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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-1, Page 7
THE WEEK'S MEWS. The arrangements for the parcel post be- tween Canada and the United States came the soh. into force on h Ida far s Kingston Board of Health has decided tis: oak the Legislature for power to license dairymen living outside the pity. A lerge siripnent of oarriagee has been made by a Guelph dm for the Centennial International Exhibition at Melbourne next July. Senator Frank Smith will withriraw his resignation grid resttn'e his seat as a member of the Cabinet beim the meeting of Earlier went, The County Ledge a the. Loyal Orange Aesoebetion of Cerleren bra passed a resole - tient approving of the Irish policy of the Marquis of Setiebury and Mr. lasliour. Aa one effect of the meet eel l ep lt, cella elear lee, trrentysir. inches thick, xis oeurag cut from the St. Laavrseee, opposite teen- treel, the greatest thiab ese ever recorded. The Prins() of W,e:ea has dee-Rued to be- come honorary patron of the League of the n Rase ret Uttawa, on the „sinus that he bee suede it a rule iaot to become eoaenected with any society foamed for political perposes. Theaeltatiorl for the euppres,inu of bucket #hops is being revived in Montreal, and the Board of Trade he urged to tab joint :codon with the Toronto turd other 11oe11s tole- cure prohibitive Iegieletion from the Domin- ion Parliament, It is rumoured that M. Devaney, on the expiration of his term as L;eut•Gevernor of the 1\ortb-1'1 e;tTerritoriea, will, in addition to receiving olai of the Forth -West Senator- ships, enatorships, became a member of the Cabinet on its reconstruction. face of a pistol, poinded him till he was unconscious anal then robbed him of hia r�. en oand dQ ts. An Arkansas court has sentenced a men to three yeare' imprisonment for stealing a 2 Bible. This looks 'r ther roath at firstt glance, but when one comes o realize how scarce Bibles are in that State the sentence seems none tooheavy, A Dekote yaper speeke of a great revival of business au its locality, ,A. perusal of its local' .columns given, the reason for it. A thirty -mile railroad branch hese been cleared of snow drifts, and a saloouist and a grocer have replenished their stock". Iia Brooklyn a boisting engine and der. rick on the elevated rai.lavay collapsed and fell with a number of heavy iron girders oo A . Crowded street ear, crashing it ro splin- ters. Four people were killed and efeeen injured, and three horses were also. killed. The worse disabled attrslving veteran of the Areeriettia war= is claimed to be Reny B. Filler, a private crf the Twenty-eighth Iona, He lost bis right eye, had hie left arm amputeted at the al"oralder jebit, lost hs disaleft food. t and his right leg is permanent - There as a law in 1'ennsylv-ani,t against using ferrets in rabbit hunting. A V'ocnra s. tore boy evades the law by eatebiug a raft alive, tying u. string to rte sleek, teeing it to rab'n4'e bele and letting it WO into the hole, 140 holding the end of the etriegmean- while. The frightened. rat usually scares taut the rabbit. The Bret mail matter received at the Beat er Mends sauce the close of navigation Ott Lake ldichigatt was carried theca the other day by Paul Leplaine, who walked from the day. to Harbor Springs, Mich., slid until, a ellstance of eighty miles. Re was obliged to travel on euewshoes to keep Datiog the pat ysar the profits of the from breaking through the thin ice, Neva Scotia iuuar 1Yetuling Cerpaiay, of The aegluieltiele of plenty of snow in the IIa]ifax, euableci it to pay .5100,000 ot'f its city of New York boa been followed by as mortgage debt, n thirteen per neate dist- outbreak of toboggaviug. 4i this a>;rauee- desed, Arid add between 400,000 nuud $40e000 recut is pursued to the lets frequented to the react account. Week!, accidents are not ranpoesiblo. On A re5iclent of Ilfontreal has reeeive3 ti let- one day of this week elat people went home ter from a miner at Sudbury giving marvel- ! with broken lambs rind battered eyes, rill lous actonnts of the richness of the l oliseriously iujnred. What else can be ex - mines In that district. Tee writer asserts petted item people who slide doWit Mlle en that a piece of native gold valued at 4e5O.Ofr0 toboggans and call it r' ce/astiug "? wastaken from oue vein. The eest.hound Chicago railway lines AN Lege' ttli rill cirdlee iu Mentreel era badly demoraliziuy, export rates, it costing greatly dieeetiefied at the uuwillineueee of fro more in come tn$tt'nces Ices to ship Iu 1ie s}iAt1ar9 ti.-a eto serve as jute grain and ro1u-ora front Chicago tee Liver- ors, iv r. ors, everuleattbeing reeertei to to obtain eel and European ports than t New York. exemptietr, stud tuueb of the complaint rustle The presidents and general lAnagtrs have about verdiets is Attributed to thin cauee. Weenie serieuuly alarmed for tear the Uvu- ble'lvill grow awl a conferencewill be held 1'rieley, At New Yolk, to reach &:slue agree - melt whereby rates may ba restored, Setuolay afternoon, at tiodericla, the: e,.p$ain and crew of the lifcheat were pre - suited with medals on behalf of the Vented States Government for their heroin re`lette qthe crawthe r Gla„e Max- wellra of ;loner+watt € 11 r . tc well tiering a violent e;orm int Veerenh:r, 183ir A colllernaa oa:currei pent Hu➢l eariy yes- terday mernimr between the Winnipeg ex• Fere and a freight train. Fortuuately the gaafaeneerew and train bands csrepcal with a severe chairing, but both eskincs Dual t'ae baggage cars and several freight ears aro badly ear slatsll. Two members of the London city coua:il have exebengFd compliments in public, the nature of which it took the wattle "low,. mean cur., insolent, mere thing, kick you ex out, despcable,” to press. And Laudon has been called the " Forest City,,' a name redolent of wild dowers, rustic olmpitcaty and ercadi an happiness ! Mr. Dyke, the Liverpool agent of the Dominion t.overflown b, strongly urges Cana. dian dairymen to go into the ht©iness of }racking butter in tins for export to i;ritein and reexport to the hot countries with which Britain does emelt an lei:name trade. There is probably a largo trade to be built up in this line, a3 small ties of gllt•edged butter would ECU freely at high prices in England. The merohnnte of St. John, N B., havint* deepatebed a vestal to the 1N eat Inches laden with eanedian goods, are now about to des- Austria and Turkey have been visited b patch a mond vessel, the destination this a succession of violent snowstorms, which time being the Argentin ropubiio. The St. here paralyzed trafllo. John people aro certniuly not wanting in enterprise. They are moving in the export- ing experiment without as subsidy, and are actually operating in advance of the report of the Government agent. Aca:ardin g to the written etsatereent the deputy ehcrifl el Hardin county, Iowa Providence, OWof the oldest he the county, thickly eeztlell by Friends, and the only trawneitip in the Stats in which every vote was for the Prohibitory aniteelmetat, not one A.2414er, has never coat the tax•peyers :uO rat erimival prosecutions, while the ee. eon towaehip.s have cost thoneande of dol- lars and have their regular per cent. of criminals in the penitentiary, .The chimpanzee of the menagerie in Ctn. iral Park:, New York, has boon very sick for a week past. k"r. Crowley, the e name af- feetiouase1y beetowed open this native of Africa, has taken nothing but milk and brandy as a remedy. It le curing him and he enema to film the liquor. This fact sup- plements the Darwinian theory of the de- scent of Ulan, and probibitioniate who be. Iicve in Derwin'ts doctrine may now lay ads ditional stress upon the argument that there is an inherited tendency in mankind towards strong denies Several cocks containing dynamite have been discovered hidden in a field near fres- burg, Hungary. Almost all the European sovereigns have congratulated Prince l:iamarck upon his epeech and its results. twtery ompound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. URES NervonsWeakuess, Stomach and T.AverDieeaaes, and All Affection* or the Rid:toys. A.NERVE IONIC. Oorea W Demme, Sr/ cr-conn, Co;rN.. ears: 'For tatoMAS I t=SA sift ever trees Ul''r3oes de•. Way. and X thank tied and the sl .serer of tht valuab: le remedy that ram:3 4etn...i co: ioc:As s a'^ c m. '. I.e me. u «lush re ran it cured� � i +� live. 1,.st an 9%e S.7.4.0 to rue:for advicnP y AN ALTERATIVE. ALoNZo Aa'rr. Sl rnm:oe, rr..fays: believe Poren's Crams converrm saved Tey life. My treutfo seen eel to beau (rate: Cal banter. refuel used itI=spa reredwitbMae 'ru ion:tem "tmd to hest." ' be erupt:en is rar'lli healing. Dad I oro toe Aumity d pere`at. better cszsy way.. A LAXATIVE, CE Srn'e.wwrits., gamicrnov. rat, saes: for two yearn yaetT lura bees agree sufferer from kidney and livortreutte a. ntteti'ed frith dss- reltaao, and eensb 'ntieu Ili.fere 1 be x-oa to teVo 1.`ct.Ens t;grfres sa It seemed ns then_et erccisittnif eget vers lion i gee cry A%AialaiAZAA A DIURETIC. euran 0E011; Stars thi %Tewo.Myst "I have been rtsin.; PAiNZ'5 CP.= t'G:IFarl'It tad it vastteaememere moil tor htlt eysmei tarn tryeirthauany Ober medicine 1 havoeve, Men, itucdsedsat teatiruanielshave tretatm t;,ed.free. mantis SOK! have used this seated: with mu:eriesb a treneilt. Scud for circular- b'rita#t.00, Holdto' LtnSGteta. WEL1,S,RICNARQSQNAcCO., Proprktom ]1tIQftraall, !Y 0010 AGENTS 'WANTED over the enure .De Uf minion. Address. GR0, R. FERRIS, R''7 church Street, 'Toronto, THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO'S, SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. OTT/as Celebrated Han. weir Inspirator, tt'ilresham s Automatic Restarting Injector. iMEMorrisen's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator igrnngiaeers" ry Plumb' ere Supplies of event description, Send fol circular*. •JASIt S iMORRISON. 75 w'' 77 Adelaide TORONTO. AGENTS! AGENTS: OUR AGENTS .Iuaenif rest ParsUel Pib1al V WJL(I Withrow'ePopulse `" History, Canada," trough's "Piatf •rm E- hoes," Dorchester's "Liquor Problem," Sano P Jones' "Living Words.* Gou lfsttagel'hlbiciaq' AnAI[C lti!$i1lC "111/141„ie il& u It's ',Sunlight and (lo rs bun bh Shadow,""Bother, Time and heaven," etc, Yopu tar Books l Liberal Terms! Write for circulars, terms eto., to Wit ,x,pr. Bums, Publisher, Toronto. Roses Daitlias, And all outer Flowering, Plants, ingreat variety. IButcrated Catalogue upon application. Webster tiros , + ylorists, . UsnitltOf. til h a rVIREO, pay- . end statmp NIS patuplf tet. ►'.', I,. a*t*ii , A1.A ,1 i t, ren E., Tmnto. t1RQNTO ellTTVNI, 8C21001,.-3. GRAND O circ a *horn s a s , CHANCE to a 1 ll,i lEw nal &n etge,ot. a go -are eater salt obs sur its brow liA,s at oma :d at It: wage% Tempa tan sepitt'i21Qe. b. I"Onesarsar. 1 Tongs Street. . Tho announcement that Lord Lansdowne is to succeed Lord Dut£eriu as Governor- General of India gives rise to the question what position will: be given to the preeest Viceroy, Since his residence here the pee - pie of Canada have followed the career of Lord Di dferia with continued interest, and it is felt that the Empire should still retain his valuable services in some capacity. UNITED STATES. A single trader in Orlando, Fiat, pinches. es 2,000 alligator skins every week. Mr. Blaine, M.P. for South Armagh, was Four sheep, a hog and tun bushels of yesterday sentenced to four months' =- wheat settled an Iowa breach of promise au horities for inoiting tenants to resist the snit where 525,000 damages were demanded, A station and a mail train were buried by an avalanche on an .Austrian railway, and 2,000 men are at work endeavouring to res• cue the imprisoned passengers. An action was commenced in Dublin on Saturday by Mr. Wilfrid Blant against the police for $20,000 for illegal arrest. Special prayer for the recovery of the Crown Prince was offered yesterday in some of the Episcopal churches in England. The Mayor of Cork was recently senten- o id to fourteen. days' imprisonment for as- saulting a policeman at a Plan of Campaign meeting. A man named Templer, employed at Chat- ham. has been discovered selling secrets of the Balloon Department to the Italian Gov- ernment. Queen Enema, of Holland, continually winks while speaking. For this reason she is obliged to have all of her prescriptions put up by telephone. A Parnelite circular has been issued re- questing the Nationalist members to ob- serve thegreateat caution in introducing, strangers into Parliament. This has been one of the hardest winters Italy has known for twenty years, and this Country can look for a fresh importation of organ grinders next spring. Fourteen persons, including twomem er s of the municipal council have been arrested at Galway for disorderly conduct on the night of the arrest of Mr. Blunt. The Far Reaching Perfume of a good name heralds the claim that Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor is a sure, certain, and painless remedyfor corns. Fifty imitatiora prove it to be the beat. At druggists. Five hundredhundrednotruoa of ejectment have been Issued against tenants on trio Draper estate in the North of Ireland. Lord Clanricarde has definitely made up his mind and expressea his intention to eviot 1,600 of hie Galway tenants. It is expected that Mr. Goschen will apply his sutplua of nearly two million pounds to reducing the income tax by a penny. It is stated that a French, Belgian and Dutch syndicate has agreed to negotiate a Russian loan of 200,000,000 roubles. It is semi-eficially denied that Italy is bound under her treaty with Austria to send troops to Bulgaria in support of Austria. A Michigan man has a chicken which is sixteen years old. Sealed proposals for the purchase of it will be received from boarding- house keepers. American potatoes are scarce in Chicago and thousands of sacks are being imported from Rotterdam. A recent consignment was 2,500 sacks. United States detectives have seized $25,- 000 worth of opium, which was brought into Canada -via Vancouver and was taken across the river from Brockville. James G. Blaine has written a letter to the Chairman of the National Republican Committee, declining to allow his name to be put up for the Presidential nomination. A Missouri man who had conscientious scruples about takingthe oath as a juror stole two overcoats and $24 in money from his fellow jurors before the panel was discharg- ed. Jacoby 4 Bookman, cigar manufacturers, of New York, recently evicted the families of twenty-seven of their striking ettiployes. Three families were also dispossessed at Kerbs &Spies' factory. It is stated that a secret order recently organized in the States to furnish men in Ireland the means to wage warfare against England, has already several thousand members all over the country. In New Orleans a jary returned a verdict that keno was not prohibited by the laws of Louisiana. There isno reason why it'should be in a state that derives a revenue from the only lottery scheme now tolerated in this *country. Two big footpads held up a newsboy in in San Francisco the other night, and when he would not give up his money, even in the RUBBER STAMPS, c>i3 al sl l;arrao? Itran2s, G Bead tnr4itale lnC• iaAttl7ta r. CO.,ke s;cottbt.. TCia'iti. e i'neent� "Iteuebl"1*.ngteot4eau.il life Me. Furl ctls only 73 co. ea',i le cleats. a wsi+tars tars ^s,a1 vI. Fan;• pis Om by e>.rtra) ea rt, et. cr Vries. Ael- d , 4. Ty. A f.LT.N 4 i»Q., t ]tan le t5: , s Dre,.ta. TOT 1YN.ANQYiLIAGF E(k1YSAAPe t Wits ISNERS Uueic !! W,11 G1Y8a You Fryr"IIl. 4$0 ACRES FREE, Moa a thousand miles of new mid- way. 31spe, Broke. shoal -'g Mall. tr.'s le55irrc.7s Wtnl advantages.. Utters :rota settlers she oro thnelugheYoul their expew. talions. S'nti postai c ar,1 with your tvldcecs to J, 31 rUuel:tne,4Palerer' Hesse Bicek,Torcato crC. M.11ARD: N, Genn, Fas Apt., St.l"Aat'a, Musa. DYEING AND CLEANING R. PARKER & 00. Werles anti Menet (Well; 759 TO 763 :ONCE ST. I 2OJ Wage Street, Citi' Oflleoa:a Std queen St. West, TORONTO. t 725 ttut:ets 1.11 East. 140 f.'olearee t reel .......Tr stfo;dt Ont 4 John >CreetNnrila .......:.....alas -tutors, Dist, • F base unexcelled facilities for the 5:1L1: or f.CV'll9;rUEOIt.trtplala-r slices. Tennis, one per cent. rains►.,tion eu rrn.terd. d:d'ly o rat e now tour gear eotal4iohn:enco ler gale at a bAti::ao, sacs cur • hllsher r ae lir.;; a t aar,er. Auxttl try T'nbtisbinu l'oln:Mny. 74 antl ,.e A%feiafge Sr. W., Taatontn, pat. SAUSAGE CASINOS. F«iTIMPOItTEll)ENQL1SUU8t8EEPS, alsotimoif iota to it purchasers. R f C t American lion C.allu •e- quality • ua :snared. n eu pur rs.Write Jr prices. Jas. Park & Son. tSpeekdty = • PLC5L$ In lags onppic. Ileaterrt bsllcd out on libtral terms at the f1ALTON NI:USER! ES. liurllnaton, Onnt., TREES II 11.IIt+RD 4 $oN, Prnprictore. TREES. A1vo can offer a toweara Red ennYelton Gtuneunkon S ��� kDBT EVANS & GQ,. "RENS, Hamilton, On t. K:J'CATAL000E now ready. It you want holes scene send for 11, TN$TtNT I7F,LIEF. Plnal Circ. Sand your addraaa and 10 . In atnnpsforboot ,"Trea- I , d• lino ou DL•;cascs oI .'elan, d dre=w, M. V. XEROX, 47 Wellington St. E.. ToronIo, Out. ....."1;)).-V- YOU R f3 A k 1w l l F O R � &C S. F'QR .�A'L.F BY 1 `a\LL LEAOlt.G.NMERG#inNT$. 1ILL1ISTPATED CATAieaeue KKK 8.0 FREE. 1>rpFt"5 3 ELLE- BT? OS'ac. `TS R N;*-O,Q,t4 MERCHANTS .'. CHTCBERS ABET) TRAililns i orwcaAIJN. 0 0 56?nt i 4400 Fieri ie (RIC laenlity to pick pp lar e?• Cosb furnished on e:.ttsfac'cry gnarantr. Address C. S. PAW:, 115de Paris. Yerccrt, a $ Awl 8'GFa`iii 1,I k i:a lla C dorbe Winter Prow Portio, --o eve Thais day and Mat= Fres Sat r daay is laverfr?0o all 12 e�•rrnee trona Qnebes every Saturday to .orgasm. ralitn�at Erattulderry to tax:•: r:n'rs and ;massager for Salla -1 and 1r..1a;,i; ora frm roil :3, i1a Ilatlfaur. rand S*. John's 7 £, to I4verpaacl l=rsalgx'tt dorar laser rsat. 1,q40 steamers of the O g inch tr*41 dar',ia, winter to and frnlu t~atlia:, l Aland, Ecistas alas Fltlle6!eiphir,- and during e"rar ererCetwtortOla-gow tad cntrealweekly :4Istrarr and Easton weekly. apt t l .row alio T'kUarRillAlrlta crtnightly, Ito; trol#0,1) a.wo. �,,ee, Ar mhos i?Itenn*t;:oa apply !a $alla+aeher fi C:,..al 1naare: S. Canard 1 G, Ilaattf;s' Rhea A t3a E8 ,ie.. a,, N.V.; vim. =mop, cvn 0 sum, Lan leen �1. L; ALA, 4' •..trciwa4I b.:ro do Alden, jlcw Jam, ; I3- l:o:�rrk„r, Tornslj .e,Iar"rt, F»a#Qa., alatebe, Sts, Denton, Phtta4'at ; A. Alien Pcr:'sr.1 £mein Montreal. Cooks' Gem AKING POWOERI Why do yon u lt thesis 8:Vei ire Aa:erienn aka Canadian Elblag Paederssh n;estcan%-st G9 geed 0.»4 uhc'n en;e ate to b:a;;tt'•T T"rt 1 Vane fE E3i. tr;'• tab thereatVo Maniitter..sred by BUIS KEMUE1a •, !Carole, CANADA 13 BRpyYW ryT T Loan and Savings Cu. ihoaltaviantttp Subseribee;el'apital E54,5oil eaaft Pats+tit, Capital 2,3"0,000 Reserve Puna .....•...••••• 1,140,000 Total mares. 0,G01,E114 QPFICn I.-=0 a Ir7:IL91a e:r, 3ttnuarba Oe, Tiiutl:ctu. IdEl'CaslT$ retched et t:erreny rata el eluvial, paid. or can peuridcd half•=rani LSCIO it.'RT ala. saltin4arrtue?arSt rlt'g,with tatereia ecillaoni '1 Or as aid in taunts or in 1.412Iand. taxceutere acid Trostces aro authorizci by law to to etin the Debenaareicri this Company. MONEY 4tat'Atit'bD en Beal estate s_carsty at @uncut rates and oa favorable caladium al to tit• payment, ttort„naecsad Municipal Lrttentures purchaser). J.1UEitII1:I1T 51Atint„ Mauaaln.e Dlre sat. CoN1 o':'s c:liP>k1LI tGL' TOPS Have all the latest tt uprevementa au 1 are emcqualic 1 for durability, style and eanyerience. The leadinu Caniego Builders sell them. MK FOR THEM and 1:Uli NG uTHe.lt, WINO BEDS. Oat et use Onto! sight Send forcir talars. 4has.itobtnsolt .t Co., 22 Church St., Toronto. TORINO rums. Srasa'rous—Moisture :intense itchingandstinling; most at night : worse by scratching. 11 allowed to continue humors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. SWAYER'SOINTMENT stops the itching and bleeding, hole ulceration, and in many cases removes the tumors. Itis equally effica- cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DIt. s WAYNE & SON Proprietors, PhIladciphia. Swasas'S OIOTISNT Can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 60 cents. CUINIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS In the Church of Rome -10th edition—oheaper in pride, SS2pagea. Agents,Ladies or Gentlemen, to sell thisVtam, FAsouuAr'nio and Team book. Liberal terms. ADDRESS, A. G. WATSON, TosoOro WILLARn TaACT Derosrroar, Toaro ro. CATARRH, Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, eto., can positively be cured. A. SLOW method. A medicine guar. anteorl to enre. No cure no pay. 11 you have tried other remedies that failed to cure. you will not be disappointed in this, For full particulars address, 31. F. LIMON, 47 Wellington St. E. Toronto, Canada. Send 10e. in stamps for book, " Treatise on Dicoria of Man." CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Public Library Building, Toronto. Students from British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois, and quite a numoer of other States and Provinces, now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars. THOS. BENCH/UGH, CHAS. I3. BROOKS, Prosident. ' Sec'y & Manager. COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze, Natural Wood, and other Pioture and Roo Mouldings, Frames, eto. Paintings, En- gravings, n- ravins Etchings, Artot es,Artists' Materials g g, Qfl' yp Mirrors, etc., wholesale and retail. Trade Cat- alogue. AIATTHEWS BROS. .2 Co, Toronto ITEHE LOF DOIN GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT CO. (LD), OF LONDON, ENO. Capital, £250,000. Dominion Gdrarnment Deposit £65,000: Head Office 72 King St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented disbriote. A. T. Mo0ORD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion. 'j �1t2 peewee :'a• J. cowry Of the pre ent age for Regu ad' fag the bowels ENV Curing an Blood Ur er and Kidney Cour plaints. A patter Blood Purifier. A tv in Tiamilton whohaw• been beniflted by lb: use • Stre.31. Keenan lir Robert St. corer of Erysipelas of 4to standing; Robb Ger nevi, 24 south street, daughter oared of Epileptic fits atter ears suffering ; Jen- nie Rivet, 66 'Walnut Street, cured of Weakness and Lung Trouble : John Wood,05 Catle cart St., oured of Liver Complaint and til1onseeee used only 8 fifty -cent bottles ; N;rs..1. Beal, 6 Augeatu St„ troubled for yeare with Nervous Prostration, dw. small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 50o. b tt F F. DALLEY A CO., Proprietor. 1 C RE TS V. t"at T s�y CrtnnTdanot num =rely tat Attica, rtttgt 1'aelra its I13. Al»d then Isc1h.91..es;r 3C• t.irq eeeen. slna:i d I.RfiIIT:ATa cum-. alto mode the disease cif =TS, S, EPIZPSY or SICKNESS,' Mite 1vngsto4i. T warps ss'ttryrimedytli Mu: the nseret Case'9 D C4ti a cernlac* f»ate41&AOren:Onter Twat rJ re et , q cute. Wend ateuacei ar;attar!co a adaFits:rr oa rrxt or Aly INFALL1BligiiLa7F.DY. Cave b,X cess Ar. 1,'ost (Beet At COO ynu tvotiatng xor 4i trial,. andlt tt llt.ecre gen. 1d+ire 9 Dr. IL 0, ROUT, 87 TogoSt,, The nts, Oat. • Mron. efiarrren ::•Farl,•wrftdte; is ra f4e ar rs 117rert Breadmal er a Yeast e t e sines (.: rrer.- 1/.mrirrslri•da tet red, �n rA Gw is rt' t' d •/. ,rli;+.ilasa, 'Ga ire hre bread it lire :eq.,. tier eays are lF.e .1n-fare 4#.f a'(orvPit4epnrcadc s^e dare,ret tolcreur. BUY THE BREADMA•KER'S YEAST, PRICE b CENTS. STANDARD CHOPPING USESSESTFIEriCH II MILLSTONES FIRM: WUNDER Noflatar n4 1!a01118AS10 ems rats s=�3 RE13A6lE SEEDS CATALOGUE FREE ENNOMIREmniszoitiMiessist Our Illustrated and Descriptive Cataiegt c and Cultivators' Guide TJ{EB. It contains all tiro la est novelties and standard varieties of GARDEN. FIELD, and FLotvsn SEEDS, tunas. ETC, Every Market Gardener, Florist, Farmer and Amateur should consult it before purchasing. Our stock is fresh, pure and reliable. Prices reasonable. J. A. Sint, ;;ERS SEED MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS 147 King St. East, Toronto 1 los Y 1 •' �.. G°-BRANTfORD. l Ai rADA, ervous Debts ty. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the past fifteen years with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex• ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, eto. For sale by all druggists. Price 81 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be sent by mai! on receipt of prise. Pamphlet on applications THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. CAPITAL AND FENDS NOW OVER 03,000,000. HEAD OFFICE. 15 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO, A ROME COMPANY, ESTABLISRED OCTOBER, 1871. To th:a date, October 31, 1887, there bas been returned : To the heirs of Polioyholders (death claims) 3640,249 00 To the hold.rs of matured 1Cndtwment Policies 26,402 63 To PoliOy-holders on surrender of Policies 98,666 00 To Polioyholders for Cash Profits (including those allocated and being pato) 432,644 02 To holders of Annuity Bonds 16,967 84 Loaned to Po:ioy-holders on Security of their Policies 82,264 98 81,306,174 47 Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $15,000,000,, PRESIDENT—Hex. SIR W. P. HowLANA, C.B., lt. C.M.(4. VICE-PRES1DENTS.—WILLIAM ELL/OTT, Este ; EDvrARn HoorER, ESQ. .1. K. MACDONNALU, Managing Director„ BPolicies Nonforfeitable after 2 years and Indefeasible after 8 years.