HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-29, Page 6'NOTES, ON VVIIRElVer The leelandere a Manitoba say heynun. seven thotteand souls' an are eredthei representative in the Hoase of Amentlay, aed they trek time °heti he erected Irate A Oonstituemy for ehat perpmeet • The set beck winch 'fetal §elltvan, th prize-fighter, has received is a etrileieg i stance of the reutabtlity of human gnome Doran will have to felt back for COnsOlatle opera her trulteze aed booked bettne. The De4roit Free Press pithlielted a fe days ego e convtecIng expoeure a t 1041419.4.a suto lottery, whieh it preyed be eata lotteey, hut* eenylete sW1/141Q, woe deal of Veneeian *motley ,etres lute thi xetttn oecere. 44 long as there are foe there will be wpm to prey upon them. They. have got thine deem to a prett Ane point iu the United States. After t lx -payer baa been bled to cloth by rarto ly traets," the relebere emeein aeeht Make hie peer befey pay a 'oat trihnto to 44 CSITaine" ef eorfienakere. A cerner * emeteriee, dopier to my, has not yet be iteraegede Some stettetlett reaerding her Majesty Reiner% Cetholte eubjecte have receatly bee compiled. There ere in Xnglatul 1,300.000 L n Ireland 31 WO end jSeethed 326 1100 Cetholies. in all the Oaten reigns or 9,6$,%0Q0 meneltere ;Attlee hunk end among the British. aristocracy 40 peers* 41 Wrong ant tito lords with, rearteay titles are Rant At a reweet Nevelt at Calgary, Maje Stswertt eopouding tre the toeof "Qe and Uallettlegiu remarked thee "oneeteet of the gotten for enthriteite eeeele eneld Ile Mled. Vie Antlimeite Col Comp= was the cozy farm ithippleg eueb coal to th Stake. Aot a enceeseful reneher of eight yore' atancling he predicted the day was not fer dietant when Cetgery weld, he Shipping thousalide of cettle mut homes to the Old Country,. The Calgary raveltieg emery was the be under the Ann- (sbeere)--and declared the braeesta o eal- gary,..the Natioeal Park, end Autbracite weiv eleutioh" to power. Nor is the effect ot so remark- able a demovattratien likely to he lost on the reoverreoeut, though it iney be doubtful 14 What diceetiou is nit! mete them. Teey may feel eeekstrained to try to effects hint more effeetuallyt or thee new obey tile PoP• War mealtime aud attune him at WO ParlY (IV to hie OM PlaCe in a reouetzeeted MM. let *try' -the War Office. Sbottld the Unman se. alliauce become an accompliehecl feet, and renewed preparatiou ba made for the Me mei death struggle with Germany, there ia eletthethet Doulatiger is the inane) where w the people, whether la their wisdom or " their bliadness will look to lead their ar 40 l'eal statement recently made by the Se te Petersburg coreeepoedent of tile Londeu Timex% Dwight, to give the clue to a, myster- toiee allusion In 131emareVe greeb /Meech be, igto the Reichstag. The Prince mid that, 4,4 After ihe Berrie Vongrese, thevain attempts of Russia to exeitoOormanyligaitmt Anstria ett elide(' " complete thevate of war from " the most coropeteat quarter," aed that hence 4 sprang the Amore Gourmet " paet of peeee" 4 Of 1$79.In 1$79, art 710W0 the ditficelty a• arose le connection with n=teen/ration of BASSI= t,reopS on the German frozetter. n The German Audoesador at Sr. Pei -embers proteeterh "Tee late Czereeltite &I hut racee-wes a choterio male a41 wrete off a stimgkig.letter ta Emperor Willem, with- out gitang Ma wary advisers a chance of t4 toeing it down. The Imperial mind at Der - AA lin WAR instantly ablaze, end the two come - trio nearly: Canoe tO token. Prteede per. euadett them belliceee realeatiee to mote id tied the t beeitlent' feded (meta Itet mean - h while PrineeDistearek set to work Atel eete t eluded the treaty," The itteldent if true Y afforde strikies illuetratioe et the feet e that eVen ia this nineteenth ceutury the pettee of nations WWI the twee and property Of millirem of people mey be imperilled or 84criflce4 by the veleine or the meger of one Qt two pamionete meta The following table ehows the ago ef the miens of gime of the principel ountriee of the worla and the eeer of temr eceetatote te ,power. The =Imo are arra:Need aceording to eve tee 4ces- 4ge. bn, t,‘"illlam111. of fl s2etbtr1apda,"1 1919 Clarietian IX. of Deem rte...., 1803 Victorle ef 119 len Pedro II. of fire teal Neuter ed Dem of Peritia.....t 09 381S Itranede deseph of Anetrie..... 49 1848 Oaa*U. ef Sweden- 59 1972 Frederiek III. of Oerrnany..,,,,59ISSe David Retake -ea, of Ilawail 53 1874 Grover Cleveiaed Peoldent hhel. 51ist:5 Marie F. Canoe, Pre& Frame. 49 ISS7 Alexatader 111. of Rusala...... 44 184 Humbert of Italy,— . 44 1878 'Muter:hit° of Japan........... ti7 1867 Knenti, Se Of ChM..., 17 1875 Altilninee XIII. ofSpain irules by Regent) 2 leed A change is said to be outing over Len don in it obeervenee ef Sundey. Ontwerd• ly the population is e ehureh•goiug one, but It it attend. that Sunday eveniuga ere now used largely by tho working °lames for antueeneent and not for religtoue purple:a The =deans have club meetiuge and lee tures, young people hoe mueleet re -unions and other recreetions, and the 'working man in general gem iu for some divorston as regulerly as the first day el the week onto round. It le to be barna in mind thoe many who attend lectures or elubs are pert of it clam whom missionary effort has brought under the influence of some civilizing tend- ency, even if the putely religious invkations were refused. The poor and outcast of Loudon are being drawn from their recesses by the noble and unfiegging zeal of CnrIa- tian men aed e omen, and if they have not yet got as far as the church door them con- dition has neverthelets been improved. A correspondent of the London elihetator es Aorta that Vas numerous failures which M. Pasteur hes made have utterly ditioredited hie system for the prevention of hydropho- bia. "in several places Abroad," We are told, "this method is already eonderaned; the Austrian Government have withdrawn the aubvention it bad granted, on the ground. that "the failures have been so nu- zneroue as to discourage competent judges from further supporting the method.' Other eountries have done the same; while the authoribies in Portugal have gouts so far as to prohibit the aending of anyone bitten by a supposed xnad dog to IL Pasteur for hie treatment. and English medical opinion. will have to follow, where it might so easily have led, in denouncing whae from the first was a manifest absurdity, that the inocula- tion of more poison into the system might; counteract the effects of the poison already there." It may be, however, that the Spectator's correspondent is one of the many foes of M. Pasteur who have spared no effort to bring his work into disrepute. It must be remembered thab the Dogfish, com- mission which investigated the system not many months ago expressed " perfeot con- fidence" in it. The Dominion Governraeut ia Bedding to "round off" Confederation in the manner desired by the lategion. Georg? Brown, the Newfoundland Government having been ask. ed to send Confederetion delegates to Ottawa. Newfoundland has a population of 200,00U souls. Its growth has been exceedingly slow. Colonizetioa was commenced by Robert Hore and his party in 1536. In 1823 the population numbered 52,000, in 1836 75,000 and in 1845 99,000. About one-half the population is Roman Catholic, of Irish birth or descent ; the remainder consists of the eeseendants of English and Jersey emi- grants. The.principal industries are fishing and terming. Wheat and barley are grown in some places, but potatoes turnips and hay are the chief crops. ihe evenue of the island appears to be insufficient to meet the expenditure, From 1382 to 1885 inolu- sive-we have no later figures -the aggre- gate revenue was $4,750,000, and the ex- penditure $5,100,000. The public debt is about $2,500,000. The exports amount to $5,000,000 0,year and theimports to $7,000,- 000, the latter contisting of dour, pork, but- ter, molasses, tea and manufactured goods. The recent caging of e vote of 50 000 in half a dozen French districts for Boulanger, though hehad empbatieelly refused to allow himself to he cmitidered a candidate, is very significant: It shows that the General's enforced seclusion has not lost him his hold upon the popular imagination, He can hardly fail torecognize in the fact a pro, plaecy and a promise of an early restoration The Reediug. Railroad strike had badly been compromeeed when it Was .ollowed ba etrike et the Ineoznotive Detainee= no e Chicago, Ilarliegtom and Quiucy Reade, whielt is asetuning very eerioue climenelinte. As this movement scores tobe directly under the menegerneet of hir. Arthur, and to have the full approval of the seettou of the Euighte of Itebour which he centrals, it must be aesunevel that it le not entered upon liehtly or without whet is believed to ha a aernalta grieVanCe. Tee priniary queetieu is teed to be ene ef waqea but the erisia Hem tet hew hem heeteued, if notbrought About, by the aubetitutiou ef an Unpopular for a my pearlier manager, and a demeua for ho teed, work of ea Implement character, has leenizog the vegmeet from the Qu- eers. It is imponible for thoec at a is. none to proneneee on the emeatioue of right and wrong involved in tato dieputes, The euvietion that forcea itselt upon the mind le that of the email% and Imperative neces- eity, in the public tutorage of empowering some aethentativeo tribunal to settle eat* dieputee. .ft is unendurable that the beet - nem arraugemente of lerge tracts of country nd of thomaude of people should be liehle tt ally moment to be throwa into confuelon by a quarrel between a body of workmen and their foremen. Sooner or later, And perhaps the SCOner the hotter the State, that is the peoele, will love to take the business in baud of settling labour Maputo, especialthese in counection with Rail- waye. Tile Zuglisit Xeleal Government irni The Lembo fl'imes coat -aim a forecast ef the Ft'eglielt Ineel Government WI. Some of its leading featnrea are the folloeving The eleetive system already In operation in the boroughs is to be extended to the s countlee, though 'with some reservations. The Poor Law guardiane, for instance, also the aehooI boards, and even the county justieiary-" the pundits of Quarter Sere elons," as S.ir Wililani Harcourt termsthern -w211 remain ort the same bade es hitherto. The question of the disposal of the county police eceras to have beim a hard one for the Government.. Tory opinion, or prejudice, t was naturally opposed te a transfer of the t control of these euatodians of the pea,oe to t The Philosophy of Hand 'lilting. This, is the caption of one of the olreptere in, Prof. Metheme recently published work "eleu, Pewee anti Mingo," ie which he refers humorously to the recent Btvtling diecoveg which has been made in regard to handwroine, that is, the art of discovering a Man% character by his pot-hoeks. He revs "A. man swift his name to a note. and lo 1 his most moret MOW/ea ofac• tion are revealed to the Peblie goo aa effec- tually as ff he were tutted teelder out. Pro - femme I:of this art will teet glehee ot your handwriting, mad, with all the confieeace of Velpean making diagnovis, will exclaim 'There is en whieh denotes letenee eget- lam this ee much greatness of soul ; ebie upetroke cornett frame a eoaring mind ; that dotemOroke betrays a preelivity to basereoes; this :0 shewea zigzeg, flighty disposItioa ; the tail of that y argues a little avariee ; the wrxter." Ateer writing further on this ne philett eophy, he then makes 801:04 curious gate - meets with referezee to the baudwriting ot celebrated people. Napolceu wrote the worst band en record -so bad that hie let - tem to Josephine from Germanwere some- times takee for move a the seat of war. • Sidney Smith wrote mace te Jeffrey that he heel tried to reed a letter of the greet review- er from left to right end. Um. Sydney from *let to left; but ueleher a them could d. cyhera elude word,. Of Sidney% own hod it has Were said that, with the excep- tton of Jegrefe, it was the woret the printer:1 had to pewee met for the Rdinherteh eterieur. himaelf coinpered it to the beeroglyptriee of a swarm of ants escaping from an fink. bottle and welhing over a eheet rot paper. When hie wife iaclatee to him an illegible pottage from Imo of hie lettere from tendee contemn tbreettone about the meeragement et his farm, awl asked for an explenetiou, he eimply returned it with the remark thet he Intuit deellue eeer reaclieg hie own hand- writiog four azul twenty Metre alter be bad written it. Dr. Chelmere, heudwritiegwas abie per elezieg. aed oft= defied all steerage to reed It It te said theft when Ms fethir received weekly or forteiglatly letter from hie ernt Went eon, be caredully loolted it apt After a store had accumulated, the eort would, come arta pay hen a watt open whielr he would breele all the ilea] mei omit the writer of the lettere to read thera. Other entertaiAlog iteiteucee of undeciph• erable chirography arereleted, which Prof irlatletwe arguee disprove the etatemeet Viet the knowleOge of men derived from bend- writieg SAP be Of any praetivel value. Re writea ; "Not only deo the general baud. writing vary in dIffereut ages, but many ntle are acquired by imitator; toed so all %ideality Is lose There are motto of writing, which, like modes of dram, heeeme the raeto for a semen, and therefore throw no light en ammeter. 44 Breve, decided men my write 0, timid, heeirating Acres?! ; nolle hietieminied men miry perpetrate a Mean hand; and cowards produce a ecript thet is bold and fleeing, The handwriting of Prof. Iftexley, whose etyle la the Ideal of lucidity, is almost undo- etpherable ; the pot -hooka of Darwin are so utterly without form and void that there was evidently no precosa of "nature" tion" in their choice. Many other inetances aro given which tend to dieprove the new theory. Whipped to Dealt, CrTexuers, Mande 20.-A shookine etory of depravity and the execration of popular vengeance comes from Bluffton.14 seems that a wlete woman, whoa name is not .given, had become intimate with a ne. gro eitmed Aaron Dickey, a matt well known es a desperado. It had for tome time heat uopected that their reletions were of a criminal character. A. party of youug men deoided to wetele and seeing the negro enter the womanei house waited until midnight, breke and found the couple as suspected. Dickey atoutly reaisted all efforts to handle him, but the yoang men pressed close around him and soon bound. him. They took bun out to a tree, to which they ied hint after baring his hetet. With stout wigs the man welted Dickey's bask until he blood earn*. From cursing the negro turned to pleading for mercy, but all to no avail. l'he vigilantes told him he would not live to eee daylight. When one detail would weary in the work °flashing it would be relieved by another. As the day began •to dawn the men disappeared, but Dickey died from the thrashing which he had re- ceived. the eleottve lootal authority,dest the enforce. tune of law should become in tome measure dependent on local intlueneee and preposses. arena. 4'In cou.nty where the eentiment of the electors tees strongly against tithes, it is coneeivable," seem the Mai, " that representatives might be pledged totvithe hold the aid of the police from the tithe - collector." On the other hand, to withhold from the new county authority the control of this force'which is granted. to the borough autlaorities, would he to make an invidious dietinction likely to be anything but acceptable to the former. Then again, in deciding such a question, the Govern- ment must perforce have special regard to what is likely to he agreeable to their Liberal -Unionist supporters, who it may be pretty safely conjectured, will lean to the more liberal measures. The inference left to be drawn is, apparently, that the more democratic: alternbeive will prevail. Probably the most diffitult question of all Is that in regard to the licensing power. Stringe re say the Licensed Victuallers and the 'United Kingdom Temperance Alliance, both of which have been heard by deputa- tions are at one in preferring thee the power to grant licenses should remain with the appointed county justices, rather than with the elective boarde, though for very different retuning, the former fearing re- striction, and tbe latter corruption. The Alliance will, however, be satisfied with nothing short of a periodical plebiscite in each loeality, a pitob of radicalism to which no Conservative Government is likely to rise, even to conciliate its Liberal support- ers. A 72 hour go -as -you -please contest closed at Boston, Mass. on Saturday night. There was little enthusiasm and only a small crowd was in attendance. The track was measured and found to be twent3t-two feet short to the lap. In spite of this the Ameri- can record is beatento,y a few yards, There is about $2,000 to he divided among the walkers, of which Cartwright, the.English competitor, will get about $700. The fol- lowing is the final score :-Cartwright, 396; Guerrero, 375; flegelman, 356; Day, 350; Taylor, 331'Collins, 293; Cuneinghane 261; Cotter, 156 ; Bdwards, 211; Sullivan, 275; Conners, 255. "Doctor," said a wealthy Boston pa-, tient, "1 want you to be thorough and strike at the root of the disease," "1 will," said the doctor, and brought his cane down with a smash on a decanter standing on the side -board. It was his last professional visit at that house. Eu01'1310118 Oargees Of Opium. Opiurn anauggling along the Sb. Lawrence came in after the opening of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The town of Victoria, on Vancouver Island, is supported largely froin the profits realized by importing liouses that are owned by professional smugglers. The merchants of that town do not disguise their business relations, but boast that they can hoodwink United States Custom House offi- cers without any risk. One week I saw three ships arrive at Victoria loaded with nothing but opium. You may imagine the value of such a cargo when a piece of pre, pared opium only the size of a pea is suffi- cient to satisfy the hardest pipe hitter. The stuff is treated by the local Chinese, and then sent out to different points along the American lino. It goes up Puget Sound on fishing smacks, and then acroseWashington Territory down to San Premise°. New York, Chicago, St. LOWS, and other large cities are supplied indirectly through agents who are stationed at points from Duluth down to Ogdensburg. These frontier re- ceivers are known te the trade, but the magnitude of the business cannot be exag- gerated. Stranger (to boy in lawyer's office) --I'm looking for a legal blank, sonny. Lawyer's boy -Sorry, sir, but he's just stepped out. Demagogues should ponder this saying of Lincoln's "You can fool some of the peo- ple all the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool ell the people ell the time." Mary -George, if I die, promise me one thing. George -What 18 it, Mary? Mary. - That you will marry Ernie% Wilkins. George -Why, I thought you hated her, Mery- 1 do, George. I want to get even with her. There is a wonderful brown and golden bird in Mexico, a species of beeniartin, that is a remarkably expert beecatcher. He has a way of ruffling up the feathers on top of his head so that his crest looks exactly like a beautiful flower. When a be comes along to sip honey from this delusive blos- 83M it is snapped up and devoured. A CANADIAN 3N AffSTRALIA, An Omnibus rass, Is lei:per-knee in eitinearoo erunttng eve In Illobeing Mr. Wm. Rowe, a Qanadian, ae preee eeeiding in Syduey, N. S. W., in a letter his brother, Ur. (teas. Rewe, ef this cit gives a description of tome Eangaroo Isp ing that he enjoyed during December tele part of January,. says:"1 lave be on five differene atations in my abeence fro home. You cart imagine the exteet a veatnese of them when they raege from 17 000 to 50004) acres per station, and of cour therm are not by any warts the largest Australian stettons, etene equattem owni aa much at, ehe Ave would eon:Trete. b sport consisted of chasing kangaroo horeehael; with dogs. The first moreha work placed aix hors de combat, and we on bed the oleo pair of doge, Of coupe •Dover get more than oneat a time, and SR of the chases extended over two miles ground. Sometimes the dogs woeld beoo Beeeretedt vehicle ferehoded ne good, as kengaroo at any size Await overmatch f one dog. Our work was to keep them aleht, r.ding up hill wed clout dale, th sometimes doubling end leading us ba over toe same country, and whet! the do had collared one we would dismount, se- em brute by the hind lege and throw lei on hie beck, and then, wtththe aki, of ashill Ugh, brtak skull, Irish emblem, T enenager on Myhre Station OR the Mama river told me he neeaeured the etridee loins of an extra large Iteugarao, which h end Ms doge hadrun down, and fooled the on the flat 33 feet and ever and none tattle and from my experience I fully belleVe 41E0 " Oa the dotter' jest ntentumed we he ale() lots ef sheeting eagleet One brough down Was about 8 feet -from tip to tip. AN also shot pipette, plovere, enipe, sand rail gurgle, parrots and ducke, the laet mentio ea, being very thiek. I would like aheu two weeket trampleg ameng therm Turk le also mid to abetted there, but they kep The following is a copy of the pass upon 4 which a party of atateemen travelled to the nt Lweegdidettgaroof raeQfeeilltioyw;-_,mentiber of the State to Cieczezziere Feb. 14, 188. 7, Conduetore of C. 4 0, M. Railway :- ate Pass flop. E. L. ',enwrap, Speaker of the e Howe of Representatives of the great State en of Ohio (the third State in the -Union in in the point of population, and first in ell ea other respeets), and twenty-three (23) other people from Colunabas to 131aucheeter aud, to eetern, on account of the marriage of Hon- ef W. G. iTudeon, the honorable member from ug Cliuton, Conductive are lostrucrad to love .ty their valuablea in the train box while this perty ie on board.- [Cleveland Leader, 0,6 ty Oussies 4rothers. we " be," Said tite Pnocipal of the Young tee Ladies' Seminery to the proud parent, you ought be very happyt my dear sir, me • to lte the father of so lerge a family, all the members of which appear to he so devoted a or, • to one another, " Lerge fetidly ! Devoted?' ie trePeet the °la geetleineel. amazon -mut. •ty Whet on earth do you mean, ma'am?" °I4 ytelesr4 olungdite °lit; jg$14aisoid eteh. (3 "NoP'riPciPlelts4 tean eleven of Geseitt's brothers love been here this winter to take her out sleighoich en!•log, and elm tells me she expeete the tall ne One with the Mae eyes again tomorrow" -,- [Puck. or A Tremendous Sensation e would have been created one hundred yore ago by the siglat ef wee of our modern ex - rt treine aloeg at the rate of ty oche an hour, duet think bow our " gremlfethere woele have etered (melt aptettrele 1 It takes a rood deal to aeteellah es peoplemetv-a- dare but tient* of the marvel. es mei ourea of eonsemptioe, 'wrought by Dr. 18,7 Pieree'lf Goldeu lettaeovery, have " mated evideopread amazemetta Commute °Y Vert le at het achnowledged nereirle. Tim 46 Golden Meateticel Diecterery ;4 toe Only ,3 2 themeolvee like the light with Mona durin our visit, "One dey the meager and. I entered th nlvr for four dreg cattle. We re•eream 11 right and got upticle the rallet when on, brete took to the toroth, jumped the Imre and back over the river, whither ere co counte went after the wretch, aud Omen hire a vexitable demon. tie would race yo like Merle Tweioto horse SO loug as he we not deeicledIy heeded eud. raade to eeder atm(' ao by whip would he colitinne, an then he creasing the river we had ateuelly t evelito our horses to keep the brute In th tight coutee, eta then the ezrult again. Tit bease wee ao kitowlug as to Neu; awl no budge wail the whip felt hint aud severa Unto del we loose him throe& the serub, In that manner (the eprubs), or some o there, 1 Trap as Well you t are eo thick trees, youth; broth aud river :wish) throoghoute whielt make* it impeseible t get alone riding. must also define th etock-why in use here -•-a, Needle &bon twelve inches long with laelt abrut the sam number of feet; a novice will general! beautify hie own iceturee in learning t handle it, wherem in an adept'it hula, i would, if he 'were so disposed, draw blood tram a. bullock% bat*. As forracobbing eat tle I had lots of it. though tall sorry t state Sepulcher, Itcl's great hunter, dlet front a imake bite on the eve of the day In was bItteo. On tem 00eatii011 recently we arted out from Revensworth, our party Itumberhag eight, and the firat day rod matey eixty miles through a broiling sun a little better than a walking pace, which not by any meant( pleasaut, nor did the kites eanyzng tend to add any Veneer° our Beadle ea a pillow and only one th?ei blanket over tie, which got soaked through by the hewer dew, end consequently made tie so field that it was impossible to sleep. However, the second clefts excitement round us. Tiefore noon hour we had over 1.20e head eattle together, and then six of us hold them in check in a pretty open piece of country, wbile two others went arnongab them and cut out four hundred of tho bast for market You can fanoy a herd like that swayIng to and fro, running around in, the circle like the coils of a snake, Tho poor beasts were terrible excited, es they reedy see a human, ban and hollowed as if for something to rid them of us moulders, while the creek of the stock whips helped to add to tile tease. I tell you that it test is exciting." re - g It1lOW11 rOnletly for it. If talten et the right time -which, beer in mind, is not wilt= the lungs are newly gone -it will go right to " sheseat of the disease and occomplieh ite 0 work no nothing ONO In tile world eau. ; Deteh hall ideate no longer Gtvo Him $O, and Let ilun 3 Guess 22 , We once heard a mon eomplein of feello d badly, and woudered what Ailed him. O humorous frieeil awl, "Give a doetor $2, (.1 mand t high prieesof a few yeare ago. O and let him etteate" lewee a cutting settre e, Anne deeterth WhO deal alweye pees right. You need not guess what elle pm en your food don't alsort when your. bowele and atm:neat ara ineetzve end when, I• your heed achea every day, en'd you ens • leuguid and easily fetignetl. You are bilt- g• ozete and Dr. Picreete Pleseent Purgative • Pellete will brieg you out all right. Small, O eugar coeted, easy to take. 01 druggiete. Ruicherhaeker buff " giveu as the name of a color to be feshionehle in Spring 3' goods. * "Had Ikea "Ferried Eigitteen Years." It should have rea,d "married," hat the • proehroder obeereeel 014 it, amounted to o about the Sante thing, and so did not draw 1 his blue peuoil through the error. T.Tofor- t tunately there was considerable truth in his abservatiou. Thoutetwirt lumbends are worried almost to deepair by the heelth e that efilicte their 'wives, anti often robs life t et comfort and bappieem. There is but ern asfe and sure way to change all tide for tits Dotter' The ladieo eheuid use Dr. Pierce's , Peverito Pretcriptfon. $30,060 for a Threc-year.old Horse. Senator Stookbtidge, of Michigan, on Feb. 24tb closed the sale of his stallion Bell Boy for 830,000 cash and servieee to the value of $5,000 more. Bell Boy was sired by Electioneer, dam Beautiful Bells. Be was bred on Senator Stanford's stock farm at Palo Alto, California, and purchased, by Senator Stockbridge last year for 85,000, with an agreement that he he allowed to fill his engagements on the track. Under these engagements lee won 86,500 for the Senator and made at record of 2.26 as a 2 - year old. This is the hest record ever achieved by a colt of hie age, and the price for which he sold yesterday is higher than was ever before paid for a 3 -year-old. He was bought for parties in Frankfort, Eye whose names are not given. Bell Boy is a full brother to Hinds Rose, 2 19a ; to St. Bel with a four-year-old of 2 24e, and to Chimes, 2 30e, Electioiaeer'e children include besides those named, Man. litnita, 2.16; Anteeo, 2.16k ; Adair, 2.17e ; Bonita, 2 18e, and Lot Slocum, 2.19. 13E11 Boy is a very handsome bay, anddrom his breeding should make a wonderful suc- cess at the head of a breeding establish. ment, Electioneer, is by Rysdyk's Ham- bletonian out of Green Mountain Maid, the daan of Elaine, 2 20; Prospero, 2.20, and Deane Trot, 2,22e. Ryscl3tk's Hambletonian was by Abdellah, he by Mambrino, he by importcd Messenger. Beautiful bells is a da Teeter of The Moor, by Clay Pilot, out of Minnehalm by Bald Chief. Palo Alto Belle, a full sister to Ball Boy, foaled in 1886, was recently sold by Senator Stanford to Hon. 3. el. Sibley for $8,000, and the former says her trials have shown her superior in speed to Norlaine, the yearling wonder. One of the best known young women of Omaha is six feet six inches tall, • The man who would steal a kiss born her nzuat carry a step•ladder. • Bobby (thoughtfully)-" Pa." Father (irascibly) -" Ya'as, ya'as, what is it ?" Bobby-" Do you think Pil be as cross as you are when 1 grow up ?" Fond Wife -The Smiths must be awfully poor, they never rive anything to charities. Itle-Well, but we don't either. Fond Wife ---Oh, but it isn't because we haven't got plenty I _emeee Silver *mementos for the person of all kind e are more fashionehle now than ever before. .t Core ter Drankenrterts. • Tho opium habit, depsomania, tho morphInobable, nervous prostration cansed by the use of tobacco, nsentol dUr tlitreilfy TA' breln, roll re o ee, o a c ue by over-exereen ot the brain, and toss et natural Strength, train any mule 'whatever. Mem-young, lrluoerz.ingroll:41,14,;eetal-;,vaho are bralrell dor frot4rvimy send your addrees 14inl InOyceePlitr 01.7aZelfoTtabon Treatise, in book term, et Diacerme of Von, Books pont sealed and Secure from observation, Address IL 17 Loam 47 Wellinirton atreateriee Toronto ant. Spring bonnets are to have wide stringa if the latest fashionnews from Paris ie reliable. ColiNo More. Watson's cough drops are the beet; Inthi world for the throat and. chest, for the yoke unequalled, See that thelettors R. 4 T.W. are stamped on each drop. Corduroy will hold its own through the Spring and is to come in all the newest colors. Ocean Steamship Passengers Via New York should take the Erie rail. way, as it is nob only the shortest and beat line, but lands people aloes to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buy- ing tickets, ask for ttze Erie. jewelers say there is an unusual demand for black pearle and that they bring fancy prices. People who ate enhjeoa to had breath, fold (mated longue, or any disorder at the Stomach, can at onoo be relieved by using Dr. °arson's Stomach Bittere, the old and trled remedy. Ask your Drutreias Seme of the handsomest of the India wraps are trimmed with black marabout feather trimening. • ()memo Be.ra Reiman restores grey mid faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. Braid in almost Bloomingdale profusion is to trim tbe tailor-naade and other kinds of Spring suits. Heel Coss Crum euros In one minute, Half teaspoonful of common salt dissolved in a little eold water and drunk will in- stantly relieve heartburn. whooever your Stomach or Bowels got out ot or. der, pausing BiliousnessDyepepela, or Irdlgestdon, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose DI Dr. vareows Stomach Mere. Beet /amity mettiotne, AU OrTatclete. 60 cente. Cold =apt continue to delight the hearts of women who have eeelskin aacquet or a Russian wrap. L P. 890. riarft10118 procured, Patent Attorneys, and experts r Itst'd 1607. Donald C. Illelont Co.,Toronto. n A Trame For riale--illustratea neeenptive tat- rmiLnig alogue tree. IL Chamberlin, Tomei° 40ARVER'S 3E'RIEND Is the only Perfect Emery Knife Sharpener. A bless - log to every housekeeper. Stimplehy mall, 26 cents. flppliftENT da fle., Toronto, ivinkucTrote0AN on Farms. „ Lowest it4es., , lay,. Cortespondpuce U te oez, W. et. eezertnet, Financial Agt. EstabN8hed 1880. 72aing.st, Toronto, ROSESiglo other bedding and „Mi. 0 ',six() Plants. Coullections will suit every ()Le. illustrated Catalogue free. , WEBSTER BROS., FLORISTS,' HAMILTON',