The Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-1, Page 8ell Washington Letter, (From .ow elm Correspondent. The eau that closed last Tuesday night has had many unique features that will render it peculiar in the his, tory of secret} doings at the capital. Its brief six weeks llaa held all the official social events of the adminietr- attiofl, the levees, state dinners and re- ceptions e-e prions et the White Rouse. More Cabinet houses have been open to the Rehire this season, than, last year. The Setretariee of the Mate wad Nap ra opened their douses that were closed lest year, and have entertained gener- ouel . The Secretary of the 'Treasury EXETER MARKETS. RedWinter, per bxts'1 Whit* " Spring parlay Oats Eggs Butter, Rolls Butter, Creeps Potzttoes er b Dressed Toga per 100 Ray per ton at. tt tt Soto 80 78 to .80 78 to .8q 68 to 78 3T to 39 20to23 81 to 20 15 to 20 0.90 to 1.00 6.75 to 7.00 8.50 to 10.50 i s T A ll Rix, A New Horne Treatment ro the cure of Catarrh, Catarr- hal deafness and Hay Fever. has also entertained by card receptions, t The Mterosoope hes Proved that these diseases are !! .9entagioua, and that tf,ay aro due to the prrsence of "lite house of Secretary Bayard, after. 1livirgparvsites9u tbeh,terl itie'ae:nbrane en the boa ing been closet] for two years, and a e:f. n sa adieu Iantuub -xist The t� opeeed this year, has been the source of 1 this. and these e.thoritiea a.niiot tie di prltea, The • � .. ap can amtan vena.. ,} A•ee y', stentatiou,s (hospitality. .F1. • z cot =try )c !1: g the eteneet0 rnewbrar:e in a ooustent state of frriI :.SFait. illlolij g it no d a»S0 to Noll, and AS a t:aR- eprata012,segt=ce of Perch treatment cot one pennsat. cut cure has ever beta recorded. it le ±en, abeolnte tact that time diseases cannottra coned by any appli- cation ramie etteeerthan once r , tea weeks,, ter the membrane mast get a.. chaaee to heal before an a uyli- Es repeated. It is now sevea years since ler, L!.soa discovered the pantete w•e ¢atsrah aria formulated his new treatment. and 09nty thea his remedy t. be - Mines lsouseho".d wend as creel, tawdry whene the irraglash neett0g..la spoken. alma effected by Wee Rat eat years ago are earns sari, pleas h. -.iii ; bcea ua return at thy + r ase htghiy are these revenges talon), that ignorant innttator,e hire stawrtrxt up t rer4, %t em preteudtDP W destroy* parasite. of which they know nothing. by remedies. the restd4 at the application of whit)) they; are equally ignorant- lir. itix ,T, I rrai dr i . applied May MVO is tWA Weeks, and trent otic to three MPI a!trona040apermanent cum intiar!utast a�•xit:at. rd metes. 'lir-thhso.seuda+s phomplet describing his new treatment on the receipt of Munnp to roar postage. The address ie d. II. UIXtPa ,. SON, 39s huu;.strret west, Tsreat4,Uu.A4a,—„f'Antl e MA:VI �>t—tet. 3 - regular• metbad 4f tre;<uog these daePasec, bas been to leu •h pleasure by its gracious and una- N t ea kl as levendaiiS tbtls of ting residentlS Yosltingtouian. s Mase passed the days and night with eating and u1ritil.inia, dancing, receiving rind being eecei iter], rand the yell: of carriages aloud the smooth eesphault has been the prevelliug sound upon the avenues tom 3 O'clock in the afternoon until 3 lae'.11.pi•lt cit the morning. Even the Seth. bath. day of rest was not excepted from the efateetainere calendar. It is a mat- ter a congratulation that there tare been few startling of sudden case. ao litit's .ti3lolin the prow ineut people of tlit• capital.Strangers have not refrain. t'tt from. offering hospitalities but have added teas, dinners and retentions to the overcrowded tablets of society rounders The, Lenten. season that lava llegou last Wednesday extends to tl:e 4i -et day p° April, The first week - of it has been deeply, solemnly flushed. After the first st•vent drays, however,. the city will be demurely animated socially. N u tobere o£ teas were mercifully }post: pored until the quieter seawall], when a "tee.' as the sppraved mode of bring- ing F.eepte together oat an afteniten. Five eaeol teal , that have leen tile nage in Part.; 9eill be popular here for (set Lenten dissipations. Then there are always diallet.'a, even in Lent; the chinch -going will anotia the afters eon treets gay, -through the devotees wear *ink cite ses and purple violet breast knots. Quiet calm] parties are enjoy- ftl,�le out, eQlit;crsaziune art: lectures, telke, anti all sorts of 6etui•literary en- tt•ltttitnhlleltts and clubs flourish f.►a the lefet. the weulte. ytid.Lont will wit tree t some large: society events and faF¢et 1: utter tett merry weddingbells will ring, for the short season, with its attractive ; irl twenties and attentive llt:•ttinv, left lenity incipient flirtations tai haled that the quiet of that peniten- tataf season will develop into uatri- »to„i,tf .ugagemerits. Since the pub- Ii•.atit.n in ft 10031 piper several wrecks 0:4 the news that the Secret: ervice detee;itees would report all Uorernnlent e1erhs who frequent pool rooms and other plates where gambling is in- dulged in to the chiefs of the bureaus in which the sp rtin g-ineliued clerks Are employed, there Iias been a porcep• tilde falling; off in the number of (lo- Verl.nI('llntltlployes in these places. Far t. long tittle it was a sorce of much trouble in some of the departments as to what could be done to induce of decks oho were afflicted with mania of °'I.faying; the horses” to give it up, for many instances they were valuable clerks aid were ruining themselves feel brisling their families to want by shaking their salaries in the coffers of p of room sharks. After mature cot - ... ... rations, it was decided to "ohadow" ;.: l:atrons of garnplinti estabiiallmcnts, note those in (Jovertanu'ut employ. f:, atter Lehr, warned, the clerk do. s .ot ce:iets garhrbliug he will be disutiss- e i. Ien:hers of the House get all seen of requests from constituents. Some want seeds enough to plant their farm lands all over; some want books for a library; some want only a auto- graph. One member, who has a dis- triet near here and• endeavors to com- ply as far as possible will all requestf, was looking over his mail the• other day, when suddenly he threw himself back in his chair • and exclaimed:. "I t,iought it would write to this." A (.•olleaue turned to him quickly to know what the, trouble was. The mem- ber -handed him a postal card on which was written: "Hon, .• Deer Sir: Please -send -me the Department of. Agriculture if. you can. Yours, .t:c., I.f. The work of preparing the new and scarcely- finished portion of the War Departrnctet for occupancy progresses as fast as can ibe' exPected, couticleriug the limited force at the dis- posal of the Department. fear the ' pur- pose. Thus far the current business, which. is by no metes light, in view • of the many demands for , information from Congress of all the various bore aux, has been carried on without ma- teriaT inter ruption. , By the end of the mouth the whole business of. transfer will be pretty much at- an end, FOR MUSING PEOPLE? NORTH'S MUSICAL JOURNAL Is the best Musical 1leuthly published. C'cauxins 10 to 20 stages of musical Meet - tare and IG page* of ntaw music in every i:aue. Every sutssriber receive% $.1.1,1M worth of sheet utuaio eelecte4 from our ea:t+hlogue of publication ass a prtlusiucu, Ritts the snlaecriber really recrivea during the year music which would can in sheet !'cella not lens than $22.00, fur unlc $]tenial With the February number au instruct- ive serial, "Hints en Belled Sit:ging' by Fatima C. Aewitt, war' commenced and will et/111iuue sacral utanths. This series ,:f iaticles is Idiom worth numy tittles the }Tice ot'subseriptittn, and i. but slue el I the realty valuable features of Una pop. *liar publication. Only 21.tt0 per year. Specimen Copy 10Centa, PI,A.NNO 'R+LT ? To the person sending the grestaat mann- l er of snhsciters to Zown WS M $ICAC 1 JOURNAL, previous to JulyWet, ti:;, we will give o splendid Upright Piano with stool and cover, wtlue $ uO, Also n tin4 Wilcox .i kite tiri nR to the one, •entling the second greatest number. For full rartil:u1nrs address F. A. Noma i. CO., Public -here, 1308 Chestnut et., Philadelphia, Pe. sr 6,000,000 pEoPLe els KY" SED 13.11fERRY400. nrndmittod Weems Lorin the worltl on D.2d. F'E3tnY;k CC'n IIl t.,etit,.Z4 x71.1,114.4te'. SEED ANNUAL For 1885 wiltbemeued FREE TO ALL applicants. and to tact sette.a'a oa•tomets Kith- ani, coloring it. enValuable to all. Every penton amus Card on.F i0ldee Flower ♦aaK. D.M. FERRY 4CO.; W indsor,onti. ( ARG INS! BMWS! T. ►N Will sell Ma entire mammoth stook Beady -Made Clothing, Dry -Goods Boots and Shoes. Groceries,Oroekery, Glassware ro,,p At less' than Actual Cost. $`e isbouncl to rednce his stock —arta will offer :... BARGAINS Never before offered. in Goods well assorted and everything fresh. NQ shelf worn goods in aitock. Bargains for You• Bargains for Your Neighbor. 0,V0414244$ fixr 1.414 Remember and Call Early and bring the CASH along, for which you will receive more than full value. T, DEARING, ANSON't IBLOCK.. EXST BISSE The Prix cip e lhj COLD MEDICATED. �y lIead Office, 215 Yongee.st.t Toronto,N , li assh%Ilgou, .1Je,Ie O I'S. 0. Eminent Throats -0 Lungs Surgeon, Will visit tl#,e eutra1 Exeter, Tuesday, l!darch 2Oth,1888 Come Early. Consultation Free. Naives and (addresses of Petiole cured by Dr.. Washington's New ?ilethed. et. 5. nem, Hridgsnar*A. Oat.. ttittarrk, bead and threat. Mo. Joseph gyro, gimbals. Qat.: mooting grow- th from nose. &tcpbeiu4n, (horror fowler) rotas, out., eiewre, Mrs. M. Cornish, Wellantburg, aehtma, and come atttuptivu. Lira, Arcpaaun4reea, len;cntstrit of the throat. MMrs. I: Lewin* and cont Megaton, tanerrh and catarrhal deafness. Mut. Ralph Chamber. Aylmer, Out.. catarrh of the twat. 31r. James £mbereou, l;apanec, Out., brouchlW. Joint A. Little, Pundslk, Out., catarrh, John l±. Neatly, Badgers.; Ont., eatarru, bed irst.Class. fo it Special Bate with oat Men. Orders left at BISS117 IIROt hardware Store, will receive prutupt atteution. ... ov S TERMREASONABLEC Rigs, Ctlllmer A TRIAL SOLICITED. .SIa51:fT IIRO:S. I'IISSETT BROS. ------ Furniture iia.»—--- Furniture and Undertaking. TO— Bowe and andAndrews! Bed -room and Parlor Suites, Sideboards and ntension Tublerr, Loatln,r.,",ef`ri and; Easy c111nir,ar, Largest warerool'ns in town. N DERT AT(IN(, outside of the under- takers' rine, in all its blenches. Open tiny and night. STAND: one door north of Mfolson's bank Main -street, - Exeter. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA DAILY GLOBE, Morning Edition, $5.00 per annum. as as 12 o'clock ” . . 3.00 ,a " . 0.00 " WEEKLY GLOBE, - - 1.00 " SATURDAY DAILY GLOBE, 1.00 :4 as as 3 +a as Lt +. .. The different editions of The Globe can be procured from all News Dealers throughout Canada. - - - Tiff GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN -" - between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd March last, will be continued tihroughout 1888. This train arrives at London at 6:4* a.m., making connection.with all the early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers. ... TO ADVERTISERS Off MO Off As • an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its circulation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far in advance of all other Canadian papers, and it is the intention of the man- agement to always -keep The Globe in its priiiid position as' the READING NEWSPAPER Of QANADA, both in paint of circulation and influence. TIE CLODE CO. TORONTO : ecta. 4. O. L'rliu s eon, WallaccburF, ant., c tarrb, heed and throat. Robert. Mentes, wareha 1, Oat.: wens. Leel •n,3 threat, Atra. k'. Scott. Sterling. Out„ catarrh. head and threat. Ftlitb Pearce. strathru;, Out„el.:argad tonsils. W. Urdtaay, Petrnlha, Ont., catarrh. MritJo1,s Tait, 1'; nor, Oat„ catarrh, lactic]and tbtrw,t. Our. ,. itt. rh, iltsn w ]ler nod watchmaker, Prima., it McColl, P.31. Sltrathrny, Out., bron,hu cunsunnp thin. 1ti, ii. Storey. ton'a Son. prominent glove naauu ..cturvr of Acton, 0ot.. cured by Dr. Washing - tun, of catarrh of the Meat. bad Amu, Mud Kennon - tai incurable by et niuent+paccialtst, la Canada and England. Write hint for pratt.culars. Fel.. tab, iisS Meat Fon Newspaper In Caria ta. Irma tl jsng 4), YEARS. KNIQ OP WEEKLIES! Free Press, LONDON, ONT, The Handsomest Printed. Paper in --Canada.- 'nae Agricultural bepartrnent is a notisl feature of the "Free Press,"bele lfsatiny sup t,a th. tinuu and conclueted by persons practically skilled in Farah Werk. Illustrations, Praotioal and Useful given each week All the News in Fuld. sty Tele'maph, Telephone, 31ai1 nuc. Correepun- dence up to the hoar of publication. Special Market Department. Agricultural Depart - went, t'apital Ston always Runniest. Ingen- ious Puzzle c: Annul. lluumrous ]leaching, JUST TRE THING FOR THE FAMILY 1 Every member of the bouseho1.i Eqpt leaks for it each weak. Zoom TOIL Neuss Tu Clubs of 4 and upwards, 75c catch. 13a,1annCe I.E.4.07 tree t$12,000 IN PREMIUMS Given Away Free to Agents. rifest' liberal inducements ever offered in Canada. Everything useful, valuable and ornamental. AGENTS WANTED EVE'RYWH RE. The most pnpnlar paper to work for. More money. can be made working for the "Free Preset" than ut any ether employment. Address—FREE PRESS, Lissom, ONTARIO. alaillineMMaina CHRISTIE'S C3MMFRCIAL LIVERY!!! 6, SMALLCD%IBE, March Ma Tatior, West Side of Main . Street, EXETER, Opposite the new English Church, A GOOD FIT GUARANT'l Latest Styles of Nob kept in STOOK, A GALL SOLICITED. ma .liter e. BUTTER AND EtitS W* za » J. Ma't.eson, EXETER Nt4RTU. our Stack la t eft assorted for the twaSoted. trade. law prices mill taaputa0 t G�RtOG i 16 be' ugaer for $1,00 13 ills, w to sugar for W1.0O. We cant beundcrsold in Teas troth :4e tet 'iso per lt.. Boots 4 Shpts (all Styles) at low pries. A nicely assorted Oder of FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS ail attea (cheap.) Fc.t ]scrape Oa, 441. per gat. Coal Qhl as tow as the lowest, ;s nice Tea Sett of 44 pieces, $2.75,. A noxi nuts of Ut4lt 'mslho Clothing tar E0. Ordered Sults gat up in tout! style. Our Dress Goode are merit- ed down to the lowest notch. COTTON -20 yds, for $1.00. A bouts turd 111, alio a fart. for sale. Apply JOHN MATHESON, Vey pustntticr. SOMETHINQ NEW - TILE PROPRIETOR, OF THE, DOMINION. LABORATORY Begs to announce to itis numer- ous Fliencls and Patrons that he lhns just put in a full line of Staple & Fancy Stationery, Aeeoimt Books, School Books, and all kinds of School requisites Letter and Note Paper Pools cap Paper, Account Papers, Colored Tissues, Gilt Papers and Drawing paper Pens, ink, Pencils, and also a fnlI line of all the newest and most popular works of Fiction, all of which will eb sold at the lowest remourative rates. j 'g611OWNi. PROPRIETOR. LADIES OUR FRENCH REGULATION PILLS are endorsed by Thousands of Ladies who use them Monthly. Nev. er fail; Relieve pain; Insure regularity; Pleasant and effectual. Package sent by Mair secure from observation On re- ceipt of $1, Correspondence confident sal. Address TORONTO MED1ch::R Co.,. P. 0. Box 576 Toronto, Ont.—ianiI6 8 Rigs 'and horses First -Class. 'Orders left at the-13.awksha\v .rfolrse or at the stable will be:proanptly attended to. Timms: RAsorZstbi s. u�dntcu Gtoi�,'aaa"n i V 'AMNIA FARMS M eiicular. ;A, 'Liss, centrail:14 Vte. .