HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-23, Page 1-fir T
EETml ,rte g _fit-... ..._
i I't 1.' l l .A' ,.Ela #Li
The itloisons BaInk.
Paid up Capital , $2,(,0!),,300
Rest Fund ............ w."5,000
Offers, the Public 4 PER Ostip. INTER-
EST PER. ANNUAL for :Honey on
For Money ii
Savings Bank Department,
(Lately Re -opened.)
For further particulars apply at the
Sank, Main Street, Exeter.
1Q a, la- to 3 p, m., Saturday's, 1 "
a. nl, to 1, p, nz,
A. A. 0. I ENOVAN,
Exeter, Jan. 28, '88, Manager.
rte xettr Advoratv.
18 publielted every 'Thursday moring,
at the cMce,
Ma mste eters Ont.
onodoltar n year if paid in advance; e1.GG at cotso
Adarerilsind Rates an Appllcellafr.
Nnpaper discontinued untitnil orreunges are para.
Advertiseenrrele without specife dlmetione will he
published till forbid awl charged arconitngiyt Liberal
atiae„^utt mule tar trans tent advertisements inserted
far long periods. Evers description nt JOU PRINT-
ING Gang,' out Iu the (intst et io at the adt
t ,mtert a rates` Cht11199, rnRnAr nrah19, .@c, for
.idverliaing, subscriptions, etc., to be as;:adegaaabro to
1ktlit arFt)id Pitrzlis
011 1;7401 1)III,EC2V R F.
t range. Q£s I5V4A.Ar.) vatrzvii., Tar. S. F. Robinson,
Iia•nor, suit r ec sanies e, 11a. ut., aril r, rn,:
abb_,th Santo!, : Zit p, tn. !
M rnosat r Gitt+t:cu.-chose, , ck.. Rev. J. Graham,
,star, hat day services, ltw.^,'I a. en. and CUM p. m.
e.a bath wham, nl, a: p. rn. I'ray-er ntactillg Titur 4 y
evening et 7.1.0.
Mem .sort -Rev. W. H. rateee. rartnr. Sun.',
tial r n °. t 1 lei, tl a. m. and dsii p, tn, eialtl.ath
n tn. prayer meeting., 'Thursday even.',
in; at 7.11o, Young peoples nacho„ lour ilay
vexing at LEO.
Plir-tert.atA Carrctr-faer.R M. Venin, pastor.
atunli ' srfriN r. 11 A. In, anti (Nap. an t3abu4th
t -4 11r4.1. t1: r ci nr. luta 19919198 prascr mertfoR, 44
ii. Tlinr..lav ercnrn„ prayer meeting at at o'clock.
their peri •tive tutnte+llate!y after.
dkeveriee Anert..*Doisydervieea, 7 t. rn ,:3 p, m,
nog S, m., services every ni.ht during' the neer:,
at ei u'elr!; . liodiuena strain; at lI a, m. on Sunday.
Business and other Cards.
W. DROWNING, M. it.. lI. c, P, 8.
Graduate of Victoria University. ersity. Ofllce rued residence -
Dominion Laboratatw, Exeter Ont. June, O 87.
R. COWi . OFFIt I:-- .lAtN STREET, Exeter,
up t.tvrs, opposite Central Hotel. Side out.
ranee on the south --James lam t leading to the Meth
dist Phur,h.
j'n!rase at not r I I('l ei) A(:t37'rONEE:R for
' j the (:Aunties of Middlesex and Lambton, and
alta Townships n htephen and gray. All sales prom-
ptly attended to. Adort,a all coutmuuicatiens to W.
Huta, Shiva ttifllec. Ontario
Ii. DICKSON, Barrister, Solicitor et Supremo
1. Court, ;ret ry Public, Couvoy'ancer,: Con?
=Winner, are Money to !roan.
uNlcu - i anson'u Block, Exeter.
L. 1). 8,, c>;tracts teeth without pain
1 y, giving Vegetable Vapor, nr using the new Au es-
thetic out he ;turas. 1lal.es Cold Fillings, and all other
dental work the best possible. Goes to Zurich last
Thursday in each month.
• lt) Pt.N riereetT.
Office over O'`eils-Bank, Exeter, Ont.
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless extraction.
Surgeon Dentist.
Graetaate of the Royal College of Den-
tal Surgeons of Ontario. lixviugiurnished fine twmt-
int rooms, next door to Treble's 7:farness shop, Main
street Exeter, Ont., where I ata prepared to perform
a41 branched of the profession with vaso and skill.
Heal Estate and Steamboat Agent. Wealthy and re-
liablc Fire and Life Insurance Companies Represont-
ctl. Any amount of munev to loanon first class mort-
gages at lowest rates of interest. General Agents for
Huron Co., for A. E. Williams k Co., real estate arts,
London. Beaver Line of Steamers represented.
Office—,.!eines St,. Etter, Out. jn9.87
Solicitors, Conveyancers, Esc.
Money to Loan at (6%
flay Farmers Mutual Fire
insurance Company.
atoil cheapest Insurance Company in the Dominion,.
eau do so by applying personally, or by mail to the
undersigned. All applications promptly attended to..
Also agent for the Wellington Company of Guelph.
_Also AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron.
griae,.8.87. .Zurich; Oat.
New From Hames and Fields
of Huron County Farmers.
Items of Interest From Important
ecorel of all Events-Deathi
Remrasrals, Fires, Sales,
and. Accidents
On Thursday evening of last week
the many friends of Mrs, Thome
Dunsford, gathered at the residen,:e o£
Mr. John Sweet, and presented It
beautiful photo album to her in respect
of the high esteemm in which that lady
is held by her neighbors, prior to her
departure for the Northern regions.
The return football match took
place on W'dilesdaty of last week, be.
Breen the Star club, of S. S. no,3, and
the Empire club, of S. S no.2, Stephen,.
at Penfield, The game was witnessed
by a large number of spectators, which
profound interest. The game was
finally won by the Star club. It is
expected there will be another, nlateh.
between the serge clubs, at as early
Zurich JotTings.
Miss Cann is away on a few weeks
The frost~ of Tuesdaynde the roads
ver slippery
y after the Decent thaw.
Mr, S. Overholt le home frown MIA,
where he hos been carrying on Evan-
gelical work.
Wonder where Dyer and MeNevin
were driving Sunday, they got house
about 10,3tf p.m. soaking wet, and
were so badly dine up, they dill not
get over it for two days. Be sure and
take your waterproofs next time boys.
Zurich can boast of a tol,ogan .slide
as well as Exeter .:an. A number of
out boys and girls spent a few pleasant
!lours each evening to have a slide and
so far none has been seriously hurt,
although a good deal of bumping
around has been done, One of the boys
got such a good shove that he thought
he was going all the way to Mitchell,
but his hat fell off when be got to the
bottom of the slide, and in an attempt
to pick it up his sleigh tiped over, and
he was obliged to snake another start.
Accidents will happen.
Grand Bend Tidings.
Mr. John Watson has moved from
our midst, to his faro, in Bosanquet..
We wish him every success.
Mr W. E. Struthers, teacher, of
Porter Hill, spent Saturday and
Sunday with the " old folks at home.
Mr. Richard Escott sold his farm to
Mr. Lewis Disjardine, whish contains
fifty acres, for the sum of $2,300. This
is considered a good price.
It becomes our sad duty to record
the death of Mrs. James Page, which
took place on the 14th inst. Her
remains were interred in the Exeter
cemetery. Her end was peace..
A number of our young people of
both sexes were attending a Drayer
meeting at the house of one of our
residents,and before the meeting was
over, they crawled out of the window
and made for another house where a
dance was in progress. This does not
mean anything to their credit.
Centralia Dots,
Mr. Cainr,of London South, is visit-
ing friends in this section.
Miss Dyer . has gone home to
Crediton to visit for a few days,
The recent thaw has made the roads
very sloppy, which causes business to
be dull.
Mr. J. Soar, who has for the past
week been visiting friends in town has
returned home.
Rev. Mr. Peuhall, of Elimville, will
preach in the Methodist church, here,
en Sabbath evening iaext.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, of Grand
Bend were the guests of their daughter,
mem, Thome Handford, on Saturday
Quite a number of our residents; are
going to Hensel). to attend the S. S.
Convention on Thursday. We wish
them a good time.
Mr. Charles Lingard Was taken to
Coderich Goal last week,by Constable'
Plavie, where he will remain until
Spring. A little work on the wood will
do !lint good, and when he returns in
the spring, no doubt he will be all
Now as the spring is drawing near,
no doubt there will be a great many
svho will want their rigs repaired over
tnxwd painted, They will do well to
consul!; Ala G. G, Essery before going
elsewhere, as George is an experience
hand in every departmentof the
carriage b lsbiess,
Little btu on Piga,.
One time there waas a1 ole lean had a
laig, an the pig had a curly tail, but ole
Uatfer Potere es has got a'b,rush onto it,
sial the ole man's gurl has curly hail,
too, cos she put it up in papers. So
ono day the ole man cot the pig and
put its tail up in a curl paper, too, just
like kern, and then lie sed:
a Katy" --cos that was her name-.--
,` con along an see y vro ole father feed
the pia.."
and Katy she wont, and when the pig
curre up an put its feeta in the trof for
to ('at, Katy she luked a long while,
and then she said:
tt Wy,poPPy1"
But poppy he didn't take notice, jest
kep a kauockti on the botton of tht'
bucket for to git of the swil out. After
a other wile, Katy she .spoke up again
an said:
"Poppy, wot for do you curl itr'
Then the ale man lie said, the ole
mail did:.
"Curl be blade! You better ast that
riddle elsewaro;it .is twiste the other
way! I love this pig like it was my own
dotter, but Ile straten that tail for kil-
lin time if I got to break it. 1 don't
like curls, and all tho you and yuro
sister carries 2 mentny guns far me, Ile
be dun) busted if ]le give in to the hull
But my sister she has got tongs for
to curl here, and one time Franky,
thars the baby, nipped his nose in em
and hollered wild, hike lie was ton -mars.
Pigs woller in the mud, and babies
they wallet on the iioe.
One time a man wich wasent smart
O. 38.
$4000,00 Short.
A sensation was created here Satur-
day when the report of a shortage of
$4,000 in the books of the Guelph
Branch of the Central Bank was made
known. Mr, Thos. P. Webster, who is
accused of appropriating funds to his
own use, was very popular with all
classes in the city, and much sympathy
is expressed for his mother and family:
It is said he was in Hamilton on Thurs-
day, on his slay to Buffalo. Mr. Sandi -
lands, the late manager of this branch
of the bank, was not aware of any ir-
regularities in the books until he read
of it in the papers to -day.
•. AtAtr ,,....
Is Well to Remember,
That slander, like mud, dries
falls o1i'
That to wait and be patient Soo
many it pang:
That all aro notprinces who
with the etuperor.
That correction is good wite
administered in season.
That it takes a great deal of grace to
be able to bear praise,
That you will never have a friend if
you must have one without failings.
What to have what you want is riches,
but to bo able to do without is power,
That there is no limit to the ago at
which a tuan way make it foot of him-
That the rages of pleasure seldom
last lcutg enough to adorn the brow of.
those who pluck them.
That a man who cannot mind his
own dusiness is not to be trusted with
the business of others.
County Jottings,
Mr, W. Baker of Greenway, sold n
valuable home last week for the hand-
some sum of l4l. lie also traded (ea
s'aluable colt for a span of horses,
On Monday last the sad news was
received thatMr. 'Thos. Cads= was
on his way home from Michigan lum-
berwoods, is corpse, which east a gloom
over the whole neighborhood, of Lon-
desborough The cause of his death
was pleurisy. The fancily has the
heart -felt sympathy of the community.
A lady from Tuckersnntlt went to
Mr. Keefer, of Clinton, the other day,
and before she left the dental chair had
twenty-three teeth extracted taking no-
thing whatever to ease the pain. What
glade the operation a more trying one
for her was the fact that several were
very bad roots, that had literally to be
dug out.
Mr. Chas. Wheelor,of the 4th line of
Morris, met with a heavy loss last week
by the death of his short -horn buil,.
which he purchased about a year ago
from Mr. Milne, of Ethel, for $160
cash. He was rising two years old and
was one of the best stock animals in
this section. The lose to Mr. Wheeler
like me, more like Billy, he see a pts will be very great as he had only the
wallerin in a puddle of mud, and he
Poor fellow, where does it pain
The pin it lukedat the man, and
then it rowed on its other side like sayn:
" Pretty much all
Then the man he shuke his hed, and
said a other time:
" Thats a mighty bad place for to
be sidk abed in."
But the pig grunted, as much as to say:
" That's a fack, but when a feller is
took sudden he must put up with sech
comodatious as he can git, an not be a
hog about it."
One day Billy thats my brother—
he and Sammy Doppy was playn by a
mud -bole, and Billy he said:
" Now, Sammy, les play we 'was a
barn -yard: . you be the pig and He
down and woller, and lie be a ball and
beller like everything.
So they got down on to their hans
and kanees, and Sanlnny went in the
mud and wollered, wile Billy bellered
like dissent thunder. Bitneby Sammy
he cum out muddy, you never seen sech
a muddy little feller, and he said:
" Now, you be the pig an' let me
But Billy he said:
" I ain't a very good pig fore dinner,
and ittle be time nuff for you to beller
wen yore mether sees yure close."
use of the animal last season.
On. Friday evening last Mr. Robt,
McGowan, of East Wawanosh, while
returning home drove his horse into
Stewart's shed, Bel ;rave, and left it
untied while he went into the hotel to
warm. While inside Mr. Johnson's, of
Morris, team was passing, several small
boys were hanging on to the sleigh, Mr.
McGowan's horse ran out and jumped
iti the sleigh, which caused the horse to
fall over on top of John, 2nd son of
Alex. Stewart, injuring him internally
and paralyzing his spine. Ido' is still
unable to turn in bed and his recovery
is very doubtful.
A libel suit was tried before Police
Magistrate O'Loan between Mr. Davis,
of the Mitchel Advocate, and Mr.
Race, of the Recorder. These two
papers has been from immemorial at
war with each other, and a couple of
weeks ago, The Advocate published a
very strong article concerning the op-
position sheet. It was responded to in
the Recorder of the following week in a
very scathing article, in which Mr.
Davis was characterised as a thief, lier,
scoundrel and almost everything else
that was vile. An action for label was
immediately brought by Mr. Davis.
Mr. Race was bound over to the as-
sizes, bail being taken for his reappear-
On Tuesday evening last a lar a num-
ber of invited guests assembled at the
residence of Mr. John Tippett, Varna,
to commemorate the 10th anniversary
of their married life, The usual num.
beg of tin pails and pans end other tin
utensils of all shapes and forms were
+n exhibit in the drawing room. The
evening was spent in singing and clasn-
eilig, An excellent spread was provi-
dad. and a eery enjoyable evening
spent. We all wish Mr: and airs Tip-
pett the fullest measure of ' h;rppirtces
that this life can Ford.
It is sad to think how rapidly* once
er'Mother the old settlers of'aaela
with acre being galled away by the
i of death. Within the last ialonth
e fallowing pioneers have departed
is life, viz: William McCannel, Fran -
vie fowler and William McGeogb, and
this week we are called upon to record
the death of another, Mr. John Broad -
foot, who passed peacefully away at
the residence of his iron, Janies Broad -
foot, hull Road, ou Jlondase 13th hist.,
at the rine old age of 92' years ;and
eight days. Ile leaves a family of r
children, 2 sons and 3 daughters, all cf
whom are growm up. Mr. i;roe ty aiGt
has t dwav:a etijo}ped good health. but
of late years his eyeaitht bas ali:lot
elatirely failed. Ile was the sietinl tf
no diseaa els but was empty worn out
with old tail. He was a nom of the
striate It t e titude, and nothing could
tempt him to swerve from the ways
which ale,:onside:III right He nems a
eonsastcnt tneml,er of toe Presbyterian
church, His nenlaius were iuttrrcd
the Itaarpurbay .Cemetery on Wed-
nesday, l:lih and were followed by a.
large number of friends and relations:..
—Three eights iu succession. It is
11.1 years since aur heroic grandfathers
and great grandfathers wrote their sue -
sive sevens, in the year sueeeediug
that of American independence. it
will be 111 years before our grand-
(+Mimi and: great grand children
good luck to then! .-write three sue-
ve;sive nines. 'Then 223 years later,
it the world still lives and the moon
has nut yet tumbled, time will deal a
ban(, with four of at kind—twas,--:.2-
'2 ---something has not happened since
the days of l'e:ter the hermit.
—The freezing up of the pumps is :t
great annoyance to the household. Some
expert says that when a pamp tube
freezes solid, do not pour in hot water
in the common way with the hope of
thawing. The hot water will lie at tho
top and that will be the end of it. But
procure a lend tube, or any kind of pipe,
place the lower ,end of it directly on
the ice i:: the pump and with a fuiuitll
pour hot water in at the top. The
weight of the water in pipe will drive
it hot against the ice, the pipe settling
as fast as the ice melts and t:ie whole
will be cleaned out in au incredibly
—The Arthur Enterprise says:—We
are informed that a number of Arthur
bachelors held a secret meeting a few
nights ago with the object of devising
some scheme by which they could offer
mutual protection to each other against
the wiles of the fair sex during the pre-
sent year It was decided to form a
Bachelors' Association, and a commit-
tee was appointed to draft a constitut-
ion and bylaws, to be submitted to an
adjourned meeting on Friday evening,
when officers will be elected and the
society regularly inaugurated. The
girls should boycott any young man
whome they l•avr reason to believe has
joined this infamious league. We will
endeavor to give furtoer particulars of
these arch -conspirators in a future
On Wednesday, Mareh 7th 1888, at
one o'clock p. m., on lot 17, con. 12,
township of Hay, farm stock and
implements etc. E. Bossenberry,
Auctioneer. J. B. Geiger, Prop.
On Saturday March 3rd 1888, on lot
18, con: 8, township of Stephen, at
one o'clock p. in. farm stock and
implements. William Holt Auction t
neer. William Amy, Prop.
On Monday, March 5th 1888, 'at one
o'clock p. m., on lot 15, Lake road
East, Hay, farm stock implements,
etc. E, Bossenberry Auctioneer.
Fred $eimbecher Proprietor,