HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-22, Page 3THE WEEK'S NEWS.
Tile new parcel post convention between,
Canada and the United States came into
operetioe on the 1st
The whole of the minimum sum. of $259,-
000 needed for the jubilee endowment fund
of Queen's University, Ifingsten, has been
The executive committee of the Quebec
Brands of the Dominion Alliance have de-
cided to oak for an amendment: to the license
law malting all peraous under 21 yore .of
age minors, instead of 16 years, the present
The Toronto Board of Trade are asking
the Domilriou Parliament for legislation au-
thorizing the Board to .accept en members
not only aetua3.tradenl it; Toronto, but pet -
eons directly engaged in or interested iu
trade or commerce, whether residents of To-
route or net,
A shortage of over one hundred thousand
donors has been discovered in the finances
of the Hall estate, of AMontreel, wbich. will
be made the subject of legit proceedings by
the heirs. Mr. L.i,rdcay, the curator of the
estate, is in New. Yorlr, pending a settle -
meet of
ettle•rrteet.of the question,
At a meeting in Tote of the credit=
of the Central Bank, Mr. Henry Lyes wits
unanimously apporu ed liquidator in Owe
of Mr. Campbell. Itteolut;ons were adopt-
ed expre€sing; approval of M ;ers, Howland
and tFoadereetn'a aurae cif `team+, and Mt
*trading them to proete::te airy party or
mastics who helped to wreck. the bail:, i
Ties total Witte Of property in the city of
Montreal is eethnatcd :at SI02,f111,780, .the
emu of $17,9211605 being exempt from tax.
atiou, The aeeeeeed value of orgy prepay
ie repreeeuted as 453,836,847, and the total
amount celleoteci en. sea.! estate `O0 ,G1G.h0.
Leet year's colleetious ou rmveuue amulet
amounted to $1,94'i,464 and those a 1886
to 41,909,103,
Ott ;Seturtley a trete et empty veal cava
on the tlanadi;zu seise thrum:, u large rock
on the line in the fuouateiue above Itihrth
Bend, B. C., and ju111pleen from the track
the whole train rolled donee an eurtraul.ment
nearly two hundred feet high. Tice ears
and eug lue were smashed to atmnr. I'or•
tunetcly rto one wait bur; the train bands
jumpirar, and eeving their lives.
l':3lTitu STATF.4.
The great stripe ut' eugiracers t;t IlleAberf
bee ceded, the masters hexing i ardente'
eoueened the demauda made by rifest Qin•
At Cathleen, N.Y., the allow es rr
ow wota
deep that a funerel bass to b3 pestpeeed for
Ike clays, surf route fermera were homed in
for a week,
The Secretary of the Treasury ie advised
dtf au organizes movement for the emigra-
tion of canon convicts to the United Sews,
and will take measures to prevent their
The funeral of a Toledo physi.ian waa
postponed at the request of his dying wife,
who Raid She wished xo bra hurled with him.
She died several days later, and the two
were interred together.
Fire intolerance rates in Buffelo buys been
lammed twenty per cent,, owing; to the
enormous losses of the past tnreo yore. In
the pest fourteen mouths the lees by lire
amounts to 4504,0110.
A .Philadelphia cigar.m%kingfrrin wale per
matting its employes to smoke 000 cigars par
day. 4.0 attempt was made to cut off this
privilege and a strike was the result. No
rnonopoly rnust be allowed to show 'its
bydraheat .
A Baltimore paper pays that "Detroit has
more homely girls to the square acre, than
any other of ty in the world.' This is moth.
er rnatence of the fact that Providence, for
reagens of its own, sometimes permits a
Mood -stained wretch to live on.
J, K 1'orriman, who is under arrest at
,rand v
C Pat Mich., or aput '
P f bigamy, in a
very novel defence. He ways that ho is aub•
jeer to fits of aberration of the mind, and
that if he ever married more than one wo-
man he has forgotten all about the matter.
B. Napoli, an Italiau ranohmau at Dayton,
Nev., discovered Ino of his coven choking on
a potato. He thrust in his hand and suc-
ceeded in pushing the obstruction down the
cow's throat, but when he undertook to with-
draw his arm the cow shut down on it like
a viae and kept her hold until her jaws were
pried apart with a crowbar, The bonen and
flesh of his arm were so crashed thet amputa-
tion will be necessary.
An avalanche in the valley of Morabbia,
Switzerland, has killed ten personsand de.
atroyed a large number of houses.
Prince Hohelslohe-Oekringen, third secre-
tary to the German Legation in St. Peters•
burg, has died of his self-inflicted wounds.
The sarcophagus that contained the body
of .Alexander the Great has been discovered
at Saida, a town of Syria, on 'the Mediter-
The British Admiralty has issued to com-
manders of home squadrons full instructions
regarding their positions for defence,in time
of war. •
Grainis being carried from Chicago' to
Liverpool for $4 60 per ton, while the
charge from Chicago to New Yore is only
$5 per ton. ,
• It is expected at the next.meeting of the
Austrian Delegfttion that the Government
will ask for a war grant of over one hund-
red million florins.
The Chinese Foreign Office has refused to
permit the opening of the upper- Yang -Tae -
Kiang, and has caused the British pioneer
atom -user to be stopped at Ichang.
The revenues of the Church of England
in England. have declined. • The living` of
Rochdale; that used to be worth $60,000 or
00,000, is now worth' only $20,000.
M. Wilsbn has been convicted for, coon;
plicity in the Legion of, Honor decoration
scandal and sentenced to two years' inn
prisonment and to pow a fine of 3,0001 •
King John of Abyssinia has issued a pro-
clamation summoning all classes of iris -peo-
ple to arms, and declares that he hopes after
exterminating the Italians to annihilate; the
The English, Austrian. and Italian Gov-
ernments ;concur 'in the opinion that Prince
Ferdinand's position is illegal, but they de-
cline to take steps likely to disturb the peace
el Bulgaria.
The dog corps in the French army is
being carefully trained at Belfort. Large
doge are chosen. Every day they are
shown soldiers in German uni orula and
taught to fly at chem on sight,
Chief DeBoffand his followers, who bn
hitherto been powerful allies of the Italian
forces in Abyssinia, have deserted to the
enemy, taking with them arras and equip-
ments furnished by the Italians.
At a meeting of the Panama Canal Com.
pany, held in Paris the other day, M. cis
Lesseps expected tohave the cauat nein-
able by means of loaks in 1890, though the
work. would not be entirely completed by
that date,
Persons earning from Polandetatethat the
landowners there, both great and small,, are
in despair, owing to the rapid depreciation
in the value of their estate. Tbey assert
tbat'valuetions have sunk between 2:i and
Q per ceint. during the kat two years
The Gammas recently attempted a "minor
mobilisation experiment near Metz, .Xhe
railroad station master received et 1 o'e1ock
an order to prepare eothee for 2,800 men at
4, and a dinner tor the sante number at 6.3).
At 1 o'oleelc 2.800 naen came in, had their
coffee and took, the train for anotheratatiou,
and at 6.30 the uert 2,800 promptly appear-
ed, ditred and went tel the neat station
where* they had coffee, and both parties re
turned to thein quarters the next =mien.
The attempt was highly sueceselel
The Press in Russia,
The London mail publishes a letter writ=
ea by tide editor u£ Cfantion Q G'azel'ee in
AiQaeaws, to a auatertber itt Eugllafad Who
uompleuted of the irreg;aier cravat of the
paper. TOO atatemesty,, wltg.;:i may, we
'tame, be acoaptect ns fent., bring Into
y relief ttte tyranuy of the press
ip sir Ru f3ia.311e soitor, A. Gatzuk,
to ezplain wiry it was .het after
with unlading reeetlarity for
ears isles paper became irregular of
Tbrouge the influenceof Inetkolf,
he us d w praise the freedom of press surd
epee,:h enjoyed in Russia, AL. Getzuk aye
the paper underwent mute tortures at the
heaths of the taensur and the Minister of the
kiotuca Department, Tolstoy, e$ "" could not
be borne oy may peper in the Whole world,
even during one yeti:." These tortures wore
"' the fretlueut comtitoetlonof mEagle eumbere;
rofasal men of perirdiasiea to tante abet the
ppeo,ranco ai the p.4per wag oat the
of the editor , the forced auefiena on of
the paper in the smelts[ time for letup drip•
time' ; the probibrtioa of the retail sale for a.
whole yeart; end, finally, the eluting of car
printing; pence. (tee oldest privettinting
trance in Rus,sraj and keepinte ))
g it natter scale
without being snarled even to sell it." In
order to stento the ligular appeeranec e
the paper file publishers deciietl in la87
submit It to the •" preliminary ceusoranip,"
in which tato the rtepoutibilsty felts en the
Censer. " But the I'rtes Department son-
trived even theu to throw obstacles In the
way, and at bast, on elle:10th of October, by
order of the Minister Tolstoy, without the
usual " iltateniunt of the mothr es,' the paper
waa prohibited fereig lot months. The chief
manager of the Prose Department explained
vorbaily that this penalty, cgmivatent to
the fine of 130,00 rouoleaworth, was Wilton
tidier a private letter, written by the editor
to the Gouger, the tong of which the latter
deemed itun ting,"' Against this decision
there was no appeal ; no possibility of oaf
defence through the press, nor oven of gond-
lug letters to eachsuoaeriber, as stunt letters
woad be looked upon as aotaof hostility to
the Government. If all this bo true, M.
Qatzuk may well say that he who knows
the real situation ot the pram in Russia,
and what an honest journalist, unable to
sell bis conscience, has to undergo, will
not reprove them for the suddeu rrrel uarity
in their editions.
Sad Result of a Silly Joke.
Last night a happy crowd of young folks
met at a merrymaking at the house of
W lliam Meane, a well-to-do farmer in the
neighborhood of Hillsboro, 0. While the
fun was at its height, two 'Sisters named
Stover left the how and dressed up iu a
ghostly fashion. They wrapped themeelvea
u sheets, put on false tacea erode of dough,
and then burst suddenly in upon the guests.
Four young ladies faiuted at the sight of
the apparitions, Two were Teetered to con-
sciousnees Without trouble, but two others,
Dora Altana and Lizzie Clancy, were re-
stored only to puss into a condition of
fri tfldoerium, screaming g
and crying
constantly. The physicians hen but Sten-
hope of the recovery of their reason.
A Yankee Farmer's Conclusions.
Fustly {as: the preacher says}—S' tong tee
any of his track baa to hunt a furrin mer'kit
the farmers's got t' take farrin prices fer it
alt, whether ii gits exported or not.
Seck'ndly---S long as any sneer truck as
he's a•buyin conte; from abroad he htz t'
pay ferret price and duty and freight and
handling fer ib all, .4mericen'a well as the
Thirdly:. Th' only way fer a faun to be
doubled in value lay rlaanufeeturin enter -
pee) priz3 is its beta' turned Rater taown lots, er
da eabilidg a garden (aeein' esbkidges alai int-
ertetll °er .a berrybe greened fer irinteel f
n, his faruily, when tney've alt ,starved t"
death in th' fosterite outer folkeea infants
b. esidee hie own.
flinakgte SensitiveIWoman.
often sl;rielte from c lssultiug a Optician
about, funetdouai derangemefty, curd prefers
to miter is *Bence,. This may he a tnr tekcn
feeling, bat it is ane which is lergely prove-
lent. To all each women we would say that
outs of the moat tallied 1l413iuiana 4 the day,
who bag bed a met etpetten+ a in curing die=
eases peonliar to warren, has prepared a re-
dy which is of ineatimable alta to them.
o refer to Dr.Tierce`s Favorite Preacrite
ars, This le the only remedy for +vomeatt
weaknoatre slid aittae'nta, told by
under n pesitive g earentee from
taxers', that it will give en,i ff 1e.
rase or stoney retun led. S;c
ed en bottle wrapper.
will ninth the loo ra
The Italians in Abyssinia,
The apparently slow progress of' the
Italians In their e r Ab si
a Campaign
given rise to some wonder at the extreme
elution manifested, and sumo suspicion of
reversea not ,ellowccl to come' to the know-
lege of the public. The real explanation
scemato be that the Italians have no inten-
tion of climbing Abyssinian mountain
stronghold 7,000 feet above the level of the
sea, or of attempting to repeat, in the face
of solidly hostile tribes the maroh, which,
nothwithstandfng the neutrality or sympa-
thy ot the intervening raced, cost England
nice millions of pounds sterling. What
Italy really wants is, it appears, a secure
hold upon the portend colony at Massowah,
and what her forces are really trying to do,
is to make the surrounding territory practi-
cally impregnable. If the Abyssinians
show equatgood, sense by refusing to leave
their native fortresses to Stack the Italian
fortifications on the seashore, not much
blood may be lost in the campaign. At the
same time the easels rather a hard one for
King .John and his people, who, it is said,
want nothing but a right of transit through
the territory in question to the sea coast.
Massowah Is, it appears, practically the
only port through which they can carry on
the commerce with foreign nations which
they are anxious to establish. HadrEng-
land, remained in possession, this -privilege
would, no doubt, have been readily granted,
and it is not easy ;,to see what Italy has to
gain by refusing it. It would seem certain-
ly that King John had some reason to coni -
plain of having been left in .the lurch by
England, who, when she handed over Mas-
sowah district to another nation,, alight,
in consideration of King John's friendly
action iu relieving the Soudan garrisons,at
least have stipulated to reserve Abyssinia'a
Commercial rights or ;privileges. ' Possibly
a natural resentment , may have had some-
thing to do with the failure of the recent
British Embassy to King John to counsel
What `10 Cents Will Do.
A ten cent bottle of Poison's Neevie NE
will cure neuralgia or headache. A 10 cent
bottle of Nerviline will care toothache or
faceaghe, A10 cent sample bottle of, Nerv-
iline is sufficient to cure ool"ds, diarrhoea;
spasms, dysentery, Stet Nerviline is just the
thing to Cure all+ pains, whether internal or
external. Buy at your druggist a 10,cent
sample of Nerviline, t°'the great pain cure
Safe, prompt, and always effectual. Large
bottles at any drug stare, only 25 cents.
Earth has nothing more tender than a
woman's heart when it is the abode of pity.
With yeas zs a udei
Ile ant:
track taeoda u
His ritZcan.h.
1Getela:his h « ..
I'ZCr:eii l' l°v*,sl ria Mrd it llaf:
will they fait aryew in such a dicta
cement. To the dyapopsia, the hIliora,
the eofnstit.at de they are alike
d in heed and a friend fucked."
Langtry can't cough without All alto
ewspapere;peeping of it,
Don't hawk, hawk, blew, spit, and lis-
t everybody with your Minimise breath.
tint use lir. Sugete Cetarrh Remedy and end
f `1_000 AGE14TS WANTED Aver the enth'e 7po'
fUt- minion. Addrees P f►+ EEIgt1LY$,
$7 UIralee4 t mete, Toronto.
,rip Flea LIVING S r/WAX.
tlilif^'t `"a' "AEOWIS, bore la feet
per hour. Aiao Gook Drtils—$end, feria, er
Steam Power. Send for Catalogue.
1Gaidla' w Manretacturlug ca.,
fi aaiil,rog, OND.
We want a noon gen in your fealty to pick u;t
for ria, noel f rulalaad on ontiettetere enaraety.
Address 0.S. WIGS, liyde Park, Vermont. O.?,
Co1oiiits Trains,
Will run settlers' Trains to ail points in
Q1.9n1 Ta and t a 'fi .
BrthC n the
Leadnr 'Toronto, N. bT -W. Statlon, Brock sto1et,
at o pent.,
And every 'rce;day t'.-ereafter elasiry ASareh and April
etirtng to ohtatn fa liocelaena lriacatron. or beam
prcMclerat nn Shorthand t61Qa11'ypewratuliy, ihoald a?
tend the
Arcade. Tone ,atreet.1 Toronto,
Cireq'4ra, etc.. ,address C, da D44. ilecretirp
R R l W' PA "Ft H._
s non tie word for dols yta
.argal and pees a warm 5r
slogan. rend!It.leaves%c,earle p...sste a, l
her on ether deems au rer:ipt ea ill
ata it yon =Mint this paper. Atter 3lor01 let:
e :all pasreTs f
mower/34,11w r:eas baa=Di d teem the
etetcsteeny pint le tsarl3«sabot ata ct eve eget or
a:mee. a :p;e;e Prl:s l at c3 Elan -4-'114n' and
Fancy a1 Fra Material trey. dd41rsea W. H. WINDY,
fi Euclid ovenue, &level1,7. S.
Est eleepar It l to attlehed to these tridA14
a apple-nee,sill let myth.) Laa'eut for what cam
9 feet cars sapplied toe
move/dep. No Cnetta:adelay or expense
@ranine. Iw 4a I:cos('.a•re. Far further Intorno,
e seeagect, or wrote
I40 Tttag Street W stn 'reroute..
l'. J deal nags •us ea teeelet et 8 mets.
i - e 4f -I'll I:a;ea *looms, :I st lI;'s 4f
swut'alxaas'aaaaw,.te wm' 4la•,rnatas'
ALWAYS .11034.4161)!
BILI k 1? r:,31 .4- with, this
st 1;A:4 fret erten at 2t
Ftp 4 Le n'uray Tatra in
*air an t*.'q7, at kionlxoes
s, -h rdna,:!atableu
rl .\Sihlt.
d a. r Lo.c 0t..lieshaTO
la e. n red rases[ eurdS
2a tAtissaperiurteon
;e n c1 in them..
dl a laghtc t, whites%,
t a Ll rn n t wholesome
i.t c5, rills and busk.
tc le N. 1?irectlo,^,slneack
cr agwith ith 14,11 instra;etioalk
f. ti IL,E0 Ell'
et 41t,
;titer mend
:hep io ilea alter
at senior • Jan.
litTel, t45 Walser
t. cured el
.41 T cuttx4: Joi;ta lli ted. 55 COWre. el hivesQaxl r;ntrandBalkcaceat
•ceuteettlea• 'elra.J, t4ca1, 0 ogle*,
far years withNen o' Pic tranea jwc
se her creat relief. Sold at G20.0 ill,
F, F. GALLEY 1t CO., Propdelcn.
Fashion decrees that bridealnaida: abeti
disappear from weddings.
Coit No More.
Watson's cough drops are the best In th
world. for the thrown and cheer, for the voice
unequalled. See that theletters R. al'. TM.
aro atarepod on each drop.
Mary Anderson gets the hairdressing
fashions in London.
A Clara for Draantdelmvia.
The opium habit, dopsonenla, the morphlaohahlr;
nevous prostration Caused by the use eI tobawe,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
brain, etc., premature ofd age, Ion of vitality caused
by over-exertion ot the brain, and lose of natural
strength, from any cause whatever. )1e5—young,
old or nuddlo.aged—wbo are broken down from any
of diorama causes, or any rause .not men.{oned cbare,
Bend your address and 10 elate In stamps for Luton's
Treatise In book form, of Du eaaca of Mean. Books
sent sealed and aeoure from oboes rvatton, Address M.
V Zoos 47 Wppinetou street Eget, Toronto Oat.
iiandkerohiels entirely of lace are coming
into vogue.
Ocean a Steamship .Passengers
Via Now York should take thErie rail-
way, as it is not only the shortest and best
lino, but lands people close to the piers of
the leading steamship companion.. In buy-
ing tickets, ask for the Ere).
Mrs. M. E. Braddon, author of Lady
Audley'a secret, has written about forty
Ysopie who are eubjeot to bad breath,font coated
tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach. can at once
be relieved by using Dr. 0areon'e Stomach Biters,
:kr old and tried remedy. Ask your Drnsr1st.
Mrs H. B. Stowe writes very little now.
Clsoaasss Het. RLleaw & restores grey and faded
heir Wits naturatcolor and prevents haling out.
Sixty-eight women voted in the Montreal
municipal elections on Thursday, out of a
total of 446 qualified to vote.
Htra 1 Coven Cosa cures in one minute.
Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or.
der, causing BillowinessDyepepela, or Indigestion,
and their attendant evils, take at ones a dose of Dr.
uareon•e Stomach Bitters Beet family tdedloine,
All. Druggist/1, 60 cents.
Women carpenters have appeared in Lon-
don. When one thinks about it there is
nothing in a carpenter's trade that a woman
cannot master.
Consumption. Surely Cured.
To TIM EDITOR ;-release inform your readers that.
I have d positive remedy for the above named dia.
ease. By its timely uFe thousands of hopeless cases
have been permanently cured. i shahbe glad to
send two bottles of my remedy sass to any of your
readers who have consumption if they will send me
their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, DR.
T. A. Sr000g, 87 Yonge 55., Toronto, Ont.
A. P.389
A7rENT6 procured, Patent Attorneys, and exports
r Est'd1867. Donald C.lifldout.0 Co..Toronto.
.11'OJt&t,L. gtaoa weeltan0expennd
WU f K' "paid. Valuable outfit and partlonlare
•■■ : iree.P.O.11C1LE241,Augusta,MaIne.
`,7f' ING SPRING, 1888.- The proprietors of the
Toronto Nurseries -established 1837—will have for
spring planting a large stock of Fruit and Ornamen-
tal Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs; etc., of all kinds and
sizes,' which will • be cold cheap, as•.a portion of our
grounds moat be cleared and sold. ;'Send for priced,
desorlptivecatalogue ; GEO. LESLIE 8i SON, 1161
Queen St. E:.Toronto. ,
Farmers going to Manitoba will find it to
their advantage to call upon or write to Wa
B. Gillett, 523 Main Street, Winnipeg, who
has improved farms for sale.
Information cheerfully furnished without
charge. Money advanced to bona fide set-
tiers at low rates of interest upon personal
proporty,to assist them in starting. •
9399 Oil
Tbereara many iM tamers of
but none equal it In Iubricating properties, 1"ius.
res, AItatatnv, etc, fiend nano cq•ral to the or."cnaa
Peerless made by
Sold by dealers everywhere. d oe
When I say Cuiczl donotMean merely to
Stop themfor atlmo, and then havethem re-
turn again. I linnetA RADICAL OUltli.
I have made the disease of
A lifelong study. I wee:Deter my remedy -to
Crnuc the worst cases, Because others have
falledisno reason for not nowreceivin • a cure.
Bend at once for atreatise andaPiuts Isoxrnn
of any INFAALIBLE Ita1021Dr.. Give :Ex cess
and ;Post Office. It costs yon nothing ipor a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
Dr. E G ROOT. 37 Yonge 8t, Toronto, Ont,
tee{ s: .73 a .nt^::L tt ri:!"jr.tee,
Nervous Debility
DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the past
fifteen years with great success, in the treatment of
Nervone Debility, and all diseases arising from ex.
ceases, over-worked brain, lees of vitality, ringing In
the earn, palpitation, etc,, For sale by all druggists.
Price $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $6, or will be sent by
mail on receipt of peke. ',Pamphlet CO.,n - application,
to tntrotooe nay wureart stoat
haI will
l slows, to pitt flee b,
ent 0.ns+#4au, or 2: Two 'Cent
Slacttpet for arty our of the rout
rheum bulbs, which will be sent y„
clporlifa Aprtinesar and guaranteed to an,*
Ne.1.-2 nerdy ]uses.
*'.—$ 'Everlalooruintl Roses.
3.—if Uardy aCif mbing Bests.
4.--11 Dahlias.
5.--4I Gladiolus.
$....0 Hardy Grape Vines.
1.-0 Essplacrrd
es, Jeaeh . b G
B and fta
S.-208 a
trasxrbcrx7>p'I r1t5,4choicelcindllf.
ASllettes with stamps enclosed aereeneeted
der plants, will be membered as they come to
i u5 the senders of the first thirteen aundrod let
will reoalre Kitts si follows
1st. •-+$tit/ The next 20, $10 each.
Ind.— 100 The next 00, 5 tach.
Sill, — 50 The next 415, 8 each. ,
4th. — 30 The next 820, 1 each.
5th. — 20
After 60thousaad letters have been received, th44
tenders of the next eleven bundrod lettere will roil
oafva gifts as follows :
1st. -4225 Tho next I0, $15 each.
Red.— 125 The next 15, 10 each..
8rd.— '25 The next 40, 5 each.
4th.— 50 The next 420,' 2 cath,
5th. R5 next560, 1 +est
Atterlefithonsand Setters have been received, 11,..
renders of thezextono thousand Zenon will re/tatie{
Sifts as follows:
1 sends ... s144 each The next 5 *20 cutely
S, 4 and 5........ 75 each. The next 75: 10 eat
4.7 nod S........ 50 each11111 o next."0i, 3eacu4£
0,10,11 anal, 25 each; The next 663. 1 each'
er=thousaxd e been eletssendof the net elvenhundred and nine tterr
Will receive gifts as follows -
1....»«»..-. .5500 eaeh'Tho next 1052e eatela
0 «elle.-.. 75 each The next R 10 emelt
Sand 4 50 each The ncxt585 2 each,
The next i 25 each The next 470 E each;
Any person may L•eud any number oftimes for aha-,
god above collections.
If three cents extra IS -sent, i will send In April a,
printed list at the names of an persona who are anti-.
fled to the gifts. •
As a direct investment this win not pay, but my
object is to Introduce my stook, and build up a trade
by mail. I employ no agents, bat deal direct with,
customers, and eau eeli and deliver stook to any part
.of the United States or Canada, either by mall,:
express or freight, at about one -hale the price charged,
by other Nurserymen through agents. Send me s,
list of wants and. I .will quote yon prlca..a. Mont as
this paver, and address all Utters-
CAPITAL AN1) FUNDS NOW (win $3,000;000.
To tit's date, October 31, 1887, there has bean returned :
To the heirs of Policy -holders (death.elauns),.... ......I elle,.:. ..... .rsie uta 00
To the .Iiold,rs.et }natured i:ad4.wment Policies" 20,402 68
To Policy -holders en surrender of Policies ..... C . .:.. : ::.......:58,656.0.1.
• To :Policyholders for Cash Profits (inoludirg these allocated and being pale) 432,544 02
To holders of Annuity Donde . .:. .:, elle elle. ; ....'.. ',10,967,'81:
Loaned to Polley -holders on'8ceunty 02'tlreirPolicies • 82,264 AS
51,866,174 47
Policies in loll ce over 10,000. Amount over $15,000,000.
PRESIDENT—Hoer. SIR W. P. H05-LA17D, C.I3.K.0 M.G,
VICE-PRESIDENTS.—WILLIAnt ELLIorr,'Eso ; 'EDwAzcn Roorrn, Este.
J. R. MA.CDONALD, Managing Director.
dl'i'Policies Nonforfeltrble :,iter 2 years and Indefeasible after 3 years.