HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-24, Page 8Useful Baking Powder Facts, The following hints may prevent trine housekeeper from, being impo"sed w71r. lf,when two samples of baking pow- der are, tested; by mixing with cold water, one of them boils up quickly, ef- fervescing 'like seidlitz power and the other rises mere slowly foaming like yeast, and perhaps standing over the top a£ the glass it is car evidence of the purity of the former end the adulterat- ion of the latter, The dilTerent action cif the second is caused by the addition v£ f oor or lime, or both, Put a little dour in the other and mix it thorough- ly, then stir into the . water, and the same result is produced, the action being more or less slow according to she aumuut of flour added. Drops in Ontario. On .Friday afternoon last a ball game A report eras jurat been i,sued by the ww-sac in progress at Seaforth, and one of O'rtterio Depef twent of; Agrieiiltral ort the players Found when the game wase eosins and lire steel: in the Province, through that a 1 ll gild watch had in based on reports of over 800 certesport •aqowe way been lost from his vestywhich desats, made under date May 15th„ hung on the fence near by. It so hap - 'The report states flet the oaldlook for ' pea?;ed that three Chilton boys -440119y Reel wheat is rather un prorwising,tlaotl,ghTaylor and Iiarglellt, ere wwatching much depends urn the char eter of the i the ;ascan ,clod ae they were straugera. weather during the latter pert oft May 4 an Se;af+artb, armspiciotl fell on there and ,matt the fimat half of June. Had the ' they were taken in charge until nest ai`I►'h g opened at all f€avoraabls the crop , mornrtrg, but as there was no evidence Wel id likely have been a good one; de• whatever that they were guilty of the. spite the bad alert in time fall, but the theft, they were releasee. :easomm loos be untoward. ,. ,-m-.. g.,,..._.T„ Very little wipter rye is grown, nut CI A, ' .A, J>N XI, IT, ghat lute been eel= ie generally in e. A Nesse . f=lume Treatment fe celleut condition, and preepects ane de the cure of Catarrh. C€atarr- videdly fa sorable, hal deafness and l"iaay Owing to several clauses clover will Fever•: be a very light~ crop. Tlaamcros,-ooslee preiceoat thew diseases are ectt€tngiat:,s,xud that they arta due to the presence of .Fruit thee. ere generally looking well , Atrltag {mashes to nes Interlining anewbrano of the i. 0Vidt:tl Int Illlfa,rwatlmble drze'*v bnk i1a- manes nd % uxi yg`tubes. eals eua`ow terrennet. Thetapplecraptblsyearwill'rasa,sacteesaentiorateaeeneotteeteettee. Tits red Alexi of tre'aun„; theta diseases Ins been to be above the average. The: pearch crop ep+3 ztza irrntantrentesii weekly ,salons daily, thus is likely to be a failure, except 111 1x• kir>i t cceieFAte zalhaanaiti.acattauaAgog 9rritatoait, ellesoiir;"a;,t co QUO* tui l;eal.atRd+us a raat- gars. district, and inaotne parte of ES- wwra➢a ,rSMgtaeti;,a et siva. tetat,ce:at not caro pertal;a• ezlta redaaa aalerbs,eu monied. It to an a tecleta ea: and Kent, ted even. an .hasp local- , r ar„n a distans eaattc:bo cured miyany appli. it.iee many a the buds Uwe been killed ' saticu ra=t io eftat:ea•t...o once in t+ro ms,m;s, for at: -F r „mlt r,illi tuatst get at s,'aawita to peat before an sap"i• by severe fresh?. 1lumspromsee well 5saepirnttoat ltie war awn yearnelute qtr. Iliroa. 1ltarft tree: < have been ra all iresl by tbk silx*ext le paranate tot cratarrh and tortiaalated ti➢a see tori aatiucxltP a ill alma then hos rrsueagy has l,e- 1+9 nit lfiaot, pew, quliAeee, ,gtuapes and ea ,m.ttlr al?slaolai worst an CAW reaaratrc• %UM utae Sea 9➢ fruits hid�rwir to cta[ne upt flit iF b, ai91m lacgarySp IS ap eeaeu. t sores effected d' bp li m a e w ryeha censer rf,t%5,ti,eietaah flews fro .ttSeraw. ±,t+iltirt• regarding eherric'9urarofttloidlt:,ae, carr tlnsceuraglirg. Reg coding epriug werlf, r-ltbough the t1 �sart,y a parasite el a➢at�pl they kr:an nothing, 1 ;mon opened lace,the general impre s- 3iPir tabule by perusal of the reports is ri only °nee in vie wvett,ro, :CO front one to +claret aitpn- although a N liens chest a l,,',reilanF ;i cum in the must ;gang - 't, „ n the harve, t may be a c d twee week later than usual. the excellent lir, Dino:tends w 1: ot:Wet dater:bin; his new tate of the seed Iced will render it fu] Tito M int as s iA. II `DI N a c iv. at+s ;ts thiel l up to the marl: unless, Sonne urtltaole- ed for clraawbaek occurs. Of s wring grains, oats appear to be the write*, but sprint wlbe st is stead- fly declining in popularity. Barley is „;iw°calf an increased acre aeee. Ali kinds of live stock, more espetli- ally eattle,nre reported as usually thin, though,generally healthy. Tho princi- pal disease noted is horse distemper., not being taken. Any neglect to do so w, blah prevails hi Dlany nei liborhood, I leaves tbcpostmaster responsible to the o4,t11las caused numerous death. publisher for payment. Turner's loss will be in the neighbor. hood of $2000, it is also .agreat loss to the place. A four yeart�ld child of lair.. Gem Dales, Huliet,eceidentally poisoned itself the other day, but for the prompt act- ion of its parents world have died. It had been taking some medicine that was evidently pleasant to. the teste,and attempted to help itsel£,but got hold of a bottle of lauda,u:um instead,and took a heavy dose. A etaroug emetic rayed, its life, Mr, Wm, Cooper of? the Mill road '. Tuekersmith has sold his young *hero bred bull ,'Huron Prince" to Mr, bra m. Brown, of Logan, for $125. This bull is i5 months old,aad was bead by leir, J. D. Petitt of Paris,aed was purchas- ed by lUr. Cooper when it was a calf, It is an excellent animal. and Will be ,a valuable acquisition to the stock o Logan Notice the sign "Montreal Genesi 8110E." .- REMOVED Thomas Dearing hat removed to his new stand, ono door north Dr, Lutz's Drug Stere, opposite the Cent- ral ent ral JjQt'el, where)be will be found of- --feritag AS Bariains =N CRY - GOODS, Groceries . READY.MCLQ RootsShoes, GLASStiPARE, cCC Leek out for Spring Goode, which will arr.v lull,:, 1e I ww ill be on the, road with rimy wagon, nd will carry a variety of all kinds of goods. nd EGGS Ta Klat ae :alyd lot, opposite Town Hall , e or to rent. a o highly are 114`-0 pcmilizs valued, that : aoa;asit Ito:Were ere have started upovelyultese, priteutlinR to � met ties.ihtram Ise. taavaptnattsaltrut siat:hiioey ore cena➢ly ignorant. ;Mr, Peones rerrseiv tete r.➢Iri ticit.. Toronto, Cuaads.--meiiutille3u;ericatt- feb238 Newspaper Law. 1. A postmaster is required to gave notice by letter (returning the paper sloes not answer the law) when a . sub - saner does not take kis paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its 2, If any person orders hie paper clis- jw;orth's IVlu,ical continued, he must pray all arrears es, for the publisher may continue to send The music in the May issue of ; it until payment is made, laird collect;' Nerfies Plr lcvIa Musical Joicrare : wrill tine whole amount whether it is taken • be found especially interesting inas- front the office or not. There can be much as there is something to suit all nno legal discontinuance until the pay t este e.. The beautiful song and chorus, went is made. Stveet Rosalie," by J. Ford, author of a. Any person who takes ai paper the well known "Sill You Love Me from the post otliee, whether ,directed' When. I'm Old, will surely please all to his name or another, or whether he who are fond of a sweet and flowing; has subscribed ar, not, is responsible =.neudy set to words brine pure senti- for the pay. leen The "Marlette. Waltz" by Harry =Tun latest laws are such that 13. Manby and the "Dance of the newspaper publishers can arrest any Elves' by Thos. O'Nie]l,will find favor one for fraud who 'takes a paper and among all who enjoy. comparatively refuses to pay for it. I.Under the law easy and yet interesting instrue:nental the man who allows his subscription to musk. The "Barcarolle," by J. Low, run along' for some time unpaid, or and "Andante in Gminor" byMende- takes three papers from the post office lasohn are each classic eenis which will and then. orders the postmaster to be appreciated by all wvha are striving mark it "refused," and have a notice to cultiyate a taste for the highest sent notifying the publisher, lays him - grade of music. Although the music self liable to anest and fine, same as steed in his number is worth more or theft.eft . than is asked for an entire year's sub- scription, and is but a fair specimen of the musical contents of the twelve numbers. The letter press portion COD. - tains a portrait any sketch of Mr. Fred. T. Baker, the eminent composer, and the usual amount of articles of value and interest to music teachers and pu- pile. Every person subscribing to the Journal previous to July lst 1888, will • receive 62.00 worth one sheet of music . as a premium. Subscription $1,00 a year: specimen copy 10 cts. Address, 1Votrllc's Musical Journal, 1308 Chest- nut St. Philadelphia,Pa. •+MANY IIAr► 'Wile tet Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, wlrvtrt?}it! Folly mea Ignorance has Trie fled away bra Vigor et Beady, felnif anal Manhood, vat Sir,lr ealiluiltlna Cireita5 wen the Fountains et LIfer. Headache, Beek: mho, Ilzvaaslleillmrcatus. Weakness et lrlemery, Bashfulness to Society, Intnttt'e3e Phaco t1;s Face/4444110m Effects Early Decay: 'Coneumptton lty, fi tt( anal in our specific No. 23 cure3. 7t iitrrtats Youthful ltlgar Cirrus the Vita( Power to maims )-mmp;, tacciagtlaetts bloat Invigorates the Brain and Nerve , bends lap the muscular system and arouses data, *Galen the emelt physical energy of the Iniumq jr,ano'With tour specine No.'.kr' 'tiro ,host obstinate ewe a e1r Iia cunei tui three moutltal, n2.6 xe c Lancs to ls5a tbaxi t1m tg draggy I, aab liaesiaga tarartaius ttwrr p1a treat• anent Price Sta. tures Cnarantcreal. Onr Open* itieEa. !Nis nu lPiaitible °urs for ail private Diseases= of ttoW long stand- ing. Bola soder ties written Cuerm tee to affect A Oure. PriOe TCrouto Medicine CO., Totem. Out. County Jottings, The Presbyterians of Corbett had a bee last Thursday drawing lumber from Mr. Sutton's hill for the. new Presby- terian church in Parkhill •Mr. Jas. Turner, Bruceff eld, lost his valuable Clydesdale horse, Thursday morning. It Was only sick a few hours being all right the day before. Mr. SILK °RIBBON ', Those of our lady readers who would like to have an elegant, large package of extra fine, Assorted Ribbons (by mail),in different widths and all . the latest fashionable shades; adapted for Bonnet Strings, Neckwear, Scarfs, Trimming for Hats and Dresses, Bows, Fancy Work, tic;., can g}et an astonish- ing big bargain, owingto the recent failure of a large wholesale Rlbbo i Manufacturing Co., by sending' only 25 cents (stamps) to the address we give below. As a specica tiler, this house will give double the amount of any other firm in America if you will send the names and P. 0. address of ten newly married ladies when ordering and mention the name of this paper No pieces less than one yard in. length. Satisfaction is guaranteed,or money cheerfully refund- ed. Three packages for 60 cents. Ad- dress, ToCariDni RienoN AGB/TOY, JERSEY CITY, N. J. W. rinOOTT, dE1tCfl' THE IJE�;SALL DealerI'L-It\IT('IIDealer in all Milo, ►; ai' ar rooms ie. bound to sell cheap, and 1 will sell 13 per cent. lower than ever fb a ,, p to suit the hard times; also repairingdone, and perforated bottoms put in cane chairs tic. Pieturo framing z4 specialty. GEORGE IN GRAM. PROP. IIE\SALL ONT. S DRIWASHI NQTON'S NEXT VISIT. 'Throat and Tug Sur geQn OF E1f1t`C`ER; Will be at Central Hotel, TUNe 1t., Chronic Bronchitis. Cured. An English Church Clergyman speaks+. y Rector , Dornwall, Oat. DR, W.teattporol\,--- lar,ft SI1t,—I am gid to be able to in. forth you that nay daughter is quite wen again. As this is the second time she hail been cured of grays: bronchial troubles under your treatment, when the usual rertredies failed, I write to express my gratitude. Please except my sincere thanks. Y calors irtaly, 1'ETTI'T, Dtsu:ts>r TitrATptn—Catarrh of the head mid Throat, Catarrh Deatifness, Chronic Bronchitis Asthma and Consumption. Also plan of voice, sore threw, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Come early. Consultation free. A few of the twiny cured by Dr, 'Yaaelr- iaagtou's new method; 11, 1I. Storey, of storey 4., San, mom - ere, Acton, Hatt., also 1'9rea'd Matto. f€lcturing Ass. of Clnmod€y parmani ally eared tit Catarrh by lir, Washingt�tont pro - meted iucurabltelty noted spcealalists 3n country end Europe. Write him for partiotho S. Moe, John Tlfcla".elvy, lmngs:on,. l'atArai and Consumption., John AtsKelyy,Kiii; stop Ont. Catarri Mrs, A. 11oppieg, Kinasten, Ont. Rrone'ho Consumption. Mr, D. Scott, Kingston, Ont,, Catarrh head and throat, hirs. John Bertram, Harrowswith, Ont. Catarrh., throat. Miss clary A Boutbaur ,. Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, P. Master, Acton. Ont, A. E. Fish, Gents Furnishings, lief➢c• ville, Ont., eured of V'ataralt, threat. John t'hippin, Sandhurst 1'. O., Ont., , (near tiupcumee) of Catarrh, head, throat and lungs. lived office 2.15 Yoeug Street, Toronto. Consultation P roti, NOTIGE There's no use in being (lis courage( in Harte Times. HIIRRAH, HURRAH J. �. SMAIIC01111F, MRRCllNT TAILOR, To iCustomers and Public at large, here is the place to get your- self suited,witb Suite made up in the latest styles, at haxd time prices. FINE RANGE OF GOODS .ALWAYS IN STOOK. A PERFECT FIT G I3AR,1TEED Clothes cleaned and renovated At moderate prices. A CALL SOLICITED. Up stairs, over Post Office._ G. SIVIALLACOMBE GOODS ARIs 1{ iltriT-CL:4SS, AND A LOUD FIT Gi;A1i.&NT1 1 D.1 k. CALL SOLICITED NONE RUT :tetesT-CLASS WORK- MEN EMPLOYED. ED. Now is the time to leave your order for a first•slass overcoat CHEAP. The Great English Pre eriptlon. A successful hted1eIne used over EO years in thousands of cases. Cures Sperinotarrhea. Nereoua Weal:nems, E'ntiasIona, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. baron] indiscretion, or over-exertion, tai.ratti. Six paokages Guaranteed to Curewhen all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for rhe OreMt Enclleh Prescription, take no substitute. One package SI. Sir $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet, Address Eureka Chemical Ca., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr,- Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 W. Sout12.43ott, AN OPPORTUNITY Do EACH WORIiI 70 SECURE MIS GUS PRM Corner Main .L John ata, $98a�'+ , >,gg yg :KEIT rt - ONT s`^ 9 m � o r, 1 Y pfiOfl that dread terror, a disease so long baffling science and the most skilled physicians, who knewof nothing to arrest, nothing to allevi- ate, nothing to cure. 'Now itis no longer an incurable malady even when, given up by physicians, health can yet be found in OUR ItBMEDY, it heals and soothes the mem- brane of theLungs, inflamed and, poisoned by the ravages of this fell' disease, and pre- vents the night sweats and tightness morass the chest which accompany it. CURES CUARA'ITEED Toronto medicine Co., Toronto, Ont, EXETER 11PA1?KETS. Red Winter, per buil White Spring Barley Oats Peas Eggs Rutter, Rolls Butter, Crooks Potatoes per bag DtessedlHogs per 100] Hay per ton CS tt CC $ 85 to 85 85 to 85 83 to 85 44 to 50 38 to 39 60to60 10 to 12 17 to 13 .15 to 17 1.00 to 1.10 6.75 to 7.00 8.50 to 90:0 ra ..:3 ti em youvica one Belle a on eathonames anti P. 0. AddresS of ci•ery sportsman. or hunter to your County to t,l,onty.y�ct will onaratatce to s hone it, and give inal' FUZE some of our, amplo boxes of the best nraass Shells end shooting amunitian on car77t Nasus your County and express ntbtco where to sb tp maids. Eon - est men will be paid 5'3er day, for expenses. Send two stump1rs, and address SCilP:SON G UIS AGENCY, a4 Church St., N. i. FS Do von want to make 11U1I»REDs OF IDOL.. LAhts quietly, and s,ot a writ P 1 wren confidential Agents men. and women to handle f° S(:A1LCT GOODS." A quick and mare fortune is outeru0ttcrit to ell w to 3111 keep a Secret, end follow my private instruct ons "nuf-sed." Give'�iour ape, occupation and express office. $ample of'"(.,ends," with partteu- lars, in atalcd letter. for 15 cents (stamps). Address a. C. 11001iE, 004 8th Avanuo, itow York. Two nctmt70,,cni aiul important semcts! worth more than, tt,, t • can tell F1t1:L, in a plain � ri,letll t o el 1 0 t t • eeni psi. Atiara.s, i11:r:1,1 , I.;F m., 7.,._. ,..acyl ortWy City,0 .J. PENNYROYAL WAFER&f Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases, Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist ,for Pennyroyal Wafers and r. take no substitute, or inclose ppost- -•,,, a�efor sealed'particulars. Sold' by a,�s.�� , \ all druggists y.i per box. Ad_dlress TREHUi 1. CHEMICAL' CO , Dantorr, 1nrem. Sold. in Exeter by Dr. Lutz,. and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 Eliti tele theso 1 EX TER NORTH. slur Stark i.. inti wicscrrteal for the Os wee. Low prissy still maintain, t-^16 lbe,'st bs, white angt ndcttule tri 'Teas dray 4 Shoes toll Agin) t: 1Rr1 A suede asserted slack of n ISS, BO' TIIES and GLASS amt stud trlaeap.) rot Machine t)"4, t,i'e. per par; Veal ua a+n Imo as tits lowest, a nice Tea Sett of44 pieces, h zaad molt of lretalytnade .1.1.31,dcg tar 19. Valenti, Naito gas tap li, gaud eagle, Our:guts Goods are mark- ed down to the Rawest notch. corr0: -20 e .ill. for el.uO. A house end lot, also a lana ter, hPRi3 JOHN MATHESON, ,ley rose) give SOMETHING NT, THE PROPRIETOR or THE DOMINI° LABORATORY Begs to announce to his manner - was Piiends and Patrons that he has just put in tw toll line of Staple & Fancy � tationer� 1 t Account Books, School Books, and all kinds of School requisites Letter aiid Note ;Paper Fools C(1p Paper. Account Papers. Colored Tisgnes. Cil Papers and Drawing paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a full line of all the newest and most popular works of Fiction, all of which will eb sold. at the lowest remeurative rates. El NINO. PROPRIETOR, The subscriber wishes to inform the fal :lers and general public that he i prepared to furnish all sizes and'kind of Well -digging promptly done, and at reasonable rates. Residence and sbop, on Ann street, behind Chriitie's Livery Stable. A CALL SOLICITED, O 43 ''i�