HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-23, Page 5London Turn. Bruce Nortleerra .Oivis GOING NozrTli-Thus TAn Londau, depart., .8.10 am, Lucan Crossing. , 9.35 Clandeboye .9.10 Uentralia, , ... ,.. 9.28 EXETER., . 9.35 Hensall .. , , , ,, . 9 46 Xippen .... , , 9.51 Bruce5eld..,, ,.,, 9.55 Clinton .10,10 Londeslearo' 10.37 /Myth_ 20.46 Belgrave . , , . ,R,11,1iQ Wi nghani, arrive 11.20 GOING Sou=r. Winglraam,depare. 7.00 �a Belgra re . 7.17 33lyth.... 7.3.1 LendesborQ', 7.40 Clinton...... , 5,00 Brueeoeld. , ..... 8.19 Flippen .. - . , a27 ...... 8.33 Exeter, , . 8.47 Centratlie , . 8.57 (llendeboye 9.10 Lueen-tang 9.20 Lvndon,arrit010.10 Railway loci n-Pass'IA'r. 4.25 P.At;, 5.45 5.15 5.33 5.45, 5.53, 0.06 0.15 6.35. 6.55 7.05 7.20 7.30 Passenger. el. 3.05 lex 3.28 3.42 3.51 4.10 4.26 4.57 4.43 4.57 5.20 5.25 6.00 PUItiIC NOTICE. Haring disposed or toy btlsitlet:s, all accounts due aline stip to Dee, 31st, 1887, aiarllie$t be paid at once. hili parties having bills to settle eau do so With my successor, Mr. W. Sanders, at the Advocate ate of,. flet', who is authorized to re ceIve socia, and grant re» eeipts for the same, A. pro- mpt reply to this notice will greatly oblige. Yours respectfully, THOS, PA ;MOs E, s al notice ineerted under this head at five cents per line each insert- ion. "We: would ask our friends trines rr•.sreler3 to aeeist us xn 1na.kitur this coluur interesting by contributing items -All ehan ;cs for advertisements in TUB ADVOCATE; must ba[ handed in be- fore Tuesday noon, from this time for- ward. This rule will be rigidly adhered to, and advertisers will please taste no- tice. No exceptions will be made. Local Neuss. -It is easier to conceal ourwealth than our poverty. ..-Wood taken in exehan;e for work or subscriptions, at this office. -Miss Palmer, of Chicago, is the guest of the Misses Kinsmans, of thin place. -Mrs. J. T. Green and motbex, of London, was visiting friends in town last week. Sirs. Kent, of Lean, is the guest of her else; Iiter, Airs, Alm .Hawksl►aw et present; Messrs. Gillis le Essery shipped a carloa of brood mares for I4diaAax rl Tuesday last. -Mr. GeorgeEaerett,, who has been in Lucas for some time past, is back with us again. :An early spring is predicted by those who have a good awee for future events. -A country paper contains tine follo\v lug eati.Sfaetory c+nrisiliiieelaeznt.,--'" A nniinher of deaths are eaaaaeveidablepost. poueal," -;\. grind Caravel will be held as the Roller Ronk, on Tuesday evening next, sotrethirat; choice away be looked for, as the Band never does anything I y hrslvi s. We uuderst^aud that ' Mr. Peter Bowden will bot open a drug atore fiat this village, assented by us last week. lie left for $aarr:iat the hegiuina of the Wreck, to €crept l►is former position.. -In answer to a Windier of dories from our 17slnorne suloseritters, of the reason that the minutes of the Usborno eODU' it was not pubiielied, wee, that the Clerk neglected to forward .Acne tea US. -Father Kelly, of Ofawns in town on Monday. --Read Dissett Bros, change of "ad" it this issue. It will repay you. -..A nutuher of houses in our village are yet placarded with the "weasel" cards, -Mr. Eli Cosh, who Ilan been in Chicago for souse thins past, returned Hoene last weeps. .-Those in quest of good Brand, Cakes ete,,should read B. Fetlock's change of advertisement. a -il7l . Reginald. Elliott, of Molsons Bank, Toronto, spent a couple of days with friends the begining of the week. ---:1fr. John Iiawksbaw, of the Coni- niercial Hotel, has placed a naevi safe in his Hotel. Jolin is bound to have things safe. -The Rev. N. A. Thomas, of Blyth, preached two very able and impressive sermons an Sabbath last, in Christ Church here. -Mr. C. A.ldsworth, of township of Hay, lost a very valuable brood mare, from intiaination, on Saturday night last. She was valued at $175 00. -Mr. W. G. Baker, of this village, ]eft on. Wednesday for Crediton, where he has secured a permanent situation with a carriage maker in that place. -Master Frank Oke, gave a birth- day party on Monday evening last, at which a number of Franks best friends attended. Frank wishes they would coale often. -Dir. John Balkwill, who has been is Sault Ste. Marie,for some gime past, arrived home on Monday morning last. IIe reports that everything is quite lively in that section. -A runaway occurred on Huron - street, on Wednesday last. No dam- age done, except the smashing of the shafts of tl,e cutter. The horse be- longed to S. Brokenshere. -Mr. Joseph Smith, who has resid- ed in'•Strathroy for some time, we understand is about to remove to this burg again, and will work in. his old stand, opposite Mansion House. -The rains on Sunday last complet- ly used up the sleighing. The roads are in a very bad conclition,.ancl in a great rnauy places the gravel is visible, therefore travel is sonleivbatslow, and the sleighs run hard. 31r. John. Baines wiehesto inform the public that he is prepared torepeir Binders, Sewinig Marlowe.", Wringers, Organs, de, o1I shortest EOtice En- quire at iriseett liros. IlartiwaireStore, Exeter„- Fehy, 23rd, SS-tf. If you d«^sore to write the present yearn in Itoman charaetera you mu'.t. go to all tuns trouble :A OCCOLXXXVII.I It is the longest year in the century written thu',arnd eantsiing half as natal lettere r.s the+ entire al.,halcet:. -The morniirnR star will be: Venn i until July 11, Mars until April 11, Jupiter with Mary22 and front Dec- ember 7 to (lore of year, Saturn from August 1. The evening eters will he Saturn from, January 23 to August 1, Venus iron July 11, Mara froul April, 181, Jupiter from May 22 to !heather -They latest ereze is the mum social. At a eertain hour in the everging the master of ceremonies &VMS that all the gentlemen meet keep intim for a period of ten minutes the ladies to use all the means they can to Inako the gentleman talk. The penalty for suck violation is five cent:. There's a lot of fun in it -for the ladies. -We wish it distinctly understood that all artieics sent to this Mike for puIelicatton must he accompanied by tho value of the writer, except our re- gular eorrespeedonts. Tho mime is not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. We receiv- ed a eolnlnunieation headers Moorsville, and will hold the same until' the name of the writer is forwarded or furnished. -On Monday last, four splendid stallions, amongst thein "Freeland," purchased from Mr. P. Curtain,. ".flack Prince," purchasers from Mess- rs. Snell Ss White, together with an excellent yearling, sired by "Better Times," purchased from Mr. R. Hunt- er, of llsborne, was shipped to Ains- worth, Iowa, by Mr. J. A. Crawford of that place. Chris. Willis, Iately in the em- ploy of A. P. Duggan, has purchased the tools and stock of tinware from A. C. Smith, Ho is a young Canadian, lately arrived, and has won. the confi- dence and good -will of the public. We welcome him among our business men, Gypsum Valle/ Echo. Chris. was for a number of years in the employ of Messrs. Bissett Bros., of this village We wish him every success,and may his effoits be crowned with golden success. -On Tuesday evening last, the Right Rev. Maurice S. Baldwin, Lord Bishop of Huron, preached in Christ Church here, to a large congregation. He tout: for his text for the evening's discourse, the 14th chap. Revelations and the 6th verse. He dwelt chiefly on the missions, home,domestic and foreign, which he handled in a, very oareful and thorough manner, quoting many instances of the good work of mission, and why they should be con- tinued and furthered. The Rev. gent- leman's remarks were listened to with marked attention by the audience, and all went their way, feeling satisfied with what they bad heard. The col- lections, which was in aid of the home n1iSSions, was large. ---one ease e,f liptheria is reported in the North; End, but is not serious. .The missionary sermons will be preached in the Methodist Church Parkhill Sunday next 26th inst, by Rev James Graham, of this village. --lift Reid, of Bellfontain, Ohio, assisted by Snell 4t`i White, is at pres- ent purchasing a few choice stallions and brood mares, for breeding per - pews, -e-Rev. S, F. Robinson rector of Christ Church, Exeter, preached missionary sermaoue in St. Stephen's ;Middleton and Tielinesvilte3 Churches, oar Sunday let, -.Mr. John Enright, of Dundas, will ship to -day, a carload of finei mares for the itsToreliwest markets. They were purchased by Messrs, Snell, 4 White, our popular buyers. Miss Minnie Muir, of Clinton, who has been visiting friends in taiwn for some time past, return`e ��d hone On Tuesday eve'ung inlet. What hat young maga was then tears shed for, Minnie. -Paso= Sualea.'1F eomes on All Fools Day -April 1, owes year, ire wiiia:h ease bogus eggs on Easter mortis ing will doubtlevi constitute a very popular ti April fool.' --To care warts take an Dash potato and cut a piece e0 the end and rub On the wart two or three times a day, cut- ting uttin:; a slice from the potato each time to ord. Very often one potato issufaeient for the cure. --Essex Centre advertises a notice to storekeepers to close their places of hUSIness on the Sabbath. it alight be a good idea, for some petemt medicine wan to mail the E. C, businees men an almanac upieee. Flour of sulphur dusted tate the solei of the shoes and stoekilleed before putting them ciao, is said to be a sure preventative for rbeineetisail. It's a vers, simpler preverntative, and Meat .10 no harm, if no goard. -The reports circulated by rave of the daily papers, to the e•tilers that the petitions for the tepee! of they Stott :pct in this county, had to ha returned to the petitionere for readjustment, is false, as everything i , frettledl, =opt the fixing of the date of the t4catien. On Thanuduy evening last, Mr. Albert \ illert, of Dnshwurel, was rel - turning horse from this village, where he load Been with a load of wools, and when a few ntiless from home, ono of hin horses dropped dead on the road. The Menet won valued at $125. --An exchange eve that condition powdery for making hens lay aro being sold to the farmers for twenty-five cents per small package, A farmer who bought a package on opening it discov- ered it to contain nothing but Iran, and 1110 after the agent and made him return the motley. Bran is not a bad food for hens, but 25 cents for aquart ter of a pound is rather high to pay for ho is Selling at (Cot vinersr --As the flight of time goes pulsing bye, after another the old residents. and settlers are taken away by the colts hand of death. This week we regret to chronicle the death of another of the first settlers of the township of Usborne,being the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Cornish, who was in her sixty- second year. Airs.' Cornish was a very estimable and amiable woman, and her kind. countenance will ever he missed by those who were most intimate with her. Her remains were followed to their last resting place on Wednesday last, to the Zion cemetery. --If a family can afford only one paper, let it be a home paper, for it concerns a family to know what is be- ing done in its own county more than it does to know the news of distant places. The city paper cannot, and does not pretend to give the localnews that its country readers must have; but the good country paper does give a very fair epitome of the world's news. If both cannot be retained -if either the city ,journal or the county paper must go, let it be the former, for noth- ing can supply the place of the local paper. DIED. COBNzs$.-1n Exeter, on 20th inst., Wilmot, beloved wife of Thomas Cornish, aged 61 years and 4 months. BORN. HBPB'URN.--In Centralia, on 20th inst. the wife of John Hepburn, of a daughter. HORN. -In Exeter North, on the 16th inst., the wife of Thomas Horn, of a eon. Mixte -In Hay tp., on 17th inst., the wife of Peter Munn, of a daugh- ter. SSET -nay are QTering the balance ot their Axes, Crosscut Saws, TublarLanterns Cow Ties cosi FOR CASII ....Tx .4 Man gnitikent Brass Library Lip for 42,50. A. large Glass Tattle Lamp, new design, eomplete for $1.00; .An .4.1 Tablar .lantern for 5octs Stoves ae pikes that will surpszse yon Our Spring stock of Spaslea and Shoe -els will arrive in a few days and will be sold cheaper than ever,, .Also Barb Wire (2 and 4 hark) Bilckthora1 fencing. planta, i- vanized; oiled and unoiled wire at lowest poesible figures,: Nov is the time to leave your order for Linder twine, to secure a tirstrelaass article at the right priee. Fails. Jocks, Hinges, Mixed Paints, Oils,. and White Lead as usual at rock bottom figures. A. full stock of Tinware of all hinds, EavetrougIung and roofing a specialty. MAIN-STo PATENT Caveat; .1 ^:issaeacand Trade ferlexecur and all atlies patent causes in the Patent Office wad Vetere the Cowes prongdly toad eaiwhdlr eni tided to. Upon receipt of Zcdetl or ,' :led et In- vention, 1 Utah careful e:xiuninetiean, mad Whita as to rateutability Fete of duerge. Fens Momnn,rr , and I make No charge unless peteut is ee.eurei'. Iuferanation, advice mad a eeziel refecnece seat en. appli e:ltitaal, . R. LITTELL, Waa liugt..vu, D. O. pg, eslro V. f;, ralcatei:»':s, LONDON 'TAT ti COLLEGE. Subjects. All Business Branches, Sher t - hand, Type -writing azul Telegraphy. The Principal has a Certificate with honors in Look keeping, Phonography, Telegraphy or Type Writing free with Book keeping caulse. THE OLDEST AND BEST. Diploma from Western Fair for Plain end Fancy Writing: Business conducted on latest improved plans with printed forms. A. J. CADMA, Box 400. PRINCIPAL, Hating. NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS. LETTER HEADS, COUNTER PADS, PARCEL LABELS. SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS. READ TIIIS ? far Our Stock of Printing 11 ' Stationery, consisting of all J Ear the leading grades of Plain and Fancy ruled and un- `Ul rr ruled papers, Cards and En- ';I elee4s 'elopes, is most complete. ' J Call and get prices at " 'j " THE ADVOCATE Alain. - street, Exeter. XE Er ... (ILIIAI 8ANDEIS :ideITST $011 aur- Conilnereial Union Assurance voluPamiu ot GREAT BRITAIN. pal;:al and Asstts, $21,000,000. AND TIM eashire Fire Ins nl' 11' ce Co. CAPITAL, - $14,600.000.4O. The best and most reliable Fire Insur- ance Companies in the world. ADVOCATE OFFICE, EXETER. The Great English Prescription. A nuccesiful *leucine used oyer aa 3.1 y.ani la Ihon:,aaas or Cases. [Cures 2;:e nagorrhee. brerew u � Weakness, F,inuaf ns.!mpotency t.. ami all byalum. Introits]indiscretion. r over-exti n. prrani 1SixackagcsQu.rornfccdlaCure ttheria ethers Fait. Ask your Limo:1st fir Tim 'Gress 1i' 11.2 ItrelicrIptIon. take X10 snbStltute. One packoge SI, Six S5, by snail. Write for Pamphlet, Address liea 16araC'Lentcal Co., ;:Introit, itlioli. Solei in Ixeteer by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-5' SOTATICOTT, IERCilANT TAILOII, Dealer in all kinds of -::JYfl')S' J~PN,JSJ4JJTS.:: MY GOODS ARE FIRST-CLASS, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. A CALL SOLICITED. NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORK- MEN EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leave your order for a first-slass overcoat C EiE.A.P. W. S. o7Athcott, Corner Main &John sts, EXETER - ONT. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician Whe has had a life long experience in treatingfemale diseases. Is use�I monthy with perfect success by' over 10,0001adits. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask our drud,- list for Pennyroyal Wafers awry ko no substitute, or inclose ppea"- -."' agfieforsealedparticuJara Beldbz' aUdrufrgtot ,d$1 erbox. Address EUREKA. CHEMICAL co., DIrraorr, mar. Sold tile:- Sold in Exeter by Dr.. Lutz, anti druggists everywhere, Jan -1 i. M„