HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-22, Page 5Lentlen &run Ernes Away 1' ortlieer Division (town Nolcvrr.-..•Tins T etes-Pass'nar, London, depart.. ,8.10 .n,ir. 4.25 rex Lucan Crossing. 9.35 5.45 t fandoboye.... ,, 9.10 r.15 Centrclia..., 9.28 5.33 EXETER,. , - 9.35 5.45 11R?;rs:ill, 9 46 5.53 la ippen 9.51 (k06 Brucefiehl 9.55 8.15 t: GiutoRk,,...�,�„10.10 6.35 Loaedesb.,ro' 10.37 6.53 .Myth, . , . , , . ?0.46' 7.05 .i elgrave , .,11.00 7.90 Winghao,arrivo.11.0 7.30 Gown Sofy'lr, Passenger, W iughani,depart, 7.00 .4.x, 3.05 r,ta 31elgrave,,,.,. ,, 7.17 7,31 3' rorralesbome... , 7.40 Clinton. , .. -. 8.00 Brucefiehl , .. , 8.19 Benson ...... , ,8.33 f'axeter 8.47 Centralia , . , 8.57 Clamlehoye, ,,,. 9.10 Litcan•crxass'g .., 9.20 LLeadea..0 •rive. , ,10.10 3.28 3.4 3.51 4.10 4.20 4,57 4.43 4.57 5.20 5,25 0.00 Iter titi its par line eatalr losert ion. We would ask our friends and readers to assist us in snaking this colon; .interesting by contributing items Alt changes for advertisements iu TUE APv4C4x14 must be handed in be- fore Tuesday noon, from this time for- ward. This rule will be rigidly adhered to, and advertisers will please take no- tiee. No exceptions will be made, Loc • �a�leii;ltirr --The stattictlt ted is in at:bad con- dition, .Miss Edith Clark, of London, the guest of ,Ess Sever 'Fail. For Field, Flower and Garde: sus, go for Seawall +f: Pickard's. -Remember thhe Exeter Spring Show, Friday Api'il Otic. -Read the Advertisement of Mr. John Uoura, which appears in another column. Wit. Dyer Harden, who Inas been confined to the house for some time, is yet uua ble Fo attend to his duties'. •--Sawwell th Pialtari has just re- ceived a large variety of Wall Papers, Ceilitee Decorations, Window Shades and Curtain Poles, -Mrs Geo., Fyfe, of Strathroy, who Iles been yisiting friends and relations in town for the past two weeks, re- turned home on Tuesday. --A challenge has been. received by some of the football players from the .Scilforth club challengt the Exeter club to piay.'a`giuiieon Good Friday. -Mr. Arch. Monona, who „ has sojurned inEuropa for the past live to. six months, returned home on Friday evening last, looking hale and hearty after his trip. -We notice by the Bellfontaine (Ohio) Examiner, that Mr. Reid, who recently shipped horses from this vill- age, arrived there all safe, and the ani- mals were in fine condition. --On. Thursday next the Salvation Arany intend holding another jubilee, when D. 0 Burchett, of London to- gether with other officers, will be pre- sent. A good time expected. -Be sure and call on Samwell & Pickard on April 6th and 7th and see their grand display of Millinery, in- cluding the latest and newest New York and England styles and novelties. -Mr. John Butes wishes to inform the public that he is prepared to repair " Binders, Sewing 3Itte*es, Wringers, Organs, etc., on shor kootice. En- quire at Bissett Bros.:,Hardware Store, Exeter,-Feby. 23rd, 88-tf. -ALLAN LINE. -Lay delegates at- tending the Presbyterian. Council will be furnished with first cabin tickets at special rate, ' $100.00, Montreal or Quebec, to Liverpool and back. See J. Spackman, agent Exeter. -Mr, Wire Walker who has been a resident of this village for some time, left on Thursday last, for Wingham. We notice that several of the fair ones seems to be somewhat "down in the mouth" over hint departure, -Dr, Washington, the Catarrh Specialist, of Toronto, made, his ruff. lar visit here on Tuesaay 'last,- and was Visited by a 1ituillier of patients. His next regular visit will be .Tuesday April 17th. See • advertisement else. rthere. Hunt, of Seaforth, spent Sunday 'in town. 7lastrugs and D. Tait ,did Logan on Sunday, Remember the Exeter Spring Show, Fraley April 6th, --'Mr. J. Lennon,, Law studient, of Seaforth, was_in town lust week. -Monday was the first day of sprig*, and it was' quite springlike. -11t; Arthur 13alkwill is, on the sick list, caused by iufiamation iu the ear; -Saniwell & Pickards are now showiurg the latest styles in gents felt Hats. --'-Mr. John Vail, who bee been liv- ing at Bethesda, has moved into our villose, ---laissett :Bros, have just received a full supply of D, U. Perry's, fresh :Geld and garden seeds, --Mfrs. John Renewal, who has been seriously indisposed tor some pat, is again, cortvalescent. ..,Messrs, Bissett Bros,have a neat and attractive display of Garden Seeds in their window. ---firs_ Garrish, who hag been visite log friends in this section for some time, returned home on. Frid4y. Saturday last WAS St Patrick's day, and was celebrated in good style iasettle of the more Irish places. -On 31onday last, Messrs, Oke and Prier shipped two earload of excellent cattle :for the Montreal markets, A fine lot of English and. Seotoh oda for genta emits, Perfect fit trteed a#t .Seamen Je Pickard. Lexi Walper, of Exeter north, we are sorry to say, is on the molt list, We hope soma to see slim around again. 011 Ott TErutsda.T last, as Mr, Wes. Wels'ft, was skidding togs,, oue of the log eannght his leg and sprained the le, He is at present going around utebes, 4'ece understand that Mr. Thomas isa»ett and Mr, L. Hardy will leave e Northwest shortly. We believe will commence farming as eaeh de taking a number of working meeting will be held at the Centrad Hotel, this (Thursday) evening at eight o'clock p, nt., for the purpose of organizing e. football club. All these who are interested will please at- tend, as a full attendance is respect- fully requested. -.-Ml. McMannus, general manager of Gale sulky Harrow company, of Windsor, arrived here on Thursday last, and will at once make prepar- ations for the salesmen of the firm to finish their travel through: this aecttom Those who have already purchased this popular implement, say they would not be without it for twice the price , --Banton & Co. have just opened an excellent assortment of new prints, dress goods, shirting, tweeds, dos, for the spring trade, All goods sold at less than old time credit prides, and for cash only. Please call and see us. Dress making done on the premises, in latest styles, dresses and mantles nut by the new tailor system, at Renton .6Co,' -Intelligence has reached us that a trick was played on Mr. Wesley Orme, editor of the Lucan Erlimpri$e on Wed- nesday last. It appears that Wesley some few weeks ago gave a girl named 13ridget,who has been out from Ireland about a year, a "slangy" article, about her attending a carnival in that place, and Bridget to get even with hila, watched for his passing in front of one of the hotels, where she was scrub- bing, and walked out on the balcony of the hotel and dashed a pail of dirty scrubbing water on. the head of her victim. We think Wesley's feelings may be better aluivagiamel, than des- cribed. T 0 -Whatwesaw andlheard atthe coun- cil meeting on Monday night. -Coun- cillor Pickard wearing a pleasant smile. Councillor Carling red hot on putting money away to meet the debt of 1891. Councillor Carling and Deputy Reeve Bissett had some loud words. Reeve Rollins smiling to see the members getting fired up, and calling each other nice names. Councillor McCallum tan- tilizing Deputy Reeve Bissett about surplus and striking ,the tax rate. Councilor Pickard in favor of allowing the $1,000 to remain in the bank. Councillor MrCallum whntecl road commissioners appointed at once..De- uty-Reeve Bissett was hanging off from 1 ppointing road commissioner: Council- or Carling "getting a couple of volley's from the audience. Councillor Pickarda good man for the poor and needy. Councillor McCallum wearing a great smile occassionally. Councillor Car- ling 'peaks his inind in spite, of every- one. --Additional Locals on Editorial page - Snow fell on Tuesday night and Wednesday, to the depth of fifteen or sixteen inches, -Last night was the end of the series of services to be held in Christ Church, Exeter ---A fait assortment of T. D, :1 inn's celebrated Foots, Shoes and Slippers. at Samwell S Pickard's. -Mrs, AleDonell, of this place, is at present the guest of her daughter Mrs, Thomas Bawden, of 131yth, -Mr E.:Prout, who has been in the employ of Kr E. Piste leaves to day for Seaforth, where he has secured a per- manent situation. -We are sorry to learn that a child of Mr: Win White, has had its leg broken. It appears that the young lad was playing out side, on Tuesday, and aecideirtly fell and broke his leg at the, thigh, -Mr. Thomas Greenway, Premier of Manitoba is at present in the village. Kr. Greenway, looks Irate and hearty and the climate aid political situation of the great Northwest seems to quits agree with hirer, -At a meeting of the Directors of Stephen and Usborne Agricultural So- oiety, held en Saturday last, Friday April 6th Was chosen as the day for holding the annual Spring Show in this village. The show will as usual, be held on the Society's grounds eom- mencing at one o'clock sharp. Admit sloe 16 cents. -,-Council met in Town Hall,Exeter, oft Monday evening last, all members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. Mrs, Clack made application for the continuance of pay. lrlent of one dollar per week; She stat- ed that when she was away she was nursing her sick mother, and when there, did not roeeiro any wages, and did not wares to loose her home in Exeter, and asked the Cornell to con- tinua to pay the $1 per week, which would pay the rent of her house in Exeter Mr. Carling and Mn fricOal. lum objected to her receiving the $1 per,week when outgf the village, but when home she s1 Ruld twelve it. They stated that when she was absent, they could not sets why the council of Exe- ter should Ray her charity and could not expect ltk 1.r„ Pickard and Bia.- sett was in favor of paying the rent for her, as when she was away, no one could any how lottg kshe would remain, and if they did not pery the rent of the present plaee, aheeemight return and then throw mare burden on the Couto ell, by scouring another house and no doubt at higher rent. After a lengthy discusion aisto whether this was eltarity, it was moved by 1i;. G. Bissett,seeond• ed lay Jas. Pickard, that Mrs. Clack's rent, $2 per month,be paid while away from the village, and when home she receive the regular allowance, $1 per week. Moved in amendment by T. B. Carling, seconded by T. II. McCallum, that Mrs. Clack do ,.not receive any monies while out of the village. The motion was carried. The following ac- counts were read, S. Gidley, 40 chairs and glueing 19, $18,95; Jas. Beer, jur- ors 1887, $4; Creech, clothes for S. Ford and charity to Mrs. Clack, $9.15. Moved by T. II. McOalum, se- conded by T. 13. Carling, that these accounts be paid. -Carried. A decis- ion took place in regard to the $1,000, which is now in the bank, that a spec - deposit of $500 should be made co meet the Stephen,1debt in 1891. It was moved by T. B. Carling, seconded by T. H.. McCallum, that by-law No.8, 1888,be recinded.-Lhst. The Council accepted Mr. Southcott's proposition in regard to drawing clay for the pur- pose of filling up around town hall. Moved by T. H. McCallum, seconded by T.B. Carling, that the building committee gut a hole .through the wall for the purpose of letting the water runt tle tali it. 'carried: ":t eemliiiin- ication for Dr. Hyndman, resigning her position as Medical Health officer. Moved by T. H. McCallum, seconded by T. B. Carling, that this communi- cation be referred toboard of health, for the purpose of ascertaining the rea- son of his resignation,:before this Coun- cil take further action. -Carried. Com- municationtFzvere ea 1. Mr,�,E„rank. Gill, offering de the, work of Road Commissioner for$1:35 per day, Mr. Geo. Cudinore offered to do it for $1.25. Mr. R. Pincome,`$1.25, Mr. William Pugsley„ $L25. After a great deal of discussion on all sides,ond:two motions made for appointment,..btit no second- er's,' it was moved by T. B. Carling,.se conded"by J: Pickard,that'the appoint- meat of road contmissioner,de made at the next meeting of thecouncil.=Car- ried. ` Moved by T. 3. Carling. second- ed by T. H.. McCallum, that the coun- cil adjourn to meet en Wednesday eve - tin -Carried ve-tis►;:Carried ho is Selling a Cos NNIFIXIF BRO They are offering the balanee ot their --, Axes 'Cowjtesi 8'£ COST + 11 OBL1Y A magnificent Brass Library Lamp for $2.50, .A large Glass Table Lamp, new design, complete for $1.00. An A. 1 Tublar ]anter,' for 50ets. Stoves at p.tives that will surprise you (Inc Spring stock of Spades and; Shovels will arrive in a few days and will be sold cheaper than every Also Barb Wire (2 and 4 bark) Buckthorn fencing, plain, gal- . knnized; oiled and unoiled wire at lowest possible figures. Now is the time to leave your order for Binder twine,, to secure a first-class article at ' the right price. Nails, Leeks, Binges, Mixed Paints; Oils, and White Lead as usual at rock bottom, figures. , full 'stook of Tinware of all kinds. Eavetrougl rug and roofing a specialty. EXETER. GaR.xats, Rs-tssuesanal 7Trads-MarLssecured and ail other patent causes in the Patent Once and before the Courts promptly and ea:refnlly attiilyd l to, Up�otn receipt of Madel or ,ketch of In- v I make careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charge. I;1sas 'Dlonsx*Ira, and 1 make No charge unless potent is secured, Information, advice and special rafreucos aeut on appai cation, J. R. Luau, Washington, D. C, Oplofite 17. S. Patent Office, WILL1AM SANDERS -.oavr FOR%rig Comlm,erczal inion Assurance ssnipaaray ot AT BRITAIN. Capital and Assets, $21,000,000. AND Tun Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. MANCII ST,F,R, £2'W. LONDON OLPITAu, - $1w,6o0.000.00, �° The best and most reliable tiro Insur- ance Companies in the world. COLLEGE. Sub, ecfss All Business Branches, Shol.'t- hand, Type -writing and. Telegraphy. The Principal holds a Certificate with honors in Book keeping. Phonography, Telegraphy or Type Writing free with Book keeping course. ,. THE OLDEST AND ]3EST. Diploma from Western. Fair for Plain and Fancy Writing. Business conducted on latest unproved plans with printed forms. A. J. CADMAN, Box 400. PRINCIPAL. • till wsF • NOTE HEADS, • BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS. LETTER BEEADS,''''' COUNTER PADS, PARCEL LABELS. SKIPPING TAGS, ]3USINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS. READ' THIS Er Our Stock of Printing `a far, Stationery, consisting of all 9J ' the leading grades of Plain Mir and Faney.ruled and nn- ' tar ruled papers,. Cards and En-"' '''elopes, ie meet complete. tar Call andget prices at "TIIE ADVOCATE." Main, -. street„ e Exeter., ADVOCATE OFFICE, EXETER. be Great Enilsh Prescription. • successful Medicine used over .. 30 yearn la thousands of cages. 9 Cures Sperniaforrleea. Xereoua" Weakness, Emissions. impotency e, and all diseases caused by abuse. Intro's) indiscretion. or over-exertfaa tkirreal Sir packages Guaranteed loCure when aiothers Fail. Ask your Druggist forTke OrvalZndi.b Pru.ertp,t.a, take no substitute. One package St. Six $G, by malt Write for Pamphlet. Addrrni Eureka Cbeiu*eal Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 N'.SOIITHCOTT, MERCHANT -11.11011 Dealer in all kinds of MY GOODS AREFIRST-CLASS, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. A CALL SOLICITED, NONR BUT FIRST-CLASS WORK- MEN EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leave' your•. order for a' first-stass overcoat, CHEAP. • W. SC011tilleOtt„ Corner Main &Joint sts,. EXETER - - ONT. PENNYROYAL WAFERS.; Presertption of a physician viae r'.r%