HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-23, Page 3I ew city Bind cOmi eo�filct�ea4b, throere, are li- $itanii, Ing 444 Embrolftr "A w!mtsd ;9*w y .dolaorB. T 6% cc pay THE T WEEK NEWS1 & PATENTS cl m=M o 1 2 Yes, Ligzie, I like to do. fancy work, Becker, is 4 whole4a,lo liquor-dealor. Meip bub I haven't felt like trying that pattern- 000 a4looct-keepers were. eleoted aldermen Adlabd I G So- orauytbingeb­foraweek� TlkellsAwful I I D 0 CANADIAN. Von, of the clty'il members of the board of pains 4 just killing me 01 n ONS Diphtherio,, appearA to be agaia on the In, Bilperylsorg are in the Baloon busines -7 , . A, This Wl you Pa ro Utra -crease in -Noutro%). makes. a total of 4oventeen, liquor-deolcro w.0 4QW how you fe Ad I car.% G TILe rae;gvy twb beaq ctr4lo. C4 the It Dr. Plercea FA*or- re to look, for-rellef, Wa enlarged, iind new *Vpll d The kenting with the Im. elected to office,, ite, Prescription is 0, certain oure for all a r M13104, so 41 , best u a otj� from Cana 1) r- And I.Kra. Wo. o1goy mAdea, visit to to, those peculiar weaknesses and dixt 'Is 0 6 t ent has da into -ressing t Coil`.1'04 loof�t On thle.threo cargoes taken lativeg, itu A" in tbo r of, Soul�lherq Michigan last August, ailment-% Why I it even cured me of pro- AoTOM And took their only little da, ghtor Villy with lap4us. and MaW Of my lady friends have abort 43 1. W., V41.3 1 = 1 4 4QN. 5wdeatak at Any LZ A scheme for doing awny with QJl level them. Otte day a, large dog made las ep- been ",red of various griNvo maladies peou� Ind "'n'.1t: .,ail free. Ni. X t W WeIP4 poarance, upon. the vevmdokh - And Lilly r 'Q 5 N . A , t, ,a liar o;ir,. e� ly 01is wgiliderful modleixie.11 crossings, at a cost of halt � millioA dollars, I,% be In out to play with lit Th u d Is the Only mediciae; 014 byAruggiat am ou .in. q,W n, , a, denly g considered by the Gra.Ad Trunk railwAy authorldea., soll-pped At her, one tooth penetrating the under a poaltive guarantee fr000t the magn. MEMANT011 $104 BlIghtly near the lnosv� ' The sequel tO facturera, thikt 10'will give 4,91040tiou in eeds ROOT "Afts Tho total cost of the North -well',' rebellion For The Nervous. on was K50IX 16. Bat then there were the the bito oaine recently, Lilly, who lei teu every case, or moueyrefunded -ow xoox. xeyou w*a% an The Debilitated i4. lives 14 44411;10A� A peuslou Illit. a am I old., being Utterly U04010 to control m� too on bottlolwlmpper. AL ail year QQUKr Bvela beligalm her aotxow� Sko barko and snaps like A one It Is vs are produ�@d in tupire, 4k� true, lim also been jriyolvecL - ------- 7- e. Aged. Woll,k�nowa wiwilvog 4pg- AJOmetiffl.O&O AdmilkL Omar.. er tions, and glares with the ferool�y Of an Arl"gr =--- mend,s the proviwoe, to impQap he Ro ot ThIOR for a Moment d avy. to ma ox,%_ N - � IREIIIII, anmv bruto� She wrIthe'S I'% lagoQ7, A44 that, �Pxtarrti w in tinae weAr _0"9= Mori on tbo 0-344,11an. PAVIfic railway ai @6 gut. The iXo wildly and, Incoherently,. The Bight la, theory is falamo Uen try to belicyo, It . b e. means of 444ging the oompan. Ci a L Lo, y to tcrM4. One, of the most pitiful ever behold Ila tbia al�cctlo;;s of the RiAlOcys. The OttAw?. 11 League, of th cause it would be Pleasant it trues butin is e Rose) threat. pa � , & of the corm+.rV. 4n to Instlitato a The doctor AAA his uot- A's 411 know, J)P not lot 44 Acuto Alt, A XERVE TQNIC. pArtles whom they oa. gailast All -wife are almost ciAzod by thca% agoublug tAek of od*d !,A the head remain unakibdu*4. =1NMV.S fee4 Vatsitguo, 4, prove gality of cen- 'aVells, which they know must 0orlikdJaly re- Icis liable to develop into catarr y Guor- W. rDrT*N. SX,=FO=. =0 rncos ct 4l Zte ogst .0 �"Far two yaus I WZS A' of cimpaign" or Our from time to time until de4th relieves tribating to the fA P)g other gedidous filp 03% rid Yourself of the 0014 aud avoid all VEBETAKE AND FLOWER SEM 4s, jrhich. tiie�y 014jm. is a fr cliance, of catarrh by using Dr. $age's CA- now rc*lx ZPA wZ1 ba =_;9W 4", to an -T4,? AFOAr illegal In 'any part of Zile vml*q. 1po� poor little gu crer. JA. a s=4 %9r. T4% ostq,�ni in which Chin;4MqA are how yQAETC-X. tArrh Uemedy, It already 40iiptod rid your- %or 1A $,rItt9.b 04MM The Condition, of thq cro �m PrIn4wa self of tbli, ttoublgaoma disease Ap"gouy by WK JRr;NNIR* ToRouro# Qtiuwg _ilI5k.'WA!5 AJu§tr4tcd, dQrio -0 AN ALTERATIVE. , q throat has greatly, I!oprovell. and h%famiky At,1Il4Mrtf& , ae, re"At miabig dimter. Tile roime, TiIero I% A craze for Oriental tiaspe,% an 1� Altar. Lino Royal Nall party Went into the Mite, sorted oat the at,$ very aavguiu� of a complete recovery. C.-"= coam-ovND *avc3d m5r lunigg �arflc winter homPoll V=d every %wassA kv am irterwg w1AW men and brought them ta the surface, IQ the agricultural districts of Russfa, tho am, 042- ewm sat4ida"s to Uvorpool. "A U, Women 4.0 two-thirag of Via, 6014 wor k - After which the w4k of taking on The Very S.ensIble, Jaws's* �;,_4 rz�,h4 t the -w-p- Its- Q.-aboo -;T extwo,_y *0 pir"Veg. cillomAgn wm began, Raw 4.14 it b4pron Men 4=0 wait tboro for the girlai to Pro. T4 Japan the old gchoal Physicians A" I Five, that they were UIREACine OAQU be POW. gmittvii to wcsir Quly woWen gworU ph to bring i; TJVg, A�IAUN �ut ev= then? Ris is a WA In London 0014 Z10A � *Q108 I't is expogtied tb r1saremmig w Q1 owcubg v. ON, W. R@P! It lsevmli that wilauthropifitl; ia th 0 QPIQA 4 t, at they kill enough . rfople 11ar two Tgan ram I U%va n a - - 444w ..0014 that Mr. Chamberlain willetArl; for home y At Rlffe�-" VOQUITY WW 40t ftaVil; the U?Atb. C04.0=1 Unto witbout Using wesiroug. out tko 4ruggle fro, i Wner =1 L�ier ail w3b 4,yr. ANKV ww� t the end of post work to report the (a who Introduced, Dr., Plerge's G, I Ile 40 `W ta t; warned that there is Aotbtpg here for of his MUAIQV4 oldea medlinl us 'hey. uovvzth61cn tend The now Germ%n mlllt4ry. blit ea A� an 4_4 tur proteges to, 49, t Diggovell into the Empire r179 the Ws ex- steel blAk 1 07 at1wr J41clopmUcla plivitly that the =1wiltdituro is for the put. thIsJwmX that All Who tried A DIVRETIC, in - 94, to become, lunlegg they have 44 v. It W44 found ipu%l look, burdtilis; upon the obur datful ;Vmgdy for corigbN 0914B, #loi at the pQgo of being prepAm d licloro4aad for do, consumptive teqd@Umga4 ploog -a OR14 "d W4 Vistula P4%% va CaTIT44 001ma #Wau A 4X* VIIIAM Vomikut ­ Themiscryofthe upoccAlafal ClAratl r1m ot it A WQt* mot wAr. D, BA liver, troublell, w4ro -141,94 . .. without exqepti Vie, emigrAut, during the long win ter Ini Q The ft Jamee Gazette hm 4 4tory from, greatly bVqtr4ttc4. The Win. Mood% r1swil Mikado ill S dia A. u city whery Ila Is, a atralilgor unable to St, UP494 gontr*4 V burg About tba autcidoof A41 oillaor aald to have Of toqq4 4pll !d§ b of kwa M41CCA ImA Rod wqrkaui afixild to asit fwr vh;�A*% is to wbgg5 Jqt it, W171, M a MQMWr of 4r fi@gyat use, and the Importer was themforo permit, W�egt, gv, ifq��v w beartreadifig thattho true libiloatlizo. society', tushQ9t the Czlir. The Ring Qf8lim la father of Sword Qf tho, hoblMy. let ought to protiect the. Buglisli poor from ted the exceptional hQuor offircullig the LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY Quilgatiou listead of Persuading them to it. over tbirt WCORrIDUATRI) &D. children. It I* It w bad to get ut . rot' g 144 of the P15s- WMLSMICHARDSON &CO., Propr*�II4�qrs substrlw P Al ghty%,� The pw&ot Ionic. 4 th The liputis system Is still Aourlshin An land walk the Ilaor with, all of he lug hour. U014trepl., Qua, lliud,lup CUPIW.14, Mueut; - Altufaq;turcr in Paris, W 0 em. Morita the, tender @yMpuby of all fathov& HV41 corou CvAls 4pum.;1a ow swaute, Reserve f-Ustilt a qu '. Mon. has been offered 6�20,. 0,0307103 wera introduced Into Bilglikud Tbvra to a gre;k --w 70*4 Afistits" 1.4 aA freo'51to' 'gee water And fx' 414,4101, 15 10, nd forty yom later there were of amv be ". t; VArlety In the colorlogs -roirti J a 4io�y Toronto Over Plate -Do, .0 t1Q 'ro ta"tlou for telyeva a -u but three in us% In Pojj% they hoovIng litt-4 ety"Wj'a V,41R V STWORT LOW, 08 CRECIT f0ftElf-A acipment loc9a in '84. Thomas. A Rsx%W, W .ares Ate 41�5;1fw4vd NIUK".W", Uo cr� lutrolucel inta the F c4wih qvit'Al itt lii;14- .=ra the C111; 14al L� 1"=CA cam, ""at. turer in It ill SAU thAt au4her warmut lin. been Whito and gold filroiturei is tko pretty I ISILVER PLATF-0 WARES1 tottom, "t. Amw�i!a c1bor to St. 1§54W for tho Arroltaf Hitter 01*11ripa, but foucy of tho poulua fgas=. V�"r4,Ti` de�'�'fg4 4 IMtk t,CMW AFFX^A It ApImmirs tuAt li") bu.; 50-denly depArtril fter'OTC.r or ZQW415 P% out of for tbo 82uth of Haropz forthoWnefitof his d" R q"rgktlpou� V umtiir ri in, coaj� �beath. M1 P. , li,,4 O.vlr jrftteaftut a 4, Me to UWZr;A-4 6'4=WU LutnA vez-k Stwes hundica Men. "t rM­vr1=Tg% a aclow nvol.t;t. lend. waut to be wAwca t% emigrato 0 Riblipa otripell tqfleao In evening sliade, AYJTA GOODS GVARANMID0. tha city. DrItIA MQMbia, Owing to tile collAwe of are 14 demand for ball gowrie. TORO KTO. the herring fbbfilg, on which they have de� I I grotuill a sib' A Vitro for DraliMenist". V4relcanuess with lin"tt.bas catvc4 ui*i arva pend". no 0,11nul hAbit. acpsomawa. 4W 9=11i a �* LIT nervom pvc5tration by tull Uft C"I totjm. 40a Vw t.,% fill Now Yarl; la'at yt.lr AU4 about 1,�, Tho R vlgllelh llyatt= of naval punishments litea 4 le to lit reviE01, an. d luillor offeaders, In d :,r An, Ulm 0�ow Tile 01W lowvs by fire to the cluitell 0 troted to the cat Qua oweat boNt loy ove"uruou, of Lko blaw. a-1 lw3 cc* (ilition; ty W� Utits. A Ft.11M States during lot Inouth aggvgatcd;4��104- M211:1409vir Ito F11419bea by apes 0414 stoppage, ro, - a Tor. C V ilew spa 1m;n;Vra i ral F;Wcer. A 0" of leave. '10 H=IJWM WIp"To �4eku Dmisted �y 100 (491qljo. 41 0'. cau , r D, TAILORS' SQUARE. Oov. Sompqr IuM eigned tho hill conferring It is state -A th;xt ("'thbons has 6111", .3 ;111 con for wa T 10�., rw�'Pftft 9C I to , of u. ay. q the right, of antrraqa upun wamen In Ivaell. written 0, letter to CIO Pope urging him not it �Zl. full at of cuttiba all paxprentl WCM 143ton Territary, to coullcmill Reary Gco�go'a writings. but to T1.10.1% dy mlinvonatlec, 0'. lalki ud vbildl-vn. 1140F 5141TH, W�4� s1aZMo;;i;11gt% b am plvai,-!4to learn," writes.gmator let thel" die the IlAtural gicith ot all f4lao Another priest has hoeu, oirrestga it or qqeLu tit W.. Tca"% Age"llb uauttj ell, Q1 mutli 4 X" t Walla, cown-V4104 thoralient at the Velffles Act. prdeptlq ft Attu The AnatriNu minister of pit'611a instruc- Ocean 13teamship PaQ06naers f3ml, 0, '1410 tile oxviza the well. AeAi�ftn "heoriel' 0104. tion has izued a decrto forbidiling the use Via, Now york should tal;O tile , r itt"Ot. Onrel sit 'Erie All 11-prisivil bauku, In pablie schools, "" way, as it Is not only tile shorte3t; anti liest Theforty-soven Arabs who arrlvvl recerit. of amli Wt;Zu el�i vm d L,�� a Trcu t4e, Jetu We ad, 0 CA** 'tAtt 8L. QuTC4 of ly Ila Now Y(,rlt have been dinlared �rwftpera the ciuse of the rlear-oighw�oosi so preva- line, but lovids people close to the piers (it wed CIN mag'. by VaUeotar Magone ana will be Cent lent among, school clillaren. the leading (:bill leii. In, buy. g bome. Imn taryearowith The prlwt for the e5datual ilestruction of lug tickota, asir for the Bela. her great telleti settat0o. IL AVIeVoLand despatob. pya It has been rabbits ofl�red by the Now south Wales Joseph R. COX, M. P., was sentenced on discovercil that tile Nvater III the great lakeo governmout is beingwarmly, eonWsted- Al, Saturday last to four months' imprisonment Dcsorf%t to obtaln a Bwiloro3 Wuemlon. or hivome has been lowered vearly 1h feet during the ready 'PiO inventioug hxvo boA cent in to with, hard labor. pronelellt in shortIr-1:4 allould lit, past year. compete for the "Z�)m9,009, 110 A 0% feet to b94 breaib# food ecA-,ed tendthe In t4veral Stxtea In the union a woman The public chnitles of Pekin, China, are to 1,30 BRITISH AMERICAN BUSIHISS COLLEGE cannot makela will, but she alwayu hu oneo very extensive, and no poor people need go rell b sin r. C;KnoWs Stonlooh J)ItiOrb Areade, Yonge street. Toronto. for oil the,,-, no mAterin whatstate lihe May hungry. One of tile largest philanthropic acid dt �dv. AAk TOOT DiroggiXL -For Cirvolart, ctN, Addrri U. VDRA, S"Tplayv 4 Z to found. agencies is called the olluixdre(k. Good. 4009 No Inore. Aft Tile Vorrio Pioneer, of.Vinuesota, Asks neases"aud dispenses milletand rloo to all Wilitsons cough drops are the best In th, delinquent subsorlbarli to pay up, and an. Nvho wish it. world for the throat andollest,for the voice vATAMH, 1111equalled. See tbattholettera R,,& T.W. Cold In the 11PAJ. Ma -r rover. Cie., can ORIllvelly nounces that It will tak 0 Coon and mink The publication of the Anstro-Gerinan alto attunpod on ch drop. aking In Hen, of cash. (a beeuve(). AVeNV111014041. treaty is supposed to be a diplomatic move A. P. 3 F5. t4tovure. Novurevoltiv. lfvouhme ehllfroa it) At St. Bernard dog at Ilunatine, Iowa, an tile art Of PtIT103 Bismarck with the ob. =other remedies tbat thilod to atre. 3on mill not Ike dianpIlob reactled. a two-yeir-ola from two Angry fight. i cot of foraing the Cz,,Lrla hand and making Ited In 1114%, Forfull plotwulars aldrep, JAIlavla $ri a.ou mo, post, r0HAX1. $308 weekaual"ponto 11.V. U180S.4" WellinglonSt. V. Toronto, ing boars toward, which the youngster was nim either deolue war or also give such sub. WilAble outfit and P%rtleulays vanadit. Send 10". lit ttauips for boalz, Tteatlsi Wevesh stantial guarautecs of peace that WORK P110111. per 14�7119 ime lb unauspilatingly toddling, an their (,n Disease of Man t At Gladwin, Alich., a mother and her strength the central powers can (118%,rin. - ft%%'PUUrA LIVIINO STRRAM. 110111 BUY TH DREADMAXERS YEAST. PRICE S CENT& daughter appeared incourt an the same day. Ho Shen Shop, one of the bri MIMIL �_,"M ghtest morn - Each wanted a divorce from her husbaud, bore of the Chinese LgZation, at NVashiu W4%tWf4ft ACGVXS,. boro go feet STANDARD CHOPPING M L& gton, and botlawore accommodated. Buys that in China young men are taught or hour. Also Xeck.DrIlln-Hand. Horse, of to bows but that the country has no profes. 9tealn Power, Send for Catalogue, MILLSTONES The market value of a txamp has at last Zaldlaw Mallim-tacturin Co., been definitely settled. One was sold re. stional pugilists. The bast fighters in China 9 H"Wo1q. 0=. WORLD No RENEWINO cently in 31issouri at auction for o, six never exhibit themselves in public. It a I A V`U� RE aLAIESAS IN lROMMUL1 months' work contracted at 35 Cents. prize-fight occars, it takes place in a private ]MVILIEF. Final Acitlzanof,%l room and Only a few friends of the contes. Cure, Send your address and 3011 A% M Medgeville recontlyrecelved tants are present. 10o. in stamps for book,"Trea- a two -cent postage stamp, and a sickly green PILEStise on Diseases of Man." Ad. one at thats as his full � hare of the proceeds Dr. Mackenzie, who arrived at San Remo dress, 1 1. to -day, declares himself as satisfied with the X. V. Irgo'N' a STONes ILIL of a mortgage that hadjuat been. foreclosed. F1 I N Eli present condition of the (,'town Prince's 47 lVeliIngton St E.. LAS7 A ILL, There are likee curtains in the arlors of health, and says there is a decided improve. Toronto, Out. When I say Cimit I do mot mean merely to Robert Garrativa million-douar KItim"p- meat in every respect in the part of the otop them for a tImO. and then buyetbern to- n again. I x7c" A RADICAL CUIM SCREEti !i;,! mansion which cost r -DO a yard, Some of Crown Prince's throat where previoud lur the carpets on. the floors xre actually worth I have Made, the disease of growth developed. The tumor and the in- SAUSAGE CASINGS. on W their weight in gold. flammation were reduced and no signs of EST IMPORTEDENGLISHOIXERPS, also Small FITS, EPMEPSY or P our prisoners who escaped from a Geor. cancer were found. American Hogs Casings. Quality guarantew. B gia, goal successfully exerted the' In lots to suit Purchasers. write for prices. FALLING SICKNESS, 41 Ir powers ?onus Th of persuasion Over two bloodhounds that had ere is, an enterprising paper in Shang- Park CL_ Allfe long study. I wArnA=myremedyto ad 9 e Wo -0 1 OPANTr been despatched in pursuit, and, after tying hai, which believes in getting all the news. Jas. Son. CunE theworst cases. Because others have M PANAD& them together, added another to their list Tu a recent issue it announced that " Oharle. failed I ano reason fornot nowrecelylu cure. Cut Parnell, sometime M. F. for Cork City, 9 Will Give bond at oncefor atreatise andaFnsE;`1oT=Z �Ug of thefts by carrying thent ON, and three prominent Anarchists have been f MY IWIPATZIBLE REMMY. Give lkcpress, yon a and Post Office at Kilmainham. A small detach- it w1j, It costs you nothing tor a6 The young folks of West Dear Isle, Me., executed "'Ifig , Uncle Sam trial, a d Cure you. Address have organized the Tongue Guard Society, ment of cavalry was in readiness, but their Dr..E. W. ROOT. 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Out, whose object is to guard against saying any. 480 ACRES FREEI thing improper to or about any one. 2 ach services were not rutw-od." It is also re. Along a thou-jand miles of mew rall. ported that "Mr. E. Gladstone was vray. Maps, Books, showing coin - offence is punished by a fine of one cent, to found dead through an overdose of mor - be placed in a box in the church, the fund to hi ottregouross and advantages. ELIABLE p ere from settlers who are MaNK Rous go toward baying a circulating library. awyer re . oently die t=bayond their expeo- -that an annuity of our address to J. Chauncey Depew says the Dutch element In his will he directed, Send postal card W A French provincial I d CATALOGUE UEEU% W EX C?- BRANTFORD, with T FREE -the Holli6ndera-in New York society are $400 A, year be paid to the servant who ourillustrated and Det0m*pj,1,ve4Cat1,,,dofue and Cultivators! 31 Ignielklux,Valmer Guide FILEE. It c oral s I t a ast novelties and a, mighty self-satisfied set. They love to should "close his eyes.". When this clause standard varieties Of GARDEN, rlftb, and T7TqNVFR ity. Housi Blook,Toronto Nervous Debil' talk with each other about themselves, or 0. H.WAIRILEW, S1,IMS, BULBS, ETC. Eve y Market Gardener. Florist, was read the servant who performed this "perhaps on the principle," says Gen'l. Pass. Agi., Farmer and Amateur should'consultitbefore purebastag. DR. GRAN'S Specific has been used for the put Xr. Do- office jumped with joy, but his delight was St.FaullB, Minn. Our stock is fresht Pure and rellable, Prices reaso.alul.. fifteen years with great success, in the treatment of pew, of the old woodchopper of Peekskill, speedily dampened by the nephew and heir Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex. who said he talked to himself A causes, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing In because he of the dead man, who reminded the servant a B% a 8 1 INTMIMERS the ears, pal tationt eta. For sale by all druggists, liked a sensible moin to talk to and to hav e that his master had only one eye. And the SEED MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS Price $1 pertox, or 6 boxos for $5, or w&W be sent by a sensible man talk to him." servant actually failed to get his legacy on OG mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on applications The Episcopal Bishop Garrett, of Texas, this absurd technicality. A -A 1P 147 King St. East, Toronto f THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto., wants clergymen in his diocese, but none of 116. your theological school dandles, The kin -1 0 lK Testimony. he wants are "men with muscles of steel, The testimonials we publish may be veri- BARNUM WMAX and 11^N WORKS, who can, any of them, throw. a yearling fied by any person who may doubt their PE RLESS WINDSOR, ONT. steer over a wire fence as easily as he can truthfulness. j . erk & lawless coyote out (I a religious meet- ELG11Tp Dec. 18. -Wo, the undersigned, BR 101 Ing if he attempts to make a distarbance." have used WEPTILINE in our families as ONT We, are offering special in - David Henning, " the, Michigan Apple prepared by N C Polson & Co., of King- ducements to purchasers of Iron King," is the most distinguished man, in his ston, Opt., and certify that it never falls line in the world. He has bouiXkt and sold to give relief in colds, coughs, and rheuma- 125,000 barrels, of apples in a single season tic pains ; and we have, no hesitation in re- There are many MITATIONS Of Fence for delivery next spring. mud Yenerally manages to dispose of 100,000 commending it to the public. W. Pmmocit, e Guarantee the Best and barrels a. year, most of them in Chicago. Postmaster, Elgin ; HnNny W. WA-RItEN; PEERLESS MACHINE OIL, He has a bic, factory where his barrels are ELIZA POWEL'L, H Igin; ClipjxAs BRowir, but none equal it in lubricating properties. rl ARM - made, and he buys up apples all over Mlohi- South Crosby. BR9, Xmiannr, eta, find none equal to the 9111WINN Cheapest Fences made in the an and in New York State. Peerless made by 9 Ten cent trial bottles may be purchased Dominion Buffalo, N. Y., is a striking illustration at any drug shore. Polson's Nerviline, the SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TOMB. Cam 1! C�rms_ I two =4 has arg t44 Lie 11ith"lowidirvzIl li of the whisky inAuence in politico. Of the never -failing pain cure. Try it now. gold by deAlers everywhere. IR ON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. [Send for Catalogu&