The Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-1, Page 4The Exeter Abuocate WILLIAM SANDB RS,. b.ra oe AND PuBlasn . Oh -21M - Main Stree , Z,reter. THURSDAY, MARCH 1ST, 1888. t) < Thursday last the Dominion Parliament opened. Dr . Montagne moved the address, in reply to the speech from the Throne. Dr Montague is the happy possessor of a resonant voice of great power, an easy yet ever - re deliverer, aed a command ef graace- ful, well-chosen languege that bears evidence to the careful training ithat Toronto t; rirer^sity can are. Many of hie points were very apt, Blear and welldefined, Referring for instance ing. Likely .Aiotvat wants to he warm, and then to keep waren in the hearts ofd -wee who faarnishecl the clothing, they evere passed oe just accounts, and they have got to be paith- ''Qar sup- porters." For Bardaare, Paints, Oils, Drage, ete. the neat little sun, o€ $4, of rarliaauertt Regerding legislation 3 4deut numerous anther aacraauaats which foe the \Droll west it ' s pral}�4Yc 1, het , said, to give the territories row „cn1 era,- its not here enumerated whit la when all 4+y sago cclvisory ecauaa��il, partly cic+a t- ' govern - figured up amount to ¢.cannetlaiaa ; litre ete9,p+ll, for supplies to the Hamilton eve zaed I a}rtly nomivative a fall nawes- lsylurrt. If this extravagant ` ynteua are of local eels -government It is ausaaeratotel. than the meaeure will tae a Inad ''mean performed by Sir John ; . lacaloanatlal, iusteatl oil Hon. O. Mowat, broad enough to provide not onzly for '1 the the howl an the present but as well for the future ?ti trail of Reformers W°14111 be untre'arnUe, 1'1' in tb.' case, waged, of the intere:etc 1. The proposedW°14111 l'4111 heaar Loth;sag from tlaa,ls9tlney are railway uzislation. I r. ala ntague� said, w.'te, the. outcome of the inveati`eation , ntaun:l. The saute satpp:arS if had teen held b * the Railway Commission, and let by tender, could fan furniahe l .for ] over one h.a.f less thea the rheum aid, the Gorerremeaat, sae ht'!d, are,- tea be i � p commended for their promptnese in at but la It h sal Leen let by Wader, of mica dealing with ;he subject, Sneak- fou e ,1'lr. Miawat caauyd root tall the . j ,t i `n h l+saa; lets of his "boom friends,'" as the lnh QA the sul,la'a.. et itaana grata rt, , Dr. mQAta„rn o said that Auert.a*i reward of their masaaaittiug aabar ea railway coop a lies had :eked aimed hl;aaepleug hila in power. Nor ono would that Canada V449 al:a.aga Talus r uritr nand eayiug et fair price for what was to lire iso- etiaaa erous to up, orAt limb. re it:ire& but to pay for pulitieaan aem- I;ut to'day, in the wale el' the A,nne'rl. ti'rie<es rendered, is a tlaiaag of another can blluzarde, tears eof eerrervssrag lam, collar, ,,fid no doubt the majority of the folk were dowing in all rads of thte'suprlit vivre bottles of "'lowing Awn - world. On the tlslaeriv;n «lrcestioaa the rogue," sand go itikaal eerviaare. It iFa aepe aker only Mesial that the treats roustnot for Reformers may to open their lsli eatiefactory to every reasonable fl 0yee, and RV the nam e:nee equaauderin S mind. It was true that Canada did of the ,Mowat administration, but also not ret alt that ehse had demanded,#'u` Cirnsl+rvtntivcs, and at the first ;It was :tot to he expected. But if the treaty was antagonized by certain parties in Qanuda, it was also to bo remembered that the fishermen of t..loueester were holding indignation meetings to protest against its adoption by the Congress of the ruited States. NealL= in every Reform paper. ' ' satisfactory.state of affairs - in the Militia Department which yote take in, yoirr hand, von c.au not but help notice bow ,much they "cry and weir over the expenditures of the Dominion: •Government. They forget even to state of the enormous, and mostly uncalled for epense of the Ontario Government. In regard to the .l-syluny. at Hamilton. We find that the sum of *12,283 was paid to "dear friends" for groceries. We are of the opinion that those gieeeries were of an high order price— other- wise the greater farts of this emu went as boodle, or pay for the help the **are had contributed in assisting Mowat in power. However this is a high figure, allowing both. We end the enormous sung of 3,157, for cloth to the charge that the speech from the throne; was barrels be said that was evidence that evader the present Govern- ment affairs were so well ordered as to need little interference at the bards chauve, send Mr. Ml©u at, to the land of thr free, to recuperate his health and secure a few !MO= en eeononry.. Tan Great leaders of the Reform party, did not have much language or wind to waste en the address, or in the debate on the address, The Leader, Mr. Laurier, MIA his right hand' sup- porter, Sir Richard Cartwrights both look through the same eye glass, /As when that able member for ITaldiniiand i moving the address, stated of the continued a and growing, prosperity o this fair. Dominion of ours, compared with those of other countries, they both got vexed, and lookedgloomy anti felt like weeping bitter tears of re- morse for Canada. Of course Mr. Laurier moat be sorry for Canada) and if there was another rebellion in the Northwest, he would he the first to slionlder hia musket and march for that Saskatchewan, to quell and shoot down -our voleeateere, not the Rebels. Who would believe a traitor, and, who would allow such elearactera ter male Canada, as taanasket Laurier and the 'avould-lre- ; tinaueier. Tun Mix; in again at its old tricke. This time it attacks tho fisheries com- mission with surrendering every thing Then Dr. Montague went on to speak to the Annericaes. What a base and of the condition of Canada at the vile fabricator this (j1ufM must be. present time, and here he was most our fisheries aro as well protected (elective, In Canada, he raid not very long do willian; frauds wait for remun- erative toll. He showed the expansion of trade of the Dominion, how new avenues were being sought in Australia, in the colonies, in the Argentine Re- public and in China and Japan. He described the vessels laden with the riches of the Orient lying in the mag- nificent harbor of Vancouver, and be described the town. itself m words of such glowing power that the Chamber rang with , applause; and finally he closed with an appeal for a united Canada, a united people hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder, working to. getlier for the full development of the rich heritage Providence has given us an appeal that fairly brought the House to its feet. The member for Haldimancl spoke for not quite an hour. At the close he was congratulat- ed on all hands. The address was seconded by Mr. L. Z. Jonas, M. P. for Gaspe, who spoke in French for half an hour, in a very pointed and he is a very polished speaker. in some cases better then it ever was. The Globe is a vile lying sheet, anti when it aaya that our fair Dominion has been sacrificed, it says that, which is not true, and it is well aware of the fact. Anything will do to attack tho Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald with, as it is the Giotte'a hobby, together with its followers, to try and blacken the good character of the able leaders. But Sir John nobly withstands tho persecutions of them all and the more they "stretch" the larger majority Sir John will et, as every honest meaning man simply treats the Givba and its followers with contempt, and nearly every bye.electian has proved that such is the case. As presented by the report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, eini- gration from China to the United States began in. 1854, when `13,100 Chinese arrived in that country. This emigration continued in varing volume for eighteen years—in 1875 as many as 19,033 coming, in 1871 6,030—the ar- rivals answering the natural laws of supply and demand. In. 1883. the treaty of restriction reduced the num- ber of immigrants to 381. In 1884 there were 84; in 1885, 57; in 1886, 8. The details haave,just owe to band of another di€eeterous drowning affair. It appears that some four th©tteanc Chinese were eugo ed in rrpeirinng the damages done by the late flood, and the breaabwat+er which they were erngaeled in repetiole broke nay and engulphed the whole four thousand. If many more such floods occur, the Chiaaese Empire will ,ol be cleaned out. THE annual report of the Minster of Militia which has just been published contains some items of information rel- ative to matters of general interest. The total expenditure for the year was, for ordinary military service, $1,193, 692; Northwest Rebellion, $87,561; pensions, $34,100. There are in all 396 pensioners, 46 from the war of 18 12, 26 from the Fenian Raids and 102 from the rebellion of 1885.. There are still alive 222 veterans of the war of 1812. The present strength of. the active militia-1886—'87—is .37,999; the number authorizedfor drill in the year mentioned, 20,255; and the cost of the annual drill, $257,385. General Mn:metrorr in his repor teeoinmendds among other things the.. establishment of a cavalry school at , Toronte, . where, lie'cIiaims, it is muck required. The report on the. whole shows anappaveiit• A buandrecl or so ea ntliclates for the' Ontario portfolio of us rieufture visited the Guelph ra9edel f avm the other dey to helm the tnusirans and tilaaalbfy theca- age lye. es for office. The farming done at the model farm t this .eeasua.9 of the year is of a kind tliaat is easily learned,. and not a .uaan out uf the lot of candid- ates failed to a aaesluithirarself as well as the oldest lareetticaal:mann in the catantry. . O.tal'ne dayhast, another convict swung into 1 torlsity. Neil, who aerate time agony 4,7111 3, remembered, murdered: Rutledge, ilio: gtiar'si at the Central 1'rii diir TofMnto, ' ,la ii'iras a very dan- eroueeelt racter,fxorn bis youth up to tlaetprestant1.hot his hotly is now filling a tuurderera grave. lIeher; .s hung about eJ•n'eloeti, Ile hail little to say, only that ho bad liet'iatenaed murder. PErl:.0 s someaf our Reform friends, who are kicking over the traces so had about the Fishery Treaty, would kind- ly give us a sketch. of a treaty that would be satisfactory to the kicking "Party of Purity"?' and at the carne time stand a chance of being most satisfactory to our American cousins, such as we believe the present one is. From all appeiarences, the New Eng- land fish pirates are not to well aatis fied with the new treaty. No one is surprised at that. They not only want all the fish,but lay claims to the whole earth, and will not be satisfied until they get it. They can show more ie - semblance to the hog than any class we know.. MRS PIRS RILL LINES LINESOFCOMFE TIO RYAN SAND. WEDDING AND.....PARTY CAKES:. A e --T Of*Dk:IbE-- x11AI�TLY A'l`TJND;3 r— one doer doer uo hh of` ere yts:- stana. 1 I13-STR ET, We do not wonder at the rural Reform Journals of the province of Ontario, is crying down on the Globe, the country papers have not got breath to follow or run after the Leader. The Globe now wants to separate from the British Empire, and no paper or party can be expected to follow it. TuAT Ontario municipal act ought to be getting quite near to' perfection. it every session of the legislature it has been improved,,. .and during the present•session`a dozen amendments are being pressed." Presently the act's papa will not be able to recognize it. A Positive Cure. Painless Cur ACT OS ]T O AXIL. AGES ZYX. 77.r�+��,7�.0 "I:/.�' 01". '0. :7, ! zr1 i:.'7"i�:C yt 7' 7 +i ivo (4IE..G +1F 2 E 4 'I' 2 .R�+� •erEaJ'EI , � t4Oata1ef li.al:eg.And tiQl`1nQurel Mediciaaes. c *a+.�' .1"Q the to Tait le eatnce euciat.e* a/reneaseretum, I:9CI}ewre anti; `Q4'tiri.cx4't. wto04.0ko#era i ra from alga e;Te as .•ruts Rift fir•a fa 2.'".95 rz.iie©1 c•ire ter titrip is +lal)01.orge hie tre.;azum, �nr�n,sane ary stat lty€es.01.. At'Ve , `•s You waif Igo,Fi botLn L; 1 . .—tuns of onotcy, scram smut ofi'ar, c. d.aaws9 Pt eight, =Agee nn itcaCty.. walla Of gins 4eatee3. Wialmal cf coaaszon..ailop,.. Qe erolurta4;:tuft.lintettatcm. nal teeeiaity to tle fleet amatiun s, t.•pafttcnlax gokalgcf, GQ�alfaliCP, otertenion !at apititz. au+n►+•r0%% !k.4 rr er.citatUkt et temper, firer. varitwatoc2. as loaatalio,»,afoot Aeai.'..•. ha r0 eat +rt smtt it :tale or marital ascrsx,,,aaopa.. teF.0 . 11l1.. rt:iim, mutation. t• xreer < `. r11ettkittail et the. l e4X1, Eexstem ferli€es au &mak%t;eaal l9 0 , at9et4ate2tu11; cliaainrtatg cream tta., case Of I %arta;aauta ei tttiI terribla Iat►'IA ettMizu3 it ufleaaails alma. itao rk skit i S vat to tarix? lama; last its C.' i11, tier£ teRottcaan VA= in Ceti 3Acnce srieanta4lo va,mare,04114 tllsllW}.t'AUIC7td11At1 GS taslne asylum% uenite an t;e;ic,tau.., to the e1..:I Ce! Fe:1i•110u%i flus ¢m% mngaaley t:f ,,Tritest J.cea Ft.dsla come uralte hear Actare. It yea ato tnemybtent See ttaaex411omt tt.t r i at taatna:a s , trienrai tasted tam tate caataaya.irtati of late". tiaa. as tam au a R .e est t. a e.deststateaal?vee. It r rasp tatvuncral fat seatZ «to, t3watt �veeyou lull %11 *ratio. area,, tla. le noon 'r :ea 1,5 shay aata'lxaaarrally tam eortvtailltextlioahet, zrsaa1; et leuenmeettete tone, EF53 year a freta axial lar ,anis eta s ': t..•r Wil. V. Lelia'at n `laava►ttc 1 ata Reek reset on. Vitt::es tit Zlan. E raa9ai mut et, urs tram ealmacrSratiawt. A9�a€rxes5 csanta,Dat>ndeaatteast0 IL V. LIMON. 47 tiellIncton ! i. E.. Toronte, It Sal WinSaitiV44.4Q11 larO in a fool's pannus-. teeE& cuAludinia, ICC Subscribe for The EXETER ADVO ATE. Only $1 per year. Would take this meth metiik of aeturning blanks for past support ad also invites the attention of the general public to his new Fall and Winter Stock comprising the following:- . Tun election.for the repeal of the Scott Act, for the county of . Halton; takes place to=day (Thursday.) The result. will be eagerly watched for by both 'sides. Afirst-class stock of Furs —MEWING. of PERSIAN L.AM]3S, BEAVER.. AND MINK, FOR WHICH RE TN- vins Tait CAREFUL INSPECTION O.b' HIS. OLTP CUSTOMl''It3 .AND ALL OTHERS WHO .A.E.E PLEASED TO CALL, First-class stock of Boots SHOES,!RUBBER OVERSHOES, In Ladies, Gents and Childrens; comprising the all different hinds. —ALSO AN EXOELLENT ASSORTMENT OT' CROCKERY, CHINA & GL.ASSWA'E. ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF Flannels arildWinceys, plain and check; 72 inch wool sheetin9', Heavy all wool Blankets, White and Grey Hoods, Tamoshantera, Wool Jackets; An excellent assortment of Hosiery. ALSO— OP ES .As :EETOPORE, 3y,K...1rL.ii 3 rim A GOOD. SUPPLY -,OF ALL STAPLES, AS REQUIRED IN EVEIY HOME.i