HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-15, Page 4Xeter WILLIAM SANDERS, xToa ��p 1'uls�slri�;. QF, JCE: - . ,4.tfm Street, .t lefte r. TUU $ I, QR I th,1888. The death of Emperor William of Germany broke up a golnplieatic n that. wee becoming quite interesting to ore lookers and painful to the persons more directly concerned. In Ge.rma 4jr the imperial dignity is hereditary in the line of Ilohenzollorn, rind follows the line of priteogeniture. Eut the family statutes of the I'Lohenzollerns provide that a prince afll c'„ ed with au, inctlmble malady is ipso facto incap- eble of wending *.lie throne, The ex eeriet of this prov'iarioe recounts f same apparently it'eaeplicablea circum- stem in the history of the crown "*tan's sten, Of trate yearns the old tature,, who died yesterday, hex been re driveller.Neel) William, the son of the crown prince, has itirely tleparated from hie family. fight years, Ile is en. dawosl w itfx seam: of the more uulovely Iiohenzelierns, is sate. Premien military spirit, %tura. of Prince 13isnlark. g Firma is on the worst ha mother, the crown prin- ts for a long time quietly he , loyarly cippooed hie parents on all both public and private., e se circulnstancea the crown pemee has been, during his X11. ,sexy, terribly worried about the future', of hie wife and daughters, He could make no adequate provision for them nates he 1lurjikved his father, the old emperor- peroi- If the crown princess had become a eftelove before the .death of the old emperor her jointure from Geri many would ba only $20,040 per an• nem andthe princesses would have but $100,000 elide Then, it is understood, the young prince, :William, had deter - lidded to have hits father sent frain -San Remo to Berlin where the German doctors were :in welting to pronounce :hie disease incurable and thus her his sucocl,len to the thrown. The Beath of the old emperor removes the dlffi- eulty entirely, for iinnlediately upon thxt event the crown prince became Emperor of Germany, and King of Prussia, and is in a position to make ample provision for the maintenance of 'his wife and daughters, a piece of work which,, in hie present precarious state of health, he may be depended upon to accomplish with all speed. Tho crown priince's disease not having been :formally declared iiiciiradlo before lie became emperor, the statute of the Hohenzollerns becomes of no effect hi itis case, and .bewill remain emperor as long as he lives finless he voluntarily resigns. Ite rs nowetnperor;no formal- ity is Necessary to his accession to the throne. The fact that he is now in Italy has no influence whatever upon the succeeaion, He May appoint a vice-gerent .if he sees fit to do so; but it is not probable that a regency will be installed. By the accession of his father to the crown, Prince William of Prussia will become Crown Prince of Germany, and Prussia. The title be- longs to him as his birthright. It is unlike that of the Prince of Wales,. which the British heir apparent can ac• quire only by a special act of the sove- reign. Now that all anxiety in respect of the provision for his wife and daugh- ters has been removed from his mind, the new emperor will' have a better chance to fight off diseasethat has, so. sorely beset him, Tern Reform journals throughout tlie• Dohxinien, has grown quite indignant, because the Anti Scotts are jubilant. over their victory in. Halton. The evid- ence is more conclusive every day, that the act, has been handled by the Referee party as a political -weapon to gain power, and speaks for itself, , They are now waxing their wrath upon. the Re, engem of lialten,beeause they dropped the Conservatives who supported the act. Their'aatentious, it le quite plain, was to allow the Conservatives to hang en to the act, and then win thein over for their own ends, and make and coni eat them good sold Grits. The Conservatives of Halton are not g;oi.vg to be bulldozed by this wretched"Party of Purity,' and: as soon as they saw e dodge of that gang, they dropped Onto oblivion, never to notice ens nor their political dodges in the great future. We willingly adroit that temperance is a been to any country, and any legislation for the leeneet of nth, should be left outside of party circles and not used by any party, an if the legislation is used for Buell, it gvito plasia that it is not for temper once but only to serve ,a few political. tricksters. That has been the case in Halton, and every, other coenty water the act is in force, and we will give a few instances why we believe suck is the case. For instance we take tl? county of Buren, every appointinenl of officers for the enforcement of i seta in this county, Is made by the On ranio Governulent, audevery salaried odimer is a 4°boaota friend" of (crit Mowat. We ask the electors of this constitutieney if there is not Conser- votive's who is just es faithful support ere of the act, and are they not as Much tit as those now employed. Wo emphatically say yes, and those offices should be distributed without distinct - as to whichparty the: receiver be- longed. But no, the party first, temp- erance afterwards, and this is the case in every county, and how can those Grit machines ask a C"oeservative to. support the act, when they make a tool or Sidewalk of them every ,time, as the sect is only to serve those salaried ma- chines, and not for true temperance. Such was the fate of Balton, and Hal- ton throw off the iron yoke of bondage, and will soon be once more enjoying pure air, and not be monopolized by a set of ringaters and mousy grabbers,' who belong to the Great Grit party. We predict that the act will be defeat eel in every place where the distinct- ion is namable, and why should it not, as Conservatives are just as capable as the Grits. Consistency, thou art a jewel; 'Ayr nno ith was a bad month for aneurance companies. ` 'he losses by fire in the United States and Canada during February amounted to $11,213, 500 AotaaaorNpi, to the Minister'' 'of the. Interior's > Repai t, q1,161, acres of band was , taken up by ; settles s' and. sold air1Vta iztoba •'aild 4 the ' Northwest clearing last year, Tun annualreport of the Inspector of Prisons and.plibi o charities on the ]rouses of refuge and orphan and meg- dellen asylums in thin province has. been made public, . The Report shows that on Sept, 30th of last year there were 1,048 persona in the 21 institut- ions mentioned; on the same day of the previous year there were 900. The number admitted during the year end- ing Sept. 30th was 1,026; number dia. charged, 831; number of deaths, 142; total number under lodgment during!, the year 2,026, against 2,016 during the previous year.. Of these, 942 were j males and 1,084 females; 1,486 were Roman Catholics and 540 were Prot- eetants;,1,060 were Irish, 390 Canad- ian, 368 English, 122 Scotch, 49 American, and 47 belonged' to other natienalitiee. ON Saturday" last, doeiaivo rr Gtoy. as made for the Consevativo party by r, Boerne being elected to represent electors of West Middlesex in Boyer of Commons, it was ally expected by every one, except blind Reformers, that he would'. be elected, and by an increased. ajity,wki h is the one, Dr, Romeo Gought ell honorable battle in Feb. ary, 1887, andfought another- on rday last, The hope of the Re- form party was small from the begin- ; while those of the Conservative party was ea;cedirq ly large, and their ntieipntious is now realized, and is yowl all doubt, Dr, Regale will he *gado welcome at the Rouse, as the -x ay in which he has conducted himself throughout the campaign, .shores that is a honest intelli;,cut and houorablo Tiw Touch talked of Sullivan -Mitch- ell light, took place on Saturday last. The glory ' of . the great Sullivan has departed. The fact 'that he not only failed to whip a man weighing thirty pounds Iess than himself, but that at the etad of three hours' fighting Mit- chell was fresher and showed less pun- ishment than the big fellow, proves that Boston's pride is not the marvel of strength, skill and endurance that he has been thought to be. Prize fighting is not a refined pastime, nor a very elevating form of physical com- petition, nor are prize-fighters, as , a class, worthy of consideration as use- ful and honorable members of °society. But there is good reason to rejoice over the result of Saturday's fight, and good reason why Charley Mitchell should be commended: The result of the battle will put an end to a good deal of disgusting hero-worship of which the Boston slugger has been the object, and Mitchell deserves general thanks for having accoanplished this much -desired end. As to the merits ofthe two Hien, even the biased re- ports of the fight, -which have been circulated, written as they were to gratify the prejudices of the Americans show that what the Bnglishinan'lacked in weight he made up'in courage, shill: and generalship. 'lad: the fight, Cnn tinned'it'is likely that.Mitchell wacrld- nage bion, Cetera :MMowA'r 1s notoxactly akiug. But Mower can do HO wrong. The same Reform journals which said that Maw did right in refusing to give the people manhood suffingeavhen, in 1885, Meredith proposed the measure, now say that Mownr)1as done very, very light in doing what he thenre. fused to do. Tne balance at the credit of deposit- ors in the pastoilleo savings banks of the Dominion now aggregates about twenty millions, of dollars. For a nation of five millions, ruined by the N. P. and crushed beneath the heel of the C. P. R,, this doesn't seem to be so bad. Tux date for the vote on the repeal of the Scott .tet in this county will take place on Thursday, April 19th, Mr, Thomas .Farrow bar been appoint- ed returning officer. On the same day Simcoe, Stormont, Dundas, Glengerry, and Bruce will vote also. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. /xithe matter of Jar -ries Baster- brook, deceased. Pursuant to R. S. 0., Chapter 107 and 46 Victoria chapter 9 (Ontario), notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having, any. claims • or demands against the estate of «Tarries Easterbrook, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Enron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the: fifteenth day of Decem- ber, A.D' 1887, are hereby requested to send by letter prepaid or deliver to Messrs ELLIOT Fc .EI,LIOT, of the village of Exeter, Ontario. Solicitors for the Exe- cutrixes of the said deceased, on ur before3, the 18th day of April, A. 1), 1888, a'state- inent in writinu of the names and addres- ses, and the fnll particulars of their claims or demands and of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the said 16th day of April, 1888, the said :,Executrixes will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, arnoiag'the parties entitled thereto, having regard only.;to the claims of which they may then have. notice, ,;and that the said Executrixes will not be liable fur the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person of whose . claim notice 81%11 not have been received at the time of such distribution. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Soli ci tors, for Executiixes. Dated 18th March, 7888.. ; Wsxxr.=Tza'Rodger .v.11q, ou"the .tb. • ' George white:;a'ge,d 3L yeafs, ro5i,ths at3.S 2?'tlays x-1 xTx �c—sa x L litil$x �&ak-l-rr•At"XraXar-i^ra,.� . -j-...1---3-�-}^,.. �-•]-rr-: rr-;-rrXn-}�u-j•r, FUEL. LINES OF CONFECTIONERY ON HAND. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES -.—.-QRDEES... .,.-EIQMP'rLT . ATTENDED TO, One door. north, of f 0141 Pottand, 1 1NST EI^, ' EXW ER, A Positive Cure., A Fatness Cure' FACTS FOR 'N O L f A E0 DISEASES O2! IttT 4)?. TIIIE 4taraRRE..ET LEi .rel, '%> Marvel of Roofing. rand 1(abinasz eSf Fattdic,r.eA, mina. ritevenribleccraatslnrraeca aaS.IrtrTiaeralic "'" #Naas»warm and liverwort*. "WQLTTO-y, .4,1Z= ( 1\11=+14" \1'ho arc broken aonn from Vito offeetn of nausa r,nt rancho No. t a ,aspect aura for riawn* dein,, o. E'er ala *eatuea+, aurae awa* v: ultlei t\s, tate, 5:x*roxt5 ran is Sucuat„orat. t:n?n.--Wont of energy. veld ,, wlerit t;t reireede, limweso of !Night, aveasice tea coelety, want Q! enaasi,lauau. &Folaleerit' sof eonrervotson, denim for solttirlo,11,tiafitwesa owl inability to as tills+ attention n o u rorticgloraaabgacl, cowa,zyiictr, slalrrrksion of or hit?, Flt diac-..v. lies of tasetar,r.' eexcitability at temper, vex* snatorrlaera. orlon c.! tIaa,s,aatnae flttil.�-tine ,shalt oaf aolt•obnse or marital $.setae—unto.. tency, itinutration, einottrilea•e, berreaaaac.:.,, rralpitaa o a at the. heart bYsttrric Sear+;las* lt, tomoles, trembling. yata, rafehcaDy, dit*torbin (,entrees, eta.. aro ell oymptrowt of titins terrible Iaabit,pltt ntimes i im:K ra-ay rrctiuprcal, In short. ilia rrriag� a"t rites fcarca harlu;t 9aaiiitit tantoon, every tatnct!on wanes in eotas'a nc,n drieaatiteo trritsmaand the e+ttpsrintaudvpte, at melena noylams quiteera " cribattn to ileo c!L .' 4 of Felf abus;+t the Grant majority ot! wok,* Eros *high cease under thea notau, ft y e am iteepmps:Wns for the *Winona duties of buntings. Ire,+, acita,tp(1 for too oa:nyumutw e. lata. tie. a orient au comppelfreta the elects at early vice. it yon tura oravangs i Asa mare, :la. 6 will eke yen fall Thor owl otraugth. It yon aro broken down, phyucnily renes morally kora *tidyindliserctava. t1n %omit o.! ignoran.o nna lolly, vend your mar., and tO roam in stomp* for sat. V. l,runs'n Trcnthso in Book Farren on Dircne'as of Eon. t'colod and *mare from o1,.u-,ataon., Address ail cuannluateatioxnain I. V. LCDA3ti. -i? tYaDtsitsctow Ng. L".. TorOrito„ A San without wisdom Iives iaa afoot's paradise; CURES 'CUAI?F, TIEii,. WI. ISE sit%, Subscribe for The EXETER ADVOCATE; Only $1 per year. Would take this method of returning thanks for past sup ort and also invites the attention of the general public to his new Fall an Winter Stock comprising the following: A € rst-class stock of Furs CONSISTING er PERSIAN LA 13S, BEAVER AND MINX, FOR WHICH HE IN- VITES THE CAREFUL INSPECTION OF BIS OLD CUSTOMFES AIv',D.,ALL OTHERS WHO ARE PLEASED TO CALL. A First-class stock of Boots & SHO.ESJB,UBBER OVERSHOES, in Ladies, Gents and Childrens; comprising the all different kindaa, —ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF---. OR:CKERY,CllINA& GLASSAV:A'. ALSO A GOOD SELECTION' OF Flannels and nceys,plain ‘.and check; 72 inch wool sheeting, Heavy all wool Blankets, White'and Grey Hoods, 'Tanaoshanters,` Wool Jackets; An excellent assortment of Hosiery. OCERIESAS a j:'E E F' MK, /303Forieu. A ,GOOD SUPPLY yOF . p�A L;L7 ; ST STAPLES, :� S 1a: "UIIi�ED 3' ke E V E! LS .i-LOl�E; xr l,;:r r, }. ;, fi�r, � � •• ,'fit,,,,,, ;e ,"..�r .,•� � ,,. jt , •- g���� f