HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-4-19, Page 1The itifolsons Banka
(4IARTER'Ep Br PARLIAFfi'NT, 7855.)
Paid up Capital e. $2,000,000
"elest pilnd.µ,... . »,........,. 875,000
Offers the ,Public 4 PER Oi7',ST. INTER -
ST PER, ANNUM for money en
AND 3* Pelt'Cerer. INTRit»sT PER Aretteili
For Money in
Savings Bank Department,
(Lottery Resepeucd.)
Far further particulars apply at the
Bank, lain Street,, Exeter.
1 A a. in. to a p. a?i , Saturdays„
n, to- to1l,p,m.. .
A. A. 0.. DEN'OVAN,
ureter, Jan. 28,138. Meneger.
�1 rage verity
lb published every rl'hureday morning,
at the cilliee,
Matt, Faster, Ont.
ttsalaltar a vast if paid do 4dv&nco, 111.44 it Dot. ,o
Advertising Rates on Applictpt1on,
Napaperdiscontinued until ell errearagee art paid.
itirctticoment1 ' itbout rpecidc direction, *ill bu'
:habitahed till forbid an.i charged second ugiy. .iberal
discount made for trans lent airertlortnentsIniertod
for long psriodt. Ere:y dray: iptIon of JOS rILINT-
%NO tanta.i ons $ta the Besot attic of the art and at
tooderata rates. (sitcom, money s•nder;t, L. for
cdrertiainz, auhacrlptians, etr., to ho maaiepassb:o r+t
•titer .' •t k'u> LA i.
era.^.ivtffFrrs oaar;t atnra m, lloe, s.. uoh#mm.
it aeevc sett Iay tit;rvrccr, 8A at ret., cad 4 p, aa,
Sabbath, Saboal. 35 pr. tar.
Mtrri;G* T L; asrm.`1t —James - at„ Rol. J Graham,recto, Sema*, ea viaca, IQ Vol to, ta, and 4.33p, in.
aabbattr 4411a43, it pa tat. Prater meeting Thursday
event rgata d
chits ester.. -Iter. W. R. Nyco, pastor. Sun-
day aerskri, 14.33a. an. and t uG p. no. E.ihbatb
Wool. ,.SG jnF tn. $nevermeetiog, Tburoday oven.
fu„ at 7.^. 3noung >peaiii;e prayer'Thursday
Sr. A, It, McManus, foreman of the Gale Sulkey llarrclt4 Tanufaeturing Co., hes returned and eommenc ..
lona in this wicinify. Read the following selection of the rnaray tastifne}idials received from persons in this
ha have purchased the Implement All pr ofiouuee it a grand ,success, atld say they would net 'lei without one.
e Stitkey H'arrat4 'a, lt'irtdeer. combined harrow bought from your Marrows and Seeders and have worked
agent has pleased me in every respect., it in all places where it . was reco1n7
1 hlevee seen it work iii all places where Mended to work and can truthfully ray
ornrnendtad, and think it is just that it does the work better and with
-` - sed to prepare the ground less labor than any other implement
or trope, and for killingOaltetla thist- ever introduced to this neighborhood.
lea, it has no Nun/. Wishing you $u4
ecce, I remain yours truly,
Sitrifezt Campbell.
Gale F.tarrow Co., Illixcisor.
Dealt Slur.—I bought one of your
DER Suss.—I" bought one of your
combined !yarrows and have worked it
an sod and wheat >etuiable I think it
is the best implement I ever used and
just what every farmer needs,
X'aurs Respectfully,
Joseph Sholdiee„ I3rinsley.
ct%c IXcrrtme Gra,, Wietdsor,
«a rs.--I wash to state that the
Treatment to
rrh, Cato rr-
deaCnesn and. Hay
to that these Maraca aro
Siia; iuua,aaad that tl ' re dtta to' the presence of
ppr R Kir i and A tube . Thecemin-
ut aeientlilf, Trude% Iluarlsay and limbo endorse
hiaiaaadrbeseaautburftiea cantaothedisputed. The
,-,pilar alnatb,4 Of tnrmalag ;beim daacsr s Ina been to
era Irritant remedy weekly, and even daily, thus
kocolna rite flatmate meunhrana fu a tamstsurt state of
irritation, allowing It no a:hsrava to heal, and as a pat•
uraleonsceuencaofsuch treatment not one penman.
mot r-urollaseverbecn recorded. It is an alwtolute
fact thatthese discloses cannotto cured by only ap iii.
canon Maio oftener than once In two week% for the
toaranbraue must get a chanes to heal before an so pil-
ls repeated. Itis now saves pears slue* Mr. I}iron.
discovered the Itanx,ite in catarrh and fannuiated his
Pu9narrcniinti Cntucit-. w W. 3f..tfsnin, rotor. riper treatment. and clue then his remedy lima be-
as ..jayscrvict^1. 1t a. no. and flail) p, to Sabuath' e;',n,aiouurchotd word in every country where the
moo, pr4i a, ri. Yonw pea deo pram nrorioia , at i.np;lish language Is spoken. Cures effected by hire
Choir h t trinieaiettelyrac, messing mt $ u cock. Sawn basdn a cores ctrl!, there having been too
p immediately ei r ss
Rthsrattoat ataMY. -Sunday services. i- a. rn ,8p. in- s o biglitr arethese remedies rained, that ignorant.
nail S p. nr., servles,s every !nicht daring the week, imitator* lines st.+rt nnor rsehere, pretgudieg to
at esesuk. esseesin rncet9es a: tt a. us ou thuudae destroys 1paraslte. orf which terry know nothirng, by
rvnttdirea.tloo trona of the alrp tcsttun of width they
aro equally ignorant. 31r Bozori at remedy lsapplked
only ones in two weeks, and freer ono to tbi eu mpppl•
Business laid other Cards. �, atiootaS meet,4portnanentcure in tiro most aigrtr at•
Mr. INsonseleda pbumplet describing his new
T w. DROWNING, s. D., M. C. P, S. treatment; on the receippt of stamps to pray postage.
The.addres5 is A. II. DIXON' &SCN, Sari'Mug-street
4 radiate of 'victoria ['niversity. Office and reaidonre• west, Toronto, Cra a,.•cIintentlldu;Aaneriean—fob''»ai 8
Dominion laboratory. Exeter Ont. June. 0%87 , -
DR. COiti'tr1' . OFFICF,—M'ilN SMUT, Exeter,
up snow, opposite neutral Ifutel. SIdn ant-
aancann the south—James 4treet ioailing. to the Math
&dist Chorea.
Xrir ts.v poi.1`, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, for
ii the Counties of Middlesex and t. rnbton, and
the Townships of Stephen cad Tier. All sales prom-
ptly attended to. ;Address all communications to W.
strum, t hive, postollice, Ontario.
L lT.I/TEIi80v, Barrister, Solicitor of Suomi_o
Court, Notary Piddle, Couve3�ancer, ons
tnisaiuner, fee 3lnney to 1Aan.
`Office-Faasns' a Moot. Exn'tt:r.
If~ I3~I1+F;h1ANr DENTIST,
L. n 5.. extracts teeth without pain
trygiving T getable Vapnr,, or uslnO the now Atnes-
''hetic ontho guu*o. Matz; hold billings, and another
dental work the boat possible. clots to Zurich last
Thursday In oath month.
ro iv;
Office over O'Neils Bank, Exeter, Ont.
Nitrous Oxide Gray for painless extraction..
lj�a . f.r• Surgeon. Dentist,
Gra.tnatoof the Royal College of Den-
tal Surgeons of Ontario. Having furnished fine den-
im rooms, next door to Treble's Harness shop, Main -
:street Exeter, Ont., where I nun prepared to perform
all branches of the profession with ease and skill.
Ileal Estate and Steamboat Agent. Wealthy and re-
liable hire mad Life Iusuraneo Companies Reproient-
dd. Any amount of money' to loan on first eines wuort-
pagssnt lowost rates of interest. General Agents for
'Muton Co., for 1>,. N. William5:: Co., real estate agts,
2. eiibon. Beaver Line of Steamore represented.
- ORiee-James se,. =rester, Ont, jn9.87
LLIOT & ELLIOT, B.uuusmEns,
Solicitors, Conveyancers, Bac.
Money to Loait at 6%
49 not hold ourselves responsible for op dons
exppreessed nutter this lauding,
(Crowded ant last week.)
Ta AA 7'ditor of the ..(karate.
Slat.• --WO wore rather surprised to see
the vigorous attempt you macre of the
drinking traffic, under a license law.
You tell us the Scott Act party can bo
mot on every hand with a back -set to
every argument they utter. Now Sir
we challenge the truth of this state-
ment,indeed the opposite is just then
truth, which will appear to every :stili -
did mina that will compare objections
tho.antis have published to,,tlte electors,
in this•rotrntl*, r lth,the i swers given
to these objections in the Scott Act
lferaid,published by the temperance
party, and also distributed to the elect-
ors of the county. Tho drinking traf-
fic is an evil, The Bible deolares,
"cursed is he that puns the bottle to
his neighbors mouth." Now a license 11
law does this. A license law is there-
fore, against the Eible. The Scott
says thou shalt not sell. The Ss:ott
Act is therefore in harmony with the
Bible, and carrying' out the divine law.
Now Sir, why is not this divine law
kept, simply because liquor men will
not keep either the law of God or of
man. Look at this for a moment:
About three years meo the Scott Art
(which is a prohibitory act) was passed
in the County of Huron by the large
majority of 1650, as soon as it was
passed it became the law of the land
and every law abiding citizen was in
duty bound to respect and keep that
law, just as much as any other law,and It is only necessary to say m reply
had this law been kept we would have to the above, that our correspondent,
J. BLLIOT, I had prohibition. B3ut . liquor niers like a great maty others at the present
ould not keep it unless they were day, deliberately misquotes the Bible,
compelled to do so. They rebelled and strains its evident meaning and`.
against a coustutional majority. They tenor, to suit his own particular hobby.
even devised plans to defeat the law. The Scott Act, surely has fallen on un-
Hence they compelledthe temperance happy tilnes,when it becomes necessary
party to prosecute before the police for clergymen and other Scott Act
magistrate so as to compel these men orators, to pervert the plain truths and
to respect and keep the law: An tenor; of the Bible to induce unthink-
even in face of fines some persist in in and ignorant persons to believe
breaking the law of the people, and that Bible teaching is in favor of ypro
�, 1ROShENlihatRY, xeitN�.uriphi Ont. now now after having broken, the lawethehibitoryleaisltiOur correspond-
. corres and
to the elcctorai and virtually sad
tl; have broken the law it i
good, repeal it and gtve us a license
se that we may go on with our exit
deadly business, Wow' S'ir, the duty
of every law abiding citizen, is to put
their disapproval on euaeh' work, and to
vote against the petition, rind by o
doing say the wee of the people must denouuced. Does our eorr '. ondeut'
mean to lace himself: far away and
above all triose evert the author our
, a ill of
salxation, as an authority wait this quer
tion of compulsory abstikience'I IIe
evidently does so,whetherr untenticually'
er not, Cennpulsery abstinence is not
taught, within the compass of Holy
Writ, And despite our correspondent
and all, who thus pervert scripture, in-
te�llige'nt people throughout this broattl
land will delreed our the grand old
Book, still for their temperance priu.
eiples instead of any burgh, irreligious
laws, passed by people of two classes,
yiz--,-the clerit'id class and the un-
thillkini;, weak ignorant class. Clerical
tyranny awl ignorance combined, sue-
teed in passing such laws as this Scott
Act, but the great moderate, independ-
ent, thinking, self-reliant masses of
people quietly wait till the craze has
spent its force and re action comes.
(w) Will nur correspondent :contend
that 'clic Martyrs of old were wrong
when they deliberately gloried in pre,
There are a dozen, or more of my n--
ghborai who have them and they all
think they are just the thing.
Yours Truly,
Joseph Foster, Exeter
full well, that the whet
ripture teaching is against
se of alcohol and excess or
Abuse of anything else. Vine and
alcohol were 1Fuown and used in Noalee
time, in David's time, in Christ's time.
d iu St. T'rill's time. A'innongst all
ase the use was permittee, the .abulia
be heard, and these liquor men must
submit to the law of the land whielr. is
founded on the kmaGod. Let me
say the teeruperanee people are not try-
ing to make money out ofthem by way
of fining then, but is trying to makethem keep the lawn. This is the only
object of the teluperance party, hence
your reference to money grabbing
divirlual , has no force whatever. You
tell us that. the sentiment of the vast
people'of to -day, in °n aia]o, is against
the Scott .Act. Now Sir, this you can-
not say for you have no proof of it
whatever. You tell us that seven
years ago Balton adopted Scott Act to
its sorrow,aud that seven years a rperi-
ence convinced the people of every S.
section and concession line of that
county that tyle net was a fraud of the
first water. Now Sir, the act never
had a large majority in Halton, and
temperance sentunont in .Halton has
not declined. The chief reason why
the net was defeated in Halton this
time, because according to the voters
]let used hundreds were disfranchised,
the great majority of then! were Scott
Act Wien. \Ve understand this was a
game to defeat the act which you stated.
Now I will pass your attack (as I
understand it) ou ministers of the
gospel- Their charaeters and lives are
well known and the more you say
against them the worse it will be for
your evil cause. Temperance people
are not depending more on the police
baton and sneaking whiskey informers
than on the power of the gospel. The
baton will not be used if men will not
resist the officers of the law. And now !,
Sir you know that the immorial aspect'.
is on the liquor side and not on the
temperance side. What have you to
say to this! Compare their actions
with ours and who can vote with them'
This is a war between the church and
the powers of darkness, between right
and wrong, between God and devil.
Then let every one who respects his
Bible and his God, and who desires to
act in the interests of a common hum-
anity. Come out on the 19th and vote
against the petition,to repeal the Scott
flay Farmers Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
and cheapest Insurance Company in the Dominion.,
can do so byepplyin+,,personally, or by snail to the
bnolereigned. All appinati*ns promptly attended to.
Also agent for the ,Wellington a.ompany of Guelph.
Also AUCTIONS, SR'for the County of Huron.
and bigotry, from which it will take,
many year of honest fp:ape/ante
fort to reclaim hien.
(4) Outside of the great principle of
the matter our correspondent; must be
aware, (at least all wide awake unpre
judieed people are)that not only those
who voted agaiustbut a large proport-
ion of those who voted. for the act,Iireek
it It le generaally conceded that from
i faro
80 per cent. of the votitag populate
loin of Huron county break this law in
some form and from a variety of caul'
It is mewl to breed hatred, perjure,
lying, sueakery, spying and general
distrust. It; does not and has not less-
ened drinking or druukennese. It le
known to cause more cringe and of a
worse !rind that the drunkenness it
aimed to reroye. When wholly in-
operative, is it wise to contteue a law
that introduces Aitch vast evils in its
attemped enforcement! Supposing the
law is right in principle cad. Biblical in
its origin; isit right in slur trieed's
opinion to do et siutill god that tt, vaei:
evil may follow?
(5) Itis not the liquor men viet
break this law,it is the vest majority of
the people. The public buy acid drink,.
the hotel men sell. It is the drinlrin;t
fur friend wants stopped, but this Pet
ken that no crime, only for the sell,
'Were there no buyers there
Il be no seller;.: Then why de-
rtolorlce liquor Iden exclusively—toy
friend dezaouatee 3 out of every 4 men
you meet.
(G) Our friend give; the old exploai
reason for the defeatof the net in
alton. Why does Meuse such a real-
9tlt blind! Every one knows to the
tont nary. Re says the voters list ere
its ,..ault, The auti's say that had they
ri proper aird full voters list the major
ity for repeal would be at least 4tW.
Why not allow at once true reasons
viz.—the deenerite of the gets, its ex-
pensiveness, its inutility, the evils it
introduced, the fall aud ample expo 'i
erico of the people after G years faith-
ful trial of the net. Our correspond-
ent knows those are the true reasoutt.
Then why be dishonest about it.'
Whether the people of .Huron have had
cutlicient experience yet, to day wilt
tell, but if not today, like Halton
another three yeas will be more than
enough. Repeal, if not carried today$
will count its majority by thousands
(7) For clergymen generally' And
their calling we have the highest
respect and always endeavor to show
it. But when clergymen step out of
their legitimate sphere and try by vire
dicative denunciation and vituperation
to read out of the pale of the church
and respectability all who differ with
them on this. Scott Act dogma, e4,s
doubt their wisdom, while we may not
impugn their motives. En such cases
(and they are numerous) we may feel
called on to criticise their actions and
words, and we xuay tell our friend that
no pulty fear shall prevent us doing
our plain duty.
(8) Our friend says all the immor-
ality and crime, is on the anti's We:
all the virtue and goodness on his. }1e
is mistaken. How many men of the
John Stonebuuse stripe to -day in
Huxon,loudly tall: Scott Act? Scott -Ac
is to -day a shibboleth by which num-
bers of men of the worst stripe, will
try and cover their pharisaical forces
with a cloak of seeming respectability.
According to you Sir, all those who
shout aloud for Scott Act are Christian
gentlemen, all others imps of hell.
and by that same classification yon
force, those without reputation, char
atter, or any good, to take shelter
under your cloak. Vast masses of
people of unimpeachable :character and
unblemished life with sufficient intelii
gence to third;, for themselves, who heed
not your denunieiations, who stand on
their own innate manliness, who care
no more for your praise than your
blame,taking the Book for their guide,
will to -daffy go forth and vote for the
repealof that hydra-headed monster of
evil,called Scott Act.—En.
vately and publicly breaking the law
of the land in which they rivet!, They
thought certain laws ineust, because
they interfered with life and private
convictions of a small aninority of the
people. They gloried in breaking those
laws and gloried in dying for the
breach. If our correspondent is right,
they must have been wrong and bad
citizens indeed.
(3)This is not a question of the
liquor Wien at all as our correspondent
states, It is a case of a vast part of
the best people in this county, who be-
lieve this matter of drinking or other-
wise, is a personal matter, beyond the
domain of law, that so long as no of-
fence against society is committed,
they have a right to judge for them-
selves in this matter. Ordinary law
provides for the punishment of the
drunkarcl,as for all other offenders
against society. This is a fight be-
tween personal liberty and intoler-
ance. And it is one of thesad phases
of this fight,that people like our corres-
pondent, by attacking the foundations
of that dearest, best,blood bought Brit-
ish privilege personal liberty,unwittnig -
ly array the best men in the community
against temperance. Voluntary temper-
ance is
emper-anceis assailed by no than. But the only
tewpe anee known in Huron is forced
total abstinence, Against that par-
ticular kind of temperance, there will
always be hosts of rebels. Just as
long as 75 per cent of the people in
Huron and Canada, believe in the
Bible and found their faithand prin-
ciples on i'ts teachings just so long will
compulsory total abstinence meet with
strong opposition. And: a sad day for.
Canada when the reverie occurs. Our
correspondent and men like him, will
one day find that they have ridden, this
temperance horse into the mires of in-
tolerance) infidelity, scepticisau,tyranlay
Vote for the petit,
ion on. the 19th.
P,o$ENBERGRR,—In Exeter, oil lith
inst., the wife of Mr. ,A, E, 2110$
enberger, of a, on