HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-15, Page 8Qui W ,silingtoil .rettel`, of attemrtmg to blackmail Wesley Prangley, dote i eepely of Strethroy, (From our own 4wraMlx+aaent: Thisis only Qi1e of numerous 'rsin'tili'tr The �tiarit£ hill presented to the full . cltttrreet that ars (said to 'bi lyxn ; ;%gain= l r Seo ehctvso.: Ise is aGGused" of � wvriting :live letters toStrathroy Vote, Gontteitteti of'avays and means last week st l n 1 keeper s,Itoge;iher. They were marled from this city, so as to throw his ex- pected victims off the scent of the wild- er; fie sinned the letter `.scar A. 1CNelson,' and said he was a wbislasy, detective. Je offered to "drop all', changes against thein if they would send him. $25 to Toronto. Prangley took. the communication to Messrs. Scatherd Smith, Itis solicitors, and they sent a. is designed to reduce the annual reve nue of the 1overameat somewhat more than $50,O00,00O The professed pear - pose of all aec:tions o£ the tariff referee - era is to obtain as ;rent a reduction as e•A9 f1@ secured without injury tno ssny legitimate ate industzy. The painful diner- ences of opinion arise its deciding fes tQQ What is and what is not injurious. itx the tlortliw,est there will be conlpfaints that the duty ea sugar has itot; been 1 decoy letter to the. adds esu given i t ,down fe. rthert while I,ouiaiana will protest most vigQroasry against the cut that is made tea, Iautioua to the cite 'owing industry. Pulp ter paper - takers' uae la auetltt'r matter over Whig -II a freight is boeuad to be made,' Its the ilea. twill it is put ea the free list. 1ti the ,present law it papa duty :of IQ at ad va3Qrearx. 'very publisher its and newspapers will lteaafl he against monopoly which tool: al>tllit eight yetars sego, whore the Inn in for printing papers was eerwae-' l ailwd the prices rue up so high that twiny . of theubiishers who were op�er- atiag Iyw slender capital were driven to ! a+ the wall, here came theft m. loud ill. steal to !faongresa for relief; but at the fit -at tank of putting pulp no the free list syr'reducing' the duty en foreign paper, the rich Iwttlp meta gut the ae ews uncut the tnalnu.facturea who were in titnir debt, and the nanufac- tt«tom turned their backs upon their Alld used alt their ltliluea4"e ,rma to light oil the threat. eltat h eat- eltafl fr. Wei AA p1'u1altbly Beet tea reenacted this year 4'lepaper aeltedule comm lip for aderatroti. Salt, wool and lumber alio tied vigclrwua ehuurp cos to for tlwir farther protectiota Its .__ the summer's natural dullness fay I,o eapectecl to ire enlivened. to %tui a'igI t degrett by the warfare between x of the ta:illicted industries f the Treasury surp9Ua; trill he all the . more the fact that every, our Pamu stn>aw s that tis , f i stand gesir4rtnAt3rtti aa'ettltina+rc'attratrlt nicurate t cath* tor.a t aaatatittital►ts ctx, watching the part be . �ad,txnd 1..9 ea1Ft+t,ttatttitrst ?Mod sill t11A takes auta are lwlc°pariug to rewratd or xtttttta I}#t141tltStt oterCi wrlatetiati;itvi tttx', punish his accordingly* esti the 6th of xt tl eogVgao. tnitt414,inrrati attitlit..,0 r er.aset►natltt:rttoa tl twtolatt crttttrtfr 3e1tdoo' 'Novae then Tfw,atverage 1a„5hiugtoul. 2c un9 tlt� br i s corgi n iii it s l l • retlitite , the feats that , altlll to i[earittwteeactwr��. Ivnstwattcrttctatttttie Toronto. This letter aeras taken, so it is said, by $tonebouse's brother. To- gether with the writing in the letter, this was deemded confebusiye enough evidence, and A warrant was tissued conlin; lw . A search for the row'. Rent- al= at )ii;: Marne, near Mt. l3rydges, proved. unavailing, and it was stated be had gone to a sick sister in Dor- cheater. Deteptive Alien, armed with mot' went out to rche�ster to t: for him yestlerday morning.. A s latch from Stratbtroy in the after- stn stated that Stonehouse bud been resiea by laailitl'Carrie and su egn' file released ua bail irk WA suritit Qf earn. — Toronter a 0e, i; W = NARARTS. it inter, per hoot g Barley Oats i400!I EQP • Batter, Rullas Butter, 'Cr-ocka Potatoe t Dieswed l Hay Or - I4 tt lk 7 78 to 78 to 0 efw to x0 elf too: frli to pro' I4 to 15 17tto1.8 i; to I 1.00 to 1.1 %►•,7Z' to 7,00 8.ft0 to V0.0 MO VAL Mr; T Dearing will occupy his xlew Premises, , one door south..pf. Times. office, (lately 'vacated by Max- Torp,) where he will continue selling Ida ext.. tire Stock .,... of ,..... . ... Beady -Made' Clothing, Dry -Goods Boots ,told Shoes. Gee el f rackeryy, GlassW1 At l than. Actual Cost. taboo nd t,reduce L st —. sea will Wer— t ffer .._ ever' ham o aficred in a1Qds well assorted and everythin shelf worn goods in At b. or You. Vol The `rix cipie 0 0 COLD 1 1 D1 ATED Tread Office, 215 Yengo-st., Toronto. .. OttH 1X� gtou1 M.D. .0.F.S.O,� Eminent Thus• and Lang Sunless, ill visit t ho eter; Tu dayn areth 20th 1888 £:3x „Ifo" ILIA.34" t1r T " ". atari'it, Broncbiti;, .A.Mtlt a, Con- mptioxw, etc, permanently and ef- fectually f f'ectually meet - --- !rw prominent Teatime Permanent les. ru, John A.[ci eiwty,, giagitoxi, arch and l ansumptawa.. aim ¥trt1elvyy, `iurg4toA, Arai, Mtg. ill . Moping, I iagstou, he Cou uu;ption. Mr. E. Scutt, lci.ingsto3,, tlmt,, ad anti throat. REM;O�'F� Mr; J. G. Snlalltteelteloo has removed from Ids old premises to his new ones, and can, o be fouucl upstaill's Over the POST 0I'PO;, .7; ALWAYS IN S"fCTCK. dt..k tt . GOOD SIT 'UARA T' A CALL SOLICITI > p. � rna a ore e 13 W.11:. Stere''aa Original test Catarrh moat Cured, tlw1,1i.S'cre',kvtt.efttt eArntof W. 11. nn, Acton, 4,40-ta Ant ttot.'i-00 WOO ri0134. taacturrlat As,eesiatlt tx ci Vanstlk, sAre ,3UG:oungst: stmt.. Toronto. I & nye you, I to 1 �ratclati for the fasts• Aso effected In sal camas %suable. and :a bowing tug' ream t �1 x ux coucct.t- tltatr,xtat nitslr'taa yes Marlex rolnlx4 t itatterly ethics+ el. as we.i aaat bsttp,r „Ira the results rti_ycear to:snot:11,f sig, statsx�c tit tido teats. rr:?r it, tux ttc.yuatat- Cswl. t laarww al oast the I : grow -xt. itaaiencc i and vatic% Man ttuf 3lathtt0ntGlatt 0 ;tit:%; r1,tal•al Lys liZattr..l. • Fool. that mutant nt ak•til t,saila",lar. l axttd tt tl. almost clue without Ortr'att, 2ZI sir g II snort to Curti*. i* tt, stay' rturn tt.n aid yen ai nttufni to sil::t t,sa*,t 3u, rautaia'axb 3 ti ;t^itatx,S any bentlfit ta1114nr1. i1 tl �altle T. I SARI 'G 11 � Kt I ' 44 t4 tris nt cluwg rinralnit+4hisfx- xt ata noulliOrin.thett, tLodOr son aft �t ted prices til 4i ? %Axa etas c to T app hington is rapidly bttciwlntag a nameornattuvotyourdtseattomaybc,alallon orwtrit©tOus, sitingage,sex,comptemieltassts t; ret art center. Twentylive or more symptom*. 1,0e4 :tamp? t t rem poilotta years agar, when the Corcoran :tarts pit %tie Vide Mb'J 1IU114�17Itz� hooka. RpPltrp I, cutltnl ur : DaBt s. ovt r RlNI tltultitrrittlnna {,:aIle ry wan used by the Governneuit Brat�,tpnae et unseen Nana repasts 0l aver ao.w.1 ` • Surent ere4atriohms tor the gum el am to diseases us a. military warehouse, Otero Were net , b. ntlewatttea,i.%tatnrcaatcttlseandLvtrct,"wariatxta- p ; ny triflule ltai{�rtte i'AO Int every Unity gentle,. half a dozen" bookstores or other :wtorees lt+llee i acral 1:4 Wior c nm matted c� x Weli'a tot as we.in dile city in +sltislp c`duid be £otlnil laic= rx n sa"plumose eeaxcorord.miled sealed pttro a+n tzrt.tpaintings, engravings, ar etlliigi Tnx;mti`1Itrasfi4iscutona1anscponor s for halal. Shia." then nearly cam bust- dicta taunted or single. 14 entered 112n,Ltixum:l a rtes thoroughfare in town has been y l l• sestePtttnl continua en et poetcutes',. Lte to ndlaatluly,ecsladht lapucnveltb�tsotar,krllaTOtai cuttlelliehecl with an "art afore;flatbooks °ip Malan: lit irOi�siaot•'cuua 421 oU .ptutu silver, orwill :Du iventryout• hottitiec,tofS&KStupMttW,tllthtlratL K 15A Uriawola 141,,,_lirtrait, '.'lt' 1eh.Or' tat tQ'l nixBt.,tlttetnantl . Ail tattersmustbuaddres- sledtoDr, 3.e.ia�tinned& hall's DlOokl Detroit. Minh. SVebalm gored invalids in r0USlat nlirtu4ot taa world `r�oand to %twogenV.IaioxusCorcoran e Art Gallery has fulfilled its missions, and there era art schools, t eaohelsi of printing, art clubs, sketch i:tg clubs, and all that sort of thingtoo numerous to enumerate. Besides that the number cif private art galleries has increased amazingly, nod while there are no thirty.thouaand-dollar Meissen- asrs tbtut 1 know of, such as Now York lxrtsta of, yet the fact is we have orig- inal Roub u's anal .Titiens scattered around nnd'about that are rarer and better illustrations of the . productions of the easel and the studio tiaaiz any nloclerlt painter has ever brought forth. That one half the world does not know 115w the other half lives is partieularly true of the gay world here at the dap- ital which now and then restorts to snare astounding expedients for 'the purpose of cutting a dash or outshining x iteighbor.in, the platter of lavish dis- lritty at entertaining. Tor is this Weak- is»as confined to persons of limited nears, a notable instance to the cont- rary ont rary'hay'ing come to my personal know- ledge. Ins the height of the season one of the large private residences was thrown open for au afternoon tea, at which the company strolled through the spacious apartmentq, furnished in the most luxurious manner with siikety hangings, Oriental rugs, :sofas, •divans and softly cushioned ottomans ad lib - ton. The nextmornieg the proprietor of a well -know house furnishing estab- lishment was informed by the hostess of the previous afternoon that the furni- ture and hangings—valued at $1,000— sent up on approbation were not satis- factory and she would like to have thein removed at once. The enigma was flat solved by the proprietor until by Chance his attention was attracted to a glowing account in a local paper of, the referred to with a graphic and detailed description of the ulterior of the hand - Soule house. - 0 A New Horne Treatment for the cure of Catarrh, Catarr- hal dearness and, I-lsay Fever. The uicruseope leas proved that them* diseacea are contagious, mud tint they are due to the Ft'attnee of Tiring: paraaitw In the interlining Inetubrauo of the upper+.ir ppanay.+ea and oustachlan tubes. The emin- ent, scientists, Tyndall, lfutley and Scale cndnrae this, and these authorities cermet be diaput0:l. The regular method of treating three dtscaers fats (leen to apply am Irritant remedy weekly, and even dally, thus kueping the delecaIe inentbrane in a constant atataoff irritation, allowing it no chance to heal, and as a nae ural consequeneaa of :pelt treatment not one perman- ent cure has ever been recorded. It N an absolute fact that thine diseases cannot be tuned by any appli- cation made oftener than ones In two Meeks. for the uaembraue must get a chance to lural before as a tali - repeated. It is now seem.yonrd since 4r. Dixon discovered the parasite in iratarrh and fermnlated his new treatment, and sleets then his .remedy has be- comes. household word In every country where the English language la spoken. Unree effected by hue seven ycca'aago aro ettn0 attn, there having been no return of the disease. CSF. wviltrts Start•, will receive plum attention. TERMS REASONABLE A 'TRIAL SOLIG1TED. 'i SE`11" B1108., t. . SI So highly are these remedies valued, that Ignorant imitators have started up everywhere, pretending to destroys parasite, of which they knots nothing, by remedies. the results of the application of which they are equally ignorant. Mr. Do:on'e remedy is applied oniy once. in two weeks, and from ono to three appli- cations effect a purauanontcure in the most aggrn'at- od cases. 1.Ir.Dixonsendsa phamptet describing his new treatment On the recetnt of stamp to pay postage.. The address Is A. U. LMI)N k JON, 303 Sang -street west, Toronto, Canada,---Seientifc American—feb13 3 it uta its chat eta. u• ta feta in two. eJ in °la:a a ca 6 :at 1111Pa is+[atitrabt+'lca>,aa ct the i4'au , 1 p ns 144a*3 to pita` it oo:Auer m 5 eny is:1-a c'xat., tease very treaty. II. F iilli:l'. tr;111 11, Ca iradtatit,a Fob. bib, 13'si.'I r�n.mrr.�i,av�A! 1 tit 181::. NG U1.t. IVE 1E41. qq ..-•1'tIB-�• � �I l 0ltr Stec' trade. t,4 GER for $1.00I la for $1.00. w o c?tl't ICU UtaJ4;s04er tit T ;.:;o per Ile. Soots ce Shat s tall stylrtll lover lawn at Ion TE 1'IOATH. aikla i an1T.s, SItyTIIP,$ mu allUrikdc"• ;t1 De* 37ae1air:e clay.: fats sat, OW oil ro titer ass thetu>trco. a nice Tea Sett of 44 pie�teS. $2.75' ii der Mill gat p in pod tcade elliv far tau+ Ares Qoocls are at Grit - t d down to tine lawefA. notch. 1°t3TTAti .-nri�0 yds. Icwr i]. Is of Furniture and Undertalc —GO TO— How O --•H end Andrews A Minister Arrested: AN EXTAORDINARY OFFER FOR -- tied -room anal Parlor Suit+ s, Sidoboards'attl Rnteneion Tables, Loam'('$ 4>End1.4y chairs Lamest wareroOms in town. Ul UERTAIONO, outside of the under- , takers' ring, Lt all its branches. Open - day and eight.. STAND: one door north or 3Tolaon'a bank lain -street, - Exeter. A. new lot of 6x10, 11x14 and 14x17 PHOTO F SAE TO ALL WANTING EY1?LOYMENT. ave want Iwo, energetic, agents in every county, in the United States and Canada to sell a patent article of great merit. o1; ITS moors. An articles having a large -aide paying.over J00 per cent. profit, having no coma etitkon,.and on which the agent is protected in the exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every, county Ile may secure from us. 'With a1I these ad- vantages to our agents; and the fact that is at article that on be sold to every house owner, it might not be necessary to make "AN 01tn1:a\nl• nr1E11." to secure total agents at once, but, we have concluded to make t to $hew, -not only our confidence intho ,nerits of stir invention, but 1n it* salability by any agent that will handle it with energy. our agents now at work are making $1A0 to $300 a mouth clear, and this foot makes it safe for ns to matte oufelierto all that are ((802 (11 081213107fl1911t. Any agent that .will give our business a thirty days' trial and fail to clear as least $,100 iu this time, Maws ALL 131Cr1S081,n, can return alt goods unsold to us and we will refund the honey' paint for them. No such employer of agents ever cloyed to make such offers, nor wnttld,we if we did not know that we have ag01its new slaking morothan double this amount. Our large derript*vo circulars explain our offer fully. and these the w,ish to sendto everyone' Out el employment who will send us three ono cent stiimpg for postage.- Send at once and se- cure the agency in time for the beos4 and go to work err the$lorma named in our extraordinary offer. • Address, et once, NA 1O4ti Nrivntrr,:Co. kd-1 ii. •• ' 014 Smithfield St.,Pittsburgh, Pa; Lovaox, March 11.—A warrant 'vas issued yesterday'mornin; against Rev. .Totin-Stoxlehoi ae,a,Methedist minister, of theownship of Adelaide,oli charge Opened out this week. —tr —Also new line. of— Photo AWN, Picture Frame MOULDING Of the Latest Designs, .iT ----. . LONDON, ONT, o Handsomest Printed Paper Calladty— The egrictalturatt Department is s nand feature et the" Free .'roue;' !whiz always up to 11th times and unelected by persona 1nm:tica111• skilled in ram Wes it, Illustrations, Practical and Mail given week EXETER PHOTO GALLERY. JOS. SENOR, Prop. All the News In 'Full. 11w'T0legral01,7'uleph0nn, 311/4t and <,orreapon• deuce up to the hour of publication. SpecialAiarket Department.. • Agricultural Depart - monk, tbtpital Story always ltunnius:.Ingen- ious Puzzle t: Melon. 1luhlorous feeding. Just Tim THUN.Q FOR THE FAMILY 1 very member of the household eagerly looks for it each wweeR. altos. ton; AT H ESON1 Pay prsltu time. 1.1,01). aI11'Olt.. 0b' THE DOMINION LABORATORY 33egs to announce to Itis numer- ous Friends Allo Patrons that he Silts just put in a full line of Staple & Fancy Stationery Read Books, S6001 Looks, ' and all kinds of School requisites Letter and Note Paper Fools eap Paper, Atcount Papers, Colored 'Tissues, Gilt Papers and Drawing paper 240: o X341.10ez.`,� Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also, a full • each. Iline of all, the newest and most In Clubs of 4 and nllwultl., �a4 Ea1anee I "' S7 free popular works of Fiction, all of which will eb sold at the lowest reineuTative rates. 111F4 OWN/IN . r l 1>EOPETE2'OR, MRS, I308SETT AND MISS WELSH begs to inform the public, tnat they have opened out business on the corner of illiaul and Gidley • streets. Dress- making done in all the latest styles, Lessons on Fancy Work given: STAMPING ,A SPECIALTY, All orders promptly attended to. A. trial soltcitrd, ,.r,1 Mch-1.3ru 12,000 IN PREMIUMS Glean Army Fres to Agents. bloat liberal iudueentents ever offered In Canada.. :Everyth1ng ue>ef01, valuable and 0rnalnenlal. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE, The most popular "aper to work tor. Moro money can be Made wurith2C for the "'Yree Press" than at any other ctuployment. .A.ddrote--Pitts P1t 1EJ, Lennox, Oaurnnio. CHRISTIE'S Cilianr—W) tiiVfRY.STABLG IAt1 LAD IES ' EVA LAATI0t S andd by Thousarods o ' Ladies.P1LLwvhreo eitoeorsethem l�lonthly; l ev r er fail; Relieve pain; Insure rc;stii1aritiyr. Pleasant and effectual. Pao age sent by mail secure from obsorvattion on re-- ceipt of $1. Correspondence confident~•. ial. .Address TORONTO MEI>IOINE CO., 1'. O. Box 576 Toronto, .ant.--ittn26 81 Rigs and horses First -Class. "'Orders left at the Ilawkahaw House, or at the stable will be promptly attended to. TK1nts: RssnSsszdn:rslsat,