The Exeter Advocate, 1888-3-1, Page 1VOL. EXETER ONT., TRT.YRSDAY MAIWil 1,1$88 The Molsons Bang rpt > ' Gr 1 3 i xlgs, (CHARTERED NT PARLIAMENT,1855,) Fant un Capital .,, . ,tH?d,tl(i(1 o _ Oar reads lire i';:x .de very bad state .. , 4g travel. Itaest Fiend-- • . 875,4aO M Bissau Diss Wlt>kslr< begs 41?fera the t?ttltlie Ea M -s , Iai ea- '.. r...zthnr Shara sole] twenty. *sr nee.mere A Mali for money- mere oney on to 1rntorm elle public, twat; they bore five acres of land to-' f; C, Cronore for Opened out business on the corner of H afts, l P2oktIIg& 1RS he internds shipping to that country at an early date He speakct highly wf , that country, and says the prospects for llianitoba in .the future are bright. DEPOSIT . EGB< PT for the flgirrrtaof 1,i15. frit r . AND 3!r PR/3 Oen. II.3a r pmn Mang *! Ur. Adolph ltilirditle bad the min. I The Annual teameeting in connection For Money in :forturne to lose t*e of bis children by with Canted Presbyterian chu,•eh was v n g Bank Department death lately held en Sunday and Monday hat. On (lately Re -opened nanny of a.,y un; men has return- Sa1?l.nth Sermons were preached by For feather particulars ap >< et hooter from tbi% ifielu u Iuatibeer Revs, Simpson of Brneetield,.MuDoialel I' r at the woods ow past ireejt, Tlteyt lcnk ]tale Qf Se'aiforth and McConnell. On Mori ; ]hi]]]lt Mein Street, Exeter. trial said hearty, . •.il?l fGl(LT .:,_ dtiP evening tea was served in the F t ` t11rd Icln1-3111 ; 1: Vinare Oli.. • sold tt lama year- Q basement of the church, after w uch l William and Gidley, streets. Dress- making done in 9111 the latest style,.. Lease ns Qn Fancy Work given.. STPTPING A tSREOJATA`41.G• Aal orders promptly attended tet solicited. It. in. t! : p, Iu, a aye Iltl heifer, and alt' i to ltigi: l<lea.l,gins, of ; thr7 cengre ,otion li paired to the body . #n la au of arts t`ilurt•lt av re t t` d to 1'A•1S7?! s#cG trr.11 1°1 -the iul1: Of ,wt3..1. It 4•f:i li a in k'ri's Ing it. A A. O i ENO'% A tF 1? dresses were delivered bythe resident alter, mart. 241 $8, altaiaager. and visiting Clereyluen. On Tuesday AN EXTAORDINART OFFER TA Alst, W.SIMI ir= allii'GQ1 tfsliT. a` ct` ,a`" r ttline i.e puttrehed every Thursday morning, at the uftiee, ill d#, Bleier, Oat. TE12113 talc nfli rTu"1l'ION: We Fant tire. energi kc. #;eats in tier.? counts' in • Lutnse state eti ConnOtto %It a potent arliele gnat writ. as transoms. An articles isaylag a pre nage peyingaver 1r per cent. prrntiy 11 111g Pe empetr ai. r,rd an which the agent is yrotexuxi iA :e varlusire rile by t deed given for tub and every to 1,e r. . ;i-.. 1w i. WO a!i thew std- ,tne/toPLi Uetats.ttCutlb? (iC4Li'1!. sae wets t can to so.mi to crest/17 kawe t1>;ues. it might oat o accessory to make " tri e21.13:114/a ester te,atsura Wad t' t oayoarcosot9e..awInt!:. ette!itss Rf Osttd d. * lava.' i! roll lit a414,-4=4;;it•W a cat iia+ Qat' aptention, but to newsmen- en- ! ane agent that • prii 1. alGt hi.i.. a it nail rump oar a.zti t, l:ou at work Acfrt;rtfiing Rater on Application,. if,t; st+erci3rutttE . est:h! .!l) ttrrexra ant Ql etap.oymard, An nem. that scall gist/ snit ste gnat irta 41i3 to VI) a renab ete3r; and t14 % pot t stcaitf relJTilkusV31t0a:refferthaltthat are fole4.40natne ts± tutu at ape a a dtre^+atala at L 'I.;l, M l` ty.dare tt .Pa J till Crepe WI letai 411.4).-14. prottliIt.11,f ,ias:.cha. edearntlitgty. Lt.Atl i.toet°ttrx-At+. ttie .ettuta;:iRiaalt ,:041., v.ait • rnw,,,'liz, basso Growdcd, t" ta•n tit G:r +~!b err r cr S (! T a aa;:u » Le z's a:>I rro sea" rct tc tba maatrlT tlt4 iap h4F, rt4FtltialJ eke. was all fir r kir ]lax t,. e i. 'tasnt,y a~ a air et rents etar Bad II Breezes, ;ailing s very eutertainieg Swint wee. p held'. The proceeds of the tea together .'" with the Sabbath's Collection amounted he show, the beautiful allow, Ilan to 815000 early all itinappenzed. Mr. Moses Hedging, of Mool iFille, The annual Sabbath School' Confer - Mr. tlwet,ii(tring stallion, $tinny once., of the Exeter, Elinviile,Crediton eoncessjon et Iiullett, ha silts Itis Scott, from Musca S' spat n, vt ?lie. t'entralia stile Heosctll circuits t the !clung stallion to Mr. McMurcilie front Cillivary. r eFlilodlst ellnreb, rata bald it► ]leasaI , a1AQt for elle sum of 300. This colt on Thursday ',23rd k'ebroary. The The tt`'i teething Frovier Prea'shy- is just one year and t=ight months okd, morning se.=slort was opent',il at 10 r terien. C'hucoh, 7'illdeilpll, on Thursdlty ]tied awej'*6., ],3,,,a lb4 This is thecolt G e.iota 41i deratioi►tai t>xrrcise,lAA. Rev ,t, ilii w llic•Il ;lir ,cati01T:4 t¢ tt► 711 iR {atzdfl", tr 3t Iliicl;n J?reaitleut -.'Darin; the last ceeto y about 2.000 species of .insects have been die. covered yearly. - Cabinet Memorial Cards printed in the best style of the art,, at the An; omere office. —A tip-top stock of bill head, letter and note beeds,envelopes, statements, memorand:mile rep, etc., kept always in stock at Trig a voc.lr "S once. Some party unknown Called at W. J. Wilsons re$ideaice, Greenway, hist Saturday night about half -past eleven end threw zi Icing binding chain oat the front step, the man had either last his latitude or forgot the street and nuns. Iter her was supposed to have calletti at. -Hiss Maggie Ball, of Grey township, has pieced a quilt with five hundred and twenty-five blocks in it. There no 4,725 pieces in the five hundred and twenty-five Macho. Che completed it I ten .days. slit Thos. '.u. a iiehael, of the 2.nd gar F tlttr • estate eat to tip int mt +testa . take cite 4:1 t e it, rah cam. its wr, ut we ftA tesi tbsit eoutl+d 'ate tie -iced. The. pion -cede endure teas elevate otitic mulls. *t. lar t••,-1 Rices,A,.. btuo4..t+ u.1,,r aliBr t et a too. + wiits tate;,alafihrertt Netotto *ma!rpar-4-'11." 4 lta!Moan:Q= thaeltrg &region r3tvlearl Af1r11tted 4L4"_ tl. ;. 'il<A>l,L1A T SANDERS. cxN ncir4 .rxxt^=s.ar;l t» ►ntrwk:st„aree3 tie At Fttllel^e -.11. , ria o ss,at t! er.4.`aa e.nt ut'o "wawa ear ter } t71er.- ran SilIldnn tit : A a i^ s y me« islet, t°lt at; lel babtietnd, I'S which ShOtrr:1 tlu►t neatly ;all the F.tefoQrWOP..:411er, i Gil1t 1 F, tr ..alta, ,daacasatt anutrwc Ter. - i:111fitrsed tttixi:glz aprittlltltz, i CCoru1inr rrbog'!s nn tee aasnce unwed.arenas ane. r Ail s nt ee nn.1c469a, N:v. , A.'at., i in tate« chew lifter which tellowed tlte prize at ccafoxth and Seconal at Ion - don of Comrnittees,.t e,retary' w]on lent fall. last] 7i'r+lqurer report and the verbal M George Beat and wife, Than report of the Saltllatll School visitors Morrison, and Geo. 'R 1lliltrrtseu and sister left ► alton on Friday inoreieg to go to . mTianitndre. They took the train at Corrie, and had with theta six horses, a quantity of farming irnpie meats, unit a lot et other stuff. 1 e 'non follows(' ow election of otticerii. , wish theta suereas in the new hordes Mr. R. Keddy was elected President, wkwh they intend making for them. Mn J. Jelne, Secretary te Treasurer. s(nds. They intend. settling; near Afternoon etsuun. The afternoon J]rando:l. sessions Wa> opened with devotional ex- One day recently M r. Robert Mettif'e, ercisers lett by Ren. E. Kershaw, which of 73runsets, with :%1r. James Latwret.ty, was fiol;utiwe«d with the sub jeet,"how to as heeipet, turned tatty horst' echoes in study ;rind tc' :tela the seripturee,” intro- one hour. This is the f;aghast time on ducal Lv Rev. E. A. Fear. "The reeor'd and the boys say they taan do it again They 'also Irish us to state that they are prepared to ellallenge any two men in the Comity of Huron for both quick and neat turning and they ere prepared to show their good faith by CHURCH 1-)110GY.2"(Ri °1,.3rcaa,asc.s.. licr4oviat;,.orrAart Cum a ,tsar, -1,<'r', S to ***tor. up ..ay It raz a, • ll tt rr<, ar✓ r rt. no; h,abisot r Ulm!. amt. ° Sc1 r, 0.„. Sienratar f sr sstf £lamb - as lin, 1 t:tatnrn, gas• Santa a.ac1•,a, Ann a ra tai;to,' l',rot :.11giaih r rxrD, 11,;a, Pro,icr a,f1ia'N'tttirt.ar nvearia it 271. Q • dols Kest tits -rest W. 1I, t"(1rrc- . Trail'. 543• .1.ar n.al± .At<04. at. ail net, !e m - esetath eye a1. el t:tai, i'dayertarntleg. Ttat::ritev evert. ' ;ass aC'.ri. • %tai d inutsislpr yl. rtuttir linin ssy i'uc. flrra.14$''itr it !ICI'. IV, 37: aloitirr, Rotor, slate inn a .T.,rta. 11•a, at urr,l tt'All it on Soisarnob *devil. WO 3. ua, 4,.e nq ! .'a.t"+s a preen a4 rx.ttt; . at' a lly 'llittrs1. ii ar:rat•.P. 1eT1.¢tr n «ciom e; at ta.A.nt*, tau,. Lrra.•rtr hrnarsltn %t cite. toots&1. I'T Moe .Ra ul)r osvu ire% 7.•11. fi.j1 rn. 041 N ri. t;r., t rn :21 sicca rt ht to rare tet" out. I, tit, o%Ituit, lii«+1n,a.iri Incr.vial at It a, us: on Surrdn. Business raia tuiother Oars s. T W batoWNINO, S. iL, It. Et; P. $. • I eaivatea l Victoria ] err cr•ity.1li8. o and reshiaaw- iiatnitti:ru IAuruat,.nv. rr%t:ttr Oat. duan. ▪ VOWn' . tlrl Mei', -MAIN Sr111:1tT, 1'.teler. ▪ no atom, e e motto t nirtcnr lista idr cut' 3 1t ?aetlt n°• to u • h• m i • ••s .ra . ir:7t3 Poi . a tee . eeaie m atro An Church. _ i1,1.1a l 1101. , f tt90:r.Rli ACe'titl*itklre.for ibu s nunttrm.4 a141'nt.s'% iltta 1.3aabtnam. 51711 'thy "1'ta«att:,►t rr>t ".l Saosshen trod 8w', .Alt wivel prtnat• yt1} ,tile+ ulvi to. 11111n -o n11 eseausuni :ati,sus to W. 1141?, 3u41:4.lwntnlL1t, instars t. Il.lle*1..r, S liassor ul Nap tj4 your , Nsulo t'uid1.7. t onacgaucer. tem rosorri sour 1tt Money tai 1.400. 041.4e •f?ans'.«u'u 131.4c.:. Meter. an they aviizeil'i;r, prnfonnetl. .1 may lied Leen visited during the year, and ate however the S immersed, ase,re found to 1. in 14 scry proai:erotts cc,ra- 11. KINSMAN, DENTIST, 1,, 1t,.t. a. curtr tottit without pain Its a.siaty :rota/dr. Vapor, ..rat$1.' rr ;be toAattt:i. tlnetie tad be gums. 1.at.rs atot4 Fitinatsonel 511+.•tlt er .1e.0` 11 'C'ora the Wit ir• seis a t,.,c, 1.t 80471141381 ihtlrCdzt w".: melt month. nanr 01.J1: or mai:. STREET,• ?il"1 Ir x~ 11.• 'Vs lealte te'reeelli Other. Over OrNeils Bank, Exeter, Ont. litmus tsaide 938 for 1.afr:loss extremism.. W. E. C ARTTWItl:(IIIT, LDS, Surgeon Dentist .1. .w tlrr matt: t.1. the ilnyal Cone eel Boa- tel Surat r s •.'P ontarin. naves fns nirheai One,ten- i.l ri.uu.n., me; da.,.r t r Trehlti a harness shop, Wain - street ist ttr. te:t., where I :un prepared us perforin all Lratatir• +d tau prates;it n with eases/11d skill. • CH1..(>ri:$.:dJ7)I iZ31T1s--TEF.SiS, CiSII. JU1ili T. WLiTt:OTT, INSURANCE, LOAN, heal ]vast., t t1. Steen/hest Agent, Wealt,tyund re. IitSi. Niro tt:t.i Lite iustn:tnce Ctnnjluies RepreAent• ed. Any ettiov 34t.1 money to loan tot firstclassmott- 7ntyes aft 10441.4 rates of interest. General Agents fin' 1I'i8.n t"'.,f. r A. E. Williams 1 ('o., real astute agts, Lunduu. ria•.•.Sdr Linea Steautunl represantod. Office-Janws St,. Exeter, Ont, jn9.8T ELLIOT S; ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conveyancers, be, Money to Loan at 6% B. V. E.Lsi aT. J BLLIO'r. Hay Tamers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. NO CURE NQ PAY! in the Bahtis Cl urcch.the other a were Ildition, and doing excellent work. ValanalS seat *Met Invalid" priukh d in o Ziffthediatt Claur«"h, T.ho Naw ytta:ttsIra Trec.t'si;T.t Still there it me* to follow Which. slarsaacreaatalcurlier. rl;r5n1©aloft. ' .,., ......yrY Ueailoud oictura►1L.rslon9lntent..atatlarm,tII t ceow:11now gnurnt:a,. etotroat stiorreputed 1 Ort': atoll' B leff0. inmira io awe a for a allisuluted pricer until coml.snti1nern soffallow intretains! talltilt.' . mono paid USUntlersuenvs'el; ten guarantee. The ]lad col -Ilium; of ton roads has Ilvcll rennet* not blenis►tnteattfiatetttttttr2s= airia% consultation cot the oak%toOrlvlatter ttl eft haslet an • 'Viet therte ter the tree. 'Take ncicttrtaa •lusplonMollertoa4ne• cast Te It. tor. unitRa toe MI3 ego:1%42%11(w trttent;lh in his ailtilttt►3gurtreamnc•neura.Nonrattrrwhat Inn 3Tv1-4.a t',,Im .,I, , • 1ir•atltilur 1ruw t p a i ©sing iariau+ur rlal ' p id, a ipi>!•rip150 X'1©Ti1n Q vO G 1't Li Oat lit3tt'h1Trthe , i11 the ;Cllltit';31103, of t'ltri:;ti:xn beneficence," F aa>metteme. Mi• Ind. a.t'atn's:x Maty pay I` ► s tntildily, late e ;1. ied lav hTr: S. 'vee introduced by M1 W. J. Clarke. an3hte: BA1 lwrl.'T1ltrlrt tlti.tlo axle. F u • 11' i1ow: Can are ]lest retain our sehoists al;'axtl, coon/Au:a Ria. r.uNar t3atitnatcatintiv ' Weadii OS a e -;virtu aho r, symptom or eensset nett strum Morar guilts 1 Tamar..I10urtts. A►1111►:a Trade'' aueray:ra n.utar ot►lig"'to hc'-u• Il A large halt ter loth ion drover, when n great vtiriett of putting up a liberal sum of money.: eine.- t'e'r.rlptteenier thus earned .onto .tfsrtaats i►1 1114 same]. ills] tldtla ('t1 Its Mr, J. Dp 2ltlttitnatne,ltonasce ttnatrmtt:i:a`tream terror. k Yalu i. (t tR tliii Innen swell I' 'Parsons. r'Lfter'•hien mole the guest. s•-; rt• Ira►Irtuatr,trt assn ltert'reay intrw,t.enllsa- ;Part i pri ateinform= n OIrt r zeronuntaSts. tturebnga, F.O II^:ei: ' lta lrlg rata,ty ben of questions were asked, to which sou yoanee2ree enele't retheue r7nlal N,ave3 r an d 'tt 1 t IH' 1 ' t d i —The registration of births nail able, quarried or elan Ie , 13 eai r.rt inirlor tlainne. tit01'tr lt)Onl nih.t'SSarp Iry 44.0' 143 ti1...1. Clarke, A- Ilocrper nF'aDeamta ra.SvlCnnoiatnyri4r: nrit entre; rrnarltnita elected, notwithstanding that those ip akTIES »RSIRPIO TO INSURE IN TELE BEST' trod oiioapost Insurance Company in tiro Dominion, can do so by applying personally, or by mail to the Oudorsigned.. AA applications promptly atteudod to. Also agent for the Wellington tonpaay of.l=uelph. Also AUCTIONEER tor the County of Ituro*. •Z. BOSSSNf37;1132T, keern. Me, Sl. B7.. _ Zuiicha Ont. rerriPS,cf5tlwtat:Cat aant a :.►.rJureit9Inn tt"er. a till ee ti 11:('111 , .15lrp, its O 11'31 t'r tiSR alit] intelligent ansicere were given derttll3 in municipalities is lllucli 11e - :art 11r steor7nttu.f "q0 .a►•etraertam•, for la• . • ► l 1at11caatnl .arnlyduet.t•t tUri ,•+*utrtn"al roti l arr..'f, :v. tnrnut pi has secured the nud ]ttew. la. 11i. Kennet]}.--Devot interested are open to punishment. p, t•et„ a7trnr.« a alt to, rt, n laanao intending put dinners would da well taint very eloquent and able address awns .tlsotJB,rs a•.rtt:at'En.Ft sttwa:r£cWrseelfitnrnt' RIl The three nfttta. ort c. ► a in tita•r.T.tr hr ,• two aw 1M , roll ex err t •. nl exercises v .. .A: Fal ,► c Binder. 1,i{ V. Y r •ea: c 1 Lu e . ritwkns 1.: '.., torn, Bio .tsun►pa.o: ns for the 71.1 Patttt.or Y The Refiistrnr•Generaa has issued in- 159dirlvwultibt,,11k'itttit, \itrcelt.ur:tt,iull;itn L'1111 an Trim b foregiving their orders, given by Rev. J. E. Holmes on a 'Sun - ,w d R1 mot 1 33L, t'1aell,uttL+.t . aA 3i lrttt• i'ltual'i Iii,add* . ''' st asci tar or,J.C,ttgsn4d 11ai'a II1,c«: ire rJik aetlph. as this is the Binder of tho season. dart• School 1:iusie. :ill: til , J. Clarke e hftyi' ?Olin' int art 41419 nr urn wnrld throuxu Corrt apntt sura; reuse r. tw n true- }Fite etrt''rtllinfnent held in the town Ltourbcfest MaliI&X4le•IN:11'a:lamrA. hell, on Friday evening, in ski of the _ " library fund, was a grand success, C OINTY _ The tendon., Mr. Tait deserves great HUR N 0 bast secure spoke briefly on "tile claims of - the Sunday school, on the church.'' ltev.. ]?.:11. Kennedy gave a. very able and inrtrnetiwe address, on "how can we the deepest temperance' .alts upon ttletr return, to seo 11 t3iere credit for the excellent manner in sentiment in our schools." allustc was `— whiuh the prol;lak lU ryas l)epdal•eci furnished b • h II ll Methodist are any births or. deaths market] al not a struettons to assessors for this year to make enquiry regarding births and deaths in the family of the party belie; assessed and if any have not been re- gistered, to record such on his roll. The division registrar has also been instructed to carefully examine the j the Hensel] and re.u.:.:re•d. Fully nti., hundred having been retatered, tihouId the choir. The very large attendance and clerk Bud any lie is immediately to people were present. the interest manifested throughout the con armee shone le deep iu •eros taken in Sabbath school work in these circuits. The next meeting will be held in the Elimville church on the last Friday in February 1860. News From Homes and Fields /y Dots. f it 1 t t notify the parties who are required Centralia Dots. to make the registrations to do ser with - of Huron County Farmers. out delay, and in case of their neglect, OUR UNTIRING COR ESi'Oi'S Items of Interest From Important Centres, A Record of all Events-tletaths, Re.i iovals, Fires, Sales, and Accidents • Stephen. The return foot ball match, between S. S. No. 1, and S. S. No. 3, was play. ed on Tuesaay evening last. The game was very interesting, and lasted for 76 minutes, and no goals .made on either side. a 421.4 St.Marys Siftings• Roads very bad in toren. A large number attended Miss Mac- kenzie's concert, held in the town hall, on Friday evening last, and were pleased with theproceeding's of the evening. Messrs R. Bingham and R. Dickson,. executors of the late Andrew ; Nichol, sold the noted conch horse,Mdnbriano Spangle, to a ,,buyer '• from Dundas. donut]-, for a handsome sum. He was shipped from here en'Friday morning last, Miss Dieriia back with us again. There trill be a new cheese factory erected, here in the spring. The snow that fell on Sunday even- County J ottings. mg improved the sleighing very much. --- The Rev. Mr. Fenhali preached here 143r. IL Mitchell, of OIandelaoye, has on Sunday last His discourse was purchased all 80 acre farm in llowich interesting and powerful, township for the sum of $2,500. Miss Lee, of London, who has been Mr. James Moir, of the 2rd con. visiting friends in town for the past Tuckersmith, intends to start with his few weeks, has returned home. Chas. Essery, has disposed of his cel- ebrated trotting stallion (Crazy Jim), to Mr. Harry Sweet, of this village. . The sale held by Baskerville's was a success, all sold well. Three of the of Chilton and SYaforth business Hien, horses n will to Manitoba eProviding by his sudden departure for the United they can get jumbo in the car. States. Before Going he privately sold Mr. Thomas Handford has a stock family in a few weeks for Manitoba. He has taken up land near Snowflake ill Southern Manitoba. Mr. Robert Henry who resided on the 9th con. of Hullett, has caused an aching void in the pockets of a number of buggies made for the spring trader, Everybody 'should consult their own interests and call on Tom before going elsewhere. - . Onr tillage duck, under false pre - tomes, borrowed a horse and/putter to. drive a, couple young ladies home, "Right you are honey," do it some more times,o Mr. John Parsons jr. after disposing of a, car load of apples, arrived home from Chicago on Tuesday 21st. He reports doing well and intends ship- ping more to the same place.. Mr. A. 3. Rollins, of Manitoba, is in the villate pirrchasiing horses, which his 50 acre farm. The farm belonging to Mr. David Elcoat, being lot 27, 2nd con. of Cuokersmith, has been rented by Tom- linson boys, of the London road, - for two years at $300 a year. it is a good farm, and notwithstanding the hard times, well worth the money. A sad accident befell - Mr. *Thomas McMillan of Kinburn, on Monday last, by which he got his right arm broken between the elbow and 'shoulder. He was engaged in moving the cutting ma- chine and by sone means it got upset and fell on his aria; medical aid was called in and he is doing as well as can be expected. or refusal, to proceed against them. in accordance with Sec. 26 of the Reg- istration Act. SALE REGISTER, - On Wednesday, March 7th 188S, at one o'clock p. 111., on lot 17, con. 12, township of Hay, farm stock tiled implements etc, E. Dossenberry, Auctioneer. J. B. Geier, Prop. On Saturday March 3rd 1888, On lot 18, con. 8, township of Stephen, at one o'clock p.farm stock and implements. William [Jolt Auction - neer. William Atny, Prop. On Monday, March 5th 1888, at ono o'clock p. m., on lot 15, Lake xo.cl East, Hay, farm stock itllplelnMU, etc. E. Bossenberry Auctioneer, Fred Heimbecher, Proprietor. Daw.—In Exeter, on 22nd ult., the wife of Mr. Thomas Daw, of a (laughter. DIED . CREECH-In Exeter on the ..28th u1t. Russel T. B., son of William and, Ann Creech, aged 3 years, 6 months and 5 days. HEAMAN.-111 London, on 27th nit., Mrs. Jane Heaman, aged 60 years.