HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-29, Page 3THE WEEK'S NEWS, CANADIAN. Rev. ,john Seanehouse, Methodist minis- ter of .Adelaide village, was arrested hr. Strathroy, on Saturday, on a charge of at- tempting to blackmail hotel -keepers. Sarnia Observer : T -'a Thet a will be a Pro- tlucers' and Consumers' Combine spino of these days that will shake the sugar barons and their colleagues out of their shoes." Many emigrants are preparing to leave England for Gapada dnrurg the next six weeks, in order to take advanta a of the as• aided passages, which cease on April 27, Governor Bilabe, 4f Newfooadlend, liar been requested by tbe, Dominion, Govern- a e statics to e nate d Govern - ?tient to ar for wading m... ,raft i? e t S Ottawa to discos the question of the admin, /don of the eoloiiy lute the Caziadien taoa. federation, A week or two ago Mr, Thomas Bayd, of Longford, County Puneoe, broke a ,loath, ruptarwga small blood vessel in the gum while doing so. The tooth was extracted, but the bleeding continued for ten days, re• clueing her. Boyd to a very weak state until the Sow was stopped by the applfcatioa of a spider web. The stormy weather recently was.serereet in the Northern. States, nipped with treat costae dietr1eta in Ontario an=d Quebec, but pawed our Northwest comyletely by. The lied mild weather with rain up there. e Eball soon. pee the Cen.a'dian North -welters going down to New York to e.gay a good e1d-feshiened winter. Sir George Stephen eveRhatisaily demieit the statement that the *J44441601 Peeffi'1 Railway Compeny lied decided not to build any of its biranchea or, the new short lisle in Nova Acctia, and states that ooiliteotiou with Nova Scotia and New Branewiek will be completed this au mmner, a year in, ad, wage of the contract atipuletiuu. Halifax papers tell of the narritw veeape a passenger train bed lest Saturday night OU the Gadiequnl A#oautains. It ase tbrowil front the track, end, as the p1taaaeur,ere very soon discovered, within six feet of a preel. pee 200 feet high. The .thole train, with the exce'ptiou of the rear truck of the ten- der, bad left the raffle, and it was only, this circuiustafce wbieh prevented the ears from leattiug into the elattiall. "Grover Cleveland," dedl.ining a renornina• Vim; was published, apparently composed in the President's well-known style. It is now pronounced a forgery, and the inte-: thine of the Chief Magistrate about a second terns are still a mystery. Should the next war hold off for eleven years. this country will b e fully fortified—if the United States Senate knows itself, Its committee en, coast defences preposea to ex. pend $126,378,800 in that way, provided the House will concur. $20,56Q,t00 ale to be goo rid of next year. The pessaggeof anuli a bill would insure a rich harvest ter shoat of contractors. A. Chicago niau who had greeted a flue residence wan surprised. one day to learn that a rat had been seen an the cellar. The plumber Ran *oat for and given orders to stop up the rat -hole without regard to ex- . a handed i hie bill. penis. lie did so and ha de in It called for $1,333 35'. He had feund it necessary to completely overhaul and change the sewerage and drainage systema of the premises to keep that rat out. �a1i12'S cry pound The reports are to the effect that within thirty miles of the Sea, In Cauadiaa terri- tory, there era yaat depoai ;a et iraira, copper, lead, silver and gold. This may be true; also it nay not be true; and the Batter is the.. moat probable. haat whether true or false the report will have its influence in attract. log people to the loeslity, ani a great xueh may bo confidently expected ilk the men of another month er SIX t eelf. , Ont advice is very simp'e---ttou't go. Stay at house with your Sue, and if you haven't o se, get masa 4iie@. The Pk:e1 'Brunie dcerription *hews wiry disc retefel state of ilffaire at lote 14 1G. Centre: road cant, Toronto Town- eariy thirty head of cattle, homes, starving to death. Already eight animals have died and the rest axe likely soon to fellow. The asplanation b said to be that one Green, the owner, le in ditliml— tient. A bank holds n chattel mortgage and ether parties are trying to get the SheriCt into the premien, so' that nonody las eon` trol of the place. There is no feed on the farm and the poor brutes are wandering about in this distresefng state of starvation. A number of farmera in the vietnity of Hamilton have been swindled by a scan, whoave his name as Fred itfoyyere, of Philadelphia. Moyers professed to be buy- ing hersea uying'hersea for the Philadelphia street rail- way,. and made a number of purchases from various farmers, always giving them a cheque on the Bank of Mantrcal, andsue- ceecled in a'ew eases in gettintr small loans of $10 or SIu. The horses wore to be deliv- ered yesterday, and in carne the farmers, but failed to tind Mr. Meyers, The cheques were presented at the bank, but, of course, Meyers had no account there. It is not known how many have been swindled. No horses were taken, however, as it was money the man was after. V:11TLe STATICS. A curious relic was found, alongatide a hardened copper knife, in a mound At Paras, Mich, Zt is a black *rape three inches lextg by two wide, rounded up eccuxatelyg on both slues, Planed upon either aide and shot in one direction, it runt ae nicely and smoothly ass a� t oiled top, bac turned the ether way, it atuttera and retia but a short time. It lata -the eamo whichever side ire deem tend, s something of a ruystery. The wealthiest Knight of Pytbiaa folge ix. the world la said to be hive Oak Lodge„ of Oakland, CAL Its membersbrp ie over 300 and the aggregate wealth rima !sigh ill t a tuidloes. tis treasury represeiats he. twee5$..,50A090 and $3,000.000. 411 furn- iture used in the lodge is covered with mcr- Wee. One ,et h4 aged iuembere recently died, bequeathing the lodge ;f3OD,4*00, and We widow, who did stat long survive him,. willed the ledge '$100,000. The ingenuity arldeuterprlse of the Aatcri• can reporter are onivereally coraceded, but these q laiitite clever had a Lorre striking ifbnatrathail then wag furnished by the late John J. I lt}aiJsgau as the 'Utica rsr. Ile tactually* induced Earl, the coavieted murderer, to allow hinted( to he hanged two hears ear' er than the appointed time, in order that the newepaper man ;night get hia report to the office ra time for the next ;antic of His paper 1 After sueh a feat alto AN Waltz to the power of the Fent ?sauce put 212,000.14O ;tato the Panama lbefere alto got discouraged. terev Frederizt recently conferred der o l the Black Eagle upau R'.upress h of Cssbauere has offered the terviees of himself afad c deffenze of the Empires k bas lees; *evenly tried told he bas been ordered kit abstain aafar as possible leek lathe tower e, Germany, as ticked en 5100 years. is abopkeeper advertiecs " a Government Oficial in - and aces thin: he ie carrying out what iso aflvertices, Any fraud in thin reslleet i9 vigerausiy punished. District visitor (to ahildj -I1as your father any employment, my dear 8 Child. e , m'uni; Ilo've got reg'lar work now, Hoa paid to go ant aheeriug whenever old tiltadatane or Alr. Sullivan walks abroad. A girl in Manchester, England, telephon- ed to her father's office net u g it her dog was 'there. Curley was there, and his leis. tress asked the man to Bold Wm up to the telephone. She whistled. and spell, and told him to come home. Curley pricked up Ida ears, andel; soon as hares placed: on the floor started for holo. London has GOO places of amusement. of which more than 450 are music halls, The theatres aro about fifty. Dircot employment is given to about 150,1100 people, besides in- direct employment to a host of tradesnfeu and their workpooplo. The cost of maintaining the Imperial fam- ily of Germany, with all its various branch- es, is 520,000,000 a year. The Sultan of Turkey coats the people $15;000,000 annu- ally, The most economical court in Europe, considering its size and the wealth of the Empire, is the Austrian. For Tile Nervous vous The Debilitated The Aged, -On a egeed, r r . ,tZ rvo a Finast lit C ache ty;a ach4 p7suraipia,Nervoua'WereknsRe, 4tnmach5P_f? Liver Diseases, and nil affections or the ICi(7Aeye. A NERVE TONIC, emoaexw.IoCTOY,snaw7onn.come. sem „Far two Yeatss l wee* sufferer from perms ia. Wiry. sari 1 thank Orad NA the discoverer of the valuable rernedy that 1'rer 's Crays Catfror2m cared We. A is a valuable remedy. Len* may tt lir4 PaA aiteeoe write le mefar*moat AN ALTERATIVE. AroNzotieso'rr'.Women%Wows; "I began P.1itt.'r'e en= Co 'or u saved ter life klytrouble resraet to Iran Wenoal leaner. Wool ttsoal ill was covered with aaFaETJ TT, tram M;tead to steel.° Vie emit en f$ rrt,;.d,GS bcalir.w. GANGER (tl�tlll >�tttl »xc.,. �c'.t;ItF,is, witltoutthe lulls. Ak euro, no pay, Scud• stamp for, pa?rp)) t w.1. �kf:T1I,tf.lt,i24QtreFn1 Tornrto.. L l 000 A14.t4100 Art',Af,7 iefit ivar teekactrb a+v Alf ndnian, Address, .f;Efr. ». FE#tIt3tI. S1 Chore/a_ Bernet. Toronto. 'TURAi�tr3ib,.r. sti:i,ila 1t'Uf,K:ana,axpv,. w parts. Vatvable ontflt and partlrmiuz, ,tree.r.0. VW:W 1C sea a sta,Mainc. 01t9N'rQ Ci3TTU i SCHOOL -A *GRAND OIIANCfd to acquire a therangh knowledge of o '1 � w the time g.rraent c!itting is aft its branches. , to enter, need cutters in great demand, big wages„ Terms 00 application. S_ Coakte34N, Toronto. BOU 1I:R INSPE,yCTION .and MOW Consulting Engineers n t'r trsofOrlando. and Soilydtozs of Pattssft!s, T0ItONTO* G. O Roalrk Chief Engineer- A. Fx tsaz. Seo'y Traaw . RUBBER STAMPV114 vile, and nursling Brands, &{a, Send torC3tslegue. BARBBtt Bit t10., S7 Scott St., Tomato. _ w �racialis-i'1fdiF,'Jt�s u4 i�trl,C aFP eeia1 leruza a is of drQ +!.?d I era 11t.dtttMtvd. per cent. hoteer avert 11%* A i.AXATWE. o. For two years trema Vaese ane spa and exasnr trawl; pmts "tt aa4rse t ariad lura Novel two y rcAt� A l»tIIIRETIC. NeRrs. 4_ aux Crit;. Telfra.sarst beefs reins- I'.a -u's ertaaxr Come . -- done me mirs good fee kidneys tin l bre any older wedhetne I tweeter taken, basin altsharebeenreoeivedtram ureal this inumflt'with renuttl;auio fereirodar, ,V*411140* 64413,,13meslrie. F1tCHAR1?wr? N & CO,, Proprietors Mfluttroa1, Quo *VII' ANT RE- LIEE kraal Cure. Seed year Addre:.s apt lal., in stamps tarhaok, "Treatise Ca Dia settee cf Zen," Address, TJASiiZES. Burlington,. Ont., TREES lI 11.11f."IM tS SON. Proprietors Afroearr offer afewear5Rel aatYell0W'GlobsOckap; OIiINIUUY'S FIFTY YEARS, 1. the Church of Route-detlr edition_ebeePer Jn price =pages. Agenta,Radicsor+Geatlemen to it figai'i raw F'4scrsAlnitio and Uwe hoofs, f ;bunt testi], Aaatrnse, A- G. W aT5( 'i;0*05-re Wu44r4 TRACT DareaireaaT. t1XancsTe. 1.14H�AP Al BUSINESSSLINtVERSITY t- 1'aaut©. thrar.F t;-lnldtn4. tabncato, ieeaeeesrrsai itacAt Colsmmfa. ewcrets, ¥areas. Eanc:,s, and lea =maser of other States ar.d 1'ro+-traces„ now attendance. Write tar Ins.nriptive Cbc.tGra. HOS. I'.ENOKO$1, WAS. 11. f%1400114 trc,C4t tt. Jaen 4114411We. TQ"TOWN ARU VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS have uuesce led faacilitkka ter thee/AU ENCHANOU et'Sewit er taxa. Teresa,. ore per cent. Satistasa.se Suiareateedt 'Wehav-e ow tour brood ettebliahrsents tor sale at ow bargain, td one publisher wanting a partner, .lirfalftary t'tit,IfairIa6 lfinmitarry, NK end;.5 Adelatde iia. SY,, Tareatp, 05 RF 1S Jr'.',f ltO N, s: ltlti#1oii St, 1P4., Tairoiit.a,out. Tri tae tante Um socia tinily 7'4e by agents. Same terrltury eiail ape pie_ {fret b, : ex '3) on ree.eirt of p )longe far.,To .. t i �lpflcati r#I co. ,,,, Sr#n"ieitar*]lete"ilro t tnfrevettelitni;tamfstlazIng roast et right ;worse by oendebin;. It altawr+t t Gaut nue teeters torn, thiel efts'n bleed an d nicea ate, becoming very- sore. ia'w tiit'0OtsnisEr tto the itching shad ticeviing, t=eals edeerakno, and litany earrea Lerner tl v r mora, It to snugly class to M(4'04.'410441 It.eeatek. Pit. anA hE FON. Propeletne; Pini dot Fbia. swank g, COMM e44 kte > ettalzt,d eS tif', ;,sit:. Bents by tar.!; fie: L: llbafCSftG PaYis'Lt8 M. & t FROM ` t AVJR,NC £% RAGT5 A4at .pE $TR;cii;,EST.ti?3;&ESI AN? B;.ST. sts Tra CANADIAN PAWFIC RAILWAY wi'.A run settlers° Trsilrta is alt 1toli+ta in 88 • 1r"'P4 T .i.K' l,ORTH*;WEST, • 13$t b C slumbia and the Patei&e et, axint auto, N. la N -vr. $tabors.' Breelt Street,. •situp,.. TUESDAY f FERE! 28Tli and awryTse aereatterodurirgVarelaendApril to these trai tr what earn and sppl{ed feu er est hasher art, erlra, coleeile Carper walk ;hiss carrlys apulacaitlar`a teethe Spa wall WaJre countess rneosal els, Z'0 Cates No ttttararatine. NO trarisfcre. lieu ale agent, or caste QOLQNIZATiQN AGENT, ilii itsg St Ute L e B+oya Mai toatUI pR allin �dnrlam winter from Portland even' Thum dam sad d69:frtg Derry Saturday to Ldserl' 1, and in schen purr Satardayi tv ..tcerpoel, ander talked rnoilii and sr, and Ireland; al+o ton Balt Jobn's,N.F'»to&"aserp2e1tor tetg ar =Whs. The steamers of the gowt fres a;it dsr rg %renter to and from, Ualit?x, Portland, nista and 1'hitadelphf,- and during aunt` .erl-etaieeri0laf;on aud:Ilontrezlwet1;13; Glasgow stmt B -sten weed;, artd 0lasgow rad Ptteladelplar,. t*]tx-bf]}T eJLirE'i t+t, pas`a,e, or ether ieta.rnatlan apply to Si'''n le ter&Cr I.I.dtion,ret 8. Cunutd ai Co,. KA; Eba .4Ce ; t. Jelin'e. N. F.; Wan. TnQasnp- Vo, St. Jobil, N. i3.; Mau u a Co., Chicago; Aldan. New ';silk, H. randier, Tomato; T,.,> Co., Q,anbts Wes, Iumtre. 1?laiiadrl- A• Allen, Portland, Cotton, ascntreal. THE MARTIN c►eonl8, luith mu* vezeutu, Is away I et anyand a err Ins A17.-esZe . ldanuftefared tt. I ai & its 20 Mar} St Mr. Henry Bergh, of Now York founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, died recently. A Nebraska sheriff who went out to atop a prize fight became so interested that he bet $10 on the result of the contest and waved his hat over the finish. Sam Jones told a Chicago reporter the other day that he was stillsmoking. but had given up chewing, and that Sam Small was stroll chewjng, but had forsworn emelt. ing. New York retail merchants find the dogs which are led by chains by fashionable wo- men such a nuisance in their stores that many ;have put up a gilt sign reading ;-- "Dogs ="Dogs are not admitted here unless in arms." Assistant city editor John B. Wright, of The Boston Herald, being a justice of the peace, married a Jewish couple last Sunday before the high altar of his paste -pot, old chair and paper -littered table. He kissed the pretty Jewess. Miss Eunice Hooser, of Elkton, Ky., has just completed a calico quilt that is compos, of 24,080 pieces, and the local newspaper says that she is not only a skilful needle woman, but one of the prettiest young ladies in the country. Millions of jack rabbits migrated. from Oregon to Idaho during the recent cold spell in the far Northwest. They crossed: the frozen waters of the Snake River in hordes, and presented a wonderful spectacle to the people who saw them. Mr. E. Hendricks, of Apples -ate, Ore., cut down a large pine tree and within the wood found a small cavity which was cn- circled by forty-five rings of yearly growth. In this cavity was a foreign copper coin bearing the date 1790. Anthony Parslow, at Coxsocltie, N. Y., ate 42 corn cakes, or by actual measure- ment ten feet six inches of corn cakes, eight inches wide and one inch thick. After that he went home to supper, and in the evening ate another supper at a donation party. that teed, new or a k:s.3 has d op&'ly RQIG, SI Neatens St, Taranto. OAL iI11`dE Y STO K»4'lrA1 The props,etera et the Tereuto NwArprriLt=esniihshed 1*„ J;r•+14U b •re far toxin? plantanta fa tarn airs;; of .alto; d Ornanaeu. tat Tars. let c:I-lets, Shrubs, et2., el at kinde and ate:4 slat wail tar nips .•deV, ue a Portico a oar eretmeavaunt boCeased and coli 8;10 fee Reveal, dcder.pt2aoc taasr„so 1=0 LESLIE w SON, I1611 queen S" Fir, Terortc, AGENTS AGENTS Zt O"R A ttElITO Atagritfic st Parallel Tible; t�+i *WW1 lvithroreeripular"lltetneyet t'anada," Owen% "Metter:a E hr.'s "" llercheste.'e *"Liquor Problem," Sam P, Jeura""Livlret Words.' "ilia 0O.Ia;;e nhy6tclt:ri," ARE " MONEY tl m:Vs "" smolt ght acid � tow "'°►lather. Music anal Heaven, etc. Pops incShadow," Boone!Liberal Ternga t Wide for (Iranian, terms ate., to';wtraaax cissas, l'ablither."reronts. The movement for disestablishment in Wales has secured a noble though unwilling convert in Lord Aberdare. It is, he says, with deep regret that he has become con- vinced that he can no longer support the existence of the establishment in Wales. Only the sense of what is just and right—of what is absolutely due to the Welsh people —has led him to the conclusion that com- plete religious equality must be conceded to his fellow -countrymen, An insane woman escaped from a Michi- gan asylum, and to prevent being captured she climhed a tree. All efforts to persuade her to descend failing, the tree was chopped down and eased to the ground by the ratten- dants. Its burden was then seized and taken bail to the hospital: ` An Albany joker has played a trick at the Among the thousands of pilgrims to Rome in honor of the Papal jubilee there was at least one genuine pilgrim of the old type. She is a widow, 57 years old, very poor, and an inhabitant of Lille. She walked on foot the whole distance between Lille and Rome, and arrived at the threshold of the apostles exactly two months after the day of her start'mg. She found board, and lodging all along by begging, and had not a few curious experiences. The Pope was so touched at her devotion and persistency that he order- eda sum of money to be given her to enable her to return home in a more easy manner. A rich merchant of St. Petersburg is a trustee of an orphan house, He' was desir- ous of concluding a second marriage and thought he could not find any girl better ed- ucated than a pupilof the asylum under his own care. Many a walk he made through the rooms of the girls, but there was none he took a particular fancy to. So he deter- mined at last to entrust his future' to the goddess of chance. All the girl pupils of the asylum aged 16 and upward, received invitations to an evening party;( each of them had to draw a lot from an urn placed in the centre of the room, one of the papers having the merchant's name written on it. The girl that drew the prize is one of the plainest looking of all the inmates of the asylum, Nevertheless,. ,the merchant im- mediately presented beeto; her companions as his intended wife. ' 11A/Il'1ON, ?Ons• Droved Sntes. DiIrts within the tach et 111. l eaucend' i•ia asafe, made la the astmanner. ulthCcin bination Lsekand telt finished In every re- spect, for $10, on de- livery at your station.. Bend far circular. 8.8. l IMBALL, G7i Craig. St., P. 0. Box Ota, lentreal, .ten. yrs atarrh in the urns;, 114y rover, eta., ran hosts , el3 Cil A new Mel boil. A teedie;ne guar. e Cit to Cure. No ewe oa Tay, it you have her x r cdi€s that Nit to care. yea will not di,4lto,ut41 i^t tins. Fortalt pz tzmlavea,ddress, '.1.1110:11, U Welitrrgtou St E.'t'oronte, a ado. ti r.1AtQa in et41np3 far Lara "Treatise tacs.a4e of 3lan." _ SAUSAGE ONES, EST IMPORTED ENoLaBuI SHERI'S, also Sma1'� American hogs Casings. Quality fiuaranteed n lots to cult purchasers. Writs for prices. as. Park & Son* BRIGGS' PATENT TRANSFER PAPERS Aro the best In the world for doing your, own Stamp. Ing. All that is required is to place the paper on tae material to be stamped and pass a warm iron over the back of the paper and It leaves a clear Impression. Twelve sample designs sent on receipt of S cents. New Catalogue of 230 pages ,hawing 13 styles of initials and over GOO other designs on receipt of 10 vents if you menticnthis paper. After March 1st email parcels of merchandise may he mailed. from the States to any point in the pominlon at one cent per ounce. Complete ;'rice Mt of Embroidery and Fancy Work Material, free. Address W. II. QUIMBY, 11 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, 0., U. S. The Learned Societies Through their members have testified to the. great Efficacy of Putnam's Painless Corn. Ex- tractor. It provokes no line of demarcation, securing alike the good will of the highest and the most humble, and withatrictim partiality, removing with equal celerity tee corns of each. Try Patnam'a Corn Ex. expense of the President. A letter signed tactor. TH E BEST INVESTMENT for the Family, the School, or the Profes- aional or 1.'ublic Library, is a copyof the latest issue of Webster's Unabridged. Besides many other valuable features,it contains A Dictionary of 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, A Gazetteer of the Worid locating and describing 25,000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Noted Persons, All in One Book. DYER A LEA R. PARKER 84 00. Works twat Head. Onicrs t 759 TO 763 YONCCE ST. 209 Tonge Street, } City aflices:q 133 leen St, West, 1 T0110Sx0. ll' true n 4t East. J 194.1 Colborne Street. . ...Branttord,. Ont. 4 Jobs Strcet«lect1a...... ........liarnllton. Ont. 0000 nnoro Words and nearly2000 more Illustra- tions than any other American 'Dictionary. Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. G.& C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mass. Cooks' Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you use those Expensive American:ma Canadian Baking Ponders when you can get as good and whole€omo at ono balftbe pried Prove it by try. ing the Cook's Geta, Manufactured by ELLE & XEIGHLEY - Toronto. PARE FERTILIZER AND BONE MEAL. W. A. FREEMAN, 283 Yonge Street, Toronto. The Cheapest Place in Canada for BAND INSTRUMENTS, New and Second hand. Agents for io and "Iii HAMVl" Band & Orchestra MUSIC. k,vorything in the Music line. ti5'•Send for Catalogue. Sole Agent for the Dominion of Canada for ROWLIN & CO'S FERTILIZERS. Send for circulars and price to W. A. FREEMAN Dealer in Builders' Supplies, HAMILTON, - ONT. ANITOBA. Farmers going to Manitoba will lied it to Omit advntntzge to call upon or write to W. B. Gillett, 5:1:i 2,tain S'rcet, Winnipeg, who has improved farina for sale. Information cheerfully furnished withoutt charge. Money advaneed to bona fide set, era at low rates of interest upon persunat arty to assist them in starting.. ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO'S, SPECIAL BUCKET COWBOY'S aCARBIACE TOPS RETURN TRAP Aarlhe Celebrated Ilan. cork Inspirator. :31-Gresham's Automatic Re.etarting Injector. tifinforrison's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator, £ rEngincere' k Plumb/ eta' Supplies of every description. Send foil circulars. JAMES MORRISON, 758;77 Adelaide SM.; ys TORONTO. Have all the latest improvements ens are unequalled for durability style and convenience. The leading Carriage Builders sell them. ASK -FOR THEM and DUY NO OTTIgat. i± ! ? >rU,yil shine N Saiii Farm. 480 ACRES FREE, Along a thousand miles of new rail- way. Maps, Books, showing coun- try's resources and advantages. Letters from settlers who aro thriving beyond their expec- tations. Send postal card with your address to 3. it1[ 1lnclxlrts,4Palmer House Blook,Toronto or C. 11LWARREN, Gen'1: Pnss. Agt., St.Paul's, Minn. Nervous� . . • IT -4S VOUF?.t'3EALER°FOR ! SrE riE BROS eiCoS. F" OR SALE BY At L LEA'D'ING MERCHANTS. ltLUtTRATED CATALOGUE MAitED FREE. :S1EELE;�8:Rt7 T•ta(14'0 u:T O.,C reign greatest d s. oovery or the per ent age far 'Regale.• ing the bowels, anti Curing all Blood Liv er and. Kidney Cera lobate. 4. period Blood Purifier. A err in Hamilton wholtays been benifited by fit ee • Mrs. M. Reenlist 92 'Robert Stn anted of Erysipelas of 2 pas, standing ; Robt. nor. nett, 24 south street, daughter cured 01 Epileptic fits after years suffering; Jen. ole Birrel,. 56 ,Walnut Street, cured Of Weakness and Lung Trouble : John wood 95 Oath). cart St., cured of Liver Camp"dint and Bfllionsnesrt used only 3 fifty -cont bottles ; M,s. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St., troubled for years with Ne;vonsProstration, twe small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 60a. dr 11. le F. DALLEY dr CO., Proprietors. SREADMAKER'S YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! DR. GRAY'S Specific has been Used far the past fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ox. cease, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing fn the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists,, Price $1 per box, or 6 boxee for $5, or will be Bent bS* mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application, THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. B11.:BA1) neadc with this Yeast took fist prizes at 102 Township and County Fairs is Oahu io in x5877, at such pples aS k leshcrton, Marltham,Wac by, etc. Over ro,oco ladies have sent us letters and postal cards to say that itis superior to any yeast everused by them. it mattes the lightest, whitest, swectett and roost wholesonte bread, buns, rolls and baclr- wheatcakes. Directions in ea package with full instruednns., TAKE NO OTHER. 'RICE 5 CENTS.'