The Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-24, Page 6TTLE OF
wishing tg too tbe nigto tan ot the,
mon 4tatitm of sold hevieg nething
tit employ my attentioa about the village, 1
twee early to the etatieri, end WAA ushered
torto the weitingeroone by the watchmen, a
tit4Ott, gOOti-U4tiltedloOking MP in the
Me, of life, who were, pinned amuse hie
ly andergone, hot for my detereeleatien
" Brace up 1" I called, am if addreeeing s,
companion. NO time for elicit foelnese
neWA Tara. Wzneether the train !"
This I said alma to eayeelf, for the solitary
erotic of my nightly wands bed grveu
the bank of talking to myself, for want of LoNoo.-s, bley 15.—Englan1 i becoming)
aote ez�ite4 over the pessibillity of Wairl Ana
Setting lu7 tost4 hard, I overza'Xze the here is a great populer upeieing in fever ei
StOnU1CnD the army and rievy for defen-
purpoe,en. The attache et Gee. Lord
Welseley upen the Government for its nit-
gardly mammy and lot Sammy have creat-
ed great uneasiness, floe huudred members
of Perliemeot have celled on the Secretary
of State for War with reference to the mete
ter and nunerau pulUo meetiogs are to
t eke place during the evening week oe the
A War $01treiiiteeleted--Baaperer Dede-
rick's Health— littillaxek Thledea War
taietness, staggered to iny feet mod ran oo,
mt. an, empty eleevo. I soon noticed that the remelt bad (Pease&
441 I had an beer or more of lemit' re before itteee the trenelonhere theeght 1 wen eon,
ftel train would arrive. 146ssa the 4°14 for, or they heti retureed to their unfinished
thitAtiUg with tbe '64"11L'Ikano- awl he tehl work, trueting 1 ehould be unable to atop
nu! the etory of the adventure in whiele lie the train,
Itetthie ern.1 repeet hie narrative aa neer- And now it limbed upon roy mind for the
ly nos.elblein toe ova weal. drat time, Bow emild I aceomplieb it ?Light
I boa. none--unv lantern wee with the
Before wee lotremted with the night weeeneetn
jUtlee th't4 St°1°17° I lerreeel °11e ei erew While 1 watt thus delihereting, etill Teo.
ar three seetimimen, who, had So elearge . nal
even miles of tr.*. open mar road, Wine °lug ea us ast as my _ tion. Wan peP
uwidro xerteo wot here In the Mit, batinetiVelY I felt in my pocket for
Vonghest end moet lawlese next of the Ter- ibeh tbat
ttuegaof before rel4fWeohilyrseht44 414
;ROY. 44 Of coarse the ell *top them, Tern,
44t1v4were ggP thgr°13.01°14". S rea4 it 014 tiafo rails Their old eeventio
tbuls that wouiti owooger 4e47 tho yiLere;:tat, itecbcoavitteergrtaze40„ rub nett4oineewt isillteeszt nixttueiricettia ,atithes nalace were
condition is uot entirely treetwerthy, as the
Oar seotioz' gau Skimmit Statl'Qtava Think of the tneri Wetnen nod littlenhildren
The Eesperor hag age) passed a good
Tile bauelese reporte circeleted that -
re yr liesd„beeei A recurreliceof the ieflenunee
uoillieatZvek niTle .tourtactoi°:;:: wf:r 5:15er iti looraohqvue can goillat oa pbat fro.% to O4tt.a.ed g.e!eral exeltement ttll the re.
Wins while even it. . twit of either. For life. Tom 1 for life. i -1` u W4 C°Ue"341Pg 1#
tan east seveaerabs. Theece to Brewetees, 40,:tgra 1-4 ttO COUCeabenent of the worat
.e e ea up -m 0 trave
the neXt etatioa eaet of Sunenne, aim toteen T virorkea tto
eration of ot his evelerly„ end lo making the
milea distant from it, was another teeetitat atom& row /fro, my eee, thebottle kea ufany ohmage for the better. A favs
eaglet tellealehg.
'The night el.n.ef a aeetioteliend. tie
*want, In ram or :shines now sir elect
the Rotten. urAet be pateelled by one nan—
,ho An good weether 4 light :hen
eLar for the putpoee-etthead of our °verbal
l'ultreen tram. Thietraie peoed •ocer •o
tieetien miduight, and our depertere wee
timed tie A* to Inspect the lode imetediateiy
0.4 of it
So, taking taro at that duty, etarted
front. 'Summit et ten ekleele Sheep, and mol-
ly arrived At the 44 ta3t1,04 heuee" abeut
uo raluuto Ahead Of the trove_ Here we
not Mie Of the 'men !MA% the Seet104 VAat
who hod etoted About the 'Wale time
and for the ;ego purpoee. You tee the
precentien *tea by all well.menesed reale
'kat tbu ofety of its petrene. . .
Euw P34111" el the paeemigere-on the ther.
.10.4 • teenteht know, or 10109ring, eve 4
thanght to the MOPwlio, Ainee derkusee get-
tIednpon.lhent, imve hem nitiogieg threugh
th*Seleste-for hendeere Are neeleiie ,ia seat
Woetheraathato-eiwirigiug their loterue
front, ,side to Side, egandulreorefully every
• Or to for of Ming rookie every brid
lor .1tralten one, thus enabling them to, rth
Isttstfety, • • • , .
As I old 'before, the men from enet Am.
tetthAVing. petr.died fifteen miles of tri.,
- -West itt *salty 'heated beeide the
lock mit loge mum gh to hold * email *love
=der my disabled Arin, 'pauriog the oil, orable symptom is bis hicrestarg etrength,
an inelbeatitin of Pay WY, into olY tiOt lEfie efforte to walk, about the room are eow
hood, awl epreadieg it 41304 TAB, faddy aaveoefel, A week ago be could
To tea mingle/et the qoart of wee ex- Taot move Wu Welts, Now, with elfght as
toted, end tea 4 roult I bed both villa ler Woo, he fa We to take AU ereaSiona
ite 4 dietereee very well covered with it turn up and down the nem. RN fever in
bed worked backwerd trout the ap- the mornieg le very elight but inerease; to
motile g treiu, And UAW reee to ray tot at weed@ Right Ria eleepleeeneee coatinuee,
cud of my lehar and at the terminus el thetigh frequently hroken, hat be orloye
tbo grood rage, remelt/ of roma deep aud retreFbing, The
The train was coming. memo Welts hie Wiretap every moreitig,
Already the rails were singing with Ohre- awaite is welthig. and remelt,* entil the
en 44 the beaV'er trein oproaelied. Ifere doctora meemble for ennallitation, when the
bey come. Awfiii the sight of A big withereeve to meet her daueliterie and to go
immetise, voming streight eowerd sweeper' ut rhlios.
dark rtddsliglA I The10-ege "ma ev* t Priece Weinateelfe eolicitode to prevent
tho head light etreatele ent tato the de* the Imbue ienin hang latti hoe 4neceptino
eelin regarding the deuces Oyer wae Awn,
in the. peereinitude with Wikh Were Pawls
the deniala of the pone peedictieue elated ht
hie 'math fit comm.:4We with the Saute in -
UM, the rear of the e
*teem through the cylin
theAnd rear Of the
terrilying. Omagh megeldou
at the bite of the
together with
, maize up 4
I stood upon the trek. wee g nen hands. terejew, hte, 3ehere tett emernmenete,
fer enengh 'May tO wing front it before the to 4,147 person of cooveroAtiou
tr-444 C.C41141"4g11 /Me' 14441 -°G' 4/14 tt4 b"it4" ith the Charettiter. Ifo therefore. not
light wad *blue upon me and I cold kre expensible for what en official netts ia
u'ext bY the tf'r itt" :'itrera amen au;e4fe tante4 labiebt' a
thought. She strikers tht.9111g,, Seven" itAVOntiOu.
fotit drivleg--wheela e h hth
ngine heel bon Site in the Air.
Frietien, the nropelliog influenee. is gone
sr. slqgkeuu *peed. 1 weld ie e the
e gleee.r
my excitement I *creamed as loud
teed &flew =emery oppliee, said allow the lx,sslhle. In valn vreteet to the erigieee
moo to eut4r. Rep, Ow it*y until the Wh41TPS 11441110gtbe *tie lever which *ode
tridtk ennlealu eight then eutaide, Aud die- the rills.
play their two whitolighte that the engineer Shouting la of no they could n
may know., le well. Ailute to do •this ht'ar rue.
And poseibly indischargo freest ...w-...... the a would huve utoPPed them Tat% ,441
*WOO. Defore attativig. It occurred to me tte tutu was Olio to Posh !Ilo voSloo over,
would reek* ire A report",to beeedetuerters tbero been utatilgieut uTelatultt there
Otte night it mime ray tura to run the it wee, the inertia at the oars tompoeing
thee our supply of lantern oil At Ike bull. Oiling tho wheel.
Way hem was Iow, so I procured and filled But one remora* wive left, mid 1 thought
4 quart bottle et btrtl oil, the hied which le of it jun in time. I etenoed as eine to the
nod for the purpoae, put it irito the inaide alt I dared, and with all Tay etreugth
Pocket of my heavy eoat, buttoned 14 smugly burled the empty bottle at tho head.bght.
about me, and etarted, struck the *Ignited ellattered it to splin-
It wax stormy isunmer.4 right, 48 maoc, tens. and the light instantly went our.
ea Ink, 34V cier ten smeothly over thThen cattle the welcome eignel from the
e ralla whistle for brakes. aud I sank down un -
end soon I heti travelled *bout half the •
toms, end errived itt abrldgo ercealpg Sulike
Whea I recovered, A moment aufficed to
River. litre 1dlemounted from the ear.
And pushiog it Ahead of ree aft I Famed, I 1 the Idurlik /mat Iiroceedingelooly wo
re the etructure a careful exammatioe eerils to the ecene of the trontle. The
alma everything all rieltt, end was about hut been removed and 19" lYillg beatile
moutting zrly car mgsin vital 1 rec.,eivea a track I nut, of course, the would-be
"delta blow open the lima wh'eli stretched wreekera bad seen by our careful approach
that their plan was epoiIed oil had de-
xim sentetlees upon the mile.
Recovering COWICi011ant116 atter it few mo- c4°)P3
With the tools always carried open it
teents, I found myself bound, gagged mad- " f 1
met, whom I sew, as well as the derkuces ci Ta' 41't Procee ed -
mo ae carried. to the compan0 hospital
r 1 purpose:I, we 0000 replaced
lying hut TOW feet from gang oi masked .f"
BittUlttleS Iudifiercuce to De Oa.
Thrto Buzacano were led out to offer
death by being titiot. They -were Kane:1y
apathetle, not teeming to cane hit endgleg
by the wiey they laughed and talked and
molted the never Anent dear. One of there
hostel hem; tied up, the other two equetted
owe mid wittelted the eutence being carted
out whit intentie intereat The volley wail
fired, and so true bad t;one the bullet*
that the top of Tho Burnienni heed was
riddled with five of them. Turning away
to dlegust, whet was ray horror rp
to go the tenet:Wiest two pritonare roiling
on the ground, eonmilseil with laughter et
the (Mot of the Sepoyte Ake. It woo
etame time before they recovered sufficiently
• to be taken up for peniehmerale and when
they were, ono of therewintemelliog cimir
anti the other buret out laughiug just ae
the erder for firing was given.
The Burman, It will be seen from this, it
• athetio, appereatIv indifrerent to death.
P spite of this -quality, he is it 'coward 10action and rarely fights In the ape or
stands his ground when etteeked. They 410 '
it tell root., and in maw rencets re
semble the Chinate; havisig flat foes mid
• email tyre. They wear their hair keg.
like A woman, and the greatest insult
thev can receive in to have it cut. In
daily life tboy aro lazy, nothing the women
do everythirtg; thieve's told aud not to
be irnsted in any Imeineas freesaetien.
Neville Morrie. in New York Star.
Trolled to elein Convicte to Escape.
A common cockroecie was trained. to act
ase letter cerrier between. Williene Rodifer
end. Starlight Jae ls '' Ryan, convicto le the
Southern Indiana Penitentiery. it la prob-
ably the first instauce on record, too. where
there vial: any nee ieund for this little cre.a-
Roaifer cecepied gen a the t tent' est ebove
the oue where oaeh WW1 -confined, and fur A
long time they had no ineetie of eotemuoi-
oetiog with eV:lent/lien It >alter wae a daz-
ing teilowe but he bad tett et:IE.:Ito:it imegia
t104 TO get up plea e ecape, And he relied
on the bright mind of lie friend " Starlight
Jo,* "to enggese ete idea,
floe eveaseg Redifee noticed, an hatooeut-
lookieg cockroach running aboutQa the floor.
Mtge watebiug ita paraleilings for a time
he concluded lie coald pee it. So writtog
A alert note to hie friend, be ileceit to the
eeeltreech'e wing, end kneeling down on the
Beer, be put it ots the well tinder the iron
beicoey frout of hie eel'. lie eaculeted
that it would. MR lute the eell Underneath.
And it did.
Jack netieed the paper, ought the• hiseee
end read the mete. Then he auewered
awl poisieg The ntt10 creature out on the
• wall from the eeiliog over the doer he re
leiteedit. The Pewit weet into Itediferte cell
aud W345 caught. Then they fed and eared
for it, and need it in 'this meaner for eorme
months, rra face it grew to understand its
It moat hew IIVO:a fen1410 COehreaeb,
wever, fer ene dey it eteppedte ehot with
o f -end end WAS rmatieed ig werdeu. The
We Widen. WAS written In forint tont el el.
, was:tamed', emi the; hespital sten-4r4,
. Sid C. bleCosee, reed it, Then the
beetle WaS PIO on the beicony deer, end 1;
Ude R 14hff"r'e es% VAS the CliiCiala
0 net peeled as to the pine of the two
titne dealt began to auepeet that
.g WAS womg, ad added a pestecript
ter egmethieg like thie: '11 every -
right yon wilt find A heir from my
hie note." The warden eeed ie an
he advert+, but dropped the Lair and
Never mind " veld Capt. Craig,
mat hair waft red • "pat qua of ;Woe in
it.' The anewereawe'beek, That bet whip
must have beeo ewfel one, Jack, for
chenged the ardor of your hair." Tile
of theee two werthree emcee to
r, end they wild. tletie
probably the Only Instance. "Where foleer
1,40zisess Brought 4 lean a Voetune.
Abeut three years ago Frank Martin stela
the Rora eilver mine at Ere for S55,000,
By his drinking aed gambling be has re.
duced it to about $IX00, 404 bit wife now
petitions the Probate Court to have o guard-
iari appointed for him.
To read the above paragraph elite worao
naturally say that titer e was eothieg bit:
that it was 4 common every -day occurrence...
But read thief- Three years ago Vita& Martin
"a0as worthleae ;led bay it vagabond as
eould well he produeed—one of those wine
never missed a meel or paid it cent, Re re-
sided at a place called Era, in aimean
county, hadahoTo ritery, had 40 1411011patic14,
and sponged his living from his brother, whe
had &molt ranch and kept the Poet Office
by the road side. One day hie brother's wife
requested Frasele to out her ;mole wood,
Re refused, whereupon she beat him out of
the house with a rollieg pin, and ferbacle
birn to ever eater her doore egain. Sad end
dejeeteil at the tonditiort of attain, Frank
walked up a 14311 10 the rear of his once heppy
home until 'within a sir ort distapee of its;
sumnalt, when he rat down 11E044 a fiat roc,
nt the balite time eteetchieg out his lege
itud brach% his feet nmtioet a Mail booldee,
10 front him. Ile hod Pot been there
tang ethett the boulder under hie feet gime
ws..y and went rolling deem the Frank
reined himself wed listleetly followed after
the roBing aroecee-hat Jed baro we avB1
digreee and say that hie then esperieeee
expleded the ad opheritra 04 "
stnaega*her* no mere—and, plait% it up,
waa etptited itt ite weight end genera
Revere -Pee. 110 ehowed the atone to SCUPS
Miners Soon after, end they prepormeed 10
horn -altar ere of the richfat character.
Thereupon Prat* proepected the edema end
aeon found it Iedee which paid Irene the atert-
80 thet in lee?, i ham a mouth After epeolog
mine Mr. Freed; Merthee thee* wee;
worth ite lege front 510 to 66.000, He
ed hate of warm frieudee-tedeed. 1410
telands were red boteareecblog :leen Rous -
on the mirth to Blackfoot irs the centre
Raley and Salt take la the east,
004 eveeleg. after delivering a shipment
of his ore to the redaction worke at Raney,
!lie. Martin dropped ititoa reetauraat And
erdered 49444re rre01, 110 WAS FrOloppy
served by it ecniely waiter girl, mid tete
bit somewbrat hilerious mood, abalteagesi
• the girl to marry him then end there. She
• accepted hie proffer. it dlUitiee of the
Poen Wan sent for, ?sett the twein were
made one. About ale motto ofterthis herald
hie mine for the eurnattovestited, and stie.
turally enough the troaltiora from extreme
ludigence to much walla* neshipped wino
little intellect be bad,
!dont Wealth b it blearing to same, hat
it enree to others.
Would permit, e.t wovk with bat sranovin g
pee of the rails jut ttt the entrence of the At where sidllful surgeons did the
beet the could for me but it wee found
laridge. Y ,
Treinewreckera 1 I had heard a great &el zece8947 t° remove my am aa you tieu,
about the desperate cheracter of them And the comnarre thought ib best, to avoid
rafilaus, but was now toohiug my first ae.•mY meeting with peasible harm from the
mieintence with them. gong I had foiled, to tranefer mo to this
Au they worked, they dissuesed the Situ- Paint'
Wo8, and bow they should dispose of rec. Now it ins time for me to light no the
"I tell yer, Sam 1" one big fellow exclaim-
etation, for your train will doon be here.
ea. "Beat way is to tie him across the
A pleasentjourney to you, sir, and no mis-
one. and let tem Enieh him," haps. Good -night
" Yea, that's so 1" echoed the psrty.
4 a
talee hose
'Deed znen tell no s, nd h
m e
nen our faces."
" Ho 1 ho 1 he 1 1 won.'t listen to zilch a
" Baia one 'who seemed to exereise some
over them. "Fe than have
enoagh to 01:101Ver for before this job is Ba-
10he4 without killing him. Row this nail
1" he added with an oath. "The who drove these epikee must have
meant 'era to stay. Come, mates 1 lie is
lode enough, and if we mean business, we
mat be lively. The train will be here in
twenty minutes, and we ,have no time to
lose," and at the rail they all sprang with a
Twenty minutes 1 What could. I hope to
do to save the train in my condition, with So
short a time?
The thought of the terrible amok which
must result if the derailed train struck the
bridge made me desperate. Straining at the
cords which bound my wrists, I fancied they
gave way a little. I rememliered the trick
of the necromancers who free themselves
from their bonds by alternately contracting
and:expanditig their nurscles, and 1 lay in si-
lence, working in it perfect frenzy of excite -
Mont lentil I was able to free my hands. In
an blatant my knife out of my pocket, and
faV feet free.
Without waiting to free myself from the
gag, I sprealg to my feet, and, at the top of
my speed, started down the track in the di.
rection of the approaching train. With a
yell whicb told me I was discovered, the
'whole gang started in pursuit; but I had
emne little start of them, and bounded along
the ties, bent. upon stopping the train at
any cost.
In the_inky blackness of the night pursuit
Was difficult. Soon pop 1 pop! pop 1 from
the revolvers of the gang. They were firing
down the traek, in the hope of stopping me
it ballet.
As the gag, which I had not removed,
hindered my breathing, I was forced to stop
for a moment to out it away. While so
'engaged, there came it second volley, this
time more eucceesful. I was struck in the
left arm midway. between wrist and elbow.
I should have fainted from the shook,to-
gether with the rough usage 1 104 previous -
Habits of the Ostrich.
The ;supposition that an ostrich, lays but
ane egg annually, and drops that carelessly
in the mad, 10 nonsenee. /do also is the fam-
iliar etory that the bird is in the habit of
poking his head in the sand, thinking that
it iney thus escape the observation of its
pursuer. The terrich is no such fool. The
female lays as many eggs annually as any
goose or hen, and on the birds in the flock
use the same neat, which is a hole dug in
the sand in some secluded place where they
are safe from disturbance. When theta are
twenty or thirty eggs the male bird beeches
them sitting upon the nest continually for
thirty clays, and is fed meantime by the fe-
males. Daring the period of incubation the
male bird is in an ugly mood and attacks
fiercely with his bill and feet any man or
animal that approaches him. As the thicks
are hatched their mothers take care of them,
the brood being divided among the flock by
some instinct, and the cock is free to attend
to his own affairs again. Very often eggs
are found on the pampas, but sneh have
dropped in the chase or by hens that have
been unable to reach the nest.
Honesty Sometimes keeps a man from be -
doming rich, and civility from being witty.
"Politeness is like an air -cushion; there
may be nothing in it, but it eases our jolts
Row can God fill a heart all pre -occupied
with the ambitions Ana the plane for wealth
and self-advancernerit ?
Happiness lies concealed in our duties,
which, when fulfilled, give it forth as the
opening rose gives fortis fragrance.
A good deed is never lost : he who Sows
courteby reaps friendship; and he who
plants kindness gathers live. --[Basil.
Sin is to be overcome, not so much by
maintaining it direct opposition to it as by
cultivating oppoeite principles,—(Fuller.
Facts Concerning CoId 'Waves,
There are many other curious facts con-
neeted with the progress of cold waver..
Many iristances occur, saya Lieut. Wood.
ruff. where the temperature at a given
station, at the time of the appearance of
the veld wave in the northweet, is lower
than the minimum afterward. produced
by the cold wave. It often happens that
a cold Ware riots in from the extreme
northweek and upon reaching the 'Missis-
sippi valley dividee, a part taping north-
easterly to the lower lake region and the
other part southward to the Gulf States.
In eidier case the inteneity appears to be
greatly diminished. This action seems
generally to be due to the endden devel-
opment of a storm somewhere in the south.
ern part of the Missouri valley. Some-
times it storm of slight enerey remains in
Kansas, Missouri 0.32a the Indian territory,
and has the effect of retarding, or even
totally destroying it cold wave. Again, when
a cold wave is retarded in tins way, it
seems often to gather force MA intensity,
and such rapidly forward and spread over
the entire country. Another frequent is
feature is that after a cold wave commences
the temperature continues to fall in the
northwest, and another wave is formed
entirely distinct from the first, from which
it becomes separated by it warm wave. The
warm wave is only a narrow belt, but the
cold waves are perfectly distinct.
for the *Imre
have aelzed 41
ittretels of the cent
mile* of coot line. Th
Ambrie end the Congo bave
vesieted Porteigielta feeble Attar,
them under her eovereiguty, hue witb
aid of' it force ot Turkana eed it 144V8/ 410
;dog the 3$1) unto of coast 4he bee at la
no through the form of adding the dietrie
with ite three 1ittl porta to her posteselone
in Angola. Thue Portuged now claims an
unbroken elmat liue, About LOCO miles loug
form the south bauk ef the Cense* river to
Cunene, The entire African omit liee
swath of the Mealterraneen Stet ce hi thee in
the bends of Buropeeue, except the few how
tired miles recently eouceded to theSultsui of
Zavelbar, and it etreteti of 120 milev oust of
Liberia, France, Spat and le oroeco have
divided among them moat of the otuparative-
ly worthlete Sabana littoral, and the long
Sound coast ou the Indien amen appears as
Geraum territory en all the lateet German
neve by virtue of the treetiee which the late
Dr. jithlke concluded with several of the
Tile partWoa et the interior of the co
, anent aa made very rapid progress on pa -
1 per within the peat eighteen months. A
map showing the Online of the varioua pow -
Nuts and Nut Trees.
The shell bark hickory tree thrives best
from thirty to fifty miles from the sea-
shore. It will perform better work in
fruiting if its roots are fed from a running
The butternut produces better crops on
the hills away from the shore, and it also
delights In damp feet. The fruit is loetter
if lefe on the ground until after hard froots.
The blaok walnut mud be gathered and
cleaned of its husk before hard frosts. Then
the not can stand any kind of weather.
Eat it and All other nuts.vsith a email quat-
thy of salt. The oil in nuts requires a cast
iron digestive aemarrittts. The salt aids ma
tare in digesting the fruit.
Chestnuts will grow anywhere, but het -
tet near the salt air. The cultivated var-
ieties can be improved by the aid of fer-
A correspondent claims that a Walnut
grafted on butternut dock produces fruit
that is better flavored than the natural
walnut. The only difficulty is that the
walnut outgrows the butternut stook.
a reveals the fact that about fivrefixtlis of
the continent eolith of the -equator is now
owned by blogland,Germany, Frence,Portu-
gal, and the Congo State, The largest ure
appropriated area is the extensive native
Kingdom of lenicia,south of the Congo State.
In this Mien the Portuguese have recently
planted several stations, with the consent
of the Muatall'amvoi end it will not be
surprising it we here, in time this poteutete
hat: become a eubjectof the Xing of Portugal
The next largethregion atill in waive hands
is the Zulu tandem of Matabeleland, which,
in view of the mane gold findswill be added
to the British protectorate in Bechuanaland,
if the Government wishes to please Cape
A very large aggregate of eapitel and
gy is eow devoted to ascertaining the cepa-
bilitiee of these newly acquired poeseseions.
Prence is encouraged to persevere in the
large region ef the French Cone by the
progress DE Beldamis making, in taviliziing
the large riverine tribes, by the exports of
Gaboon, which, in the peat few years, have
increased several fold, &Da by opening of
a new trade route along the KevilteNiadi
River, which is attracting a good deal
of the ivory and pabn oil trade that former-
ly went down the Congo. The building
of the railroad from Loauda to Ambaca is
well *a the way, and a survey is in progress
for the extension of the road to Melange,
which will make an iron highway about 400
mike long towards CentralAfrica. Nothing
but favorable reports been published
from the engineers who are surveying the
route for the 235 miles of railroad around the
Gong o Rapids and who bad half completed
their work when they suspended operations
during the rainy season. The Gertnaue
are opening a score of large plante.tions
among the Usagara highlands, are building
many stone houses and training the natives
to work. The Englieh are sending two
colonies of farmers to Bechuanaland, are
talking of extending the Kimberly railroad
far north towards the Zembeld, while the
new gold fields bid fair , to give s. great
impetus to the development of the south-
ern part of the continent.
It has taken men of splended faith end
enthusiasm to set these apparently Quixotic
enterprises on foot. Mnoh that they hope
to achieve may not be accomplished for
many years,
if ever, but they have already
done enough to silence :some of the critiee
who thought their projects were purely
Utopian, and never tired of declaring that
nothing good could ever came out of Africa
It would no doubt shock many an actress
who considers herself a " star " did she ever
by accident happen to read that word back-
vtte gives the
o hie rearvelouti seri.
the influence of Indian
hemp, A fotemi ofours told us of his expe-
rience witis tIso potent drug in Viltahlugton,
during thewrsr wiers he teak it quantity In
experimental way, In hie g1144 the ballet.
Woe as to time aml ditiMnee were very
iniltar to those gime; below. 11 1* not an
experience to be desired.
The room acorns to tent sound; thopeonle
er eppeer to rise to the ceiling; the
Wee beide with extreme rapidity altel the
'trail:deg et the heart becomes audible. The
sill rernalesunaffected but thinking becomes
pneeible, for one ettenotrecollect onything,
the ideas iseern teelip mew. In another ten
minutes the cheraoternitio indications of
heropeating appear. Every objeot smoroad
attains 4 monstrous size. hien and womeu
eeem of Srobillignaglan proportions. the
eushious upon wheel one vita eaten fit for
giants, and any trilling obstacle in the way
when you attempt to walk appeere ao islg
that you fear to step over it. The room in
which you tiny bo flitting seems to stretch
-beyond the ranee of eight, and one fancies
the street entracte is receding before °nett
very eyes. .All eenee of time b lost now,
and when he ia spoken to, the hemp eater
fancies there erelong aed apparently same -
leve intervals between the words. His own
attempts at speech are iiimilarly marked t
the syllables come elowly, le,borinualy, and
minutes eeem to elapsebetweenehe beginning
and end 01 71 word. In this stage 10 10 usual
to partake of more coffee, which changes
the nature of the sensations. A -whiffet the
narghilethat always accompanies the Inver-
ege,and the body SESCIIIS to rise in to the
am and float about, though, inexplicably
enough, the feet keep firmly pressed to the
ground. Then one's legs and name appear
to drop off and life and seneation concentrate
themselves, to one's thinking, in the back
of the head, which feels full to bursting.
Gradually strength leaves the smoker; the
pipe slips from the rerveless fingers; the
willaltogether fails, smiths body seems to
riae andfloat away in space. A heavy, dream -
leas sleep usually euoceede such an indul.
gence in the -drug, and as a rule the noviee
awakes none the worse for the evening'ss
experiment. A littlelemon juice removes any
enation of nausea or light headache that
may ensue.
African Explorers Attacked.
The Weser Zeitung reports that Kendal
and Tappenbeekta expedition to the interior
of Canieroomi was recently attacked by za-
tives end that two officers were severely
Kund and Tappeubeck are officers in the
Gormaa army who made it notable journey
in the Congo basin once two years ago, dur-
ing which they discovered a large new xiver
the rkatta, emptying into the foot of Lake'
Leopold 1., which Stanley discovered. Af-
ter their return home the Government sent
them out again with a wall -equipped Emma.
dition to traverse a great region which has
never yet been visited by White Man. The
oountry stretching from Cameroons to Ad-
amawa on the north, and far toward the big
northern bend of the Congo on the south, ts
now the largest unexplored part of Africa.
It is while engaged in this important enter:
prise that their expedition has been attmok-
ed by the natives, whose unfriendly disposi-
tion had already beenreported by travellers
who had gone it little inland from Cameroons.
"Look here, doctor, if you could pay this
bill, you'daccommodate megreatly." "Can't
do it, my dear sir, imposeible ; bat come in
next week, and I may be able to do some-
thing for you." "Then you expect tio be in
funds soon ?" "Yea, I saw young Slender -
legs going by here on his bicyole to -day."