The Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-22, Page 8Our i'athington letter. (Fro.4,3g orrt► Cerreapenrlent One of the essential appurtenances of the Senate is the restaurant, for Senators, xeveae td and grave as they may be, must eat. The restaurant, as +g4�+7'•1"R 31.4RIiETS. entire Senate wing, is under the Red Winter, per la*s;'l 78;to 80 ct„anttol and jurisdiction of the cora- �< anittee on rules, and it fat require'.; to sprwg White 78 to 80 bkkept in. first-class order. The pat' arta 68 to 70 )renege as not; ;restricted to Senators.. Coats y 40 to 42 Two adjoining $pow Ara reserved for seas 40 to 42 Senators and tYhe3ir guests, there 111 Fogs 0108 to 1620 ample space for the accostun dal,tion of B mer, ;'ftrrlis 17 to 18 the neatly who on business: ertr for cur- Etter, Crocks 10 to 17 iositp daily throng Abeo. Senate wing, 1'otatves perheg 1.00 to 1,10 The restaurant is a Q1acq familiartO Pesed Bo pe leo 6.75 to 7.00 most a the Senators, though Senator Bay per ton 8.60 to 90,0 Brtiuluzids very rarely enters the rooms. -When he,luncl►es at the Capitrol he sends bis Itiessenger with a written memorandum of his order, and the pro- vender tor the great Vermont Senator is taker to his counnittee-room. let there the busy Senator either glances over papers or dictates letters as he muttebes. Scone d',,ys he is too busv to even accord this 'left of attention to lunch. Senator Sherman is regular aadtd metllodieat about his lunch. He takes about the same hour every day a plain but substantial lunch, the price uralro"NileRco or Mb trrsttn ant R por'na eatturleAaxeteria'Gst,ecctrtl, It dames Wadded la o£ Fullartona reports the loss Say death of at gander 34, years ld, <r ,t 44 A, 'A lit II• A New Home Treatment tear the cure of Catarrh, Qattarr hal clearness and Hay Fever. The 31•term ope has proved that tbesp viloisrees are contagious, end that they are due to the presence of tiring parasites in the interlining membrane of the upper Or wages and eastachian tubes. Tho em1R- eat *dentists, Toadstl.• Huxley sad $este endorse this, and thoe r,si{t+otittes r,�tneot ice disput , The i • e shits Inion e 9 h P! t . N eh k'@ dl�seasc t meter r { � apply aq irritant retook' welly, tindovetedaily, flirt keeping: the delecatte ruv,lboute to* coastaut sista O irrlt*1 un, snowing it nn chaste to heal, and es a, pat• i, t °tone R' ed as an %towline ' aft {v b his sot runt up by krlick•kn aeks. feet that these diseases camlotbe cured by any spill. •cation made oftener {ha,{ once in two weeks, for the Senators Blackburn and ennr, close iaeurbrene roust arta chanes to heat before *q ;Pell. rsonal friends, usual) lun.eh til- is retreated. -Itis now eevea year* shims kir, lures 1?e y dirte;rMcroil : the voraeito in. totalrrh and tumtttlated his g,etber, They are liberal in eating", al ratty treatment, Ana oint:p then hitt remedy bar he - in everything else generally orcieruli eonle*h°n*ch°Id word in ova sentry where the � g r tt � liar' Kpglfkli agoare carve Itrld,there hole; WO noGorman is also regular ii. his midday a,enraotthe dirwaae. visit to the restaurant, and to Inver the these remedies vi1nCt1 that ts.m....1t effected br hies about the bt!t1t diets i1t rlttr. Staatok` it:easter* have started upeverywhere, pretcadlnti to ably accompanied. by one er more�atlQredt} .t7ireA+ili ofiaattsriicsia ar whMieh,ibeT • Ueat vt�. .. , ifn, fa . - cat P friends. BBepres ,atattive Compton ix era eglrallc igtlPrstAt ur.ilixasi a retnedr 1* *portio f bisp fly nth h" Se sten Riddle ovd inir" r ,t;t is t Misr sa, Berger l...- maw* tip tnmm a at. 'takes ed c,.ea. . ni,xw. s'1 bilk meals at the Satiate restaurant. Nearly all the *Astor* are fond of oysters, Arid, unfair hurried in taking lunch by pressing business in the cham- ber, two-thirds of thelia begin with biv- alves. Gen.. Sheridatn's urgent z eow- Incradat on for legislation in the direct- ion of extending the disability retired list of the Army so as to include the ei;htty-odd officers now on sick !sat -e, ll.L. l"ra °;;;loll to the extent of receiv- ing eceiviii ; I iv..rablt+ ilntlita iealkentt from the Kr. 1}izottseads a tr *tment ort the r 'rho addreoo is A. woof, eroate,t to *scribing hit new swim to Pay pone, ' tR lanai, a9ri Ata shoot Utielomradeas,—teb NOTIOE! There's ne use in being dis ►lal.'tlged in ;lard Times* etiitratttta ouMilitary t 4lukr3. THE HENSALLit I CP :1TLn l `l' ase relit for title purpose will be re• N.:m•1.00tn,s Is Ainuud to sell cheap, anti l:.irtniti to the Senate front the commit eo, to day. There was sono tailleoiition t•r tilt' na{eia3Uro When It first came up t;,r• di7:e1.155W0It pit =aunt c£ the large t:. Ilititn1a;l appropriation that would he required for the support oe the retir d Officers already rtetiied we e dis• po ctl to give it a black eye whenever t,pportututy allordcd, a .selfish motive. They fear that if the list becomes 'too l:trr,;tt is might prove an object for- the pruning knife in case Cosign s should at.some future time suddenly_ desire,to become eeconomic:el. (len. Sheridan's arguments, .showing the g eat benefit in thte;,way,,of promotion and to the 1t leasant tined. et111 Girth. 1?aekage sent st.rvzco tereeYall that would follow, by mnii secure from observation on re- _ , yM dell of $1, Correspondence conlicdeltt outweighed pillion considerations, fah Address'Tono:r•ro llunro1:11>, Co., and the bill went from the committee,P O Box h7d Toronto, taut.—ian?fi not unaltitnously; bit strongly support- ed, General Marione is one of the notables in Washington society who refuses to bend tbe'knee to the "dress suit and "plug" hat, land who dresses generally according to his . own sweet will. At a recent dinner party be wore a dark blue coat ,vitb brass but- tons. a huff waistcoat, similarly decor *ted; voluminous rufflesadorneV his shirt bosom, and fell gracefully around his wrists. He usually wears either a gray or a fawn color sunt, with a 'soft, wide briwnlc;d fiat to unstop, a gold watch .chain extends acoross his vest, i the end steel chain, additional al�dan whereof is lost to view in his trousers pocket, the use of which eauAed • h warm discussion the other day. One of the disputants held that it was sim- ply:an ornament, the other, that it probably had attached a bowie knife or some other bit of Southern bijout.- erin,. • The first public demand for equal education, industrial, profes- sional, and political rights of women was made in a convention held at Sen- eca Falls, -.15 ., in the year ;1848. To celebrate th®ortieth annlveilsary of this event an International' Council of 'Women will be tetpnvened Hilder the auspices of theI,T'a%conal Wotuan Suff- rage Association, in Albaugh's Opera - Louse, in Washington on March '25, 11888, closing April 1, 1888. It will bethetstiso important and in- fluential by far p 1 ge $uet>tia! gatherin,, of women that tie world has ever seen. The expenses .of conducting the council will be in pro- portion to its magnitude and import- ance„ The National W ►z n Suffrage e Associatiott.assutnes'the responsibility of the entertainment, during the coon- of all accredited delegated ',front. American and foreign organizations. The council will confirm eight dayttii! and its , sixteen public•sessions will afford ain,ple opportunity for 'reporting the various phases of woman'a work and proRresa in all parts of the . world dating the lasts forSy year*, lir stall 15 per cent, lower,than ever snit the hard times; also repairing. Notice the sign, "Montreal Genoa: • STORE. IEMOVED 040 The nth dile • Th as Dearing has romOved to his hew -stand, oia.0 door north Dr, Lutz's Drug Store, opposite the :Cent- ral Rotel, where be will be. found of- — fering as usual---- g sual -�--.— Bar.Tsins xicr DRY GOODS, Groceries. DAY* AD I.OTHING, Boots Of (G1 r,`\�s,j c 1. of In order to clear, out the. bulk his General Stock, Re sells for easb only, and ;AO book accounts kept, BUTTER and EGOS TAKEN A Cali Solicited. Remember the tar Stand. COLD M D1CATED, lleaad 01Fece, 215 Yonge-at., Toronto. N.11' aslualgton, 31. D. L.O. F.S, Q, Brainerd Tltroatand Lung Surgeon, Will visit the (T'e .tral mate , TLtESDAY, APRIL 17th, 1888. 1.1A - IC OIiLY. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Con- suluption, etc., permanently and ef- . -- fectuall} A.. few prominent Teetiwoniale of ermanent Our .Ml's, John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont,, Catarrh sin (`onmin-option. John , icTielvy, Kingston, Ont,, Ca- tarrh, Mrs. 9t.11ooping, Kingston,Ont,, Bon- oho Consumption, Mr. B. Scutt, Kingston:, Ont.,. Catarrh, head and thruitt, Ruch W. II. Storey's Original teatituoaial First'Olass Il'orses and; Rigs. Speeial Sate + vitt Comae dal slut. 'Order:, left. at I;iSSat'rr I31O1 , Hardware Store!, will Met' prompt attention.- TEEMS tt z'on.,TEE S • BBG'lSONAB E. diene, and perforated bottoms put ill '7I IAL SOL!C1F`J D. ctL .e cruors .fie:. 'Picture framing e. BIS I TT Duos. ;into arty. GEORGE INGRAM. Peon. 11E.SALL 0x'1. a. l' ltGULAPTION P1 t LS are endorsed by Thousands of Ladies who use thein Monthly. Nee, r fail; Relieve Pain;; Insure regularity; NO CURE NO PAY! A Pair and Square Offer to Invalids to tray The New 15Tethod Treatment BywhieltOur sncces0in.etiring ehroute dtsetl;- nes and etoIormities tins linea so nnitorn *, that we'a 111 note grunt n totreat liador reputed Incurable cases, for a stipulated price until cured, and in vase of 3allure to refund all tlto money paid us undersuch written guarantee,. It Wiilcostyrtu not hlny;tolnve•ttigate this cur- er, as consultation at the otnces or by letter is free. Takenochance--pnynomonC1 toadoe- ter, unless he has Confidence enough in his skill to guarantee a care. No matter w liat'tlie name or nature of your disease maybe cellon orwrlte to us, givingage,ses, cOtnplezlon and symptoms. bend stamps to prepay postage on the NEW METHOD CURE basalts., ;Part i, contains fit pageR. over 201 ltuatrationit, aover 1x:100 .and reports 01 o a toms °f diseases erotica; Prescriptions for the cute of Haute diselises by Allopathic, Ifomd 0prtthie and Eclectic reme- dies;1tygienic instructions for every lad, gentle- men and family. rr-Ill he,m•ttled-on receipt of 20 two -cent stamps, or 40 eents+ltlsilver. • )'art ll, private information for men and boys, Young or ofd, mailed seal edln plydii,etvelopoon receipt of 5 two -cent stamps.or 10dettsinslliver. Part III Information atter instrnattona•far la- dies, married or s1nr,Ie,,,14 col,ored-111ustratiens, eyeaptoms, advice nud.repo sof • Cures; mailed to Inti; sealed in plainvet veto teonreceiptof5 two' ent•statmps or 10 dents fit Silver The three book ill be maned for -two cent.st mps, or 50 is in . ;ver, ar-wi11 be' i, rir,ireeai „ he Ofrices of Thb Vrs. & KSurgeons, either at 159 Grlawnld fit. Detroit. Mich:. or at 16,313.03. 8t Clneinna IF A1liettersMust beaddre ,ed to Dr.). C,: e ' d ll{It k Detroit, t it Mich. Wre'have enroll. throe:Oh correspo Furniture and. Undertaking. —GO TQ— a 'e a't Andrews" FOR Bed -room. :11111' Parlor Suites, Sideboards aril' l; ntension Tables, Y.onsi <3a::ata 4 au:s• chairs. --O Catarrh Throat Oared,. Li tea to W.11. Storey, KR. or the firm of W. J. Morey h Slat. Acton, More NanutaetUtta, 14o 1'u.L dent Nauufeetatese Ae w-10We of Canada. Vs. Waatttaero;c, :1G young street.. Tomato. Dui $a,..4 assure you 1 feel grateful ter the Yeti, cal cure }lat base effected in my throe) trouble. sort, though Idislike hating WAY name appear In co tr►ta•F leaf with tits toltitnflutal d uslaeal; yot 1iasinR tog . tOr those who ars aletitatig afailetW tut aril 0 hisirrz a A dewire tti t'ccos;uiza tilt fee{uta of your treatment. 11 makes departure In Warw.. Veer to my orlaaint- ' same with yon.1 have suiteygtk tar two years tants -141- :- pasted attaeka of catarrhal sore throat, writ surove l lug attack: being mere p rolonted and vi„lent t11314 tete iortner. At these tiu;os 1 bad violent fits of riatit i{ and would discharge lone quantities of umen+. keel. Ing elarumcd 1 *ought tiro that unstilted 4151 ary filet ie, Including a much rtotmd Specialist. etd leak l:ma ovef}thirig known to medicine i*itheut emit mooring a'ptutleie of roller. Idiot spring 1 went to Rune. The'nge did me good. but et rw return tine rid trouble gas renewed. Srept • yen sinortive1 to visit thus place I thought 1 would etmenity}ou, although 1 coldest with not wadi hole of receiving any bencftit However 1 „ns favorably irnnrcased with your eandur .rad rc,r.ked logic) your Ircatnleut a tribe. Tito re•: a complete lete care and' snit rant happy to you, nc np rl. } born , as to • { rya la Jo "t:6 diameter surprise C -. 'l .l t one to markt l i t rj r toyed( and rile fret 6v. non; the first your metlielno „evoick adapted to ntv ease and pare relief. In •tvu I" 147'. I V" S eulirt'iy ,vc11, and have ea ct+othRtud ,pivot tre most nnfav°c;th'e stases of the your. You are '4 ,t vim ' to 111,11;13 wi'at use you please .!f this i itlivr, Atm 141:afl lo pleased to ;inviter any uhtiutries rt' hint; t.t :ut OM.. RLI O V H;D Mr. J. G. Smaliaeonabe has removed front his old premises to his new onus,, and can now be found upstairs yours very truly, W. li. STOREY.. ,mon, ,111100ry Pith 2547. 7 latent iBarly. Consultation Free, Fch..eth, 1515 i.ING V t\1VEEKL1E3l ... Largest virarerooms'in town. UNDERTAKING,' ezreside of the under- takers' ring, in nil its brandies. Open.,< • day and night. STAND one door north of Molson's bank Main.stretit, - Exeter: • A new lot of is id, -`Ii <1 v� 11,1; 7 •, ; to }yA�7r 1 £. 'r'+�i1 'I ' � •art this meek. Y1 iivhllde In affair its ettbe world Ogee; remedies and inatruo• • fleas being awash p* alaoil or holiness. ) AN EXTA'3'RDINAR f'PER TO ALL WANTING EMPLOYME We want itval diem tto. *•dents in ere y et �}tyn m the United $tares a°d.i:s Bade to hell a. patent ,article of great merit. us ifs neiur3.. ,:An articles havany„ st large sale paying over 10) percent. nt. profit having fie.: competition, and onWhich thbagentis pioteete4 in the osolusive Ole by a deed given for each and every county he may secure front us. With all these ad- rahtages to our agents, and the fact that is nn article that can he sold to every house owtmr, it might; not he necessary to make "as ttaut\aav °tired" to secure good agents at once, but we have concluded to make it,to show, not only our confidence iu•the merits of `Pair invention, ion, but in its salability' by any agent that will bindle it with energy. obr agents now at work i `. me naf;ing $150 to $:100 a moot h clear. and this fact makes i safe for ne to make our offer to all that are . out o[ etnployment Any agent that will give our business n thirty: days' trial and fail to clear at least $100 in this time, Titovit ALL Exrsasxa, can return all (foods unsold to us and we will refund , the money paid for thorn. No 'inch employer of agents ever dace bto rake such p;tgre, nor would we if we did no Itnow that we htt'geagents now making more than deitblethis Imount 'Our large deeriptive circulate espial(' our offer,fuUy, and these weWish to send to, everyone dnVof etnploymeistt who will Bend 118 three one cent itemlip for vestige. Send' at once and se- cure the ai;eney in time Inti the boom. and go to Work out be terms named in our eetraordinary offer. Addrross,Nt Ones, :'r N.ariei{At, hoverrr Co. en ---s. isdi➢mitliSeid Stn Pittsburgh, Ptt {.r`Also. ii�w line of— Photo Mats, Picture Pram .MOULDING Of the Latest Designs, AT EXETER PHOTO GALLERY JOS. SENIOR, Prop. 70: Muss. Blsszmr itxn Miss WELsri beg to inform the pudic, that they havt . o neSSt on the corner opened out bu63. v; William and Gridley,.„stree.ts, Dress making done in all the latest styles Lessons on Fancy Work given. STAMPING i -A SP OIALTY All orders prdtnptly attended to. "yri> . seltotted. Mt h -13u A 1f�>rvrr Over the POST OrtIOD {1AA9� A FINE IIANU-E coups ALWAYS IN STOOK.. filtiddtktk GOOD FIT GITARA.tR,1.'D .1 . CALL SOLICITED, J. G. Srallacom e BUTTEL( AND EIdIS �A J. Matheson, E ET NORTH. r t1tf atsuPri'ts ks Low printss 5011 ;span uta 1 . OROCERIES:—.I6 be'zu.ar fors LDO ;18 Ihet hi +F evvs N,,elitt'td,auu{frreodt1 ht t,4?r 'lssporl'b. .844 4$40 tate�! .rJbil at tin+r, , 4aa. ottele ase8 d biped: 06 FORKS, Sts 1'IIIEE,Snnd GLAiS adlsrirtrst,•11e;1%1 Pest I1�t51m> 1111, lit ., pn Pat ental i►tl air As+tis ns ndaPlowest. a nice Teo Sett nef 44 pieces, t 1'75. good snit tt1 Riede"glade Clothing for €3, iirdetc,l mita „ud nt , in pt,o 1 style, Our Dress Goods erre lnarl:- ed f.loNart 1,o the lowest COTTOX—.;?0 y:l , for .+1.011. .t house andltity aryl:.farutter sale. Apply to -- LONDON', ONT, :Tho Eandsomest Printed ' Paper ill F Catn ,div- rlli. aerittilantal Department is o toted reaturo e: the "Free,'liras, t being always up to the bines :, and dull/noted `1ty poisons practically •al:iikli ill Forte rlotk4,•• ...el fliustlatit ils,•Plia,#3tioal •agad 'Useful' • given each wee, Aji•fhe News iii3Fu I1 121 7'olerm•plt,;Telephone, :flail awl CorrespSD- • ,opted alt to the,bour of publication, Specs:A*31' i{aL,'"_IlcparLmcnt. • Agricultural Detwrt meth, (. a 1t O Story always Running. locum: C aliu. Humorous Reading. •Money: fiustiC lln JUST T iE..TflING FOR THE FAMILY', E'Viiy•ntembei of the household ettgeftl ttlooks for it each week. la tl a., M. "a r ,, ra� Wargo .2. . a` I z .�I 3'311 lobs of 4 anil'upwards, 75e encll. 13a—lai e'1Sk,7; 'r+ee $12,600 IN PB•EMTOME Given Away Free to Agents. Moat liberal inducements ever. ("tiered in Canadt Everything useful, valuable and ornamental. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERR The most popular paper to work for. More 'sone can he grade working for the "Free Press” than ; itny other employment. Address—FREE PRESS, • Losnos, Otruitk wi `v5Tita , y,- x ib'., -r ", tW ...z4..# Pii." CI-1RISTIE'S CelfVf.Brinrn s • ',"`J �,1`lst t ( s ARtr �y� _ / ; at the will be promptly tsott ARLs. L1pt,tggpy�f �pqq_� 0■ Waf • d.t. 1...:•T c t• . ,1�. ih ilR ti S I' first-CYas Hiwkahaw liou attend r I 6 ':::..L'' I fit. Y t i it f � J1 '- , .-. •till. 'tet. Rigs and HorsesxSes Sir Orders left or at %he stable to, TsttAta: Rs JOHNJOKI, THEEON1 i 15,V 11Pstt,tlire. ETIflNt NEW. THF., PROPRIETOR QF THF. DQMIIQt LPBQRATQIRY Begs to announce to Ills numir•_ ous`]1'i enc`ls tend Patrons. 'that he , has just put in, a full lne.of Statile & Fancy Stationer gepoullt Boal ,s, r S l vol Books, ;stir ,' Ioo1Th i; Y t 1 ,,t•. ,: Luer fill{ . hGt l�ty /(eX - r - i h�,wcr+ 'Cil. '�':.1Al:tU}titn,t11; :i„� TOOIS Cfq.�;•�iLjl * < t,,�, .# fig;;,,,., 4• . IL'peXSne a) (110ae4 t„ e', Lilt a',',�t)fenny.11, L Drawl i � ya,,el:-t' 1 `aL•� u 1 Its ��c 4 Peas, x i ,, z ,^'�* ., t line • of all this skew' est iiiidd 'most' popular rvoiks .'of fiction,'"aa' of ril�thich will eb sold at :the lowesl� 0 remeurattive rates,.. - t Se The subscriber wishes to inform the farmers and general public that be is prepared to furnish all sizes and kind of I Well digging promptly done, andat reasonable rates. Residence and shoe., on Ann street,, behind Christie sLivery Stable. g CALL S0 LIOITED1` '$(0 ' 0 760' ' •