HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-29, Page 2FARM,
/ have wen severe' piens of...packing eggs
preterve them, published ea the pepera,
bet ItaVe emr seen Bailee. I will etve
awl yen can entbliele it if yea thiek it worth
*Place in your eoluume, Why eeil egg.. at
ff. low price -wino yea ezila seve them for A
beeter page!' Row? Procere a Wtte egg
baeket, put e ket tle of weter on the stove mad
let it come *47 4
boil; U1yeur haeleot with
eggs, awl netneree there ut the bodtugwetee
Are et, tilt
sed e er 1I yo e cen emit tee
teot too fest). thee take than oet, let thein
dry, mad pack eltera elowo Qata with the
eed dowse to prevent the aie 'Abet Le in
the yelk from -working thremet the ogee
Theokeep them iet COO, dark oiler, or if
pet have we coel Pe1l4r peek tit eelle The
ecelding cook% the ehin be the be And
910tea the perm, exeleuReg the eir.1 bare
eeent emu thee treeted earriea three& the
beat et esenmer avid kept till Oeteher, aud
whett teWl up for market kOetober, came
out sowed, bright and fresh tee ;sew laid
wee beth outside and in. littever Lome.
(It meet be remembered thee cep thee
reserved comet be eela for City
'Whine Domes Diseonees.
A medicel man writing to an Ettglieh
contemporary on the subject of be,
..differieg Wen Another correepordeet,
who ;say* "In the roeel cell there ise 4
grub, bet then, sto life to ;
A gears" very eserreetly flees eo tot fellevot ;
In dee eells the (mete depesita eege,
hs eiter three er foer dive one hatCheil#
.61"VI 14TVA aPFeaTieg- Tia
httelly he* life ie it. it ie Atteeded
Ine Dente, whe *tweets it with, feeds
it heti luteretwed ceetebe exteet
whieh it doe* very repidly, timee
U p the eell. The levee thee
eplue iteeelf views), mid
the pupe term. The next
whet le celle4 the imego, end
eet tzweet. All theses trawler.
plao About sixteme &ye
mt the time the egg wait laid, In the egg
" WA* %tent, lout to all the other forme
life uudoubtedly axiom. else tee traneessfer-
utetioua orsuld test take place. Bee,heoperi
*re, bewever, very bulgier with Inlets or
grub*, ass your author cells thetp, which
WOO PO lite there, little to thew preen
One term of Ode es celled ehilled brood, and
itt the year either thee ferenere eau aft little
afferd to get their borses out of shave es
now, the *wing sweat being near At hand,
we every aay's wok may mean se meny
dollare And eentes
Abid Azle. •
Adhehetzie bailee Itatiettl7ted e.
tlisp.oeition to inaeeity lais leteed; the enunl
elebrotbe iedji, winsui bQsaq.
ete1e4* bed broke n dove ;underha exceseee
while etilt e. • young men, and his nephew,
¥WJ1UIC becenee hopelealy
isseane itemedietely After hie ,aceetaiee;,'
heti 37f4teae1f, te; tee owe keewiedge, beest stet
of. Mended on -4eeerel differeet emeeeiottet
the eest 'tinee ae. fee beck 45 1803,. when 1 feed
it meuttoseeel its • tetteen: thee I wrote teem
:Atiteret witere.. 1wee -On epeette Whalen,
etedo eweleter miceeleuenethie 18 mouths
of tdedepeeitio.n 1 had epokere eaf his insanity
in my lettere to Lord Derby, reportiug tittet,
I hal: been teed of ie as ..ten endoetime
.by one o zlze 1ut wUz wboit, I wee
iutiel ge3ii mentioeing eetne of. the
peoliteritiee by whieh it wets eschieittel,
exte time he would not look at emythieg
410 wee vstittee k 'Meek elk, ett.4- evere:
.40enraent bed to be e opted u red beton it
could be leid before hire. Miniatert ap-
poiete4to feregiaCeurts 4oul1.ttet pieseeed
to their pent*en4 were kept wetting lodeds
•nitety, .heeseme their mile-ate:els oeldreased
'te forehenetwerei could not Wen be writ-
. tee IA red tut ass.ba would net alga theee
diet were weitten iz bleck, see: another.
item a dread of fire had get. hold. Oe edoi to
omit. a pitch. that, exceptin hie own siperts
me.ett he would eat ellow a ca.mille or a
lamp te be Rested in the whole of bla reet
Sleeve ito hmenterahle isituatea Wog foreed
o gtope abei n the :deskfroza *tweet to
allurbe; .tted le. mew other reopect* hie
conduct peassed the botnede of 'mere eeeentel.
Tiett teett a Wed se; lelo oineeld heve
tirel s iveteWle uoder the blow that hed
Wien Rene him need berdly-exelte reereriee,
neder the.ciretuneetecee there le
even leeprebeble iet the feet a hio wog
bis own life, especially ea he wee known to
. that Inlet de Nee.e the preper resource
ofa deputed ragnerele Mien the newt Ise
be eittlfeetten of the Emperor Napoleme •
brought to him his leareweliale **clime -
to "And that Ma4 eou*eut t� liVe
Wbez 1 IMO be tide etery 1 did not .
keow whether to bellows k bat the truth
tt fteeld t.s. e,
beet a mem whose: wlead.
eed geed be cte
r Ifetery Ellett
Rent:whew Development o smith no
tea Rage tee Dtseovere of the krect,
KS Metal.
Helnathahle changes are occurring in the
great regime in Scone. Africas neerly a third
aa large ma El.Wej: 0, which Sir Beetle Frere,
late Governor of Cepe Cagey, Saki VAS
well Adapted to support en itenteese white
popeletion. The esenexAtion tf Beehuane-
land by Greet Britain ; the new and peneeis,
ing rata. Aelde, covering an unexpeetedly
lerge twee ; the roilroada from Cepa Tow%
xe 'beth, East LorAn
elon, d Derbee,
.11,ato puotrAtzug fee nortb, are alseadY
4nivong at the deers of the two Boer
Statee ; the frautie diemay of the Trees. veal
Detain who are struggliog in Vain agajnBt
the WAve of immigration illat is revolutiou-
izing their State the open advecaoy by
that friremeiug eatesman, sir John Brand.
PresIdene a the Oraege Free State, ot &
coofederation of the Soeth African Sates
sold cote:eve which "will lay the founde-
geth el the rine gtowth of or South
Africau statics/se' are Among the eiges that
this welt domein from end to end m begin -
to fed the thrill of a new life and of
greet eaterprisea that will prepere it for
a oplenslid future,
The aurifeAd
reue deo smtb. Africe are
givIng the main inept:ilea to the eiguificant
elmegen PAW progress. Aeneas the entire
aouthern part of the emetieent, from the
German territory le Natnammleaul to the
rertugheee posseseloes on the east coaet,
stretches; a goid-beieg belt with 4 moth
and eouth width of from 00 to e0e mile
The 04 flude of the peat three years her
attracted the Atteutioe ef the mimeo, capi
tes awl ec000ndete of all etudes In the
it that our Gevertiment hex juet isaued
e productieu of the prectens teetele,
. S. Shalerexpreeive the ophden that
he °Lily 07Akieeut where we levy
to diecaver:itenortant Relde of
4 that the recent diacev
atberz portion ef the gentle.
e of exteestve proclue-
tio rrys while believing
"t itaVe hems tnefitlii
opulettee, eve it
bee game a
e earth whteh win
in the future hiss
"for centeriee PAW
' dee. eupply."
deep beyeed
stud gretche
the Trammels
se dewie
veeaerwra voueleerot v me b the
We -
Wefts and mede
tory ti
Person to where the Suttee aeldsendless
ia the rem* alnnely of cold mooing the beea Y p to
to elester chaser together. leeolog wee of
the brood =emend. The other term i
olledfeul treed and its an lefoctieue dhow,
much dreidetl bet bee keepers,. thisfeera
the brood end when the cell epeoed,
betteut te fouled witea a browns
refold., evibemellieg wetter; while the
covene of the cell* aT47 deprease4, and levee
genteelly a bele in them, so thee estates
whicil there is zo life ere not preOretle
the bee•zteeter.
The cheapest way of getting rid of lie
in 'the be house is to dueolite a VARA,
IteaP 4 weela heeler at water. Let it tepee
up to a boil, add mot qua) t of kereneue, and
eprielele, whilie bet,. over every part of the
To realm retie's_ pille to cue ounce as
a -
waiestide, ton drms red per. tweuty five
drops cerbolic acids, half drachm aulplaw,
One draehm growen
l saffron d twenty
&ere timeline of iron. Mix well, tied if it
get s hard soften with castor oil. A pill as e
ge ea a been twice a they is eeitleient.
h 1
It re thee
he reticle
Old Leap.VorLW
sirouttatly eupeetted that leap year 1
tine et the peed mitehaud that i
at rooms terione exiatettee than
in the Ws ei them sportIve yenta
to give leepleer partite witieh
entett the geatletteme, and wile
the (dee of a laely %Mee a gentle -
me her betelewe&
wale eetinet when leap year wee a.
s when men were eempellesi by
eeeire seriously Vac reatelmontei
ug acme of
t the peat
0 white men tel
e to Kzep aUe7 att1 tito Witwaraui
The Deere reeerd their mineral ride* es
euree honed et 19-4 sing. Yore ego
reeident treteriu* aeld thee if there wee
eh to 'the gold fides of theTremeyeal
of the Boer republic: weell be Feat*
reeeutly Pieeident s lager has
14 bia eoun(rymea tbat, though they bad
beaten the nativee ane held their own
against the En Nth, tbeir supremacy might
yet rasa may efore gn influx of gold hont.
sttlguiet women. For example, there ere. Theseglotany ferebodinge, ;Kenton the
1)14'44X" el41)"e' "4"1 otwbboh point of reelizetion. Trete yeare ago there
es :
Alin% aa ()acne* lope yearn &the oz.
the women leoldeth preregetive over
eue in matter* of our whim), Wee sued
wife; se that, when the ledy propos.
It abaflna lawful for the manta say
shall entertaino her propostell
nU gtzdetie."
Amu% the old Scotch statutes mill c
erred is to be tound one, kerbs the date
of 122S, which contains) this bueineenlike
re Ron:
It isetetut and Ordaint that aurin the
mine of ber mast Ninth majestic tilt forth
year, known as leap year,Uk maiden layde
of betth legit and low esti& shall have le
berty to bespeek ye man she likea; albyit, if
he refuses to take her to be wit, he shall be
tweeted/et the sum of ono pound (£1 ) or
as his eeteit may be, except and awis if
he can make it appear that he its betrothed
to one woznan, and, then he shall be frte."
We find nowhere any statute !etiolating
that a woman can be held for breath of pro.
mese, mor is there aeythiug in the law to
prevent her going up tied down all Sea -
land and propoaing to every man the meets
till elto has either found me who will =opt
her propoition or has had every unengaged
bachelor in the realm fined for refusing ber.
And yot there aro people who eay women,
through allhistory, have beetle:meshed down
and enalaved and abused, ani that never
before were they treated BO well an they aretoday,toay,
For tholere mid a teeepeonied of liquid
ea:belie acid, to %Tint omd a half of water.
Mix their fue4 with the water, and give the
fowls tee other Water to tIrluk, <holm, is
indicated be, great thirst, greenitsh drop
pings; elateging to yellow end white color),
prostration, atid a IterVelis, anxious expecte
On =Milt farms a potted of chicken meat
may he produced et less cost than a emend
of perk, vbilo to reflect' teats ites certainly
more acceptable.
Very early pulleta of the laying breeds
not infrtquently commence laying by the
middle of November, and it is on these that
farmera rely prizmipally for winter eggs.
It is a foot tbat dogs eeldorn atteelc sheep
kept with eattle, unless in the cute of some
old rogue, mid then only when the ehtep ere
found at considerable dieturtee, for the in.
stinet of the eettle is to attaelc teetotal()
found cluteieg or worrying other meek near
There is no standard pereentege of butter
se to milk. Milk veriest 312 the amount of
butter it contains during the eeetonti
. 'the
Autumn, when cows glee leas milk, the per.
centage of butter is twice as rattch as ie is
when tee Howie the greatest. Cows differ,
as it takes all the way from five pounds to
twenty-four pounds of milk to make one of
In good fruit -growing keelitica, where
bare, yet fertile land, is worth one hundred
dollen an acre, fields set with fruit ready
to bear, are worth twice to four times that
sum. Considering the increased value of
the land, the care whichthe farmer bestows
on his newlyeet orchard till it is ready to
fruit, pays him better than any other work
on the farm.
The failure of the potato crop of 1887 was
the worsethat has befallen the tountry einee
1881, when the average yield per acre was
only 535 bushels. The disaster is attributa-
ble to two causes!, opposite in operation but
uniform in their ultimate result. The crop
'in the Western States was stunted for want
of sufficient rain, and that in the Earitern
States was rotted by. a surplus of it. The
Department of Agrtculture plages the area
Of the crop in 1887 at 2,300,000 acres, and
the average yield per aere is about fif
bushels, which is the smallest since 1881.
By a happy dispensation of Providence,
which cccurred only six years ago, the crop
in the "United Kingdom and itt Europe is ex-
cellent in quality and abundant iti quantity.
Cursed by Wealth.
But the poor devil who, in the midst of a
great city, without money', home or friends,
decides that the beat road for him leads
throtagh potter's field, may derivesorne amaU
consolation from the face that riches, to,
sometimes lead to a voluntary funeral and a
hole in the ground_ The political economist
and the Anarchist may extract a. double ker-
nel from tide nut of city life and mamnaoth
fortunes, for =icicle among theyoung sons
of wealthy fathers is reaching a point which
calls for reflection. To he sure, the coroners'
inquests in these cases are "doctored by an
adequate ontbey of cash, and they go upon
The hardest work on farm horses is that
of a spasmodic nature heavy one day and
light the next, or a. hard day's work one
day and nothing se ail to do the next.
• Horses whoee nerves become like iron and
whieh are able to tand almost anything in
the way of wear and teer, are those which
haveleni opportunity to lay out their strength
• every day in the week Sore shoulders,
• weak limbs and many of the disorders that
are found among horses are the results often
of keit short periods of too severe strains or
of a day or a, half day's work that was
harder then they had been used to. There
is danger at this season of the year of im-
• posing hard tasks upon teams e the roads
being bad and some of the heaviest of farm
work needing attention. There is no time
were seven Beers to every wlete romper
le the South African republic. Thepreeent
ratio of the white 'population is or.e torah:n.
er to three lettere. The immigrants are
stly male adults), and if permItted to
voto they aro clamoring for the rights of
(1 izenohip, and if.• is not prosible that thoto
now property holders, eonatantly inereatieg
In number, ean much longer be disfrauelsie.
d. Pretoria has envied to be the chief
town of the republic. The towes of
rberton and doluomeebeeg are both mere
o teleua, wealthier, and better built then
zho capital of the Trimmed. The Baer
herders near the mining regions are Lolling
their lands aud aro moving north into
IrneeineorT unpolluted by the presence of the
Ifer treaty obligations and the omity of
'tattoos have peel, elated the South African
republic from exetudiug thee new comers
from her territory, hut Presideet Kruger
seems to have doue what he could to repress
them, thoegh they are elready the largest
taxpayers; 111 the republic. lee ha e idled in
his attempt to iuduce the Orauge Free State
tz peralia no Cape Colony reilroad to ap-
proach the Treueveal bormdary through thee
State, and to raise- a joint military foes to
enable both States to treat the ;Tamers as
and prevent them from taking part
ia the Governwent The Cape Colony
branch of te Afiltancler Bend hos warned
Kruger that he will lose its friendship and
support if he persists fax his customs policy,
which has stopped the importation of Cape
produce, and in his opposition to railroad
extension. The fact is, the slow. unpro-
gressive Boers, loving isolation, not yet full-
fledged agriculturists, but atill in the pas-
toral stage, are poorly adapted to live core
tent or to maintain their suprernaoy amid
the bustle of a large and energetic populace
Every sign now indicates that in the ruth
to their gold -bearing hills, in the scramble of
England and Germany to seize upon and
maite the most of tile natural advantages of
South Africa, and in the irresietible pressure
of population and iciprovements, the Boers,
-who in both their republics number tally
90,000 souls, are destined to lose their im-
portance as a predominating political =flu -
the effimal records generally as aee dental ence. This will be done, not necessarily by
death. Nevertheless, they ere ettees of self -
murder sent the public know it while wond.
swing at the causes which should.lead a youth,
and heir Apparent to a million or more and
entold luxury, to take his own life. The
very wealth it at the root of it all. The boy
is indulged in money and the dispoitiou of
his time. He plays billiardi and cards all
night, smekedpigare ttes immoderately, clrieks
whisky in proportion, indulge% iu other pas-
times and vices, and bribes the eervants to
lie about hie comings and goings at home.
The father, engroseed in large affairs, fre-
quently has a, young drimitard sitting opposite
him atdiner -without being aware of the
fact, and the mother'love is to blind to
observe. The boy's health is damaged, his
morale strangled, and his pockets mortgaged,
He gets into all sorts of serapes that he is
ashamed of, until finally one more outrageous
than usual, and perhaps with a female attach-
ment, drives him, with a mind weakened by
debenchery, to despair. Then hehoots him-
,and he's a
s usually dru,nksawhenhre. Lev
does it,
• trustverthy horse dot you
rides, Mr. Stnalicash,,idivi
" Yes ?" replied the gratified rider. " I
didn't keen. you were re judge of horses,"
"Vell, 'Bee he pace as he goes ; he vos a
good clothes horse,Mr. Small—" But he
cesSea, for what is the nee of talking to a
man out of hearing.
Remarkable Crime in Texas.
Tom Forsythe, the murderer of County
Treasurer Hill of Paine& couety, To the
lynehed at Carthage, le thest State, was;
other night. The story of his crime and
ite resultis Rne of the most remarkable iu
the menses of crime. Mr. Hill WAS merder.
ed. ba his ()Mee ou the livilning et the 10th el
oL February, Me atilt being crushed with AP
aXe and his throat out, There were no wit.
neese,s of tbe bloody deed, an4 for a long
time tee clue was found of the murderer.
poor negro was arrested on suspicion, which
proved te be without foundation, /3looil.
hounds were secured old the eouutry thor-
oughly searched. Sheriff Forsythe and his
son Tom, adeputy, visited Loogview la hope
of obtaining haformattou that alight lee(' to
the discevery of the murderer, Here Ds -
play United Stetes Maraud 'tether jolned
the party.
• .Snon SUSpected that Tom Forsythe,
who was <pits a wild yew* emu, was the
perpetrator of the crime. Perleer, to eatisies
his suspicions, proposed 4 game of ear44$itt
whieh yew% Forsythe jebeeds tarker won
onus ee00, aed (Recovered blood m
a nu-
ber of the bine. Nothing wee mid at the
time, and atter the petty returned to Carat -
age the deputy woe mere hlooey money.
Parker :thea eletrged young Forsythe
witle the minder, Fersythe et tiret de-
nied it, lett efterwerd node a. fall gen-
feetion. Thie COnfession WAS Afterwer4
m, re-
eeeted in the court roathe prisoner die -
playing great brevade sod insolence,. Ile
said. that he were: to the Counter Treaeureret
offiee to gee e $20 bill chaege4. The eigeat
f thA motley la the eafe evened his cerd-
, eud he seized an Axe, etruckhillin the
fao with it, And eut tbe okl utans threat
poeketknife. After getting out nut
obeerred he welkee out, lacked. the doer Mid
The other eleet a mob entered the jell le
which Forsythe was incereeretedt oiled the
murdezere eneltoek him to a tree, where he
hung lumeelf. with the Atteestrosee of a.
large member of eitieena," as the teeXste ee-
eater pate it. The rope Wan faatelled
About ueek, After whistle be climbed the
tree end jumped hem Gee et ita boughs).
The Forsythea boom alwaya beee highly
reapeeted Panel% county, awl muds ;sym-
pathy is expensed for the Sherief And lib
wtfe. Mtn Foraythe was proatreted by the
neWti et her *We Cenfe44104 and MAV not re.
over.It ivas remored that Sheriff Foraythe
had eitted suicide through griet aud
hnroilletiou, but thia hoe not beers authenti-
eulaverting their Governments, but by new
principlee at stake ana new men at the
helm, all legally called upon the stage of
action by the voice ot the ruling majority.
The existing railroads have already
brought the Transvaal gold within twenty-
four days of London. There can be no
donbtethee before many years South Africa
will possess the counterpart of our Pacific
wane& in the extention of the Cape Colony
and Natal lines to the road now building
from Delwin, Bay. These lines, passing
through the gold belt and connecting two
seas, are not the only railroad projects that
are likely to be carried out at no distant
day. Colonial stateknen are continually
talking of extending the railroad from Kim-
berley through Bechuanaland. to Khania's
Country, where some of the latest discover-
ies of gold have been made, a. region that
Sir Cherles Warren desoribed as "magnifi.
cent for raising cettle and farming," and
that Mr. Mackeneie, who has lived there
twelve yearnsays is one of the finest parts
of South Africa. A brightfutureis dawning
for South Africa, and the impetus whioh is
being imparted to ell its enterprises by the
recent discovery that it posserisee the largest
unworked goldbeaxing area in the world, is
hastening the day when this great region of
temperate climate and rich and varied re-
sources will be fitted to he the home of a
mighty, energetic, and homogeneous people.
Orettt Smelting Work%
Promluent capitstletts et Pauls New
York city and Release meetly formed, a.
compeey for the puree) 01 ereetlog the
meg extenseive reaming works le the
'Gaited Stem, at Great Fells. Mont, The
compsey bass a capita of Ved00,000, of
Mike elA
e.100.000 bee been paid in. mong
the ineorperetore are: Edward coo' pers
Mare- Abrehern S. Hewitt) Mem Ellen,
Blvd the Gurnee% el New 'York ; H. W.
Childe and Col. Broadwater, of Helena; mad
J. J. 11111 and others of St. Pea The plant
will be tho Jergest in the United States, and
the nmehiteery the letest aud most approved
for the parpoo intended. Them works
will be a great thing for Greet Falle, et
eouree, but the betted% ilowieg from ands
an extensive moment will also bo felt in tit.
Paul. The greater pert of the supplies
needed will be purchased here, and nearly
all will certainly Flea through the &dad)?
CittYreat Fella la a booming; town at the
junction of the lilanitobe' and Moutane
Central railroads] on the upper =nature
The eine Ima a magnificent water power
whieh is to be greatly improvell and utilized
during the comiete year. A branch rail.
road has been built from the town to the
mime, and all the stnelting will be dono
there. Greet FAA seem to he one of the
natural trading centres of Northern Mon-
tana, and its inarveloue growth (luting the
past year bide fair to be fox slummed by
tho next few years. The Momitoba railroad
in detug all in Its power to hued up the
town, both by. it e own operations end iu the
Ncta): of itiducusg other capitalists to invest
thew money there. With such backing the
town evidently hem a fuar
te before it.—St.
Patti Globe.
Preservation of Heat by Sugar.
It result:0 from a special retort made to
the French minister of agriculture that
sugar is an excellent agent for preserving
meat, and possesses some advantages over
salt. In fact salt absorbs a portion of the
nutritive substances; and of the flavor of
meat. When an analysis is made of a aolu
tion of the wilt dissolved by water contain-
ed in meat we Bad altatminoid bodies, ex.'
tractive subetancet potassa end phosphoric
acid. Salt deprives meat of these sub-
stances so much the more readily in propor-
tion as it enters the tissues more deeply or
acts for a longer time. It then results that
the meat, when taken from the saline solu-
tion has lost nutritive elements of genuine
Powdered sugar, on the contrary, being
less soluble, produces less liquid. It forms
around tbe meat a solid crust, which re-
moves very little water from it and does not
alter its taste. Thuspreserved, it suffices
to immergemi
eat n water before using
it, Although this treatment costs a little
more than preservation by salt, account
must be token of the final result and of the
loss prevented, which offsets the difference
in cost between the two preservative agents.
We think that navigators might profit by
Who it Next the Tang,
)171.4 111)1210BOZ,
Then came to him tee motber of eelseeee'e children
with her two 8030s 'erase teat these coY two
Bone m
may sit, tbe :mean lby right hand. and the
other ea thy left in thy hingctota ; Jeans said :--it is
net mine to we, but it Phan be giver, unto them tor
wAora it is prepared."—Matt. XX„ 20, 2: 0 23.
When the Judexnent Sessions. ended,
Shall -their fttfl deeree auraul
When the ransomed have ascended
Into Reaven„ with their Lord ;
When the NiN„osof all the 'Nations
Do tbew tribute bring
--with their sanctified ohlatious—
'Coto Chri$3-, az.st do him honer
For his love -gifts lie-- the donor
Of all human weal—shall erowa them.
Who may Oil the throne beside him?
Who sit next the Ring ?
Is it israers Ptophet•Leader?
Where bath tie, or flaw or Reek
He. who as his nation's pleader,
held the wrath of Goad In check.
whek ef all Earth's ,ieers or pages,
cm each reord Wing
Onto Judgment. from the ages?
But he swerved when d nty called him,
God's great perpolea appalled him.— •
Disobedience brought tun Pisgah ;
lianilY may he reigit be-idehtm,
Or sit nest the King.
Will the Shepherd-Ring—anointed
By the Lard, who knew hls heart—
Once again he orgl,apppoirited
To this ligaelfilkrone 40 part ?
Pealmtt=t-St3Ustman t, At Cad's Alt4r
All the ;lotions sing
Sinkouthreatbings from his Wolter ;
Human hearts, that pike and languish*
Rem ford goad 4rt in their angui-da ;
Yet for sia did Nathan chide him ;
Scarcely may he stand beside raun,
Or sit next the King,
is it Ire a sukimeo r.oaeo
Once who purp-ased to be strong:
And retool the adne-preos4
Or satsertlertee to the wrong, .
lie, Wand whose every action
Fragrant toeinales (Owe
Whet* tramline was benefaction
Brost and grand: whOSe bright adorning
Banctined that "Galen° rooming ?.
God, no souglat-for gift denied lam
May be not he throned %Mae Bina,
And sit next the Bing?
Fricats, apostles, wally, teacheni
Serw log Gaii with conscience true;
Prophets. Seeders. pees, preacher*
Hew their numbers break in view,
eteet beeem their hest inerewlog,
Vo litt.A etoad doth spric2'.
Who have day and night unceasing
Done their duty held and tearless
Who, trona Mese. may checeethe peeritas
One. who la tir.t Light may hide him.
Fin that lewell'd throne he.tioe
Or bit next the Ring ?
Rven Chrimt from Judgment meanie
may *bell tied tete ine name,
who tath garnered greatest treason,
Who hath won this highest teen.
Teta all eieav'n etude sloe ets gore;
(hew bis mune will ring 7)
Who bAth gained this "(Tweet Mary,"
Mewing 00%13 to p;na and Prow
8ted that fructified each toorrow,
Till mast *animas dere auto him
Monism rticas, enhanced beside him,
lie sit seatthe Ws.
',Me, March th, 1.
There are more then one thoueend diteers
mit religious ea the world, and it is seldom
you will dud auy one of them ;nixed with a
men 414114ttleils,
An eveugellet nataed Wolfe la odd to
have jumped up and cracked hi* heels; to.
gother be the pulpit at Lauceeters Wise, and
exclaimed ;.44 Oh, how I love to worry the
devil 1"
"Good morning, Tommy; how is your
mamma?" "She a all right." "Ie that it 1
you have got to say, Tommy 1" "If ,you'll
give me it piece of calte ill nay thank
youe "
Six apecineena of North Ameritan birds
have become extirot in the last ten yeers, If
this thing goes on. there willhe terrible suf-
fering among the women folk with a taste
for millinery.
lainister'a wife (to huabaud)—Will you
put op the perleratove to day, dear? Min-
ister (vexatioualy)---I aeppose 1 will buy* to.
Wile—And don't forget, John, that you aro
it minister of the vetch
Somebody wants to know " evby it is,
with so many negroes dein, nobody over
seats a black ghost ?" It is for the earao rens
sou that, with so many white people dying,
nobody ever sees a white ghost.
An Indiana judge did not know what it
externs was. A lawyer eketabed the body
of it jackos with the judgees headaud him
attached as a specitnen, ana was promptly
fined 05 for conttrapt of court.
A man in Cleveland has spent twenty-
three years trying to trate baok the saying
"Who Struck Billy Patterson." He hasn't
satisfied himself yet, and his wife will con-
tinue to support him by washing.
"George," aeked the teacher of a Sunday
achool class, "whom, above all othera, shalt
you wish to see when you get to heaven?"
With a face brightening up with anticipa-
tion the little fellow shouted; "Gerliah."
A Western man says our New England
'farms are so peer that that to. "disturbs,nce"
cennot be raised upon them. He might
'have added that you can scarcely raise the
mortgage—that is, en a great many of them.
A London Rank.
Lord Wolverton was one of the partners
in the well-known banking house of Glyn,
Mills, Currie At to. The half -yearly balence
sheet of this firm has jest been issued; it is
made up to the elst of January of this year,
and may afford Boma of us who are able at
all to grasp such figures a vague idea of the
magnitude of the transactions in which such
an institution must be engaged. The amount
duo on current accounts totals up to exactly
fifty millions, of dollars and on deposits near-
ly eleven million, making tt, total of, rough-
ly, sixty millions of dollars. The liabilities
on aoceptance, etc. (covered by securities),
nor included ut the balance -sheet, 87,000,-
000. The cash in hand and at the Bank of
England is etotted at $9,000,000 ; the money
at call ansi short notice at $13,6011,000. The
billdiscounted, loans, etc., are set down at
$25000,000; and the investments are valued
at a little under nineteen millions of dollars.
No wonder that one of the principals in such
a concern has 44 cut up tat."
She—" You ought to be ashamed of your.,
Reif, .Tohn, for shooting such a dear little
bird 1" He—"I thouget you wouldlike it
for your hat." She--" Oh, what a good
idea 1 That was very thoughtful of you,
The latest thing at big dinner parties in
New York is for the hostess to have each
gentleman as he leaves the dressing -room re-
ceive a, card bearing the name of the lady he
is to take itt to dinner and a diagram of the -
dinner -table with his place and that of the
lady picked out in red ink.
A countryman was in a broadway fruit
store, "By gosh 1" he teed, " there s straw-
berries P' Putting a couple in his mouth,
he meted, "How much a quart, mister 9"
"We don't sell 'em by the quatb this season. ; .
they're 50 cents apiece." The countryman
paid a dollar and hurried back to the farm.
A curious centenary was recently eelebrat
ed by the women of Buneleu, in Silesia. It
was just 100 years since the man died who
conetructed a gigantic earthenware ''vessel,
which is a kind of counterpart to the far-
fa,naed vat et Heidelberg: • The vessel holds
thirty bushels of peas, is three yards high
and measures nearly four yards storms.
Eastern Lady (travelling ir, Montana) :
"The idea of calling this the Wild West'
Why, I never saw such perfect politeness
anywhere." Native : " Wc'er allies per -
lite to ladies, mann." "Oh, as for vhat
there's plenty of politeness everywhere; but
am referring to the men. Why, in New
York the men behave horribly to one era
other ; but hei e they all treseh each other
as delicately is gentlemen in a drawing- -
room." "Ye, mann ; safer."