HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-10, Page 8fore Food Analyses, Mr .f. 13 Crrttwford, of Dungannon, the other day found an egg in one of Oewee e Aoxioss 1 Tun M�.ssAC his benne' nest which measured $t inch- r cures Soma Doane. O lils.etate es one way and 11 inches the other Thera is no more mem work 114,weighed 11 ozs. Truly this is an em- which vl. the health authorities Galt en- renes* hen, but treather it ;aiStook gage than the exa#1livation of the ti ar. elf for a geese or the goose thought it AS hen and so got, into the aiou articles sold to elle public for food, a 'wrong neat We cannot say. eeriest cet►d tlrerlir,rlt'. 'elle agitation ter the paesege oir laws to expose rind punish food adulterations is the 1. sited States, is being aided by octiou of tide kited taken by the wards o health of several of our States. Ohio and Massachusetts, following the cotee • of the Ittlat.d Revenue Depart went of the Dominion, has published the names of many a the impure or un- wholesome articles examined. Among them are the following brands of Alum baking powders: Davieel Silver Star, Forest City. . sh P.a "Silver King Keen - tea, Cook's Favorite, Gena, eta.. Tbia is to meet effectual way to atop their Pale, as no one will buy an alum baking powder ji,newinrlily. ;ilassaohueetts analysts bare tested the, ►arious cream of tartar and pltnsp baste baking powders, sold in the States ;ad they report that the Royal l sking powder is superaerr to all others in pur- ity Rafal wholesosaeertess, and eoutaan nearly :10 per cent. More strength than .easy other. The exact leterntritrtttienti• ae to strength of the several, brands 44 �Ulltlri&: Itt:i.4`yl I,1AVitiG S'rllrr,';ta`I'u. Cable in, gas 'ewe. per oz. powder.. G .RR XI. A New Horne Treatrnent for he cure of Catarr'ht, Cat Y.al deaafness abed Hay Fever, Y'he ldicroscope bsts protea that these 4iseases erre contagiou9,an,d th,t they are due to the presence of living parasites in the interlining membrane of tet upper fir• pasageg and eustachian tubes. The min. eat scientists, Tindall. Uuxley and Beale endorse this, and these authorities cannot be disputed. The ree lar method of treating these diseases Ii beam to auplZ an irritant remedy weekly, sad even daily, thus leeeprn$' the dalecate rnembrane 101 a eOnstaot $tote of irriallun, allowing it -no chance to heal, and es a nat- uragoansey,lenL A web; treatment not oue perman- ent core has ever beet, recorded. ft is an absolute tact thatt these diseases eannothe mired by any apple- c,etiau made liftener t2,',.7rn one* Ota trip weds, for tR:e membrane must get a chaaee ter bead before rut at.pli- is repeated. It Is pew sews year* since Mr. Dixon discovered the parasite to craarxh eced forpmlate d his neer treatment, and since then his remedy bas+ be- eoale a t enseiaoid word in every country where the .iisII rar.pagd is spoken. hires effected by Iran baretr yam' aro are e area them to inoT beee4 uo retain] of t".to lis r^,.ae.. SP Ile";blg are thcsb remedies' e4 that ipo ra n t _rnitatara nava atate1 rip eicer� here.Dretrtl,0 to desires pata.tite. etet the fie' M netbit%, ray rear Aso.tbo Malta et the application of xtlb h %her araerg44,14"i„•Rierant. ylr.lirecu'aweedy loappgti4 ! n r01it tarp 9reRI•6, and -#rent eve, toe MVO eppli. effect i perrwraeneettro in tete inert ai;otit a— e. inner; tetael,, aplmapiet desariblug Ids flew t qt etc receipt as starA1 to pay postage. s $n Oat a i-,�ocientide An *escort- fe Notice the sign, "Montreal Genoa REA1OVED Themes Dearing iota removed to his, new steed, one door north Dr. Lute's Drug Store, opposite the Cent- ral. Sotel, where he will be found. of --te i g as 1#suai- s,•••4•“4•400•12041.5 'SO .......147.7 Pro!' purity' s 5 the 8 95.181.2 7'.. nit QitliliiQr Blew l* nit the Royal ole. osnletiesa. aa't Stop. Pass airs, f©te Neta alai per Req+ New Yals. t-ityone axtoriaing, the Nome Greeley met oleo of his rea ales very eNditeclly eNelt aced, (:sector, a.£ter the article you publisl; this morning 1 intend to stop your pa- lee*r l'Oh aio Ealtildz. Greeley don't do that:" Yea uuy mind la utade up 1:kali snap the paper,late in the afternoon the two met ;gab viten Greeley remarked, er. d . Thompson 1 am very glad you did, not caery out< 'your treatthis loom- ing." What do you *Venni Why you said you were going to stop my .paper. "Arid so 1 did; I went to the odic* stud had tt stoped." You are surely mi taken. 1 have just cora from there, w1 the press was runningand business was blooming. "Sir," said Thompson very prompously.I mean I intended to stop my subscription to your paper. "Olt thunder'1' ejaculated Greeley. 1 thought you were going to stop the running aL the paper and knock eve out of a living. My friend let sue tell you something; one man is just a drop of water in the ocean. You didn't sot the machinery of this world in motion, and you can't stop it; and when. you are underneath, the ground will wag on just the same as over. , County Jottings. Brussels Council have fixed the hotel licence fere at $170 and shops at $110. Bar yam*ins xxv RY vsx OOBS, Grooeri $.. Co. Shoes, The Principle o. .Q COLD MED1CATED4 • Head Office, 215 Yo -t., Toro to�{� N. j( ashin�l•" OB, M. D. L M. •4 ISS TU,t:w insert Throat.arid Lung Surgeon, Will visits the Central liotel, TUESDAY, MAY 15th, 1888, Catarrh, Bronchitis, z sthuaa, Con ption, etc., permanently and ef- ---.*-fectually cured. fele proniueut Teet 1Ql ola of l'@r1 anent Owes. 3Ix�, 3ohrt. mal+'.elvy,- mngattlln, Out., attrrrit awl eousutrnl+tlell. Jolla Idalivlvy, Ktwt;sto*, Ont., O ile. ag A. l fleplilA, r%ip de4A, Qut.t $rwi- elle Coa►siu1 ptinA. E. Scott, giugotorl, Ont., {+'airaarb,. ent1 awl throat. lielV3pRier 7.1417s . A postmaster is require t3 tsa give oticc by letter (returning the paper net =ewer the law) when e, sub - does not taste his paper out of (Alice, end state the remotes for its Bing taken. Any neglect to do stn postmaster responsible to the Slier for payment. atny person orders bis paper di eel, he must pay all arrearage publisher may continuo to sen until, payment is made' and cave ,hole amount whether it is taken 4a the oke or riot. There can be l gel discontinuance until elle pay is made. Any person who takes u papfM from the post office, whether directs+ to his name or another, or whether 11 has snbselshed or not, is responsible for the v. t laws etre such Heat Tun latest newspaper publishers can, arrest any one for fraud who takes a paper and refuges to pay for it. Hntler the law the malt ween allows his subscriptionto rum along for some time unpaid, or takes three papers from the poet office and then orders the postmaster to mark it ''refused," and have a notice sent notifying the publisher, lays bun - elf liable to arrest and flue, atone tts or theft. gin a lq g I will be on the road. w feel are. arid will eery a y ariety of all, '7{��rr��7f�1 hinds of MOS ��•t, Int �j UTTER bile . OS ,t.AR mei lot,. apposite Town for sale or to rent. `1 w1D 13C 1MOV caiD rJ. G. Smallacolnbe bar removed his old premises tel his new ones, end can now be found upstairs Over the PQn 01170E0 FINE RN 11110liS W IL Sterrey'a Original testiniani Catarrh Throat Cared, I ieten ter V. It. Storey, i a. et the one et W. , Stomy +ti gen. Acton, Woe Flauulacturca. tike Pre,' dent Manufactures' dssordatiru et *endo• PR- WAskit,NOTOS. leu young utreel.. Toronto. rear SIR. --•I assure YOU r it:011E404l for the reds* eaI a;nre ea=ubare effected to on' throat trouble, and tkaotith 24itibb2e2iavirgmy ram appear in ra.niteet* Inn malt tlzo te:tirtit4414 2. ii rte. te4 t;1t-illa regard fori.10 e' heroc otatitariz ntleirtenl.ias veil co taring ire to regio aalre tt:o Tot al, o#,yoler tM?.tOr;tnt. trelrrt^ture rid 1149 CAA'. l awr tar nor ** aa;bint• i. caudthaou.1lute entitled forttra,taartiiro1 tea attache ut catarrhal sore throat, early *weed. .p attach bei- j tl oro I Ire r -a-I argil ern°erre tI Irl tern former. Ani tl c-t+tutnca 1 tad tiiiierat nisei eras hie z end oozed t!itcliar e /ITV vontati,,*eriMarna feel* ag talarnr 4 I rinaelt tato bre rra.7arall ai,iti eeseetta+. r l oleo;, a talar.) ecota7 air sta4.5'i. rid ternk almost or; thing known torate1wvinemahout CXirer.t %tel„ rankle et «tier. last Nebo; l '►cart to .i onore. calraamme void tale ;,terse. Let 111741y return fire tdd roulde uattitueNtert. Wm. It abvertieatl to viola his ilia'* 2.'11101041 . tyotdd consul), sou, al iuth l cetvea,ritnot tntar•b mope of mil r%Vrr,at any balirifit ap.t;evcr 1 teas $ave r ti:9y lent »td flub your (-molar and rtsoirrdWaive ytonrircatneat t tole. The re - snit 1 earl happy to ;,#carni 3e:4.ls nca,mopleteeatenand e out nlirt:ed in Ito cltareetcr ns to burprdle beth ri:eetfand ta,Yfriends. rt tut the tint yl.ortnedirino' reed tabfied totny t;eao and gave relief. In two months l ,rata entirely v clI. and Icon en continued derin; the #fust nldavorbbte argon et.lac ytaa: You arc at litreitr to natio 'that use you please of this latter, and f shall be pleased to ettiacr any ,rnquiriti' relative to toy calm. Yeats very truly, W. II. Stkllr$Ii. etor, @tenor 1Rth 1$ST. Conte Early. Coneultation Free. Bab. Srtir.IS!S ALWAYS IN STOOK. GOOD FIT GUARANT'D A OAI•,I, SOi a[C1TED- J. G. Smallacombe SILK RII313ONSI Those of our lady readers who would like to haves an elegant, large package of extra line, Assoirted Ribbons (by ntail),ia different widths and all the latest fashionable shades; adapted for Bonnet Strings, Neckwear; Scarfs, Trimming for Hats and Dresses, Bows, Fancy Work, &c,, eau get an astonish- ing big bargain, owing to the recent' failure of a large wholesale Ribbon Manufacturing Co., by sending only 25 cents. (stamps) to the address we biye below. As a special offer, this house 'will give double the amount of any other firm in. America if you will send the names and P. O. addrees of ten newly married ladies When ordering and mention the name of this paper No pieces less than one yard an length. Satisfaction is guaranteecl,or money cheerfully refund- ed. Three packages for A60 cents. Ad- dress, Lo.inolz RinnON AGENCY, JERSEY CITY, N. J. The foundation of the new Methodist church at Kirkton is being laid, and the building will be in progress direct- ly. A duck belonging to Thos I3a1lai>~ tette, of brussels, has opened the season by laying an egg that measured 91 by 7A. inches. Mr. A. McAllister. of Lecburn, has a cow that gave birth to a calf, the other day, which when nearly 24 hours old. weighed 109.1 lbs. Mr. James Whitely, of the 16 con. Goderich township, who has been ill for Some time, is worse, and fears are en- tertained fo. his recovery. Mr. John Robinson, blacksmith of Varna, sold his blacksmith shop and dwelling house to Mr. Daniel Mc- Naughton, for the sum of $2400. Last week Mr. Frederick Worth, of the Crediton flax mill, was out with a gang of Teensowing flax seed. They sow about 100 acres a day, They have now over six car loads of the fibre + ready to ship but cannot sell at a price to suit. They also have a large quant- ity of the raw material ready to work into the fibre. Mrs. Murchie of Winthrop hasrent- ed her land to Mr. Robt: Adams and will sell off her stock and implements by aueton on the 1 nth inst.,she intends continuing on the store and post office and no doubt the same liberal patron- age that has for so many years been extended to her late husband willbe continued to her, - Dowler in el Y GO APS 1ltr II11ST-CLASS, AND A GOOD FIT UlTA1tA:yTlr> C•1 CALL SOLICITED ONE 1 I:s I I ST-CI..SS WOR i4 EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leave your order for aGHEAPas overooaxt . Soutb100tte Corner Mein Jelin sts, EXETER The Great English Preseription. A successful Medicine used over �Y 80 years in thousands et cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous sic' Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases soused by abuse, ° r • - ppamensai indiscretion, or over-exertion. (Arras] Six packages Guarantee oCure he ed/ others rs Fail. Ank your Druggistfor The PreaerIDttorr, take no substitute. One by mail. Write for Pamphlet.aakage EurekaSt. Six ' dha ideal. Co., Detroit, Eich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8, • 01T NOTE BEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS. LETTER HEADS, COUNTER PADS, PARCEL LABELS. NOTICE There's no use 131 being ais-�' couraged to liar. Times. THE IiENSALL FURNITURE Vlareroonls is bound to sell Ovals and will sell 15 per cent. lower than ever to suit the hard times; also repairing done, and perforated bottoms put in cane chairs &e. Picture framing a specialty. GEORGE IN0RAM. Poor. HENSALL ONT. SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS. Consumplioll that dread terror, a disease solis baffling, wh scince and the most skilled ph ys kneW of nothing to sanest, nothing to allevi- ate, nothing to cure. Now it is no longer an incurable malady even when givenup by OUR 'Physicians,health can yet be found in t11 REMDY, it heals and soothes the mem- brane of theLnnggs,inSemed and poisoned by theravagos of this fell disease, and pre- vents the night sweats and tightness across the chest which accompany it. CURE• S CUARANTEED Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. MITTER %ND EGG8 >A LAI RGENCH UOURLAFRTION PILLS are endorsed by Thousands of Ladies who use them Monthly. N ev er fail; Relieve pain; Insure regularity; Pleasant and effectual. Package sent ley quail secure from observation on re- ceipt of $1. Correspondence confident ial. Address TORONTO MEDICINE Co., P. O. Box 576 Toronto, Ont.—elan26 8 a #a reit ateorted icor * e.t oh'a prices silts =alntztb. G-RQCRBIES :-11 lbs . eugar for $1.00 t 3 lbs. white agar eGr $1.00. we oat InwR ierrnld In "#'4'a# !rep Pa to tic ergla. COM el ShQcs teff $4!e z; low Prinz, al 4F2eat r ac£Sertc l 5lr riff e•I FORKS, S "HT1/ES and GLASS a4I Ins (steels) rot 31erblre IX, per fan, 4,a4 U2 as tate Gx the l...0, a rice Tea Sett of 44 pieces, V2.75. A gee* suit et reel onac'c Visthing f ,s eralerert baits g•,t up in tamed atelb. Our Dress Goods tiro mark-. eci down to tine Lowest seeder. CO`T`TON-2O yds. for $1.00. A bocce mai let, alto a faun:or ado, .4'g4 JOHN'MATHESON, Ifay Ztostt"itiee. SOMETHINO NEVA. TILE PROPRIETOR TOR OF TJIE DOMINI° LABORATORY Begs to announce to his numtlr- nus Friends and Patrons that he has just put inn full line of Staple & Fancy Stationery, READ THIS ? ` CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL ) 1V Y Our Stock of Printing Stationery, consisting of all the leading grades of Plain " ' and fancy ruled and un- fOt ruled papers, Cards and En- ' velopee, is most complete. ' Call and get prices at as TIIE A V OCATE ,, Main- street, Exeter EXETER MARKETS Red Winter, per bus'! White ,r Spring Barley, Oats Peas Eggs Butter, Rolls. Butter, Crocks Potatoes per bag Dressed RogS per 100 et IC 1( Hay per ton $ 78to80 78 to SO 78to80 65 to 70 40to42 68 to 60 10to12 17 to 18 15 to 17 1.00 to •1.10 0.75 to 7.00 8;50,ta. 90,0 Account Books, School Books, and all kinds of School requisites Letter and 'Note Paper Fools cap Paper, Account Papers, Colored Tissues, Gilt Pup's and Drawing paler Pens, Ink, Pencils,= and •also a full line of all the newest and most popular works of Fiction, all of which will eb sold at tete lowest rerneurative rates. �j J s1 RO WNINCI Rigs and Horses First- Class. O rel erg l eft at the 13.awkshaw Boase or at the stable will be promptly attended to. Tennis:: REASONA111.11. PENNYROYAi. WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treatingfemale .diseases. Is used monthy"with perfect success by - over 10,Q00Iadies.Pleasant, sale, effectual,- Ladies ask yeurdrug- gist for Pennyroyal Waters and take no substitute, or Inclose poste age for sealed particulars. Sold by all d lets $ er box. Address ?1URItKJ:C¢�dal, 00:, Dsruor, Lilco Sold in Exeter by , Dr. Lutz, and. druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 11RO.PRIETOR, PLMPS?' The subscriber wishes to inform the farmers .and general public that he is prepared to furnish all sisesr and kind.. of ; 3 a Well digging promptly: done,'- and at reasonable rates. Residence and shop, on Ann street, behind Christie's Livery Stable. A CALL S�moO�LR (KITED 'T0y�`: ,no *.