HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-4-19, Page 7NNS o TE DAY. Oenanl A`ii. The Kingston by-law for 5140,000 to im- prove tate Litt' water works Bloom was car- ped yeatereley by a Yate of 452 to 43. Chief Jestioe Armour was presented with the treatvfcuaf pair of gloves on opening the Assizes at Ktugston there being zee prem.-, era in gaol, Colonel Tohn Kilborn, who served as via ensign is the battle of Deady% Lime in i8 4, and was taken prisoner, died in Newboropph ort. Sunday, aged 94 years, A utemerial from the Winnipegfeelandio Society, prnyiug for a public rvoogeitiou of Lief Ericson ae the first discoverer of America, was pressured in, the United Staten, Senate on Saturday.. A Clifford merchant received an snotty. Mous letter recently, enclosing "postage stamps andsteting that the writer, a woman, had sold him a quantity of rotten eggs -lest summer, and -toe atateps were to pay for trent. A parte of japseese gentlemen interested. iw eatnuraezuriarg eaterpriees in Yokehan posed through n innipeg on Friday, bowed on a tour of =poetic:ex of the large €aaotaery eateleltehntents in °methane the New Bag, lased States. The Camerae O,,lleetor at.Beffele has been ivatruere4 be tea: °reasanry Departiueae tttwt elozl:i.ag and other dut.ablea goods perobataed an Caaaa,4a by r,lsidenta on the frontier can, not be adetSitted free on their retter4 to tits Merited States. The *Altera of The Ada Vicforiatia, pp�epee pubilehed by the atudeete of Victor ilnaveraity, hale been >ettspea:aded by the fatauity en account of ertlloiauta of talo ourriettiunt wisiefl appeared itsthat paper, wed ;bore ie a considerable commotion fn eeette peace. A vigorous immigration polio augureeed by the Alartiwba everiutent eats a scheme far pleeime portieres' of railway and laud eompafnes' !.anile under govern. meat egatr i for settlelrleue is being prepare eel for stubmisa]on to the Itrovinofat Leve' lature. Seven conduotoraoa the Canedla z Paeifio railway between K416644 a station llemiles east of Wt'tanipeg, aad the POMO boat are to be dismissed, for asaietiu& en operator who waa travelling to the coat on a etolere ticket to etecape-from a detective who was on the game trate, and who ,finelly ctoptured hien its Vencouver. The Trezaton,Adeecefe, sale thea two (Aon encasing !;anvil Lake the rather daywith a heroand muter were pursued by a wolf, the herobecame trightene3, made a sudden spring, awl threw Dae of trier!!; out. IID had as sealing stick la bis band, struck the wolf over the heard vs ielt it, etuuued it, gaud thea di pettclted le with a penknife,, Arthur Haiiilurton, ate;ently eppolut- ed to an under aecrotaryabip of Lite JSritieh War GaiUiae w nes bora in Nova Scotia lu 1832, and is a vau of the foment r, Sana SIMit." $o has filled many ixnpariant positions in the British military and Civil Sex WOO, and is, we believe, the only Vanadiau who has ever reached *position so high in the British service. A yauug boy nand Peatoriue, living near Ca>lofzcater, laeaox Couuty, was taearly Wangled in a curious way the other day.. Ho had fastened one end of a rope round a calf's neck autt the other cud rouud a dog's while tate centre of it be wound about his own. He was abut; dragged along a:o rapid.ly when discovered that if a brother had ,rot cut the rope la time be would boo paid dearly for Its f uo, Methodist F,,pfseopal Church South, was adopted at the meeting of Methadiet minis, ter# in Chicago on Monday, .P# weekly ohuroh publication, in Youngs- town, 0„ is edited by the Rev. S. R. Frazier, and is issued: en ,Sundays. It is probably the only Sunday newspaper in ex- istences that fa edited by a clergyman, Ida Oegoodby, of Albany, and his burboys foot up pretty well in the aggregate. Ile is G feet 6 triches in height, the oldeat son is e 2 iachea shorter, tile net is 6 feet 3, the next 6 feet 2t' and the youngest, a lad of ten yeara, is 6 feet 1 inch tall, The latest "(tattle queen" of the west. la 1ii3s Kitty V illrins, of 'Slain), a tali blondes twenty-three years of age, a fine borate woatan and n dead allot. Though called the cattle queen, as a matter of fact hereea are her specialty, aid she owns no less than 800, the/mends besides of cattle. MawrWarner, who waive: hanged the other day at Jeiferacn, Ind,, forntnrder, meds the following gallows speech ;-'4If any of you ever take via glees of whisk , be- fore you put it to your Iiips think of Macey Warner and Look into the bottom of the glasa and see if you can't sea a rope there.* The paint shops of the. Chicago, $urli►ag. ton and Quinol railway at Aurora,, which were being used ae a hot-! fox' the new men, were burned on Thursday night, oxer one hundred, of the meet Litho Were the building !Wog all they possessed. The fire is attributed; re incendrartem,atad enseti a loss of $175 000. Dr, Getting has wadeihtportant improve sueateeia h a wnaobine gnu within the past the two years, It le now a terrible arm, It can ia. be pointed down upon 4 tomo beat from* (Our Saskatoon correspondent writes .- Mr: Davit( Blackley, who came from cot land in.1884, and whoa farm is seven miles from Saaketoon, has cleaned 116 bushels of excellent oats, the produce of three buahela #own last spring, which had only ordinary oultiva,tton. The oats are of the black Tar tartan variety, of auperior quality, being well filled and hard. All the crops in the neighborhood are turning out well. Mr. Blackley started with two cows and in less than four years has twenty head of oattio betides working oxen. He intends putting in over 100 acres of crop this year. Risuch faith in the country is sthat, by hie a ad. vice,a son and:son.rn•law with tacirfamitiea cane out front Scotland last summer and have settled near him. He says if he had money enough .he would bring out all the friends he has, At Saskatoon prices for farm produce range as follows ;-Wheat 60c per bushel, oats and barley each 50c por bushel, potatoes 50c per bushel, butter 253 per pound, egga 30, per dozen, beef, whole- aale, $7 to 89 per 100 pounds. MUTED STATES. Minneapolis reports 116 days of sleighing no far this winter. A man in New York is paid 820,000 a year for sampling tea. Twenty-four deaths were caused by the mine explosion at Rich Hill, Missouri. Oskaloosa, Kansas, has elected a woman as Mayor and a City Counoil composed en- tirely of women. Only twelve Indians are left of the tribe of 1,C00 who inhabited the Yosemite Valley a few years ago. Losses on the western cattle ranches this winter have been very slight, and are not .expected to exceed one per cent. The Buffalo Bankers' Association has de- cided to. charge 2 per cent. discount on all Comedian money received on. deposit. Claus Spreckels has' decided to build a sugar refinery in Pi iladelphia, with a ca- pacity of seven thousand barrels a day. A Clay county, Dakota,, farmer has a five- year-old cow which is 16% hands high' and weighs 1,888 pounds. A circus man is try- ing to buy her. A bill for the celebration at. Washington next spring of the centennial of the-Consti- �tution of the United States was passed in the Senate an Saturday. A sword -fish weighing 500 pounds was taught from the wharf at Punta Gorda, Fla.It took the combined efforts of :three, men to draw it from the water. California. farmers display much energy in ridding their fields of. the rabbit peat. .Ata big rabbit drive about 2,000 men wore in line: and over 4,000 rabbits were slaughtered. The Rev. T. DeWitt` Talmage is a great walker, and thinks nothing of an early morning spin of eight or nine miles into the Suburbs, topped off with a brisk' run of half A resolution in favor of organic union of the Methodist I.piscopal Church and the #�ip's deck, or upon aa, latae wbott it lie very near to the visual. The b eglieh naval offi- cers are loud in the praisea of hie gun. It. throw a shower of halide with terrible force, art thick as hail atones in a hail storm, A veerel'e deck le swept by thio great force, and assaults upas herder detentes, by seal- :ireg peruse, eau he overcome at once by a few of these guess properly lalaoed in a fort. ft ie not cannon, but name throw:tog owned bulleta is showers, .ata Jaren la fatal for la. toile, and for Ode oleo of projectiles it ie the meat formidable arta ever invented, it is reported that en Eeglishaynelicatadeasires to purchase Dr, Getting'e patent and plena. atatEralla Anatiler piece of cartilage was extracted from Emperor Frederick'4 Shoat on Setas' (lay, The population of France is deemed uotwithstaudfug Y1404;4040 inunigratliau. The 13elgiaue are conning in .iia coxleiderable numbera, rand Italian* wet. Despito the eenahlaauce of health and the Eanperor'e increased power, Vermeil expert opinion that the disa-se will have an eau rly and fatal termination is atilt uexltared. Two. cases are reverted hi Germany o fatal revolts following the operation laryngotomy, which the German dooto wanted to perform, on Emperor reteleriuk, The Ale ow fineeite attribute* to Sir Usury Drummond. Wo]ff, the i,ugtielt Alinie- ter to reraia, a eehetnefar the couunorclat conquest of that kingdom for the bcneae of Eupleed. i nsperer T.'redorick and Empress 'Victoria drove in a half epee carriage trent Charlet, ti uburg to Berlin, and greatly enjoyed the drive, They received ontltusiaetiogreetinge along the road. e For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. 1#RRS riervpue 1'roatrataon,>hierveueHead, -achs,amerajpis,Aiervonealaa aknesa, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all elf -entities of t i kidneys. A NERVE TONIC, f3zcaurs w: XepnroN, Or ar+trozrt, tenth.,, *Mt earsxavis,*sutf'erertronaAmens, Way. ty. Apo Pleat' °od and the ellsoovener or ti 1i aluahle remedy Mat Parxrla''Calaa v CosrrpuA„ 1iy I red S us# nowrriits 4 reeteara:IOW^ Loos, r<aa7r 1# AN ALTERATIVE. .Lroaza ADBarr, WAL25wa. Yz,aaye;, "I believe '4P E'aa 4rrXnt coeseovsn saved nay lite 1.4tronble seeneed to !+care !Metesa iaw4or listens! slaw! itis was mamma with aus sear ora f aabueaxa pe_WI amrh sscl r teetv A LAXATIVE. Lalermn evuenanever.7traresmrr. For two lean ppa�vsta have b twat ktdner teed lireatruuWeaa, Tal>1i+a end :eouaitp:u{iou Couxarn Itt NOW I festa stele ta+ RETIC. r, t?ror;xC4a"r. rims mot F as tra'a; Calmat for Mom .m.� I Mae our take. vebeen repoived from arlttt rornartaabiU Ii&TENTS proonred. Patent AttereeTa and experts r Est digq. Aonald c,1414outdt Cw.,Torpsio, MERCHANTS .'. BUTCHERS a1WIIs TRAIHMS Gi 40•1•Ta We want & 4000 )4!}1 in your loosllty $0 Voir up taste ser us. cash tarlalahed ea asat94faolory guaranty. Address et. $. Rot; Aye,''aria, Ytaarnoat, tee. rittlEstartt witmiReee Vellege, areNelltb, Oat. laaawlld°nomneaenrg . e nppsaces added, The - nesaDelarinent affords one of the beat courses ob. lalnable wane the Shorthand Delnittrn leas accomplis9aad results m 09.14llect in the hfetory 08 Ishortbaud, lesettes,atimit**4,toalteeranyyta eeolfare4 by ee ailed free. ¥u ¥A O7O laf 4g Rr 1.13 EFataisa. sea waifelsarpen dm Haile lslthos#removenelttone the #i.ac one. No tamer ahonld send his wadable bate tae Held without one. Sample by mail, 00e, CI.PHE•"1T 4 Ca., Teren4 i, TI7Eq3 grat* st f eorery Of the pee t are /or Regolet the bowels. rates~ ,all Blood Lir and Sidney CoA, oddPurinsr. & sr i�a!vttioat whobew by tit Colonists Trains, CANADIAN PAWEIO RAILWAY Y 1tT1i run setttere' Toles to ell p la MAN ITP BA, THE NORTH-WEST, #Iritis Columbia And the Paciatt Coaeise aIlex Toronto. N. & ll -W a#lot',, Pewit at op", TUESDAY, 1, C i' rand everg 2'ateadaytheroalterdirdeg Mama aos .A, coiorr#sl *Ter wilt lie attached $o theee *Jan Make early epp1uetiioa tar agent for aelaat sate aaaat bertha YOU wilt Ff04.60. $44014 oras opener oeteniata' movaable& Ito -'micro delay or ilea Ousrauatlne, tto traamfera Yor i`aitlapr 1 lion me neat. or mita cQI,.QNIZATIQN AOaENT, W ./$1, Y 1F,> Ceti,r 41 Wel t; ett ter en alma"lea e Addretaia Teemat., taat ... J.^.'.,JONES.,. *.. WOOD I: NGRAV F 1 Knio i tis' Ta ' aril O. Propttgoni # Montreal, quo, To I O,i *1 ort Patera, Leaser parses; uflodelax Correepoudeoceaicliil,=d. �fiNE 1 ll.ti,'It>ia'fira5 1.41, x481*#, " �,ttahlGrhrd,tSG?. 72 K1a� al: f:•, �vrtaaaf,ar. -CHARLES NNSINSON ,CO - 21 CfstfitU1 ST., 'It+a#ifsi F& sieving, delineate/dee 4p404clr101os Sot "ct#OYgL..R3 84 TRICYCLES. am. and Sears WWI" Make Kola ter near r weis'a 113 aced ter gr ally reduoe4 har4a ak Ata Para* Ian E ar^9aleaMalta tri lar aupg"varaa. bea9t inet cat o litcree tenth et the UUMIrQN R xastfcar: Pr TEES, r,.#era, i1 ed ads Velma fl, r*•ara, f na ' y�'��ta'd ill attars are;falaioi,; ,ash viwaten Die, 4. e lketl.ue%illcultevery ale ntrltctd tato!- ue for. WEIISTd1i ilros.,FLORla'r'8, IrAMILTtl`r, (`i 1A;'(ADX $U1FfP$Nf CO.-- Br X•inn' of •.t Steasnrahips, lading. weekly between )icntrcal aro lavarpsci. Satan ticket...3ion4til W Liverpool, U0.47.0 nntlat;7. 1 ernrn tiafzetp, °, 0.t0, and, 4110, acesl':itsi 8, etsasaar ant a.^.entassasatcn, tater, mediate, 8;0- bound trip lie,ota. Eta. Stet me, f:. Round trap Balzer,, 440. For tinnier pNarlaeula'e sad to steure hir.h,. apply to U. E1. MURIIAY, 0rnerol btaeoger, I Covent Mouse pylar„ Slootre ai pet©.the Local Anode et tine ntktrrened annaanrLOdatat, It ie cflioially aunounaed that gins John, of ,d ltyseinla, has sued lot peace, end Oen. tion Marzatna has been instructed to accede to Ma rewrite if the terms accord with the honour 01 Italy. A federation of clubs and similar soc'laties in Paris have been formed with the object of cheapening medical attendance. Adult members of the association pay 4) cants a year for mediae]. .attendance and children 20 oenta. The floods in Germany and Hungary are anteing great loss of life and deatruetion of property, and as the anowlies on average four feet deep inthe ioreetlauda it is feared that the woret of the inundations haveyot to come Says the foreign itemizer of the New York Ruta; Fully 80,000 German residents in Eng. land who evaded conscription on the break- ing out of the Franco-Prussian war can now return tof tboir fatherland without risk, as their offence terminated with the late E n plror'e rage. The latest advices from China say that the crisis in Ho -Nan is past, but that the distress of the people is appalling, two mil - ]tion persons being utterly destitute. The nearest towns are invaded by hordes of nak. ed and starving refugees from the hooded districts, who, like swarms of locusts, are devouring everything, A correspondent, residing in the North of London, challenges the etetemeuttettributed to Mr. Moody that cancer is unknown to the Hebrews, who suggested as the reason their abstinence from pork. He states that the testimony of medical men who have made this disease a study is that the Jewsare not Moro exempt than others from this dire af• illation The Emperor of Japan, who recently granted liberty to the press all over his do. minions, now finds that the mere have taken advantage of his kindness t'o hold up the Government to hatred, ridicule and con. tempt, thereby endangering the throne. So his Majesty has issued a ukase authorizing the Minister of the Interior to suspend or. suppress any journals professing objection. able sentiments. Mr. Ross Winans, the noted American sportsman, intends to give up bis deer forests in Rosshire and Invernesshire, which ex- tend over 260,000 acres. Half of Winans' game preserves is on the Chisholm estate, and Mrs. Chisholm, of Chishoiny is negoti• ating with her tenant in order to obtain a surrender of this leases. The lease of the great forest of Glenstrethfarrar, which is on the Lovat estate and lets at £5,7750 a year, expired last November and wasnot renew- ed to Winans, the new tenant being Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, of New York, who has taken Beaufort"Castle for five years. Mr. Winans did not visit Scotland last' season. Don't do it. Do not wait, if suffering from pain, but go at once to the nearest drug store and buy a sample bottle of Poison's atm -vitae -ea e -ea the great pain. cure. Never failsto give irumediete relief. Nervi: line is endorsed by medical men everywhere.. Don't wait a single hour without trying alerviline. The, best medicine in the world to keep in the house in an emergency. Ten and 25 cents a bottle. twat.LIFIN r AC4iladRl4, Lt+ r Lour. Alta Rock PrlTh -1Xaud Wean P4wor: .Send for Catalogs.. Latd1sere NrinutatetarinICa., �j ilax'tr�es.Oat. TO SELL OR RENT-" ]Ili.t.Su xGw°>rraR KRT. Steno anti EriekI➢uftc*lu , exam arta wat:r power. 'Very easy terms. Clod IoeaUmt tar custom work. Apply to E, J'aCKS0 7, Newmarket ironsDula; ' tipetilk hie been eared for the pacd. with areal, novena, la the treatment of lits, and 611 MOON Wallin tee; en, orated brain, love of vitality. etnglur tr s care, pgllaitxtion, eta. For calm by ►7i draggle/ tee 61 parr x, at d bortos las $6, or will be wit 63 wall on receipt et prise. Fen:IR iklt on applle>ptsoa, 7.'liF QRA.Y MEDICINE 00., Toren% Col lf lel that ca be, serest, rn tried ootther ani be dltappuiote4 i ILEIRQ.N 47 y Feter, eto., u rest inetharL A mldtelne .- No cure no pay, 1t yeti bent that failed to car�e,yos' eels! nod a. For tali pattteulaaraiddreae, Canada. Send 100, in *tape Wen St. book; %p 03 AirDais of Alen." JohnstoifsiluldBeef lI' is atimnlant, hat it uontat a all :thelife gir1eg eletusatt of wrest that aaererlatt BRAINY BONE &MUSOLE GREATTE , TR *...,.-IIi E Tl IVrl R,, nen* are ;soapy tioriai<xA of Bicycles J.2CP Second.11nnd lticycles and Trtercies. Send for List. Nev. 'Catalogue ready ie 2lpril. .1N._ T. MONTREAL. FOR TISE Brick Machine hat's taking the lead, new or second band, apply to ii.EX. ,D014 . GI No,lon 8t„ Toronto. EDS RENNIE'S Seed Catalogue, containing descrip- tions and prices of all the best -varieties of VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS now ready andwill be mailed free to all 'who apply byletter. S ' Sendlor It; WM. RENNIE, - TORONTO, ONTARIO. Allan Line Royal .fail Iteamships Sailing dining winter from Portland every Thurs. day and llalffax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling et Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltsmore, via Halitax and 3t. John's, N. 1', to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas• gow'tines salt during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during suss mor between Glasgow andMontreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weeldy, and Glasgow and Phladelphia fortnightly. Ibr freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; 8. Cunard & Co., Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John's N. P,; itis. Thomp- son & Co., St. John, N. B.; Allan & Co., Obicago; Love & -Alden, Now York, H. Bourder, Toronto; Allsnsa arae & Co., goober:: Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia; 31. A. Allen, Portland, Boston,lfontreal. TiflialeT Royce 86,0o. 283 7eongc,.gtreet, Toronto. The Cheapest Piece in Canada for BAND IRSTRUMENTS New and Second-hand. Agents for and alIGi!te%lil;" Band & Orchestra MUSIC. (REPAIRING or BAND 1NST1RLIa4ILNTS a speoualty. Send for Catalogue. MACHINE 011, nut nano eival It in lahrleatirag prope:ties. y.ar34- 611e, thf.t.UXN. rte„ *ad none equal is the oet,veoat Peerlam made by SAMUEL RRRERS & CO,, TORONTO. Said th dealers everywhere. THE ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE. luateelal Ittcpnet 1 Ex AS3i YS, December 9lst� 'SSR ., .».. Muse of'"relit and Lues do ®writ.............».,.,.,.4... c [Olt'g»larerniwus...... 4440,04104, 4....400•14.444•44.10.1e44.•444444.•. 1.043 ze•aalauranea . , Interest,,. ». .,...... 00.•..»...4,,...4 •............ ...4... 401 901 a ,Cat 8.42 73 ;led 86 262 $7a11,5Sit T$ a3,9`A 94 EXPENDITURES: 1'aldte Polio •holders, for 1)eatlr Claims under 45 Pelieae . . . $001f0 00 Matured,vwndoweleuts, under 4 rob tics »41r0 00 Purchased Pan0100 .. vette ea Surpltt9..,.area....00..., .. et.606 13 Itcturned ...................»,».»..»»,...,».<.,».... +-------- - "114,147 47 dl39)9RA4 EXPENSES : Committal .nsand Saperintendent's Sa'ary....... ••...4»... ..... .. 12,595 00 .Medical S:siminuttons 7,603 00 810,105 c6 Sarautir.s President and Diract•rt: Pees and Mileage el,376 47 Manager, Secretary and A<s $tants 9103153 Aluditors. ....,..• ................. ...... tis'? w0 OTHER ExezneS : /Deluding' Postage, Printing, Taxes, ale...,$11,535 31 ' $187,486 64 61,1$7,014,19 Total Net Meets, !lee. Met, 1687. .................. ............. $960,030 40 COur#xs1Na Tfra FOLLOW** INVENT* nixs:. Municipal Debentures, Cosa lfortgages(Cash Valuation, 816055,231 0) . Loans en Petioles (Reserves at Crenae, $lea 473 671 . Liens " 4' { •' $1.4 et* 311 Company's Office .................. . Ageets' and ether Ledger "Datano s ,,. Moisou's Bank, Carrera Account Canadian flank of Commerce Cash on hand......., ......... ADDMTIONAL ASSETS. Short date Notes, assured by Potions in trete ' ., 032,003 03 Premiums d de Aa 1 in souse of rranem:,'t,n 4 329 87 Deferred hal&yearly and netuterly preminms on existing policies 41,030 19 Interest due on M atgt,a ie s , $ 4,080 :. .1 accrued on Mortgages and Debentures, :sot due - 24,909 S4 27 " atm** PoIey Loans 2,4(54 " aserue3 on Polley Loans and Liens, not due 6,502 31 $ 89,107 25 Market value of Debentures over cost S'..296 55 Liens on deferred S,rplusPalates(Rs:terve at (had t81!1,5(•0 57)...,4,050 01 3129,417 81 Total Assets, Deo. 31st, 1887 ..:$1,080.448 27 LIIBILITIES. Reserve computed on Ilei 4a psr Dent. Institute T-ble............ ,...51,012 933 90 Less value of re-asured paloie9 7,32$ 26 41,004,705 84 Claims under 7 P,sllaies awaiting C'atm papers 14,503 00 .. a 1 ., resisted ........... .....• 1,000 0) Premiums paid in advance. 8 003 99 Interest " " . . 778 75 • Collectt.n foe on deferred and other premiums and notes 7,790 40 $1,(31,782 78 $181.237 £5 668.437 22 57,5OG 40 48,000 57 6,704 38 6,705 53 4 220 75 7,711 41 580 10 4260.030 46 Surplus, Dec. Mat 1837 $57,665 49 We beg to rep)ri that we have carefully examined the books end accounts of the Company for the year ending 8ttt Deeemia r, it37, and that we find the same correct. We have also Examined, the 111. stenos.Debentures and other Seeeiities held by the Company, ani we hereby eertlfy that tbev are carrevtly show* as above. HENRY P. a. JACKSON, i Warulu.oe, Feb. 15th, 1888. J.. M. S0ULLY, (Auditors. The bns'ness of The ONTARIO T dense Iiiwn' for the year 1307 has been in every way satisfactory, show- ing in all its essential la/wires a continuation of the steady progress which has ;ons as from the ioeeption of the company in 1370 tip to the present time. Compared with the two preceding years, the following items in last year's account show up to, good advantage The Annual aleot9 May 3011h, 3888. of the O'otrilrany will he Reid at al 1' esttlent, 3taraager. Wesal Mace, 'D5'aterioo. on. W. 191. ItIBA711F.1GL Secretary. ,'. 1855 1,305 1,85 ,031 '-'0.31"- . b 31 $210 4th ,5,d,219,88I$9,77x4,14351108080Kumtierof!)cathClaimslivid4i, $76 830 $1,000' 1880 1,917 52,565750 7 483 $276 709 41 554'250 $3,000 1 __ 2,:888417: $2111 31 80SapPuts,!Assnraneeinforeo 560,15E '. •.<03.10) Knurlier of l'ohaies issued Amount ,. ••..:.. .. ...: Total Number of Policies in forts Premium Inoomo .: ....,... Amount, of Death (anima paid.. Endowments paid The Annual aleot9 May 3011h, 3888. of the O'otrilrany will he Reid at al 1' esttlent, 3taraager. Wesal Mace, 'D5'aterioo. on. W. 191. ItIBA711F.1GL Secretary. ,'.