The Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-16, Page 3MISCELLANEOUS IT]GMMS.
The Local Government ball which will be
introduced at the beginning of the session,
le said to be very d. emocretie Mite oharaeter
and will be heartily supported by every
member of flee Governttiegt, iaeludfng Mr-
In the opinion of the commerieal journale
there are too many persons in business.
Every braueh appears to have been occupied
and still the number of merchants is on the
inereaae. There eau be little doubt that we
have reached the " efter•the-boom" period,
durlogwhich everybody would move with
caution until business as restored to a sound
In his speech in Congress in support of
bis Commerical Annexationreeolutione, Mr.
Benjamin Butterwortb clearly showed that
he is aiming at allotting off .our trade with
great Britain. lie said ::." Beglend i Qct
anxious to sec the ports of the United
States opened to •'Canada for trade while
they are closed against her, at least to
the extent of a tariff which is suggestive of
Just as there are professioaal dinners ou
in Paris, rib ata momenta notice take the
place of a. guest unable through illness to at-
tend a dinner party, there are ;deoprofess.
atonal seconds for duels. These men may
never have fought a dael in their lives, bac
they contrive to get themselves so fluffed
for their services that many of the publio
end, by believing them, to be past masters in
the art of haud,ieg swords and pistols on
fields of honour,
The in pollee who went to evict Aoki.
Foley, of Ballykerogue. on the estate of Col.
Tottenham, County Wexford, took. a Are
engfue with thou. After the end of the
house had been battered in, the defenders
drove back the pollee with garden syringges
filled with hot water, The bona from ttie
fire eaglet) wee then turned on, and a stream
of cold water fleet into the building for An
beer, at the end of which time the drenched
and ehiverivg ()stenion surrendered.
In au article in the last issue of this
journal was a remark on the possibility of
Ontario declaring her independence and get-
ting up as a ()leaflet and separate republic.
That remark hail led to considerable com-
ment, some of those Qotntnent$ not being
iiatterifg to thie journal. We don't mind
uncomplimentary eausnente. We aro quite
used to them. Tha3e who don't like this
journal need not ewveoribe, and those who do
ausaribe we expsot to pay up. 'ban's our
eeattiments.---Botrevecoa IA:eieuef:slfnt.
The Bard was asked to compote a little
peeneupon hie childhood, and thi'sia whathe
predueed :--" flow deter to nay been is the
s=hoot I tittentic41, acrd how i ttimetnber ea
distant and dim, that red-headed Bill and
the pun that I hooded, and carefully put an
the bench wrier him, And how 1 roe 411 the
aurpriee of the meeter, when I;ill gave a yell
and sprang up front the pin, ea high that
his bullet herd emayhed up tho plaster
above, and tho echolare all eat up a ilio,
That aetivo bay, Billy; that hifih•leaping
IEUy; that load -shouting 1131y, that eat on
a pin."
Army in Quebec has attracted much atten-
tion in ,England, General Booth, speaking
of it, says :-" The war in French Canada
has bad to be prosecuted against fearful
odds, an attack having been made on one oc-
casion upon the officer's of the Army, which
resulted in aerious 'injury to several of the
number.. Moreover, in many different
parts of French Canada the barracks of the
Army have been wilfully burned down, In
Qnelie° the outdoor marches had to be
abandoned because of the extremely fieree
opposition manifested towards the Salva-
tionists." TheArmy has also been attacked
in England, its birthplace. In Germanyi t
is opposed by the Government and is not
allowed to bold meeting's after midday. In;'
Italy its gatherings are disturbed and its
members stabbed. In India it is the enb-
feet of the hostile comments of Christian
nab sionaries. But in Utah it is afforded
every facility, except financial help,, by the
This little incident may perhaps illustrate
the Chinese state of mind. The. Chinese
mi later lately accredited to a European
court was taking leave of a very eminent
Englishman, and, pitying hire that his wife
bad gone to England for the education of
their children, said : "Yon must be very
lonely. Bat, of concse, you have a number
, cc
tried tobim," said. t
ti the
two.' 1 �, to explain h
r exp ,
We would like to know what Senator
Call, of Florida, who bas introduced a bill
to prohibit foreiguera "from catching fish
within three marina leagues (miles?) of the
coast or within nay of the bey, or headlands
of the United States," would slow to
ada in the way of righter. If ho afirces
with some of hie meet loud -voiced country-
men, Canada may not prevent United States
fishermen from fishing an wberetheyahee5e
on our &tlautio Coast, while Canadians aro
prevented from tithing in the open ecu 100
miles from the United .States Pacific coast.
Is it to be aquestion whether Canadians
have oven a right to live on this continent ?
To -day thirty-four missionary societies
aro at work in Africa, and all its 200,000,-
090 souls aro practically within the reach of
Christian 'missions; thirtythroe saoieties
have begun work inChina, and all its 330,-
009,000 Soule may he visited with the mes-
sago of the Gospel ; znoro than fifty societies
have entered India, and the light is damn-
ing upon its 250,000,000; Turkey and Per-
ste and Japan aro tiding with. mission
churches and mtgsion aohools; peaatic4l1y,
the whole world is open, and the grandest
day of opportunity far the kingdom of God
that the earth has ever aeon has fully dawn-
ed. --Ex.
The World's Fair of this year will be hold
in Spain, Preparations have linen in pro -
grecs for two years, and the exhibition will
be opened at Barcelona in April next. The
city has a population of 350,000, is itself a
large consumer, and is at the same time
the principal market for the rest of
the country. Oddly enough Japan has so
far entered more geode for the exhibition
than any other nation. Perhaps the nations
of Europe and America are becoming tired
of World's Pairs. Nevertheless, a bill has
been introduced in the United States Con-
Wgress providing for the holding of one at
ashington in 1892, to commemoratethe
discovery of America.
Mayor Hewitt,of New York, is of the
opinion that the city should be the owner of
all the lines of local transit in it, and that it
should build such roads as may hereafter be
required. According to this plan the city
would own the underground, surface and
elevated railroads, and let out there opera-
tion to the private corporations bidding
highest for the privileges at public auction.
The wisdom of such a plan will be apparent
to most Torontonians. Mayor Hewitt also
thinks that thefranohisea of all local trans,
lines should contain a reversionary clause'
providing that the city should own the roads
after a certain time. Such franchises are too
valuable to be given away for nothing.
Eegliehman, "that that wee quite ant of the
question. Ify wife would be in a great rage
it 1 took a,eecond wife, and my government
would punish me severely." The Chinese
diplomatist WAS astonished, bat after a pause
he said : " You Europeans have so =eh
more interceurae with China now that we
may hope yen will soon become aufficlently
civilized to act as we do." In thie epirit the
Chinese diplomatiet started for Europe, and
in thie apirit he will probably return.
Little Willie isaline years old. Ilia sister
Sadie is two years hie junior, They are
very affectionate with Quo another, but when-
ever Sadie becomes possessed of a penny
Willie is sure, by coaxings or protufees, to
ammo it. Willie bad obtained three cents
from Sadie under promise of future pay
manl. Sadie sceured another cent, when
Willie began to wheedle anti fans to obtain
poseasion of it. Sadie demurred. le Al-
ready: owed her too much. But Willie per -
savored and at last seeurei the cent -this
time not as a loan, betas a gift. What did
Willie de ? Did he spend it ? Oh, no ? Ile
held possession far awhile and then gave it
back to Sadie in part payment of hie three -
cent indebtedueeee easing that he then owed
her bat two I llefore the day was over
Willie tetteeesled in meeting the operation,
ttMil finally he owed Sadie nothing?' Sadie
ie mystified and can't eltnetly comprehend
the transaction, but as Willie assures her
that it is all right she temente the sitna non
and is eatisiied.-.-New York World,
No one eaaa say with ccrtaiaaty that the
lar,est livingtree has yet been seen by eiv
Wei than. Until recently it was $upposed
that the largest race of trees were the Mam-
moth Redwoods, or Big Trees —Sequoia
given -ex -of Gs.iiforalia. There are four
groups of theseeetho Calaveras, itlarfpasa
and Fresno groups situated in the countries
of the same name, and another group lately
discovered on the western flanks of the Sier-
ra Nevada. They range in diameter all the
up to 30 and 38 feet, and if their onormaua
buttresses aro included, the diameter of the
largest le even atilt greater, while in height
they run from 250 to 490 feet. As the cir-
eumferouco is estimated at three (times the
diameter, the largest of thcau must he over
1t4 fent in girth leithont including the but-
tresses around the bottom of the trunks,.
Travellers toll us, however, that the Anna•
lyptlls of Australia is still larger. Eucelyp-
tui amvgdallne., wo aro assured, often at -
blue a height of 480 feet, with a diameter of
81 feet, iudioating a oircumferonae of 243
feet. It is supposed that still larger speci-
mens stilt exist is the unexplored interior of
Ocoee S"teamaliip 2assengers
Via New York should tape the Erie rail-
way as it is not only the shortest and best
,line, but landa people close to the piers of
the leading steamship companies. In buy-
ing tickets, ask for the Erie.
One of the western ranchea is owned and
managed by a woman. She is probably the
cow belle of the west.
Res 1 Conon Quiet erree lA one minute.
Solomon, when he gave his famous judg.
anent, was the Arab man who ever proposed
to split the difference.
CureALass SAAR Bsztawsa restores grey and faded
bait to ite natural color and prevents miner out.
The difference between Jay Gould and
the milkman is that while they both water
their stock, the milkman always milks; his
A Bare for lrunkenrtesa.
The opium habit, depsomauia, the morphine habit.
nervous prostration caused by the Ma of tobacco,
easkefednees, mental depreebon, Miming of the
brain, etc , premature Mg age, lose of vitality sauced
by over-exertion of the breis, .mud loss of natural
strength from any cause whatever. Alen -young,
old or middle aged-wha are broken down trona any
ottheebole eauees,or any cause notanentionedab4ve,
send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lebon e
Treatise, in book tore, of Diseases of Man. BaQke
sent sealed and secure from observation. Address
V Logos 47 Wellinvton street Eeet, Toronto Ont.
Re is a model husband who will pretend
to praise his wife'e ability as a cook and then
nee her doughnuts as eainkere for his dehiog
vox No Niore.
Watson's cough drops are ttla besb iu tie
weed for the threat and chest, for the voice
unequalled. See that thelettere 1. T.W.
are etartlped on engin drop.
""I knew a man cake 5who never told a
Ila, Who was he, A Meese drum -
wee." r"Nonsense." "Ile need to tell two
ata titre-'
Ii'ruple who are emit; eat 50 road breath, feed ceeted
longue, 0; any disorder of the Steprarb, pan as sem
he relieved by usfvg I)r, Carsna'i Biome* Enterrs
elm old and tiled melees 44 year Arpggtet
"Mr, Blitor, did you read that article 1
handcdyou yesterday?" "Yes, sir." "What
would you think after reading that if I told
you that had blit one yea's aetlooling in
any lifel" 1 would think that youmust
have wasted your time moat abotninably."
Menem yeitar Stomach or Dowels get one of et -
del', canting PdaaaMeeet Dyelrepsta, or Indi4eatfou,
a as their attendant ovals, tains at euro a deco o; Jr.s
varann's Stomach hitters, Best family m.dtulne,
Aft Druggieta. Lai cents,
Mr. Mercier, in his secretiveness and du-
plicity, seems to be very like Mr. Mowat -
His colleague, Mr. McShane, in an inter.
view with a Star reporter, said : " Mr-
Meroier's voyage to France has been decid-
ed for some time, but it was thought that
it would be better to keep it seoret. Mr.
Mercier will be absent a couple of months.
His mission is to see that the province will
be represented at the exhibition of 1889."
Till the moment of his sailing, Mr. Mercier's
organs and his friends gave the lie to all
who said that he was going to Europe, and
insisted that he was so all as to be compell-
ed to go to the Southern Staten for the bene./
A,? ; 384'
PATENTS cneeefRaPatT' nuao
DOD dt,btlSWeS WA.STfall quer the enface f)a.
mivtett. Addrees. BEG. 1). VElitlt'SS.
87 ('tanrel1 terr.•dt, Toronto
The "Banal'Pelee& tumratiottfer„„sot
last alit> time and rests cilli ;509. Said
by agents. Saar territerr stall o •u-Sanr-
ples (tree by express) es receipt et price. ,Ad•
WORK FOSiLL. $$Oa sYeelranta@rtpansas
paid, Valuable ontRt and partloulare
0 free. P.O, VICI RIelte.AUMasta, Maine.
ilDr0 4:J GPS is an
imno 1vn ewer.
L: *ewe incentral
.. 1. lice ....
and Northern Dakota and 1llilx•
-11 al site ars
--y ,M1.. 1<It'.SOt.t. Naps and fall p .
regarding lands. Prices, et* , seat
free. Address 4%. II. WARREN,
t I' a innA or
J, til. U r43ILiNS, 'TR'ay. 'ass. Agt.,
4 Pa1rnetrp�House Block, Toronto.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
tIIRES NervousProstratlon,Nervousfead•
s he I3euralgia NervaneWeakness
Works and geed 011ices:
Stomach and laver.Diseasrs,and all ! t 4 TO 763 'YONOE
as-eetoss of a:c Bidecys,
Ggoliou W Ilorxov, Sra.' roan, Come, ears«
For two years I was a scatterer from nervone de.
bility. and 1 thank God and ta~e siren erer of the
valuable remedy that P-ue,-a's CEnter Conroe:n
cured n:e. .0 is a valuable remedy. Long may it
live. Let any oz a writs to me for adviril:'"
209 yonge Street.
fifty Office 593 Queen St. , TORONTO.
225 linen St. East
100 Colborne Street Brantford, Opt.
e Jehn Stmet/ertb, naiarltAPA Ont,
Cooks' Gem
AT.oszo Amor; .Wrrm Wormer.. 4z:. says:
e ti , s sr.- ,z CJri,olran Saved m
I belies PAr.-r;' C Fr Y
be n al »mor.
b "re n ;s stern
ifs m Ie seemed 1 la
1 ,lel
t V
Beforo�usvAitivr^<tiiwitharte pLonfrozq,
",head to heft" 'Tho exertion Is rapidly healing,
mil amthe bundnel per cent better every way'" WhY do you use these hnpe warmer as can
and whaleeomo at one half tine pace, Prove by
A- C. Rms. Wnrrni',avcnSuascrteh'. VT., Says:
For two yearsT :.rt I hies been, a greet engem
from ideneyand livertrontles.attended withrb's.
regia and eozastay cairn. Wore I began to Ulm
s`ra sag Cesteot^iu it conned as though remit/dug.
a'Iedene. NoavlCan eVtaeieategeillesur
OEasG£ Amoss eters en -c. lows, rip:
I have been ueier 1'l it,'a'u CsLEur eossenelen
and Ithesdone memere !good for l,-idneysand lames
hack, than any other roetlitane I hails ever fatten.
Hundreds of testitsootale have been received from
Mame who hem-omit/ale a merle with remarkable
Welk. Seedfcrcircular.
Canadian Baking Powders w m yea a. g good
iugthe Qooh'aGem, Sianutacturedby
MIS lIS 44 A.1I T7 Tl ,. Toroutk
I,oan and savings Co.
INooeeennen x5 •
Subscribed Capital .. ...... .......I 5,51110.545
Paid-up Capital $„Eat►,eeb
Reser Ye Fund ........ , I,ISo,
Tafel Meets- 9,SOl.filii
OPPor*:-,-Co.'e Ilramale 9,t TIM. ere ST., Towne,
DEPOSITS received at ettrreAas rates of )nt.trest,
1'riw 81,QQ. Sold by Pruggtete, 1 paid or compounded haU_y. eerly.
teig l,S,RicHARDsoteetco.,pro inters. t'i DEUUU58issued inCu.rreneyur8terUag,with
late en 901115909 attached. payable 311 Lan4,l1. GC
N0141'000 QS1ti. is Ragland. Executors and Trustees are uthorized
11. current IOUs Q
Y ! ai Id• s F ea etc Paiutie^s Fri
COMPOSITION GOLD An�igve lirorise. , b3' tui to
tnvlYA Fe•Debentures
sou Reale eatsMI aecumzicpuay0
:tatua it 1Yovtl, and ether l»tura and and n lavorubie c nditioO5 as to re -
.cal,... uu ung . rax ,
graeiu5s, Et;htnra. Mtotl pe8,Artk-ts' *lnteriats p3Afon- es sad >Tunleipal Der crani purchased,
alrrraro. etc. ahaesrte and re+a°t Trio G'at• a: E1155P.2 MA$(», lanag'ing ldeeotor,
alegae. II'Meet/:SfSr V110§...i CO, WoroWq
31114 IAO Nr ON faTtlARfilr}'>t'iFl
C pita, i °3a.C"rr, £'z',rain'.aa (•oeerotuent 13epseit
4e11,taltt, Head OSice : 73 Kling St ;:,`tat, Taranto,
Gentlemen of initneneo wanted is unre,preeeutee
dla':lets d T. MCCORir,
ijta,drut:ecretan'tor the namintca.
And all niter r' ..w trios Planta. to great earicty.
Ili—strafed C.da'Q: n, open application.
LLLEN S CO., u. scope Sa.TTc:eato. NVebsCer levee • - ktariels. • ifMeitlie
to secure a thorough kno vted'e et Garment
Ln Hag In all its branches. 13astemA�u
,, Seientt0e d R
Iteliable. No mite Ala, Gattera having trouble,
should lisle us at once. Perfect eatief,:ttion .asourcd.
S, CORItIGAN, Prop., 122 Tonga St.
QRONTQ Catlin,: sarltovl.-A grand chav:o 1 ^a --:� 'ii” `*i : I:14`I' 2
riublte L4 er MAN au stn Xo mate. UNIVERSITY
british Columbia, Galiforoie, fr,anios, UAluole, and
!mita a'Dumper of ether'btates mad Provinecs, now
Ill attendance. Write for Dercriptivo Circulars.
President. Sec S• & Manager.
A Dream ot Fair Women.
Tennyson in his exquisite poem, drama
of a long procession of lovely women of ages
past. This is atl,vory well, butthelaureate
would have done the world., greater service
if he had only told the women of the present
how they could iinproy*e their health and
enhance their charms. This he might easily
have done by recommending the use of Dr,
Pierce's Favorite Proscription. Health is
the beat friend of beauty, and the innumer-
ubia ills to which women are peculiarly
subject, its worst enemies. Long experience
has proven that tho health of womankind
and the " Favorite Prescription" walk hand
in hand, and are inseparable. It is the only
medicine for women, ' sold by druggists,
under a positive -guarantee from the manu-
facturers, that it will give satisfaotion in
every case, or money will be refunded. This
guarantee has been printed on the bottle -
wrapper, and faithfully carried out for
many years.
The man whose stop -ladder collapsed'
when he was hanging his fathers portrait,
bringing the picture down on the top of hie
head, says it is a striking likeness of the old
Leave hope behind.
All ye who enter here i
So ran the dire warning which Dante
read on the portals of the Inferno. So runs
the cruel verdict of your friends if you are
overtaken by the first symptoms of that
terrible disease, consumption. "Leave hope
behind 1 Your days are numbered" 1 1 And
the struggle 'against death is given up in
despair. Ent while there is life, there is
hope 1 Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery has cured hundreds of cases worse
than yours ; and it will cure you, if taken
in in time. But delay is dangerous. No
power can restore a wasted Iung ; the
"Golden Medical Discovery," however, can
and will arrest the disease.
Justice -Ninety -days. See that the prison-
er gets a bath. Prisoner All right, judge.
1 don't mind the washing, only so I ain't
ironed afterward.
Offensive breath vanishes with the use of
Dr. Sage's Catarrh. Remedy,
The Minnesota blizzard appears to have
been hailed as a reason for gratitude, not
only by Canadian papers, but also by Eng-
lish, who are congratulating themselves
that seventy -two -hoar fogs as dense as the
darkness of night are not after all as bad as
the death -dealing blasts of the United
fit of his health. Not till,he was on the, States and North-west.
elle, and Bunstog ilrenda se. Send
for Catalogue. BAIRRIER bItOS. CO.,
37 Scott St„ Toronto.
• Spfetalryp -- PLUMS in 1arg
��creel �. Dealers balled out On
VVV liberal terms at the IIALTO:,
NilRS1:.RIES. llurlineton, Ont., TREES
II 11.IIWII) B: SON, Proprietors. / 1{1t k.S .•
Nva can offer a few cars Sed enu Yellow Globe Oeicns
ocean was it confessed that his errand was
to commit the province to assist in glorify-
ing the' memory of the murderers and athe-
ists of the old French Revolution. No
wonder be dared not confess the truth till
he was out of reach.
The treatment received by the Salvation.
Omaha merohant-See here. 1 gave you
a for a Christmas present,
and told you never to be late at your post
again. Tardy gash boy-Yessir. '" Do you
wind it every morning when you get up as I
told you ?" "Yessir. ' "Then what made
you so late this morning ?" "Winding it.'
Xfa^at5eent PanU'i bibles
!! 1t itlrrow el'opulrt " Iilsttteg ,
Can?dr,' tiesgiVe Platform E:hoes Dorcheetet'e
'"Liquor Problem "Sana F Jones '"Living Words;
"The Cottage Ph�4sleila'" tilt A KE IlIONEY
Gov h'e '"Sun.oglat and IY�Hft k�`r i
Shades,' ", "'Roth -.r. Home and lie wen." etc. Pope
Inc Soakei Liberal Tcrcas i Writs for circulars, tunas
eta.. to Wn ntau BMA, Pubtibher. Toronto.
�,. r.T _
131ldrecrtcanEliap Capt Tris Qa Bitty Sguaranteeed.
1e lots to suit porch:ne . Write ter prime.
Jas. Park ez Sou,
STOCKMEN, givetbfaveluablepte-
paration a fair trial. It onorate8
iolcsandetherrerminpest2, nine
". klatoewwhhicleSbeeparos bject. Sold
In Tina nt 35e., 70c. and 8I. A Mo. Tin will clean 90
Sheep or35Lambs. HUGH MILLER &Co.,Toronto.
THE ft1ARTI f `v c d'"1s °ice
MACHINE, with new
improvements, is away
ahead of any and every
Machine in America. If nut aetured only by
II. MARTIN k CO., 90 .Mary St., Hamilton, Ont
niece Company et' Canaan,
Consulting Engineers and Sollettore of Patents,
G. 0..Rons, Chief Engineer. � . Faaase, Secy -Tress
GANGER UJRE0 wi ioubth0fi, s. N
Cf f,'UItE3►,wntltouttha knits. No
3 euro no pay.Send stamp for
pamphlet, W. L. SUIT Ill, Si,D.,124 Queen E., Toronto.
67[TE have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or
it 1j EXCHANGE of Newspaper cfiiees. Terms,
one per cant. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4rrwe baro
now four good establishments for sale at a bargain,
and one publisher waating a partner.
Auxiliary Publishing Company.
33 and 35 Adelaide St. W.,
Toronto, Ont.
In the Church of Rome -10th edition -cheaper in
price 832 pages. Agentg,Ladies or Gentlemen, to sell
Lidedivm FAsouvATINe and Tatum hook. Liberal
terms. Annases, A. G. WATSON, Toaoxro Wusasv
Tarim DEPOSITORY, Timone.
]ENDERS wANT1CD-For the manufacture of
a elllaton lied Building ]tricks, in the
vicinity of Toronto during the coming season. "Pro-
prietor supplies plant and wood (unless otherlvise
agreed upon with respect to fuel). Payments to be
based on quantity of good merchantable brink deliver-
ed in kilns, burnt and ready for market. Onlyemart,
punning men, not afraid of work need apply. Ad-
dress, stating price, where last employed, with full
particulars to BRICKS, P. 0. Box 2532, Toronto. To
a man with a family capable of working, this ie a
grand opportunity.
Srarrroeas-Moleture : intense itohingandstinging ;
most at night : worse by scratching. It allowed to
continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer.
ate, becoming very sore. SWArNE's Orrr'riuc r stops
the itchingand bleeding, heals ulceration, and in
many cases removes the tumors. It is equally effica-
cious in during all Skin Diseases. Lit. a WAYNE &
SON Proprietors, Philadelphia. SwAYNE's Ossnns r
can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50
In Canada. These Casings TAIIE THE LEAD of ant
English Sheep Casings, as to size, strength and length,
Price fist American Bog Casings :
Per keg of 100lbs..530 00 Per keg ot 50 ibe..515 00
Smaller quantities, per lb...850.
Per keg of 50 bundles
530 00
Smaller quantitiee, per bundle 0 65
Patronize Home Trade, If any other dealers are
offering Oasiugs at less than the above, we will Ballet
their figuresif shown the prices.
We also manufaoture PURE A1111tilA1,
P E R T I I,1 Z E ET, composed of Blood, Bone an
Meat. Price, pet ton •' 0 00. Fine or coarse Bone
Meal, 535 per ton. Al{ Goods Warranted, or money
refuuded. Goods F. 0. B. at Hamilton.
E..nowJ,1N eo co.. BAnterax, osT.
,til'. u. 5 Royal Mail i ear#b1pa
ir'ai!it+g derieK ennter frogs Portiond eves'* 7ZI4ac1.
t'Of cunt IlnlUax evert S):urdos to 341rerpeel, and he
irmanler item Quebec every betMedey to I.iverpext,
nestling a3 hendouderry .a Ind melee ael Wimple
for wetland and krelanfl alvra trrni Dal; more xt5
il:.litan and Et. Jan's. N.P. la Lteerp:'el ertnig'UI
a!utin • enmt ar Menthe. ihe. Tile lemma et
arc Imes lull d"rleg wlelsr to crd testa
r..rll ad, I^c-tsn and Phfadc',phlb - end during alum.
ra r betty;eaOlir gaw and G�sw
rtud 1 saran neelt'y, tee) Grlcigess and?tiiladeaplui
Far ire:,;ht, Fars', or et'1er Iniermettra tvptr St
A. Set tense ter a ria. Lala mere -j:r, Can et Qs,-
11u111az• 8biae'Co., Fl. Johwa.f.i.; Wm, Tbo p.
MA faLt's., $t. John. 14.31, ; Alb a di Ca.. Chth eege
,.ore A Alden, Now Verb; 11. handler, Tareasta
Minas Rao 4 Co., Qaocac ;Wra. Erctkte. Ptlllydtt
rbta: IL A. Alton i'eat:aerk Volt= }lGuttexl.
T amscfi 1,rc:urrlrfi
1 firer. tereadmaLer s Yeaet re roe suijree i ;lyre rts-►.
true rte tricdoI ar rest,
Sashe krao:setst et,rs, rliottcst,,
'Clswee her Freed is the .hitest, her ijusrr are alba
• Anil :rreat oil 17 pau,:r .-ss:r stare see kfnra'as,
tSTThe Celebrated Han
cock Inspirator.
ateg-Gresham a Automatic
Restarting Injector.
t5TMorrison'e Automatic
Sight Feed Lubricator.
garEngincoia' & I'inmb•
ors' Supplies ut every
description. Send foo
els circulars.
75 at 77 Adelaide St.W.,
Timm greatest d t,
9 covery ottbe pie
sent age for Regular
ing the bowels, ant
Curing all Blood Lh
sr and ilidney Otu
taints. A pettsa:
loo() Purifier, A ter
in Hammon whchav,
been beuifited by t4,
use ; Mrs. Id. genet
192 obert St, Mire:
of Erysipelas of 2 yet
standing; Robt. aloe
sell, 24 south street
aughter cured e
Epileptic ate after
years suffering; Jea
nie Bizrel, 55 walnut
Street, cured Cr
Weakness and Lung Trouble : John Wood, 05 Calle
part St., cured of Liver Complaint and Silliousnese
used only 8 fifty -cent bottles • Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusts
St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration tee
small bottles gave hor great relief. Sold at 50o. & 81
1'. F. DALLEY Iz 00., Proprietors
F1tie5Tcmtlotie tusHE 1
Wante Nn MAMBO
Pi.A;ESAS iia aemeetts
1 u
43 a034'
co 0
t3 .
� a«
/ �•
ervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the peat
fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex-
cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality zinging in
the ears, palpitation, oto. For sale by all druggists.
Price 51 per box, or 6 boxes for 56, or will be sent by
mail an receipt of price. Pamphlet on application,
triqDSta9 ONT.
We are now offering the hest
Iron Fences ever sold in Canada,
at Remarkably Low cruces.
Stables Fixtures, Sand Screens,
Weather Vanes, Iron Stairs and
Shutters, Fire Escapes, Office
Railings, Flower Stands, Wire
Signs, and all kinds of Wire, Iron
and Brass Work.