HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-29, Page 5Louao Bore Bruce Radiw; orther.o Division er.t Noun&-T.nxz T. azo --P en'r.'. London, depart, _8.10 5.10 A.M. 4. e. lateen Crossing. , 9.35 ri.45 Clsndebonye.... 9.10 5.15 CQrltraatie. .. 9.?S 5.33 9.35 545 llensall .. 9 49it 53 Kipper 9,51 1i.06 13r ueetield, , , , 9, "a a t.1.5 Clinton....... ,.10.1+4 6,3.E 3:.onndeeb rro', .-10.37 6.55 Myth • . '0.4a 7,05 1#eelgrave, .......11.00 7.20. `lpinedtant,arrive. 11.20 7.30 GOING SOUTH, passenger. Wbaglnu,rie,deparl . 7.00 A.M. 3.05 eat lel beeves , , 7.1.7 r.<tS I3lytla... , 7.31. 3.42 Lendesboro' 7.40 3.51 Clinton , t .00 4.10 1 c;aeQrielei . , . , . 8.19 4.26 Kipper% 847 4.54 --Wood bees are all the rage just & not seeing to it in time. The assessors perform their work as well as they can, but Ms won't/ opinions will differ on. valuations there is always likely to be some little matters that require cor- rection, but if the repayer negglectshis duty then don't blame either the ars- sessoror council. now, ---Remember the Exeter Spring row, Friday April Gth, -Mr. W. T. Lyne. of London, is visiting friends in town. -For Field, Flower and Garde seeds, go to Sarin*e11 sur Plakard's, -1e retxa1aer the Exeter eSpri iri Show, Vritday April Gt . --lir. Wiiliarxr McPhillips, of Loge - don, waa in. the village during the week. --Just arrived at IT, Spaclamares car load of Iron and Steel nails from Ionrtreal. Mies Annie Stang, who has been. Visiting her parents alt Seaforth, baa returned, -A dill aaesortweuh ofa T. D• 1�iai, s celebrated Roots„ Shoes and Slippers at Samw ell Pickard's. Andrew Hicks, of this plaee, visiting i'rtencla ixm fe er et4own, Ca, �Tadtaan, lost week. -To-morrow, (Friday) a grand Leap Year Carnival and a To.co ter the ehampiousiiip of Western Ontario, be- tween Feathers, of Ilarriston, and Vail o£ Exeter, will take place at the Boller Rink. Feathers niou holds the chauip. ionsbip of Westerie Ontario, and Vail the ehaunpionehip aTurmn County. We may look for. and we are guaranteed a fir t -class time, as the races will be no sham. The Rink will be open in afternoon,and evening 2"and 7 p. cosi. Admission 10 aud 15 cents As was announced a meeting was held et Central hotel en Thursday night last, when a Foot-13al1 club wa organized and the following officers were cbosew- -bola" fres., Die a. I. Rollins. fres. N. Dyer .gardon, vice len all.. „ 6.33' 4.4. -Remember the geared lea *,Y do. H. Tillimge; See Ftl, Lissa tt; , l`s titer. , ... .. 8,4 s 4, ! Carnia al .cad chemic nonshi ra a Rig he I bens R 1. 'ia Fars Jr.; dap#sawn -�� aAA t.: entrarlia ...... $.57 +.rp m p lr e Hancock; committee, R. Pickard, 1� , Inann61ebaye...... 9.10 :r -alb x.oIlGer I Ram to tnna.rrorF night I1att aril;, 7d. I� $ifliu s, ,zl, assett� II,aRcaanr-�.rca sg . 9.20 .:5.2;n -A One lot a l acgliela and Scut Ir I'Tlnals. ScuaU w, E1. T eider lEit Fiallaand, IlfaAnaaotearaive. , .10.10 6,040 Tweeede ter ocelots milts, Perfect tat J. 0, 13rieu we beh-ere the rIanb wiU ,I Kral r,oi<i-e iriseeteal under tin ;tills Maggie ll iuere, of Iain tae est at five ej essatts per line eac 1a iRa e! tR• alrr tarsi, who hos been 4 isitirrg feiend own. iia: t wn xeturraed hum on tirsda; rbc Sel CUA ey are o halence et tlreit- x Axes o-_ 1- guaranteed :.at S:►a well . ;Pilchard. and r� VOIUrn in would a ti assiet w- resting by conn frime l*!leg this 'tears tv3?rnges for reline rtt eineuts TIM .lrncoaa.,mas must be handed in be- t re'.1'rresclay aeon, from this gimes for-' --= VP 1155,1+e., advertised iaR this iesue, diree haler c+f the faun of Patrick: Ilea aaesey, cni' Biddttlreb township, The farm is a good one, and au elocelleni price shook' be r e:aliceal for it. -Ile sumo and' call 4a1 ,Samwell P'R:•.ztar•:l care April Oth aaaol . th Nal red" t mind prover, da the materiel i sr flee club„ acid we may look for an interest in this papa_ The thallenerc from the Sea. - b Lacs been aaeoepted, arid as may be eagerly looked for, will commence practice 3, C. Stewart, of I e Avid; sent the Wrest of her p:axent,s, Mee. Jae° . Oke, where she in- r einallni for sortie time. zinced. Tines milli; will liar rigidly adhered to, and advertisers will please take rear glee, No exceptions will be made.. Spring Show. Seafortlr. din Tire €leas, April 17* l freer a r aril display of Millinery, ani S aaa to Iliweu,;at 1:rae,.liAtt, On Wed' 4'1344% liar lata^st rand. newest New sacci ar ill env tt t1►, "' er:h areal l.nuglaridstyiesand snoveltitt !tileleer,., ati wing lliil, on Miley " le 1 3th• 1 I TIaF� 1'a t Clulae ? 1i�ala rartatac Rs' at ;tilt °lea 1D, anAn iti eelQa stltat,-'lpA'n1 ➢Ilia, �sne ill the folioewiaag mitre St.> ,.Dlt'aa ,te E`;,B;lame, at F;fa,t¢a, on t ° tla€ !Neu? Ikast. McCallum Ofdicae b.0n ell McCallum ar,�otniled Pap J; Pielmed that Iak:aa3i+ April idtla. 'e;:aD Ila;;atfit,> fist Ouia9e to lie t9ta�aitlmtlnR4RrasetttioaafrstraRbeard rafltealtlR: llc�atsA QAaa t sdaao aiaaR, .April !Ilii, va•lae e>aI f„„u, 10 0 „a, sal, tui 3. Ir. clef. lj �*£ytoeal -=Cosa ied. Mored by t `. 4 , ► ver) i;tnilg. lost" ar Llta ' lrtniR,d. Bi .c tat•: econdcal by J. Pickard that the e a antla t e"rth,. at St. Map, ,. �'csla r. • following oc,'euuts be paid via: 11.' day, April 1 Stir. --Mr Jam Berm wn hee i to inform �« eel:aaaaar 3.50 certified by Mr. Creech the public that he ie prepared to re peir I t,et►. 13auatea $9.00 auditor 'ti.'". "Wcafe Local News.l`lalatli t�� , Sewing MaAialte, Wrila ,ri. ,; a00o 1,l .-Cerried. Moved l by T. 13. Oro 3uF, et5>., en shortest notice 1 a- Carling c e;antrir'4 lay J. Pickard that 4 nure at ltiTzett Bros. Hardware Sloe Mr. OAPs application for road eons --las of nnatacl• aexeter, _� 1ec�llg, :,a.ircd, eoS, �t£" aaris,3orrtr lane .a3 eel.xnd ntl,il5 pr tlry. -Swinging our Haar #r. Eric sato )111sal» l,t a*, Tna�.r..- I, a; th.teegetee a it. Moved in Amendment by, W 13rclett, ready set iris to•nding the, 1"ee":;teytcriaan Omen will no €. oaaoler tit Mr.1:. l sswett' alrrrli ...e .. 1 .tet, per „. ,_- Mr. James A.tthestrus of St. Marys, ';t.► furnished WiIK first cabin Ii .Ica is at cation l,t accepted at r'l.a�r. r chit'. is at Teresetat in the village. e�<.a:taal rata, .,100.1.0, Montreal or The. Reeve raised an objection . saying g weber, to I:,ia•ecpool:anal hula See J, tht t he dill Tait think it judicious or.. Mrs. 11.. Verity haat been visiting S,pncl:tnan, agent Exeter. wit eft tlbe''art of the council tog to friends and relations in Mitchell.Ta rnorroty is tiJ©d Friday, and°c•ces•1: and pay an untried snafu '81.35. .-Reytnentber the championship rare, sea r ion will be held in all the eiusrel.i s Per day. slew wo epanld get tried sen at Roller Runk, to•mtlrrog4 night. lir h ruorttittg aud eviceaing. In Christ rant, and who were willing to accept' --Seemed R 1'iekards are now Cltutot the horning ;sad eveufn the alike and Lk the work for $1.25 :lowing the latest styles in gents Lek vices will continence at the times hour, per clay. Mr Pickard s;w:I that when lt,ets. and the reettrr will be assisted bv the lie set"°1"3 :1I r CarliKee laotion he - Jest arrived at IL Spackenn "a . Rural dean Craig, of C '►aatcrn, thought it wA'S Por $1.25 per days in ear load of Iron and Steel atails, front Toitif,Iht, a lodge of the Sons of place of ( Lilo and did not , feel like Montreal. nglaud tvt11 be opened in this ti-illxeeYe ,'c eaaarali2lg Clic enation for w 1.35 when with twenty charter nnennbers, and tilos rv� gat laded men at 4•l tea. The -Air. Fr ands Howard, of Sarnia, is Y r motion itot being mated 'Atte Ca ding azt present in the Fiilaa;;o vitlit,ictg offsctrs will IA' h4talled by the leu nd withdrew his motion. mid moved that Friends and relations. �t'ertst+eity and ;assistant Deputy. 'This JIr, (.ill's application. be accepted lean. makes the third lodge in the Districts, hard ---Carpenters and masons are happy, London, wt. Thomas and Exeter. seg out thtj Iertces per dry, M. C IPibeju t,er�ause sprig is near, and the general sa c onded tire, enation, Mr. GrII being building boom. will soon commence. --Ili sending us items for pu llicatiru present, said that he would not accept eorrespondeniss would confer a favor on the dulcin tit .1.25 per day. It was us by toailing their matter so as to then moved by J. Pickard, seconded by reach us by Monday evening or Tues- T. 1;. Carling, that ilii. Pinconrbt,'s day morning. There aro times of course application at $1 25 per day be accept - when this can not be done, but when . ed,there being no opposition the motion prateti able we would be glad if they was carried. --111a Hardy said that he would beerthis in mind. was qualified for the position as he had House. 'oma s" --lir. Cltariens Essery, any amount of experience in the line of of Cleetr,alia, purche sect last week, from business but was willing to giv© way to lir. Henry stawart, of Adam, an Ilan- gentlemen who had already applied. ported Clydesdale Stallion, comingMr. McCallum would rot mora sir. three years old, for the handsome sum Pugsleywho applied. at previous meet - three rew. Mr. Bissett said be -See that the top of your well is of $1.350' The aaumal is a first-class `v sally llingdrti>at the old Commissioner cleaned off so that the surface water one, and he will be travelled through should he reappointed but did not feel will not run into, it. Impure drinking this section during the coming season. lilco moving its the matter as he had water is the source of so much sickness. . -It is again our sad duty to record always been accused of favoritism . on the'death of another citizen, m the per. account of the road Commissioner son of Rev. John Hicks Eynon. T.tr. being a Bissett. He said he did- not Eynon was superanuated a number of know what they had against Road years ago by the Methodist Church of Commissioner. Mr. Carling and Road Canada and since that time as spent Commissioner had some words, Mr. the remainder of his days in +'xeter. Carling objected to Mr. Bissett sperak- He died at the ripe old age of nearly ing in this way and requested Mr. Bis - 87 years. sett to tell his own story and not bring: The assessors are.on their rounds, ,his•name.into question as lie was•quite and as they leave a schedule abowing qualified to plead his own cause, Mr: the amount of which property is assess- Hersey being somewhat out of his e;e ed. wide every ratepayer;. the sheet ment was taken to task by Oouuoillo:t should be examined carefully and if the Carling, who on rising protested owner considers himself over assessed against any gentlemen interfearing .in the objection should be entered on the the council's business as they had been back, and the paper fyled with, the asked by the Reeve if there were any town clerk, when the appeal will be gentlemen here who had any business dealt with by the court of revision. with the Council, then was the time Every year especially election time, to speak, and there was no responce. there is a.goocl deal of ,grumbling of un- Moved by W. Bsseteseconded by T. fair valuation of property, but the McCallum, that a'vo adjourn, to meet at fault Tics with the ratepayer himself in the: call of (Am,' Reeve. ---Carried, nt to adjourn- nirag 2lst Inst. otos Qfa ed. The 11 alae uaerulaera previous rsrreetrrtg read first bsrsiueee piing appoiu�,.,x,»„ clow 31edicaal heal& 01/leer in pko Dr. 1lyndcman who having res reeiga Moved by W. L issett E,ecoud by T. I. McCallum that Dr. Rynd:man% vet, Raatigan he accepted. -t<`atrriel Mowed lays T. R. Carling aceeraited by W. 1tis- itt Celt Dr. Late be appointed to 1111, the vaceAae .-'->Cerrieat. ?Roved; by T. sgoifteeat Brass Library Lausp for "2:50. A new design, complete for $1,00. Ara I TanlrDar' lir es at juices that will surprise yon OaSteck of Shovels will arrive in a few daysand will be Fold cheap: Aka Barb Wire (2 and 4 bars) rer tioc r fertcimr.►, I•danin, al- vannbetl; Oiled .acrd unoiled wire at 1oweea possible f ere e. Now is the time to leave your order fir" tlirid'e twine, to secure a girst•elaa,su article at dear right pri e. Mads, Locher, liingea, Zikezl Paints, Oils, and White Lead as =cal at rock bottom Burns" A full stock of Tinware of all kinds. Eevetroughij and roofing a specialty. Entellelal: lt'ree triptle ul Z.tedielue rice over It5A4ands er ease, Sreamatarrtaem ,aler1V 8 az, ..`.ai ore ) po,'e c • cooed by abu or esez"- ertlQs. to Cure t!11£t4 ea404.14 T„ r Wm, e41tt xc tMapi ;tote. Oce- restage erPorsgstet. Adam** ca . .1 Iltetto.1.4 Mau iia Exeter by Dr. Late,. • and everywhere. Jan-; Ile:acl A. J. Shell's ".d" in another column. It will well repay you, as he guarantees a fit and goods every time. -The atop windows are filled with goods of every description for the spring trade, which promises to be large. --Sauawell & Pickard has just re- ceived a large variety of Wall Papers, Ceiling Ileeorations, Window Shades and Curtain Poles. -Mr. William Russell, of Hay township, commences farming at once, land has purchased aline team of horses paying therefore the hauclsome sun of $400.00. -Strathroy has petitioned for the proposed amendment to the Scott Act, under which the towns may vote upon the measure independently of the coun- ties in which they are situated. -The registrationfree for Tetters passing from. Canada to the United States now is two cents,instead of five, as heretofore. The rate of . postage, however, remains the same -three cents. -The meeting of diose interested in the: Scott Act, was held in Faason's Hall, here, on Monday, and was very poorly attended, the crowd being thin. 6ncl representatives like hen's teeth, Tai;hty scarce. LONDON JO N!S'' COLLEGE Subjects. ness Branches. She). Type -writing and Telegraphy. The Principal holds a Certificate wit honors in Book keeping. Phonography, Telegraphy or Type Writing Writing free wit* Book keeping course, THE OLDEST AND BEST, l) ploma from Western Fair for Plain and Fancy Writing, i3usiness conducted on latest improved plans with printed forms. Ar J. OEDMAN 9 Lax 400. PRINCIPAL, J. NELL; Main - Street, Ilas now in Stock Si -3414.0) (1I) In the Following Lines. II�ll�f�ll�Jll�tlfITll�Illl�llrultItll�rll��llgall,�lf�ill��IlT iIillnI! ill West of England Suitings tarnd. Trouserings, .Scotch Tweed Suitirigs and Trous eritig s. 'French and English 'Worsted Caths. If ��Ihdlt�ll�41f!�Il��lb�ll�dl��ll,��ll<<If��Ila�iR��il��lh�(I Il '.ill Made tip in Latest - Styles and Best Workmanship. SNELL GOODS Gl\- iAAN'iL•ED"" IAA SiOLICITED.. t'aC'T ,t'£i".^a"1'-CL SSS 'SFO RIZ- MEN 1f.'aIPLOVED. is the tiriee to leave you ado ' fear a f'irst•s'!nss overcoat C1-1EA '.. ale . .�eQ►1� a(~ lcott,,, A�1C arner Nein 4.4,Tebn ste, ONT. ON . T iYROYAL WAVERS, Presert tion or a physician tr1�r, Inas baa a. Zito long a perienae in treating female diseases. Is weer saosthlywith perfect success Ly over .1a� 5 Oladles. Plcaaaat. sate, effectual. Lndteu umk ourdrng. tdst for Pennyroyal Wafers mil tatrono cubstliute.or inclose, ptr t- ge for sealedparticulars. Eo.d l,r all drurt;rai. i i�parvai. taddra,,,s ECm1CHEt,IuC3 Lir., Arrnorx. Solei in Exeter by Dr. Luta and druggists everywhere. Jan -1.8 ' PATENTS,, Caecate, Pc-lSSUPS gra Tradc,Ararkssocured and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully atthnded to. Upon receipt of Model or Ada of In- vention,I make carefel examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charge.. " ABS MODERa.fin, and I make No charge unless patent is secured. Information, advice and special refrences sent on aprei cation. S. B. LIT' LL, Washington, D. C. Oppssiie U. S. Patetit Ofliee.' CHRISTIE'S COEVERefAL) LIVERY.,..)v Rigs. alio }forges First -4114,41T,, a iOrcleraleft at the 1 -la ,t1rs1'atw Hbu e.• 'a , 1 Y" r or at • 7tl.e,gtanl�,srlt be nxoml,.l}. itt.��t,., tf1. �1.�5' n ib, J .3,,A oN nal';