The Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-7, Page 7TSN SEMIS NEWS,
Grain is reported to be glowing well in
¥e seitoba, though a Tattle rale is needed to
help it along,
livery Taylor, ex -manager of the Coterie
Investment Association,was acquitted at
London on two charges of misappropriating
the aseQelation's mopey,
Attorney:General !Mowat left Toronto on
Saturday night for England to argue a con.
8titutional question before the Privy Coun-
cil regarding eg rdtng the title to certain rediae
An Ingersoll WQtctan mixed gasoline with
the water in the clothes boiler to help take
out the dirt. The water bailed over and it
wee weeks before she recovered from her
Mr Justice Robertson gave judgment
Osgoode hall refusing to dissolve the £oiunc,
tion to the Toronto City Council from raft-
fying the agreement with the railway Qom.
paries respecting the TEeplanade.
The committee that leas beep .investigat-
ing frauds on farmers recommends the Gov-
ernment to pass special legieletion to pre-
vent the aegrieulturist from being made the
victim of veriouakiuds of swindles.
It ie estimated that two hundred an fifty
veasele will he regeired to convey eastthe
surplus of last year's grain crop atill held In
Manitalia and the North-West. Over two
miliiorx bushels are stored at Port William
Mentreaal bucket shop keeperai claim to
have received legal advice that the Buelset
Shop bill just passed eontaains defecte that
sander is *tameless, and a180 that) there or
several waya of evading its, previsions, aria!
therefore 111Vv4 decided to continue their
1311411104 11.
Eight thoroeghbred atailiorea imports
frvtn Glasgow were seized sou their arriv
at 'Montreal tial Saturday. it being 'Ms's
that their owner, whir was adjudicate
baa ikruptshortlyaftersailing front Glasgow
had taken that luoaua of 'defrauding hit
A Ilaemilton woman has been seam to the
reformatory for a year because elle stole an
u mbrella. She said she had simply borrow-
ed it and forgotten to bring it bsek,. That
ee +meetly the ease with afi purlQineee of
u utbrellas, end yet bow few get; set to the
Sh James atreets'liethodiatchurch, Mont.
real, Quo aY the Qldeet instories! .atruc:tux s
hi ibat city, hi doomed, workmen itav tag aal�
wady coca laaeeceal ita_demelitlon, and abased -
some new cbureia its to be erected ova the site.
The last services will be preached by Rev S,
Dr. Douglass arta! Dr. Petty, of Toronto, Qu!
Sunday, Juno 3.
llll the newspapers of Montreal have beery
officially served, by direction of Premier
4ereivr., with copies of the Federal and
ProQiReial statutes Frnhibitiu the adver.
tisieg or publication of lotteries, with the
intimation that severe measures will be
taken to en1oreo the law if the c6Eielitl notice
fails in pioventieg its iireseut general viola.
A war of rates is likeiy to break out over
Chicago and Roston passenger bueiaess.
Strawberries almost want begging for buy.
era in New York on nionday, at five and
Aie Cents per box.
The Misalssippi flood is the higheat on re-
cord, except that of ]841, and is within
few inches of being aQ higb as that one.
':1bo Republican Senators of Washington
held a elms, at whish it was practically
determined to vote down both the Fishery
Treaty and the Mills Tariff Bill.
The centenuial meeting of the Presbyter.
tan General Assembly of the United States
was opened in Philadelphia, over five lion•
drod delegates boitg in uttendanoe.
.& will leaving an estate for the advance,
ment of Henry George's land theories ben
been deolared invalid in New Jeraoy, the
vice•ehaueellor dealaring that the court
cauldnot eon.tion the spread of auoh prin-
ciples in plain opposition to existing laws.
Terrible suffering exists among the in-
habitants of the flooded diatriot along tho
Mississippi River, hundreds of men, women
and children being camped on the bluffs
without food or shelter. The whole of the
Sny bottoms are inundated, the flood cover-
ing an area forty miles long :and five miles
wide. The loss in crops is already estimat-
ed at three million dollars.
We violate no confidence when we state
that the rumor that Jay Gould hag returned
to settle up his affairs and retire permanent.
ly from Wall Street is not entirely authen-
tic. Mr. Goold has frequently settled up
his affairs and retired permanently from
Wall Street before; and when he resumed
it was generally considered a hint for other
speculators to retire permanently from Wall
Street without settling up their affairs,
leaving that little formality to the assignees.
The village of Oberammergau, celebrated
for its miracle plays, has been partially
A volcanic eruption and water -spout have
occurred in New Pomerania, New Guinea,
killing many natives and doing great dam-
The London papers are disposed to agree
with. Canada's protest against pauper innni-
Krupp's business has outgrown his works
at Essen and a new factory is to be erected
at Armen.
The Paris Gauloxs revives the rumour that
the Government contemplates the expulsion
of General Boulanger.
The Catholic Weekly Herald says the
Salisbury Government will found and endow
an Irish Catholic university.
A Tipperary bailiff shot two men at the
instance of a drunken son of Landlord Lloyd,
whom he was escorting home,
Itis expected Princess Alexandra, daugh-
ter of the. King of Greece, will shortly marry
Strictly True
In every respectandwattested,by the testi-
mony of thousands that Putman's Painless.
Corn Extractor is a' sure and painless cure.
for corns. The claim that it is just as good
made by those endeavoring to palm off im-
itations for the genuine only proves the supe.
riority of Putmans. Use only Putman's
Painless Corn Extractor. Sure, safe, pain-
Grated Duke Paul, the. Csar's youngest
The Pope justifies the recent rescript on
the ground thee the Parnellites themselves
have condemned boyootting and the Plan of
It is stated in London that after the Whit-
sentide reeves the Opposition will demand
an enquiry tato the adminiatration of the
Crimes Act,
TheB R o
rat correspondent of the London.
Stardomd learns that no doubt exists as to
the absolute and unconditional obedience of
the Irish bishops to the Papal rescript.,
A remarkable operation has been per-
forated im Vienna, a nerve having been trans.
plate from a raabhit to a man with cote•
pleked success.
Xr. Blaine, in an interview in Paris,
confirm the statements trade in his Florenee
tetter rhst ho did net desire thensouination
for the Presidency.
The Duke of Cambridge, in a speech at
Liverpool, dwelt upon the necessity of Eog.
lakeeping pace wih. Continental coun-
tries in e matter of armaments.
Archbishop Corrigan has failed to obtain
from the Pope a condemnation of Henry
George's works, which have now been for-
mally delivered to the Vatican for jtdg'
Dr. Moron Afa:citenzie says that nothing
yet absolutely demonstrates that Emperer
Frederick s disease fs cancer, and that tits
recovery is still within the Iimits of post,
Mr Cbanberlaht *aye that both the Bag,
�Sh rauiitical parties have shirked their
Wee iIt their Soath African palmy, and
;ve done everything to get rid :et their re,
The Chinese ambassador in T ndon has
Ided tit the English Government +a note
testing against the action of the anastra-
n coloulea in preventing the landing of
hese imintgr'ante.
A. very marked a.ulprovcnteat has taken
place in Emperor Frederick'$ condition, Be
able to take carriage drives, has a good',
titeand his strength is increasing, wbilo
new off pias has been greatly alinnetsheal. ;.
The Louden Times says the only polat c:f
interest in the Darnellita manifesto Is Haat
while Mr. Parnell deolarea the party to be
entire strangers to the i'lau of Campaign,
forty, members of the party meet And jestify
It Is stated the I,itladou police have rat-
ceired information that the elan•naGael
eauteutplatea the eummi;saiou et ea crime tutu.
liar to the 1"'l:o nix park tragedy, and that
several of the members are under surveil.
It is rumouredthat the Chinese Uiaister
Washington has notified the State D x.
hartmenc that China will retaliate by pro-
ibiting the importation of American petro.
louni if the proposed amendment to the
Chinese treaty is twisted upon.
The French Government is so careta of
the secret of the new rifle which is being
served out to the army at the rate of five bun-
arod a day that soldiers arc not allowed to
touch the weapon except in the presence of
a commiaejoned cificer, and it is said the
regulations are entered au strictly that not
a private .in the ]:,roach army knows even
the color of the powder he uses,
We Are rive.
DT z. d. Sxoxai19ox..
We ate Ave,—
Who br God's good gram) Gm re;
Allam living :--one 10 light --
Four in night.
AU are tate
Each bright day, in all they do
Longing—PPleading—to he right,
In itis sight.
Liao is sweet;
One, above, bath life complete ;
our, below, have hope above,
In ]Tis love.
So we rest:
One, upon her Master's literate -
your, afar—but near Him i,t111—
Wait Ills will.
'Reath iho sun,
'limo's brief day will soon bo done ;
Each sore sundered heart will then
Meet again.
Christ—who died—
Through the grave hath opened wide
Entrance to a world of biles
Out or this.
Joined by grace
—By-arid-bye—we—face to face—
Shall, with joy, Rio Name adore,
Woman in BnSiness.
Women who go into business from either
choice or necessity, should acquire business
habits, .adopt business methods and possess
themselves of all knowledge of details and
general information. There should be no
sentiment about ,it : they should expect no
imnlnuity from disagreeables on the score of
being " ladies ;" their prospect of marriage
shonldhave no more effect on their work
than it has with that of men. Their dr ess
should suit the requir ements of the occu-
pation. In no dress does a girl look neater.
prettier or more graceful than that adopted
for gymnastics or lawn -tennis, both of which
give fullest play for all movements. How
much better would many working girls look
and feel and work in such dresses than in the
gaudy, tawdry fineryso many of them wear?
These should have their business suits just
as men do.
Her Fault.
If she is made miserable by day and sleep-
less at night, by nervous headache, pains in
the back, easily grieved, vexed or made
tired, or is suffering from any of those wast.
ing functional disorders peculiar to women,
such as prolapeus, ulceration, leucorrhea,
morning sickness, or weakness of the
stomach, &o., a brief sell.treatment with
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will con-
vince her of the folly of enduring misery
that can be so easily, pleasantly and radi-
cally cured. Druggists.
Ladyof the House (shivering)—" Has the
furnacegone out, Bridget ?" Bridget—" I
think not, mum. 1've been at the gate all
evening with a gentleman friend of mine,
an' it didn't go by me, mum, I'm sure."
Little, "But Enough,"
as Mercurio said of his wound. We refer
to Dr. Pierce's little Pellets, whit h are
small, swift, and sure, in cases of sick head.-
ache, biliousness, oonstipation, and indiges-
Consumption Curable.
Since the fact that coneumptton fs both
preventable, and la its earliest etage curable,
It has lost much of its terror. If the area
symptoms are at once recognised, and the
proper remedy applied, very few, if any
one, need die of consumption, whieh ie realty
lueg•scrofula, Like many other diseases
this formidable one grows out of impure
blood, and this, in turn, from a diseased
Inver. Hence. we have the hacking ceugh,
the pains in ahs t, the h fi ,med lungs ar d
all the aymprorns of hastening consumption,
all the mutt of depraved blood and a dia.
eased liver, The nee of Dr, Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery willarrest all
such symptoms, restore the liver to hee,ithy
action, and Send atreauts of pure blood into
every organ. Of druggists•
A young lady, visiting for the first time
in the country, was alarmed et the approach
of a WSW, Sbe svgs too frightened to eau.
and shaking her parasol ae the animal, she
said, in avery stern tone;
" tie down, sir 1 lie down 1"
Gens umption Surely Cured.
Terns ozroa ,-Please inform your readers that
I have a pontine meetly for the *have messed din.
Rase. 13y its timely use t#ioneaxdm et lxopeleea ez4es
have been permanently cared. I ehah be glad to
send two bottles ct try remedy meatus to aaay of roar
readera who have Qonsaucptiyu rf they will peel me
their Express sed P 0. 'redrew. Ite pectfully, Dat,
T. 4. atom', al nogg* St . Tioronto, Qat.
The working day in Paris has been t'e,
dnceal trona eleven bouts to ten.
A Care tux ttraterkennets.
The epi;atahabit, depaonw'd• rho morph* habit,
penes ptostratrotx sassed by the use et tebaegq,
r'aQirefatnees, mental de reeston, eoiteeme of the
trate, etc,. prenaatare old 441410844 r toady eagegA
s er.e?certtqu of the tO1411, and Ian et traiatsal
&ib, heal any contexataver.Mx-cue,
old or uutddlo'age4 -wbo are *oaken down acts say
of the WOO caws, orany gralkieXeft allficn eta' see,
send fuxir address and 10 0414 14 Weep* for k hese s
Vintage tm Wee Bene, et Arses ee of ,!tan, fleets
sect acaWeeed and secure from observation. Address 1I
Y Imam 4? Wetlinrten Greet Sisk Toronto flat,
T le rumor that the Prince of Wales to
sousing to Canada this year is dearieal.
PRrple Wig) are Seinf 81 to sail 0;est44 tont smote
ferule, Q; any diecrdsr of teas stesein e. eon aat QA: e
bl xetleva,t by using Dr. itmrlkan'e Sktnaa;lt M.tters,
Rs' <4.s IWed ir<aerad4. aak nae; H:340'
0 -ematories are to be opened in Tobin,
Szn Reno, Bologna awl other Italian cities,
titre! Qocou Dews cone le one Pitmen
",Stay, John, is your girl a factory girl F"
" Yes, Williaxn, a eatiatactory girl."
Weil-a'er pot a atma:b or Iltaweto get cut Of tr •
Darr outing gilteusa.914 Invneps:1N or tnslA sitar,
R1 iAelr at teedent even tate at once F rice, elf I't,
ea.a Staamich laic#sex, staff Way r.;fd,"4,ei,
arra ve,ataa. 60 a eta,
The laret,ch always eat asp+xagns cold,
ith au atbneelen4e of ell, vtuaaar and pep.
semi a mighty nice sated this makes,
Aunt Rua lirlif{rax reneraa irmY and fA4ed
'to cat:trxtoo:ox axial pr.eve sty tam one
. Ont.
TIRES Nervous, Prostration, Nervoam
Headache, Neuralgia, Nervous
Weakness Stora iv
ash anal r L e
i ea e •9 i
s ses.Ph umatr m,TlysgCps a,
andall affectiorix of the Kidneys,
Poem's s (is -xae t omgomas is a Nerve Tonle
which never fails. Contai/log Celery end
Cocta, Gams wonderful etimu144ts, it speed-
ily eures all nervous disorders.
PAINWS Caterer Comore -le perigee the
teen It drives out aha bete aced, whiel_t
cailxes ifheurpafixn, And restores the blood.
la i nae erg= toe Healthy: condition. The
true trsaedy for l beneteu,
1'tn a's Csrsnv ro;i,?ori.'a qufebly restores
been liver Dud lciclneys 10 perfect health.
This enratit'o power etrunhbxed with its
nerve tonics, makes it alae best re nedr
nate/ ebl ey eoinpleixts.
i'ala« s
Mere e C aver me streeigtlteeetlie
s_tsrmaeh, eget toggle the nerves cif the, digee-
tte omens. 'Ibis Is svliy it MHO .even tate
ss'a';t eases karlaT2p0X111,
1'APx 's cn:r.>~ny Ctrrxt'rsti isnot aCathat.
tic- 14 is a 1raxaa:ive.glcing easy and Ordinal
Peden to the bowels, Rtguifelly alu'ely ion
lave its me.
Ileeoannleualed by pro;exat w slv 4'b.te l tnie
awn. t ex+i fox beeb;,
Prtao $$*,Uzi,. toll by Ilreggiesa,
1 oratronl, Quo
P'on4aNA. *Men varerx
PIM. Valuable mitt) and
fres. P.O,FI;e,HFRTT,August
WezRs and Head 'OAtc ce r
759 TO 763 YONGE ST
k 4ty °Me da n Queen St, Wei%
the 44ne n 51. EEaat,
iiraac h rtT,tlfil. Aro: w
A ,,)ftz E Pae ,ea. AMiRRTAT
AtiP 5,,80
f.iwO-SING E,.h 'tfrCT:a AR.-
Ano BEs-.
r rtrr_ lfi,ttl(f t t 4Ni3YECxIO:T sed iusi *.
arses 4 esOpri Qf -Canada,,
Consulting Zia ueen'g t8clsitoreef Pattani#„
A. P,, Rose, Ceiet member. A, awe*, See'y Trent,
n1ID AGENTS starniiiicent Parallel Biblee-
�V11ftEii LUtLAA ! tt37 Witbrow"s1opular " Iiitery of
Canada," trough's ""Platform Rehm," Dorchester's
"Licptor Problem. Saxe P. Jones""Livamg Words,"
"Ths Pottage Phy-sieiep, " IABMONEY
Gough% ""Sunlight and
gaadow," '.Mother. home and Hessen," etc. t'opn
ar Books i Liberal Terms! Write lar circulate, tonna
etc., to Wnr4Ire Beaoes Prablieber, Toronto,
Tkj L nblxe lebear at df4x. orontd, Stebent tedin
ldritielt Co1etmabia, California. Ramo, 111 ext*, and
trite* pawner el other States god Protium. noir
ttr.attennance, Write for NewLire Circul:are,
Pros:dent. Seo'yi 8a Manager.
l(3lS1111R !J E of Sll'I tMS EIPS',
Seleiao Wseaor Berwsss,—
Salono Tl.l.eta, $40, lla.n.1 'al. Ream
tutfrawedxste, t8.0; Stenra;e.4 O. apply to
1f. 1v- 111.71*RAI;`. Oera'l. Mansner'
1 Cutout floraa's Z:.Iotate, stwattrtkr..
se....Mend $tieyeiea
seed r rfercles..
Seed ter List, Slee Catelagnaa
eady !a: APxal.
1110 meld $,
Cxlla.rwa bine 116 !irons
4 Ie'xin tr•rret ,extb llaxniitara, Oct
Cooks' Gem
AESe `W . ttMtalt,il+.iII,
4T Rtlai panacea, Meat Arts , and up
NOM 1'iG1. Donald G. Hide tat .t 4C .,Toroato
fill!! iINU.G arir'Oet WLOittlffiA4iHINES
171ATrifr lfertl:ate:^flfusttate4Oc:,i p•.lve vet.
r 1 k;l• E a1.tve fres. 11.. Uha..a;.erltrt, Tonna.
QIWN J &else Sem-eh-4 grand chance to
a:galrea tharouehtwee ledge ofllarrentcuttin;f
le alt its ba rachet. Seen tho time to enter. Caere
cutters' In great demo d, ble vvagea, Teens on rap•
pifcatlen. S. CoaaE Mee, 1%3 lienf;e,st., Termite.
M O N Ev` r'll ZO4N ou P nn , Lowest It aios,
rTie dei,y. Gorrespandenee eoliclted.
E. W. i1.
RVYtLHa?a!rt!tisf Fnacal anteat -E
pamphlet. N'
,withoutttha knots No
o pkv. Send stamp for
.0., tut Queen E., Toronto.
ells. and Burning Brands &e. Send
for4atalol,Rne, Da nBER Idol. Co.,
VT Scott St, Toronto.
SHIPPING CO. --Beaver Lino of
Steamships, tailing weekly between Montreal
and Liverpool, Salem tickets,tiontreal to Liverpool,
110, E50, and &G0. Return t.:kete,'$50, 1100, and $110,
accosting to ateumer and accommodation. Inter.
mediate. i;90; Round trip tickets. SG% Steerage,' 20
Bound trip tickets, $40. For further particulars and
to seoure births, apply to H, ID, a1Ultt1AY,General
Manager,1 Custom ]louse Square, Montreal or to the
Local Agents in the different Tirane and Cities.
d. & J. TAYLOR, `•PAxltNxla»•—
"lororrfe Sete ±;orlts.
WE have unexcelled facilities for the SALT or
EXOEaNG5 01 Newspaper offices. Terms,
one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. ,t.rW a have
now four good establishments female at a bargain,
and one publisher wasting a partner.
Auxiliary Publishing Company.
83 and 85 Adelaide St. W.,
Toronto, Ont.
CACTION t—Farmers "letting to avoid a
Lawsuit are warned
against buying r us
infringing bagho der manufactured cin
Middlesex, Ont. The genuinearticle la stamp-
ed • laic Dandy,''and " Patented 188T,"as required
by ow. C. W:ALcav a Co., World Building, Toronto.
IMMENSE STOCK of Machinery to select from.
Send for Lists.
MIN. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont.
Sratreoals—Moisture intense itahingand stinging
meet at night : worse by scratching. If allowed to
continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer•
ate, becoming very sore. SHArras'e Common stops
the itching and bleeding heals ulceration, and in
many cases removes the tumors. It is equally effica-
cious in during all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAY.NE &
SON Proprietors, Philadelphia. Sweasm's ()INMOST
can las obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50
proved Safes,
at prices within the
reach of all. I oan send
you a safe, made in the
best manner, withdom•
bination Look and well
finished in every re•
speot, for 340, on de-
livery at your station.
Send for circular. S. S.
KIMBALL, 577 Craig
St., P. 0. Box 945,
Montreal, P. Q.
ANITOr ' r'' T
PARTIES wishing to purchase improved Manitoba
Farms, from 80 acres upwards, With immediate
possession, call or write to G. L HIAOISON, No.
Arthur's Block, Main st., Winnipeg.: Information
furnished free of ,charge, and settlers assisted in
making selection. '1MoNey ro LOAN at current rates
of interest.
%TarE' it al ax:i over
seesv0u t7.asprarel
Cr- hir:0 tae lent; W
'erdfor CarT'd'l r,
ansae 60.
ar Unman P te
yea was thaw F„pre ave American end
Can ilakiug Powders a'bea you can get as grad
mad viba'•esaneisxone halt the prize? Prove it by try
teethe entre Geel. hlanufat:tarc;tby
ELLIS t4 IGHLB 'r ,• Toronto
tarThe Celebrated Me
cock Inspirator.
Greabam's,Automatic Have all the latest ixupnwrententa and are enema:Med
Rs"starting Injector. foe darahlity, style and convenience. Tho leading
Morrisons Automatka ; Carrla a Ilulidera soft thorn, AS6 Fult THEM .annd.
Sight Peed Lubricator. PUT NO 9rllSR.
.£ Engineers. & Plumb,
s' Supplies
Send tea
lies of every
description. Whaley,. Royce 81[10.
i r J.RhtiS MOtUt'lSO7t,
Ban .Line Royal Nail Steamships
Selling during winter from P'ortlanu every Thera, .
day and Italifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in
eunnurerfrom Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,
calling at Londonderry to land mail% and passengers
for Scotland and Ireland; also Item Balusters, via
Halifax and 8t. John's, N. P , to Liverpoolfortnightly y.
during #rummer months, The steamers of the Wes.,
stow .linea call during whiter to and from Halifax,
,!Portland, Boston and Philndalphio' and during stun
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly Glasgow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
Po freight, passage, or other information apply to I
A, Sehuruncher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co., i
Balifax• Shea ,$Co., St. John's, N. F,; Wm, Thump,
son & Co. St. John, N B.; .Allan h Co., Chicago;
Love 8t ,Aldan, New York, R. Bouriler, Toronto;
Allans, Rae & Co., Qnebea• Wm. Brookie, Phfladet.
plata; H.A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal.
rr an greatest dis.
oovery° of the pr. :
sent age for Itegulat-
tug the bowels, and
Curing all Blood Liv-
er and Kidney Com ,
plaints. .8. perfect
Blood Purifier. A few
inRamliton wbohavo
been benifte•' bo its
use ; Mrs. Al I:eeran,
192 Roberta., cured
of Erysipelas o' 2 ars.
standing; Robt. Con,.
neil, 24 south street,
daughter cured of
Epileptic tits alter 0
years suffering Jen-
nie Barrel, 55 walnut
Street, on ed of
Weakness and Lung Troub e : John Wood, 05 Cath.
cart St., cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness,
used only 8 fifiy-cent bottles; Pare. J. Beal, 0 Augusta
St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration. two
small bottles gave her great relief, Sold at 50o, 0$1•
F. F. DALLEY & CO., Proprietoa..-
Young Men
SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the
result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves
weak, nervous and exhausted ; also MIDDLB•Aosa and
OLD Um; mho are broken down from the effects of
abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the
consequences of youthful excess, send for and read
M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The
book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two 8c. stamps. Address
Af. V. LUBON, Wellington St. R., Toronto, Ont,
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the pest
fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex.
ceases, over-worked brain, Toss of vitality, tinging hi
the ears, palpitation, etc. For Sale by all druggists. ;
Pride $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of pride. Pamphlet on application,
283 Tongs: Street.
Tho Cheapest Place in.
Canada for
New and Seconahend.
Agents for
and "HIOHAM"
Band & Orchestra
Send tcrentalozne.
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