HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-5-10, Page 1VOL. T. The olsons...-Bca_nk!1 OfiARTMED BY PARLIAMENT.180.1 Paid up Capital— , $2,000,0OO :test la`usid .,,, ............ 875,00OI Offtes tee fluids 4 is cher, I18TEtt- 'MST' PKK AN UM far money on DEPOSIT RECEIPT'S, Alto 3i pea th r ii-7TalliST Psis. .A.rikatlg For Money la 6avings Batik Department (Lately Be -opened.) Fur further particulars apply at tbe. Bank, Main Street, Exeter, OFFIOE HOURS:- 10a. OURS:- 110aa. m. to 3 p. 111, Saturdaye, xal. to 1 i1. A. A. 0. Dr.-NovAx, acatttr, Jan. 28,'88. Mesmer, ETER ONT., THURSDAY MAY 10,18881 Is yalilhlislacalrvery Thursday morning, the 4Mee ANT PREPARATION% aer pro m atlta,eture anal are the sale et the 1°Rowing seeralaltjee. endtktat obad tromalaothorsanrce, THEY ARR OY FIIRSAM_ SY ORUGGISY9, Correspondence „ta del evtrte ahtteal. Commit -241)n upon all IbEc12ro UVOtzalla l eyOnt. aadcoma invited, t CHARGE except for dan. TornW cineCa Terrmi Ont. HAIR Cat-QRINOI Our aiac;trlficle-slproparatiousaarevenaaata4Pe ' leatly Ii, ,sales, Wo pzepara the 1allawiagg colors-triotlnexsbodesarisatronatraohairt#aiaa}i; i'<opaaptr dihr sttsnuc%t until all uric to^.e.} arra lei. Dla,ek, Dent . lFtaSru, Ided1um ISrawn.. Chectxant, ., o c ! ha p Light Claesiuut, !sold l2larldat. 1tste va' Alaaztka gaup r a to ,: r t, ala c roe"; . . discount made for ta" on5 lent eldt4:,313rmenla Inserted , 3A1G4, 9$ Per bottle. Torozatp'aledltita.9 Stephen Counai Council met on 7th inst. All members present. Minutes off last meeting read, Mr. Frelach object- ed to that portion removing Mr. Taylor from school seiner, No. 1 to 5. Mr. French withdrew his objection 'with the understanding that the matter be considered at some future Meeting; xhiinutee were then signed. Moved by II. Edger, seed by D. French, that Mr. Sherritt see to plac- e at culvert on L. BeE, per request of ►,ilr. Granville.--Oarried, l aved by IT. Either, oetl'd by 0. Either, that the assessment roll be epted, and that the assessor gat pay therefor. The court of revisloa<xto be held all Saiturei y, 11.'tary 26th, stud Haat ort afte noon of amiss day, the usual ardalai gravel contratct be let, Breselved that the following orders leegrantedi---Provincial Treas€1eer, Mr. C. D. Decelxluw, -$8; W, Sanders, 3:', M. ;aides $2.25; Star printing, $7.55; S. W. Hawkins, rep a:a:raper $l; P. Men - pagan, oulvert $1.50; G. Sherritt, cul- vert $2; Mrs. Rename relief $5; C.' Christie,$80; repairs in euudry places, 6. r {3.314 UT)a, Clerlt 1'Urt rl9 or kal}II .GRIi"1 lo: l Casae dothrr a' atox it laa-4.‘ n vivo.tee; 81.50 it not .idhal falrag Rltta3s an Applicat1an. Advertisements v W out sperifki direct! c s i t6 6. 1 td 11t 111 d 1 lacrstnbrgir ISO,leral Clogdrect. $slut complta of Hair lebeu axtlartt tor low peraria, Every deoccip io+i et Alli MST- TO* g; REQUISITES iso; a eet eet el tee ewe tee* of Haas d;mitaa%I /41=l 404 p,Ie ,,,t,/way.av 403. Tem ive traalr.ato rates a.4vtaae9, xsr+a' 4 x•rue 4* ser. taruGG ti, te 441v"4/144':1'FuT rt.us *t" /4;1 4)1441/1`) xQ Zia A Impaarts to the F:.:w the Belo atnd % aneust'r x 1f: ILLI'ell SGL DROSS i et maidenhost barna] sande zautbodete,idet), s41i1Q 1 Oft .11 • r, o at :rst?allihw,: j size r.o. onemores tr^.tdnli'ea, ss. 21n, 3013e- claves D,IverSSpats. 51,:x,. 2.u, It Pitmen's Fltrslt Predate. sae's TUU for e tu'g; is c1• corrc :sport 0 Eddy is prepared for the sltlaallter,lhe'. wants early mails, and dont you forget it. Frank is trying to'catch the fox that is corresponding for the Record, better get the beagle! Lattherdab and Dick the corker, are fixing up the red ifon, They intend to apply for license. NO xaiove all the fen s] obetruetieg EAid roast. --•Carried. leloved by W. llydil, seconded by J. Halls, that all patheeasters be and here- by instrueted to have all the thistles cut on the highways in their respective road divisions, between the $rst and tenth of July, the time so employed to be counted as portion of road lebor,ard hat the clerk inert a notice iht the Kerosine jack xlearly blowetl the Isatbrootstere lib! to that effect—Car- town rect, - r - town up, and himself along with %one used. boy. night lately. Better be careful "old Moved by . ' Gamerorltltal; f the evaslclh Jtames castle haat opened up business A, Walwins olci stand, fetch !along our old boots, they wont hare' to lay a the shop for a nwntll. We leave a clothes line stripper our town, who had better mend 111 ys before he' gets whit ethers lir of before now, for stewing hie friends, k out for the 24th; the boys had a aced pig Quit prac_tlsine, the other when they failed to hultl him ley tail, they tried teetous but c,,..i succeed. Cirri. .JI DDIai" "7'(rda'Y. eia 1 atoe t tr "ca Par. ,S1 l`•. It tr. `•aa,.a,, '.h,ri, 31 ta.. anal ; l Nyman, ;'1.2a x A, til lienlate9 e 2+a x$ltenaovesA lm lnc, $,1 3. zee• al{ ztemt•Fes r; the pupils of Senior Division Zunct unite an amount of excitement over e new proposed mail route. They Jack is going to get one of the rcters to eerr',y it from Varna to lintthat oli now Moes. Cider Mill Jack will not be eo r display his Are'araws in the felt is more than be expected she privellege of. using !berga. ig hway. of our city fathers being a oteff hat ]sever tires, started out to work the cattle: Sunday, with haul on shoulder end spade in hand, but meet• ing the people going to ehurch, got sur- price crud beat a hasty 'ietret for town.: J. Shier seeouded by the Courtor 1 z of the.Aseessnent Roll be held et the Town Hurl Eli►uville on Statin dt-y til:'~ 26th day of May 1885 at 10 at"c'lack n. m. and that the clerk dilly iacivertise the sums.—Carried, }sieved by J. Halls seconded ley W. ydd that by-law No, 3 14S8,ailpoiet- pethcro stere as now read a third e be pace ,—Cerried- tloved by J. Shier seconded by J. lis that the following amounts le gentled tilt tl•oseveral ht►uiicltsries 1, sborne and Bitldulpla S50.V0 ive and Blanshard $2Qt,40, providing iddulph and Blanshard 'commas ex- eequivalent; Stephen mid 1.7e. '10; and that the. Reeve lit eraa- pto meet any reasonable outlays ort tits 1>niandaries between ['sb?rn and the' following townslalt s,;Full lrton, IJibbed, Teekereenitbb, eaa{t il;i,.--Cale Tau. Eel 25, ::e. la eeniesea Isxoles. 8 2s.a. 1#i a , re roves r ckmaree. e2 lea. Av Mentees oar doe Public bclaool for the laonth of A,pall; In€an. ee spfratlQn. $1 :1, Na 16;att ro7retrtet !saes ling -peettieiaa; thox'tetaticn daso3apraeutQxxcstor-' the report LS 11:t80t1 0i1 good conduct and a'a ; ;,clan Pt Um Mir. s1 ss, Toruuta I'1+,titellta this Gelit?ral proficiency. THE MST Cii,ASS:-,-.L011iStti Stanch and 1€erna43arT 9‘• .rot Jarsz,st,. T.rs, l. Gtalosn,,No, 19 X r7, cambineit iatettaak nr.-1 external gat ,r. cul 1 , > , y i + a. aW. anal iG ..n y. 7 r . erea nueetwb. '1l speedily develelW;a o xr-stores Olaf ,1$`t0dibacei1.. 33'34 .tl► x t• p. nt, I'raacer anrctietia Tburttda} ., tcromo host'to tnoi:'mporttot i orssadytaons .,. _ ' c caaer,, nt Ic'Qllirrli CLASFa. (SCO, I±itCl1 ruin, I0. nature. Ys entirely'b aroness and certain in re- watt c4rr,n '1r, at- ra.rae 1*°tor, ten:. >.4nita 1'43389. +Faxctnta Afedieum Ca,. 2omiat130 41; Edith Steinbach, 964; Rosa lunch, cro-i .. 1 .logia/ flat. I..Ytn. sultan► WOMEN'S ILL.$ Gip; Wm. fleas, 921; ler m, Johnstone vowel. °.; 4 a a .i}wr rlr. •t sag, 'Mural= oven- +ln„ as 7 , , . 1a^dplcx larayrr !nae 1"4' ilemrtttaty t Na. ,tocxtaincar. Brea neons reentei lrttea = 8f10; J 3 allln ottl,orvomla. Lylcaratiaux zptneue l ttatr- 8a7' Emma Johnstone, , no. Iki scutes at etreeteenelieering eowiereins" end rein laeas A Qr. F'; atw 'Iimttit',rt'1,.n +r a rrranrrnna, a r ctt Rov w df. #f girls, S ,a&tor. npk 1a CaktreNC>i peculiar to lamados. .n arae $tn,Agg ©Cita 3' an, nlati a..41 p, an t .ibinth b, ••the liilillna+t raeulcatl authorities is as we }lard Whet ex, 5`0,141 ry At toel0err {t^hu".,le:A . a .41111; taet„tra I prapr tleccltut;, pt rivalled" remedy. 1'rieaeerercbottle. TQrootG 0 * * 20 Hattie John - 5 43, 5Ta $ r ......x !MAW Illeatieap Pt 8 e eieas. .s( eino 00,, Toronto, Ont, 330; ria. l urr11, 3:. ? t'hGir llr..+t 'h a ,ung.. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS stone 125. • '-t a'... I '.ieca, :. a. ,ie 41P' k• ,' Far superior to Ergot. TanaY. 1'en3YOYel O '1'3311111 CLASS SI xIOlt: L 'die Strern- oxide, $ J310 (x 1P U0;3; Ftatii8t1.3t. f 6 Glee, nisi t p as • .i 'a + asrrs• t11.hL aluring the xxeo , ° rudorsedI o°thousa uisof l eats o , • s." 6a 1n.6 R a ,.,.,•s "1"UuC at > l . m. dt< Runaay. ttsethem-11014TElb Never lett Relieve pen per, ; ,, ^ • INS131tF11`r•GUAhItI'1'Y Ploasantana Ritectual, ler 80,, :1ta,,ole Detebort, e 3,, Laura], Wee areata brediclue 0e., Terento.Ont, aw+. .cc. __ e WWilliWilliams,s 00; Annie LiPp;t1 t, , 010 e /Citrus W r Graduater Iinrafnaml. ?, 1:l eI 'sGS to NEURALGIA +., RHEUMATISM ir earfuls tdeisdnatothesit pie ant that it daox - attain° Ca , Toorronto, Oat. I rtca el. oearoutxs .,. and other Carts. 1 be vyxttztuscpactec xa.al. its a WM Daher 682; Flora Hers, 675; Cale .t vie Greb, 660; Meggie Well, 595; Wm. Drrstein, 590; Lizzie Becker, 594; W t 11•344{ t.-- - - ` - Seho.ii:,. 501 • Nicholus Beichert, 480 t;o Sidle 3 anI:, T voter,' Ont. COUNTY .111reat3iitteitinu, . CEllnn CLASS Jt'\Et)li:---Iloralce Hardy l:`t tar palnlrxn°actuctiGn. --^-•_ HURON. Well, 311; Mattie 11 c11, 294; August Moritz . u, rl„•:rr. e. l'. $. News 2lii; Ianlannuel Faust yi0; Alfred ruiviu.ity ande.,ws rrOmlio es and 1leilis Moritz, ' 67; ]'aintna. ust 9,rnian 244•, rr Lydia Koehler, 224; Maggie Demuth, ofHunan cuntY partners, 2:22. The average attendance for the Month was 126. Seer. 3. LATTA, Principal. Centralia dots. Pine weather. )tt, t at. 1 h V 1 Ityr,--'al 1IN 4'i'l:r 1, r, Exeter, 1, u• 1, u ,tun ! c»trat ldao•,1. 8ida• oast•' !:!trio ria t '. 341°11sstra,o: !aiding; to Llan 1(oth edict Vint 11 1 t 1 Llek1 t E» Ait rI<i 11:Ettfor tilt. of Middles:it and r hmbtou, :and the i'„1 n ° . •r Ri+hen :and 11av All salts prom• etlr attain t:}. i 1ha :0 !la tots attuallt;attions to li'. dloL'r, hi'.r re.aafe: f14W, tant;aalry. 11. In+,--•"_` 1 riga,!.*r, Solicitor of Stu/reed 3J L t t tart -rakrie, Ilorr+.yancer, Coca .nisi:ioner, n.y ta, 1,utn. Oitiee f ..1- : ;:n a Reek, Exeter: 11. KINSMAN, DENTIST, I n1 5.. extracts teeth without pain by giving, t zL vapor, or wain;; the now Anaes- *t i,ettt: one l ;Slakes Gold Fillings, and m11 other dentar itoe best possible, Goes to Zuuieli last Thursday a e r`a month, RASI ell I vif t,€ MA1_'v BTItECT. EIJsT'iaR, 'Mom Cytthc1 Meting. The Council: met on the GtbMarc pursuant to adjournment. AR mom hemi present. iiliilutes of previous' nleetittgt inert read and biped. Two petitions were read and laid on the table by tile clerk, one from. the promoters of the South Ontario Pacific Railway and the other from the rate -,l payers of S. S. No 10. After due eon• sideration taut discussion it was moved by W. Eydd, seconded by J. ]•iaUs, that the petition with reference to loved by T. C:ulleroe, seroride>'1 by liydd, thataT, f+ritxx+abevellercce"1,e for Ow keels of A. Cennichne•?. at G. Ferguson he paid $1S•lr0 wits. 'board of T. Bonnett late to - F►th.• -Caliiett. yea by W. liydd seconded by 3, nd resolved that orders be grant - he the fol lowing atllounts vire-1 sown $2.' 25; T Brinieomhe $S; ,Ns- .% i - Bros. 4310; 0. Fergusona1$; tl. lien 50 its.; M. Sarawtll two orders 5; W Westlake 1 T Heliport r ,T 50; J'- 3 ydtl 5 0ets.; 3. C*UU , otion of 3. Sliier,seeoteded by T. he connciL adjourned to meet as a court of revision on Saturday the 26th of May at 10 o'clock a. we GEO. W. IIQL1MAN, CLUCK. OUR UMTIR .iG CORRESPOili'S Items of Interest From Important Centres. W. E. CA RTW RIGHT, LDS, ., Surgeon Dentist, a.raounte of the Royal College of Den- •Q,nl'Sur},eo s.of .antalie. Riming furuisiaed fine den- ial rooms oe,. t &nor to'Trelrile's Ilarness shop, Main - street Ext a, 4in., where I aan prepared to perform *11 *rancho- of Gm profession Witt, ease and skill. - Cti t %tffisS, :+1O14ERA1'E TER?IS, CAUL r #ere,rte. A Record of all Events -Deaths, Rerriovals, Fires, Sales, and Accidents St.Marys Sittings. Laborers are engaged in cleaning the public highways. The Maxwell works are to be erect- ed on the Marshall site,near the switch The work on the grand Central Hotol -is about completed, in future it will he one one of the best commercial houses in town. '!-Cilli\ T. wssreOTT, LOAN, neat istate owl 4 e.anbaat Agent Wealthy and re- liable Tire -.not I if + Insurance Companies Represent-., d.. Any aLnila turf money to loan on first clessn ort - ages at lGttcst rates t+f interest. General Agents for 'Aron Co., for A. E. Williams to Co.,. real estateagts, London, k:ue er.xaaoo€Steamers represented. O0iee—. ones St,. Exeter, Ont. jn9.ST LLIOT " S ELLIOT, BAREtISTE, s, So1iuitorw, Conveyancers, &Ste Money to Loan at 6% -13.• V. Beeper' J. ELiLTOT. Hay Farmers' Mutual fire Insurance Company. Dashwood Basins. Our flax firm shipped a, carload finished flex, on Saturday last. Mr. WWeltin's new brick blacksmith shag is tepidly approaching completion. tsARTIES DESTntNa TO INSURE IV= .•nnd cheapest Tnsinance Company in the Dominion, dun do so by eppiytng personally, or, by until *e the tnndcrsiglted. & l eppplreatioaisoramptly attended to. -Also agent; for the Wellington), Golupaoy of getelph. .;Also AUCTION'LSR for the County of Huron. E, alCSSfNIiETRY, AGMNT. —inlaid—K. ° A .fi Zurich, Oat. of Government ail tothe Sout1. i' 4 no NOTED! HORSES. Timm Itor leis Fon 1688. Pfeifrnnwfl tut . • } All psegues getting their Moist+ Ms of This Pacific Railway be f 1ecl, and the clerk xrlil malts a mamas under. ir.struetetl to writs* the promoters off, mats a notiro CL the sohelne stating that the route of tire' proposed railway as set forth in said petition is not sufficiently definite to this Council to take action thereon. Moved by 3, Halls seconded by 3 Shier that this Council take uo action in regard to thenumerously signed pet- ition of the ratepayers of S. S. A o. 10, asking for a chance on the enlarging of the limits paid school Section as Sec. 81 sub•sec. 3 of the School Law, strict- ly forbids the Bassini of a by-law for that purpose afte_ the first. of May.— Carried. Moved by J. Shier seconded by J. Halls that $150.00 be expended in each ward for ,grading and gravelling. '-E 1 cRIT, Iters - stor, the property of W. il, Mel Bove, 1Teusell. Monday, Thos Wre'n's Chiselliurst, for noon; W. Kyle's Hetet for night, Tuesday ? falcolrn Sini`lr,x for uooe;Cook's Hotel Varna for night. W(cluesdity, J. Moffit's Bayfield ).owl. for nooei; 3. Horner,s for night. d hure- clay W. Broderick's, for noon; I'eiitaa'e. Hotel, Zurich, for night. Friday to his own stable, when he will remain. until Monday mornin . Jolltx Bee- GOL'flxfy iiian. The Fashionable Bred Ciytleatla le Stallion. "Bonnie Boon,” and the Ofee- Clydesdale Stallion, "Crooketferll, the property of P. Curtin, Centralia, will stand at their own stable 2ealiles South Centralia, during the season. IIElrtx The basement of the church is com- pleted. Dr. Elliott, of Toronto, is in attend- ance to his brother James. The roads .are in good condition in this part of the country. Spring grain has already made its appearance over the ground. Mr, C. Essery and Miss Oke spent Sunday at the Grand Bend. The cheese factory is in full blast, and is now to eking cheese by the ton. There will be a service in. the Meth- odist church, on Thursday next, ascen- sion day. - We have no doctor in our enterpris- in village, and there is a splendid opening here for a medical man. We are sorry to learn 6f the serious iltness,of the youngest daughter,Tobias Guenther. She is attended by Dr. ,Hindus, of Crediton. Mr. Abraham Shetlor has sold his house and lot, to Mr. John Pope, our tailor, and the house lately - vacated by Mr. Pope, is to be occupied ley the widow Coktsky. Miss Robinson, of Grand ,Bend, is at preseut the guest of her sister,' Mrs. T. E. Handford - Mr, James Elliott is confined to bis bed from a severe- illness.- We hope he will soon recover. Mr. William Elliott has two Scotch boys from the old sod employed. He will make things move this summer. We have some veru rapid wood saw- yers in our village. Billy, sawed five cords in one afternoon, How does that' "ketch” yore. There arrived at the village station, ,a few days ago, a carload of trees for Mr, S. B. Windsor, which was composed of every description of fruit trees. ' S. B. makes a good agent, and far eclipses all others in this line of business, May he continue to prosper, —Carried. The following list of pathmasters was: ST EW, niau. then 'made outlsviz.—S. W. Ward, G Webber, 3). Richards, J. Xerslake, T. Jones, W. Westcott, R. Quinton, L. Communications. Hunter, J. Rowcliffe, T. Shute,3, Stat- To the Xdiwr of the adtwcaatt. ton, S. Cornish. 3. Miners, R. Hunter DEAR Snit:—Will you please inform W. Snell, J. Ogden. N. W. Ward, me what' is meant by the Grand jury jr.W. Jeekell, T. Hawkins, H, Dougall, at the last assizes,brimmng in "no bill!', W iternick, 3. Harris, W. Keddy, J, in the ease of those parties charged Dew, P. Moir, W. Monteith, Ii. .Etor- with taking Sherritt's ducks, at Blake, ney R. Bell G. Monteith, T. Passmore, and enlighten acurious subscriber4' T. Ellerington, W. Glenn Be Morrison. Hensel], May Sth, 1888. S. E. Ward, S. Jacques, W. Brock in (It means this,that the Grand Jury, T. Batten, R. Delbridge, A. Turnbull, after reading the evidence taken by the W. Routley, J. t3rooks,S. Routley,D, magistrate, and other evidence brought Wynn, J. Copeland,'. Tufts,A. Haw- before totem by the crown, considerer) key, 3. Hazlewood, J. Gourley, 3. O. that the parties charged, ought to have Mara. , E. Ward, . SS, Clarke, A, been left at home, and the, county save Hodgert sr., R. Monteith, S. Campbell, the dollars uselessly spent in the enat- J.' Hunkin, R. Alexander, J. Stewart too —ED.) J. Ashton, J. Harris. J. Gardiner, J. Duncan jr 3 Duncan R Doupe, J. Ba fl . TB.Notes. Y There es one sad heart in town. Boogie is gone,ta the SALE REGISTER. Rutherford, W, McGill.On Satnrda May, 12th on lot G, tori, Moved by J. IrTa11s, seconded by W, y1 ICydd, that the list of pathrnasters as4. 'Osborne, H t now revised be a,dopted, ,and that the saidappointmentsbe confirmed by the passing of a by-law —Carried. Moved by J. Shires seconded by T. Cameron, that the clerk notify, all the parties having land lying alongside the side -road between6lots numbered 5 and s 6 7th cons, to re and an 6th 46 head of cattle. R. Hunter, prop. Brown. and. DIED. • SAVDlslrs.—ln Stephenson the Sth ins. M nnie beloved wife of Thomas 2 years end let Sanders, aped . c ,nt days.