HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-13, Page 5Editor's'. 'able, • ,s' ti.; li < '17,-, , c"` : We have received from the publisher a , ..... Iklr, Win lryce,roronto Qiit.,a, ropy of 3oa u uxer & EnloeRailway SVf6y "Miracle Cold" -written by Rd. Rawl- in • Ing, also a copy of "The .Argonauts ot t , , . ortli >~.ibei•ty, p - iYorttiern Division ' r ",#_turn the en of Bret OiliG r T,alilax--'Fuss . r, , of Harte. .1'he etre excellent rarks . ©# .LOU, o,cPIT, ?" y depart.. await Crossing, . , 28A.it1, 5.20 p,al, iitiCigtaS literatGre, 1'rtce 3R m;t&, each t'. and can be secured from your booksell• s .landeboye, . 8,34 5,25 y reutralia„ ...... 5,45 5,45 er or direct from the publisher: i:XETER, „ , , . 8.56 5.57 It Pays, Rens,all . , , .. a .. 9.08 6.09 if it don't pay you to :advertise your iplrPl►.....- .. . 9,14 6.17 business. it is aaot a good business y for s )3 ' e , . ?, ? you. The richest men in the dry .goods limon ... , , „ 9,40 6.45 or general merchandise lines, are the f tlaousausls of 'niers ,ontlesh,,ro ; , • , .10 00 7,03 mnwlaea :are s ondis,g tlyth , , , , , , ,...10.10 7,12 dollars every year ii) advertising. If lc.lvi at e . , . ,: , ..,19.w5 7.9,7 you use a half -column or awhole col 'Vin hana,arrive.10,45 7,45 utttri site year and. you secure gaily a GOING SODTIt', Passenger, ` dozen new custo.nters, you will more a Tinghatnalepart, 7.05 a. r. 3,40 sax than pay for the .ad. One of out pat. 'grand 3elgt a+e , , , .., 7.24 4.00 rotas says, it pays mete advertise be- i:lyth , , , , .. , . 7.38 4,15 case whenever 1 inentios any special iLondesboro'..... 7,47 4,25 lute I sell enough extra to pay for the ; 3lintoaa ".. , , , ... 8,07 4.45 ad a dozen tithes, Rracehield ... , , , , S.26 5,01: 1}ippen .,, 8.34 5.12 Coming. Corning niongter setons wiil e$ Fleusall , . , , . , „ 8.41 5.1 Nader , . , . , , &,r6 S.aS , htl, t ;►t Eiteter, Tuesday, dram 5th, , • r Too unfelt a nsatr he said. 1t comes wCtil;r,tlift , . , , , , 9.07 ma - { ab sesietlMayr , . ,, , ;1,13 5,;55 hero the starongest re cotecee;tidal- . 6.3enn cao.3s' , „, 9.24 0,42. felts Erol►► the press whereyerit hats ex- !_ondon,arrive 10.15 6,45 I#1Lited, and the people can rely on its j liming what it advertises to be, Its ' ---Very little drunkettnesx was seen'. our streets on 84tH. Aa € .—.m sietrttes band `ioclk the- bt?n the procession on 24th, The fish padlara da a loge menu staginess here every week. _ Samwell tk Pie kande _ h yr n 1 st lards tare new o 8 the West y in gents felt Bats, The cearpeaaters and masons are busily engaged upon the Truitt Mem- orial church. The late rajas have snake the grilse and cropa in eneral look a real deal d favorable, hall sssa stern# of T.1 Wing's celebrated Boots, Shoes and Slippers at , s. —Don't # gelk to attend Howes — circus 05 Tueeday,Ju..ne OM Lied' advertisioeut elsewhere ---Henaa1I will celebrate u1y 1st, with horse rasing Vic. 'They are sum to have something good, A. fine lot of English and Beatela e3edia for salla sulfa Perfect it aranteed at Samwell ,l Su Picl4tivd. Fere SQutlt $iist,n .„...,„,0,....., held theta` trts,etitif{ leers Inst week., arta large rlualltee were in. attetadatiCe. Oa rsaen ahelald mum ahs ptastal change$ coaaseguertt upon . tete &llalalttia. saf the running of trains, Messrs Win, Thiaruaa aatil + `lime's Balkwill, lelthero es Monday dill* lsuat, for hlalaitu'ha, We wish tbera bon voyage, .. ; home belonging to M. JOhli *It`l'tzt,Ti fru t1ug junp over a gate, ho other day, severely ninded itself. .z Raaxtk}vell & Pit la=rd blas just re. ceived a.la go variety of 'Ball 1.'apets, ! Cedilla Decorations, Window $11ades aild Curtain I'Vec Tsa wi i e arta r ret. ., t18 p ger arra ata Gala rata and dth ernes far $.b►. Good to R f ret:iirri Rhin .otty da W ', Cat, , ,r 'J (J ' #ittg, tt 9, -,. :.. T Jas. s ortoe% et 1i11ttberne , left - last week for Glasgow, to plarbas% elf• rses, He was; Recomputed, by , Lr ,1 hies Inglis, of Staley.".-., e.€mple of baby carriages mat; slllaasll,t d st =what, at tete grounds 1.'laurselaly last, by overcrowding and shoving, during* the drilling of the .—Be sure and call on Saw «i* , . Pickard and see their grand display of d£illiuery , including the latest earl llriwest New York end En laud st lasts 6 y sand novelties. ' Geta, KnightEthel, Epi`i.at a fear days at the re'aialaoets of her bra- , tlior,l£r: " .Iios• chc5t7r►, Sao returned: borne Tuesday morning slid was aeeea:u- panlet by her sister, Mise Rellei, - --L and Clerical delegates alta their wives atteudfn; General Aesenl• Ly Presbyterian antrch, llalifax, waukt do well by calling en W. ,l, C'rardng 0 P, R.. agent for their + n tickets, --Mr, Thos, P+asmore, latex editor of this Journal, aidp1ttS it visit on Friday last. Mr. Paswore is at present eu g a -' ed with Messrs Ross : • i is general Ross a£, i ng, n rel a anent,for their' reaper and mower knife sharpener. ? i r. John a Barnes wishes repair the public that be is prepared to repair Binders, Sewixl 311e.e nies, 'grin ringers Organs, etc,, on shortest notice gEn- wire at Bissett Bros Hardware Store Lxeter--Feb , ' , y 23rd, 88--t£ The Baud played out on the streets on Saturday evening last, and were dressed in their new uufform The band is now dressed Second to none in Ontario, and deserve credit for their hard endeavors to secure the same' --1•f as cool and rainy May is good for id see a biain and g boom in beef and lit- g b ter business. This May has been cool enough to make the grass grow on bald It has already upreared an im- mance crop of influenza and catarrh,but bthe taken a turn for the warmer. —Got em again! Two bankrupt stock! J. W. Btowderick has purehas- ed two bankrupts stocks of dry good, groceries, crockery, glassware, hats J caps, boots cat shoes, dac. arc These stocks have arrived at Exeter, and the clearing sale will on g Thursday 31st May, 1888. The goods are fresh and new. .Splendid Stooks and has been purchased at about half the wholesale cost price, which. will enable the subscriber to Give Sieg Barginr. It is a well known facts that Broderick sella cheap all the time, and this great sale will cap them all. ,No time to spare, all must be cleared out,. No Auction Sales but goods will be sold at auction rices: Good p tenants butter and eggs } taken ift exchange for goods. Remem• ber, the store is one door north of the new Town Hall. No Trouble To Show Goods Exeter 31th. May .18- 8S. 3z Zi W. Be ODE• - ,- ' ji , .. f-r , . l • , e ' '. . ... C r . -.; •• 0 % ' . ....: ,17.,F iit ' _ .:._ ._... - c;a 110tIGe itlSert;.'d tattle@t' iIl1.S , attractions aro numerous, and eve€ , • iorilfse ansae I)eS5r5, loaf eon- F insert- p' Y it ittd nt tsc'cNrcts per line each 1 m;t'ri►i11,n, the performance wall be Barri- cal out to the letter. Yon will oaiti• ' S 11'oulti was our fowl , and readers to assist as in making this; oily see the world, troupe of fourteen . eels= ititere:.9ting lei; conteibutinfr iteoun brawny Turks, Turkish knife +tltry ."b-ra • Al changes fair advertfsenaents in tt'eulae of 1 retteli. bicyclists filberieu rirl aS la} oeaTle muga be handed in deer; oiler skaters, the bast Hanle and fe- 1 Starts Tuesday neon, from this time for• " hats, "4 o MC"aynau t lee're ward, This rule will be rigidly adhered flag g este - act, and advertisers will please take no- ttre:tl, twe ty ebteepfnit leapers, lad)? lice. o exceptions will be made. ai 11 sts, sully wire AO roe's weibers, N Italy and gentlemen Crape: a performers 1418 ' " . Y 1 ,. p - M t t . r...:; ...,,,,,...,,A.,.."~ r. ..: sc• y a ,+°""► ;; h q1 ° r • .r• Al r w.--s- , u wiloli' rait►lIy of ,teams, malt, d at fr,iiattle, tell tunny clowns, ns, fare animals, • I• , .. ti l]<* I T gular nlaotit&g of the I.A. (4 L. Bxcter,w• he held on Fridaty evening dune 1st. Every member as requested requested to attend, as Important bust- MS Will be transacted, L D. L District Meeting. g The se`mf nnunal meeting t)! teats 131dCanton. dalpli District Lodge, will be litrld • ill the villageof IAUsala,on Thursday, 14th, commencing nt the hour taf 2 ta'- clock 1', In. ]every Lodge is expel tttd Lodge to be represented, Baseball Notes. The ?,Married and, Single nasal will playa Saint. of baseball on Fridaythe evening; next,-,The Exeter club met- red a challenge from the Godel•iclt club to play a friendly game en June ith, The challenge, wo believe, will be ac- cepted. 'or Australia. T ;air. Hurry Seymour, who has ltecn a a resident of this ]plass, for some dale rat 1p;aves here on 11th of the cooling' month for Australia. leegoes bywaysatin of Lando n London, esti,,., slid purchased his ticket from Capt. Geo. 'camp, and goes l y the Dominion Line. Volunteers. The annual camp to be opened in London elude theou the 19th of June, will oin- London Field Battery, rest Essex Fusiliers, 22nd Oxford Rifles, 27th Lambton, 29th Waterloo, 32nd Bruce and 33rd 'Huron. About 2,600 mien. will go under canvas. Garden Party A Garden Party and Bazaar will be held at the Trivitt Memorial church parsonage, on Wednesday, June the 13th, under tete auspices of the 'Busy Hees." A good time is guaranteed to All who may attend,and aII are inpiied; Let theta be a good attendance, and assist the little' folks in their good work, Look Out For Them.sedd There is a slick counterfeit $5 V. S.as gold piece in circulation. It bears the stamp of the year 1885. It is of a brassy appearance and about seven grains lighter than the genuine. The eye of the goddess is somewhat heavy. Otherwise the coin is exceedingly. well executed, Its assavalue is aboutgreat Y two dinars. Be Careful. Now that "ex-Monk" 'Widdows has been sentenced by a London (Eng.) jncige'to.ten years' imprisonment for the seals unmentionable crime as iso served a term for in Toronto, we hope it may serve the purpose of making our citizens more wary about taking to their bosoms every religious tnoutebank who comes amongst them on the credit of hist cheek and his own certificate of holiness. Such men as Widclows are , b yet— ed tooamany,ttl scoundrels aff find ben fthis: way the royal. road to a soft living. , leeii 64 1 riornaang cancels, a herd of Link eaniOs, troupe of thee~ stallions tulle ides. Grand street pareulat—.per. folaaung wild animals expea frets on plibile street this will surely be the llaost,ger aaouta cxitiladtio;i over given on our Iaulalie strr eta We advise all from a distance 'tta eat' in town to sera it. it Rtll tta>,e` pleirrs tat 10 a, iter Exeter District, Meeting. he Exeter Distr3Gt meeting of else Methodist chunk, was held in tlltt . James Rt, Methodist a hui'Ch,ita the ; lIl- , age of Exeter, on the :??tail Siad ward inst. Tito Rev, W. S. Pascoe 1). 1), President, Conference, and chairmanca£ District presided, A full repraasr entatioll frond all the circuits In the District was 1)a esscnt, iter D. M. ltesuedy,of Crediton, was elected scare tary, and Rev. 1I, W. Crews, B. A., of Bryanston, and Rev. ,T. B. Holmes, were elected assistant secretaries. Toe business of the meeting was conducted with} rolnptuessand,dcspatcIiQnstrict examination all the minsters were found to he blameless in lite, waver- and doctrine. James HnSSar ofIra Grand pend circuit, a probationer for the ministry, having traveller) four' years, the full term of probration, and having satisfactorily completed his p Indies, was recommended to the aunal- nal conference to be received into `full connection, and ordained. The report of membership shows that there are 2460 members on the ]district. Rev. James Graham, of Exeter, was elected to the Stationing committee and Rev. Wm. .Penhall of Elimville to the S. S. committee. H. Bishop, sof Parkhill, was elected to the conference mission- ary committee,'and W. 3. Clarke, of Exeter, to the conference S. S. cora. mittee The interests of the S. S. work aro well looked after, and the work of the 'Church generally, is in good con- clition. A vote of tltanka was passed to the people of Esoter for their 1~tnd• uess in entertaining the members of the District meeting. he following mot- ion was moved by Rev. Jas. Grahamheads. by Rev.'JPm. Quince. "Wh: reas . it appears probable that the Rev. Dr. Pascoe will bo removed from this a s- tries at the close of the current year. Resolved that the thanks of the Dis- trict meeting is hereby tendered to Bro. Pascoe,for the constitutional, silt- cunt and kind manner in which he had presided. over the affairs of the Dis- triet, and we also hereby express our best wishes for the continued health and prosperity of Bro. Pascoe in the administration of the affairs of the Church," The motion was passed by a standing vote, to which the Dr, suit- able replied. D. M. KENNEDY, . Secy. Brief items. • . _ —Beautiful Weather. —For Field, Flower and Garden seeds,go to Samwell & Pi ckard's. a —Miss Lou Ilawkshaw of Seaforti visite friends in town last wee . ' —Mr. Arch McDout 11 of , London, sr eat a fe.w days in town last-week. ....... _ .. - t 1 x m, „ =,n x" _.: ._.._y_-.,u._ °t „ e"." mp ,t- At ,, w ,T ,v '`' , G_ "1, , :: „i F r WEDDING i ►+ + C1t13EllS.._---- l'KOM1 t'IA ' ___ - .-_---_,.__.._.,-. ,f. ,x 4. ,1 . m0 - nA X rs s < .. _. Q :7a • . t' 4¢ ATTENDED O•__. . .m .i. AA .3, A, S*, .- ■ : t _ _ , one door north of Bell, ' , , MAiN STREET, Bea TER. _ 1 j * His Last t4 Crowning Life Wore; _ ADVICE TO elsearial l a' bre T oe disturbed eteightanti bruknn ora cn rest by a sick cbltel suncrinctanelinyingwit pain or cutting teeth I ft' 80. feel at once 1.111 ge'tabottleot3las.14INSLO a t01111NOk,tin Sette;nte iter evcrne re. 1tuveatat5'rcealetl able,elswIliretlevettepeort3telenulrercrumn matey. Dopond upon it, mothers, there isti a t. curs anal: ,. Dr. Chase's Third, eat and {"ai»: Alcto Retest Book and ifousch.old I'Iiy i •i n or 1 c` a,' the 33001 for the Million, contains xliarlti 90( intges and sells fear :,'.,•2.5 in. cloth bind• in and , '`,3. i0 in impelled soil cloth, Table tumble edge, and as ,Iuytly by Bars Called The urovrnin Work of MyLife.” a ]:t is the result of over half a couture's observation, e:u i and experience, I rat : this elubodiesno compilation of his former pp r books, M ISWHOLLY A NEW BOOK. If 30 years ago he could produce a book *alum had a sale of over fifteen hundred fainiliardin Weare} ies evervsl;n made sl pealtimi United Canada. and home in the Tynite:d States, T mleoli lieu, and aystorll. Gu1LDn is the prescription Fiat s°ri, eattho .. rs. new c solte istlian^i►iri hives tone nnet en°er,;'yei 1x11:a. %Yn 91m}x'$ iotaritnSOSVn,r." Tnrrlttstt3siale:leant;othattastc„la arena ! i is a 708pxii world. race 5L _ lot of 8:tl0, + j V .i 0 I8IlC( flip+ boodbedysentery r 9r u bin lam t 0110 vital 21 ottllooldest snit I pilua i9ajguti ras{;i Canto alp ate. 11x11 and 14:3 c i -i 1i+ r , t I3S 1j'4"t' . thousands of homes in Europe, Australia and South America, what Fiala of a book Could or would he produce as his Crown- tug Life Work, WITH MOUE rant MATT TEAKS OW ADDITIONAL prtae;TIOE AND Es- and is he most book itself answers p -. luesttonrenreaccsummer duction in the History of book publishing. ttA Ij 1Jnscru ulous and pirating UnU 1 1VP4 publishers are attempting to copy this book by taking portions of it —Also rae?w line of-- m Photo MatS4 Pieti "= Pram( , MOULDING s VI the Latest Designs, AZ out and palming it off on the public as own the mann- complete works We oseri t purchased from Dr. Chase's heirs, See attar on that ou get the GlENU1NE book. See that ityhas our name on the title page and is copyrighted by us. V T PHOTOnn { A 1 C TI UflLL...R JOS. SENIOR, Prop. Agents Wanted? Big Terms: 4. F. B. DICKERSc1. &CCI., Main Office, Detroit, 11licli. i'iuclsor,Ont, Bis STT e R`' ' i e Published In both Enallah and Herman. 426-03w•. L J5. S3 Caveats, Re-iissutes and Trade-Marks secured and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of Mode or Sketch. of In- vention, I make careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charge. Foes MODERATE, and I make NC` charge unless patent is secured. Information, advice and special zefrences sent on npp;i cation. J. R. LITTELLWa$higtnD, C. , O y:v.:ict 0. 5. PatentM a First -Class Horses and Raga Special Rates with ` Conner cid Men. Orders left at I3ISSETT DROS Hardware Store,.willr eeeive prompt attention. • L [e p y h aT A i1T L! TERMS' 11l'1.1JLll►,Ci L] LiL A TRIAL SOLICITED. , L?I3ST'.L'T' Ii C?,