HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-4-19, Page 3SCIENTIFIC AND I SEFUL.. Tue Lo tzav M. There are 1,400,000,040- people living on the planet which we now inhabit. And yet there is now and then a man who wonders what the rest of ms will do when he dies; There are people in "society" who honest- ly think that all the world otosea its eyes When we lite down to sleep. There are wee who fear to act according to their own eon- 'fictions. because. perhaps,tea persons ie a *rowel of 1,40,,000.000 will laugh, at theist. Why, if a Haan could only realize every mo- ment what a bustling, busy,, fusey important little atom he is in all thisgreat ant Bill of important, faasy little atoms, every day he would regard himself less, and think still less of the other molecules in the corral.. Ronan'r J- Benne-ire. A 13nifalo doctor ,says that the street Ceara that city, which are unwarnted, are re- apousible for many cases of pneumonia. Celluloid has recently been need as a sub- etitnte for copper he aheathing the hulls of 'vessels, and has been found to answer the purpose admirably, That unsightly excreseenee commonly called a wart Can be removed by touehusg it several tines a day with castor oil. This is the airieplest known remedy. The Transatlantic Steamship Company (French) has equipped all its vessels with apparatus for epreadipg oil on the waves dg atorme, having thoroughly tested int ffs y Die Orem of Geneva, lues lately expert. mooted with himself in htruging. His ex. perimeate established that the eeuaatioae were only warmth and a burning in the head, without convulaioud, Anew mnaical bratrument the Calvi harp, the inveaitioi3 of bl;, Dietz, of Braves?a, has phased a aucceesful private trial, It bee a keyboard like a plane, but the ineehanieni Armies the atringa like a harp matted of striking them, Any pianist can play it Ice cat be so secured that it will not lose Z per cent. of its weight in six days, even he a room the temperature of which ie 80 Q. This can be done by placing the piece of ice inabag, and then in a box cantainurgenamgr barley Chaff to aurround it with a Rayer five or air inches thick. Prof: Eliaha Gr ay'a new telentograph is said to preduce at One end of the wire as exaet fee-aunile of the writing of the rnestnge sender at the other end. An artietnray draw a picture with the pencil in (.hic3go and it, w il be reproduced synchronously by the Pencil in New York. Instead of weighing in pounda and ouyees A newlyinvented scala iudiceteethe valueef articiee weighed. For example, if amen buys butter at 40 coats a pound an indi ater la Aimed at 30. This so adjusts the *gale that the lower indicator ahowa the value of any weight of butter at that price that is put on the cosies, To remover a foreign body from the eye, wrap dry white silk waste around and thor- oughly over the end of a wooden toothpick, brush with this carefully over the part of the eye where the substance ie lodged, and it will become entangled in the Birk, Bits of steel or may other sharp subatnnce which may bosom° imbedded in the eyeball may be removed by this means, - Herr Karclin made some interesting and valuable exporimente during the eclipse at Jurjowitz. Ifo fore that oue•aixtioth of a second was long enough for a plate to be ex- pused during a solar eclipse ru order to ob. in a good negative, lie also obtained a photographic landscape during the eclipse,' and from a comparisou with the time require ad to obtain a aimilar :result during the full moon he concludes] that the light during the solar eclipse was ,fifty six times ae bright as at full moon. A simple method of accurately cutting a bottle is to place it upon some level founds, tion and fill it with linseed oil to the point at which you desire the line of separation to ocour. Then take an iron rod of as great a diameter as will pass into the bottle make it almost white hot and dip it into the oil. After tho ]apse of a few moments a sharp orack is heard, and the bottle is found to be as neatly cut as if with a diamond. If the bottle is very thick, and the cracking, sound not heard in a few seconds, a Tittle Bold water thrown on the outside will ac- complish the desired result. The other day an old lady came to me with the request to saw a ring from one of her fingers. It was her wedding ring, which she had never bad off since she was married forty-five yearn before, and she was delighted to hear that I could remove it without nutting it. I wound the finger round from the top downward with flat rubber braid, which seemed to push the flesh down almoat to the bone. Her band was then held above her head for a few moments. Then the bandage was quickly taken off and re -wound on the finger. After repeating this operation three times I was able to remove the ring with ease. It has long been a question with scientists whether flying fish actually fly, or ate only carried forward through the air by the im- pulse which they gave to their bodies while still in the water. Prof. Mobins expresses an authoritative opinion and claims that they are totally unable to fly, for the reason that the muscles which move the pectoral fins are not sufficiently large to bear the weight of their bodies in the air. In birds the aver- age weight of the muscles which are con- cerned in the movement of the wings is ono - sixth that of the entire body ; in bats one thirteenth, while in the flying fish it is only one thirty-fifth. He affirms, therefore, that the impulse to the propulsion of the fish in the air is delivered while they are still in the water. It appears that Professor Plateau, of the University of Ghent, while tryingto observe the effects- of the irritation of the retina gazed steadily at the sunfor twenty seconds, the result being that chronic irido-choroidi- tis developed, ending eventually in total blindness. A number of cases are known in which choroiditis and retinitis occurred in persons who had observed an eclipse of the sun. The single flash of a sun reflector has been known to cause retinitis, , and other temporaryvisual disturbances of a,funcnon- al character have been frequently noted. M. Reich has described a curiouh epidemic of snow blindneea, which occurred among a body of laborers engaged in cleaning a way- through the masses of snow which obstruct. ed the road between Paaaanaur and Mteti,. in the Caucasus ; the rays of the sun reflect- ed from the vast stretches of snow on every side, produced an intense glare of light,' 'which the unaccustomed eye could not support without the protection of dark. glasses. A, few of the eeturelieet among the laborers were able to work with impunity, but the majority suffered so much that among seventy strongly marked eases. thirty were no severer that themen were absolutely unable to f continue work or to find their way home, and lay prone on their faces, striving to hide their faces from the light and crying out from pain. Recovery Was gradual but complete. A writer in Chanikra' .km7;4 describes s £" curious new induatry,"' the possibilitiea of which cannot at present be estimated. It is nothing more nor leas thea the mauufaeture from air of oxygen for application to various uses. Methods of extraotfng oxygen from the atmosphere have long been known, but they have not been eufffeieatly praotieal to make it an article of commercial value, By what hi known as. the Bun process, however, oxygenis now being made at a cheap rate and in large quantities, and, we are told, it is certain to have a great commercial future, It cart be need as an illuminator, and it le expected that it will prove of immense value to phyaicians, as it already atands high as a remedial agent. The Brin Oxyen-Company have a system by which milk can be char ed with oxygen as it coma fronn the cow, fore it aures en its travels, and ita benefit to children and invalids under such applica- tion is incalculable. Milk treated In this way, it is claimed, is rendered not only free from disease, but richer and improved in taste; It will also when oxygenated remain freak and pure for a fortnight. The new in - 44E47 is still only in its infancy, and it may be that the extent of its possible develop - mot is not yet even dreamed. of. It may be even poaaslbleKerte day to apply itprauti. golly to dilatory legislators, An oxygenat- ed Senate, for instance, would be pleasing novelty, provided its artificial Activity did riot all run to talk. TWO $AVI YDO $ BONS. They Stand Their Ground ealnst'rwit Cateneounia, and Kilt. Them cloth, Phar CAREW, I'a.. April 12.: Two boys, Willie Chambers and Frank Weston, have been trapping akunk during the winter for a furrier in I'niladelphia. They have caught and shipped o•er two huadredsinee the first of January, Oa Friday they were going to a trap et thele on Trout Run, when they have were coufrouted by anmemento eatanount tbet sprang out of the busbee and crouched don in front of them a few feet away. The b c+,ya hada single barrelled shot un, Aad 5i'eaten ,fired at the cntesmount, ledging the cbargeofabotiuita body. The auimaljumped up and ran anew for a short diatauee ; and then turned end made a dash at the boys. Weston clubbed his gun and hit the rata- meuntwitbtheatc ek as itleapedtoward Nina The blow stemmed the animal for moment, when it reuewed the attack, Young Chum - here had in the mean time procured a heavy club, and the two boys pitched iu, and afters severe :Fight, in which the clothing waif torn from both of them by the sharp claws of the catamount, they suceeededIn killing it. They shouldered their trophy and went on to their trap, where they were surprisedto find another eetaluouut, We one fast by one leg in the trap, It was ferocious, audepraug forward to attaek the boys, hampered as le was by the trap, Tho force of the jump snapped the chain by which tho trap was fastoned to a *apling, and before the boys had recovered from their astonishment the catamount sprang onyoung Weaton and fes. toned its clava in his 'shoulder. Before it could seize him by the throat Chambers' atruck it a blow With the butt of the gun, knocking it locso and breaking the gun. The catamount thea turned on Chambers. The flesh was stripped from the Weston boy'a ahoulder, but, he wont to his compan- ion's aid. With the olub and tire gun barrel the two boys killed the second catamount, but not until they were both badl 'hurt, � Yo They started borne with tho two big auinanla they had killed, but became so weak from' lona of blood that but for the appearance of , a peddler, who was driving in the direction of the boys' home, and who took the boys in his wagon, they would not have been able to get there, and would doubtless have perished in the road. Tho bays are 12 and 14 years old. Tho same day, in thesamo locality, Henry Clapham killed two catamounts within -. a mile of the place the boys had their fight with their aeeond one. Against Trusts. The New York Herald says :—The bill prepared by the Trust Investigating Com- mittee and introduced in the Senate at Al- bany is a sweeping measure. It declares that it shall be unlawful for any person, company or corporation to enter into a com- bination or agreement to limit the produc- tion or raise the price of any necessary of life, or to establish a monopoly or prevent competition in the case of such a commodi- ty. It farther declares that it shall be un- lawful to put the management or control of a corporation in the hands of trustees for such purpose. A violation of the Aot by a person is a misdemeanour. A corporation that violates it is liable to forfeit its fran chises in this State. Twelve hundred immigrants arrived in Winnipeg last week. We fear that agriculturiata, or anybody else, who look for an advance in the price ct wheat are doomed to disappointment. Manitoba, the Western States, India, Ras- sia, in fact all the sections of the world that share our markets, report immense stooks in store that are rather increasing than diminishing. The trouble ie that in Russia and in India the cost of growth is so low that their prices rule the market and make the production of wheat in America much less profitable than is warranted by the amount of capital invested and labor be- stowed. In five Russian parts alone two million quarters are in stook, so that with this year's crops there will be unprecedented quantities for shipment. Townspeople, of course, glory in the markets, but what to our farming friends say In the House of Lords the other day Earl de is Warr, speaking on the existing agrioultural de- pression, drew a desperate pictureof things. He declared' that the farmers of Great Britain had la it ;,600,000,000 in ten years; that 40 to 50 per cent. of the land- owners of the kingdom were unable to live' in their own houses; and that nearly a Mil- lion of agricultural laborers were out of em- ployment. All this was due, he hinted, to the fact that foreign wheat -growers were able to take their produce duty feels into English markets.' SCIENCV AND IlELItCION,. $sr +leu naaalurox, Popular books regarding; the spirituel World have not enerall rofessed to he anything but works of theima -shon y g gin ,and, of course, have no more than a literary valet). The lateat book, Light on the Hidden Way," proteases to deal. with fasts, In assuring u$ of the truthfulness of the writer, Rev. Janes freeman Clarke has done all that can. be done, alt that is necea- saryto do in that direction. What remains ie be judge from the narrative itself of ita reasonableness. Of all pretended communications from the spiritual or unseen world thin is the only one I have ten which carries moral furca enough to aceennt for itself. The assumed apirita which it describes dwell entirely on charac- ter. Whatever their source, this woman, wheat days are filled to overflowing with practical duties and common; round of Cares, has given rte ideas of duty and truth which are harmonious with the latest Conclusions of the deepest thinker,, and which seem to me to be far in advance of popular spiritual beliet, perhaps because they toucla the very basis et morality, Wtten the author was A girl of lib years she had set her room in order ono Saturday morning, and, being in baste far her Flay, had a►wept and dusted around the tug. As She started to go ahe saw be ' father 144114 ,- 11)g en the rug and looking demon on it in- tently. Raising his nolerurs eyes to hers, he told her to lift owe end of It. And thea, iii her mortigicatiou, he charged her to remem- leer that no net or thought is, hidden, and that every alighted duty to a sin against the ideal life, TAM Airs itR TAD/US Itti CONDUCT. Pretty small doinga fer an angel i" fa the general it not ntiiversal verdict, That is because our moral perspective is not cor.- r€etly a<ljtsnted, Nothing seaman that heals on *erecter, Fidelity toduty, irreapeetive of the eizs el the daty, hi fit work for all worlds. If we suppose that the rolationa of earth are continued beyond earth, that fatherly love exists beyond the grave, what more nature, than that a father, keenly die. cerrring right and wrong, as the unblended epiritual eyes must, *mild attend hie little fatherless and metherleas earth•cbild to guide her teuderfeetin the right path?. The ouly probability against it is that it le eel - dem seen, I should far sooner expect that It would alta a °near than that it would weer, cur. There ere A theuadmd rodless tieue that the presence tf a pure departed. spirit may be felt by n spirit atilt involved in matter. Where is no inherent prebatiaility that the ppure spirit 1A incapable of discern,. beg or influencing the apirit not yet cleared from matter. It might require names °enrage to give so aimple a uarretive to a world teat demands front the unseen universe impossible tidings. Wo target that we are yet In a etago et ex - lettuce in which knowledge is ccmmunicat• ed only through the seaaeo. In a certain way, therefore, we can learn only what we knew before. Spirit* themaelvea can not, on any conceivable theory, commuwicete to us what is not recognizable through the physical eeohen, In every attempt by any jrave hardened off a few days they may be revelation no onehas gone beyond the, gym. potted, or transplanted' to the open border. bedlam of this world, ' imagination can create If it is desired to root the Plante in thumb new combinations. It never creates materia?. pots, set the pots close together in the tray A11, therefore, which any revelation can do and pack with sand or, moan, and they will Is to use this, tsorld in Ito beat types AS in. root quite as readily as on the greenhouse dicativo of the other, and elucidate moral bench, With a small propagating caao like tide and a few plant trays to match, AU immense number of cuttiuga can be rooted for the house or borders. It is also well adapted to atartingplants of alt kinds from seed, sapedally those of a delicate nature, In starting seeds it is beat to have a glass cover on the tray arranged so it can bo drewn aside a little at a time as the planta oamo up. .All seedling planta mast have abun- dance of light and air to prevent them from; becoming drawn, or damping off, It is but a ,single step outward, onward, to annihilate epees beyond'the earth, to penetrate the earth, civa'ity itself, We hold tin our grasp that moat anbtle • and atrong of forces, electricity, utilizing, bat In nowise comprehending it. There is a spiritual body as a natural body. The znu- tnal relation of the two are but d:in}ly dis- cerned, but slightly nnderateod. There is nothing is the past to demonstrate or to in- dicate that the world et matter baa reached its utinoatrefinement, or that its: relations with the world of spirithave attained their closest intimacy. Firopogatling Case and Trays. One of the chief di0icultiea that the area, tour propagator meets with in rooting get - tinge of many kinds of plants to a lack of bottom heat Top treat he can get easily enough; but bottom heat ie the key to sac- cess to propagating plenty by cuttings, as every gardener and fieriest well knows. 1 reprsseot atfig. 79 A sketch of a. ''propa- gatrng case" that, fudging from my Own ex - Ire Case or War. The probability of war breaking out be. ween Canada and: the United States 3a, gi course, very remote, hat thia fact does not prevent the discussion 1 military oirelea aoroaa the border of the bearing upon etch an event of the relative poeitie s of the two countries. The March number of tbe nal of oftheMilitary :serefce lrrstftution contains a paper by Lieut. b', M. Woodruff, of the United States regularArmy, deeling with "9 Our Northern Frontier, and diemmeing- the present aed potential military strength of thea country. As the paper rev ived first prize in a competitroa a' the institution,; it may be accepted as a fairly accurate state- ment of the views of the military authorittea at Washington on the *object, Lieut. Woodruff states that the p0eekble arra-bearing force of the Dominion cauaiste of militia, which, if turned out to the last` roan, would produce "about 900,000 effee.. tives for active :service, though it would be practically impossible toplace so great a number under arms After giving some de- tails reenacting the organized militia ferce, and calling attention to the inaufcieney of 'to training, be says that the weakest paint n the organizetiorr ie its lack of a "nuclena f a trans=port eyatew," admits, how„ ever, that during the smut antbreek tri the North.West the troupe were moved to the front with remarkable rapidity. Canada's chief advantage, our writer says, lies in the poasesaian of admirable railway anti inl:wd navigation ayateipa, By means of theca Eaglieli troop,, seat ant by steamers of the canard, Wen, White Star and Iumaii lineae, could lee quickly distributed t►t important points throughout the eountry. The part which the I;lOgliah deet of gars -beat* and cruisers would play is thus described ,F Forty-three of three vessel% draw leas an seven, feet of water, and sense would ediately pass thrueu h the Richelieu and Chaimbly canal to I,eke Chari, this naval foram wield be euxiltsree and force that would approaelc the °utter et New York from Moutred. Prem Halifax and St. John, N. 13,, a etrorg naval force would threaten the important eitiee from Eastpert, Me,, to Hampton R ads, and s4 abealutely defeneeless are all these citiefs. that they would be placed nutter tribute. England would seed acme of her fleet to oc- eupy Gardeners Bay, at the Fietern end of bang island, the a oupetion al which would be of the highest etrategieel importanca as it would furnish the enemy witha aeaure harbor for bis tramp?rte, argil it would serve as ass moat impartaut base of operation. Frim St. John Eeglsud would scud a lend: fore, into Maioe, and thus secure control of life retie -04s even as far as I'ortlaud, where *he would already have bail same of her irowelade, From Bermuda she would send her vessel@ to lay the cities of the Heath Atlantic and Gulf cease Meier tribute, end finally fromi," iororfa aha wawa send them to San l rancisro and P<irtlend. Oregon. On the entire 'render the only, point at which the United S.atea poesesaea the whole advantage ie 3lInuosota and Oa, kota, where wecould quickly send a force to 'evade Manitabe, and ens off communfea. tion with the extreme Wese In addition to the bases of operation° named, Kiorretou, Toronto and llamilton, timid serve as bases upon Lake Oatarie for naval operations ; and as every effort would ba .made to keep the Welland eanal intact, they wonld also serve as bailee for operations on Lilco Erie. The ordnance stores and war material pos. aessed hy the Englirse and at the disposal of Canada and the perfect systema of naviga. tion and railroad oanvuunication from Montrealwhich is only fifty miles from Reuse's Point would soon place the whole of Northern Now York under control of the enemy. This world include the two frontier railroads and tho city of Oedensbargb." Up to thin pryint Lieut. Woodruff concedes the advantacc to the enemy, but he holds, that as the Tnr" L tod Shame could arm And' equip 20,000 men every week matters would soon be " evenos up." In the meantime the following programme would probably be adopted by our neighboura Regular troops would be massed at four or five points on tote frontier, viz.,. at St Vincent, Minn, a Detroit, Mich. ; l3uffnlo, Ogdensburg and Rouso's Point, N. Y. U,. on the declaration of war the troops nhonld' bo ordered to occupy and hold at all hazardu Windsor, opposite Detroit; FortErie, oppo- site Buffalo, and Prescott opposite Olgens- burgh c a bold dash by some picked men would probable give as the possession of the four bridges across the Niagara River:. viz,, the Seapension bridge, Cantilever and the International bridges, and the 7fmal1 Suspension bridge. The troops taking possession of Fort Erie should make a des- perate effort to reach and deatroy the Wel- land canal, or disable it as much as possible, and the troops from, Ogdensburg should at- tempt the destruction of the Point Iroquois. Junetien and Galops canals ; the latter is only seven and three -eights miles below - Prescott. That this might be done by a fearless commander is highly prot able, for it was along this portion of the frontier that the Fenian raids were successfully made. The troops from Detroit should conatruot earthworks at Windsor, and also occupy Sarnia. and Courtwright, and the comman- ders at these three places should be made to understand that there was to be no snole thing as withdrawal or surrender. The, troops from S. Vincent should move to. Winnipeg, and hold that point to sever con- nections by the C-snadian Pacific with the extreme West. Troops should be sent to. Binger, Me., to concentrate there a large pertioa of the National Guard of that State, and if any delay occurred in the operations - of the Canadians, these troops should at once move towards Vanceborough, and if - possible MaeAdam, N. 13." The man being thus placed in position in. this game of war, our military readers may find it interesting to carry on ,the subse- quent moves and to endeavor to ascertain, which side would come off victorions. Those, however, who do not take.-, pro- fessional interest in such matters will find Lieut. Woodruff's paper chiefly suggestive of the immense damage to the material= interests of both countries which a war be- tween Canada and the United States would': entail perience with in will meet all the revise meute (tithe Amateur fleriat,and enableinea to eompete.succesafully with the beat appointed greenhouse in the world in rooting a limited number of rosea and other favorite or high. priced plants,It is simply a box 10 inches pl eep, and as ung sad wide as may be de sired. The box is made of inch thick a:itif, aud iu it ie placed a galvanized iron or tin tank 30 inches deep, and three Taches lore in diameter than the Weide of tiro ll=x, The one aid a half rock of apeee between, the tank and the aides of the hex should be packed with aawdust. At one aide is a Fill' ang tube, as shown in the sketch, mule faucet for drawing off the water. A few plant treys, four inclsea deep and large enough to closely fit imide the tipper parr of the cue over the teuk, are needed. They should be made of half-inch etufl: If desired they may bo made one or two inebea deeper and have -a cissa cover to fit over the top. Put about three inches of Band, or fine - friable soil in one of these trays, set the cut, tinge In it, .till the tank with hot water, and keep it hot, or quite warm, by drawingofla portion deity and replacing with more that as boiling. In a few days the planta in the tray will be rooted and it can be taken out and another filled withcuttiu s put in its lace, After the planta in the first tray truth which le eternal, that ie, which has no relation to time. 'Shia modest seer touches with firm band a great truth, evithout mita givings, without even sell-eoue iouanees, Another principle of the widest scope is presented with the same light, firm touch; the light, passing touch of ono to whom it has been given, and net the ea, or groap of one who lute found it rafter extraordinary, life-long seeldng, When naked what seem- ed to her the 'meet lrnpreeaivo fact disclosed' by the unseen life she hesitates a little, In certain.childlike fashion, and then says par- leys it is the perfect ardor of the universe. Under this order cab. out finds its exact level and place by na unfailing a law as that which eryataliren'the anew and paints the TWO and holds the stars in theirorbits. Thus she discerns the unity of moral and material taw. THE LTTE ATTER DEATH. Following this line of law, her friends of the unseen world teach what the highest reason we can exercise seems to teach, that there is nothing in death to change a sinner into a saint except that the clear epiritnal eye, "the unclothed soul," is forced to see its own condition and pass judgment on it- self. The ataiu of normal life shows in- stantly all its blankness in the white light of the spiritual atmosphere. A reaction from the belief in a literal hell to a comfortable but deadening assurance that death will make all right receives from these spiritual advisers no countenance. "Hell -fire" hard ly is too strong a word for them to use far the light of heaven, only that it is a purify- ing rather then a punitive flame, but it brings an almoat intolerahle pain to him who has loved and lived in darkness. And it brings an unexpected joy to the soul which has gone further than it knew in the attainment of noble character. Two of these sup prised spiritual sufferers, who learned their evil deeds only after they had passed from earth, were men who had left ample endowments' to public institu- tions, but WHOSE RELATIVES WERE ABANDONED to need and distress. Most miserable of all who came to this seer were such as these— self-constrained to watch constantly the hardships and anxieties which they them- selves might have averted, unreconciled to their own helplessness to aid where once aid was in their power; held back from progress by unavailing regret and remorse, driven into a hell of unrest. The communications of these assumed spiritual beings teach a God of science, of logic, of the devoutest:religion ; teach a gospel of purity, of human service, of stern fidelity to truth end duty. They are in per- fect and impressive accord with the highest conclusions of the intellect, the tenderest; aspirations of the heart, the sternest dic• tates of the conscience. ` To this extent they demand recognition. What in the history of the visible world forever bars it from oonsoioua''conneotien with the invisible world ? Progress ,has al- ways been in that direction. The epic of civilization is the epic of spiritualization. The mass of rough stone has became artiatio beauty, family consecration, religious wor- ship. Space has been overcome by spirits upon the earth. Will Tliero be Trouble? In spite of the praolamation of the Lieu- tenant -Governor of British Golumbi ►, warn- ing the seal fishers of that province to main- tain the peace in Behring, straits, there is grave cavae for apprehension that trouble will arise if the huge monopoly, at present protected by the United States government, attempts to interfere with the operations of Canadian boats as it did Iast year. A num. bei of sealing vessels are reported to have started out from British Columbia and Nova Scotia, all manned by men determined to resist seizure by American cutters plying in the interest of the fur company that rules everything in that region with, an iron hand, The Governor of Alaska has de- nounced this monopoly in the most un- measured terms for its treatment of people who make the slightest attempt to thwart its purposes; and what he says only con- firms the opinion that has prevailed for some years as to the outrages committed by this corporation, which pretends to be act- ing under the laws of the United States ani with the sanction of the authorities at Washington. Americans, Canadians and Indians have suffered too many indignities at the hands of the Alaska Far Company, and it seems hard to blame any of the suffer- ers if they now take the law into their own hands. This the Canadian victims of the monopoly, it is said, propose to do, and they have put for the grounds prepared to con- test the claims of their oppressor. ' The State Department at Washington should take notice and put a veto upon the measures taken in Bshrings Sea to lock up the treasures of those waters for the benefit of a corporation that has seized upon pro- perty that is not owned by the United States. If the Governor of Alaska is to be believed, no time should be lost in stripping the pirates composing the fur company of the power conferred upon them, under a misapprehension, by the United States. No American statesman can honestlydefend the tactics pursued in Behring', Sea to exclude Canadians from the sealing grounds, and no ane competent- to form, an unbiased Opinion has visited Alaska and Dome away without deciding that the Alaska Far Com- pany, conducted as it is, is in the highest. degree:Arnica' to the welfare of that Ter- ritory. One hundred years ago the town of Wil- ton, N. H., passed the following vote d"That the town provide one barrel West India rum, five barrels New England rum, one barrel good brown sugar, half a box of goodlemons, two loaves of loaf sugar, for franiing'and raising acid meeting house." Chieag' has a thrifty street car conductor who has been raising mushrooms inhis .cele ler and selling them to the several large - hotels for the past year. ` The mien is a::. sturdy young Irishman, and he learned the trade of a gardener in Dublin. Lash March he raised four pounds daily: to every square foot of bad and sold them ataood price. He was seven years in solving the olistic problem," but at last aueoeeded and now raises a' product far superior to foreign• grown, mushrooms ,