HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-24, Page 7THE WEEK'S NEWS,
eene IAL
There will be ata grant fora Dominion
Exhibition this year,
The Toronto City Cannell nt its meeting
Tuesday night passed a by -few for the eerie
closing of retail stores.
In the teat ease against the Salvation Army
in Qoebec, indicated es a pubfie nuis nice,
the jury yesterday morning returned a ver-
dict, of guilty,
The population of the city of Qeebec ie
placed at 66,000 Cathelies and 6,000 ('cotes
tanto, and allows an leerease over last year
Of about 1,500.
The bill permitting the Comedian Pacific
railway to obtain as ladepetedent entrance
Tarp Toronto was passed through the FAL*
waq Committee.
Premier Thorbern, of Newfoundland,
a'a•es that the time for the departesa of ti a
delegates for Ottawa to t#iscuse admission to
Confederation has not been fixed yet.
At the Wellington Assizes at Guelph, the
grand jury returned a ;,rue bill against the
county on the indictment preferred by Mr.
Juerice Rose for a nniseece in eonnectiea
with the courthonoe,
Se_aater Hewlen haeefferCa to feria % coon-
parry to construct a aubway between Prince
Edward Island and the mainland, aid to
connect the Lgland railway eyetem with the
Intercolonial, upon receiving from the Gov-
erument V.41:000* * year,
Hughes Bros, wholeaalo drry good(' suer-
Thant% Termite, have aaepeude4 Payment.
The Dank of (4maaleroa hobo $2.('0,000 of
the lirm'aipaper, of which ene.balf is seooa.
and the other liabilities of the firm
"tenet to ,about $150,000,
Plane for the proposed new bridge across
the 8t. Lawrence from Longue/ail to 1'oixat
St, Charles' have btgO.n forwarded to Ottawa, Twenty-one suicides have taken place
and a joint $twat eompamy will bo foraged from Clifton Suapan>sion bridge, England,
to conatruet the bridge, wad°h is estimated since its openiag Pa December, 1$04.
to cost two million dollars. The Pavia Vomit* dee Cemptea boa
TAO )iiesirgooi Tud an&elpim from theDo• failed to megetiete a loan, of 000,0004800
liginicn Government the Muskoka, territory, rouble* for the P:uasian Government,
4)0111pr:slug 18,9:40 square miles, and Deputy In the grand court of the Kremlin atw
V4'`4Koughnct recotnmeuds that this claim Moscow there le about to be erected a ruona*
be ooreprotnised by tho Danunicn paying meet in memory of the late Czer, which will
+196,822 and the Ontario Govermmeat au an- neat e u ,o00.
mini aunt of £4,01'8. The deepetelaee ('regarding Emperor Fred.
A resolution: wan adopted by the; alontreal erieleacenditfonare eveu moreeontradiotory
Board of Trade urging the Uoverituaont, In than ueaai, only this time the favorable
consequence of the lownees of the ',Fater in molt conte lent,
the Vorriw0.0 4raual, to withdr ' the null p
�rilegea along the canal unlace there fa It is orated the Qaeea'arlvlsit to Merlin has
aguila.ietgt gator to allow vessels drawing worlwedwomdera,lea:rintervlewawithlead'lpg
raine feet to pans through eately. personages in, Gerota ay having leis re fiery
Tire doctrinal difference between the lxe• tavorwblo Impression.
formed Church of Era mid, presidedover by Tho rel0.tioaa between TnrkeY And
,Siabola Lusher, awl the Boomed Efteapet Greece have ivaproved, and the twee Govern.
Church have been amicably eetticd at the meats havo agreed novo recAU their aam-
meetieg of the Synod in, Ottawa just closed, baissadora.
ad the two badges will again mute under A htr, Giudstoue ova theschism of the ilia -
pew bishop, to be cleated in September. aideuta on the great question of Ireland hue
The Montreal harbour eommisaionora will proved more disastrous than he could have : leu old awl idea reatialy Alk soar Drool*
contiuuo thework of deepening the ship ciutzcipatt:d. Faahicemble women pay big umnoy for re
channel until it is e.seumed by the Dominion The steamer Bettie, from Liverpool for jersey, and it doe% t yield milk or butter,
Government and the dredging fleet haebeea New York, returned to queeeetown with weber.
ordered out. The eliennel is expected to be part of ber machinery broken, whioh will Hue 00t au Coos clues to ona euchre,
eomplete3 by inrdeumnerto a depth of 27i take ten hours to repeire A good limey women who hevo rnirrioai
feet throughout at low water, except half a Cardinal Moran is reported to have said drygoode clerlce have Sat two yazde of .Blue
In#lo at Cap la Realm, where the rook will that if the Papal reser( t condemns the mi. :ton as :a prendenn.
take longer to dredge out.
Mesita, Lacoste, Macdougall, B. B. Osier,
Blake and Maobfaeter, the eminent Q C.%
have been leaked at the instance of the
buoket.ahop keepers for their opiuiona on
3,r. Abbott's bill for the auppresaion of those
institutions, and are stated to be unanimous
that the provleiona of the bill will atop a
great: part of the business of the Stook and
Corn Exchanges in the Dominion, affect
atook traneactions on incorporated ex-
abanges, and: prevent all .speculation on
The colored churches cannot be oompel1mi
to accept this arrangement, but it is be
lieved they will do so..
The great tunnel through the Cascade
mountains .on the Northern Pacific is com-
e long,through olid
plated, It is 0,900 feet t t x l,h s
rook. In 1886, when the work was conn-
naeuced, there were no roads leading into
the mountains and all the heavy machinery
had to be hauled in on wheels and thea
n n
transferred to r n ars.
Ia a piper read by a Baltimore physician,
it was truly acid that peraone accept mai. Pierce's Peasant Purgative Petlate cure
cal charity who would not accept itin any thea: troubles blr restoring the liver to its
other form, and who aro able to Rey the normal condition.
doctor. Thea season for this condition of - Eer1 Darby boo become leader of the
things lies, in a great measure, in the will Unite/WS in zhe House of Doyle.
ingneas of physieiaua, especially, young phy- A Graveyard Gough.%
slams who want practim, to give their ser- The eer,
cough, wwhichvice, No other profession. la ao charitable announces
dry, hackiulf
annauncea the approach of consumption,
no the medical. hes beenaptly termed a graveyard coggii..
FOREIGN. The peril is great, and near at hand, belt it'
Da a London lawsuit, the coats on one side can be eureiy averted with Dr. Pierce's
have already arnoaoted to 100,000. Golden ;M.edieel Discovery, a hotanio re -
('rickets are devastating Algeria., where medy, without a peer fir pulmonary, throat
they are entirely deotroying vegetation. and lrver affections, and for all ailments
The Grown Prince is said to be much more origin, awl also
have a a �soresbi-
res eetful to bis mother since the e . origin,asail also ty of he bloo and sores, Tun,
he Qu ea s � dicating impurity of the blood. Druggists
vieip to Berlin, all soli it.
The bill ai eeptieg, the Fishery Treaty has , The Buie Pay relief committee are ootid•
passed the third reading in Newfound, dent that Stanley ie safe..
land Legislature.
Chronic nasal catarrh --guaranteed cure--
ure••-Rsv. Charles Spurgeon has returned to Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
his duties in London from l oaereemouth, If ever I am an instxuctreas it `viii l ei to
much improve m health. learn snore than to teach.
Mr. T. ,1•. Cg4.401a, 31Pof
. ., for fences IPeoweer rale SWrataatt m Folithi get cant At Qr•
under the Crimea Acta, hats been sentenced iter, omen eniair;,rgtet+, Pelmet", or lnrlleeesiere
to two weeks' iwpraaouuleate aha tt.elr etteueaeai evils, tate at oe as J144 of f),.
Deputy Cezernatonyi, a friend of Premier r 11049 "i t°'"'ll' eal°140,
Tieaa, to the.Volaseli, a seeal'e &alai papor, Three tbanaand persons#ave been drown•
deolares thaw war is inevitable. ed by a hoed m the Cautou River.;
The Legislative Council of T ctoria, Qou$Lu4pt3Ou Surely Cured,
bas taken decided stelae to pre* To sun Ferrara, .-.-Please intim your readers that
vent the importation of Chinese, e a pesltive remedy tar nae above named di..
. lay rte tamely urs thouaaudi of kept** casae
been permanently clued, 1 SAWg be glad to
two bottlee tat gay remedy a'0IA tt s ty •aiovr
era wtto na co corasumpilen a they wet tend me
F,sprexs and. P. i2, a1.3r si. itopertinlI ,)la_
tiLOccae, 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont.
ab photographer, to sitter.: F'1 uu'ro
the position you occupy mow is the One
you Want .+" Sitter : " Yea, positive." Paoto-
grapher ; "Just to make double sure, won't
you comae here and look in the camera Tuner
. (ere far flrunkewie:l`i.
pivan,bab!,, tfopsotuaiaLe, tbo mar�5�loohabit,
pre tratleu iatise4 by thea ass gf tot:Lela,
meatal da-zri,..IJ', aotoaie of the
remeturo oil re , loaf of vetala * eaut
by oyer
aa of t a larai'eai, a 3 lass tat xrptaraf
aueeme treat any canna +Weber. Ilea—pang
cid the mi311e a"an -eAo are bffg1;e13,tawn IImru away
elrhaahoepcttaw,orguycsaferiolgn^nfil'gl teNle;,
acrid *cera ce rale cents la armies* for Laaboa'e
Trearu.i, San bet form, of ingests of Mfaxa. !Seek*
iaeat stated awl a .tire nem ct,eervatiou. ,dace 3f.
V L47 -4x 47 WelllertleetrsetEast, Teeenta Qct.
The undertaker mt.y not boast of kill nth*
letica, but he's something of a baxar.
rasp tomo are eablaal to toad breath, tont aaanke
Wattle. ar any disorder et ilio lite uirstb, oars at as,:
ha rellsysd :by u$ur Dr. OaUoo'i OLom*cb Innen,
Sedentary Jiablts.
In tide age of push and worry, the bud -
Imes man and the professional man are alike
unable to devote any adequate time to exer-
oine. In the daily round of toil and plea,
sero, no suitable provision ia made forth at
importantfunction, and the result ie that
men of sedentary habits become subjeot to
man? forma of aliments arising from a torpid
or sluggieh liver, Constipation, nick bead-
f'and dyspepsia. are all due
bead -
ache, i t a s
e b en nese
to the inns roper aetiou the liver. D:n
Buffalo expects to gather 5600,000 into
the city treasury ruder high license.
Orange trees to the number of hall a mil-
lion were sot out in California during the
pant year.
Smallpox is raging violently in Camargo
Mexico, opposite Rio Grande, Texas, ;and
people are dying at the rate of tea a clay.
The New fork Fire Department apont
$2,700 for sleighs on which to transport the
troche and engines during the three days of
the blizzard.
A.ifree Barnes died in Mexico County, Mo.,
en, Sunday, aged 93. Ile is said to have
been the oldest member of the t iasonic ord-
er in the world.
Resolutions condemning the proposed De-
troit River bridge were adopted by a meet-
ing of Detroit vessel owners and ordered to
be forwarded to Washington.
Ono American publial er, who uses 5,000,-
000 envelopes a year, has sailed for Germany
after 20,000,000 envelopes, with which he
propoaes to crush the envelops monopoly.
The Philadelphia syndicate which now
controls the street car linea of Chicago has
ordered that all conductors mast wear
"boiled shirts." The conductors are in-
This is leap year and matters matrimonial
are being reversed. In a breach of bromise.
snit in Brooklyn the man, and not the wom-
an brings the suit, and be wants $10,000
The Boston journal's Washington corres-
pondent relates that the Washington Hu-
mane Society has ,caused a member of the
British legation to be filled $500 tor dock-
ing the tails of two horses.
T. H. Garrett, of Baltimore, has had
made for his steam yacht Gleam the small-
est piano ever constructed. Itis 47 inches
high, 47 inches wide, and 26 inches deep.
The tone is wonderfully sweet.
The triadrennial Conference 01 tho Metho-
dist Church in session in New York has
delegates from the various States of the
Union representing four million Methodists
and Church property valued at $44,000,000.
Two ragged Italian children, who wore
arrested in Chicago while gathering cigar
stumps on the streets, explained that they
sold the discarded weeds to a fellow -coun-
tryman for 15 cents per pound and that
they were " made into cigarettes."
A charter was filed at Topeka, Kansas,'
on Thursday for the Farmers federation of
the Mississippi Valley,. The capital stock is
820,000,000 with 2,000.000 shares at ten
dollars each. The charter is signed by
citizens of fourteen States and three Terri-
The South Carolina Episcopal diocesan con-
vention has .unanimously adopted a resolu-
tion ,lookipg to the absolute separation of
the two races into different organizations.'
tional cacao, lriahmon a onld disregard evbu Crmilig a hone uptown' reatorea grey and faded
it tc ltd natural ea or out prevent labing out.
A. P. 398
the command of the Holy Sco,
A despatch from Berhn to the London
Standard soya. that °leer proof* have bean
received of the existence of French and
Bunion intrigues against Italy.
At a meoting held in Dublin on Saturday
a resolution was pawed respeotfnlly but ern
plustically Mulling to recognize the Popoe
right to interfere in Irish politics,
lir. Wm, O'Brien, charged tinder the
Crimea Aot with adviaiog the people in a
proclaimed district to join the League, was
sentenced to three months' imprisonment.
A memorial tablet to the memory of tbo
six Englishwar correspondents who fall in
the Soudan, costing over $1,700, will shortly
be unveiled in at. Paula cathedral, London.
Sir James Fergusson announced in the
Commons that the Government required
42,000 from private mourns before ad-
vancing £10,000 for crofter emigration to
Tho Under Foreign Secretary stated in
the British house of Commons that the
Government had brought no influence to
bear to secure theiesue of the Papal rescript.
The London Tablet denies that the Papal
rescript has any connection with politics,
ant says it believes the sober judgment of TO TOWN ANO VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS
the nation will submit to the Papal deci-
The London and Liverpool branches of
the National League have passed resolutions
expressing confidence in Mr. Parnell, and
CANOES. lira. 11`.41iLtli[I, Yrlerbera. Ant.
nerc. re toreide tllurtratEt weriptive 1.arr
j alognefree ai,abanaberlia,Torwata
p�'r& T 1 procnrcd. Patent i►4torosyi, and xpeiG
f:rtkutor, Donald (1.1eldout, Co.,Toronto.
ROO EY ro LOAN on Farms. Lowcit f4ixea
Vo delay, Carreepocdeuee aotieiWd.
>F.W U,18E1'Lbli Pinaaaial.Agt.,
.testalmeecd ISG. 72 Kiel, se. E., Toronto.
► 0I O TC Curxl to ScltOu.-A grand chance to
l aceutte a t'horoughknowircigo of garment cutting
14411 ltd brenehoa. Nows the tuna to enter. Good
cutters in great demand, big wages, Terms onlip.
plication. Fi. CueittoAr, 122 Yonge-at,, Toronto.
p1tE_ 11011.ER 1NtirECT10N ,15.1141h
41 ilus
1j once Conspnny el Canada.
Consulting Xnagineere ono Solicitors of Patents,
G. 0. Rona, Chief Engineer. A. k'tMire, Seo'y'vans
Safes7'RO15 Rand BURR oro,
1 PItUUF, and Yank Does,
• kept constantly in stock.
A number of Secoud•bant
Sato at low prices.
J. r$i: J. INLY'LOR,
Toronto Safe Works.
WE have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or
V EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices. Terms,
one per cent, Satisfaction guaranteed. R'c 'We have
now four good establishments for sale at a bargain,
and one publisher wanting a partner.
Auxiliary i'ublislttng Company,
declaring they 'will pay no attention to the 33 and 35 Adelaide St. IV.,
resoript of the Pope. Toronto, Ont
Sir Henry Parks, Premier of New South
Wales, assured a deputation that waited
upon him that the Chinese who were reject-
ed at Melbourne would not be allowed to
land in New South Wales.
The Madrid Christopher Columbus com-
mittee offers a pries of $100,000 for the best
work in any language on the geographical
discoveries of Portuguese explorers prior to
the time of Magellan.
An epidemic of duels is prevailing in Paris
at present. Since M. Dnpuies was killed
last Sunday, eight other gentlemen have
vindicated their honour under the code, and
sevenmore affaires d'honneur are set down
for to -morrow.
The Emperor Frederick wears a scarf -pin
with a history. Remarking on one occasion
that the person with whom he was convers-
ing was observing the pin with some curio-
sity, ho pulled it out of his scarf and said :—
" This little silver coin is one of three which
were unearthed in an old Roman grave in
the presence of my three boys. I had the
three coins mounted as pine for them as me-
mentoes of the occasion, and when, my little'
Waldemar died I took possession of his and
have worn it ever since." Prince Walde-
mar, who died in March, 1879, was a singu-
larly lovable and bright boy, 12 years old at
the time; and was the favorite child of
" Unser Feltz" and his wife, and they bitter-
ly and deeply mourned his premature death.
Seven Tears
Of suffering relieved bias many days. Corns
cause in the aggregate as much suffering as
any single disease. It is, the magic solvent
power of Putnam's Corn Extractor that
makes it speedily 'successful in removing
Dorn. Take no substitute,; however highly.
recommended. Putnam's Painless Corn Ex-
tractor is the best. Sure, i fe, and painlese.
S 'iG Y� «F !' _
Ai(i. 1Rt5lui0 AG
Assa,.atra?ee c*raa1•GRuAn
ft.P010 0 E xra*.ar$ ARE'
.n E Si,esosst0aiara' ' o 113F57.
�y ,Fanitaat., sduau xxpetzaad,ez ansa
TIRES alervoas aProatratlota, 7rervoua p 14 paid, Y toable oat€1t /no pntmulr,
,.. 1dsadach. Neuralgia, Nervosa, brae, Q,: tl M
e, ..,.,.. �, filtt"f7,i;MA',A . afitta
Weakness, Strange)) and t.xver.
Aiaeasea, Rheurnatism,pyspepsia , ,,
and all affections of the Kidney*„
raga:': Cr rn.Y Co.3.1133 s a l erre 7bzdq
Which never fella. Cowing Celery and,
Coea, those wonderful stimulant; it speed*
sly Gores all:ervoaas disorder:a
min's CaaruT Costrori+-p pnrLliee tine
Wood. It drives out the lactic aced, which
emeresithetuazetlsm, and rest.oresthe blood
snaking organs to a laeattby condition.- The
Om) remedy fir. Iilieutaatfnw
PAin;0 0 C 0Y Cvurot'aw quickly restores
the lire, 'Riad. kidneys to perfect health,
Tl z curative power combined with i!a
nerve toaimm, mates it tbae bei remade
ter e?d l ttleey complainta,
.CV.. eV Cola'gpspbtrexstlirinetl:tQ
atomaeia, and quiet* the nerves of the dimes*
tivo Mane. This is why 1t cares oTau th*
trent caaeeegU bapeeeie.
I":aasa'e �aY CONFOUND !s Pot a Ciatbsr.
Uc. It Is 4.laaattve, Siring easy And natural
action to. the bowels. ltel alaratyaux'etlfed
Bgennitnende4 by professional mad lender*
men. Send fur hook.
Price l.00. Soltiblrllruggtate.
Va'I„t.t.$$ RICi1ARDSON & GQ., ProR's
7DIoutreaa, Qua
CANOEC"E"'" . tba k e"
Cl:lli'Eti, aaiho:at tba lrcttta.
i ORnre, no pay. Seaad stamp to;
pamphlet. W.l„$lirTii,'kt.A.,12-1 Qeeeol:.,Toxent4,
all , moBuryingda,
3orCetalogue. BARBER BROlt.00,,
37 Scott St. Toronto.
&FISC CO.—Beaver Lina of
"xaaaahllar, ka'hn; weekly between Montreal
re rp nal, iinl is tickets. Montreal to Inver ani, t
nod tf 1 P,eturrttickets. $s0, VQ, acid 4110,
g to Mouser and, accommodation, liter.
aD; P.'nmd trip tickets. EG3. Steerage, i2O
rap tickets, 441/. Far Antheripitrarestara and
la ribs. a-ts.ay to ti. F., MURRAY, Gcueral'
r. I Caaeoa4 Atom* Soler; ;ilontreal,ur to rhe
sura in the citferealitWens ar,1 Cited.
R. PARKER 8c 00.
woe.* aan liaaA owe*.
759 TO 763 YON CE
tra, Veep Stook
lege eeee: eese Qneen St. W t. 1701ZOM
gas Qneell St. East,
100 Colborne Street. .,. .Brantload,Dat
4 John StriNorth........._.._..$aansltcftr mat,
Cooks Gem
Why da Nott PIO those Zxpeealve American j
Canadian paining Powde s whenyoe caro Set no �etltt
and wholesome atone batitbo price? Prove it Ay tarlr.
irgthee-Csvk0M,, I1431aaatoelby
At+Ex',ll'i. I`S II AGENTS
OUROURAfEN S ltfagaanttznt Parallel I�i'xlor.
11! WrrlarsywsPcputar""1051:*yat
;y" liclaaba "P2atfaran N'1em^as.' laarahesnet"e
trrobten. Sem F. Jane+ ""Laing words:
Rage Iivalcian," IIIl V
hat ""banlagtat arab iolunLy
,'" "•blither. Homo aura Nemo," etc. Papa
lar hooka! Liberal Terrni 1 Write ter circulars, tenni
to irFil.LtA* 0naaaa Publisher. Toronto.
finish Columbia, Calitororuoini Mbar), ta„ Ensues, M ds, and
gaito a unmoor of other States and Proelnete, now
to attendauee, Write to; Detonative Circulate.
President.See",y 6; alanager
C9.UTtO?I :-Farmers wishing to avoid a
Lawsuit ars warned against buying or USING
an infringing bagbolder manufactured in
Middlesex, Ont. Tho genuine article is stamp.
ea -• ins Dandy," and "Patented 1887," as required
bylaw. 0.W.Aswrx & Co., World Baii.ling,Toronto.
jl tIMfENSE sus of Machinery to select from.
L Send ror Lists,
II.W. PETitIE, Brantford, Ont.
1'LOBINIt 111,1aJ,
SvurvoMI—Moisture - intense ltehingand stinging ;
moat at night : worse by scratching. If allowed to
continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer-
ate, becoming very sore. Swayss's Onennuerr stops
the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in
many caeca removes the tumors. It is equally efiloa•
clone in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. S WAYNE &
SON Proprietors, Philadelphia. Swerxs's OINTMea7'
con Ise obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 60
Samuur Wsssnv Ba yans—
Saloon Tickets, 440, 450. e80. Return, 460, 490,
4110, Intermediate, 430 ; Steerage, 510. Apply to
- H. E. MURRAY. Gen'i. Manager,.
1 Custom House Square, MSNRTEAL.
to alt the nasi Imp
fir darablt:ty, :ilia ant e:
Carriage lluuijereiaiil Baena.
BUY :AID amen.
every s4
0J, on din
at •oar alatieat.
i for ctreeler. S.
tl?ILt, 677 Cn
8t„ P. 0. Box ,
lto areal, P, Q.
Will: Sharpen the linitn without mooring it tram the
Machine. Na farmer aboula sold ire au..ettine Into
the nein without one. Sample by mall, I; Oe.
Gt6.MENT aC (0.,Torgrltp.
FAitT1ES wishing to purchase improvot Manitoba
Farms, troth 40 acres upwards, With immediate
possession, call or write to G. k. '.l1Ai:11.80N, Me.
Arthur's Block, Main et., Winnipeg, Information
furnished free of charge, :and settiers assisted in
making aeloation. Mosxr 70 Loan at current rates
of interest.
Second * Iland inlryelcs
and i'rleycles.
Send for List. New Catalogue
ready in April,
.A . T_ X.,.A.1\3' O,
Allan Line Royal Mail lteamsllips
Sailing' during winter from Portland every Thurs.
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in
summer front Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,
calling at Londonderry to land mails and pamengere
for Scotland and /reload; also from Baltimore, vie
Halifax and 'lit. John's, N, F , toLiverpaol fortnightly
during summer months. The steamers of the Blas.
gow Innes sail during winter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boehm and Philadelphia; and during sum
mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow
and Boatel) weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
For freight, passage, or other information apply to
A. Schumacher & Go., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co.,
Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John's, N. F,; Wm. Thomp-
eon & Co., 8t. John, N. 13.; Allan & Co., Chicago;
Love & Alden, New York, II- Bourlier, Toronto;
Aligns, Rae & Co., Quobee: Wm. Brookie, Philadel-
phia; II.
hiladebphia;11. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal.
,res The Celebrated Ban
cock Inspirator.
Lei -Gresham'* Automatic
Re•etnrting Injector.
.437 Morrison's Automatic
Sight Feed Lubricator.
GB -Engineers' & Plumb.
ere' Supplies of every
description. Send for
758677 Adelaide St.W.,
Young Men
SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the
result of ignoranoe and folly, who find themselves
weak, nervous and exhausted ; alsoMIODLE•Ao8D and
OLD Mete who are broken down from the effects of
abuse or over -work, and in advanc_d life feel the
consequences of youthful excess, send for and read
if. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The
book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two dc. st.mps. Address
M. V. LUBON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont.
Nervous Debility.
IDR. CRAY'S Speolflo has been used for the peat
fifteen years,with great suooees, in the treatment ai
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex•
ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in
the oars, palpitation, oto. For sale by all druggists.
Prideel per box, or 6 boxes for 45, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on applioatiom
OSgr.Ata►t claw
cover).* usa 1M4
%age for
the Nara
tlaring all Sl
lainntss.matKl d parfait
Wood Pnritier. 4 air
alumni—an Khohasrs
en benlated by lti
se ; Mahal. Eons*
I lrryytt
obert. opei
udiu, BBobt. Gini
a a If, _•l *oath Shia
daughter aired tl
Eptleptio lits sties
yearn snffe Ju•
ole literal, 666 !iitblat
Street, figured el
Weakness end Lung Traub a s John Wood 06 Cath.
cart 54, cured of Liver Coinpl* ntnnd BlllioumalM
used only 3litty.eeut bottler ; Mrs- J. haat, d Augusts.
8t troubled foryeare with NervousProstretton two
Veal/ bottico gave her1'.rDr4 relief. is 00 l:Pro ri tor&
Whaley, Royce {W 011e
2133 Tonto Street,
The Cheapest Place In
Canada tor
New and Second hand,
Agents for
and "HIGHAM"
Band & Oroheetra
Send for Cs:lattaal�ogue.
When I say Cuitn I do not mean merely to
stop them for a time. and then have them re•
turn again. I axnaar A RADICAL OURE.
I have made the disease of
Alife long study. T WARRAIermyremedy t0
CURE the worst cases. Because others have
failedisnoreason for not nowrecelvin a cure.
Send at once! or treatise andaFREEBOE LIS
of myINFALLIBLE REmE . Give Ex real
and ost Mee. It' costs yon nothing Lor $,
trial, and it will cure you. Address
Dr, H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge 13t,, Toronto, Ont,
rne .-re K'.- e
BREAD made with tine
Yeast took fist prizes at 155
Township and County Fairs in
Qntario in: TSS , at•suchlaces
as B leshorton, klarkham,�Yhft.
by, etc. Over ro,000ladics have]
sent us letters and postal cards
to say that it is superior to any
yeast ever used by them. 1t
makes the lightest, whitest,':
sweetest and most whatesorse.
bread, buns, rolls and hoe*,
wheatcakes. Directions in eau*
package with hill inoteuctionw,'
TAKE NO Q'I'Ht *PRICE 5 C,E,Istitt2