HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-13, Page 7THE WEEK'S NEWS. Telegraphic repents of the grope in Ontar- io show that the fall wheat has been winter killed to to considerable. extent, It is reported that a MI ;get of pure gold weighing 99t ounces was taken out et the Vermillion mine at Sudbury tact week, Thirteen Chinamen, with the white wife and three children of the leaderof the party, Paned through Montreal irk bowl for New York. Senator tictoInnea, of British Columbia.]la given notice of a motion contemning the importation of pauper children and adults, Tenders for the completioa of the Red River Valley railroad will be called for to a few days, and it is hoped fo have the read iluiebed by jay let. Pour natural gas wells are now completed in Courtright, Oat., and all aro producing gas Ii papule quantities, the lost one, tiaieh ed on Saturday, being deaeribedes *' averi- table gusher." The great lumber kings around the Cease. diem threaten to leave and e:eet their mine nearer Montreal if they are compelled to get rid of their sawdust otherwise than by teeming tic into the Ottawa, It bag been discovered that by sense RroRk- e3neee a bill to legalise a by-law of the municipality of 'Morris panting a bonne to the 0..e. R. waa barked in the Manitoba, Legialeturo in the daya of the Nerquay rei'uue, Simpson Woodbury, of Torbrook, N.S., nays that during hia life he has Millen over 400 fur•bearing animals. He give* P. nit as. follower—Faxes, 200 ; otters, 13 ; bears 2 ; ulooae,13 ; mink, 150 ; !able, 5; racoon, 20; loup•cervier,10; total, 413. At a recent meeting of theMontreal Pro• teataut Ministerial Aaaoeiation, a rertolutiert WAS atnauimouely adopted expreesiug eppre- clatien of ,ttrehtaishop 1'abre'e conciliatory action ;e ..they the palmed !tante of the Virgin Mary in Mount Royal park, A notorious character named Tom Fuck. ley was arrested in Toronto on Monday on a share of murdering his paramour, 1 ertila Robinson. At the coroner's lathiest was Wrought lea verdict of gsoilty* of whin] cur. der. and the prisoner was committed far trial, The Calgary correspondent of the Wiener, pet; Free Pose says ;—An arrangement was made for as lot of whiskey to be thrown off A train at the Etbow bridgeeight beterolasr. Tec party to receive tie euaaignment tat o•be Joyful were duly at their peat, but am other party had got on to the racket; aaad stationed themselves near the bridge too. When the whiskey was thrown cif (xlrant' fifteen ;gallons) party No, ;i, who were mail• taken for the right men, grabbed the prize and made t}fl; " No ear do." Norman hlatDmaid, "Boxer," of $lie! a Meacham, North Side 1;•g liras WO:, Vic- toria ('anuty, N. 1i., died an :Monday least, at the great ago of 110 yearn. He eerved under Wellington, in the bottled Waterloo, when be was ab,rnt 37 years of age. He Rea born in the tale of Fared, Seotkaud, in about the year 177`l anti emigrated to t his country in Ifi�s r3, when he wa.a in hia 55th year. He was a very active mea, and baa been able, until the past two or three years, to rue int a lit do with the works on the farm UNITIID ST.tTk5. Now York has the palpita of eight of Re beat }Dying and heat attended churehee occupied by importers clergymen. The application for a re -hearing of the telephone patent cued has been denied by the United States Supreme Court. Assthe Boston Glob( figures, the net profit of the billiard tables kept in that city is something over $3,000,GO0 annually. • Some of tho western American cities pen. sion thou, public school teachers after cot rain years of service, In Wis.:onain twenty one years of faithful work entitles a teacher to se, pension, and Cleveland is considering a proposition towards the same end. A pigeon message received at Garden City, .[f.ansas, states that the Chicago buffalo hunting expedition has strack the trail of wont is supposed to be the last main herd of buffalo at the head waters of the Upper Canadian River, in North-Western Texas. A Tennessee preacher was pleading with a country merchant to trust trim for half a pound of tea when a lawyer rode up and handed bine papers showing that he was heir to $8,000 000. Then the preacher said be guessed he'd also ask credit for soap and' saleratns, too. The eight -story blacks of Chicago have their advantages. Oa the eighth floor is a restaurant; on another a barber shop. A public telephone and a telegraph office are in the basement. A resident can buy his clothes at the tailor -shop, have his boots blacked, have his picture painted and be photographed. and can even select original derigns in coffins without leaving one roof. He may live in luxury for a lifetime, bis wants being supplied within the four walls. FOREIGN. The question is to be shortly argued as to the power of the Irish courts to increase a sentence upon appeal. Gen. Boulanger declares that only a crim- inal or a madman would dream of aggres- sive war on the part of France. Mr. Michael Davitt says that to secure county government for Ireland before ob- taining Home Rule would be a fatal blunder. Tenants on estates in Clare have adopted the Plan of Campaign and Moonlighters have raided four farms because the occupants had paid their rents. The Government of New Zealand have proclaimed all Chinese ports infected in or- der to put a stop to the entrance into the colony 'of.Chineee emigrants. The Brazilian Senate has passed the bill for the immediate abolition of slavery throughout the empire which was passed by the Chamber of Deputies Last week. Gen. Boulanger has been paid $40,000 for themanueoripb of his book on the German invasion. In his ease the pen appears to be not only mightier but more valuable than the sword. • Archbishop Walsh says the Papal resoript decides a question of morals, and it will be found that it will not in the least injurioys- ly affect either the national movement or the National League. The trial of Mr. John Dillon, charged under the Crimes Aot with inciting tenants not to pay rents, was conoluded. yesterday. Mr. Dillon was sentenced to six months' imprisonment without hard labour, British birder: in Shanghai do not ap. prove Australia's method of dealing with the' Chinese question, and the klong Kong Ch amber of Commerce has adopted a resale - turn; declaring the course: is fraught with danger to British interests. In reply toa deputation of bletnbers of Parliament, Mr. I'ldward Stanhope, War Secretary, acid there was no occasion for panic, but at the saute. time England was taking measures that would place her in a satisfactory defensive position. The estate in the Island of Aehill owned by the late Lord Cavan, was sold by order of of land—in fer feet, the whole bleed— wish sle acres with house and entrance lodges, both fur- nished. The auctioneer described the pro- perty am oue of the finest sporting estates in belated, though he admitted that, the to .: ants were three years fa arrear with thew rent. The property was $old practically without reserve, and after very alight cone- petitioe was purchased by a lady at the modest figura of LOS), or about aix fahil- tinge an acre 1 The War Sea>re hi Englailtd. Quito as storm Ikea been raised in England by some criticisms made by Lord 1[ olaeley, 4ud. eehee,d• by elle Puke of Catrebridge, oA fords of the Pasha of 1'klieaianaPz and killed Consumption Surely Cured. To Tae Eamon a—rismeinfonn your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely tide thonepands of hopeleea oases have been permanently eared., I shalt be glad to send hie betties of my remedy rase to say of your readers who have consumption if they will Pend me their Sxprese and P. 0. aidreas. Reepectially,1)a. T.' 4. S.Loesm. 87 'gouge St ,.'b orate Ont. The International copyright bill ilea been passed by the United States Senate, wbeaever yyear altomaon or t;swwta. Ser ,rue of o der, causingBiltousnese, Rsepepela, or Indigestion. sept their Attendant evils,, take at oats a, 49.80109 .arsons $tomer! Bitten Seas /Mlle rnedielem )alt R -...,erste s% (terra A Michigan editor advertises that he will take feh or frogs en subscription this 6priag. iabte ss,m©Tke (Tiara i, po anihlalneIab v, ileums proetrstion caused ap the use of tobacco, waaefaisess, meatal depresaio,,, softening at' the brain, eta, prem -s re ala age, tem of vitality caused bF area-exeroen of the brain, and loos of pet•arcd strength, from any enc whatever. ¥en—young cider mfdsiler4aged,—wbpare brokenderail from aro of awabm o ca.tsea, or any cane not mentioned dose, send a4dr e nd 10 bi mi un'a Treat seyour. in bee foarm, of Dressoeata esstaofps dfaforra. $coboke sept sealed and seeare froLn observation: Address 1i. Y Luray 47 Welhuvton sheet Viet. Toronto Oa. The New York Assembly has passed a bill imposing_n tax on forefeet: corporations doiog bosinesa ire. New York State. ft'ecrle Wisp sire 5uleIrei re, eau Oreath, fel. Ceases tang•.,% or any disorder et the Idle .lath, con at mg. of rzit red by r-sw'nP Dr. 47arsoo'r ratamxeb t;isvv u, nt3 a.'s fir 5si remedw leak iro$r $rgxersr The Saudaueserebate have detested the the state of the array and navy and the de - eke paska- fences of the empire,. According to eertani critics the ;erv-ices have been iu a lead way for years, but it was hardly to be expected that authorities ao high in o,,r.oe would voice what (Wien have only dared to write. The resultef rho course taken by theCaminander• inl•Cttlef and the assistant Geueral has been that Lard Saliabury from hie place its the Rouse of Lords has severely eoridesmeed the action of Lord Wolseley in particniatr, and the latter, while maintaining that his crib• elama were juat, .has declared that he did not mean to attack the adminiatra• tion, Anyway it i* a Piga of the times where the commanders of the army openly rebel against the volley of the government. To say the leas: al it, it re, a bad example to flet the soldiers, who may oleo bee tempted to addrese public meetings and reveal their grievances, rat which they undoubtedly have .a stocks. The incident created quite a• stir, in fact, almost a panic. Reading the cablegram arae would almost think some powerful alar tion was etauding by and at any moment ..eight gobble the eeaegirt .isle with the ease that an ordinary indiv'idnrl would devour a penny roll, Things, however, arae, trot quite to had as that. The rinse note- wcrtey_feature of the interesting little quarrel 1e, that Ltrd Ctaerlea titreMforsI, who reigned leis position as %lorid of the Abair - HCR: Cozad CctS* cures In oaf reire154. If is stated that the Imperial Government !tend founding and attdaaiag au I:iah Calholio 1. niver'slty, COMMA MAN Mune. TOWNS my setae Wee bale to iti natural color and emote Whew out, stir tor ICANOES. WIT lwC4;l,1$1i . Pof IP IImo f11 tai. pd r!a M Fd pu nartay. Patent Attaraeys, and experts Eat'd1#T. U4eatl4 f^. tirtrttawtaRC•e..sTornrntA. KNI JNQ 4:e tai r ,0 tt:MAOHINES .A?tlTO PorSslo.=-flinstrataaIescripnra batt PGQNro Ceruse Eaten— A crr3 chutes to asq+afreathareamit Unealechteatgar.nen Batting I r alt itt brarsrbes. Now's aha time to enter. Mow) esusw in serest detataad big nage% Tecate on ap. ptesettea. 14. Cantinas. I,31en„e•4. /Wow, MERCHANTS BUTCHERS ANIS TRAD *B'GiF,Ail3tfY#aI+Y. We Want a oaa1.41144S is yaarla;aNty to p;^.kp &togas tree. R. ebamh,ritre inmate' to r.9. (. rab tarcithedcu aa:,ila;:cry. tauarsnt), &dieter 5'. S. PARR, Hide Park, Vertnrr».1 a 144,141 �HAunas Cots tarttteru*4- 'a Aase, ucw 50 ret reel zeal. kattca't:;Tar:ra d v --re to tee Steretims e! yauvp n:t:n !sat raga, - re, is ttcts ter rates. a !r. aaletl s el j{ 111,14;509 efataitcl to the ilitelitgeat an* s'azi7e.of,d For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. tatty beenmttae ho tu:avy lyes avcanz,,Av nrr urs. uremeat s! sru'lL'nl effort. 1tsSraatna e• Aro Ct ttorr tm DMA AV1 Uta kl t'.raskt.ul tcla u a.HF t t more than a paper creat:ion, now says that in the two ycarar arid a hall tinge he retired much has been done towards improvement. Perhaps the SQme beneficial elect weulil follow the resignation of Lard Wolerlev, but, as a truce hos apparently bee:le ached, that is not likely to hnppu. In view of the fact that the War Q11l;,'0 !fends atheist £20,000,001 annnally, there must be, Wets enormous misappropriation and waste prevail threugbcur, COmo pretty to l e' a i al results l' n> u is a h otitd tttaw c t fi a .s h re Lard Salisbury's guarded obeervatioa that there had been a considerable increase to prepare talons within recent years, meauts,no doubr, %good deal Meanwhile all this excitement Is profluciog its effect at home and abroad. Tko Duke of Cambridge denies that the tour try is in imminer t gauger, though even the modified form of his denial is adapted to intensify rasher than allay the public quiet When When it is announced that umbra 30 guns aro being mounted at Sheerneee, that other measures of defence are being adopted on the Timmos, that the brat mel second army corps are to be pieced on a war foot- ing, maguz:no rifles issued to all tbo regular troops, etc„ it is no wonder that the people begin to ask what it all moans, Nor is the news from abroad rcasanriug'. The Prussian military leaders are said to he counting con- fidently on a summer campaign, Laud; the din of warlike proparations atilt re, sounds in Austria and in Russia. It seems incredible, however, that the Gov- ernment, or any ono but a military offi- cer, can suppose England to he in any ..such' danger of invasion, as would seem to be foreshadowed by great activity in strengthening coast and river armaments. Either the Island must be anfferingfrom one of its unaccountable but periodical panics, or the real danger must be threatening some quarter other than that indicated. Gen. Boulanger is yet far from having reached the head, either of the French Government' or the French War Office, and, even if he were in either place, the menace to English homes could not be very terrible. It is not easy to conceive of any other Power as like- ly to carry the war into the Thames. eventide re, �a4424,7 ea.nal lov of tbu t r: :Lib es, 555 mentt'arj ..nine sr its '�e.:ar s C3 et -.;tis. Tae U rearm Ammo Ciwcular e.sene tett Set resseen ua t i 13o ruan7rtlttaae""rasl.irrsa *3 iI•rtA tr;rua:>:, Prlpcipat. �f t rice Ptiftil, LIVING STItt,Ati 41 GLIB, :ram td Sear tor. ,Aire Rork Drills —Read. lute, or tcarPaaarr. tend for a;.at,`a'.o;.?rer. Latah' M*isufacturIull4 o.. ltdatnatOS. 05r '`T 1;.1Ci^,� Y�lti3GI.A,FL PROOF 3 MentNon• Laudueeth: Baors fi A n@ it Ltr FEs M C A VAULT DOORS. T A Y l4'1 R, Toronto Safe Works FOLOIN0 BEOS,r �w = ,. 0., etwe, out rut ta,;ht Stndter eirealar. pleat Ko4lttiro 24 Church direst, Toaonta. TUN BIBL1i—El, Cumin Alarm Profnsrly itluttratrd —Sale~ marvcll u4 Neatly 4(9,000. 8.nd sit 49 tor as copy and go to work. Agents Wanted. Address. A. 0. WATSON, 3ianagor, TOsoaro WILLARD Team D,roatts sr Tosowro. Vanderbilt and his Father. The son was then thirty-two years old, and himself a father. They were on board the steam yacht Northern Star, on their way to St. Petersburg. William, who was a habitual smoker, was puffins; his favorite cigar. " Bill," said the Commodore, " I wish you'd give up that smoking habit of yours. I'll give you ten thousand dollars if you will." " You needn't give me anything," was the son's answer, as he flung the cigar over- board. " Your wish is sufficient." He never smoked afterward. Would that more of our young men would follow his example 1 They Speak for Themselves. Piston, Feb. 17.—This is to certify that I have used Poison's' NExvxLtyE for rheuma- tism, and have found it a valuable remedy for all internal pain, and would greatly re- commend it to the public. N. T. KsxasLEY. LEEDS COUNTY, Jan. 9. -We are not in the habit of puffiing patent medicines, but we cannot withhold our testimony as to the great value of Nerviline as a remedy for pain. We have pleasure in recommending it as a never -failing remedy.—Rev. H. J. ALLEN, BENJ. DILLON, and many others. P. A. Churchill states :—There seems to be no end to the success of Nerviline. 1 send you a few testimonials, and can send you plenty more if of use tosyou. Sold everywhere. ese Wheat to the extent of 6,600,000 bushels has reaohed Port Arthur upto the 1st of May and 75,000 bushels more manufactured in flour. .One million bushels of other , grains also reaohed there, making 9,000,000 bush- els. Two millions more still in Manitoba available for export. or TH E TORONTO SILVER PLATE - 00 —Manufacturers of tho highest grades of— SILVER - PLATED WARES r _ TRADE MABK. —FACTORIES and oALFS11.0011:- 420 to 426 King St. West, TORONTO E.C. 00ODEItii:AD1, J C. COPP, Manager. See, Treas. —CHAMPION— STUMP & STONE —EXTIiACTOR— Ik years' trial. and over 6,000 in use has proved this machine the best; 0 sizes. Send for Circular. S. S. HIMBALL, Inventor andl•Iattufacturer, 577 Craig st. P.O. Box 945, Montreal, P.Q U., lt$S Nervous Prostration,tiervous Head. '''"--"rache,Ivcuralgia, NervausWealness, $tonaachand Wryer Diseases, and au airecrions or'tht Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC. 0E04SEW herr'. Srastwona. Cont. rove For twoewsI as a sufferer from nervous de. ;ditty. end 14th nr trod end the discoverer of the valuable num* Opt 1'snrva (stet!% t,:O?reOrrin Eve, Lvt any c&9 50 to. gimme �sde/0e," uaaF 11 All` 4LTI1RATIVE. Ammo Aarurr. Wrneses, Vz.suysr "I barrio i'sisrn Cstacer 0°3meg:co saved my lifer Dir trouble seemed to Wan internal homer. Ihlerolnatal itiviaseorc.'dv.;ihauern Centum, "l .4 to 1;.-el.�a The er rq;2iau 53 =NAY bealcals. and l am Ave d _u '•red per teat, better every way." A LAXATIVE. A, f7 IIen.,-r. warm Ft, ,•.14 !casae.. VT.. . arse: liortvo years rastl .have, been awreat anderer from tidney u;,d1,aertreutlrs, Atte ed sxih dgs, wpm gad oa ,stiratiMP Ibfeac 1 arras t4 tvne3. Cse,asvt'oissart;A 4 seemed as tisausli ttsryuktraj $ Mrs NOW I ease Say itelhow Mato urea DIURETIC. Gae Aaaaoitx SrooxVass Tosta,rays I. have leee.rr using rasxws Cat= Cousan. 4.44 itbusdc„etsemoms odfar .ktdaeysaudU.DA back Can arri eiher•ued cuto I harems' lam. 13nadreda of testimonial l how been received from Persona 'who have used this reusdy vrith rertteakab1R teepee Se; dterdem:aar lboseIl.g0, Sr~dhsVrapriat;a WELLS,MiICHAROSON &CO., E roprletar QlatrQal, Quo. REi.V,RR LINE of i 1'E�11IS IPSO —sattiso Wresar l !!twat— MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Falxsn Teti',cets. ;10.5i79. Rettrn, 5SD, $04, 5110, Intenneds te. S 11; SIVIT-s^e,42s. Apply to Ari I: 571'111;AY . Qeo3Jarver. I Custom J50ruc hilusre, 3iOwliTf 41., icyc'es Sttanrr • nand tsteyleiea and `trtevelras wr,sd ter TS;: Neer Ca4ai aha ady Su Ara .4b. 1'1tr1 i ilFAlh, et,. n lvir:rsa WORD > M MONEYI'O eliy. i oo Pres4Ta Lawes Rates,. Na detaY, Corrrapandenoe soliritsd, 11, W. I►.14U 1'Lk;u. Financial Agt., Ertabcishe 11864, 7g King at- ir., Toronto 1 1 t 5 it OA. SHIPPINg CD., — Seaver Line 4E 'x r Steamships, railing weekly between Ifvntreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, klontreai to Live $40, SAsr..sad 353. Return t Mote #4, 5,10. rend 110, .eear'rieg to etearner, OMR accommodation. Inter. mrdeate. SW; Wailed trip tickets 360., Steerage. 32 0. k oorad tr 1• ticket.., .40. ,For forth.r parttenlare ani to a cure tar hs apply to H. a. alllitRAY,General ager, 1 Cus Ont do rsa bq•kare, iatan're*.y erre title 1. sai Aerate in the x Bittern 'i'wattsand Creast!. Will Sharpen the unite without removing it frown the &arida. e. No farmer ehvnld tend has arse/oboe into the fletet without one. :ample by nail, SOe, CL.ERCA'I ?t 4n„ Feraratad. seal lag the bol Caring sad lifi a to laf de. 4 pmf4M ;podP,nriaer. A 4w .n Dsmilton whetter* oven hentdted by it, ;Mr* 3I. beet!!" Ween wt, ens St'waipelrW a! 3�st, a!a+ n,; no & t?ts• Mt, 24 Kalb eirsak azbser cored at E' 110,Vo ata! exult - eageerag ; eta- Farrel, 56 !tai k ca34d til' Jahn Wood, all CO* lahi9 caul SSW)oaaaesl $lis 7. IPAi1 Aum tsrratusPraetration.i ret end. k -d 0...P et OW aa1ey, Royce 40o. ub,•a ka>tge Walt* 'Termite, TheCheapeet Plage ha Canada for OMR IRSTRUME S, iters and Second basad. agents.ter s*BESSONs" nt d t"I'HIGHiAM" RAW.. & Orcbeatro. MUSIC. REPAIRING e>rBA I) INSTRUMENTS* egreetnet Ralua?> s van %long out St, c'"arad at uasvt Raly MOW St.„ trr:nb sd tar ye;u mall bottles gave erv: Ilan Line Royal Hail lteams1UUa Sollicgdoring winter from Portland every Thum d r ova➢ flatrfvx every Oussrday to brverp^al, and to a.nrn;erIrani (Oast every Saturday to Literpsol. callinb of Lon lettderr', to land) ua:uis ansa 1rasseat;,ers for E,atlard and Iralaarl: also Imre ilaltiecare. via Haig ut and St. Johns. N. E' . to Liverpool tertn1ght4 during summer tooaths. Thu steamers of the alas, ow lanes earl durcot winter to ani7 tram ileditax. .o eland hasten and6tilad 1 s• and du um a^ a Hht . as tin;, e mer i etween tltss;;ow and atontr of nerklp. Giat;;ow and Ratan weekly, and Glasgow end Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, pump, or other Information apply to S. Sebuaturber 3r Cv 13altimor05 S. collard .s co„ liotitex; Mee & Co., R. John's. N. F.; Wm. Thump. son d Co., St. John, :l. Dl.; Allan rA Ca, Chicago; Lova el Mtn, Now York, It. Toutlicr, Toronto; Allan*. lead & 4a, tluebce• win, Entitle, Phlladel• ..hia; It. A. Allen. Portland, Boston, Montreal. T"oung Men Bt'.IIPE:TSSNti from the egrets of early evil habits, the result of tgncranea and folly, v=ise And themnelves weak. nervous and exhausted ; al,o yliotl ...Acs rand `filen I say 'CenzIdomot mean merely tit: Stop them for it num, and thea have them rp-- rt:I lease lurid! the des 5e, tfG47. 4(:i TITS, EPILEIS'7 ' or ..TNG SICKNESS, Alitelongstud . I srurna:srnor r•emedyto Qum the worst cases: Because others have faUedianoreaaoator not now reeeiviuxaacure. Send atoncefaratreatiseand aPenn nor= et my_ Ismaxra Itr.uxpy, Give1.xprers and dost Caleb. It costs you notlting Zoe a trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr. H. 0. R00T, 37 Tons. Bt,, Torento, Ont Oren 31av uho are broken down from the effe:t9 of 1 111.1111111.11111111111111111111111110110.111111111110111 stun or over -work, and in aairatecd btu feel the rc M.consequencesV.uu' of youthful of the eased for and read E A V )(EAST, .lt. V. Laben'a Treatise 0o the Diseases of alta Tho V bookSw1f1 be sent sealed to any address ou receipt of two e, stem;w Mdrers it, ti. Llllaldi, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. Nervous Debility. Dit. OUT'S Speeilfo bas been used for the past fifteen years, with great success, In the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex. ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality. ringing 1n the oars, palpitatloh,oto. For axle by all druggists Price $1 per bon, or 6 boxes for $I, or wilt be sent be mall on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO..'Paranta ALWAYS AHEAD 1 • , BREAD made with this '1'cact took fist prizes at 152 Town'Itip and County Vain Is Outsen in res- at such places as Flesh: rte•aa,-Alarkltam,`a'hit• by, sea <harto,000ladies have scants Ictters and postal ands to say that itis superior to any yeast ever used by them. Et :makes the lightest, whitest. sweetest and most wholesome bread, buts, rolls arta buck. wiseatctites. Dlreetionsln sack package th fall tastractleess." TOaKIF NO OT 4Ett. ORi5(5 S CENTS: Tired, Nature's Powerful Restorer. The most perfect form of Concentrated Nourishment at present known. Y?`r •�'IG01R,.1�.T11 "Txr A. Itt, ISLC NG T ((r sR333NCx-'X'DECMN The only mea tprrraritirn that tontains all the Strength.giving ele- ment, of meat. Lsnrsrx r3AaLx is StMMS, PALaTArLs as A BEM. Ace 5 Convenient and Usetul in Domestic Cooking. There are many IMITATIONS of " Peerless MACHINE OIL, )a out none equal it in lubricating properties. FARM. vas, Idittses, ete., find none equal to the esxn= Peerless made by Desiring to obtain a Business Education, or become proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, should at tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Tonga street, Toronto. For Circulars, etc., Address 0. O'DEA. Secretary SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. WAL1KE11 BUTTER WORKERS—Store+ Keeper's and others engaged in Butter busi- ness will save time and money by investing. Three, sizes. Prices on application, JAS. PARK do SON, TononT°. CAPITAL AND FONDS NOW OVER 83,000.000. MEAD OFFICE, - • 15 TORONTO STREET, TOltONTO, ONT. A. HOME COMPANY, ESTAIIDLISUEI/ OCTOBER, 1875. To this date, Ootober 81, 1887, there has been returned : To the heirs of Policy=holders (death claims) 3049,249 00 To the hold.rs of matured Endt.wment Policies 20,402 68 To Policy -holders on surrender of Polioieg 98,650 00 To Polioy-holders for Clash Profits (including those allocated and being pain).. 482,644 -02 To holders of Annuity Bonds 16,967 84 Loaned to Policy -holders on Security of their Policies 82,264 98 $1,806,174 47 Policies in Force over 10,000. Anitount over $15,000,000. PRESIDENT -HON. Sib W. P. HOweaND, C.B., K.C.M.G. VICE-PRESIDENTS.—WILLIAM ELL/OTT, Esq ; EDWARD Hoopes, Est. J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director. W'Polioies Nontorleitable.atter 2 years and Indefeasible after 8 years,