HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-10, Page 5London Herod t Brace , Rnil;.way
Northern. DivisionJ '''1:
Gesso NORTH Tatens-DasS'II'r.
London,:.dep*.rt...8.10 AM, 4.25 rot.
Loma Crossing 9.35 5.45
Olandeboye, .. , .. 9.10 5:1528
Vantratia...+„ ,. 9, 5,33
EXETER-, .,, 9.35 5.45
Henasall. , , , , , , 9.46- 5.53
Kippen , , , . , 9.5l
I3rucefield. , , .... 9.55
Cliniton,,...... .10.10
Londesbares' . ....10.37
Myth ....20.46:
1sel;rave, , , ... ,.11:00
Win hana.rrive .11.20 7.30
Fasseng er
Ann 3.05 mala
gown Sown,
Win bani,depart, 7,00
Belgrave. , , ...., 7.17
Blyth..,,,...,., 7.31
Lndesboro', . , . , . 7.40
Clinton„ . > ... , .. 8;00
1racefiekt,,,.,.., 8,19
Tippers,,,., ,.8.27
Hensel] _......„ 8.33
Exeter. ....... $.47
Centralia.. , .. , . 8,57
raGar+deboyte,..,, 9.10 5.20
Lucaroeress'g.„, 9,20 5.25
J.,ondotoart iv@ .10.10 6.00
-The made. throughout the village
e in an excellent condition,
-The small boy can be .seen wend
mg his way to the river, angling,
Ratepayers don't forget the public
meeting on Monday evening,,
.--hemp the rower defeated Hanlon
by five beat lengths, on Saturday,
Workmen are en ;aged in cleaning
oar streets, which needed it badly.
-We understand that fishing' is
irery good at Grand Bend, at present,
- The weather of at has not been
file most favorabletho ,winds being raw
and chilly.
-The fine rains of Tuesday biight-
ened eip the ;rasa and the spring .crops
-Mr, W. Sweet, V. S., received by
express, a Greyhound pup, which is a
tine looking one.
Tire football snatch, will take place
the race course. The game will be
soral. witnessing.
The weather is fine.
-The finny tribe is being boole,.
tit from the waters of the Saauble.
-.D . W, Westlake, the noted elect-
rician, was in town on'Tiliesday last.
The foot -ball match Exeter va Sean-
forth,which was played on the grounds
of -the latter, on Friday last resulted
in favor of Seeforth by fa goals. The
game was an interesting one, Gull the
Seaforth boys says that our club Leftist
coning to the front.
-- Or izen Aooesnratoh:+-On Monday
evening, 14th inst., at 8 o'clock, a pub+
ie meeting will be held in the Town
Hall, fair the public discussion of
things affecting the welfare of our
town. Every ratepayer ]should attend,
The Reeve Bolls *ho meeting and it is
lust in time. The subjects are
Railways, High Sc3Qol, better stage
and mail: connection, and ell, or any
other subjects brought forward layP,ny
citizen. Let every citizen respond to
thia'Icall, by beim;, presezi't Qti. Mendoy
The meson, work on Air. T. Fit- *night net.
attage,near the feunilry, is being "lima body of a well developed mala
lrau -? pushed forward. eland was found fleeing in the Wing-
-Mr. Isaac Bissett has be on the L hams river the other day. By instruct-
-telt list for the past fete clays, but ie zona received from tho county crow nn
gradually recovering attorney, Coroner Towler enrpailaxe e
We understand that a lodge. Qf the a; jury otid be1d an iiniltiest on the, r
Sona: of England is about to be orgaAnnix- tnlalns without ge.inina +any definite in.
t _ ed in Goderich ohortly. dim 45 t* the parentage of the
'Loc rl notice inserted under this a creature. The milkiest malts been
; ttdi aurued until the 8th pros., when it
d some light may be thrown on
-jeer. This is the forth infant's
e that limas Leen disco} erg there
hart the lest eighteen months, and
Qtugh the authorities leave done all
ir power to bring the guilty to
tide so far their afiorts have been in
Head at five Gents per lane eoeh insert
' f would ask our frientla
snct readers to assist us in making this
eolunt iiiterestini 'bv t:vntrilhuting itemo,
gAll ehauges for ndrertisenients i
Tun AlnvocvTa must be handed in be-
fore Tuesday noon, from this time fors
ward, This rule will he, rigidly adhered
to, and advertisers will please tike no
bete. No exceptions will be anode.
:Next week will commence the
fascinating *tory, "The Thread of
Sunshine mid Shade," Read it.
fine lot of English and Scotch
for gents seats.. Ferfeet fit
ed et Samwell +ii Pickartl,
sidonce sof 11r. John Par•
seats than not attractive a
of any in. town. John ha
e apple pie order.
Wile whited neatly *aired
t the, tIVQ', Tc aloe,'1;eSk'
is in the county to oboesca
Inevi nl darts erf the
1 neatly and cheaply,
a�dct*, call owl see
Local News.
-Mr. Fred Cara, of Sarnia, is
;guest of In l*.1;idle at pi went,
..The umoltine i'r ents report
F,ales of a woodier of binders.
The Canadian rrog Barad l iol
forth every evening at the river.
..,stile L iCeetle, crf ('olhorne, town-
ship, is visiting friends in this rection.
. or Field, Flower and (lhrden
*Ceti;, go to Samwell 4 Pickard's.
Mr. 'William Ballswill shipped o
carload of et;tt1e to the Toronto mare
-.-Mrs. Geo. Moil•,anil 'Mester R. II.
Moir, of qt. Marys, was in town on
-Search 4 Pickerels ore no
showing the latest styles in ;gents felt
-Mr. L. R. 1)iel:son, B:trrster,was
an. Goderieh, Clinton, Senforth and
Stratford, during the week.
A. full assortment of L D. King's
celebrated Boots, ;Shoes ,and Slippers
act Samwell it: Pickard's.
• ,-'d abci wt
att'st tvlee p
--The oaanlntereiat If naso is merino
huivoaighiy reaiovoted, rewired az
;tinted, and will present wither
etive appearance when finished.
The fosters are Ott% €nn
he 24th May velebrattaon in t$
jThe program is ; . in amid v;
€meati the ceu wittee are hood
l;iog every preparation to lake the
day eat t'aijoyable ono, Besides the
regular allele/lc ;tames, u B.'iiby Show
will lee beld,in which two handsome aaud.
valuable prizes will be awarded. The
Farmers Rare, 450 yowls for oleo of
Verity's celebrated plows,valued at$14
willbe worth tvitne ~shag The usual
alithumpian tioupe will be out with
alnrgait numbers acid sante very cerafe
1 trinlarasltera will be noticed ttanengfit
lent. The trades' praeciwi rn, this year
remises to he betterthtin any previous
tsar:. ,',1'he, whole throughout, we vett-
ore to ray, will fair eclip a anything
the kind itver sern in this pirate, antl
wee l,eele.'al;; for it the largest s;nth-
rag of people ever seen .here. All
o -mise it wall mint one of the ;rand.
_reata ever known an this will po
itively be the "one of,the season" an
't you: forget it.
Qim thitnrday next, a fcotdlall
nata;lt wilt bo played between the Mit-
chell and Exeter Otitis here. This wall
lata an interesting game as the teams w
deyrst.and are vary evenly matched.
-The Mama:Attir'es Lifts lnsurane
Coinlmieny, ilsorotlto, of which the lies,
Stix Jolts A. Mat t►fnx.ii.n is President,
is the cheapeiit and best to insure with.
Wan, Souders, agent, A.DrOnnenotkce.
Mr. P. Curtin, of Aware, and Mr,
Chair-3iason, of Brueetield intenitslear-
ing to -clay for Seotland,wheretbey will
purchase several purebred elydeselale
iaorsesand import them to this section,
We wish them bon voyage.
-- Ou Thursday *lest Ascension daly,
Service will he held in Christ Church,
Exeter, commencing at o'clock p. In.
--Saluwell 4 Pickard has just re-
ceived a large rarioty of Wall Papers,
Ceiling Decorations, Window Shades.
scud Curtain Pores
-Plowing and seeding is occupying
the attention of tho farmers in the
neighboring townships at present and a
great deal of sod is broken.
--Be sure and call on Samwell k
Pickard and see their grand display of
Millinery, including the latest and
newest New York and England styles
and novelties.
yeti once
t work
--\ow is the time to subscribe for
the AI,v ocomioand commence with the
beautiful and interesting story "The
Thread of Life, or Sunshine mid Shade,
which will commence in our next issue.
60 chs. pays for the paper from now
until. +Jany. 1St 1 L89.
-We understand that the ilenanll
sports are going to hold races in their
village on July lst. They are at pres-
ent engaged in getting a half mile track
in shape for tbe event. We may say
that the Hensel' boys will by no means
have a bogus affair, and thoraces may
be looked for as a scene worth witness-
-Mr, A. Cottle has his new factory
nearly completed,and will at once place
the machinery therein. Mr. Cottle has
now one of the best factory's to be
found in the county.
-A baseball match will take place
here on Saturday next, between the
iiensall and Exeter club. Come,
boys waken up, go and practice and
"do them up" in. good shape.
-Mr. Ed. Scarlett, who was lately
in the Drug business in this village
has again opened out, in the sante line
in Ominee, Ontario. We wish Mr.
Scarlett abundant success.
CA.%fiC mss•
A meeting of "the all saints, star,
manner anti trumpet, branch of time
Politico Scott-AetroPatendo•Tetnv'erance
.bsvociation"t ries culled for early lest
week. The members of the aesoezation,
all of Grit persuason, some of whom.
buy their whiskey and drink it and
pay for it, declaring it to bo nobody'a
business but their own; gathered in
knots about town and eluding it a cold
clay for business on the street sold be-
ing too pool' or too stingy to hire a
hall, wade a descent on the main street
3lcthodist church, where they were re-
fueod quarters. They then attacked
the James street church and weretnore
successful. They got in and heldtheir
meeting there. The full particulars of
what took place we hare not yet heard,
but in all probability will bane by next
week, when we will give our readers
the benefit of it. It has only so far
transpired that Mr. Bishop hadso many
applicants for License Inspector, that
he could not sleep for theme haunting
his premises, and he caused the above
-meeting to be called to try and get out
of the fix as easily as possible. It is
reported that after the meeting got to
work that Mr. Sprague got up and
moved that he be the choice of the
meeting for the officer,as he had suffer-
martyrdom, risked his life and proper-
ty &c. Arc., but almost every one pre-
sent being also a candidate for the of-
fice, his motion was not seconded. The
meeting closed by Mr. Bishop declar-
ing that the meeting was not sufficient-
ly representative and that he could not
X ria; It X 44 X ,111 1t « F ,;: .i: > + V: .
Due + 00r 'north of 13eirso s' a;ud
-We are very sorry to record the
death of Minnie, beloved wife of Mr.
Thomas Sanders, of Stephen, which
took place on Tuesday, Sth inst. De-
ceased had only been ailing for a short
time, but death rapped at her door,
and she was taken away. We extend
to the sorrowing friends, our sincerest
sympathy in this their sad trial of
-The next eclipse • of the moon will
occur on the night of Tuly 22nd, and.
will be even more interesting than the
one on Jan. 28th. The diameter of the
earth's shadow will be much larger at
the time in proportion to the diameter
of'the moon, darkening its surface
more during totality. It willtake
place about midnight, when the moon
will be higher in the heavens and will
be visible in this neighborhood.
-Mr. John. J3arnes wishes to inform
the public that he is prepared to repair
Binders, Sewing Machines,Wringers,
Organs, etc., on shortest notice. En-
quire at Bissett Bros. Hardware Store,
Exeter,-Feby. 23rd, SS-tf.
-The Secretary of the Exeter B.L.
Club has received challenges from Mr.
C. A. McDonell, Secy Iensall Club,
and Mr. Fred Robinson, Secy Parkhill
Club, inviting thorn to play friendly
matches. We understand that our
Club will accept the Hensallchallenge,
but will allow the Parkhill challenge
to lay over for a few, ;days, The Chili
is still open to receive challenges from
neighboring Club.
His Last && Crowniti 4f Late Work
Dr. Chase's Third, Last and Complete
'tempt Book and Household l'hy teian, or
tho Book for the 1tTillion, continue nearly
000 pages and sells for Si.e5 in cloth bind-
ing and $2.50 in imported oil cloth,
marble edge, and is justly by him called
-At the annual meeting of the
Mechanics' Institute, held on Monday
evening, May 7th. The following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year: -President, Rev. W. M. Martin;
Vice ;do.; Rev. S. F. Robinson; Treas-
urer, D. Johns; Secretary, F, W. Col-
lins; Directors, Messrs. G. Samwell, A.
G. Dyer, J. A. Boffins, M. D.; W.
Sweet, V, S., R. Spicer, R. H. Col-
lins, C. Lutz, M. D. , ..A.. C. Denovan;
Auditors, 0. Samwell and C. Lutz,
M. D.; Librarian, Geo, )a.emp.
"The prowning Work of My Life•"
It is the result of over Half a ceuturv's!
observation, study and experience. lot
this embodieeno compilation of hie former
If 30 years ago he could produce a book
that has had a sale of over fifteen hundred
thousand copies, and bas mode his name
familiar in nearly every English-speakin
home in. the United States, Canada. an
thousands of homes in Europe, Australia
and South *tacrine, what *IND of a book
could or would he produce as his Crown-
ing Life Work, wtriI MORD MAN THIRTY
reraerme'i The hook itself answers the
question, and is the most valuable pro-
duction�in the history of book publishing.
eitITU)Kt Unscrupulous and pirating
IV publishers are attempting
to copy this book by taking portions of it
out andpalming it off on the public as
the complete work. We own the manu-
anescript, purchased from Dr. Chase's heirs.
See that you that you get the GENUINE
book. See that it has our name ou the
title page and is copyrighted by us.
Agents Wanted: Big Terms:
F. B..DRCKERSoN & Co.,
Main Office, Detroit, Mich. Windsor,Ont.
or would not accept their choice. There
Were several score of candidates in dif-
ferent parts of the county who were
not present and Mr. Bishop did right
by not endorsing the nominee of one
clique. Ile wants to get all the can-
didate's together and then get them to
choose their man. Won't there be fain
if such a meeting takes place. We
sincerely hope that it wall be held in
some more appropriate place' than in a
Great advantages have been made in
church architecture during the last two
deoades- the new churches are hand-
. . R.
omne-but P
little improvement e
ment is shown J
over tho o1c1 plan ofsalvation.
o ero naso- s.
to you i9twtl orltiteneetasmlier'ttkeltof ear
t lry a. stet ci¢Utl suffer's-la and ere int;wath
in of cutting' testis? If esu. send o«toleo and
L a lmottle of 311t9.WISswmv'sBourn masyner
Fon CJIIL+iniat `ret mamma. Itavaane is incaleul-
able. ItwtUrelieverthenoorlittdesultorrrimule-
(Untel . ;Depend upon it, soothers,thereisna
mistake about it. Ito -roe dysentery and air.
Aiwa, regumtites the stomach and bowelo, ce t>.
winecomic.,softens the numence ecenruentunta-
tion, arta xIves tone amt enerl;ytotee wlwlt,
t)ystem. 3ass W sstaw'skoorrnso5runrsou
tunman Tsarrnt.uilipleasant tot.hetaste,aed
is he t reseriptian of one of the ablest and hest
fem tlo nurses and physicians in the United
States, vo ld, forrioa 25 gents a botUe.
A new lot of 8;60, 11x1.4 and 14x17
y' -fitRAMES':
Opened out this Week. -
-Also new line of-
f--Photo Mats, Picture Frain
Of the Latest Designs,
,=AT -
Caveats, Re -issues and Trude-Marla secured
and all other patent causes in the Patent
Office and before the Courts promptly and
carefully attended to.
Upon receipt of . Model or Sketch of In-
vention, I make careful examination, and
advise as to patentability Free of charge.
Fens MOD1aitATu, and I make No charge
unless patent is secured. Information,
advice and special refreuces sent on email
LITTELL, Washington, D.O.
Oltpesite U. S. Patent 011e
Wo want hvo, energotio, agents in every ecunty in
the united States and Canada to sell a patent article
Of great merit, ON 108.1tsiUT$. 411 articles having a
largo sale paying over 100 per tent. profit, having no
competition, and on which heagentnor s pr tected e ee Qin
a deeand d tbe exclusive sale bygiven
county be mayreeeure from us. With all these ad-
',mntnges to our rents, and the fact that is an article
that tan be sold to every homeowner, it -light not
bo necessary to make "di e3UINAs.v' 055131t" to secure
good of onts at once, but we have concluded to make
it to show, not brayour confidence in the merits hat
oar invention, but in its salability by any agent
will handle it with energy. Chir agents now at work
are making 5100 to *k`10o a momb clear, and this fart
,rakes it safe for us to make our ofillr to all that aro
out of employment. Any agent that will . give our
business a thirty days' tideland tail to clear at least
5100 in this time, asovs not Osrnssrs, can rotuni all
goods unsold to us mad we will refund the money
paid for thorn. No such employer of agents over
dared to make such offers, nor would wo if we dill
not know that we have agents now malting more than
double t1,is amount. Om largo deeriptive circulars!
oxplein our offer fully, and these we wish to send 't r
everyone out of employment who will send us three:
one cent stamps for postage. Send at once and se-
cure the agency in time for the boom, and go to worib
oatlto terms named in our extraordinary otfor,
Address at once, h lsio3At Not mry Co.
514 Smithfield tit., l:.t0)ort'he„ l