HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-29, Page 4he„: Exder. , ;,buocate WILLIAMSANDERS, BPVVOIX..AN t Yasoz,xsnuic, 'r`i . Nan &meal,, ,Exeter* *Y, QR 29th, ,188 ,8, This annual report of tate .inspector 4f41, prisons and public charities upon : .hospitals o£ Ontario, for the year eroding Sept, 30, 1$87, has just been publisbel3. It showstbat the 'total :cumber of patients- admitted to the public hospitals -.;during the year, was. 6,515---46i- rooks than the previous y r. The i i ml er of births hi the hospitals was -4a1---36. 1es:,than during the previous year. The total number of patients under" treatment was ,529; The total number of deaths was, filo. Of the patients tinder treatment, 4,191 :were male;; and 3;33.1 females; 4,67 wore Fkatestants, 2,777 'were Roman Catholics, and the religion of 66 was unknown; 5,556% 'were Canadians, 1,. 561 were English, 1,513 wire- Irish, Duly 3n Scotch,. 2.51 were from the riitetl States, and 253 hailed Iron other countries4. Of the complaints, of the patients, the greatest number credited ttr-parturtion,3ssr; next coarses typhoid, $t; thenfollow ulcers, rheunnatisrni 416; debility, 1:94; clipl theria, 1€1.;, alcoholism,, 170; dyspepsia, 134; and: branshitis incl; til?sce s, 1'9 each,. The total receipts towards the maintenance of these ins:itu,iou amounted to $170,880.41, of whi :1t $63,674.58 was granted by the govern- went, The average ost of maintaining' etch patient,was 02.09 coats ,per day. roe Refor]xa.. papers rs are having good, tical of fun, with themselves the; days. • tine day they tell Ala tl:ab Jcxl]]lt"b s '°4urnuciered to t; wee nw w; the next,tlay we are told that Sir Joh: is,stubbciruly driving Manitoba into rebellion; the ,next that Greenway is all backbone awl hese his rights; the next that ,,,Greenway has utterly failed, and htas gone home to sharpen up, his bayonets. The,. truth is that all this is guess work; the facts are not. known—nothing has been developed. Just as they diel in the Gshory business, the Iteforrn organs pretended to know., all about it, and just as: they dict in the fishery business, and in the Riel busin- esspand in all. business transacted by the presont government, they are .pre- pared.tojump on Sir John Macdonald with both feet, no matter what may be the out come of the negotiations, It is well that the old elan can stand a heap of. the jumping on o£ his political op„ pgnents Ivo cow have two prohibition parties, It is hardly fair for two great big part- ies to proceed to knock out the few Canadians who do not believe in pro- hibition, Tuts Toronto -Vail is horrified be- cause "ono of our Canadian legislators has become a Mornl.ou"-.--i neanin ; a number of the British Columbia: legis- lature. When it is remembered that several of our Canadian legislators are Reformers, the awfulness of the Pacific coast .clan's crime hill be very much reduced., but the Mail is the last jour- nal in this world that ought to wonder u ybody'Waking a violent• change in creed. HE who watches current polities ii mn I must bo forced to adroit that cl courttey, as well as in Can - the Consersati re, party is the party oft safe, enl*g;9nter ed pro re.s. ns local government bill, which i l lacked by Salisburyadministration at radical and progressive measure, and has t l;€ ;n the con~>atri—especially the er:l party—Completely ete1y by sol +r°iac. the following address to which he re- plied a very suitable manner. We wish Thomas and his Florence every prosperity through life, and we ho;ie. it may be a long one, To Mr. W, T. Atcheson,, Demi San,,-. iVe the undersigned being; a few of your ultimate Bachelor friends, know that you are about to enroll yourself in the noble Army of I3enedicts, desire on your departure from our ranks, to present yon with a small test'iu onal of our hearty good- will and friendship, We have. always found you a through soul fellow and to be expressive "one of the Bozo'. We shall hope and trust wherever your pail of duty calls you, you will always be in the front rank. Trusting your future life will be a prosperous, happy and long one, We are yours and S:e. BAour,ron Fins:cos-• Nm=;'iss,.'-In Stephen, on the lith inst., the wife of James Sandero, of a daughter.. ;ttt. -lit lisborne, on March 25th, the wife o€ air. Geo. Weir of a ;; SOIL attt. I]s I. sbersoe,on Marc] :}itis, the wile a Mr, Henry \chant oaf a daughter, Tisa Toronto Globe says that Can eottost reallut a tures are ;islaug1i. ing cottons in China rather thin let , SALE wn the prices in Cana" Thusthe RTAI Ctlobe admits that ivaantifactures ata X slaughter goods in foreign merieets; at the sa:uie time it is doing; its male Canada, e. slaughter aariet for the American manufactures, Aditioual. Locals Thp :ted. i fins for the leas' eta has left the r cads in a very 5top- smdition, The Jubilee held in the Salr-;ntioat barZTAS en Thursday evening t, was Very attended. : eDonnld, who was Ve i$inag , . t�, f 4er elate ;later in ill t.ln, retinrtaet1 home' Tap°'''i`ahula a►f 1114413..1144 iii tht t<ouu ,, oa Thursday last. Iiic➢atlears., ea ntahu ng caw lie mire.. ,&ares, Under tate by virtue a power of e:ale' stntlined hi a mortgage, clatcal the third, my si` January, 3, V. 1ST,, made by tatrncb IIonnesss, to the ions, default awing been iltmsle in payment thereof, lc re will be Bold by l'abl a Meilen). apt in the - ..w. VILLAGE OF EXETER: -° itt he Comity t4 Were% Onto :1•eDNESJe7.1a 1P,ttJL 4 1SS8, f At the hour cif1•• a cloel. nom, The Ia Riming teroperts, lame- me am -tte Three ill the Tinitot acnes e ou of the mere or lc s% Aiello; $0 aeras cleared, —Route bilis printed neatly su d 17'r.ut o h„ons', two sta3re a.,0413; gt"n1' dilly at the r' Yaviar...at r, office, Finest tarn, 504t:ttl: tWO "PS Qt GrCl9:naal, gontalt k of cute in the county to C110070 Ina; g"4--4 water; Ij'unnle3li�,au taeittr alta, sand eonvrnient to seactli and cllurct cq. For PreT, which arc: liberal, apply ter, the uncles -nosed. I RKE VG P4.711,DOli, Vendors' Solleitors. led at London this 1 y tit day of March, t;as. Cabinet memorial cards of the test styles printed neatly and cheaply, sl.ntiot s s office, call and ec 13vst>xo the very cold weather of the early part of the •winter the Chin- ese hin-s' a sojou.rning,44.1, Berlin caused much amusement by .the change of costume which.they adapted, as..a precaution against: the cold. They assumed ear - protectors made of , paper nacho, the tot) covered with ,black satin, the side pieces with blue silk profusely painted with flowers. The inside was lined with fur, which projecting on the cheeks had the appearance of whiskers, au ap- peyndage never seen on a Chinaman. They also abandoned steel or metal spectacle frames, . using only those made of tortoise shell, or horn. Tnn report of the,PQstn easter;. Gen oral shows ,that 239., new post;,offices wore established"durip the year, mak- ing a eak-ing'a total in operation. of .7534, and 1920 miles were. added to the . po. t route. The, member of letters through the mails is estimated at. 7.4,390,000, and of postal • oards;,16356,000, regis- tered letteree 3;505:040.x. free • letters, 3,160,000e i ewspapers..awl .,periodicals 10,340i ,,000; _.books awl, miscellaneous matters, 20,000,000; parcels, 720,000. The revenue amounting to. $2,60,255 an,dnthe; expenditure -to .$3,458,000.. Tett' :this tl.`• par.ty--that is'to ,say the prdhihitionists started out brilliantly. ;Store then:had organized the machine, ,lie,,party had split in tai sin,, so, that ster Willie .eon Graham, as.knoelted down by setiousla tjuried, N hutot(TICE Y TO CREDITORS -The Royal arch Uosells will hold Notice is :ttrt;lty given that Henry Morel of the village of Zurich, IA the their monthly meeting, in hlasonic , ' C.utuatk OF I.iutttu, Litacy :anisic keeper, Hall, Anis l d, Block, pal Tuesday eve• Inks made an assignment to woof all tris ning, April Srcl, at 7.:I0 li, nt. estate and effects for the benefit of his The schedule of convictions just creditors, pnr.auant to chapter 124 of the published by the clerk of the Peace, of 1 evlaede St,tutca erf t)ntnno, *1$$3,. L ineeUng vt• creditnra will ate lick at this county shows 74 convictions dur- 7'asirias'a ilial in a�ills;;c of Zurieh, scan lila the year ending March 13th •1$ .]}Bonder, the twtenty-sixth inetlnt, at the —Mr, Thomas Bissett, left yester- hour of two o'cle, k in. the afteeou, for daymorning for Manitoba. He took the aappointiuent of Inspeettive, :end. tile'. wih flim three horses and other farm giving; of directions with + ererenee to the implements. 3Ir. Bis'ett will eng:sge iinl lr*s tof ithe h useiii h fail Cratere artiv limes re- in the farming prosperity, ss, We «fill of their eluiui, proved by affidavit, And him every such vouchers as the nature of the case —A foot•ltall match will he played admits of, ou or before the 'frith day v between Exeter and Seaforth, to-mor- played April, next, after which i will pruceca to row,provirlin; the weather and grounds distribute the ashets of .the said e:itato are in a fit condition. This will bealt anion„ t iaparties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice interesting bane. • shall have been given. —Word has,reached here that there 3OHN E- h1eDUia71:LL, Assignee, Rena -ill. has been. some big shooting done Ill Lewes H. DIc1 soy, solicitor Dakota.. Three men started out and for Assigniee, Exeter, Ile v. night. shot nine huudrecl ducks and twenty* - seven geese iii one week. This is what NOTICE TO CREDITORS. we call tall shooting. —Our School Inspector, has been Tn the matter of,Tanaos Easter- doing things up in good shape, he has brook, deceased. taken to himself a wife? 'We wish Par uastt to ]1. S. 0., Oh-pter 10' 'and that his path through life may be 46 Victoria chapter 9 (Ontario), notice is strewn with. roses, those . of longevity. hereby given that all creditors . and other —The signs of spring are abundant., Persons having any claims or demands, the voice of the crow and the s iris against the estate of Jarues Easterbrook, l $ late cf the village of Exeter, in:the County poet are heard in the land, the custom- of Rune, Gentleman, deceased, who died.. ary robin and bluebird have already been seen and the Nimrod is preparing his shooting utensils in preparation.for ,the muskrat campaign. a -,e •y .eAA.JA'n11.e'ln"..•'"�V V'w/�Ti'�✓1!'V'Y�h/�.a:•�A FULL LINES OF CONFECTIONERY ON HAND. YEDDING AND PARTY CAKES ! E,I}:;li •S ri'k3OMPT'LY- A.T' RNDED' TO door north 'off” IVIA,IN-STR4ET, .t stair R. Ranton & Co. have just opened an excellent • assortment of new prints, dress goods, shirting, tweeds, &cc., for the spring trade.. All goods sold,. at less_ then old time credit prices, and for cash only. Please call and see us. Dresssnaking done on thepremises,in latest styles,' dresses and mantles cut by the pew, t a.ilo' system, at Ranvoa & Co. Tuesday- evening was a very brilliant one at the Central Hotel. The oecass- ionibeing the marriage of Miss. Florence Oke to Mr. W. T. Atcheson, the bride was attired in a cream cashmiere. The eve before the amLir, the groom *as preseuted, with., a lr ia[ls%circ Rible<ancl on ora bout the fifteenth day of. Demme. cg.; i'•ea 47,7surts kri leza0. a_lot s45', ilv. at r° Ca ori co, ale, ae ,: t �t if•t xa aterr2fte e t m? S: *f n '01^1-F alt' V;iiii 4 7., lir>e taltaraesps e iaii t1.aa`3aCa'it, krit.'j,' CeteAtoaa a;i451i5'*as a ,,,�: a t.irAata ssi,n' s 'omit, and c a r, 5.. 1 lea a a-t3;eh, cr.oan aa: 3 a e , ilutic%ot rax Jaac : e} u acaFer: i 'q 9 the effeets®te.arBYV c;,. U.y vo t rarc..th. It a:Au ark -s re.enit of la teraece,.�t l Ea ttr, 15 e T "9ia'i, AFa flay,+: For tt J.s7 7 Pif �7rr Aw acF..aibearatians,tatc,;at3cta"nt.4 ta.'i 34411r"'. e`. A flanu9ittfatew..cc-'+lees itaafeeZe fa,,aafge. t:W. y y , i an'Alt` 07:1 „44" Ze N,.±TFTM'"' t ,, r i a*a 3 ,� c e .P onto f�rA aae•]'vcaao. a. - a 10 7."'"."'%4 etc. M .:..�iS1 a1 , :.aa o i'Li',tyy 1791T '"'9; .' n a $ : , . i; iII et a aver s ,,,, a 4& t u g s 7c a] +1.R.i.fnaY r,Hism=;-"ar "¢"' �•. ' , !» .� 5 &.==s 7xnr co: teNayn.e/tr. Vice. 4 a e t G r B. n»ttrxt ca >se=err 1fC'91 t'� rrC"C' Nil rz rariaa,c•t; .tv ,w. tc -,a" -^c ci L° R 4 rate llea ,`.i 7 ° < ]4u nita.nl&t`nt ?4r ;, Ole e 9r; a]1 c 34¢,']1 . A Pe ne - Subscribe for The EXETER AD VOCATE. Only ail per year. Would take this 111000a of returning thalll fl for v gat lsunro;it also invites this attention co: the general publlt; to his deli Pall and «int Stock comprising the folio`Ong:` Asst -Class stock of Furs CONSISTING or — PERSIAN LAMBS, FETTER AND :MINK, FOR WiltOl flE IN- VITES ;-VIT S THE CAREFUL INSPECTION OF ]UIS OLD CUSTOMERS AND ALL OTI1:ERS WHO ARE PLEASED TO CALL. A First-class stock of Boots & SHOES, R V B.UE' R O Y rtsHOESi In `:ladies, Gents and Cl ildrens; comprising the all different kinds.. —ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OP-- CROCKERY, CIIINA G lA SW A Iter A D 18$7,, arehereby requested. to=l ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF send by letter; prelaaitl or deliver to Messrs _ ELLIOT & ELLIOT, of the village of. ��ca-r>Rr�� �^s t� 'tri !"�t� "d A"��ta �S' "I'll's Exeter, U t S Solicitors for the Exo t*rld timiOth day of .April, A. 1). 188$, estate- and check; d i 1. .U. Dol sheeting", nient in wrrtin:r of the namcss and addres- •�• ,es and the full particulars of their claims Heavy all wool Blankets, White and Grey .Hods, Temoshanters, Wool' or demand, and of the securities (if any) • Jackets; An excellent assortment of Hosiery. held by them, and that after. the said 16th —x1715:3~ day of April, 1888, the said Executrixes will proceed to distribute the assets of the said.deoeaFed, among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims n Arlo:+; Q 1 - $.�5t3..i.JL..!'.�J-".l.J tLJiJ-81-'t,'o.rfa. WI w -a.. .".1v..+ �' Jc.sw.n outrixes of the said deceased, on or before p; of whieh they may then have notice, and that the said Executrixes will not be liable for the said assets, or any parttliereof, to A. ti any persono£ Whose claim notice shall OF ALL STAPLES,.AS` 4E> Vb IRKED not havo been received at the time of asci dlstrlbtttlon:Ly'�%E; iY HOME , -.011 I LLICT & ELLIOT,- y Bohol tors for Executrix,es. A. GOOD SUPPLY Detect l 3th :lt,sl ch,.;1.FSS ' .. �e LINT