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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-4-19, Page 4
e Exeter . buocate husband has better give it to his wife to buy a 5 cent toy or feather from hien Witel-AAM SANDERS, and hence the money would go into his Belton d;NA Pt3r,a:=_s1lF t till, .•MrMartin. theught that the LIGE: Kan Street, ,i'.reter, ;churchtill was a.more suitable place for the 5 els. ¥r, McInnes thought no doubt, that if the five cents were given to Idea for hen feed it would be still better, Mr, Prouty's contention was Piny Seott Actpeoptae will persist in that the 5 ets. should go into elle lnutti- netating thet the act ]las dome good ill cipal till and as the amount would guro , is I ntysterk^. It avowed situ is yield something likeA S.100 act elle t3obrie y, n that at faits, There is q li a es much draukenneee in Huron as if we had lrene5t of this enuuty of Huron and license. There ita quite asmueli drinking kuvont 1$Q.000 to the cr. Domiiaion in cud ie. worse fornix. There is reach Inure !.duty. ;al.r, Jas. Stanlake and Mr. U hatred, lying, gambling tewptetiou. Then Anderson seconded the views of Mr, why continue a law, that brings not goods Prouty, the xueetiug as ell tneetine d'ct bet only evil in he train/ Vote for the l: in Coste, ended with the best of feel- aBrien to repeal dila irreligious religious act. legs and all went to their homes satin Scott 4,ct people say that the only way 1 bed, that they had spent a profitable #o do away with drunken ese is to enforce evening, 1. thought that the Scott set compulsory total ebstinenee The imtter was only a secondary consideration of faleity of tide iaproved beyond l doubt by the ease of Mice -The State of Ohio *oar ene hundred years hes had ria law of either lireuse ot, prolubiaion. It leas abeolnte free trade ill liquor. No formal- ity attaches to the gale tr$ liquor. Vet we Sad that iu murals elruveltes, rebrietee ?reevessivetteee end wealth the ;haste a3 Tate batimee a the I els would go Into oOV? ,44.0fr WW2, the meeting the principal point being who was to gef"'ihe 5 ets if the vote of the people said the ttaveru, keeper eltotalc have it the people would have returned to them in the way of reduc- ed taxes to the time ai' about $S0,000. R l(ro etaulde at the held tel the Strati orf' the Pockets of the tater» keener, if elle Tudor:. TilaG;ite of Olevlaud is thQ the Set A.et merchant got these a tats, ift he metal, n lee State et a: fres Ana lienor be weulil put thenl hilt' leis Azar gtacltet law, Every nom weoma 'rte child t, and after a while, when "what" got as into. hinteelf. Cleveland is waiver. ru 19►y Qf these 5 ets. as leis aval•icious eerily known :,:s tele esti +7f ciaurche . +.elfin to larger than Ontario, in Ohio eltihiren are teught to rely ell themselves for their morality, not on the state. The itldivi+l- nal clad not the state is held re:epeusible ter crimes, That is the true feundetion of all =oral education, Make tho State responsible and people shirkthe Giividuality. If Scott act theory is ctweet, the State .. eI Maine .b. ted etteuld he a< 1rlradiet•, ter. C 31m. Reilly were the guests of 14r. Lone of lt,Yitat ,•pr(►1ttbitiou for 3::1 yearn, and the ibf live Gum t$onKls;4t last. State et Ohio having free trade i lit u(ir tint: €.iSLt 4at treslt aonaQfeldeaw• n 0.veai what iso .#?I 0 d f e stn in $ tl»as'rs rice;: s:u:deret4 ra'•ehar}.trrcl:", 'no wcraen. ler a1 century'. would be a pedecrr(o9nent, a to xtei ?!rushy wer6. eae;,-a, c4 u 4,41irj slla sire ahCa with the (*evil Rd' as r;tiaet isl;igi tr tet? `; s" n .ri4tu;:d ts. sass' Chary "Ted 11' to t34e 1"34'w do Tina f't 4 that tllniaa is to a' i far ahead, ,141 s f' q a t > uta a,14';ra dkl.e.a us 5t+goa d 1a o saw 7aloxa Fra i aft r ate=: 3rst fizz? x+¢ Aa n rat ,,,,r1S wn i. 4 IeCC:,aa 'Maine in morals, sobriety, 1y a illi, and ani ziii)4rol t. .lo yt.Yi:G ta► t»e ey t t> m i' tbU 1ala rw•ie1 ly. we # I t' a to ,40 ; , a tT srlr e s a lts'.4.r rata titrg tJM.va"ht TTrvtbri g aro 14:tx It::'2,441f, 3 al t. add ,, t:,oz 21;. a ;• .., U:;s er, tn; t m -a a> :tile 4 t sear, ar llltppy pert ➢E, tit Act i ttls date titter mrir, riot •nnu; ;; u'ht' Ir....._,, -......,ser z:. e3 convert. with fallac 03 ellen tilt :ia't q ii,^Irz,z. ti r +ti aw.A tial + i.a f ut:'r a a'k a:• the t`9443 ; 1'13 a A %Alit as a> tyl ter ma,ucae 744 fesrc dolma td c. sr-:,,-(.4 aljlnnA ;ma t'arrr t5. 'I'11 n t7'..,? 26. tk'r dtu9n t3:4 Ivo S4 1I e All w e oak is for tet $r t(,-tlan,F, to di©,+r aria . ata tfaD u:ta+.: ora r 4.'t ? t:t t1 ra • „entte4aaewtt" p p , t ; •e reAiseri" aeaar ii rlt,•rmaGfl Hats, ayratp, Rtarrba •iiattt'+I ts„ their own tll art h#a and l,ztl cr et t' e'e °4'.'5:.''. t i ty 1::'%': t3naaa r sr8'1/4 63 truer: a7att kco d h`te t vete and 6•- b'„. ,.., ence thl t stwC t , 1 31 imrr= 4 r.,.yn s ..0.4 as a.,r ot.:ear oto. tIn the c'ea. led aw by orators who Iq belle tllie Ate, tt r ta¢41.4.w tt,>11 * «i.o.7t:va,2miaril r. tt'i :11 Given ea arm t•r tie¢` m etir. 1F`th 9 }; owing t ! 5i thing about, ,- . 1 01 t halal 11C ca A i, era, f+4.r: Ido t x:nl ,a,.e}rrautc,>,roin^ct,su>R3nfc+! tape t ii: aeti it state of a dile+ under the :'act, i ,-,4'.'au:raOsr.wtttee.,1s Gteg4c:;ernel, ircra11 ti. 114 to The ecce#Pts may tlleorlltt f"ltitltlialth, hut Za' 12- t'. G;7.aLt `ry'. L1 5 4 .ila:ts int lm .31 ctGtG713 in t:t tCalt f•.s G rrq; r Ai bel, rot ie::,e i:a cxisc te'I hue *l mitt ente.>Weni3 Doc.tl,Ctl la-,:‘ shger:aap}t:trrntly inprmetyivethraltnurtot ee.44J:.y r.i ran :r silica sue •,►•..y tn,crso at acid t elm , c,:;al at kw tcors, mr, 4 .,04o1ouand b.11;tro,il4 haat tIc., I ar.felt sympathyet Ow what' at ti IGur.►t1 to U.t 46'1.6 offer:cum turn would permit, would likely make all assignment and pay MScts, 9n the , The only ditliculty or content- ion seems to be who will get the scents W190 Was AT Tun MnslIxa. tiffs Sunbeams.. Mr. arra. Rowlands who has been r9;uurning in mtchiglan fur titin t>sst few 4044104 has re44414e44 Baine. they dont know what they ;elft, about. They cannot know, their pasitian preelud- es it. They claim tho itet is rrilC4ee:t. That alone i3 sullletent to stow that they 'know not whereof then peak The battle today is between Itereenal liberty and biotic int<ticreuce; btLtveen individual responsibility and teate•direeted morals; between plain. Bibiral doctrines and the perverted and unholy application et Scripture by fanatics and :r.eadut:l; be- tween a reasonable .law that the people reepcct, and a ,iiarsh, irreligit,ns autltyratt- i i al law that 75 per vent. of the people break; between iudivid.nal respectability and clerical tyranny:, between level -head - td citizens and the; twenty anti ignortut ales; between the religious principle' as L i ght by Christ aud ]tie Apostles Wild the unwarranted and saeriligious iIIter11ptaatit:on put on them by false teachers and false 4emegngues. May the right win, and victory perch on the banner of 'commix latmesty.• Let all thee° evho lova the broad prin- Gi•les of our common Chriatanity and tzar. liberty granted to individuals by both the Brbbe and British Laws go out today and vote for the repeal of that llncalrlatian and t3 rannical measure, yclept Scott Act. The Scott Act Herald asks if the laws nguinsaorgery and Murder are no good because br'rken. We reply that if 75 per cent. of the adults of the province wore murderers or forgers, h were best to re- si .1 each of these laws. But the laws ;t:;ainst theft, minder, etc., are not human t.1ey are divine laws. The Decalogue lays down the whole moral duty of man. On the great Bible authority are passed Au laws relating, to murder, theft, etc, No pian but acknowledges that these laws are just and right. They are Divine in origin and therefore above cavil. Bat to compare this Scott Act, . the principles of which are not contained in Holy Writ but are contrary to its plain teachings, to such Divine laws, is apiece of impiety that the Herald should blush for. 11 Flekiiimi The Ilenrail Spring how role held on wtd;4cti}.41' Ilth April wet (tee fawns,: in wets' way i,ostsith, artandtrer; the bull elate ..E the rr;.,tr '1'h„ attmud,,ueo ;ens lamer to ,a in fernier yens. while the, stork ca. hilar;al naz superior o. mesh els m'sziabit ors juil,no in mob), t "s,rm P.avtug.r dillicuit tank in .;t`ett- iw, the t» to animal. iherc eras the meal di...play of «41'14'141unit n;al,lcnier.t. ¶U1 l8 the prize rust. 1frtm4 Ji1AI'tiur Jurt.r:rrre Merl (mirk -a -FA Colquitesaur 3s now •'(4I irauulrg t b»rlco ', .ud 1:ccr Miller" tiivalpane” Sal Uardilrter Bra.. "t.•ohamble" 1ttAn4.ibo hentcries-gla Ales. f•:.r4 ttv04I;w. fere' n1' _'n.1 P 3It'titt i,"r 'air ll-rr Itrylr" , rf Simon lunar "(ern (.arolrrl" 4 • rice •, c, i! Al, t a u --. int iq. F ltierittt,, r "31ael. ontl :led Isola v, Templeton "King of ,'rine a (Ammon dorD °s entries -1;,t l tn, ISu1y Icer• naught Hirt f'" Al mr ltelhetell '"lllnclz Hawk Morgan" Roadsters Aged 3 entries let la ssitt Bros. 'Volta^ End T. Murdock Joe "Gales" ,3rd Wm. Becker ••Fnitonv 11Au (lr,a111 entrirr. -,issw J3, lieLcon "licnelll Clear Grit'. rid,las' rt. ueen "bung Clear tris' 4ANAP14'I D5AIDar Atlltp-1 totry,-1 t. N. Bus. Eenberry "Netherlry" J YIAttc (N,n.. -2, t.Taa, inheres n4,1'ttunrtTonstu>:n. tiltts9--atnoar140141eAonr,--1 entry. -Int Jones Traqualr, King Gr. age 1 'run (n.D.-I entries. lst, :r hems Russell, Clear the Wray: end Peter atoms, Prince of Blooming 111»;. $tiJoltn.3I4 iI14ter.Sultan. Jrrn.re.--tR lioness: -Peter Cemphelt llibbert A. 31. Campbell Stanley J. It. fisher t'.s3vrrne 13.1lokarth faahherc. P. 3lctlregor Stanley $. C'ocheran Tucker - smith. The Exeter Scott Aot Club. The above named club held its ad- journed meeting last Saturday night in the outer enclosure of the renowned and iffenminate knight of the forceps; Hesekiah,7'awbraker's woodshed. There were present, orator Tom Pepper, the bailed nlmious of the law, ]3ig Bear and Clabber, their august and extreme highnesses, Canary Bird Lethergo, Marriage License Windherup, Jos ephus Wangdoodle Sawbones, -e h1 keeps the apothecary's shop beyant on the west side, and numerous other small fry, not forgetting Yankee -doodle Sodom. Jerkemup, Deadbeat Chawbacon,Drink urodown Behindthedoor, Toosoon Nev The Scott. Act meeting came off at erwore, Amos Dolittle, Dontcare May Sodom per anouncenent the house was bee, Hesekrah Jawbreaker, Itoarback crgwded,;the best of order was main= Gladstone, John McGoingthere, Sam- teined,Mr: Hartnel occupied the chair. uel Cornbrush, Geerusha Tickleback I looked on the proceedings somewhat and Scottact Switchoif. After a trial in •,chis way when discussing the finci orationfrom Tom Pepper, who announ eel part of the Scott Act, Mr. Brimi ced that though not at heart a Scott comb represented the liquor interest Act man but believing that :'4iev: Mr, Martin the church interest, some political gain might be realized Mr, Clarke the mexcautile interest, and by advocating it, and that lighting in . Prouty the municipal interest, all behalf of the Scott Act :night bring webs• above parties did not make some tittle grist to his mill, he threw speeches,,, but :they exercised their himself at their feet and mercyand *oughts all the same.'Mr. Brimicomb said that he was ready and willing to thought that if the hard working man be offered' up on the altar of Bacchus. save $t to, give hirci 5 cents for a drink This was received with shouts of ac- lee was justifiable in doing so, eo he clamation, the whole club, except the put the money in his till, Mr. Clarke woodbox, standing up with bes,r heads thought.tiiat it, ;vonld he better instead and blear eyes,' After order had been of.g€ving, that 5 dents to ' r. Prene restoredby his eminence, danuybird trag'o,or, any other liquor, man, the Seth,-r^o, L'r-is's,ssocnited laes1che1, Mae'- riage License Windherup arose and forcibly impressed wenn his hearers the feet that he :once taught 'school and learned "the.: boys float Many beetle made ave," and that they must bow in solemn reverence before his presen- ce, as he wasa roan of spotless purity, having never broken a solemn pledge exeept for political purposes, having never but once self appointed, visited' a neighboring tewllsbip to induce so- called temperance Wren to forego all temperance prineiples for political',, to lay aside teanpetanee, es it was of no stee(:mot when ,weighed in the balance beside political party exigencies and contingencies. At this stage Josephus Wangdoodle‘Sawbones, who had been perched uneasily on the business end of a tack, arose and said that his love for the dear cause of temperance was only excelled by his love for bis dear political party and of "women." Re believed the Scott Act did the greatest good to the greatest number, and as the Grits were the greater number in Huron, it meant something better in leis estimation then raising the tallen. It on to show that the Crooks gave good berths to a few Grits many Tories, and that the Scott reversed this order oft things, there fore he felt it his duty to vote for it, not because it was a good thing, but because it should be a matter of policy to do so. At the conclusion of this harrangue 1'4arrin ;e Lieonse Winldher. up took the floor and read 'the follow- ing resolution, whik Has carried tri•' umpleently:----Whereas, it doth appear to this Club that wo should have till orator employed in our behalf, to ad. zroeate our vause, and, whereas it is expedient to employ .such an one possesses a good deal of quibbling whit- ity, one that will treat the callae nut as a platter of sincerity or fact, but as a delusion, one that will boldly proclaim those ready.nuide, cut todiit, double acting, two-sided, reversable prineipies, which Constitute our stock in trade, preserved in sawdust from last election. Be it therefore resolved that Tom Pepper, an aisle exponent of the above mentioned principles, be appointed travelling orator for this club this club agreeing to pay fns expenses, pro- viding the title is not made too short between drinre, and that each lecture shall cost only :Wets., as more than !. that would burst our funds and be not worth the powder. A collection was then tureen up, which yielded the sum of facts., but the learned Marriage iAronse Wialulherup'blared to make i't if 'thtecleie ould give him a. mod- e on the personal effects or shop furuitere. At this juncture, Big Bear and °lubber set up a howling for blood and eleelarecithat nothing short of blood would appease their righteous Ind glltttion, 1,aitwere. satisfied an Yank eetlttotdlt4,lterkeenup offering to Provide. the eovetetligere. Deadbeat Chawbaae- on, ops .'ITr}in kemticoen Behindthedoor. were.eppoileted a committee to provide 1000 ynrtlkief sackcloth and 200 bar - eels of, asleep for to -night. It was fur- ther -resolved tllat.no member be ad- mitted, into. the club rooms who carries less than a.,two quart flask, two pipes ;and threeplugs of tobacco, and who could not lie at the rate of forty knots an hour without choking, or could not smash any honorable pledge into forty thousand pieces at sight. The next meeting evil' be held in the backyard of Jost•phei Wangdoodle Sawbones. Toosooer Nnveeetonr, Secretary. start Exeter, April 17th, 1888. To aha Sdi:orf the Advocate. Demo Sm. -This year's committee can- vassing for ,the 24th May celebration, desired thei4id committee to hand to you for rnblicatip ii, an abstract of last years leceipts and expenditure, as several false statemnents'egarding them bad been put in circulation. In concurrence with their wishes we beg to hand you the same. We are sir, youre faithfully. JAS. Weentee, N. DYER HIIBaoN, Ch,Pirrtian. Hon. .Sec. RECEIPTS. By subscription and Council grant $109.00 receipts at gate, ., .. 110.00 grand stand receipts,, ... 31.85 r Pa'ture.::........ ............ 42.00 Total 292.85 E%PENDITt1RE. To prises paid .......... $80.00 Band . 23.00 Indians • 38.00 Jubilee Car 32.00 Printing ,: 12.00 Grounds 48.00 Arches 15 00 Horse hire' • ' Tncidential Expenses Cash on hand lc, it rt rfnv V, F K.t4 $;:k. Pia Xrr # u rrXrr Crri ++ •_ $ r FULL LINES OF CONFE3TIONERY ON HAND. WADDING AND PARTY CAKES A ► 7 =o 424 . P1 ORDERSWMPT F . ATTJlND'BD ---TQ* ^r w One door north of 33eU .'c calci sta,xml, IVIA.114-$TRgR'I', .EXETER. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure rtA TS FOR NEN 0 AIL AGES .. " '",, `'t.7i' 3. ''$ a,.r ,r, .. ,ar 2c INTO. My -TII lex: lit k1,1 T iF1r i w5i,itt Tett . 'v.irE Marvel et yea"np, and Sf,47 aaoar of leet?Icteea,, -+ the lorstt711e cor7vtxln :ser.: t,, Irtitiiittlret3os►, Expo -etre ono caverrtarrtc. i.` '`= .. 7e.7.7,OM= mel" etentitlevet tea i11:1e,tt9r,c11:tt1Qum Serilezeirlm nkus 4, inv4i'u4slart S;t'il, 14441'0. 04e. to attta w•tux ctClergy, sevozo„ Taut of purpcaa, (Ay, voug of euaii.tsao°s. elr4al,mnoa4 of convesrntban. trt,mati:itg two Ax e*C tztt4nt 4sl on 45 particular anticets gow andlta. iltal4rs:ri.aa et }rsclt=d }rtc9litrc;N. 14.34 Or 'MVP rr., (Melte" Ceti? el tzn:pmr, seat ,ulnen. o:1a7 a G t rise s +ao dl a slut t -.tea r4rult. o, .-.r shrine . r alerted opmeg--unix - tes«F, ;Juno:4'4 on. nzYset4"ta?,. t1w4;Patti "., altr,Cctmiomi of Binh beer:. hid:Uricfe51u15. i7 fal:lalea tsentbliteg, a'tir.9aoc 40., dn, . rz ata, r rw:t-t.s Gtr„ er nl1 a inptornn of ranitttrnIno kat*, oit. ntiwvs ns'1ocetily nc43nsrat , In (fiat, ibg rfari;eg t f vital faxes Lnvnlg iro4 its 4U?IO44. tVe9rg 4'414444AM Wane t V07-14 '411144/". Q.'nnsiai) tliim.rSD,ld tho i anwrluteiedont'Gt tat foe inn ti atylutns unreel ail ae:rllnia;3 t i .o tz ,d rett•ak1194 *to Croat, mrrjo13ty: Gat' vatted 1'ave'A witiclt coin° iu£r tI rYr not ff y. nl r.r.-i into upet,tiS for the arduous duties et business,:tncagavit'sse,9 ter tit, mr.oymont► of life. No. ft offers au eeenkeirem the eitceta et early vier. if yen nro tidy enol- t mai yearn,1,a. sl;lilt giro yen fail xleorrint atront tb. if you ere br o§en: down, clay .dc•tlty cera Warmly from earl,' irdl.erotrost, tl•o r. Cult of 7Sncranco euta $011%t ltd your u,lJr; ri and no earl i In stamp.; for 3.t. Y. iitz.o''ts Xrestisa sit Book Ferran ora Atccesari of Mil. beellt4 r+n.l secure from observation. Address, all c..lnmulitcattnitc to 11, V. 3.11)1t1) . 47 W 911»1± on l!lt. Sr., 7fortos t(in A Man without v.•isd,•1m lives in a roof's pern4isr. CURES GUARANTEED. 14VA4 "HE SICK. A Permanent Cure. A Pleas tt Subscribe for The EXETER ADVOCATE. Only$1 per year. Would take this method of returningthanks for past support and also invites the attention of the generltl public to his new- Fall and Winter Stock comprising the following— Afirst-class stockof Furs CONSISTING OP --- PERSIAN LAMBS, BEAVER AND I4IINIC, FOR.. WH1CTf HE IN- VITES THE CAREFUL INSPECTION OF HIS " OLD CUSTOMERS AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE PLEASED TO CALL. EM -A First-class stock of Boots & SHOESPUBBER OVERSHOES, itt Ladies, Gents and Childrens; comprising the all different kinds, ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF= --- CROCKERY, CIIINA GLA SSW.A.'E4 ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF Flannels andWinceys, plain and check 72 inch wool sheeting, Heavy all wool Blankets, white and Grey Hoods, Tamashanters, Wool .00 : Jackets; :A.n excellent assortment of Hosiery. 15.50 20.40 art ) A Total 292;85 )s a IBSA S HE 1YJC A.11.1PC, I3P.1., 7D ALSO ArairiSo.N..-WAL1;oND,-At the residence of the brides father, on Wednesday A;GOOD April 11th, by elle Rev. S. F. Robin- son' rector of the Trivitt Memorial cl✓1}rch.,Mr. Geo, S. Atkinson, of IIs-. borne, xo, Eirrina,; daughter of:`ldr. C,r•ecnce''Wabond, of lstephene, E SUPPLY OF ALL STAPLES, AS REQUIRED IN lle-EVERY 110MBeee