HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-13, Page 4The Exeter , Ou n ate
]i1 Q Wil} l'VELLSI;1131.
Tr..di E: - Main Street, Zoter,
THfTEDDAT, '4Y 814 18$8.
.l�r',Z.eat'1. ATD THE .PRc rQSED
F find both the Parkhill papers
iii k rsg sz„orovsly against the proposed
tango of roots.
The prlrtcipal claire for opposition,
Ott, that no enebut tbepeople of Exeter
foyer the change In this they are
Misteltenn. Petitions were gladly sign
ted along the whole route to have the
eltange MOO- .Aleneet every person
vim gets snail at Grand Bend and
Brewster signed this petition, a very
large member from, DasliwOQd and l ar-
eptaa>, Every wan at Daahwocd would
11igrt it gladly, but for the fact that the
rreeellt mail contractor lives there and
hes considerable cepitatl invested lin tbr'
necessaries, end his neighbors der oot
]plea to injure hue by caecellling his
ecttetrad, Not strati Ialan, along the
ToII route but xrkrs u nllail from
void base elle greatest geed to
eateet number. Then as regards
ret contractor from Dashwood,
ling all the reee;saries to ettrx y out
idly act, he could atbvd to take
thim any corupetitor, and there
Quilt that he mold talo it for.
rney and melee it pay far better
present contraclt. A few
by this is the best route
givers. First, 'Erieteristhe
latime ;small tit egestcountry.
stent village of Doelit* coed
I its raiiwoy, express and other
busine 3 here Had we daily nail,
it would :save hundreds of drive
Exeter every year, in fast every
onth. Aa it is, the 8111hilest freight
express parcel, rneceesiates a special
cls a to Exeter. Poing all this busi•
could make it profitable for the
tor, and very convenient and
the p for the people. 'than the coli
between Exeter and Grand Bend
zticveys a good one. leo drifting in
winter and no much in spring or fell
Dotlr the present Reuel and Dashwood
drivers ]:now the terrible time they
have in winter. Some winters a con•
tiuual blockade for four or five mouths.
Then Exeter and neighborhood has no
tom'rnuuication with the lake in sum•
eller en]y by special hiring of horses
fund rigs. Had we a stage route, scores
of nen, women and children would
take advantage of spending a few days
Sat the invieorating breezes of Lake
nitron, Women and children could
go without an escort Parkhill does
iiot need such, as they have rail route.
to the riser and Laka at Sarnia, and
Thence a route anywhere. At present
they have only a tri -weekly one-horse
ioute to Grand ]vend. Exeter, Dash
woad and Grand Bend do not -aunt to
dictate to the southern people, how to
rearrange their routes, they can do as
they wish about that, but they do want
this East and West route established.
from Grand Bend to Exeter. Outside
of that they have nothing to say, that
ie left to the people audthe Post -Office
Department. We have right, justice
reason, general convenience, no extra
expense, good roads on our side and we
expect to have the matter settled ac-
cordingly. Parkhill errs in charging
the whole agitation to the rapacity of
Exeter merchants.. They do not want
to rob Parkhill of any ofthe little bus-
iness they do. It has no connection
with the• subject at all:Our friends in
Parkhill will see that the causes are
quite sufficient to account for the
THE vicissitudes of great families,
especially in ranee are•often curious.
Me last lineal descendant of the Ad-
miral Coligny is stationmaster at a
small plaes in the Department of
Seone.et-Loire. „Thisis not exactly an
alxalted'station for a man whocan
alaizee connection with the Empire of
4Sermany and, the 1Linu; o 1 ollalr,c).:
Deserved (Meld Beooguition-
B afc1Qwders- OFFICIe+L1 r B .
caRs D' PL RE.
The reports of the government mnnly-
sts, as made public from time to
time io the official reports of the
Cornralssioller of Inland Revenue, frons
useful subject for study, A. great .deal
of attention is devoted to the examin
atiort of baking powders, mutt properly.
so, for they are articles of general use,
tartrate and sulphate being found,, was
pre ea from the use of improperly re-
filled cream o€ tartar.
The analysts foiled mea reported the
Morel Bakir:g Powder to be pure, free
from lime, alanyl aad phosphatic acid,
awl of high leeyering strength. A com-
plete Rata lysis would undoubtedly have
shown zee baking power except the
Royal entirely free from some one o
these objectionable jngeedients. This,.
we presume, accounts for the lack of
leaveuieg powder in the other powers,
aad many of them being no grossly
adulterated all possible irrformatiom
should be given to enable coy euruera to
distinguish between the goon] geld the
A ]lunge member ber Qf these articles
have beep analyzed, the eereples being
cofleeted from dealers in all sections of
Dominion. The impurities fonnd
im al= end liure,both wboleeorne The
Alum is used in place of erearn of taar-
tarbecauso its low cost. The linie,both
Ile emeetimee corrlpleined of by the
cook. and for the bitter taste found.
the biscuits so frequently connplairled of
by oureel£.
But aside train the inferiority Qf tilt
«rl1iz clone by these powders, the idly
us assure us Hast lianitt :acrd alum
tel on into the a stesaa aro injlrriorra,
°heir physiological effeete are rladiges-
tiore elyapepsie, or ror.; e eviler.
The question naturally arisoe. why de
these cheap llal:ieg ll ower snekes us a of
these tlrieigsl+ Alum is three eta. ;n N.,
lime still rbeaver, while cream of tar-
tar costs thirty-five to forty. The rears
ns for the clat^nrieal purity ref the Roy.
iletzitee Powderwere recently given
art the now York Timm, cr m, in an interest.
g'descriition tl a 11Cw method for re-
ed argot , or er lute crena cif tartar.
corns that it ii only under tins ro-
ams cream of tartar cats be freed
n the little natturol to it and render -
1 chemically pure; that, the patents
Pant for this utast Ilia ]loyal Bak
big p`rnrvder City: about half a luililcttl
ollars, and that they inaietain exelus-
ive control of the rights.
This ott:cial reeognitiou of the purity
and value of the Jtoyal Baking Pooder
by the Gev-ernineut will add to the el-
eatly wide popularity of that article,
and tleservely- so. TMs jkiig powder
is now need, to the exclusion of all
others, by the United States Govern -
t, its advertisements for supplies
calling for it by naane,us the continued
tests of the ofricianl chemists show it to
oe much higher in strength and purer
ill quality than any other brand.
ilL1100 SIMIVS.
31We- ev r,IONARCfTS
,O3' THE WORIth '.S
Medicated for all diseases of Om blood and nex-
vous system. Cadres" Belt &2 Bolt female cont-
pleintazthasuoegual, Illelus'Bei*3d,coenbined
Belt and Suspensory tl5.
. errors wealin est
errors of yoctlt logit
manhood"' mgfltly
enetesions, Etc. Ilse oft[y a plianoea
�tvirr a cl!reQt current of iehctricty
to the .parts. Can Uo genu stl; t or y
wzihoutiucouvenre000. HunddrodaotTes'
tlmoniais.on{{Ale from those curedofTemaladiseases,p in beck an s. need and
tinzbs, nervous deloatty. geool-al debility, lumbago, rkeumatasnl, parxlysts, neuralgia.setatica
disease of the kidneys, spinal dzsease. torpid liver, gout. leucorrisera, catarrh of the blender
se»ail exhaustion., semi aril eaussiens, astbmabeaxt disease, deseeesu`e. constipation erysil*
elan, Indtgesflon, iutpoteney., piles, eppuepsy, 4wuh nice and diabetes. Send stamp for
handsomely illustrated book and ,ealth. journal. Correspo odenee strict] eonfidentiel. Com•
saltation aud,, eCtriesltreat3mentfree. agents,waratedeyerywhere.r' geb 26t cum,
Cured Cuaranteed
riledlQated Eieotslo Belt Co.. f SE Queen St, West, Toronto, Canada.
Dr'.;{�Washington's Visit.
A Fav FAem To Th Rlintrallll'iulmr.
li4t. Dr, Washington is the only Throat
and Lure S'trf'erfn mine Dominion devot-
ing his whale time to di. eases of .the "Air'
2nd, ITe has devoted . years to his
3rd, He makes monthly visits,
4th. He eonsults, examines treats all
cases personally and is solely responsible.
Oth, He represents his own business,
lith. lie denounces doing business by
rth. Resides in Toronto.
8th ITe gives testimonials oi{ the most
reliable and. imminent ehsraeter of resi-
dents of Ontario of the ,most wonderful
cares ever recorded, with whom a large
number of the citizens of Ottawa are ac-
Oth. Ho gives the name in fall and P.
O. address, (not the mere initials which
refer to any Tom, Dick or Harry) and in-
vites any person interested to write for
10th. This is the best season to treat
Oatarlb, Which leads to consumption, and
all disease of the head, throat and Lungs.
lltb.. De: Washington graduated in
1872 in Toronto with honors'in 1880visit-
ed New York and Boston taking a special
Polyciynic conrse on diseases of the
Throat and. Lungs. Remember the dates
of the present visit. "Gonsultation,; tree.
Mt.& I
MRS. trsseT7l-AND MISS WELSH begs
to inform the public, that they have
opened out business en the corner of
William and Gilley streets: Dress-
making done in all the latest styles.
Lessons on, Fancy Work given.
A11 orders promptly attended to.
trial 01 Loiter].
leich-l; stun:.
and Indian Aerial a
tiste, *hese daring Rights
air, whose prowess and bona..
lean strength have stamped them the
�rcinders of a wonderful race.
A herb of Equine Weeders, un-
broken steeds, marvellous and elae-
ieally educated Canines,
€ OWBOYS and their daring feats
tIi ultitretlate, lipid bucking ll roneThoa.
It+i D1A NS in their Sun and NS ae
The Finest Ilexicau read Wild West
ihowine earth.
Once seen never to be forgotten.
A living realistic picture of the
ti ildeet Scone of Wild Life on the
bouudlees prairie of the Wild West
Don't Its the Street Parade.
The beautiful and accomplished
Mille Lots], the human cornet, in her
startling teeth trapeze and other ae-
frtuudinA performances. A vanguard
of musical ' talent, and el general array
of the Weolf4 Wonder?.
TUES t377 el UNE.
Remember we manufacture and ore the solo
proprietors of tho following specialties,-aud that
the oanbolaat from noetl;ersource. *REYARE
strictly confidential. Consultation upon all
chronic disowns invited, 14O CHARGE except for
medicines. All gootls sent secure from observa-
tion. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont.
ourmaggni8cientprepl+a rattonsarowarrantedper-
featly harmless. Wo prepare the following
colors -tine Snersitados arise from the hair Itself;
Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Chestnut,
Light- Chestnut, Gold Blonde, Ash or Blonde
Condree. Send Sample of hair when ordering.
Price, $2. tier bottle. Toronto .Medicine Co.,.
en ordering.p3ease specify which you require
we guarantee them to give entire satisfaction.
No. 8 Imparts tothe skin the color and freshness
of maidenhood; harmless anddcaunobbe detected.
$1.25. .11o.01temoves wrinkles. 82. No. 10'Re-
moves liver Spots. $LD No. 11 Removes Flesh
Worms. $1.25. No. 12 Removes Freokiee. $1,25.
No.13 Removesl'impIles. $1.25. No. 14 Romoves
Wan. $1.25, No. 15 Removes Moles. $2. No. 15
Removes Pockmarks. $2: NO. 17 Removes undue
Prespiratibn. 81.25. No. le An absoluto unfailing
sppeoifiofor thoretention development or rester -
salon of the Fair. 2125. Toronto Medicine Co.
No. 19 Is a combined internal and external
treatmont which speedily dovolo ces or restores
the female bast to the proportiofis ofvolnptuous
nature. Is entirely harmless and certain in re -
mats. rico $$8. Toronto '12tbdioine Co. Toronto,
W''S i A.L£t
No, 20 A certain euro for.Leucorrhosa, or Whites
Falling ofthe Womb, Ulcerations Painful Men•
atruation, "Boating down.Pains" and all Diseases.
and Weaknesses peculiar to females. Endorsed
by .the highest medical authorities as an "en,.
rivalled" remedy. Price 82 per bottle. Toronto:
Medicine Co, Toronto,_Out.
Far superior to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or.
Oxide. ,17ndorsed.bythe teousyndsof laclieswho,
usothemMO i'HI. Never Pail, Relieve pain:,
INSURI TLl;lfZ,dlt1TY,1�learantandEffoetual..
Price 432 Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont;
Can be cured by using speciflo No. 22. 'Its won -
aortal sale is elle to the simple fact that it does
all that is claimed for it. Price $l., Toronto,
Sxsdiciue Co...Toronto, Ont„.
1 i.'•Ate^=SrCr Mel:i'i9.
4,4115y1,llif, 411 R*tt11p
e2slrwa.ra1.1aattrf tenrt.ItF ta`aiiaii,::• Raradi.sfourofor nerveuia
I T : n � .z, r ti' (t, 11 Nee. eIe.
e:rrirorn.ue .,.4..10.4;,1.Til+ 1. i s x+.�ii.lf.L f `" r.;r„ g, [, ti7.1', went of purroeee
off , over: t r toe f a: - r^ a i'i { fl e x ' (1TQi114.2'14 of .eonverFattonr ..
i select, in. il�.ir a tis ran s ti.r,adi t. to flc t.41 4+::gat• it i.. n Peariettlar oubjaara
iso, alelctw,lo7 of £jtirit5,, ttca?iinc;a 1041. a mom ,rv, oxeitae:ility of Walter. >rr >
woe. veil=of elle 5.0111113n1netl.i-etc xc-Belle, of :1elf,41”lao [.r inarl:ai riiset cs--xrupo
teuey. ftaiiutritioii, 1.1:10 letion. hormones -, y al •:tells* Of the heart, b}ethic foelixar,-.f�c:
tetur;tcta" Lreiub1na,r, uielosic 1urv, itast:irf.f:i1 oreanas ore., Iwo ell sv,Ii ttai85 of this te> rirvaa
k41AI.441+1ptitriesi11110cc1447 aolu rA. Tin c *erc._tli3 R'la'^i;Y;itaii
a.,force)4eviuglps i'47
tepstoo, every fur,ction wane'* in cr'ise:lacnes 8rien,ido ssrite:nand the sunerinteudont,r"
Of irissua usyixnia units Sts ziet.thiwq xt alts sesta a, soft slimes Ilse gran,# uie grity ai
nostea 1 veli vetiI812 Game nt:''+rr their 110t.el, o, Tf you art incompetent? for the ssileAUS
dutkesot ►3SiBiriess, incapacn otel f:';t the erdogTtians,s of life, etercrsue nem.
the efreetff of eerie vial. If eon a o tsslvaiatv.1 so ears, :7n. tr will Buse you full cilia. r lint
strength. 11 y'ois eri t:ra'!SOR decii, 1'hvAiCnat 16P:1 .morally from eorrlrindir,car0ttcu. tS n
result of i llOrsuesst'as1 teUv, eetei your a,dsvesa ata 3 3O cared in gtgmits for X. V. t+vres a
sweeties an Iluee'Ferns on, Dsaex.a of otos. �lieui-$ll memo from observation.
a all ccittitnleutloau to 11.'P. 714Z110:4* 47 Wel;Ise ;tie cit. It., Toronto
A lean 1r t:euttta;Qua',atitee Ina ash's t:ar*Cit^„ Cffff 'i GUARANTIED. *MAL gnu S CSB.
nt Cure.
o only +Catarrh n u1ely over °Tared to the public on 15 days trial;
written guarantee gtvou with each Inetruweut, W. Tw Baas 4t 00,*
Queen 5troot West, Toronto, Ont.
The Greatest Discovery of
the Ane.
Price • $3.
AcUna Is sada medicine or a digesting lotion or powder ball, but 1t Rol¢gemers
ting Vapor, easily andpleasantlyepplicdatallhours,timca;ndplaces.
Actino No. 2.-goieklly relieves and. thoroughly curet all Throat lend,
Zang diseanen.
aeyo sofladelsigdnult4 lld.inne11yye * es all and arghteuesa TTnu Cataract E
TUE AcTINA 18 eons ENDER OUR WRITTEN [1171.711.14=11 ON 15 EATS
s'mmT4. J:ncloso stamp tor handsomely illustrated book and health.
journal. SV.T.ZaAI;It.kCQ.,155Quo= etrot Wost,Toronto,Out
'417sN'TaY Mkt'
Pigs and horses First -Class.
e Orders left at the Eawkshaw Rouse
or at the stable will be promptly attended
to. Tnee(s: Rnesone ern.
Furniture and Undertaking
-GO TO -
1, owe and are
Bed -ro om and Parlor Rites,.
Sideboards and Entension Tables,
)f latus, +es and I:a1wy chains..
Largest warerooms in town.
UNDERTAKING, outside of the under-
takers' ring, in all its branches. Open
day and night.
STAND: one door,n.orth of Molson's bank
Main•street;, Exeter.
All. Business Branches, Short ---
hand, Type -writing and
The Principal holds a Certificate with,
honors in Book keeping.
Phonography, TeIIegrapby or Type -
Writing free with Book keening
Diploma, from Western Fair for Plana:
and Fancy Writing,
Business conducted on latest impioveclt
plans with printed forms.
Box 4'00' PRINCIPAL.,
•Permanent position's guaranteed with.
Salary and Expenses Paid.
Any determined man can succeed with
as. Peculiar advantages to beginneree
Stock complete, including naairy fast
selling specialties. .Outfit free. Ad-
dress az.onee..(Natne this paper.)
Nurseymere 1ZOc0HESTE3a, N..