HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-23, Page 8Our Washington Letter. (From our own. Correspondent - The ditbculties of the treasury watch- fuel* under the numerous rules adopted have ]never been told.. The laws, -were supposed at first to lie without any exveptiozls, but it was semi learned that "discretion" was to be used in acheit- tiag people after 2 o'clot:l:. Now herewasthe rub. Coe day a poor fellow would be ee]nsuredfor not using a wise a`diseretioiy" and the nett day he could he lectured for letting sotue one in elite hada big title; but who proved to be a great bore. One watchman was, for inetimee, resolute in his refusal of a g(*lltleluan oat the 5tie day of Man*, who the day before na a member of Con3;rees lead unquestioned entered the department at any hour of the day ire eho'ed �+"otnpleint beili�"' math', it %Yea EXETER MARKETS, Red Winter, per bus'l $ (Oto 80 White ee tt tt a{ Spring Barley Oats Eggs Butter, Bolls Butter, Crooks Potatoes per bag Dressed flogs per l0Q Hay per ton 78 to 80 78 to 80 68 to 78 ve to 39 20 to 23 81 to ?0 15 to 20 0,00 to 1.O0 6,7 to 7.00 8.50 to 9.50 O A New Home Treatment fo: the care of Catarrh, Catarr- hal deafness and Ilay Fever. The Microscope has pnosed that these dieeacs two contagious. and that they are due to the presceee of living parasite( iu the interlining; inennbra,te of the upper 4ir visages and eustaeblan tunes. The emin- ent scientists. Tendon. Huxley ane! Peale endorse Mrs and these authorities cannot lie 41-p•�te:0. The a has Dien to �t ndai�. thus staua?7en of .�. ,Lrr'a 3S a lzat- a�te' ;e pknzra ; etatauaeD:.a2scrtsean reawi>ded. is is m otun"Iltcap t�."tates. The wvatchnteaa tact haat these :14 becanuec t'r,r1~1r....atettae,tnnrabeaa d�easerl:lincdtoputoutaIlefal�9red letnnply agirritant renleuly wl2elilt'.ardcses I e l:artiroale°eartemennbthes-%nlenitllersof4ottnress< Theta appliediff3ir;wrnil:. the .;ften�AwCs1i!Cti,•�'xQ3eA r f ,ep,rR"aaet zza t ra aee:.s,far6�ste�lr;3rie mtttst get a leanee; IIo DtAL_leeferetanawfiil tlEnitlitil, TheIA,=s .acte c i t ew£esearaass1)e u .t;::$ a >:oreacuM1 t1 e } at,tarrb goal i,,:Eowlaied hesU:27:rtr: FtisQTC& lwrou.d loon ttc atcuOar grout:,a ,aeY gt'd adtaltttattctwAtevey znl,t,1 Edv,.rdtzw eweay�.tzu•, wttzt ©t1•aalhap d tl coureetaeenhythe w ate! "mghlwaroitreitanis ..net• nn tua wweclls, sold trona neo toanuria or veraln In tjllevery The e -zuotsRpeimnnc mol f r ill one t os4 4rasA!- izeevenorwhomvhothe eery next door- ee o ra.l;celaaertQww�lntltiIleapp ]eover- clamp .,eat, Termite, 4'anotia..abeleutsiio murkaa -kleS _ ..: . `.iTlte case wvats re- rieeisl az iia, isalnbell. t..wcr6c ctteal .atm at rt. te„ oar tWavY 61111., there basica teen no f^l to tile i "'staatt o the \\Tall a ,w t1 ri azta to * .0ciaazse rt ` s e .ss wattt+a, tl at iarzoraUt approved l o . IrlLfltatra> Lowe 61111°1 Urate rywwtaee:': pre ez,l:m;, no 3uan. a:u w11tJ111t•gan to patrol tile `.ir. �lt�tra�y u site.fit>1:ichib y. 0t4 w rntEarr,Q. bk efiStit � to punish owy title who would renacdles,ti.o rr4U1,Suf lltenppaaaatatan ct tsA,:Et then t asu4gtta'a"r}ert.raut I1r. i%,xnnsFetardt isapplitrJ 1' d Tl p d D 11 arca 11 "4 vat the rrcc1 of 1 f uww•t•ut doorkeeper was well lectured h} tar nircbx Is �► la ttlltal�, � �v ARGAINS. BARGAINS' ..,R . ] I JNG Will, sell. his entire mammoth stock of Beady Made Clothing, Dr r,Goods Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware A.t less than Actual Cost. isbound to reduce his stock ...and will. offer - 8�4RG;D NsH: £re Never before oere; in ,. Ulsr • at eB aesorted and everything No shelf worn geode in etoek. for You" Bargains or QUr Neighbor, 2$14V ior Aar- Diann a ]aaUwla.ct a ra anq a a nt wr t, w r, -e. Remember and Call Early and brit h(t (.7f1 ptam for brenlzing the rules alad the QASFI alone, for wzhielt yen w receive more thee full vont, was severely told that another such of- fenee would cause hitu to be plaeed on the dreaded Faulidnight watch." Tho very next day this pew* fellow bad to refuse admission to a distinguished gentleman who claimed to have urgent' busine.s with the $e r'etary. Fearing, however, that it might he a ease of ilia. cretiee, he inquired of the visitor held any Niic:e whether hawas a member, 0 4'(•tt*arts or anything like that. \Q, is � . g he was Ir(•w;, a member, but, 1tri�n.�,lltf•plllld, he was 1�. salted:elates Minister to Fra'we, rand he must see the Sveretnry. The wvatelitnan was, troubled, but was oldigi l to reply that fig; haul never beard a **Ministers' bring allowed to cpmt' ill, and feebly inquired whether the Minister was not even an ex•Coa• greseutan. "No," was the reply, "hut 1 am t+x-teorernOr of Mary Iola," to Olt," exeleinled the wratehuIan, as he turned from the bars of the door, "that ends ir. Ex -Governor," he added, as the tnitlnigliewvatelt"threatstill sounded in in his tsars, "cant get here after 2 o" eloek."a lu the room of the Senate committee on private land claims there is a handsome sidewalk which not many years ago was provided with all talc accompaniments and appurtenances of sucll a preen of furniture-de•cantt•rn, a:assesof different shades sixes. It was !dazed In the room when 'Senator Bayard was chairman of the committee. The Delaware Senator, iiow chief of the Cnbiliet, dispensed a hospitality that was often gladly accepted by Sen- ator of both sides the chamber. The, decanters were set aside or only used for ornamental purposes, but there wore always black bottles within the r nesses of that sideboards which never dry. Senator 13ayard's invitation to partake of the refreshments of his e minittee room was invariably, "Won't you join me In a glass of whts- 1.eyr. As the leader of the minority of the Senator for some time Senator Ba- yard. was called upon to bestow hospi- table attentions upon all prominent party leaders who visited the Senator and that little committee room has echoed, amid the tinkling of meeting glasses, the voices of many of the great ween of the county. The regular rece- ption at home of the Secretary of the Navy, on last Friday evening, was more than usually thronged and brilli- ant. Mr. Whitney stood by his wife's side as she greeted her guests, and the frank and unaffected cordiality of both host and hostess was one of the prin- cipal charms of this entirely delightful reunion. As I pointed out the not- able men and women I knew, perhaps only by sight, to a .member of one of the Spanish-American legations, he expresses great surprise at finding such a happy intermingling of lately bitter political opponents -Senator Eugene Sale in amiable conversation with two of his Southern and exrebel colleagues; Nr. It ibert R. Hitt seated by the side if the wife of a Texan Representative, a „u Mr. Walter Phelps, the strongest champion of the "Plumed Knight," promenading salon arm and arm with Mr. Whitney, one of the chief stays of his successful rival. "A certain shoemaker, not a thous- and miles from Brussels, was nieasur- ing two ladies for shoes recently, and a discussion arising about the size, he measured their calves as well. If he is married, he had better keep it from his wife." wC FOR MUSIOAL PEOPLE NORTH'S MUSICAL JOURNAL Is the lest 14114c:4 Monthly ptt.di herd. Ga rails 10 to qtr pages of rotor= o ai latera,.. tome and 15 feast's of um Music in ever leant. Every M1bseribor receives Seem m wvaa:tlt of sheet elestesl from our t it41(' ue of lttlltlar„ttiialas as aIa*f 191inttat, tbee the sttlneciiber raaa2,r ra eei1 s dating alae tiewrutalair whitIt wt,old a°art in *haat agent not 1e.r4 than $neeit,1'aar enlr $31..011, With the February nn}ndiir an4instruct- ive, nsrruc 9 ivei serial, Hint tea¢ ilailad . ➢war, tag Emma C. 1uwitt, was ciaeuiveciel and wva914ti�ntinttcw evvf ral months. This eerier of ankles is idune worth many times the !trice of subscription, aalut is but ono ut the !many valuable limn -nes of this pop- ular publication. Only $1.ti0 per year. Specimen Copy 15 Cents. .rl►x.A.N4 J'Xt alk? To the person sending the grettn t nlur,b- er of subsielene to NORTi1'S 111t'Slt'AL JOURNAL, preview. to July let, Reek we will give o splendid Upright Piano with steel and cover, value e400. Abu a line Wilcox 4". White 0rgait to the one ,ending the second greatest number. For full i.articuhns address 1?. A. NORTH S CO., Publishers, 103 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. T. DEA.RING, PA.NSON'S BLOCK. EN E'T. D. t1.fERRY&GO. eio udmittettobpetho n in triio Seed .M.FERRY,&60!13 t]I11rtt=aatd,Ilace+ip. ,nane Priced SEED ANNUAL For 18130 ,,illbo mailed FREETO At.t. applicants, and to hurt season'% costumers with- out ordering it. t,wwralunbleto all. Evmy vemon using Carden. Fief tier F lewder aEugl4tead tar - - SEEDS tt.tAd�trata D. M. FERRY &CO., Windsor,Ont. STT aStst,ClasS Home 4511i at . Special Bates with Comm coal Men. orders left at EIS: ETT 11105 Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE. A. TRIAL SOLICITED. 13IS ►1TT BROS. 0 The rincipie COLD EDiCATED Head Qffice, 215 Youge-st., Toronto . N.1'ashingtoB, ,D. L.O. E S. DEminent Tbroatand Luang Surgeon* Will visit tie Cierttral &Metal, Tuesday', Marsh 206,1B8 Come Early. Consultation Free. 1 6. ,IIdLLILO96E 1.Ewa-catant Tahoe, est Side of Ma%a Street Opposite the new Engliah taaureb. A GOOD FIT GUARANT'D Latest Styles of Goods kept iii STOOK. CALL SOLICITED. Nsatnes and asldreseea of Patients cured. by Dr. Wasltingtutee New Metlied, can, kSaiat ,rort4, Oat., eatarth. heart Val Il Mrs. Joseph Byre, Pialaalis, Ont., ren :mina; grow - la from now. ala stel,htuson, (Loiter founder) Wrens, Ont., atoned. Mrs. M. earnfsb. Wnllacsbnr};, Aslltms, solar cow ztanptian. .wlci amara' .Ions,caturhl4t}le Oro,* su.A toad t vu, itiu},swaa, c 44rib pin ra3. #aaazlher, Aylmer, Ont., catarrh of tt: ta. Napa nee, Ont., bronchitis. ,, Writ, is ,w. D. ue£ualraltanl to, O;DS., (atFAm-11.14c34 Olp at 31 ere`aasa,Ost., ea a A nese s74 - ego ;fi 1. Ezeitt, tiaeratrg, ['Tata rtun - a. leas! rat:tt , Stratbrey. Oak,. (i5 a adobes, W. eteetng,1' aure, oee, eitirria. Mrs., Je^hnl Atilt. t ga er. U aa(,, e:,tair»a, toast ortt recd. fa T.. little. Jeweller add watslattiaistr, Felatelia, oat•. cation b. ahre.g. CAI, P. 31. Strrihrcy, Out,, Lr>olaitao Cdra61AT W. IG Storey. r.tStoret is Sano, prominent 6i4v aral.taf Ira'trmr of ** ton, haat.. Lundt� tar. wwnrla tap ton, f r>t trala art Hat. to r•.lt, 1444 f ,nu, IAA 'Kiln CM- 'rYat iatsttaalalt+hy tutlnelitsiociali, n la Cabala and l nalaud. Wino Mot for patt.cu„talc. F1,. 181 .urniture and Undertaking, -GO TO - Bowe and AndrewFOR, Bed -room and Parlor Suites, Sideboards and. Intension Tables, Teouneerne and Ease, chair*. .>hr. Largest warerooms ire town. NDERTAKI G, outside of the under- takers' ring, in all its branches. Open day and night. STAND: one dour north of liaison's bank Main -street, - Exeter. JUST THE THING FOR THE .FAMILY 1 Every member of the household engelly looks Jritit each week. Beat FamilyNewspaxar in Cana Esrtiu.lsusu 43 Yt:wns. h'Nla OF W 'LIES! --Tt11's� Free Press, LONDON, ON T, The Handsomest Printed Piper in -Cailad t. -- The Agricultural llepartment is a noted fcstura of tibo"Fres 1'1•c.•w," lulukilwva,s up to that th.mi and conduct(d b3• laersaaaa praa:ticaliy al lllcd itt barn, Wolk. Illustrations, Preoticr l and Usofal given each week. An the elywss in Full. By Telegraph. Telepbono. Mall and Corresi,ou- denco up to tho hour of publication. Special Market Department. agricultural AcI*nrt- tnsnt. Capital Story always Running. Ingot- IOUs i, cu -ions Puzzle t: 31umn. liunturous l.cadina. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA DAILY GLOBE, Morning Edition, 55-00 3.00 as 12 o'clock as a. 3 as to • 8.00 WEEKLY CLOSE,. • 1.00 SATURDAY DAILY SLOF3E, - + - 1.00 par annum. of as as s9 a Li .:a ti The different editions of The Globe can be procured from of News Dealers throughout Canada. - THE CLOSE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - - • between Toronto and London, which has been running, daily since 3rd March last, will be continued throughout 1888. This train arrives at London at 6.40 a.m., making connection with alt the early trains from that point, securing for The Globe a delivery throughout- Western Ontario hours in advance of all Toronto papers. - - - TO ADVERTISERS • As an advertising medium, The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its circulation, which appears at head of Its editorial columns daily, is far in advance of ail other Canadian papers, and it is the intention of the man- agement to always keep The Globe in its proud position as the r. EADINO NEWSPAPER OFF CANADA, both, in point of circulation and influence., ani.E CLQ • A: iigi p,. . tti8�. TORONTO In Clubs of 4 and upwards, 75c each. EE001.aaaee 31.St.47 free Out 61or.1: as trade, S t)l t Oil 11; ssnitc+l fur thpr'.fntala',f. tn= priaest111 an&ipl,lal GLCCEHI S bT1Fi lbAugal? far $1,00 ; IS it . 'Malta sugar fart LOO. v..4.a't t s alctiirst 4 ha Tens from ate ti? les 1« 11. awls 4 ahaes QaI1 Sat,, r!) at taw prim I/4:43y ass:atc l gt c # of 1$'W-•= FORE $t(` 7TIIE *and CrL,'leSS Y le:e , -.wt� C'aa.n9 a a1 say ata pas etc tsl sal, a Ince Tca Sett of 44 pieces, 2.75. ;w q i Pa • t ilia t-clauee tS tna:tic1keine },ottap irei;t Our Dress Goods tare maarAs- etsi down to the Loewe,. notch. COTTON ---20 yds. for $1.00. A 1:tatpsccna4laa. cwt:^a a twin tor Plc, 14 ;14 t„ $12,000 IN PREMIUMS Given Away Free to Agents. Most liberal inducements ever offered in Canada. Everything useful, valuable and ornamental AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. The most popular paper to work for. Moro money can be rondo working for tho "Free Press" than nt any other employment. Address -FREE PRESS, LONDON ONreB*O. NINO CHRISTIE'S COMMERCIAL LIVERY!!! JOHN MATHESON, l;�wy. 1St ;aa,ad.n;� tIMETII.INO NEW T1IE PROPRIETOR OF TIIE DOMINION LABORATORY Beg -1 to announce to his numer- ous Friends and Patrons that he has just pat in n. full line of Staple & Fancy Stationery, .Account Books, School Books, and all kinds of School requisites Letter and Note Paper FoolD cap paper, Account. Papers; Colored Tissues, Gilt Papers and Drawing paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a full line of all the newest and most popular works of Fiction, all of which will eb sold at the lowest remourative rates. if W. BROWNING. PROPRIETOR, LADIES REGULATION PILLS are endorsed by Thousands of Ladies who use them Monthly. Nev- er fail; Relieve pain; Insure regularity; Pleasant and effectual. Package sent by mail secure from observation on re- ceipt of $1. Correspondence confident ial. Address TORONTO MEDICINE Co., P. 0. -Box 576 Toronto, Ont.-ian26 8 • Rigs and Horses. First -Class. 03 -Orders left at the Hawkshaw Rouse or at the stable will be promptly attended to. Telma: Iteeemee 3zas. hortborn Colony. en forYIAGlNlk FARMS Mild Clmate.Cheap,meaL sjr u1ar.A, 9. Russ, Ceuttilia,t.