HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-15, Page 6Ama "row eo nen zees.
In Mr. Fel). Gneiss' graphic, „exticle with
the above titIN Sri page 3s, current volume,
I think he doemot put eufficieet empluesie
oa the neceeeity there ie. lit order for bane
te lay la winter we the ne ie snow oe the
grouted, for feeding daily or nearly se, thee
'thigh will equal the enteivatent ot the albite
men end PhOsPhate in the e,gg. Notbing
but a liberal Supply ef meat 91; ilelt of setae
3414 will furnish the material out of which.
a hen developa sod live the egg. Core. no-
tateee awl vegetables will not eo it, nor Will
berie4 gr Quad fine, norsee tier opter shellie
nor any of the small graina, hot they will
2144. Meat, milk and 64 axe rile essea.
lab, and they must be g yea daily er steady
and continuous laying le on of the ()ties,
No clan 'of meet, ft is nnterialui, are ee
euccessfel in obteming egga in wioter AS
hotel and boarding-heuse keepers on a large
male; the eecret beiug tieeir fetwle geta
iberaZ 1Uy ration of auregenime feed ef I
the riciteet character—the eremite end
tooted meats end fiell of the eich meets ta.
We; Awl by the way, the ave. -amity for 4 i e
considerabIe pertim of boeee to sepPit" tbe
colt for phoephetea M teem the shell of th.e o
gi le" ovennstimated. Eat are lenge,
carbenete of lime, aoe the nhespbete. I
one will observe closely, he will See laying
hems will, when tbe three are raged before
then% cheese SeA er oyeter ehells iu prefer.
eine to ground er hmned bones in any fem.
Sem° girie shade their twee with heir
heads and Others nee peecils.
A Pas paper says. 44 the people of St.
Lem; Ta ere dying a diseagt aUei
the tilinterde."
There ies sie vouch electrieley he a kiss that
(espied levers have been eseown to 'depend,
upon it allogether to tiolit 4 apanions Wm.
A sweet potato 'Morseling to feet ant,
one inett let length, and tw� lochea in
meter, was exhibited ise ikst Galeeville, Ga.,
Vette* the merninte Oar, le brighter than
it ever appeared to any num nQW living,
and nearer the earth time iewL1 beagatn
fer ded year&
Dr, Titus Coen, of Ne* York, says that a
man who aste with hts bin* to * '96140Vg
fag00 a eattn- People who eidein the tereet
oars witt toke nOtiCa,
Cheerbsineee Is the &treater * employ-
, motet and Dew knOWn 4 Man tOronieliome
a logh Roma frere 4 funeral, merely bevau
a had the management of
In the Snatiey seised : 'reathee—Wha
an yen woof Lot'e wife? Little girl
Notbine. Mother *eye I nottetrdt talk Abeat
thew folk; their beeke., '
9 hevenotteed ern thing about Mho
ng with a Tomato girl," he eithl,, "Wbr;
• nee r WW1 "'What 14 that? "If t
girt /*He eff the yosieg mats goee fees.
The Reoteeket Legialatute win prohibit
niarrisiNs where peressee inene " Yieleut
temper." le can't tO Vieltsee tem.
pent MOe disecivezed efter resseriage,
Sento people are en Sang4irs0 WS WO
at they think they On plent 4 handful
cell in a enow drift wed gether a certlead
40m/els the. by after the Aral; theW,
Tile eldiset member of the Faseeinequoshly
be la Thomm Witeh, mei be le le"i e ears.
el. Ile worked letit e444ion, reieed good
p, aed in the fall trapped aud leented,
whippiog the other 'dey and then saw ;-,-
News. if Yon think I did wrong puniair-
ing you thus you may take the red and
serve Ina 'in liken -Lannert" To hie a:stealth.
etent the. otmtrite and repentant girl took
en at /ate word Ana gave hmx mcli *lam-
basting as he had, never dtelMted of.
Oue of the prosperous residents of Mount
Vernon, lila Masan agent for a eyelone And
tornado ineuranee eompeny. Ile had been
SO 414e0e4Shil hie leasinees that he had
beilt three honSe4 in the place sad peid for
them. Nooe of them bad beea basered,
however, mid the eyclone with venneful
fence, maalied all tbree into toothpicks.,
Oliri4fein .27"trald The Capital Peniels-
roent Ceinentiesion, appeinted by the New
York legislate:re to name a more soitable
mode of wog
the deethpeuelty then the
barbarous heaging, ha a reported so fevor
the teee cf electricity, which has the four-
fold merit of being paiales,s, tustantaneane,
cortaba awl =mutilating. Civilizaticia
As 4 geod example of the effects ef Si49.4r0
pietiSin niaballasteci by corenion itemee telte
the Auatob. beltevere, a eget at Separatikta of
t Which there ie a colony near Gotten, amen
).% -4.•
An Official. report
the Ueited State a at fi4
The Stet§ ef Senora,
en every baby to
and charges the farmer a
cbickm be ralees and 50
No feel time eixty-eiglet etandend breed
of twist are mine:need, and tide deee no
Wanda the COMM= barnyard fieveh net
Vieft 4 tAN
it4 !baits
ar eVery
•• A yogeg lady geve up her sent It?. a Rie
t ante street ger 'to a gentlemen who bad
e uple et bean, eateltele awl looked tire
loop year," was All the *Aid ass
Great releaueeti lutve been made in church
hitectitre duriug the two decedee—the
• are ten Itreede of clucke, seven breeds o
geeee am/ eix breede of terkeee.
Frofeesor MeMartrieseems to prove by
inveetigationa that the touch, ttrefised end
emight for "Ude' in :eerie° sheep Are de.
trimeetal, that they do not ineteette the
yield, met deereme the %utility.
elersien eat, whieit is the
=ether a thee% kittees, tea recently adept.
ed two youag eabbita end. tbree young
coons, whIch ebe bxounlat in from the woodRa
• brionieg up tbe whit% lot ha peels of
feline prepriety,
Row fortuoate it le that hegia Ube ea
ignorent ova may learn abase as they are '
by experlence I If a bay knew everything,
for inetatee, haw could be *ppreelete those
n ite aeries el how geed little toes grow ep
and heetnee altiernma seal members a eon.
grew) . It 13 fasted that the ruteg gessera-
tien in titease, would beve little lecentiee
to be good,
A writer in the Weenie; Rand sap
Linn -to a wbat we call our native eteek
heves autthing Jilitke a fair ehatnee. If wo
buy a laigh.priceil improved dairy cow we
thiek nothing too ood for her, We ate al-
most inelined to t. e her into the puler
and if we do not, we do not think the .parlor
is any too good for her. Sim gets the beat
food that the farm affords, and if that fa not
first elan, we buy that that is. If there is
anything of merit in the animal it moot
keep coining out conspieneuely. But any-
thing is good enough for the common cow."
The following le from the Ferment' Re.
tient : The growth of a crop should be re. f
garded as *loan made by the soil for a tem-
porary use, and m the return of ferneyard
manure to the land some portion of that
knells repaid. It is more eatiafaetery, be -
ens(' it is a return of porton of that
ectuelly borrowed, Aud not some aubetitute
which rimy not be equally sultakle, Some
portion. of the loan made by did...soil cannot
be returned in. its original form, because it
hats gone to market 3 but for tide roma gooa
subatitute ought to be found. The soil,
like any otbealender, likes its loan return-
ed with interest, and in proportion as thia
is done with a liberal lumd, so will it be
better prepared to make new and, lerger
co at In eerie, Tney were etegenelly
enonitee. lent separated from them be. I
the eanouttes tteed lemon; a, euif,
fer whieh they coald awl no authority
u Scriptero and therefere edcpted knAe
I eyee foldout. It
et teeneteetentiteretts Wile% etc
etirstely eeteedesat.Cere
. you. knew that nowhere elee deee
wind whietle utelottlemety 44 net the.
tilog flute of An old, Testy etovempe in
st olfeeme *hop, where the air is eweet.eeente
with the oder of the 'Oak alsaviege from t
drew etteve? • Do _yoa Iselow that hens
Can alt down and think and watch
Pola 044 P_O.yan keine. that. everY
its not jebiteriog at the same tinie, and that
w and then the soft cedeucee ef the whirl
le detese to meek that, with many A diM.
=de, lapee.a into the .tsoft. WarrA eplutter
the tire at the =sigh of the .dreught t
,tes Jettereete, the cat eleers. curled '
losistantegn.00priset:3; inVon..
Telie4geoa itUknO), 4 Oireassiee efacer,
'who was noted pieta !sleet eeying to the
mdocesrsa.kropetore otuboef.othethweatimiciletorgilsed, ww4itileke4a
wititeett Itlecirauce intothe eoueeil rem
•, end fired two ebots i4. eapiel. eucceeelon, tete
first kUng'Hameln, Altai Paellite the .Ser-
ta*tet, 'Med the see.00d Retshid Itaisha, the
Miekter for Foreign Affairee :•Tilc* • ether
Mintetera rushed to the dora to eecepe, tee
..cept the elinieter et Merino, e gallene old
*tauten, whiebied givett proofe. .of ide .cour-
age 04 m.aely previous itecattleas, And, ,anmeg
ethers,. wheelie Was blown UP in Ma 41).4i
at Siaope a he beginning .of the) Crimean
wer. Begot behied. the 'Mango and trled
to pinion .1*a by holtliog bs atseee till he
WAS wounded With a ya,ktaglsau, .zead belog
obliged to let go,. Slipped' thMegle a. door
tato:* roam Where' the Grand, 'Mier bed
already -,teletea refuge; when the twe old
Math hatwaaRttlaeuSa managed -teetireen
leettry divao, ectese, the deore which tote
tunetely ,opened einward. flastima. Ming
la WI' hitt etiorta tet foto the door, eddreere
in feltemet Itmeeltdiethe Giand Vizier in
the meet rempecteal Otiose eeLd, "Ai atber,
I Areatire yen i.h0 I have n0„wisilto hertyeu,
het open the door and lee me tietelsthe
Minister of Atavism..." To thhe appeal Me.
hemee .Rueehtle asenverede "MY toys -ttelt
are tee much excited fOrine,t et yon. in
while yea aro in your proteet . state, arell
ceneet epee theitlete" •While tide tstrattge
colletpeet wengomg an tila 110.44144 Atka-
danta Made nn'atretupt to. swize Ileseete, bet
they were .elset down no atter anether*aisi
Wee not till soldier Cento and reit Wm
h the body that Ise was .eftectuelly
ed. Be had breught four reveleeret—
n'his hoottsbesitive theme he bed in his
de—and with tie* halted ;succeeded be
Wen pet491).8 iriCTInliPg two Ulu,
ntl had wounded sight Ohm, of
.W44. the Mieleter of Merin; Ile
noeged the next dey, maintaining .an
otifel bearing to the god, welkieg, in
te of hte weunde to the gallows, were
Veil to edjuet the rope .roued hits own,
, end died ehowieg to the end the reek.
lees emirate .evith which he Ited carried out
the vengeance he had reef:deed te tette. It
_ not appear that politteal consideratteme
additien to the grodgewhich. he 404140y
re to .0m lifinieter Of War tied in any
4y4etristed him ; betit the ettstektiete usede
We the view of enteing en toot a .hentile
ovemeet agoduet the Goverontent it *lg.
Mtudy l.felled of it* ereet, .fer the tiret excite-
ent eansed by Matelot; inmeedietely ssub.
new churches ore baudseraer—but little Ira -
prevenient is *hewn ever the old plan a eei,
The manufacturers ef firearms are aeld to
have formed a gun trust. They wBI have to
teke in the man who thinks it itsfe loaded,
for his Is this umat etepentleus gun trust an
With the thrtmetneter at 1.3, and the
eratage trete wrapped in Igetikete, and 4res
bletleg around all the ereberde it is ratbera
poor tune for daekeouvitite Fia., to twist
eubtropicel exhibition."
"The bustle" has utility ats welt aw he
ty. The other day, down In Georgie, an
auger was cenceeled in one of tinee Articles
awe carried into gad, with the reettlt of
liberating five nersione coedited there.
If a yang nue is very an4lotte to Insole
what a young woman really thinks of him,
he can generally find out by eneetioning her
little brother; but nine timesout of ten sruch
yonng teen will wish afterward that he
tranger (to Boy, can you direct
me to nearest hank 1" iloy—" I kin for
twenty five cents." Streoger—" Twenty-
five cents 1 hart that high pey ? Boy—
" Yes, air, but it's bank direetera winst gite
high pay."
The Pluto Indiats, who delight on a d
f grataboppera in summer, are just
(meting on rabbits and, "pine nut :sou
An agricultural writer in the New York
Herald says: "Time was, and within the
memory of those not very old, when mit
pork with patatoee and bread conatituted
the staple diet of fermi= in nearly all parte
of the country. Only excessive hard work
could rnake such diet at all endurable.
Thus two evils offset against each other,
and made life in the country poseible,
though Lard and disagreeable. Much of
this s changed now. Farmers are not
obliged to work ao hard with their bands,
at least, as they did before labor-saving
machinery took the brant of toil from the
toughest jobe. • With leseasevere labour and
greater care and thought required., it btamt
possible for farmere to live on pork and
potatoes. Fruit to progressive farmers is
not a luxury ,but a nocesaity. It should
constitute a considerable parr, of the sum-
mer diet. For the women and children
plenty of fruit has always been a necessity.
Now that the health of husbands and
fathers depends upon an abundance orfruit,
it is to be hoped that setting out plantations
will not be neglected.
Some great changes have just been made
• In a single night in Parliamentary. proced-
ure in England, tbe most important of
which:is to put an end to late and all-night
• sessions. At midnight acav the sittings will
close and members will not be called upon
to ruin their , heatth •ba uncomfortably
sleeping in their chairs amid the close at-
mosphereofthe chamber. • Other reforms of
a practical bearing have been made Whilst
will deprive the Nationalists of some of
their ammunition. •
It has required I,900 !suits in the State of
New York to convince the makere and el
era in oleomargarine and other imitation aall
dairy products that 'the law compelling
them to be sold"for just whatthey aru could ra
be executed. It is ptobable that these ven-
dere of intitettioa butter and cheese are not a"
all satisfied yet, but the 1,900 suits have re.,
stilted in eetabliehing the complete constitu. a• , a
tonality �f ' the law: Ilaetioallir theetfect. •Das
of these ptoseautiOns has been, to compel tlie Par
sale of the imitation products for just what lust
they are and the public is pretected against Aha
• fraud to that extent. Those who want oleo- man
• margarine eau get- it, but thoee who want hail
• batter are not defrauded into taking oleo- as a
margarine instead,• A
Ie ilreW *leave bees dritten leng Anal
sweep And eldpped ar a alieviog Met twiete be
up like 4 baby'n earl end rolls cif on the w
dusty fitter. Now eveubody dere& New n„
the *bedew* have green), h, and tire m
at the bowie tekes off his g2xiso and Rita
down by the fire And rAkee the embers into
the little reeeptacle at the heirtk. •
"It wilt ;tome in tweettefour hours.,"
sabe. tTels wee they* egett " Hew eo
"Oit the eaten ;we white. De yon ate r
he *dile ensietly, "Wath thet red one.
See 1 Be grows paler and paler, and now
pearly ashy white, and there 1 he die* Ife
ra telHog a atory, and it beeins with eve
and ante with mow, and there is intow
the interval, It le my barometer, themen.
terse aud I like to watch teem. Sometime
they turn black whets pulled out into the
air. That maw* ram, and if I were levying
I would accept the word and make ready
fur It. Sometimes they would turn white
and then bleek. la saw followed m
'rein. Sometimra it is bleck followed 1y
vellite, That ite tale. followed by Aso.
The metro *did stud perfect the the t
heavier the fall of sinew. The same of the
Week Aud the rairt preettges. Why, stir
theee ember; weld tell the whole gory i
you Would otdy heerken totthein. Settle.
time. they don't jusit hit It, hut I have fore. int
told some of the higgeet storms ot the tea- nn
em in yenta goo° by," "Ifew do they tell J4
!delete] *V Premiss* as Teo% rote
timed In Iterate,
bad 'slept little, as I was suffering great.
rem toothache. The Sheik deelered that
was ekilful dentist in the encamp
t and,
as the rein was almout unbear.
I made up my mind to put myeelf in
h oda rather than endure it inly long
eccordingly sent for. the Matra.
ente conaisted eta abort knife er neer and
kind of iron awl. Be bade me sit on the
(tend, and then took my bead firmly be.
eta his knees.
After cutting away the gums the "den.
" Applied the awl to the roots of the
th, and etriking the other end of It with
lie might expeeted to ace the tooth fly
0 the air. But It was a double elle end
it to be removed by isuch mons from the
w, The awl elippea and made a overt)
nuel In my palate. Ho ineteted on a ee.
d triel, deolering that be could not but
med. But the only result was that he
ke oft a large piece of the tooth, eud I
d suffered enflietent agony to decline 4
'rd experiment,
iet fair weather
now . "Howl' Why, simply the order burns out
p." giowing well down to the lust Why
e e or Is mesie of nate and rabbits
bit* and the Plums declare it makes then'
tt heap fat."
" Vet" eaid Mrs. Dealt. atter her fourth
daughter's wedding the other day; "yes,
all our girls are nuirried now, arid Air.
Dash and 1mill take a small hone* in the
eountry and pas. the rest of our Lives in
peace and quiet."
The greatest limy distances ride on record
is now to the credit of Col, Gatacra. He
went front Simla to Usnballah, 00 miles, in
8fr hours, with three-quarters of an hour al.
lowed for changen, and returned, making 104
miles under 22 hours.
A man may " accumulate a competency,"
which is a good thing to do, but the esteturt
end good -will of thotie who know him is
mere pleasant and equally valuable, ewe in
the matter of szoing to market. Then he
must have currency.
Dr. Viosin relates the cue of a girl, II
years of age, who is a most inveterate and
persistent Her, and whom he cored complete-
!yof this reprehensible habit by means
of hypnotism. liere is a grand field al use
*einem opened before this young FiCielaCe.
There are times when a man should not
give up his sat in a street car to even aim=
woman. That thaw is when twelve men are
packed like eardines on one side of the car
and four women have spread themselves to
take up every inch of room on the other.
Detroit has the greatest Solomon tei tbe
bench. He has decided- that a dwelling
bouse ie not a dwelling house unless some
one lives in it It follows, then, that a
church is only a church Sundays, and that
a judge is an ass only when to is on the
bench. •
• The Detroit Free Peeps:remarks, "The
country is not. lazed tea tight. There are
matsy more thousand men in the west than
women: iforace Greely was the canse of all
the trouble. When he told theyoung, man
to go west he should have 'told' the yeani
woman teego with hireat
"That's a pretty dirty shirt you have
en," said the sergeant at the central station
to a prisoner who. had just been registered. ,
"Yes, it is; bueit isn't my fault. Your
city is sit ,dirty that a fellow can't,: wear a
shirt here ever six weeks before' soniebealy
begins to complain of it."
, A special despatch from WaShington
says the Fishery negotiations .wila reatilt'
p en a re erence to arbitretiors... On
other liana, a 'repent cotnee ftorn Landon
t a successful termination is,podjete4
friends of Mit'Clieinberlain-and dinette,
er geademan
or a tia te les.ph gret`
h railway pftle,ed to workeand was ,ape
ently; " gihuncled,"', tine repairgrs haye
succeeded in °eating the trouble.
ut four miles...east ,of Waited). an old
Itacecut the wire and raaa a line into his
80, where he was utilizing the electricity
cure for rheumatism.
pedagogue gave a young lady a severe
abouldn't it? Lem moiefure in the air and
snore air to free terebestion, The embers
re all night 1 sey. I am inclined to play
with them, and yet 1 hews Iota of fellovre
(fame here for my latest bureau, reports, just
as though these were based on the eternal
things of reethemetiee, Probably they are.
There certainly must be muds of mathe-
matical exactness even in the dying embers.
God, didn't make anythies to die any more
than to be borne away." Just here the eat
yawns and the win& whistle. Bverybody
else tells us that the embers predicted the
recent big snow storm forty-eight hours in
advance, and fetid that it would be of unex-
ampled severity.
litseniarien of the Paste
The love letter of the Bmpress Bugenie
which watt sold the other day at the emotion
mart is one outof a bundle containing a good
many. Roses, to whorn it Was addreased,
was a patriotic and liberal moor, and the
uncle of a Speniab deputy as charming as
distinguished, and still young,Luia de Rude,
third husband of lame. Ratan''nee Bona-
parte Wyse. It was written at Bayonne
after the Empress and her mother had re-
turned thither from Brighton', where they
had spent a charming summer, so far away
back in the past as 1846. Thereby banes a
dramatic incident which,/should the Em-
press ever be brought into a sensational
novel, might, if well worked up, bring a
fortune to the novelist The Comtesse de
Montijo and her beauteous daughtera were
essentially birds of passage at Madrid, Parte,
Belgium; Brighten, London and Clifton.
Eugenie was. too pretty and successful a
maiaslayer not to have felt what an unchari-
table worldthis is. This id why she sent
Rosas theinhage of a heart traced with her
pen, "instead of blbwing to hini lots of
kisses," ..
Lord Clarendon's friendship led to the
Comtesse de Montijo and the future Em-
press being limited 'to Cambridge House
when both were under a aloud on the conti-
nent The then laughing and garrulous
young Spaniet beauty, who was born in a
garden during an earthquake, always had a
presentiment that a. strange and brilliant
dastiny awaited her. Roma, I hear, shared
it. •.
As President of the RepublidaM. Carnet
receivps '$240,000 is, year,that, is to say,
• 8120,000 as salary, 860,000' tor keeping up
,tisofapial •state end. $60,600 for travelling
420;000,, ,ancl;; adcmalingte
M.• Gi'ettfis eetaterietioteelteieeiteufficient.
• Withtefitt,edOesetye, the Bresedent ofeelntc
Republie catinot abegt..1 the &nintry,
° bgbatiete 4democratd-4Vr4)00"01 'stilled): of
• narchteallradittens, auct inevery ton
where the President spent a single day he
would be expected to make ' inch numerous
and generous gifts •to, hospitals, oharitiee
and other . local institutions that a visit to
half a &Men towns would exhaatit hie year's
116 3arrecli
"And are you angry, awed; ?"
He whitmered soft and Jew ;
But atilt she turns her face away,
And not one little erore will es,y,
To mitigate bits woo.
Bon tiny eyes grow pink.—
He plainly sees it now ;
She lifts her little hands in shame,
To cover o'er a face aflame
From dainty chin to brow.
Her atately head droops low *
It makes his "young blood f'reeze."
Has he by kisaing one fair cheek
Caused her this shame, so real, so deep?
—A pause, a fearful :sneeze.
buts to be hoped that Lady Dufferin's ear-
ly removal from India may not check the
philanthropic project in which she has taken
so deep and womanly an interest—that of
supplying female medical aid for the women
fo India. The London Illustrated News
contained, a few weeks since, portraits of
aome of those whom Lady Dufferin has in
training for the work, and also information
in regard to the character and need of the
work itself. All who have any conception
of the extreme seclusion which custom en-
forces upon the women of the East, the ig-
• norant and superstitious practices to which
they are subject, the unhealthiness of
their modes of life, and the extent to
which they are debarred from treatmentby
male practitioners, will .understand how
great would be the blessing, brought to them
by the presence 'amongst them of a supply
of skilled female physicians, nurses, etc. In
a letter received a short time sine by a
lady friend in Montreal Lady Dufferin ex-
plains that the £50,000 asked for for this
project are as yet far from being subscribed,
and intimates that any manifestation of in-
tereet and sympathy from, Canada will be
particularly grateful to her
• The amount of money bequeathed in great
sums' for charitable purposes during the year
just dosed was more than £700,C00 ; if be-
quests under 61,000 be added, the total
would at Ikea treach 21,000,000. This is
exeliisve co money given to several religious
and book -publishing societies.
%Ashes, froze the' volcano of Cotopaaria
ithich fell at a distailae ef,a20 milee retain.
,sIet of gear z,„ elspar, reageettte andameer;
anannaajaaataeg.fena41 a),Yiamtittsie =
ulna iron ore, 'Silver' Was prsenElat ene,
Tate ...of elee p& ,
p, ton."' '"
• At the meeting of the Toronto City
Coguunecaitl, hirrteeneingtehtd etah-eMrtat'00yraiHHonwmlanantle, boyr
eiety's medal to Miss Mabel Anclrewe fo-
her hermo rescue of a child from drowning
in Georgian Bay in anise last. -
His MOther's, Boy.
A neer mice owned pat 00
shock-aeded boy,
fretekle faced. boy
on -place
But thought he was hencleome and said sq
with joy ;
For mothers are flimsy, you know,
Quite so—
About their sons' beauty, you knew.
• •
Hie nose, one ceuld age, Was not Grecians
bet pug,
• And turned. upouitesnege
Like the nese et a jug ;
But she mad it was " picputet" and, gAve
him a Jing;
For mothers are tunny, yen know,
Quite so -a,
boot their sone' beauty, you knew,
17te eyes were smite and he blinked
sa the elm ;
Bet she said it was clone
40 a mere Pleee of fan _
And gave an expression of wit ta her son
rot. mothers% are funey, you 'row*
Quite so—
About their Sone' beauty* yoa knotte
The earrat.y love -lecke that cevered bie
She never ealled red,
But auburn instead,
" The color the old Masters;the
Reid ;
Far methera are fenny, yen know
Quite soe-
About their sane' beauty, you know.
Now, boys, wteu your mothers telk so, let
It nAtes ;
Don't leek in the gime,
Like 4 vai' n stilly hese,
&Ogg tendthe baby, 04abpe, weed, the
greee ;
Be 44 good 44 you're pretty, you know,
Quite 4Q.
good as you're pretty, you hum,
A Soldier's Presence et MA
The dep. of the historical "long brid
eading frees Berlin to l'etedant are num
brie whiett Awed an iinport
IA the career of Nederick the tirest
In the days of thet king alt trAvellen be.
tween the two cities Were Cerilpolled te page
ever the bridge ; and few {Seeped. the mon-
strell'a ;Wage while Sittieg Lu the ettely of
neighborieg, refute But be of even*
did uet wilds to be obeerred, eo he pieced a.
" (trio the room which Aecurately retlect•
at wears -ell open the bridge. 040,
the evenigg 01 which a nisayierade
eke place in Berlin, he set as Tama
when, glancing in the mirror,
shy captain in the act of crew
eluded at once that the object
of I the masked ball, which his
majesty intended to visit but had for
Meilen hie efficere. A few homes later the
king darted for Berlin, amrappeared at the
operaehoriee theproper thee. Ilia lobar
teen reveguized the sinner In the mats
noble Venetlen ; and he follewed him
tep by at p until be Was thoreughly cow
vieced that he hednettlene mistake. Step.
ng tes front of the culprit, and geeing at
ra with a trepalleing look, ho tbundered,
Ink, I know yen 1" The efficer, who int.
tediately recognised the tones of his king,
was frightened tor a moment. He knew that a
beevy peniahment postisibly diamisael would
to meted out to inn). But he recollected
itinucif and replied, Meek, I do not know
you." Meek, you are Ceeatry Captehe
X." With a resolution of despair the GM-
cer ansivered " Yen but I am Imre without
leeve of abeence. He is a aeoundrel who
betrays me 1" The king bit his lip Thu
renewer was uuexpectadly collected and itn-
pudent But preeently ho said, "Upon my
word it remains our !secret," The officer
left the mquerade* hurried to his llotel,
aprang upon Isis kettle, and galloped beck
to Poteciem. On the following morning at
Ight o'clock he appeared punctually fi
duty in the Lustgarten, whither hie regi-
ment had been ordered. The king soon bee
gan the review, Oaring strongly at the pap,.
tain asbe paused down the line. Suddenly
he halted at the centre. " Cevalry Cap-
tain X 1" he calledin stentorian tonea The
officer, now certain of his distnissal or long
arrest, rode forward Iii htrletest military
fashion saluting the king, as he thought
,for for the 'butt time, 1" Nearer," commanded.
his majesty, as the captain estoppel at the.
customary dbstance. Ile obeyed. Maak,,
you are a major, but he is a scoundrel who.
betrays 'It I" "Upon my word, your Ida-
jeaty, it remains our secret," answered the,
officer, relieved now of hie heavy hetwt.
year went by, and the promotion, remabiedi
an unrevealed secret, the captain doing hie
duty as hitherto. On the anniversary of
the event, when again presentingm , his regi-
ment to the king Lustgarten, the follow-
ing parole orders were read—" Cavalry
Captain X. is promoted to the rank of Ma-
jor, his patent dating from a year ago to-
day, and has four weeks' leave of absence.
for the Carnival in Berlin."
The Redhousery school', of
aurrey, Eng., takes altogether ton lively an,
interest in the settlement of Canada. The
institution according to the Superintendent
of the Montreal Boya' Home, sends'. out to.
the Dominion about one hundred of taw
wards annually; and the trouble le, that
the lade bring their old habits with them.
They are not good boys, and they have e.
particularly violent aversion to work in any
of its forme. ,
The general surprise caused by the an-
nouncement of Lord laufferiats resignation of
the Governor -Generalship of India will
scarcely be lessened by that of his appoint-
ment as Ambassador to Italy. Taken in
connection with the reticence of the Govern;
ment in replying to. questions in the Com-
mons concerning it relations to the Greet,
Powers, and its correspondence with then.
on subjects connected with the present wan.
like alemmietrations, the apabintment may -
be thought suggestive of a secret uncleratand-
ing with theItalianGoaernmeat It gives,a,
in fact, flame color to therumor that Load .
Salisbury is persolielly cemmitted to ,a de- • '
fence of the Italiaoast,' by mearie of a
BrltIsh Eower yeeet,it AoaheperdoftleonttititaeveektuhpaouTtdt
&digit rf Etild Aisotteleanimewouldebe tablaq ""
oug • fe; ;eiriPlicitte" Greet Britain before-
-hatia and Anneoessarny in a, great European ,
strugglta`in which neither her interests nor
her honour are directly involved, especially
when to do so vvould not only be contraryto
the view S and wishes of the great majority
of the nation, but would almost surely pre-
cipitate the conflict which hes been SO long " •
• imminent ele' the h°1'der af,