HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-15, Page 5.
-Mr. James Beer, the assessor, its
on his rounds.
.--Mr. E, Mena, of Parkhill, spent
London Ebro illy Sunday in, town.
Northern Divistriott
Qateet Noggin-e-Ttxa Teen*---Pasn'rr'r.
London, depart*... 8.10 ..w. 4.25 p.n.
Luegn Or Obning.. 9.33 3.43
Clandsboye.... 9.10 5.33
tiltntraalira, .... ,.. 918 5.33
2:]#t...... 9;35 5.45
Ifanon. ,.,..,. • t 44 I%5$
Kippen , • .. 9.31 6.06
Brumfield. t.53 .• 6.15
Climes.. ,.,...10.10 6,33
Loteletrb sro' 14.37 6.55
Blyth ........-20.46 7.03
Belgrsave ..,11.00 7.20
Wingllsm,arrive, 11.20 7.30
Gent* Sarre.
RFiugha zysleirart. 7.00 *.tt. 3is
Bolgr+av+e........7.17 3.54
Londcelms** 7.40 351
Clinton ... 8.04 4.10
13raceriaeld....... 6.19 4.25
Nippon ...8.2. 4.57
Il:enswll ... • 8.33
Exeter ..... , , 8.47
Ventre! iea 8.3?
enandaiwya:.., 9.10
Lscen-croeleg , .., 1.20
Lawyer E. Dauceyr, oat Seaforth,
in town On Frideyr.
'Alar. Thos. Pesetore, Irate of this
ourea!, has been reamed on the Olin.
ten Noe Eras ed
+--1 i tt, WoeMve jut received a
full eupple X Peery% fresh field
and garden mode.
f Sof ourzeet secured
fins Willi**bits, ac Wednes-
lelst week.
Einem ter are mutt ppre-
honeholtiling e, wrier of
egetiort ogles, Ther gra
the stale
business boom
Read Joe Stoke change of ad-
ereireatent;etse tits elienge of Dr.
his visite
t in their herracirs, ea Ifondey eve.
i lest, mid thee, meat mummer
the effede g 16100044,
lion to their tools And forming ha-
lements, seed see that they Are in In
proper mad Woe for cootereirteinK the
spring week.
Get yoer Circular', Bill Heal;
notice inserted ender dais Not*Heada, :etrecner'e, Flyers, Regent,
be at lice xrts per line each insert- Sale Bili,, ilus'uee a Clads, 'Vitiating
ie». (lurdlt, Shipaping Tsylli ete. priarted at
1 "Vile would ask our friends qua .Anvo '.&ee office.
and resider* to assiit us it, making this ,1 _Nr. Jaws Afyai:Biers Biel as weed
valuta fit erecting lex contrribetxng items bee yesterday which wax welt attended,
-All changes for advertisements iia land large euaouut of wood cut ready
TIM A1P1:oCLTrt musts be handed in be. tear the sloven Mr, A. Moore Tread one
fore Tetesdry nooes, front t}ti5 tittle for- ton Tuesday and a meat pile, sat.
---0e Tuesday evening land, as
arrnaunoed,'the Band held as sieriee
rases et the Roller Rink. Owing to,'
the weet23sr beiug sea very: sternly the:
theses: wee itot.to/ergo: as. it would
hove been, bet this did *sot affect the
programs from being carried out. The
Reece were lutea^ ing, and the exhi-'
bitsrsn of kii..ey skating by Mr D. Tit
wan. well done, and drew fortis xotruds
of whiter, .ss he performed sone of 1
the macre difficult with
and *Snail ou eke teller skater.
t-- � --- �•
The allowing is the of price
Yew*, IS.
mels girls: under d. Axes, Ur 11110
years, 1ss. em Amelia. Devi*. "nd,
hLiss t1
*yore, Snd. Miss Amelia duke.
The ron*x# +ss,alsr a three aril* race between
Blear, ()Mende end J. Veil, of
Exeter, floe the else pionsbip of Haire.,
which acs ed in an essay victory for
Vail. \, This 13' mi*..1 sett. Ga aur'
yea phase, asses mile, 6 .sttrire, let .7.
Vail, '1t►. Ksnreek, 3rd E. Treble
In fano no competitionwens
otl:ered velnsti D. Tait: We under -
steed thee the Biked inteed holding
another "Prim its arc. sheat time. and
something atoresting y be looked
T'1' BR0
ey ere ofleri4 the heleuce tet their• --•-..
tis --
eeeeflr,ewrtaeepea:wWrrreMr ..,.
S:,1i. ESB.
#}a Tuesday, Mars *27ek, oat La
cou. 16, ioweship of Step]asn.
*tock and implements. N, Bee an-
raa, Prop. Wm. Holt, Attet,
On Friday, March 16th, an Lot 2,'
cots. 151 tortnshix of 'lay. Parma.
stack,. implreisreuts, etc.: ;filallniat
11. 1lappol, Props. Ed. Bess-
entlerry, Ansi.
Tubiar La�ntar
Mary Imarap for 12.5( A large alas Tette
lir 41.x. ,seas. A.1 bier linters for Meta
rprisws ;yea Our acilts; stock of tip oele�i mai
w depend will be slttd cbeeper then ever,
4 bark) Buckthorn tenting, p1as„wel, gtl-
oiled wire at tweet possible 4geres.
Items your order for Binder twine,
stt$vio 4 the right price.
aailas„ •oaks, nem, Iixssl ?sante Oas,
1 ii Itsnusll at rack tato*
all Etcack of Tinware
of ail gird: I`tvetroughrng
and reef;:ng a specialty.
wird. This rule will he rigidly adhered tsy t c tee twee
planet wIw Mercury ck ns. Going Courting,
to, and ad+tertieerls will pleaase takes no. - ,,,.....,,,,,,
eke- No ecea•rtiem a .tilt be rrsrladc, betwirethe lien CM the mormuit+rf March The *teen of by ruin and bergamot
30tet. Be doing this •ou may possibly iv laaiefulsy appar+grt, When he shakes
Low! News.
utie whet. meet Iaeop'.e hate never seere out here hatellcerela ttIrril k is pea' eptt
Nye. are veryr sorry to learn talo able Hie l,.oetssli ret;* t ke mit-remand
--Spring lake weather. blrr. N Deer Ilurtloe hen Town e4z- there !ire ata faint em lanstarr
--The sleighing h *bout all gore.
•-Mr: Ike Bissett was on the eiee
fist last neck.
The weather on Tussdssay was very
*stormy and wintry like.
S. C. Hurstt, better known as
"Shortie," is in town again.
Thea Directorse of Stephan and IR -
.borne Agricultural Society will meet'.
on Saturday next.
YTire ire-tdon %Vesters% Feet: tlilyi
Scar will last ten days front the 1Otlr
to the 20th of September.
-Route bills printed neatly and
cheaply at the AnvocAT3 office. Fittest
stock of cuts in the county to choose
-A game of football was played
between, Exeter, and Stephen, on
Wednesday afternoon, and resulted in
x tie.
-•Cabinet memorial cards of the
latestatylee. priuted neatly and cheaply,
eat the AnvocATE office call and see
--Mr. William Laidlaw, of Blyth,
Secretary of the County Orange Associ-
ation, of forth Huron, gave us a
friendly call on Thursday last.
-X. Washington, M. D., the Cat-
arrh Specialist, wil1be at the Central
Hotel, Exeter, on Tuesday next, 20th
Inst. See advertisment elsewhere in
our .columns.
-The return football match between
"Careless" club, of Exeter, and "Star"
club, of Stephen, on Saturday afternoon
last, was very interesting and resulted
iu favor of Exeter, by one game.
fined to his room for several demo i are ile ire hie breath tltba+ra he Peas.
through injuries ruatatiered while ts►l a��;, . l +a =moetityI Ins budding littlemuateche
gnaning. We Mope soon to ,see ]tire *'nth afFretionaate pater, and feels bias an-
ara:sand a its. visible aide whisker* continually to
make sure they *re ssWl there a fact
which is net established to outside ob-
serves by the sense o7 sight.; He telt:
on All his stock of neckties without
tinting just the thingi he wants. Then
he has .poor breehing Iris coat,
tlr*t counuenee with violence and last
-The sports connnitt?e test en, mre clr es -owe neriee fear th
Monday ey ening last, and It wa':a de-' broadclot'iL will not be eblc t:; demi the
sided to hold games here on May 24th. friction. He declines soup that trey at
We may look for something good, as. dinner. He says his because lie iy not'
the committee in past years has had hungry, but we know it it beeausn'
everything well a ranted, and we can there are onions in it, and onions, ass
say that they will again have them up every one knows, do not uweam ono'*
to the standard. breath to any great extent. If spoken
-We have received the ninth an -
suddenly, he starts and blusher and
Waal price list of Bicycles, issued The sail directly ls if ite cloesht tnot lle.� cit Ititn,
William Payne, of London, Ont. l~]tu he goes back to tha delightful oto I ati
work Is very handsome, being lit -
of aril' at totitiu and waiting fon
hographed in colors, and was executed
the ]lour hand to creep around to seven.
by the London Free Feels Lithograph. At seven he sots, forth, clean and and tide
ing Company, the best institution of from top to tot', looking precisely ns if
its class in Canada.he had just stepped out of a bandbox.
The cheapest and simplest gym-
nasium in the world -one day will
exercise every bone and muscle in the
body -in a fiat piece of steel notched
on one side, fitting tightly into a wood-
en frame, and after being greased on
bout sides with a bacon rind, rubbed
into a stick of wood lain length wise on for a horse much older.
a sawbuck. Mr. George Baird, jr., has purchased
-Renton & Co. have just opened an the dry goods business from Mr. Frank
excellent assortment of new prints, Oneii, of Brucefield, and intends conr-
dress goods, shirting, tweeds, &c., for mencing a general store at once. Mr.
F. Oneitcalculates togiye his entire at-
tention to the harness and boot and
shoe business.
-Tai. MONTni of March possesses
Many of the general characteristics of
the man who starts out to lick the edi-
tor, When they come in like a lion
they usually go out like a lamb -and a
bleating Jamb at that.
-Mr. John Bari'es wishes to inform
the public that he is prepared to repair
Binders, Sewing Machines, Wringers,
Organs, etc., on shortest notice. En-
quire at Bissett Bros. Hardware Store,
Etxeter,-Feby. 23rd, 88-tf;
-The Spring Chancery Sittings for
this county will be opened at Goderich
on Wednesday, March 28th by Mr.
Justice •Robertson; and the Queen's
Bench and Common Pleas Court on
Monday, , April 30th, .by Mr. Justice
-We the Executors, of the estate of
the late Richard Luxton, beg leave to
tender ourhearty thanks to the Canad-
ian order of Foresters, for the untiring
and brotherly manner in which they
have nursed hen during his illness, end
for the prompt manner in which they
paid his funeral expences,and the sum
of one.thousaiiel dollars of instarence,
doe to hie family, on eccouu't l# ' tie
having been member of that':.,aphis'
ardor. ' ?Md. i*rtr;xi •x,T, dnitvells. D:
-A numberof our young folks at-
tended s. perty given by Mr. John Mc-
Mahon, of .11':odgerville, on 'ihureday
evening{. They report au excellent
time, and arrived bowie in the wee emit
hours of the morn.
awee', R*•ierefraa4 Tesileelferieriecurel
saint all ether potent cnaates in. untie l'ea'nt
Ol lha easy; before the eearte erd .edits seed
morally attended to. ('iter 11llt?rl'jlt'!. tt11iO11 AS.surtz.
titin receipt el' tt E"f est- II
sentien,1 make cann fel net sennasee, ar.14
ea+I+►!sC! Taal tat utentAility 'rti'r d cluege.
Pisses aasxaenarss, *d1 wake 'tO draw.
unless) patent is secured. Inl'es:ai att23 ri.
advice and special ref etwes sent on app%
It, L E ,E, idc'3sltingtonr D. 0.
O/Fpssits 17. ft rst+ttkttWc,
Gi LA 7. LYI LwtR.1w
apital and A :3eta, $21,0u0,0 30.
AND lW-------
tshire Fire Insurance Co
f4YCJI4 T1 E.tiG.
TA]E't, a $14,000.000.00.
County Jottings.
Mr. Andrew Duncan, near Varna,
has a two-year heavy drrught volt that
turns the scales at 1350. Good weight
the spring trade. All goods sold at
less than old time eredit prises, and for
cash only. Please call and see us.
Dress making done on the premises, in
latest styles, dresses and mantles cut
by the new tailor system, at Renton
-On Thursday evening last, as Mr.
John T. Westcott wee returning from
Lucan, and was about three or four
miles from that place, his horse got its
front foot into a hole, which caused the
animal to fall on its head, and the head
went between the front legs. At first
he thought that the beasts neck was
broken, and unhitched it from the
cutter, and rolled her over, when the
horse got up on its feet again all right.
This was a narrow escape, as. John
would leave had a long walk.
• Mr. ?Malcolm McEwan, of the 2nd
con.. Stanley, and daughter, leave this
week- for Montreal. He goes to secure
surgical attention for his daughter,
aged 6 years, who is suffering, from
partial blindness. She has had the
best medical treatment that could be
secured, but it has so far done no good.
It is with feelings of deep regret that
we chronicle this week the death at her
daughter's residence, in McKillop, of
Mrs. Mary Lennon, relict of the late
Patrick Lennon, at the ripe old age of.
95. years. She was born in the county
of Lough, Ireland, and emigrated: to
this country in 1S31, and settled in the
township of McKillop, where she has
SPRP7GLIKE I\DIc TION8. resided ever since, being One of the
The witewash man is on the win`, first settlers in what was then known
And everything betokens spring. as the Huron Tract, where by industry
The Shanghai rooster sounds his horn, and toil she and her departed husband
Ancl sparrows sing at early morn. cleared some of what is now: the best
Te organ -grinder peals his note; land in McKK.illop, and made a home
ae ra man,too,now strains his throat,. for themselves. Her remains were in-
The stovepipe nan, no longer mute, terred in the Irishtown cemetery on
Swears out his cuss -words, voiced t+ Thursday morning, beim followed to
soot, their last resting place by a large con-
A sp eg•like scent is in the air, Puree of sorrowing friends. She leaves
Its balmy zephyrs all may shore. Oehifd'her,a groyvn+up family, all well
The tioy9,toneei 'thee'amble%piae-, to clef, eprlsistkn r of ''les. P. jeOtantill-
And sn}nshinee lingers ling each d'ey, on, *if- Jas: DeClantillonf anil,?lr. Jae,
•Aliso'Spring is here, lee all be glpd,.• ,j, cairn, beuirles granciehildren and
sur, '~ ii,' aa.+' I t: 'Ps nn'' C a be list?. er('..` t .g randehildree...''
c let and mat relieldq Yee -Iu
nnee Companies in the world.
11 Business Branches, Short-
hand, Type -writing and
The Great Fnglirth Prescription.
A successful :1rralewo used over
SD years in thousands of tames.
flues Sperasntemlca. Nervous
n Weakness, E nissionc, Impotency
and all diseweee caused by abuse.
iet ae¢vt:,,Sxxpapatters rvtttiCurewh-na a
RIO. Ask your Druggist terTLo wcaaruc►.J.
Prescription, take nn substitute. Ono r Tek' s
^t. Six 5 . br malt. Write for Pamphlet, Addy. -e.
1 Eureka Cheratcat co., - Detroit, Inch.
The Principal holds a Certificate with Snlcl in Exeter IT Dr. Luta; 'anti
honors in Book keeping, druggists everywhere. 'Jan 1 le
Phonography, Telegraphy or . Type
Writing free with Book keeping
Diploma frour Western Fair for Plain
and Fancy Writing.
Business 'conducted on latest improved
plans witir printed forms.
bit Printin
ilar Our Stock of PrintinA.31
lOr Stationery, consisting of alls
''the leading grades of Plain
rr and Fancy ruled ant un-
f ruled papers, cards end En -Ca
velopes,, is meet complete. `tom
Call.. anti get prices at
.`'t� � : ,O CA
Main-+Ftreet, Exeter,
Dealer in all kinds of
-:.JJ=P Tr' fpNJ IP,§..:
Now is the time to leave'your•
order for a first-class overcoat
�'�.. Sauthccitt,,
Corner Main &Poho. sts,
Prescription of a physician, wits
Inas had a life long experience i
treating female' dasear,es. Is use
monthly with perfect success hp
over 10,000Iadies. Pleasant,'safe
effectual. Ladled aek_vourdrur_
aiet fur ]Pennyroyal wafers Emus.
II taken substitute, or Inclose
ageoisi's°eboafd be-
all rtsCr. fese
EIBEICAC:is!OAL / ,,Daxsolm
rs cr.
Sold; in Exeter by De. Lutz, suet
druggists everywhere:. 3A-1.0