HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-16, Page 5London, Enron. t Brave Rrpilwq Northern Divisiose Goya N0RTz1. TDzn TA BL0-Pass'u'n. London, depart. , .8.10 e:ar, 4.25 rat Lucas Crossing, , 9.35 5,45 Claud. oboye .: 9.10 5.15 L'ennixalia.. , 9.28 5.33 RXETER...... , 9.35 5.45 Henson_ . , 9.46 5.53: Kippers , . 9.51 6,03 Brucetield. „ .. , . 9.55 6.15 Clinton..., , ,10.10, 6.35 I.ondesborQ':. ,10.37• ' 6.55 Blyth- R „ 20.46'- 7.05 Belgrave - .11.00 Wingha m, arrive. 11.20 Oona SoB ri. Wingatanedepart,. 7.00 Belgrave„ ...... 7.17 Blyth. ._,. 7.31 ROndesboro'..... 7.40 Clinton... - . •, , .. 8.00 13racefeld . „ . 8.10 Kipper), . - , , .. ,, 8.27 Iiensall--... ,.. 8.33 Exeter .. , 8.47 Centralia. 8.57 Claindeiroye ,., 9.10 Lueen-cross's .... 9.20 Lntnclon,arrive - .14.10 ?.20 7,30 Passong A.,11,. 3.05 r 3.28 3.42 3.;11 4.10 4.26 4.57 4.43 4.57 5.20 5.25 6.00 Pi1RLTO NOTICE, 3lia,vitlil disposed of toy %a,3su es'. ,ll av counts due Toe up to DDec. 31st, 1.1487 most be paid at once. All parties ha vhig blllb to settio eau do so with xtyv s>il eceysoar, Mr. W. fan;tclers, at the Advocate of.. tire, who is :authorized to iv. eef -e fiXlt'11 and ;rut re cif#al?is for the same, A :pro.. rapt reply to this notice z.iU greati3 cub) ice, e. Tours respeeti'uf' , THHOM. iit3Ri`;. I.4val notiN inserted under till i head ut tare c.ente per line eaeliert= er,. We would est; cur frieia+, And readers to arsi- t us in making tide eolurtw interesting by coiatrrbut an, i¢e'ine r. Al: ehangee for € averting ii'nts in TUa Ansorvra must be banded in lee fore TueedtLy noun. from this time for- v.arel. Tlois ruler will be rigidly adhered te, and advertiser will please taken no Ilett No exceptions will be made. Local News. --Lent begins on 19th inst, ---Miss Edith Clark, of Lindon, is visiting friends in tons, ---Division Court was held hero on 'Monday. The docket was small, and Court was dismissed in the forenoon. --Tltourses Dearing will hold tau. tion oaks on Saturday and \Fedne+,day next and every day thereafter, commencing at 2 and'7 p. rn, Look out for dodgem. Mr. P. 13, Sanders, of Exeter North' returned from Port Huron last week, where he hnd been attending the funcr al of his mother. Mr. Sanders' trouble has been large of late. •-On Thursday morning last, Mr. Geo. Roofs left his horse standing in front of the Mansion House stables, when the horse got a little scared and ran away, no damage done. -A scientist says: 'If the land were flattened out the sea would he two miles deep all over the world. If any tuan is taught flattening out the land shoot him on the spot. A great many of us can't swini: ---Mr. Peter Bawden, who has been located in Sarnia for some time past, arrived home on Saturday evening. We understand that he will open out a first class Drug Store in the place. recently vacated : by Mr. B. Soarlett. Success Peter. -Some wretch stole a turkey ' and goose from Mr. R. Holmes, Editor of. Clinton New Era, a few nights ago: Any one.who.would steal frown a poor Editor is not fit to live in a civilized country.; As they know that Editors are no millionaires. - We liave heard it, privately . re- marked, that another of our young wren will join the noble army of Bene - diets shortly, and we believe that the;. report is true, as we see some .remark- able changes which tools place during the past few days. New furniture and such yotl'knowl- -The Guelph Sun, alluding to the secret meetings of monetary concerns, municipal 'committees, etc., .draws the folio win g, conclusion lien men haying business with the general public • insist that their doings shall not be printed in the newspaper, and 'that re- porters shall not be admitted to,o. their Ineetings, it is generally quite safe to suslwect::tha±rtlrere is. something .,c -rook- '--Subscribe for the .A.nvocA'rs,only 90 cents to Jany, 1 et 1889. -- Mrs. Geo. Knight, of Ethel, is mt' present visiting friendsin the village. --;fir, Wilber Manning goes to Clin- ton', to be assistant Book-keeper in the Organ Factory of that place. -- Mr. Charles Mason, of Forest; wrhz bus been visiting friends in this try, returned bonze on Shturday. last. -Large quantities of wood is being continually brought to . the village. Pr.ices00. average for Green wood $2.50 to $3 lair. 13. Simpson, of f?eaforth, who has been visiting friends -in this section for some time past, returned home on Monday. -Wo understand that Mn J. G. Smallacoinbe has leased the room over the past -o5 ee, and will carry on his profession, that of tailoring. - The concert sou has now fairly opened in this place, and no less ti:a i three has tier place in the last week oz ten cage. Every one has been woe': patronized. .-.0n Tuesday next, Febrn ry 21st, the Bishop of Iiuron, will (1). V.) preach in Christ Ohureb, Exeter, eonn- wenein,, at el o'clock p. ere Offertory in aid of the mission fun d, -- We.wish to secure the servies of gnod correspondents at the following places:-Elinn'ille, Dashwood, Lucan, Farquhar and Bayffehr Drop ns a postal camel, and we rill forward sen. plies ---The entertainment giden by the Beethoven Quartette, under the nus- piee^a. .of Exeter I. 0, O. l ., on Tiaee lteyr f.re*sitar laet, in'Prews's Opera house, w:a a de-ideu su,:eess, financially tuner at; i e. -John 'Rantoul, of Renton al ('o, of Taos has relikere:i the balance of hi a b;nal:;rujat &told; frau Ethel to Moleewsortle where he will continuo hodin; aer^tionenle, saran the}stork is entirely ell pt9 e l c,t4: rll: Threentts. Pavieare, formerly of this journal, together with his wif.' r°ad Pita;lav, left h;u• on Monday even- ing la;t. for Illsth, wle^.'r, h.' will per- manently re,d(e iu future. Our best' willies go with you Tilotnaa. -IX, , Washington, .51'. 1). L C. P. S. O., head oll'n. e, ;:1 n Yonge st., Tor- onto, will be at the Control Hotel, Exeter, on Tuesday net, for the treat - mead of eatarrll in the head and throat. 1''or further j,;lrtictllar, cue advertise- ment in another column. ---.:tar. George Mike, left yesteerday fir liainne'sworth, to take charge of 4r Crtawfords ettalrles,in that place. Mr. Crawford can a+augratulnte himself on scouring the services of such e. good man, as George is a horseman every time, --Our merchants and liminess men will do well to seen closely ;:11 paper motley that may be paid into their' hands at prtsent,as Ontario is just now being flooded with $.5 bills of the Bank of Montreal, Hank of Commerce and 'Merchants' llank,which have boon rais eel totems. The work is soeleverly done that merchants and others do not dia. cover the dirrerence until they deposit at the bank. -The lione Knowledge Association. is meeting with great success, and the membership is being rapidly increased by the best element throughout the country. It is endorsed by sualn aten as Thos. Kirkland, principal Normal School Toronto, Rev. I)r. Burwash, President Victoria College, Rev. John Langtry, Rural Dean, of Toronto, and Judge Dartnell. -The concert, of:the Trivett Me- morial church guild, as announced, took place in Draws Opera Mouse, on Friday evening last. The programme, which was a lengthy one, was well re- ceived by the audience, especially the Tableaux, which brought forth round after round of applause, as did else, the singing of Miss Amelia Oke, Mrs. Fairburn and Miss. MoDonell. The mush; which was furnished by Me idle:- sohn Orchestra, was grand. A large audience was in attendance, and the whole affair throughout ' was an im- mense success. -The telephone, it is ser, is not making i(4iuch progress in Brussels just now and no woricler. Imagine "Billy" Smith going to the 'phone and yelling to his clear girl, "Hello!' Is that you, dviffoslkiochsmavtioerska," "No! It's Jollenschousk affair nockevstifl'sgowof Who's speaking?" "Sezltnnockoavier Jziok smayskrsolioken off" ' "I want to:know if xlifernianskeflisk illun a jawv ohny,astow Sksiociberski is still stop- ping with Dvisost Kiveh smart voice - eared" Such nomenclature over the telephone would tie'.the wirer' full of knots a cl,tevist the -machine alt ou5:of shape., . Thursday last' the Therruometer. dropped to 20 degrees. below zero -inauguration Day across the line has been changed from the 4th of March to the 30th :April, --The weather hoe been somewhat .wilder, and the streets presented a sloppy appearance on Monday. ----' z. Fred. J3rown,• who has been in St. Thomas, is at present home for et mouths visit with friends here. --411 the bad leek 'in the world wouldn't pay the simplest interest on borrowed trouble, -The Independent•O lerriF'Forest- ere intend bolding their 'concert; in, Drew's Opera boeise on the 17th inst, .--"This is a new %sure for the Ger- man," sabi er.man,"said haus, when he was lined $50 for selling beer without a lieenee. The Rev, If. A- Thomas,of J3lytb, will preach in .Christ Church, Exeter, in the morning and evening, on Sab- bath next. Utmetbylpberedoxyphplagol f$ *Al, by the Jl•rajii,tcri' lfa:We, to Ire good for rheumatism It comes from tiQnnanty. -The weather has teen 'so change- able lately that most ever one you meet is complaining of a core throat and nevem cold. --Mrs. Phoebe Sweet, of this place, purchased the new house from Wm. Westcott, Hensall, on Tuesday last, paying the sum of 1,:10Q; this is eon- sidered a geed krure, Remember the Oyster Social, wander the auspices of the young ladies of James at. Church, which is on Wed- nesday erenW$ next. A good pre. greanttnYe. ---Business is booming at the Exeter Salt Well and fanners from all part:, of the country are taking advantage of the low price offered by: the O'a, to rerun large quantities of salt for fer- tilising purposes -The nineteenth annual conference of the Methodist Sabiath schools of Exeter, l lin sville Credieean;_ Centralia, andIiensall South, will leo held in 40nE311, o: • Thursday nett, Feb 23rd. A large and inter. :sting pro- gramme has ween prepares!. The (Connell stet at the Town Nall, Exeter, 13th. Fero, All the mem,.; hers present. The minutes- of the pre - VMS meeting were read awl confirmed. Mr. Prouty, en behalf of the tp. of ,tephen, ugrc'd to pay een^'analf of the expense' of keeping S. Ford. A request from the toverrehip of Stephen, to pro- vide for the nutrient of tiro village portion of the graved ioad and railway debenture', of the township of Stephen, by January 1$91, was send and order- ed to be fyled, on notion of Jas. Pick- ard, cecoude:d by W. O. Bissett, Mov- ed by T. B. Carling, seconded hy Jas. i'iul:aril, that this council adjuorn un - ti", to 11101T0r, Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock.---C.:rrie:d. The C'oun.ril wet pursuant to adjorn-, meat on Tueselay,ereuing All mem- bers present. Minutes of the forager meeting were real and s:geed. Moo- ed by W. (4. Bissett, seconded by Jas. Pickard, that the following accounts be paiu:•.S. (. k1ley, chairs Wiles eto, for town hill, $106.00; R. 11. Collins, act, ti 7.00; White J: San,. printing, $34 70; D. Spicer, fixing pulley for hose etc., $11.55; Mrs. White', cleaning town hall, G; Mrs. Clack, charity, $6; Jas. Creech, oil etc, d 17; Jas. Creech, wood for town hal1,07,55. By-law number 8, 1888, to empower the reeve to loan $1000.00 of corporation funds, was lead.a first, second and third time, and passed: on motion of W. G, Bissett, seconded by .Jas. Pickard. Moved by T. 13. Carlin;, seconded by T. McCal- lum, that all monies for charities be paid to James. Creech.- Carried. Moved by W. G. Bissetty seconded by.. T. McCallum, that the auditor's.report be received, and that the sane be printed for distribution. Moved in' amendn1ent,by T. B. Carling, seconded Pickard, that the auditors report be not printed. The motion was. car- ried% Moved: by W. G. 13issett,second- ed by. T. B. Carling, that fifty;,. more chairs be purchased for uses, ire town belly, and the mover and seconder to• getller. with the Reeve be a,'.committee to get tbem..-Carried. Moved by W:' G. Bissett, 'seconded by T. B., Carling, that the snmof $5 per night -be charg- ed for the use of town hall- and that Reeve, and Deputy -Reeve, and T. B. Carling be the committee to decide: when a charge should be made. -Cara ried. Resolved that the council ad- journ until Monday evening,.,M,arch 5th.• M. Eacrett.-Clerk. . a '• -- Cnowcir-'In irsborne, on 8th inst., Hannah Ealy Chowen, aged: 46 years,, 10.anonths.and3 days. SLEAAION. -1n ' sborne, on 10th4nst ( raeSleawon, agrrl fl5ys'as. SAYS SSE pori will also find at their atom The largest & best stook of 01 all t.nsnde,,.,..-in town,. -and 1 tell you they Nell ('iac«n t. -- -_. They are JIM F4ow ng a Seleet twer1'l ietit of BUILDING U ?8W. ;E8 at prices that have never iRen Just received o, large consignment c f Call au a'i a rauilne their stock, get price., nr4 yon n'dl ler areal mats; Agents for the RAYMOND SEWING Mac Inc. ISSETT eFI &IN- T,, - . SOLTTHTCOTT, q ANT TA1LO 7 Dealer in all kinds of -::J r r)s YJ'J,PJsJ,J1W., J. C. Ston.man, 17;sALA:U. DT T ATC!IBS. t"LoCMS, J 1WEL1:1tV, h1I: GOODS AEE FIRST-CLASS AND V V Silva -plateal ware Musical Ineira- A Gt70D k'1T GuAIiAN'I'EEP, and `I'E("1M11.L of all vacates and t.► suit all ages. 'it'j,airing.L specialty. Satisfaction gunrautecd every time. C. Sroseirav, Hensall, Ont. A GALL SOLICITED NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORK- MEN EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leave your order far a first-nlass overcoat CHEAP. 1; 47. •SeS+ntiieott, Corner plain 1.4John sts, EXETER,- • - - ONT, WILT€A SANDERS -AGENT FOR TIIE- Commercial Union Assurance Company of G`rII,EAT BRI3'rAIN. 9 $. capital and Assets, $21,000,000. • -- ND TFIT; Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. .A 1A.t'r.C'fESTEB ',NG. 0ARITAI1;., _ $14,$OO.00O PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician =he hashed a life Ion e. cperierca in treating feninlo disseises, Isi 5 monthly frith perfect success by over 1O.cOOlad,t s. Pleasant. rata, effectual. Ladies askFour dr.,t; gist for Pennyroyal Wafers an; Wrenn substitute. orinclose est- * age f rsraled particulars. Sold al,,an TS;LURE8eH,0410.D rr, I. hcx. Sold in Exeter by Dr: Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Oot 1 7 The best and Most reliable Fire izib`ur- ance Cornauies in the:worldii ADVOCATE .OFFICE, EXETER. PATENTS, Caveats, .i c -issues and Trade-talarssecured and all other patent causes in the Patent. Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of Model tir ,Sketch of In- vention, I.make careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charge. • Fars MODERATE,. and l make No charge unless patent is seemed. Information, advice and special refrences sent on app:i Cation. Wgsliin r, D. Ce Opposite II. S. Patent OMee. • Thc'Great laitygnat 13rdscripation. A successful Medicine used over .. 80 years iu thousands "of%eases. Cures Spernato,rhea,'ii'eriourt' Wea1.ness, Tmiteetency . and ,ali •dideasos caused br^abuse. • fjaaFORs] . indiscretion,' or over-exertion; 1rArr1Cal Six packages Gtaranteeatio cure aUUothera Fail. 'Ask year Drugs st for T'L® Great ,unit Pre,er$,tioli take no substitut2: r"One paeksg S. $1. Six1E5, bymail. Write for Pamphlet. Addrrk . Euittelsa`s. ]aernictd,, Sold in Exeter "by .'Dr: .Lutz '•e'.- rt cinigeistu'ei•nrywhe'reaGreat: ,t