HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-16, Page 2THE WEEK'S NEWS. OXSADIAN, no jury ire the tuqueat on the body a a eueees,sful plau for utilizing ?Niagara Fells. Bob, Orme, of London Townehip came to A great many haelernen hare anneoverea bow the conclmioil that tbo fatal allot was fired to ntilize the Falls without offeriegeoy nth, by the deceandis own, lumen either ecceame. big prize. tally or loteetionelly. A Michigan boy, in Writ of fun, tied comegnenee of the miceenful combine - tion of equattere aleoltobe =hoot, leuds to prevent tair peices being rolize4 at the recent satest the Goverement threalens r. to citable them to peee of the leodsby pante vale. 321 totally Incompetent. Every day they were tlins mmeged explosiere wae liable to occur. The people fa# Buffalo offer $100,000 for little socks on Ins degti feet one cold day re- cently. The deg was delighted and new mitten to go tele widget them waen the weather is cold. The Kentacky Ingieleture lan empower. ecl the deeeons of the alethoaist Church to Canedien interest la the Knew Smelt Ste, , elect nehera ULM). whom Shall be couferrod Marie 'bridge is the greater owiug to tbe illu palace authoeity to merintala order dur- eiremastance tint the chief magineeis of the ing the eervices. work ie a CeAacliaDiJ, MI. F. 4. Petemon. Tbere is a thrifty Woman liVID at Brier Mr. Peterson had oleo the honour of being Creek, N. Y. Not long ago her hos-baud the chief eneeineer a the Sa Lewrence died, end she took the headetone frem his bridge ea Leehine. that wifeat grave and liad 'it dre,sseci over Toe Tivertcn eerrespeedeet ot The Kin. and relettereil for his grave. eardine RevIew refermeg to the (teeth of 4 mile men who owne a, big a.a ahaggy Mr. Hugh Lenient, who waa seaffeeeted by ,laied, black Newfounaland doe cut off the escaelegi sae at the home of Mr. Ia P. il clog's heir cerefelly, had it cardea awl span, MeLeurna of Toronto, seem :--The deaths laud got two awl A quarter puede a that heve oecurred ha that family bave teem Iblaele yarn es eefr ae Iamb's wool. peculiarly sad end tregic. One brother . A young man was foima frozen to cleeat was droweed, aitotber murdered ia Michi- , , ip a ariehigee forem- a few ds ago. Leap geae PA lingati 5arleggatea la 131A bea by lyear is amties i., its werk promptly. Sat aileafinq V,,a.s. to tiee =ea, yorna mem Ouly 0. ammo A rich t ed a goaldaestrisine reek te re- I wined takte to tbe woods la mid-wmter, period from La POW 01r4ieg 1311 the Riehara- son Hill, aletlem le is seppesea Oat a gokideeering Roam whleb. bas teeny timee been nommenefelity ammitt, haa et 1.44 teen struck at a depth et oely la fete. Mr, J. D. Miceli and. Another reeident of Mediae WV iviln" aatattieattaita `eat.— a' —a - —a- •-' ' — —. ratieg tbe mine. The dad WAS 1111449 by I ' td Mr merit reetent. who drat dteeeeertet Mr. tWenemaker, of Philetielohle. lime gofel le Nerth HaStings ea the 45114e MIL gUlet17 "veil be Prebhie of l'otaP bogies for hie woritiogimarme. roc $3.23 it week. The deetit et Big Bear reenevee a mot rainent tote la the Nortle'Weet athellieu. i tbe7 get be3r4t le4gIut wmhing et 4 dezea nit howl. wee the hoc/ ef the ho444 that phota awl the nee a etle room, reeeption rpetreted the Freg Lase outragee ; "4 ameU/greemei "11 bewling "414' ot he eetepta pulgobnivut eater -alto FA Book, Cal.. la a probibitiou town and p bourn/out mviog to the diecovery thet all dede -to t044 lat terev," terbel4_,t,b,e,_4ale Ite h d not toga 03 chkf mbo; the troeblen la littudaa: It malialaa' As UM "a"5"119 ik Big Beget/ am3 uaurreatho i4tholes p4§1094,1 betel there to cot amen $20,000 robe newel awl practiolly outwitted deo oedema a the tho Frames E. Willard' This sou be a baud. NW Bear, witenver his fealte dart Keblblllea bee"' Iwilll 00 will° 1/141 b2r ” A . ., beg his lifetime, le uove a deaa awl, there- a"ewe" 141" fore 4 geed I44144. A Mem' man nye that Ile rezeutly Goveroer Deeteiney, at a banquet given want iteto the secede, piloted a bleele circle le hie honour et Calemiry the other day, en the eel of 4 leg. awl when he went beck seve mime intereeting etegbtke reprcriag to the leg MI boor litter it lotted 500 deed the blorth-Ween lie eaya the Tereitery rabbits there, be aeintels baling mistake,e lase now four tileEebon ef Perltemetit, four. the eircle for 4 hole to the log ilea dulled teen moteeeinetive leeal lenialatore, 24e themeelvee to deeth ogeinet It )4Qtli'''CQ d 'a° PaCQ' 0 ingeTe 0 ralurla The Are mertitet of a Weettro city want. toenten ZS advezates, 20 &Mora, ro pee%, ea „„ me mean, ese,,,, RII Iv. ,,,,,,,m„,,„,1 laetes tiVO Supreme court jedgee, Live reeds- tat 'd't "d ""'"""o --""a ''''''' "" st"*".""' eteee, e,, Anne eoeeee, me eeeetee, Cailer..3 to the COUIZOil Coucerailag the net- adttee'e7iettresirmuet Qt•reta3eriauttedtatitttat, "tEettutt terenre Flitted le the elliciel faker, mei 4 L4.5. rel. the twaattelo itiho eultary je COXietle permit found that the pruatileg of hie cormannicetioeu soncervieg the axe I well Oat:mm.1 , auteuuted te $6 80 helm he goz it. Saturday le a preet dim for netty tauten tre41 the ^a114trY erC overQU t`14Q 414" while her huebend 15 giant* the medeet 1 Peg treva Pot, wbeuee ea elaeY Pl;:ellie etrIetwrQatirfwilair CitleUlyetitl: 17oevlerdlek14, f1f1.4, d 1414"e lee4a le the el ' 54*araa peeltiou of treasurer. Perheos ladies tiding beet, Laullog Waiter Beers followed from the dee a emiple of wane, wbona he me- ted of heving unnagled geode about therm They entered CI, livery atablo, made their way to the effice, ell uusizepone taet they Anemia tho pavengere by the Britannia, were befog wateked, where they put their whieb avrived hi at'ew Yorlt et few days as° ercele into a maviset basket end etarted from the alediterr.trican, were eaveralyenug orthor etirriege. At the door of the claim girla who emit. they hal came to Amerree they ran into the arme of the Oficial, who to marry men whom they laid never acme, in the wee° of the Queen took the Ineket, Tim latentle4 bridegrooms failed to met geode aud all awl C4Tried the111 iuto the them, mail the iris were detained at Cantle Custom -boon, The womenivere very angry,' (larden. but the ofncial WAS inexorable and the goods Opperents of Government ownerehip of were coefiscated. . elegreph lima in the Unitea States ere call - The eedileat phase of tbe Central Beak mg attention to the recent boycott of the !enure iodic raumber of widowsend orphaned 1 Commercial Celde Comp tny by the Germen families that it impoverithen Bank them' Gavernment. Operators in Germeny have lave been too geuerally coritidered a accure , been instructed to refuse deepatches offered for the Imes et that cempeny, and, as they DIO ell (;OVeIDIDOUt officads, they must obey. The incident is cited aa an illustretion of tbe power which control of telegraphic com- munication gives a government. man fainting, and eight persons were crush- Cheap Sires ln England, qclito,aciweaarti4council in Warsaw Gen. Goer. salt, city Re 4ctilieptup e aa tbbeesxfinolglolovainga zafroosint tuthe_ ko eo.ld ta),000,000 roublea would be regeir- estateleorzter.te the fertifiLeetieee Jae the Rus, portant eubjecti The Royal Commission ore horse -breeding, at presertt, has only £5,000 A bill for the government of Londea bee ellstetstieritetePd°4alin* a;rtlizela thoist ff',?9.'04r elsChto Po; been drafted encl. will probably be brought thoroughbred stellioes whese owners will in early in the anproeehing senion a the guazantee their itervIcee at a fee of £2, the remaining ...Ap00 eon? reserved for expeeen. Imperial Parliameat,. • • e b If the pedgea ere well extent, the very feet It is leis action when the danger comes, of horn hemiug wen a 4neetes preoSinotWhen bo is in, solitary preparation for it, which marks the Inan. et couracm„ rEABTA OP VOTIVE. limas of oaf are ye qualities. thetrt.7--,u4anzod, Patience, humili utter forgetful - What a man—be lie young, old, middle- aged—sow, that, and not:lain else shall he reap. Think wed over year irnportant stepsin life„ aud haerIng made up year mind, never hole behind. revised liat cf the fatatitiea by lent week's blizzard in the North-Western States 1 ahows a. total at 135 deaths and ra.5 repented ' oen Poi s the beiata er„ 9S , in those care will to regeired to atend up i and sive the men their wits. Mau in that! vicinity appears to be tbe weaker vont, and paying investment for trust moneys. Heavy intereet and a senile of dignity that pertial owneraldp of a bank promises to the abarebolder probably encouraged the small capitalists who placed, their all in Central stock, Their exeerience will mike invest- ments in any but the best batik sharea un- popular for years. There lea prevailing lin. premien that the Doininion law providea ab- solutely no machinery to protect the people from the incompetence or dishonesty of bank directors. If they aro all able and honest the report the act requires and from whioh the public learns all. it can how of a solvent bank is true. If they are not it /share and leads to ruin innocent depositors and share- holders that any searching inspection would save. --(Ex. tIsTiTZD STATES NEWS. The sugar truat in the States has closed up four refineries, Barnum has made an offer for the steam - hip Great Eastern. Georgia farms are mortgagea for $8,0001- 000 of foreign capital. Real estate valued at $100,000,000 chang- ed hands in New York city during the year 1887. It will take £10,000 to break up the Great Eastern, which was recently sold for £16,000. Twenty-six persons are confined in the Fort The steel gun east the other day at Plttaburgh, when it is bored. and ready for moutiting, will weigh 5t tons, and will be the largest ateci gun ever made in ono caet. ing. It will tossats projectile with it ?peed of 2,000feet a mond, the pressure in the cliamber being fifteen tons. Its *oat to the United States Government will be about $3,300. A builauppn of the atone size, or one not made by a single casting, would cost $22,100. In view of this fact, the success of the experiment is considered one of the moat important recent achievementa in gun - making., r011=GX. The Bank of England. has reduced its rate of discount from 4 to 4 per cent. The French Court of Appeal has decided that priests in France may get inarried. S. R. MacLeod, hosiery manufacturer, of Glasgow, has failed with liabilities of $200,- 000. Joseph Chamberlain says that as a. race we shall be longer lived when we take more leisure. London Socialists were prevented from holding a meeting in Tre.falgar square yes- terday. Smith, Ark., jail on the charge of murder. • Russia is said to be contemplating the strengthening of her land and sea forces on i It istexpeoted that the new German Mill the Pacific coast. tory bill will involve au expeditare of 243,- 000,000 marks. It is understood in Rome thas the Amara can bisheps have aalvised the Pope not to A football player of Aberearne was re- condemn the Irish Naaionalists. cently struck in the abdomen by the ball waddled instantl Sir IVIiehael Hicks-Boach advocates the Y' extension of local government to Ireland Leprosy is said. to be afflicting tnanY after order has been established. Scandinavian itnmigrants in northern Min- nesota, and Dakota. Home Secretary Matthews, speaking at Birmingham last night, denied the rumors An Ohio man who sent $2 to a New York of dissensions in the Salisbury Cabinet. advertiser for a reliable method of reducing gas bills, was tad. to burn oil. • A monumentis about to be erected to tis memory of the late Czar in the Grand Court The City of Washington is said to have of the Kremlin at Moscow, which is to cost the largest underground main sewer in the world—twenty-two feet in diameter. $650,000. The Pope has declined to receive Don The State of New York expended nearly Jaime, son of Don Carlos, who desires to $14,000,000 in 1887 for Common schools. present to his Holiuess a cross set with Of that amount nearly $9,000,000 was teach- diamonds, ers' wages. The Queen Regent of Spain haa addressed A Georgia farmer's horse recently swal- s letter to Mrs. Cleveland asking her for her lowed $425 in greenbacks. The farmer photograph. now watches his horse as thouel he were The Scottish crofters object to the execu- tion of the emigration scheme while good Iowa, after twenty-two years of the abol- lands in Scotland remain unoccupied. ition of the gallows, returns to it with vig- or and hearty enjoyment. One or two Cardinal Manning is reported behave writ- ten it letter to Rome cautioning the Yeti - other States have had a similar experience. can against opposing IVIr. Gladstone in Irish A Chicago bootblack has a box, the sides affairs. of which are ornamented with $5 gold pieces, The family' of the Crown Prince is greatly surrounded by silver coins. He has been excited over the poisoning by some un. offend. $35 for it, but thinks it is worth known person of the Crown Prince's favor - more. ite dog. Of the 1,900 men who were running engines A panic occurred in a church in the south an Brooklyn last year an invenigation proved of the Tyrol on Thursday, caused by it wo- a savings bank. A Greek named Dienitriva Antippa loas jest died in Conetentinople at the age of 115. Ile keew Robespierre and ponemed several of his letters. The pollee antlemitiee say Mr. ReJour is iomtent denger of asemsthetion, end that WS life has been preeerved so far mar by ceneles,s vigiltutee„ A Gernmu lever makes theatatemeattilat CaerMany neWel agaJzeverra0Frenee_ within a year, and that next time the whole 44 Fraece will be anneeed, a uPci 45ft i ect ) r ao timt eceabn le, 4%0 moi oi tpn3,ene; possesses 14,000 hymen The leegtla a the tramway Rae is over 150 mile Feonchmen was recently granted a di- vorce by 4 Pi s jedge 011 the sole gronnd eebetit 0" muldhaeietY reaamed eaythmee that Lie wife would noe Anew him th read awve P,Illea,s at the rein 4iiven 40 the ail the totters elm wrote and reed. long Hate itaseta owl a geed maw of Tbe Erglielt Piveree Cent hoe deettled were t!wol-14r"°1444 944 three Ye'lr" that an Amerieen divorce aid& geed ia ebt14 fla '47alele:4 444. et b% Premieet 4.44a4.4 whea the tits.treea perteee were -Even at a cwt. ef 4500 or ;EC a wiener married in Anieriee and lived together there. ef Qttilte.:114.e.trereZtier: laheruindtrPyr°:tcoaireousrimaure" Antall reaa. the e -Kh alv 1 ft N c aPces oftaa paeoleesed for very emelt enema, 13rnar, aLiad wet C;(011StaIRMOple, to tine peptise who 4,1„„ilag 4t gtieteet mere, watt " • _ benehtfee 40 guineas. That geed old burn Neolve fleet timettig love legi'lee MeDDtera W,Tgwicr may gq5t samv43 a year mol of hie henna a ball ego; he hoe trad 4O33914 *thee divot cableamen says the Dale of Cambridge andhe at Mei evrtind At a fee of 10 guinea.) hopes tho Feeple of Engine), will inset en for thoroagahred end:iv-11AM for ballibacd the onautryti coutineree beteg adaceeetely mares, Te most extetiordittery caee of A prottetedt that belog the 41441St glit4C44tee well-beught etellion to that et Louden Rev. J. jw.a;.atz,stdvporeziea. mhawpary, borough, whet veal to haVO beee 404 as A write e eted-tioree for Xda, Aud la now adverileed at from Japati that if 44551012ArieS etteMPt to fes 40 gebataa be ethuonneel they cite heve very little iluemee. If they do not litre in good idyl* the peeple deapiee will be a geeet.recommendittion to breeaere, irrespective of the reduced. fee, opeeielly to then who meke a great peat of Senecine43. Tao to*: fee, agalet oughe to eeeere 4 full snbecriptIon act a winner, , that his re nip% inetuding bls fees ead 'the premium, sbould be about £3910, or the equiValent of 4 full anbacription .at fee of O. • The Gov- mineeent..never givee more then 000 .fee • Eiter,y man is. a consumer, and ought to be a producer. He fails to make his piece go ed in the world, unless be not only pays 14a debt, but idea adde something to the german wealth. We should remember that truth le mime, - Rated ; that all truth eemee from woe §ellTea. thoroughbred etallioo to be eerit 014 Nt. There IS 9* 040 Side in the hea,vens, ye; as breedittg 'matinee to team 4„4 zw.,y pee, yea anew, there are many beautiful cetera, ple might eurprisea, they teea the all a which come from theme gm. trouble to go through the este lista of Att a rid the bl d" I" d e, e more o.oug lamp Me thoroughbred steek, to .01n1 how few loans, end At a Ocala may be for any really greeb 4133.1. frwn, kahi. and Teatlieda. fetch work, the more conecions will he be of his more thao that sena In 1880, ouly own unatneeS for it, the more distrnetfol of • hinetela the more andens tf# thraet self forward. The Emir et Atghentaten bee Wien in love with bagpipee end bee ordered. 200 ef them for CARL The Shah of Peraia hal alee ordered 4 bran bend. Thee mule eeethee eAVAae breaet, is eteted effort* ere beteg' undo to av- Self-leve is, in ahaoat all men, weban cmerweight that they are incredulette of a MAWS leebiteel preference of the gerarat good to hie own; bat wheo they ace it prove ed byesoriden of eese, weelth, rank, and life itself, there is no limit to their edrainiat tretdon. 'Vie ideal Amerieen, as he has beeleoelett ed for as el late. is a MAU who hae Shekel* °Webs yoke of defioite creeds, while retain- ing their mend oscines_ and Ah Anda the igh- est emmtione needed for the cotolatet et bureau life in experience tempered by cam. Mon altega, &thine is beneath you, if it is in the di- rection of your We within is greet or de, eirable, U it is off frOin that think IVO 4TO Lw es the fee el the nitmers qQuemde entitled here to drew a etraight hoe, and prpewat SP',,,thm ar-qgaincthing say, 0414 SeCietY P44 eever proper, bet Rho forty atallicat in the United Kingdom moat alweye be benitrupt, uutil every men advertieed at fees varniug from inie to two deee that which be was creeted to do. pine" They are, tleireVOC* AI 4 ride, a Ile whit has the clearest and iuteeeese vie. at of inteounds, worthlete bratee. Aceord- lotto whet it at beim to the greet battle , ing to tile neefel Bet given in the 414141440 we and who ow mnrisou in it moat mutt puldielied et the Field Qitica, there are tont fullt wat be the drat to eeboowlegke tbet hundtvl0441ik fieirc3advert te bait" fthere lied beee epproach vie. raPP t11‘.014S betweV4 Mr, Oltadtteati varynig from 4o elownwerele there are bred mares at five gethem er len, At or 6 to • fees tem except 11 the woeful aetoa day by Pad Mace Biemerele to ouvinse PZ' timpy atAtiO4gi ; ftemier that Segletelle Wet pelley it to Ed• tbe pity le diet they. are aot i;e11 meted, hut hero tie the etIlkol It tow be worth emizing how excellent are Peobably one el tho oldeetmeetiog-honeee the atratne obtaintible at swill low fees. in the world is tbe Beiremal church in Mr- There are four of then clop alma by Lowe way, there of wbiett Is 850 yeara. The Indent whitee demeodetatenaught to be pew- pegodedllieetructure covereawith bales Wema l, feet d deo fencers. these are WO awl en lecie or two et ter. Ithele luiterip- the cedeloatea tire Sp. -oedema Tbere are dans Wore:ding trieebelate aro cm the bald- two %pun by Petrerch, whet hilitEelf OAT= fug. thearofee of 150 plum ; and then is equal taitriberbetSterlina, who receive A clorap Leap"or 237 Feet, eitalizr fen lo 1SN6 the fourteen yearliuge by Sternum eeld at publie attotioan AVOCET Iu the latter pert ef Petierelser Mr. P. A. ed. 1,65$ guineas eech. There are three Pater Mentz, al. P. for North iwiek„ while faro, eertiog at two-aud-a-half geluem or ont with the Pytehley found blamed( leaa, by the flee old grey Stratheonau. lig at fen speed for an aid tweed. pit. Admirere of the King Teen blood can Mien he opted the bole he was too near it eta it, through his eon TOM Meg, (1103, to thiuk al palling up mid so he made an el with thee of the great birdeatcher attempt to clear it. Him home failed and 1tfor Tito meet faebionable of all eroetet at oreemit ia that el Touchetone and Birileateher, Tide bleed, too, may bo eltained for a couple of novereigns througli Chithoter. The seen blood mdats far more direotly in the eplendidly bred Exininsten who is by Newminater out of a Stocknell marc, lie (serval at £3. The atm) cross *emus again th Limeetone, a horse with a grand beck aea 1 Dios, whooerres ut guineaa. The enemata double cram of Tonebstone can be bed beat guineee, Althotae by Wed - arms IA; Oheree t Int aerve3 at almared:guirr eas. Few better homes bevo ever trod the turf thanGladieteur awl Fine ItAir ; they were meted raid their highly.bred tom Can - with tis driver drop ed diatauce of forty feet. Most remarke ly Mr. Lentz awl bee home canoed with no kitty more severe than a few bad cute. Vila incident has ailed forth la the periers 4 number c yenta about wonderful frith, that should have been fatale but weren't, One ot tha hot correspondente to be heard from is one who emus " Retitle," mei he caps the edifice with the following: "A mare remarkable ocape front death by it fall (though not in heating) than any of those mentioeed was that of (then) Lieut.- Colonel Moore, .alth Regiment, on June 10th, 1818. Wheu ridiug through tho Tartraui Weeds Dominum, on his way back from didete is given in iniveriage for the nominal the Layou river to Morale Brace, lie fell down a perpendicniar precipice of 237 feet.His born was killed on the spat, and lann self miraculously aeved without having slue taloa any lasting injury, and 15 18005 long since Imo the gallant general (now) oujoy- ing his dinner at the junior United Service club," The correspondent enclosee with tho tot. ter an etching of tbe spot, showing a very with splendid blood for hunters, at £1, and steep rocky coast scenery, with a road way tenants of his owner pay nothiugfor it. The cut on the side of the cliff high up the hill. Dale) of Weatmiester keeps it eire of much the mune blood in Golden Cron, who stands lathe Elston paddocks at a fee of £2, The A Petroleum Gas Engine. maoterof the Badsworth hounds only charges LI for the -use of Krughb of the Forest, by Knight of the neater out of it Kettledrum man. cm:indention of it couple of autumn The services of it aon of tbe handout headman, called Carthupian (a big horse with plenty of bone), aro to be had for £2 10s. Florin, a home by Sterling, serves mares, " the pro- perty of tenant -farmers of then within Bunn reothehild's hunt" for nothing. Ton - nut -farmers living in the Moynell cetuitry get the um of thavestry, a powerful }sora The followimg is tranalated from Nature (Paris): "The launch worked by this ma- chine is 23 fed long, 5 feet 5 inches broad and 3 feet deep. It has beau running since June la-st front Roars to Tancarville by the Atstralia, now exports oranges to Eng - new canal, making an average eland of 7.5 land. knots per hour. There are tvvo cylinders of simple action and a fly -wheel in a horizontal plane. The cylinders can be worked. inde- pendently !cf each other. The petroleum steam is produced cold. and so without any danger of explosion, ill a receiving cylinder the engine xtself. This petroleum motor of- fers considerable advantages over the steam engine. The vessel is started at will, with- out any previous generation of steam. Whilst the vessel is at rest absolutely noth- ing is constmed. There is no smoke nor dirt of any kind. There is absolately no danger of explosion. Perhaps the greatest advan- tage is the small wei4ht of burning materiel necessary to earry ; indeed, this motor con- sumes about 89 lb. per horsepower per hour. Three gallons of the petroleum will last twelve hours." Father Ryan, who was imprisoned ab Limerick for it month for inciting to illegal acts in conneetion with the Plan of Cane peign, was released the other day and was green a reception by ten thousand persons. placed next to the engine, and worked by Attention ho.a recently been drawn to the wonderful material (level° rnent of India. When India first came Into ritish hands it neither bought or sold to any considerable extent in the markets of the world. It has now become one of the most important buy- ers arta sellers. In the cottou trade, for instance, India is becoming a formidable rivet of Lancashire. Its exports in cotton yern have'imoreaved eighty-three per cent. within five years. Rs proximity to Ohina, and Japan enables 13onthav to interfere ser- iously with Laucashire's command of these markets. In 1886 these two countries ab- sorbed. no lees than 80,000,000 lbs. of Indian yarn. In regard to the wheat export from India. to England, of which so rauch has Wheel. been said, it appeare that though the United Kingdom ttok twenty per cent. less of On the occasion of the Hamburger Bi. Indian wheat in 1886 7 than in 1885 6. India cycle club's run to Ahrensburg and back actually exported between five and six per this stretch of about twenty-eight English cent. more in the former than ha the let - miles was accomplished upon one wheel by ter year. The apparent discrepancy is ex - Richard Schulz, one of themembers already plained by the fact that France, well-known as a trick rider. Until now it notwithstanding her high tariff, took was considered scarcely possible to turn the large quantities, and it vast expansion one wheel to any practical use, because it took place in the export to Italy, where requires an immense amount of persever- Indian wheat is becoming increasingly pop- ance to enable one to ride for any length of ular, and by reason of its cheapness is mak- time upon a machine that affords no rest to ing the cultivation of the native product the rider. Schulz, moreover, took the best unprofitable. An important factor in the drivers along at a very good pace, so that in rapid progreas of India is the remarkable spite of the very muddy and soft state of development of her railway system. Dur - the roads, the mile (nearly four and a half ing the year ending March 31, 1887, 1,025 English miles) Was Covered in half an hour. miles of railway were opened for traffic, Even " gutter stones" and bad paving wete making the total mileage in operation at no hindrance to the one -wheel rider. On that date 13,390. And yet such is the the way beck Schulz showed no trace of activity of trade that in the year 1886, alk fatigue, and caused the greatest Sensation average return of close upon six pea cent. everywhere. Schulz always uses the front was yielded on the entire capital of nearly wheel of an ordinary 52 -inch bicycle, fittect R180,000,000 sterling invested in these merely with fork and handle bar. toads. T iventy.Eight4Iiies 'Upon a Single ef the woe width ley et his own three- , The Long Dlstaitec Trotter. A typed home which we woulhl like to have betel; Amer"' lie is the old leugalietauce trotters whieh is net to be confused with the Ainerinet trutter reeler. Tide em bug- Meta/tee Witter was very common justabout the time eteoc-ceeehee 'were developed, and was 4 greet favorite menet butehers, grazers awl othero, being indeed iudispens. able in the purchaeinq of natio in then days. This etyle of home uaty be Simply deuribeill by a quotation from an old maga- zine "Oa Mealier, July 38, 1787, a trot- ing mete)/ from Monkbritive, near York, to Melton., about 171 mike, wee preformed for a eotwderablo wager, between Mr. John Hardee)), buteher, anti Mr. :tampon, inn- keeper, bode of York, path riding Ids own Marc, which wee won teeny by the former. Mr. Harrison, who was in the eixtreecond year of his no, and rode 18 etoue 12 lb., wont the diatence in ono hour, twenty -ono minutes mail it hell, Mr. Slinneen rode 10 etonti 6 M. Great earns wore depending on the event of the match." Tido was 100 year* ago last July. We foamy that a mere that can tato it mate 18 stone 12 lb., 17a miles along it country road would prove it very inieful one nowadays for most par - A Philantkropie, Indirsi. Prince. The Meliarejab of Darblutima, Bengal, has ettablished, in connection with Lady Dui- feritda Medical AWL for Worriou fund, a hospital and disponeary for women at it cost to hunts& of tut:meth:to $25,000. Thin bene- volent emblem in during the pasteight years Into expended in philanthropic works fully 81,700,000; including the building and. en. downionb of three hospitals vela twenty - throe schools, the oponmg of 150 miles of roads, and the conseruotion of irrigation works atthecosb of $350,000. When. hewn made a K. C. 1. E. he remitted 8150,000 of rents to his temuts. In 1882 he cancelled all arrears due him in his dominions, amounting to over 025,000, and in 1885 he remitted 8155,000 more. To the Benarea &eineme works he contribute& ;1'59,000. He as might be supposed, a highly educated man, a fine Englieh echolar and it most loyal supporter of the British Empire. The Truth of Weather Lore. The persistent survival of weather -lore in. these days of intellectual emancipation is not eit all remarkable when we consider the exteet to which the vulgar sayings embody real. truths. A few years ago Messrs. Aber- cromby and Marriott embarked on an ex- tremely interesting inquiry with a view to determine, by actual comparison, how far the popular proverbs express relations, or se- quences, which the results of meteorological science show to be real. The investigation proved that something like a hundred of the more popular sayings ars'under ordinary conditions, trustworthy. Such being the case, we need not be surprised that simple country folk prefer familiar couplets to all ' the "isobars,' " cyclones " and synchron- ous charts," in the world. 11 "hills clear, rain near," means the same as "the pres- ence of it wedge-shaped area of high pres- sure, accompanied by great atmospheric visibility, is likely to be followed by the ad- vance of a disturbance with rain and south- erly winds," which for all practical purposes it does, the preference is justified on the mere ground of breath economy. The thirty-one words demanded by science stand no chance against four. But 15 18 unfortunate that, along with the limited number of folk -sayings founded on truth, there has survived a very large num- ber founded on the groseeet error. These latter have borrowed credence and respect from the proved credibility of the others, and apparently they are all destined to sink or swim together. Hammer as we will at certain favorite proverbs which we know to, be based upon error, it is all in vain. The reverence for tradition is too much for us. And of all the superstitions, pure and simple, which defy our attempts at destruction,. the most invulnerable are those ascribing certain effects to the influence of the moon.