HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-24, Page 5Lourie Baron 4 Bruce Railway Northern. Envision. (r' oll+lal< N onxxr- Ta it. TdsnH---Pannier.. London, depart...7.45 a,1li, 4.25 ren. Lucan Crossing,. 8.28 5.20 Claudeboye, , , , „ 8.34. 6.28 Centralia„ . , . ,,. 8.45 5.45 EXETER, , , ... 8.56 5.57 Bensall , . , , , ,. . 9,08 6.09 ipP9.14 6,17 Ca,tQ� . : � , � i rucefield, ... # . , 9,22 6,2.6 Clinton . ... ,x 9.40 6.45. Lendesbero' . ,..10 00 7,03 Blyth., •,,.,..10,10 7.12 :13elgrave ,,.,,..10.25 7.27 Winghanr, arrive .10.45 7.45 Goma SouTu. Passenger., Wingbanr,depart. 7.05 A.M. 3.40 ai Bel,rave 7.24 4.00 Blyth .. ,.�, . 7, 38 4.15 Loradesboro', . , .. 7.47 4.25 Clinton,.....,,, 8.07 4.45 8rttoefieltl.. , ., 8.26 6.04 Kippers, , , :. , .., 8.34 5.12 }Jensen r , ,,.8,41 5.19. Exeter. 8.56 5.53 Centralia , . K .. 9.07 5,45 Clandebole.,,,.. 9.18 5,56 Macara-aross'g; ._.. , 9.24 6.02 lemslon,arrive,.10.15 6.45 at notice inserted under this ave cents per line each insert. a{ ion. f "We would ask our friends. and readers to assist us .in quaking this lam iatteresting lsv contributing items An changes for. advertisements) in TAF AnvoC.'i trust be handed in be. .fore Taesday noon, from this time for. ward. This rule will be rigidly adhered. to, and advertisers will please take no- tice. No exceptions will be ramie. nlay a 'ening least #lis Ex b visited Centralia and played snatch with tinea club,which roe/sited in favor of Exeter by one goal, the game hting 50 minutes, Cat Problem. The bet problem, has been improved 'upon, thus: If as num arid half throw a bootjack find a. hall at a cat and a half under his window and as half every slight and a half how many will ho kill in a week3 For Europe. Mr. Samuel Cornish and daughter leave today for Europe, They purohas. tel their tickets from John Spauknnan, agent for• the Allan Pane, and veill go over in that magnificent steamer "Parisian." Aceldlent, One day last week as Mrs. D. Hicks was crossing the Kirkton bridge, the horse backed over the embankment throwing Mrs, Hicks out and breaking her leg in two piaees We understand that Mr. Hicks will take steps to re- cover damages from the, township, Acquitted. John Vail and Samuel hciwarthy, the two boyswho were sent to Goder ich to stand trial for stealing soino bar• rels of tar from James Pickard on the night of May 1st, by Clarke and Snell Magistrates, were brought before his Honor, Judge Toms,on Friday last and acquitted. Horse Purchased.. Mr, James Oke, while : in Montreal last week, succeeded in purchasing a fine young thoroughbred clydesdale stallion, just imported from Scotland, paying therefor a handsome ° figure It is a first-class animal, and no doubt be will be a good horse for the farmer to breed from. Editor's Table. We have before us a. copy of the popular edition "Cradled in a Storm," by T. A. Sharp,and"A. Woinans trace,' by Florence Warden, They are excel- lent series of first-class works of fiction, and all lovers of this class of literature cannot secure more interesting books than those above, .$'or sale by all book -sellers, or can be had direct for 30 cis. each from the pi.blisher, Wm. Bryce, Toronto. Spring Poetry. Here is a spring poem that should be pasted in, the crown of a great many hats: "Don't stand with your hands in your pockets, And look, like.a knot on a log; Tighter your genuses, ` spit on your hauls And hump yourself out of the bog. Oh, never allow the spring bree nes, Thro' your whiskers to mournf,telly, hustle .'Remember that Fortune that, downy old jade, smiles only on people' who hustle,., Chop, cordwood dig drams;,' er split, rails, But don't stand around, ]lire, as ctuntb thing; The springy is here,,' the summer is neae. So, go to worlt, "fit eglllethin,gi Debtor" and Creditor, The annual return of division court business has been issued by the Ont- ario Government. The reportshows that in 12 courts in Huron county there were entered last year 1771 suits, the amount of the claims being $32,- 285,40, The total of suitor's money paid into court was $15,64007, and theamount of suitor's money paid ont of court $15,396,92. Of the suits en- tered, 74 were for amounts exceeding $100. There were five jury trials .and $83,Q0 were paid to jurors„ Judg- mentsuminon's issued 53. Baseball Match. On Saturday afternoon .last, a game of baseball was played between the Remelt. Alld Exeter Teams The game was very interesting•and the best of feelings existed throughout. Mr. L. Hirld, of Jet xisall,aeted in, the capacity of umpire in a satisfactory manner. The following is the score,,. -f HENSA.LL. Reeding, 1 0 0 1 0.0 1 0 *-3 Ball, /0000000 -- 1 Rennie 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0: -2 Wren, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-•.-0 Pick, 00000100 I Stacey, 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Stonewan, 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Arnold, 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 1 McDoneil, 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 .-,-3 2 Total '9th innings not played, EX WEB. 0001000001 00010.0000-1 101 01 0000-3 001100000-�-2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0--.2 001100000-2 Hyndluan, 00 1 000009.1 Ilalictviil, 000040000-0 Elliot, 000000000--0 2 16 ..114e rson, EaereFt,, Tait, 13illira�, Oke,, Knight, Totals, 10561000.01 erica Prooeed10s, The village council met in Tow Hall on .Friday evening last. All pres. ent, except councillor Pickard.. Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. Mr Renton addressed the council with regard to Mark Clarke and eon. Ho stated that Mr. Clarke was in acritical condition:, andnot able to help himself, and that the son was there with hizn receiving neither education ease or pro- per trainrng,and thought :ilei the coun- cil should take some action in the mat- ter. The council instructed Mr. Ran - ton to confer with ith Clarke in regard to allowing the mind' to:advertise, and get the boy nsuiteltl€iplaae with some farmer, Mr, Gillespie waited on the council in regard to a grant to assist the Band in securing caps, : Moved by T. 13. Carling, seconded by T. 11. Mc- Callum that this council grant ten dol- lars to the band to assist payment of caps.--Oarried. The following; accounts were then presented. ---B.. Ph/combo labor $21.50; John Allison trees for park $2.20;John Popplestone labor Si; las. Creech, charity, :Mrs,. Clack, $20. Handford, labor, $10,50; W. Sutton board for S. Ford, p10; Geo, endmor°, work at Town Hall $2; Jas Beer part salary assessor, $40. Moved by W. G. Bissett seconded by T. B. Carling that Mr, Pincontbe secure a suitable plow for the use of this tiorporation. No ,econder. Moved by T. B. Carling, seconded by T. IL McCallum that air. Pincombe secure the necessary stone hammers for the use of this corporation. Carried. 311r. Creech was instructed to place the ]amp which is opposite 1R1'r. Hardy's, at Harding's corner. A pet- ition was then presented to the council signed by 73 ratepayers paying that they water Main. street during the sunt mer season. Moved by T. B. Carling, seconded by T. IL McCallum, that the petition of Messrs. Ryndman and Her- sey be fyled with Iast years petition, in order that the boundary of the South may be defined. Moved by W. G. Bis- sett seconded by T. B. Carling that we ask for tenders for the watering of Main street. The council to furnish wagon, tenders to be in by Monday night May 21st. Mr. Creech complain- ed of wood being in the way on Huron street. Mr. Pixncombe was instructed to have the same Filed to one side, the owner to pay expense of moving Mn Creech, also complained of boys fre- quenting the park and injuring trees He was instructed to punish any . per- son or persons that were found ciamag- ing any d the trees. Mr. Creech, -was elseinstructed to light the lamps threpgh the summer whenneeded, that is dark or rainy nights, not moonlight ones., Moved by W. G. Bissett, seo'd by T. H. McCallum, that we adjourn :to: moat again on Monday night, May, 2:lst, at 7 o'clock sharp. -Carried,. Council met in town hall, Monday, evening, pursuant to, adjournment Present Reeve, Dep'y-Reeve, Council- lors Cedilla; McCallum and. L'inkard.. 1V1inutee of last aleetiiig read and sign- ed, igned, Tencia s, wells receieetl, foe the watering of Mpiu street, from the fol- lowing person* viz. -John GFillespie, $2.90 per day; Jas. Balsdon, $2,60; John Thompson, .$2.70;: Win. Down, .5Aan Bisst, , ?M by $2T0;, B. CarIIling, etsec.'d $2.87by T. 14e0aliutnoved Haat Wm. Dawn's tender being the lowest: be accepted.., -parried. Moved by W, Bissett, see'd by Thos. McCal- lum, thatthe following account- be passed: ---Mrs. Clack, for rent, $2; Jos. Balsdon snow plowing $1.50. Carried. Mr Spackman and Giclley waited on the council asking permission to out down a tree in front Oddfellows 11411. Their request was grnntect, Moved by W. G. Bissett se. onded by T. B. Carl ins; the rate of six ors. per foot be es- sensed for the watering of Main street. Carried, 31r. Renton waited on the council re Mark Clark and son., He, Air. Renton thought, it would be a dis- grace to the village, if they were allowed to remain in their preswtt state. In the rneentinae Mr. Creech was instruct- ed to leek. after Mr. Clarke and make necessary proovisions, Mr- Creech wish- ed to know what the council purposed doing with the cave trough Ieading in- to tank in Town Hall. He thought if the trough were raised to one end it would answer, W. Bissett suggested to stop the hole up at the other end. Moved b?' w, G. Bissett, seconded by T. H. McCallurn,t rat we now adjourn tonleet ,immediately after court of Revision, Brief Itetrrs. To -day is 24th Msy. Mr. J. N. Hooper spent Sunday iu the village, - -On Thursday evening Mr, S. Stan- ko's teaua ran away. -Bead J. G. Srallacctwbes ebenge "ad" in this issue. Mx B. IL Fish is thoroughly rem. sting his barber shop. -�-Mr. IL B. Elliot, tosit clerk G. T. spent Sunday in town. For Field, Flower and Darter: ealdai, go to Samwell Pickard's. few clays ago, a youngda lighter James Walter's fell front at tnd broke her arm, A full assortment of L », Xing' lebrated Boots; Shoes and Slippers Samvrell4 Eickard's.. Mr. B. J. MoRobert, represent: ve of the Perth Mutuel Fire Ins, Coy, was in tewndast week. --Samwell & Pickards are now showing the latest" styles in gents felt Hats, -An 'Wier/ B4gpipe brigade struck town on Thursday last, and diseoursed something in the shape of music. -A. fine lot of English and Scotch Tweeds for gents snits, Perfect fit guaranteed at Samwell tl: Pickard. -Lost, on 3faiu.street,a black thorn walking stick, the, finder will be suit- ably resvarcieci by leaving the same at this office, -We are indebted to Attorney General Mowat ,for a. copy of the revis- ed statutes of Ontario, and we offer lihn our thanks .for the same, --Sainwell4 Pickard has just re- eived a large variety of Wall Papers, Cleiling Decorations, Window Shades and Curtain Poles -The time table on the L. H. &B, R, is changed. The trains will cross at Exeter in the morning and Centralia n the evening.. For time of trains see ime table. -Mr. David Johns and Robt. Sand- ers,; of this village, accompanied by Mr. ohn Puddacombe, of London, left on Monday for Muskoka on a fishing ex- pedition. -Be sure and gall en. Sit/11W0113c Pickard and see their grand display of Alilliuery, including the latest and newest New York and England styles and novelties. , -Mr, A. R. McManus,Foreman of Gale Sulky :Harrow Coy. which is now tationed at :Blyth spent a couple of ays in town last week. Come again Mac, we are always glad to see you. -Listowell bas a society known as he Young Lady Club Swingers; Most' f the fair sex understand the. swing - ng of the broomstick, ' curb swinging eems a little out of their line. -The Manufactures Life Insuranc ompany, Toronto, of which the Hole SII: Joalr A. MacDovaL» is President s the cheapest and best to insure with Win. Sanders, agent, AnvOClaTE office -Mr. John Barnes wishes to inform.. he public that he is prepared to repair finders, Sewing Machines, . Wringers, rgans, etc., on shortest natioe., Yin -.wire at Bissett Bros, Hardware Store„ Exeter; Feby. 23rd, $8--tf, -Hereare two old proverbs: about. the month of Maay„whicb conflict eome- hat; "A cold May, enriches noone," nd "A cold and' windy May fills, the aro,"" They; are both perfectly reli- filer, no. deix 1.t: -all prever;bs; c i t J s d t 0 1 s C i t 0 w a b a . si FIELD, Bi FJ 0 SVF AL,XVIC, IDE . 9E4 Izat:ST SETT Bit08 , ac.- •< =X-. c max.-xt�X X, X t1 X a .{r„.s. i:3 * :- 4. it,l«,. FULL LINES OF CONFECTIONERY ON £!AND WEDDING ANT) PARTY *CAKES t . --ORDERS ...PROMPTLY - A'pTENT3lr " °fO.,....�;» door north of )3eU .'s old. stand, IVTA,IN-STREET, EXETER, OLD DR. CHASE'S. NEW BOOK. K�/ ��t�E��T DV�di. His Last & Gro wr;in.g Life Work Dr. Chase's Third, Last and Complete Rete t Book and Household Physician, or the Book for the Million, -contains nearly 900 pages and sells for $2.95 in cloth bind- ing and 42.50 in imported oil cloth, marble edge, and is justly by hirci called 'The Ctrowniag Work of My Life." It is the result of over hair a century's observation, study and experience. Yet this embodiesno nomppilation orhis former books. IT ISWHOLLY A. NEVIBOOK. If 30 years ago he could produce a book that has had a sale of over fifteen hundred thousand copies, and has made his name familiar in nearly every English-speaking home in the United States, Canada. and thousands of homes in Europe, Australia and South America, what mien of a book could or would he produce as his Crown- ing Life Work, WWI MORE TEfAN THIRTY SEARS OP ADDITIONAL PRACTICE AND E1 PERIENCE? The book itself answers the question, and is the most valuable pro- duction in the history of book pnbl;siting, CAUTION! Unscrupulous and pirating publishers are attempting to Dopy this book by taking portions of it out and palming it off on the public as the complete work. We own tho manu- script, purchased front Dr. Chase's heirs. See that you that you get the GENUINE book. See that it has our name on. the title page and is copyrighted by us.. Agents Wanted: Big Terms: F. B. D1CKERSpN & Main Office, Detroit, Mich, Windsor, Ont. Published in both English and, German, Ap26--6w. Caveats, .,R$ -issues and Trade -Marts snored. and all other patent causesin the Patent Offipe and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon ; receipt. of Mode,' or Sketch of In- vention,, I make.careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charge. REES MoDERArE,' and I:make Nr charge unless patent is secured. . Information, advice and special refrences sent on appal cation. ' B, LITTELL, Washington, D.': C, Opposite Lt. S. Patent OSlo &DI KCE TO i!O'rfihi S4 Are you disturbed at night mut broken of yn-i rest by a sick child suirering, and crying with pain of cutting teeth 2 if sir. sena at once anti get a bottle of bins. WINSLOwF'Ssilonlzxo SYnrp able. ltwiillrell ccethe looiittl suet mx mus - diately. Depend aport it, mothers, there 1z. no mistake about it, It cures dysentery, and dint - rime, regulates the htotn;ach anti, bowels, cur, win de ol le, sot tens thegales, red eccarsrrilamtoe- tion, and ive-i tone and energy to theizolo. system. I1fits. ivWINOLnw'9Sonrnn aSTUMPVert CHILDREN TairrnIno is pleasant to the tnste.n.nd is tho prescriptiouof ono of the oldest and beat female ntrrtes and physicians in the Unita;i states nod is for orale by all druggists through - 'eat the world. Price tn5 ennte a. bottle. A new lot of 5&x10, 11xI4 anti 14.x17 POO FRAMES Opened out this week. -Also new line c --- Photo Mats, Picture Frame MOULDING Of' the Latest Designs, EXETER PHOTO GALLERY., JOS, SENIOR, Prop. AN EXTAORD1NARY OFFER TO ALL WANTING E.IIPLOYMENT. We want live, energetic, agents in every eounty ]n the 'United States and Canada, to sell a patent articles of great merit, ON ITS NEWTS. An articles having largo sale paying over 100 per cent. profit, having no, competition, and on which tho agent is protected in the exclusive sale by a deed given for mob and every county lie may secure from us. With all these ad- vantages to our agents, and the fact that is au articles, that can be sold to aveig house owner, it might not be necessary tarnake "yin eaniN- AT °SPCA" to secure good agents at once, but we have concluded to make it to show, not only our confidence in the merits of our invention, but in its salability by any agent that . hili handle it with energy, our vents now at work, aromaking 5150 to 5500 a month clear, end this fact, Makes it safe for us to make our offer to all that are out of employment. Anyagent that will give our. business a thirty days' trialand tail to clear at least,, 5100 in this time, Anes% ALL ZNrsNsrs, can return all,; goods unsold to us and we will refund the money paid for thein. Ile such employer of agents ever dared to make such offers, non would we if we iii,;} not know that we have agents now making more tbnr„ double this amount. Our large derriptive, cironlars�i explain our offer fully, and these we wish to send to everyone out of employment who; will send ns throw one cent stamps for postage. Send at once and' se.. aura the agency in time for the boom, and go to wori ont he terms named in our extraordinary offer, Address, et onoe, 1QATioN:U, NOVELTY Co, 1 111--8,. SU Smithlleld.St,,.Pittsburga,. Si;%,