The Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-24, Page 3FARM.
ever yet rejected an egg in seine gniee. It
. nutrimen4 in the mesh portable form earl
m the most concentrated shape, Whole
nations of mankind rarely touch any other
aufnula fowl, loops eat thew hollow, resaily.
• . - ' - • e
as do the humble tribes men,
After the victory of bluhldoef„ -when the
Nalsetr Ludwig at at meat with 1.122 bur•
fe and •rest a tains he determined til
gra g Q P . ''' - •
a P 1 eee ef- I exerY-"ene eg&'t° e v et Y Ulan'
and two to tile ese,elleutly v41-Nitt Schwep-
ortoso.s' F4t, tb ii: b f • to
mere _ an ,s - or us wa ry
jet..,..e.. tb b 1 , f ixt,. r.,„„
44a aro 0 40 0 ar A Oxe,, 1 -----"
tain phosphorus, which ie brain foe and
ulphur, which pc,Tforma fo, vAtiety a 'Plug.
' tione in the eoonomy. And they aro the
beat of nutriment for children, for, in a
compact form, they conteio everythiug that
is oeceseary for the growth, el the youthful
fraule, gas are, bowovor„ „tot only food_
they ere medicine also. Tee white is the
roost eguaoloos of rethe,31ea for burosr, „iod
the Oil extractable Irma the yolk ja regard,
ea hy.tho Rau' ,1411_04 en_,arno3tpiraeoicous
salve for encgtei.eiriuscwamillicwe :acrei. ;Nice?, 0, win
. A' how
exectaan7 det4eh 4 fi,h b . - th t
QUO in the roe ,
47,44 the white or two eggif wilt, render the
deadly corrofm 614101twate as laulutes3 as A
' dose of eAlermel. They etreogthen the coa.
emeoptlyo, kitiggorsto the komo and reuder
tbe moat susceptible all but prof againeb
tee -lee -We in its more malignant plweio, They
=1. elect ha rinrak iti the aline of that
"egg diP" which Euet4114 the oretoeieel
effwg8 of 4 mohere etate;umn, The merits
0 egg4 de PO e14 Wee here. irx 1r34e4
AIMS the wincerfier4 more then
400h000yeer aidtheAetiere goo
ON 121emk0riutiogma
t„,1„..hg.",I „.1ltmt° 112
puPt, bl
ii'-,„-tbh-e-a.r4-o.o-i;l4t- ,•.
te4ofewls, Whieh in any shape ee
teo10 t th0 otyrvVA 4o0lot
able, for allopeth toed hemeepath alike
• oehroing, them tot tho ,thoostho oho,
A of limo *
. WileR Docrows sft*Bow.
Royal. Int ormarrlagee.
Agave natienal crisie eeemed about to
- 1 • b, 1 c
art4o Teeex't Y In Oencany se t e resn t cn a
pr5•ps_sed marriage between a 44nel:ter el the
reigaing Emperor end Briuce Alexander of
Ilatte,,,nb, erg: Alexander w. as fozmerly .1tic.ratt
ef illugaria. akid. wha° Qequun% '174
throes gave ouch. offence, to the Haswell., Czer
that be Was ithelueted s.nel WW1 afterward
foroebeduottiev,etahtrbeifs1013r;:lOnes.6iite;'extbenredeeer• Ito to
the caer,, 1-srinee Bismarck declared that his
.. . .
eletrteg, late tile 11-11)Per°T's fantltY w`te hka'
IY to bang ahmt noPicaaant rdationa-444
perhaps worse -between Germany and Reis.
etgt'44tint(IhteheaTtetE:urgeet loettunthehtrewAr deolorY re-
the hent both of the young priocees herself,
who! her ;nether, thekiipress Ifrictoria.
Tiat3 °C"tre4e° attikilliglY illingtt.a!e8 the
feet that roarrlages kne04g the Zuropea
reigning fernlike may still have a large jr.f/u-
enee ripen the emir ee of political evente.
It le qatta traa that snob ties do nv't Pre'
vent, and r ever have prevented, the differ..
ens nations from varrelling with and fight-
binrgothetha.1Qut-ihae;. imIr ePotifteftttlineiri-tibar-0104gwh gall
ropean history, confrented eaeb ether On the
battle-4eld, mid. allied themeelvea witli each
nhet''s eneallea.
. NeRelea.n the bird warred uponFrancis of
Austria_Dia, latb,er.r."141.1,aW* and a few, Years
a'g° 413g°4nAll 445" 4148444 were ell tee velT
11*It el ecmteg to hiewe4 though the world
4(flg‘eeeeV-erira wthe,bLul...imiia
144/1": "4
tme; ,Amt lees Or ekr trlw*
terl tae elwayaranged 1118r8118(,38eututathi,tp,v01init
tween thir Members ter "dyneetio" and
litical 1-8880114, and AO 2. 13101» the fact the
arrieet104 4'11814(1 bets4C44theirt iea t401
e the waleiufvorof or against ware ma
in2Petteet lelltlealaVenta
iithmonerehipeldeed,eiher abeehte
law or iinemes eterom hua egubliihed11
tlie rule that x°Y°17 ea° erelS l!ed 1-eY421tY'
nuti thee if the liem, ever or zemoto to a
rone, marriee heueath the royal rank, h
ell forfeit his right of 1181.. 8541(1)3
Priuce Omar of Swedeu, hy merrying re-
contly Miss Mundt, one of the maids of he-
tler at the Swedish e°ett; ve" chlige4 c°
4123144"- 411 Tig-ho to eneeee4 to the °tulle;
rei to give up hie rank 40 a reyal privee.
erder to weld euch emits, the„prieeee
et meher Ehrohean etetee Ate perentted to
ntrace whet ere celled "inergehetle" mar.
Agee, with woroets not of reyel blood. Hut
13" alkire° Qf 41°1 ere net reeeg;
:erteeeaeQrn:t ar
al4kigathr3eir11134tnhgerSheir; 02' as haug ot
r.„„4,4 maIT' ilageo-foirdirum4tviutro(tr- 4121-tta
easoue often haVe twe opposite reellite
They ethtt melte in wamacu 44 puce a - .
princese who kriale little et each other, woe
w, hoolohot love eitele other, Oe the other
nauu, ;eke rule of elyneetie merriogee same
times heePe aPhrt a Prince bud PrIneeeb WII4
fhoclove eaolithotthlierp. The Ihhtter ish, seta todh:
ease wi 0 ri„me esse;:use: 1)3(1 (1318
P1-2810884 Victoria.
Sometime, 'however, ithe h.
thin and political exiseucies harniQuiZaj, and
produce happy ,marriegee. Of such a clear.
aeter, undoubtedly, were the marriagee of
Queen Viotorite with. Prince Albert; of ber
MA!, the Prince of Wale& with the Daulth
Printlese Alexendria; of the present Corneae
Emperor with his Empress,_entl of the pre.
sent Czar -with the Poneese Deemer.
So long:condoned has beeu the ottatoto of
intermarriages between royal people that
the preleut reigning retrailiee of Europa are
gal more or lees newly related. to each other.
and, in many ineteuces, are reletea to eaeli.
other by numerous ties of blood and inherit-
It cannot be villa, however, that this fact
materially leseene the probability of war,
Weed, as the page of Prince Alextuider and
the Germ= Priemese ehotre, edherehoo to
the enatOmay bring the provost of diss
elon end war nearer, rather than more re-
RIJOSIA'S 11.11/1PROX/R5till coy..
Sunflower seeds axe geed. fer fowls
As A geld, Wal ploughed is a crop belt
" cabbage need lime," Rays an experience
I gardner,
'lever heePhonc7 in acellar. 4 4rf to°ln
the place for it,.
Demp reestieg places for poultry arc, the
incipal Game Qt roup and, moat ether di-
Prof, Deleinth bays thet. hay fed to COW
tweet:. meale is woroo than wasted, as 1
terferes with tile digeation of the regular
In no way can 4 farmer with less trouble
weir a Immo oeio oho motv hothsgo thutk
e fi eding sheep on it to af6rma an English
Leep farmer.
Auearise3tantheatC)hmeret seihecearaIdevlacelt tpfrocimOhhit
heial leveatigation, that bogus hatter
'Olt to be forbidden entirelY na 2anitarY
._,, ,
A bulletin from the MicleiganAgri.eiuterei
dlege Inehee the suggestion that the State
tardet be employed to examine farm seed,
Peois417 tboso et grasses Lout doYer 1.'. T..
ey are intrehaSed.. by faraters.
Plenty of. whitetvash shouta be need ntstv,
at only for the brighter arpearance hat
eo as a disinfeetent Hot whltesvesh oe
4 1.0044 of harms, s' 1131'.q poultry 1180 (4
d big ulateriwill uid lu preVentig
21 14.. „taegbt1. tilMnoofay3SCad
orenitere Pi I
beelsnGermanyThe pvil
to boa, grat, tre44044«? Pinnt Ned%
4 they are gventutftcnctiona 01-1 1.110lla
"QfPitgwth.444Pt4tGU afVarle"withouttrliabil4
rum who ploieglied lts greeted lii
i •
11 and put What Taarair4 Pe It teethe wehor
luld be vpure4, entl F4021 tirng lit hie aide
la Iowa thlti -wink Ult done Irefinv ilia neigh-
uls lam) pleughed. S.2 41 thlu pmeem
..iiiest the best kiud of 4 or., tug.
When the early plants shell have beget',
some up in the hethecle, the potato beetle
ill attack them. Tomato plente meet he
etched, or they will ell be deetroyed he 4
le hours. The beetle CArtlea ant Rairly 14
co *meth before potato pialltg Tralo, '.heir
,lohheneth Iwo they woo eeadoh doom.
7 greee Deheraueen tbeY °ani4Q4' tiati pa-
to levee to eels-W.13W,
F.or heels theieeonthrebe del, mellow
ert. Fur Gehl culture the rowe ehoulal be
Ede enough to atimit the twee entitle:4er
11 the mete uot newer then one foot in
4 ZONVe. 740 mend wurzel heeta grow
o very lerge size, are eaurite, end wonder-
Uy productive, making excellent feed for
A Colorado farmer is Reid be heve Senth•
Ivo Iambs Rix menthe old, that weigh 140
uude each, and It has Urea eetimeted that
svill clip at leaet twelvehounde et weal
wheu ehey 441 be feerteen menthe
1. An extra muttonnow /mile at eight
ate per pound for sheep in lots, each of
5 above is worth $11.2% Thie Eshowe
Mt elm be done with 'wellehred alleep
.tilout paying any Attention to the 'value
the wool,
3(1 35 growing herder and harder to got
od reilliere au forme where but few vows
1 kept. Milking seems to be getting more
a more the work of a specie:diet Good
Biers on dairy Terme are generelly isuro of
e heat Wages. They get more mill; than
retest; or indifferent heeds would. cense.
iently they. represent so much eel& savea
their emoloyers. Somemenarenaturally
me milkers. They have a firm yet gentle
,nd, aild a 81-227 01 getting the covea beet
aifidence. No man can he a good milker ,
hil, 1313 40138 get the eow's confidence, &eh
en neutrally work towards the lerge
dries where there skill will be meat appro.
ated. On farms where few eowe 181-0 1(0311
e milking is too frequently regarded ae an '
'pleasant el:ore-to be gotten rid ot as
tickly as possible. Where the milking is '
feuded as a job to be dodged if possible,
is no wonder that wo had burgling or
uhtillful work.
delightful vapo
The refreshinga tree top he het,
the foliage of, ry coolness dry days
' familiar observed and
surnmer ie very -
lcomed by alleFruits freshly plucked
0-m, a tree hove the thme bosh „cameos
hile those that have fallen are unpl Matt
and nnrefreshinely warm. Few think of
a muse of the constant coolness of leaves
111 fruit while on the tree. It seems as
eat a mystery of nature as the coastant
varyinWarmth of animals It is the
ado, watery ansap absorbed by the roots in
e cool *toil d carried so rapidly to the
ink and then up the trunk and out along
id .
e bran. t stiche_s and ill retainto the leaves, ns lei coolness when all sora pex-
that i
Jed iron: the stomates of the leavessei-
in the air with its agreeable refrigera-
! The great wonder is how the sap
emches the tops of tall trees so rapidly as
is evidence roves it to doIt must
werse millions of separate cells on its way,
isems o gagraity even
d t etas ainst s
ne freely thafl it extends along hormtmtal
niches. No satisfactory solution to this
oblem has yet been given.
„t“acide4t or the Cnotera outbreak.
Diming tbe outbreak of cholera in Naples,
theee years ago, the hostility of ,the lower
d48800. towards tbe the wart violent.
Ti!..°Y Ingiated tiat Ina kPreaas not .thc
origin, of the dtsease was due to them, and
lled th ikte era and rn rd r 111V,
Ca ern pe n4 e e a.
siciane who inode viz' its aticislat to LePrraPs
(touters carried revcdvere, or were mecca,
. .
pamed by policemen.
A Ft• h h ' h had
nue P Y41141'14* W ° V°1nnte"ed
bin, aid> used to go abut wumned and with.
out a guard, at all hours of the night, for,
"he 444 to a Friend, "Da Selvatere TAIT'
anesa was watching c.vcc iIiin*"
Wherever he went at luip'slit, a Man with
a lon„o eleak thrown e'ver his.sheulder, earry-
14g a 4tiek in ilia band, fell°we4 biro, " a
deteetive follows the mail }Lehi "shadowing.",
B.yen in the he4rt of the thtevee quarter
this phyeicien was 40 eele es le the public
Equate at midday. For the man was tone ef
the ohief thieves, end hie bueltiess wee to
see that no harm Paul() to the (lectvr.
it haPPezied in thio
WItto 121:it: °e4echaetrl'erh.
400n the doctor happene
freqUehted by the Poor of the city. Tbe
deem weru abuut to be elosed, ite 4 Mal% en^
. .
terecl 644 foll !IPA hia kuees- lbs hiPs
moved hastily, and ropeatetily he streek tee,
ground with hie foreheed. As the sexton
alma 4P te /C'ak the 41°°4 the tee°. tht'ew hie
°leek ever hi4 eheeldet' 11 4 httrtktUY id&
Te eltlP9wteWtwieethe
°141hmlhee41111feet etethhlhd ((8130811.. ovett;0h
,mug Ci.ahrteu degger wiliest say uorthe
floorCatehiug up with the Man outeide,
the lectorhanded Menthe hello, and:lode
pele We and OgitAted IOUPer
"I feel wary foryou," eeld the eeete,
"Phelerer tb4 4°1"e" Ole1144alutter•
reegee"LIciellehed 24. 113
The doctor einouneed himeellopeyetelau
4°41 -144rie• $ e114 effered Me eerriegB• The
men it bis hoe, wonted ewey, multhen
etureed. •
" Are Ygg a atrauger 1" odd he, certiy.
44 N'QII lullre nothieg to de with the muni.
oIhel eetheritiesh"
4*1%-fethteg 46 411."
4 Will you come with mel"
They went down ieto 4 11081-088'In
walked a hum way he the dariezem, through
'Anita faanCli int° A mitrow elley,
ind belted before* tembleelowu home.
u.21fl 4.801'.)at4; 4114 41 thTee Welib dowu
litecnht,tde'a ranrIkaxn(iPd yaeSePre.-220 ti'u11i.z1:eeerdta: IitAtihellde dbaocyt ee%ra4 fama
r Nyh0h:r4:5:cse°VeTz
' • ° a Va*
end thee they meteted the bevel,
A mother ley upon the flew writ:men" g her
banal, in 4.j'
eh Three women -were-. en
their kneehpreolue- A old wenten„ a crip-
p'le,heholl tithe beep before the nre, mutter-
tug V:1 =rum.
On the hod wee a little girl, ban cold and
incothneelious, t hie °ewe etoodutanheside theebeha,
sdying Fe
or e owee c 'les eapo s sire rai
to touch is male.
Surreptitiouely, under the bleeket, the
doctor edmiuletered ext etherhereetiote She
ralliedv oed h
pener olio hMottledod eeftly,
thereby ,softening the eeepLieue eyea shrourid
the phystalan.
The mother retie from the iloor luta began
helping the phyalclan rub the eirl with tile
blanket. The rubblug wee USele$14 ; the
child eves iduking feet. •
The doctor prepared to give An betreven-
mut injection, Aa he eut open the vein
1/ the womenshrieked. The ohildeollapeed;
the mother cried:
T"hthedt000dtoyringltellaBbtehhie odhYliint lin" lae arms.
Savage eyes followed his movemente and
amid prayers to the Virgin and tlireats
hurled at him, tho night wore on,
A. reaetion eat in toward morning, and
warmth returne(1 to the body. She moan-
e , "Alama 1 mamal" Tho mother's
faced glowed with hope. The ehild was re-
turning to life, ,
When the dootor lett the house lie was
guided through the labyrinth of lanes and
adept by the father, 11-11004)10013 of gratitude
more than eerePenthted the physician for
the aleeplese night,
Several nights, for they preferred to re.
ceive hie visits after dark, the doctor visited
the hovel. On the night of the last visit,
the mother stood on the doorstep, as the
doctor departed, praying, "May the peace
which you desire be granted unto you!'
As the doctor took leave of the father he
asked hie name. "Salvatore Trapanese,'
the man answered, and added, "If ever yon
want me, excellency, my life and my knife
will be at your disposal.'
Pointing to where a ragged old cobbler
was seated repairin' g a boot, he said, "Ad-
areas yourself to that man if you want me,"
Por months the physician did not see Sal-
vtitore. The papers teemed with accounts of
nightly attacks, and the dreadful Camorra
-the asseeiation of thieves and beggars
Which once ruled half of Naples -appeared
to be renewing its sway. But whenever the
dector went oat at night, he saw that he
was followed by a suspicious-lookingcharac•
ter. Subsequently the doctor found out
that the man overshadowing him was Salva.
tore's brother, who had been ordered by the
Camorra to watch over him.
The doctor lost a valuable dog. Ile in.
formed the old cobbler. That night a man
called, whose appearance Was noesuch as to
beget a sense of seourity. He came as a
friend of Salvatore.
"You shall have the dog back to -morrow
evening, if he he not deal i" said the man
The next night the ,dog rushed into the
room dragging Salvatore after him,
The doctor thanked him and shook him
by the hand.
ho am a bad ma,,,, said Salvatore looking
confused, "and not worthy of touching your
hand." .
The doctor handed the reward he had
promised for the dog's return, two hundredth
francs. The mall put it back on the table
saying' "You saved the little girl. I found
the dog -it is all right noW."
Ffell$ tbet Alone reed:Ave liere 0074ms
. .
an Enitre 4mencan1ie10.
stetbriee of the elibusiness in Russia ....heve
reached this eountrY, end American oil
reenare studying them "th t 4 I '
: - • • ' ' wl agre4 " e* -47-t*'"
letY" TileY thes/r e" 51°16.118'1/ 94 th° b"ia°111*
'41. tRx i1C.8:filao're411. :sicall:swt tglatntrtlulYsi t liztvtetP:13af #141;
t'd'rellrel. he'fi The eetket. el 1e4eY 91.
e itstan we a to precligraus, awl fah
etdipses anything ever heard of hi this eourt..
xy, Ameexceee on producers Imo 04,404
..,_ ,
;IF! eirt42'rtif;oh,4"intBritle'liti4io4n 4ocr tPlieat4inTA butt;
, 2 118
Logy are tAKIng another vi se. oe ia,
7 - -
here IS 11° better WaY t° brif"I thia fa°
to them than liY a few compari 'ens. 'Take
a Well at Bak4 palled the "4 Sid
It hos,b 5,1eicting, 00. far 0,, 1
. e ve yeers„
And in that time has aver d eh 0^0 ell
Inodaer7-1c4:::404isle pfirgclurecser,a;e;ah31:';;n:fau$1.4)thaQatwutt
toe teen•hae produced 140 000 nap li
of oit; o'',. over 3.0,0,60,,,' b4tr" et5:
noorthres erre istettlieg to the ;people of, this,
4,j:ettr4eno;r44ellv,11:711,;(tgat'lltalbaat:PotitAa "
' u h timed h • ,197110
WO 44. pre t tee melee 4,9 nukc.. as
Pal:tole ut a year of its wonderful beeinesse
it iaetto isoa heto 400hhh tarro3 et prodae.
klg, cis much ym; the ga4=0,1,0A erred; tiuttiot
pee -Awed in ISO, ins Meet preliao gm.
The NITagiMpatop, diattiOr, 40141ag the 401104%
er rodesed tett ir00000 barre
wale bhpt,00 00 barree,stoethn °
ov,.' C,Ne:re--l1 'i'a 'A. ra—e,t-r4— w- ee.e}:•— „- 1
r-a-et)iait:-l.' ,•.e-et7e tal,hei
ima—,.-A.,, —*-a tipa,t--i.m'c
4 118 the renc1th0;,.--
p of R0t4i4,comptfitioAhme t
9 nd 41040 In 04 euarmone pro.
0 yeariy output Jo given of 4
' well& teeny et them uerirly ou
1 is one. 'rate " hliezeeff No 6 °
S elite heti for six produced
eelloes e slay. Tide re Ahem 2,000
hamele, and t1e. production of CegleY, Ur.,
_ ,.. . c emoago.
kill anti Roil v.Aley three hroli0 v
ouhty poolle. orootteed but 4e0h000 war.
o lo 1og0 t- - t .
I IOW hel yeer,
The recerel la given of ft well drilled by
toe Nobel Bohol y$ ('el the 3835 44
ell," It eoet .$7 ;74 to tirill. The mend
the well hi time:a:cited ;
This svell epenteil for 115 da n, the yi'e14
134111,. 3,40 tem for 11311-2,, .4 GOO tar* or
(18841341528 Ttewthe?Iuggeel
euel the eutehy kept unher ground lor tar-
ti er wente Them -lout of ell liFI' ted tir
1.1'.; 4 . 1' I,. 411 ' -
hos who, oeeerooth to too ioweot eatirowth,
ae 2400 ton; or 65,(00.(0 gallons' ; ise•
coral"); to toe (&'13 411(1 eatin",,te, ajo.oco tett"
or 120%000,0w g41:Gus, 0
To I f t
0 *pray ruin one 4 WOO goyeeni WI*
blown throweh the air for eight mile&
with tom, ostires were them, eosolog oh
a toe greet for computation. Fivo hues.
a A I 1 is
ere.. eve.te eeve met* estink In 11341]1324u dia.
riche 200 of whieh, irreeneelive of the
rmone !mulleins are uowieroderiug 360. •
009 to galtang of :um, d,rp vpxr .rt ' ektk
tithlo'hoh hit,ts:Mheltheithi4oh:ehhhhhroThho,hro7th-hot
ilL d that his flow 4 •could be increased ten.
old or a hundredfold.' A. very eignitleaut
raet to oil men is the int7rest welch the
Itothsibilds have talisn in the, 11.`435iM field,
0, 811 ea they de, a twee utreenten
, he 311-0 012 mid reonhoghoos-inesh -
S tat Va tiO II flt 14 o.ndon.
Ono of the moat active charitiee in Lon -
don ie that which provides food 104 1130 on -
employed, ana also for laborers who ere not
allowed to leas -a the decks, where they are
busy,la,hrlhg werhing 'mune and who eau
cattma- pity y the smelted posdhle bunt for whet
they ot. Thom who werltare expect.
ecl to give one penny for au verieunt of food.
which the *3114.11)3110304 042)2 obtain for a holt.
peney, and 3(1 10 estimated thet the first sum
covers the mend cost ot the hcei of your.
idling Beep of which S. dookelinner centime,
This is supplemented by n /slice of padaing
whell the applicant on efferd tut extra heel
A vieltor at the place where the food is
dietributed says, that on a cold spring day
nuie hundred awl sixty men were served
from the food trucks in lege than an hour.
This took place after the worst distrees of
winter over. Said the attendant in
eluirge, "We are daily implered to give
food to men who have had none for twenty-
four or forty-eight hours."
"*lease, ,L'Ve no money to -day," said one
poor fellow. "I know you don't oire the
food quit,e, because there'd be such a lot of
us if you did ; but will you take my matches,
and. 10(1 010 have a little for them?"
In the midst of -snob hitt,er want, a great
deal of brotherly kin(1nees is shown by men
who feel that a starving comrade's needle
greater than their own.
A poorly stressed man. one day gave a
penny to two others, telling them to buy
soup and pudding for theinselves. One of
thm ecame to the truck, and asked for two
slices of pudding.
"Why didn't you get florae soup, instead
of two pieces of pudding ?" asked the one to
whom he had been indebtea.
"Oh,' was the answer, as he hs,nded one
slice to another man " Here's a churn of
table who can get thong with a piece of
And the man who was thus helped was
Been, a few minutes after, dividing his share
with a neighbour more needy than himself.
Last October an elderly man, looking very
white and thin, stood for three days outside
the gate, watching the others as they ate
their hot stew. On the first day a friend
lent him a -;:enny, hut on the secondno one
could afford to repeat the loan, and on the
third the man 'fell to the ground exhausted.
Tie had been reduced by starvation to the
lowest point of human endurance, and actn.
ally died en the spot where he hoped tobe
Punctually at noon two wretched 1 IC
- - oo mg
cats eppear, and wait until some one takes
pity on them. Some of the men leave a lit -
tle food in their basins for the poor animaLe,
besides breaking off a bit o pudding for anx-
icnisly watching children. •
One day the attendant was, as usual, c'ol-
leoting two basins et scrapings, orte for the
black cat, and one for the white, when he
saw a lean, smrved human creature peering
. „ . ,
at him through the railings. The two cats
finished 4 Aeir meal and retired, amithen the
watcher, springinghoward the basin, raven -
°Indy devoured the rest of the food.
. The amount of good done by this . system
of food distribution is almost incalculable,
. l'Onlanr NOTE%
There le alwaye a home market or freab
f$P. 4%4 111NY be elleaPand ideatible but
It la flitneelt to alWaya ohtelo thpra etrictty
freele Thole who heve inede is epeolitity Of
supplyfog logy fresh 83!8 1241.V4.) found aready
8.41131-4 32 bomeet prim/ inily 44;p4.1 to thoe
Pma 4.18,838
If the Iknal SelP rbriVr4 poultry laves.
.ggicmbAva detmerrolueld one thing 0101-etL4ut
lanble1;0theX0s ltiethlnie OfkerOaea0
Is meltet mid chopeet wee,. A pealtry
e oeet otroth eau oe thotoogoiy
C acturaienhati,athecrtheavlecce.pralyheprrer:
u ITo ifei
el ir atif for 113222
e effectual.
limited that a poultry home seven-
e lairteea will Accommodate fort/
'winter, Awl that 411-833(1)' Pauehee
eY, At 4 COO of leas thanhhve
, 1 heel) the temPerature eh ;wont
. With this sort of A beu4101140
yo ay look for eggs in the coleeetmonthe
be eon** will. never he frosted.
ople who iterative fowls in markee see
to prefer thme that have a rich yellow Shin
with yellowlege, tunitliereforepoeltry.grove.
rs should entleavor to accomioceete them ;
but in reality the darkoegged, leek are the
beet for the table, befog titter grained, heed
lag a delicate Omit end thin Aim
ShallS1108 Or StekIleSS r,nd, Deat1.
Some years ago the Statiatical Congrees
at London, Englaud, deduced from the
tables of Dre. Farr aud Edmunds, the fal,
lowing interesting reds respectieg ell:kneel'
and deethowhiell preach important .sanitery
sermone thoot the aid 4! comment 2024348211021*m
"0! one thoueaud persone at the ego of
thirty, it le probelhe Oa ten will 4110 181 the
martini, year; that there will he ten perma.
nent invalids, and an average of twenty ,eick
for the year,
"Of one thoutanci 3100301321 4! the age of
, seventy, it is probable t.hee a hundred will
die during the year, and thee° hundred -will
1313 81011 or become °lateral° invalid&
4' It is estimated that of overy thousand
of population there «111 be seVenty-SeVen,
sick, on an average, for the year, in Eng•
land and Scotland ; fifty-three in Irelend ;
sixty-seven in Franco ; seventy.six in Ger-
many; ninety.four in .Austria; eighteenine
in Italy andSpain; seventy-one in liolland;
fifty-seven in Dennaark; and fifty-five in
theTrnited States.
"Tho moat eiduhrions of these countries
. yre1an" A.
18 ' ;
"The average number of days of sickness
per adelt inhabitant in the principal civiliz.
ed countries ed the globe, is fourte_en_ and
two•tenths. In the United States it is ten
end five -tenths.
" The average leas per cent. of 1)100010
from sickness In th0 United States le two
aud nine -tenths ; in England, three; in
France, three and five -tenths; in Germany,
three and nine -tenth; and in Russia, five-
Torn 1311Pieces by a, Panther.
Hugh %Mimes bed a thrilling dventure
tile other eight while driving from Hot
tipringe to his country home. When half a
mile from his house his horses evinced con-
siderable uneasiness, UR though they. were
afraid to adr_ance further in the direction
they were going. .
The farmer, becoming uneasy, whistled
to his large and truoty bulldog, -which was
but,a short distance in advance of him, 41u1.
as the dog started to return, in obedience to
the alarm, Ishr. Williams beard. a 'seize in
the branches of a tree -which stood near the
roadside, end when the dog got 'within
twenty five yards of the waggon he was
pounced upon by a huge panther, which
leaped from the tree upon him. A terrible
fight ensued.
he farmer's team became frightened
and ran home with him. An F eon as he
reached his home Mr. Williams teth-
ber.ed,,,his team, ran. into the house, picked up
la vrinchester rifle, and retarried to the
spot to take a band in the battle. Ile
found his faithful dog torn to pieces, but no
signs of the " varmint '' was visible.
A,thice to Young Writers,
A letter published in S't. Nicholas contains
scree advice once given by Miss Alcott to
young writers. It says ,:-,‘ Write and
print if you can : 11 not, still write and im.
prove es you go on. Read the best books
and they will improve your style. See and
hear good. speakers and wise people, and
learn of them. Work for twenty years and
then you may Borne day find that you have
a style and place of your own, and can
command good pay• for the same things no
one would take when you were unknown.
— .
Reckon neither Sunday nor legal holidays.
Individual or firm printed checks are the
Always indorse checks you send by inail,
state to whose order they are payable.
law says that in all losses from fie
triacnItcccearrelessness the careless one shall be
If ordinary caution in beeking is_diepleyed
and your cheek "iB TalEied or forged the bank
suffers the loss. '
The holder of a note orehech ineygive no-
Mee of protest either to all the previous in-
dorsers or only to the last indOrser.
Inpurohazine a bank draft make it out to
your own order. Then indorse on the book:
"Pay to " receiver whoever he may be, or
"order. "11 410 draft is lost ie the mails you
oan obtain a duplicate.
If he k d t tu nto ou within /tree.-
lc). et. El 0 nfc:11 re r t y t i some
iitma le Me ir ,.., u et no jeoetip bankor
rom aupp000 receivers, no ify he
, . , , - 44
wmoh it is drawn of the number of the
eh ok andp a t to whom it was made outto.
Phe discourse on egos which Mr. Sim
inds has just delivered before the Society
Arts is well worthy of the most carefulThe
aeideration. Eggs, atoordiog to the leo-
rer, constitute a neglected mine of wealth.
Ley are the one erttele of ogrictiltural pro
ce for which the demand is unlimited, and
taps the only one in which we might,
1 we choose, defy foreign competition.
,ey not only mean money, but they com-
,nd prices that admit of profit compared
th which beef and mutton are of little
mint, and wheat barely worth mention-
c Hens, for those who know how to
lize them, lay eggs which, if not made of
td, axe quite capable of beieg turned into
it metal, when they are retailable all the
er round, one month with another, at
nething not =tog . short of a penny
iece, while the eggs of ducks' win bring a
price '
II more remunerative.
Eggs are a mes1 n themselves. Every
ment necessary to the support of man is
itsined within the limits of an egg -shell,
the best proportions and in the most
[stable fotm. Plain boiled, they e
olesome. The masters of French cookery,
wever, affirm that it is easy to dress them
more than 500 different ways, each
thod not only economical butsalutery in
1 highest degree. No honest appetite
1)0 you fancy a any one can be really
happy who is selfish? It is impossible- The
selfiela never have real friends; they are
always grasping something marc, whether
they need it or not, and, 08 .110 one oan ever
. . if
satisfy his own desires really selfish, the
are disappointed and become 'peevish. and Y
irritable To try to help others. to hem ,le
• 9 P , - a-
happy by seeking to make them happy is
the best pre.scription for good slaixite ever
Sudden eye are apt . to be followed by
moments of weakness. In the reaction from,
the delight occasioned by •the freedom from '
flood this year, a Mentreal paper says :
„ . . . ,
Spring ,poems are in order in Montrose at
present, ' the season having beha,ved eo well.
Ask any level-headed business man of Mon-
treal, even with a warehouse near the river,
and he would welcome a flood to escape the
Jilis Wife 8132.W the P 0110.
Jones had married the p.rettieet woman in
town and Brown had married the homeliest
and thought she was beautiful. One even-
ing they were talking about their respective
better h 1 ves, and Brown remarked: a
l/ say, I think you anI mrried
the two prettied women in town." .
Jones looked at him in Surprise a moment',
. ,, , , h .
1311, he saw e was serious.
((Well," he replied, cautiously, end with
pride, "I guess you are about half right,
old fellow. '
Brown didn't see the point until he Mid
hie wife. -[Washington Critic
Thank " • ' d th k r - .i.
Thanks is goo , an s wing le
better. • •
The time for -one to strike -Sixty minntes
after 12,
The way of every man is declarative of
the end of every man. --(Cecil,