 17 has averted many a disaster. It has rescued many a periled life 1 'Tie popular remedy is prepared etpeclally for Women. It is the only remedy of its olasa sold by druggists under a positive guarantee to give satisfaction. This guarantee has been faithfully carried out by the .manu- facturers for many years. Yo Seems «ISend Bieycdes sad Trjettles. Seed for List, New CataloguI ady In April. T Mr.A.Z.T311, 11014TREAD. t Iaovi Nolte ltl o shah W111 glans t wl Maclaine. No farmer should srzrd h1s the field without one, Searle by mall, . e ,t v,s,r •t 1. ,. xaranio, Pain Cannot Stay Where Polson's Nervilineis used. Compos, ed of the most powerful pain aubduiog remedies known, Nerviline cannot fail to give prompt relief in rheumatism, neuralgia, cramps, pain: in the back and side, and the host of painful affections, Internet and ex- ternal, arising from inflammatory action. A 10 cent sample bottle of Nerviline will give sufficient proof of its superiority over every known remedy. Try Nerviline. Large bot- tles 2d cents ; trial bottles only 10 cents,. There is no Christian duty that is not to be seasoned and set off with cheerful- ness. Confannlptioln Surely Cured. To seagnrroa: Pleaseinlorm;your.reedere that I have o positive remedy for the above named die. ease, By its timely use tboueands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured T shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy seas to any of your readers who have consumption it they will send me their Express and P. O. aidreee. Respectfully, De. T. A. Suomi, 37 Yonge St„ Toronto, Ont. The happiness of love is in action; its test is what one is willing to do tor others. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tangne, or guy disorder of the Stomach, can at once bt relieved by using Dr. Oareep 'e Stomach Bitters, the old and tried remedy. Ask Your Dragktet. Flies ;ppy out wounds, bees the flowers ; so do good men the merits and common men the faults. Hos 1 QOUGH Oona cures in ono minute. A lie always needs a truth for a handle to it. The worst lies are those whose handle is true and whose blade is false. Whenever your Stomach oe Bowels get out of or- der, musingINllouenese Dyepepala, or Indigestion. and their attendant evils, take ab once adose of De. ramous Stomach Sitters. Beet £anally modiolus, All Druggists. 60 cents. There is no happiness in this life without duty. A sense of duty always purines us ; it is omnipresent like the Deity. Colehair to iter natural ooloan Ham Nr and prevents a restores grey re nand o faded If a man empties his purse into cis head, no one oantake it away from him. An in- vestment in know ledge always pays the beat interest. ' Youth iithe season, when natures soft and. pliant grow together each Becoming part of other, and colored by it thus becoming one in heart. e Surto -Cti.►1fl i01i STUMP & STONE ,—EXTRAOXOit-- Ix years, trial, and over 0,000 In use has proved tine machine the best; fl sizes. Send forClrcnlnr. S. S. RI311IALi,, Inventor ,mdiaienufneturer, 47 Graig at, 1..0, Box 940, Ventres!, P.Q JR' FITS! tCleinnet moan rowdy to sto titaiia tiir yt fa. and then !tura them or ;,r fl Ile -Pit yeti GURU. disease et ITS, :I aPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNES ' Altte1ongstudy, 1 wat7Rltartrmyrc*ne14 'ta CURE the worst cases. Because others AIWA iajledisnoreasonler Met Roo/rattle ln>1 nems. fiend at oneeters. treatise, And arum ia Bora= oh ray Dam rr$BLxarmor. GleeExrash send groat iomee. It costs yon mattes sat a trial, and tt will cors you. Address Dr, H. ( 11007. 37 Mango Bt., Taranto, Suit.% neurnammummoinsmout BREAD YEAS` .s y., Y LS i?P�►:Y BR X AD minae with this Yeast ton fi et prises at 132 Township ited'C+raaaty Fairs In Onkiria in reS7,'et such places esFlosheetoe, Iatarkhaua,Whit. by, etc. Over rearm ladles have sent us letters end postal cards to say that itis superior Loony yeast over used by sheen, It makes the lightest, whited/4! sweetest and roost wholesome broad, Yeas, rolls Sinal bnek-i paacrni agelwith fail 4inetroctiaos.J TAKE NO Orithll, PRICE 6 GENT& JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF. This 'Valuable teat Preparation supplies every element of Meat that nourishes and sustains life. It is neat Itself. and contains 50 Per Cent. or Flesil.Forming, Material. Invalids and conval- escents cannot take any Paod that will so quickly strengthen and repair the tissues wasted by disease. Highly Recommended By the Medical Facultyr ALICE Is Burgers WORKERS --Store- Keeper's and others engaged In Butter bus!- tees win cave time and monoy,by investing. Three sixes. Prices on application. JAS. PAESI & SON, Tonos-To. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO —Manufacturers of the highest grades of— SILVER - PLATED WARES TRADE e FACTORIES ane SALESROOM :- 420 to 428 Ring St. West, TORONTO E. G. 000DERHAAf, T. C. COPP, Manager. Seo, Treas. MARK. There are many ntrrarfoos of "Peerless MACHINE 011, but none equal it In lubricating propettlee. Peau - me, Mrar,atara, etc., find none equal to the esatrrnse 'Peerless made by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. Desiring to obtain a Business Education, or become proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, should at. tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS ` COLLEGE Arcade, Tongs street, Toronto. 1'or Montan. etc., Address 0. ODEA. Searet*el CAPITA. AND FUNDS NOW OVER 83,000,000. IIRAn OFF10E, 15 T01*.ONTO STREET, TORONTO, ORT. A HOME COMPANY. ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1871. To this date, October 21,1887, there has boon returned : .....,.........^.640,240 00 n0 _ To thalteirs of Polioy-holders (death claims) To the hold.re of matured Endowment Policies . >_-� To Polioy-bolders on surrender of Policies 98,650 00 To Policyholders for Cash Profits (including those allocated and being paid) - 432,644 02 To holders of Annuity Bonds 18,967 8A Loaned to Poliey,holders on Security of their Polioses....,....82,264 98 81,306,174 47 Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $15,000,000. PRESIDENT—Hos. Sas W. P. HowLAsn, C.B., S.C.M.G. 4ICE-PRESIDENTS.-WULIA1s ELLIOTT, Este ; teweeo HOorxn, Esq. d. I. MACDONALD, Managing Diireetor.- 6 l'oilciee Noutorfettable after 2 yeas and fadefeahbte after 3 years,