HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-9, Page 6YOUNG FOLKS.
BY Aqack. B. ORMSBEE,„
Little Rob wee "a queee child," There
ectuld be no doebt cf Everyone said so,
even his mother, WhQ always added. "bit
b.e. 44 a dear itttle boy." What could be the
matter with hito 1 he wondered me he peeped
int e the lookieg.gloss to find out. AU be
mew theze wee a mend face, big hreWn eyee.
a largo nobe which bie brotber Gated a pug,
and lenty of dark brown. curly hair, No -
thine deffereut from many of his playfel-
lows, salting perhaps hie freeklee, woich
re pleety., ter Rab was Often teased.
Moe lem tether Egaa raother
"Ruh, here's oor little pitcher, he has big
earn, you know," Rob thought to himself ;
"It most be my. ears. 1.11 go and look."
Bo be gazed at them, turniog this way aud
that, and godly measured, them with his
mother'e tape meesere, "to know for sure,"
be seed to himself. Tbat night be sat up in
be. when hie mether came ea tittle him up.
" .1,14111MA,p" Rad " measured iota
a tile fellewe' eara after sehoel ; WiIUe
S !Tattoo's, Fred Warren's, Ed rieT4ou's and
lote of others, wad they're all as big as. mine
end bigger eecept John le Hie are
AWItil *mall and lees stew, Now why did
Nita call mine piteleeree eeked the teaeh-
er but ehe iiteglied and Said she we:4We tell
His mother bed herd werk to keep from
lauehleg at the ehareeter'istie questiee, hut
the eareese Use reennioed her, mod, eeTetiug
Rob with %sum blenkete, ehe explained the
neteriog of the prevetb end edded : " lety
little boy meet en whet he teem to he
(Altera eald uever zepeet anything exeept tort
pepe or me. To hearquiekly coteectly
win be a great help when yon Are A Want
bat new yea meet go deep and he ready
for play ee the reernieg."
Rob had pertly geese d it tide time. it
was Ws vere whieh made him queve, There
never were (*beeper eerceit to hear tbe
oPeecbee Alder people ruedeeeeerelese, wise,
thoughtfel and-jektug—ell were cought by
hie situp tare and letel away in the aetive
mita te 'brought out et earne uuexpected
wommite Suck an alive little fellow as be
watt From rho time he could tall ids live,
Ly tongue was the terror of his older aleter
Awl brother, W14Q54 dearest everete be often
meh% tknown te the wid world. At leegth
his (ether veld Lie little boy rouat step
eadainet if be coold not help hearitiee aud
bitnisletneut tram the family eittiegleem
fellowed. Thies teether with eoute
reprovieg talks from Jib: utether, teught
RAI to be itileeee
Rat everyone loved R* Even DNA,
grin to screm and plueige beak b tlie touoh
of cold woter. Boa toga them by The tome
roughly and pulled them by niain force. It
wee a eeverti Attain far him, Med hie feee
whitened and every muscle Wiese and Areas
was rigld with the eto. But he, never
let go hie bolddragging with all his might
stolid he reached the middle of Om river
. .
Sleepiness is. ?let equiwonly thought of as
an eaVegiall7 Pedotod cote:littera. Altheogh
many people !nose koew semetlebea reboot ie
as discomfort, partioolarly in church,
But here Le an old soldier, who deelothe ehot
he never suffered eaoh ACate frOM oatt
other ewe. The eemy was on a fors.ed
Tile gels were Pew sebbtag 'nth fog t aa MarShp %tad men aed herees ikaa !nee with,
clingine to him in turn, afreed even to loele out sleep till oeture ceuid. bear it no leieger.
at the weter. All the while the dog was oey ga woulci 4100, do who 1. could t9
ruuning up and down the bank, searirog prevent jt; and fp erder to eseepe * felt
and howling fiercely at them, vehite the from my home, 1 would lean forward mad
foam dropped, frooi his umetta in lamed weeto toy aeate oxeye hee week bot oto poor
white Pateleee, The eurreet wee cleft ow& briitee head woald invaxiebly elnte lowerierel
but Rob looew hls greyed. Jutit, a1onnn" lower, Datil 1 Quad myself elieing heed
der the tree was e seed bar wbleh eree opt foremeet reward the ground, et whteb, wttli
well into the etteem, On whim hie oreteer desperete effort. I woold steeighten 21p
teught him to swim and where he had often seeecieetly =eke welt s tug athe reme
beMi It would have keen oasy to 0444 and 444 .4 pout, with ray. 4porsii, ao to oropto
there alone, but vita tvvo cryeog fright -we ow. 44,,au., 0041414 bot ;tow moat, /emit,,
ehildren i was quite another matter to keep Wale,
his footiog lo the current, although the But the next momeat my fpyoilds world
water Was eeateelY te hs wa"drop a-Waal:an- Ciresently would feel the
leeseiet", lee cried, "de try to stand eaostai4 hone.Tor wooer, his lege
still and vot posh against mo 50, for I Rett)ll
ano itteea 43 if he ttoto Ab4ot to tall,
keep bola et Aorta too. YOU ,knew aluttst iree're :gain would eliereoontend attempt
the lit -Wet And eoual help me, wen t you,
be added in eoaSing tottea aa Bessie stePPsd ththeticlaIncliniellnYV:414;ylen°1= ;5pTeetY 4rwgnee°7:
4ez. °rYing for a maweate Dqt a glalea at niere lleeessful than tile other, for down
the doe made her teem break forth afreah, e
eni4 hi4 kea,a, csr atot waixi4 tea ma
0 R;b, I am so aftetel of the dog 0 1 ,
!he'll bite pe; he will, he will sae him ""gttY ioortt`g wedr 41'14 redweig felting,
jump 1 What elan wed° 1 Itele, e4oe Reis, 0eee neY edielteat rode na to Me WW1 a
ele ;atm tis home 1 0 1 peps, pepel And caOtgno. Contantingt as he said, some very
Beasie clutehed Role with both bands, f?-er eerersiSseri laiskeYa liati3Or other
trembling ell over. etemetestaneee 1 sbotild have tote WM to
"0, 1 am so cold,' eebbed Atry, wept take away the vile otuff, bat WWI grasped
to go lame 1 The deg! the deg) dent let the ealeteere most eageety ; Tent instead of
him bite me 1 Oh 1 eh V' elite (emitted plik dru..wg from it I peered oee as MUCh al
could held in the pelue 0 my leronl,
fold, take meet yen. Ibeker or4O or teem Paul tca eglmtea,
nem* thereto pato Rao ose embed it into tor Even thet net
rye oeeed lette About teem, yeee see,gdtt goc% beer later several Olerk MIWIZIP8
they even't touch water. Ie'e like JU t4 to IMC: Q1 aux' New or regireeetete gosh%
them, We must joet etey here where he to west ePPesred te be n- 344InnY Pla",
SIC1; Of waiting for eldte. ef US And 430. eff," wa3Or ; 1174 igli. --------------
00nY.I ? the
Would elie ever title them? Now ealueele 'beteg In M14% ono f them
long rinnit We Stand beret I een't do it gAt °°w° °44 feO4° ffaltPg Wileth
Iwo" twig*, us. aod oed by be witt g.44 1119Ved ttiV side fnd of the road he Keret!. of
much lopeer he theetfirt AS he tried toiwreb1"1 e'sd bereektt: bistone*'
brace Itimeefeefreelt end tieleten his hold Oa 4-u° aargq". "" rofineerit """g c*nan
teeth child. But 'Nut then when hie etavogth 11%141f imnied to the attd aftor
woo eiewegt the ring eneeeege 9f hill sbert exoutinatiou Pimply aelted, "Wheie
wide awl. a um ea geee frcot, goo. III" ter it WitS tAQ dart for biat giSe% 03S1
" tell you. Let'a relearn, to- then Prevemaaed to ha eXttnOtt_ And
e aud let tee dog 'tee we OW beat beee moved. avoiy. In leia than ten renoste,e
frean the time the uteferteeete men sat down
e Amy etopped hereebbleg a,tui weig ; 00 tbe fetteet COMMICS WO'S diggieg his
d began with 4 will. Horeb I. grave'
Rob ;stoutly follewed by 4 &MIA ''"."'".*"."141."4"4.1""*"..-"'"""`
arreh 1' tow Amy, whole eater- Tile= rekteilty.
epirite Tele at ao invitailem te
lee aud illettaatn " rook ST. TKOM,V4* 24..,==.4% yet no frietelti
Rosie, r relatives et Reek Hugbek the %Warier
r ebety .beggy &Awn by an rete U1A4 who WM snacatod in the cells by
me mesh% Amen the :ea bowleg of the police station no &mew
village,. lank, bent man ba his lett, have tIUMAVkl, op. Thisafterown the
ves coal st=t,n, bat woe &Meg., At Meyer erdezeri the vernal= to be photo.
graphed, after which they Wilt he burred
lo tee St. 'Thomas c17.inetery, the authorities
refusing to eomply with. the re4Iticli; of the
Toronto Medical SZliael Aliittlimitle3 to for,
ward the kidy there for diteeetion, The
investigetiou into tbe oleC4154talnell con,
ocand with the fire was CalatIlltlea through'
gat yesterday befote Catena elnetie axed a,
jury, and reaulted hi a verdict to the circu
the doo, who waa. pettiog old aucl crese, dart
Pzesident 0 aznot.
it is a very happy augury for the still
yoonm hkenc#3. Aapa411.4 thatafter a stormy
end perilous erisii, it eholildl have chose:ea
new President almost ohivereally acceptable.
Net Putt ha 4 the oleetion of NI. Carnet been
joyfully hailed by Paris end the French
equotrY dietriots,—by moderateavid redical
Renahlicene afilmeeeteit the choice of him
SS Fretech Preoideat bee epoereutly pleased
ell the European courts,
Hitherto almoat unknowo outside of
Franoe, M. Carnoe, suddenly elevated he
the suentalt et official honer, proves to be
Man well fitted to enjoy the reepeet of oilt
and to give added etrength and stability to
tbe Republio.
Ilia histexie descent front the great Car'
Rot, WhA Organized ebeee Ariake of the tirat
republie, winch beat heck the bevading tore
eea of genii:lined urope, aud who afterwaed
went to Napoleon'a succor in his thee of
woule"3 tad ewbee'rteeboreaste by. the bridge OS CATS CSBRI114 the clan -end
&telt wintaa' feet eset heuds 44;4144 ree4 tigch oleo and his Welk, TgeCI4eVO tafo)k ht the
a generous milder heart. eiteatleo, "Great Stel Ite exclaimed,
Dui, X Irma- WI Toll whet Beh did "4 Calling the old hem w bOtaciell halt, he
hew he pat me piece of knowledge to its iummi hm
eal dm 041,1, weeps ite. hi
beat e. hir. Gray, Relit! father, lived ouguns latch Le tee c treetaer. The for/.
the Main etteet at the end of a ceuritry Qua brute tioen taw the Ewe knuntieti
loge. Near the Were stretched a kit% wow with, red, memneq quick
meadow creased by a brisk little rivet wail oletiug a the gut) eharp crack, awl with
sltelvmg,leandy books. One summer,
two little outdo, Bessie aud Amy, ever
brought theta while their frail motber was
taken to the mountelus. 'Rob was delleht
ed at the Ito:repeat of cemetatit playfellows.
Although he could whistle bud Wee as
loud 58 AV boy, climb end jump, tear off
leis buttons, burst hie stoles and titamay hie
mother with breakneek ptankat yet he was
full of kindneas aud chivelrie instinete to.
wards those youuger and weaker than him -
tied, Bessie was about eight and altnoat as
telt as Rob, while Amy was 4 tiny, Mum
eyed child a couple of ovexe younger. Both
were city bred and aby, timorous creatures,
Rivep to quiet ploys. Rob Was greatly at-
traeted by their gentle war and their
breve efforta to smile when them father and
mother wart away,. Lewin them alone
for the firat time in their lives. Rob's
bright eyes SaW just hoW Is was, and then
he heard his uncle say to bis mother;
"Don't let any hatm huppeo to our little
girls, for the doctor lead a sudden shook
would kill Alice." From that moment he
gave lairneelf up to cuing for his cousins all
the long summer. Slater Grace dressed
them and curled their hair each day and
prepared a pleasant room riext hers for
them, while Rob's mother fed them gener-
ous bowls of bread and milk, cookies, gin.
gerbread and berries, and cooked them
toothsome broths and eggs. She privately
said to Rob's father that it was pitiful to
see how much of them was merely clothes
and how little was body.
Bait was Rob who took care of them all
the day, taking them to the barn to hunt
for eggs or watch the cows milked giving
them part of his garden patch andhelping
them weed and water the mignonette,
tanks and straggling:tweet peas which they
'planted; teaching theat to ride bis veloci-
pede, and even initieting them 'into the
mysteriea of playing marbles and ball. He
owung them till his manly arms ached. Ile
took them fishing with him, although their
chatter drove the perch away and he was
-obliged to come away with only three on
leis twig. Reb was a natural fisherman and
this was indeed a ttial, for his efforts were
never before so poorly rewarded. Every
game he knew he taught Bessie and Amy,
and showed them every favorite hidiog
place. They in their turn thought him the
"loveliest boy in the world," and each lit-
tle scrawl of a letter to their mother was
chiefly made up of "Rob did this," or
"Rob showed us how," or "Rob let ns
take that."
l!he days passed by swiftly and happily for
these young people and August was drawing
towardits end. The days were oppressively
hot, and the children, tired of books and
quiet games, one day went down the coun-
try road, shaded by =plea and elm set oat
by Bob's grandfather. "0," said Rob, "let's
go and sit under that big maple by the
river 1 1 can see the leaves move, and I
guess there'll be a breath of air there and
lots of stones and sticks to peg into the
Rob led the way, crawling through a con-
venient hole in the rail fence. Skip went
the stones and splash went the water,
struck now and then by bits of tree branches.
Laughing. and shouting as each threw,
absorbed in skipping stones, they did not
heed the danger coming near.
A loud, snarling bark wasouddenly heard
and, looking up, Rob sew a. large black dog
with foaming mouth, leaping the fence and
coming towards them, In an iostant he
seized Bessie and Amy's hands, and fairly
dragging them down to the river, stepped
resolutely into the water. The little girls
lost their trust in " whet Rob did" and be.
eell ttio deo rolled over ou his Stde ‘j, ka( that the 011fOrtliStite Una came to his death
"leer moved -az -eke RE) love been bit be. by euffeeetiom The jury recommended the
tite eyea. appoluttnent of a watchman and the intro.
"COM on, youngatera, 1 guees be won't deutiou of a tolothoue into the atatleu. The
do lough biting now 1" saki athe Ilaw. 08 he (widow showe that there was no set of
rau n) to the children. ruke er eeguiatlsas for *be government of
"Who he you, anyway I" he asked the pouee torse, as formerly exieted when
Rob helped the little gtrls up the beak. thc torco we; govereed by commisidonera,
Bet Rob wee euddeoly speechless and fell 'a likely thee a thorough reorganise -
to tbe ground, The man carried him to bis e force will take pine.
buggy, the girls following after. lotoroing
from them where they lived, old Whitey wee —.----etatioeraf...411100...............
soon joggiug at a faster psee into the vil- The Cataluna Let.
loge 48Uin and Rob WM in hill mother's
Thera Is a pNea uolOVO OS reach,:
arinA nete lee tone no voice CAA teeth.
Then ho amiled ana aaid, " Dilemma,' i There it a temin Aao p3wer eau breoto
was pretty bard work but 14141 hold on t
Water Graeo and Bridget put the girla in-
to dry clothes and mamma. made them drink
some popermint tea "50 as not to get a
cold," she mid, and they were soon as merry
as ever. Poor Rob felt a little weak and
was glad to lie on the lounge and let his
mother pet and rare for him.
" Rol: kept hold of us just as tiglat and
told ua not to Le a raid 1" exclainied Itessie.
"And I'm going to write Papa just how
good you took care of ue, uaaea Amy.
" Weil, Bob, my toy, can't you. find your
tongue and tell us how you happened to
think th go 'into the water?" said Mr. Gray,
who had joined the group.
" You see, Papa," answered Rob, "1 waa
over to Fred Warren's the other night to see
his new rabbits, and then we sat on the
steps and talked about our new postage
stamps. He'd got some foreign ones. Mr.
Warren was reading the paper out loud to
Fred's mother, all about a girl's being bit by health. This ebows that the mod le never water:, and as be drew near the honae wets
a mad dog, and I heard him aey that a mad capable of the severe and continued applicae two:unshod evicting a signboard bearing the
dog wouldn't touch water. And when 1saw tion neceesety to crest -time work, unless the
the dog so near us and we conld'nb get ltorae, body is at its beat. The woman who as , fellow with a grizzly beard. and a hairy
following inacriptiou 1 " Post -oils." An old
I thought of that. I knew about that sand pins to fill an exalted place among her as- obent—diaplayed, as hie shirt was unbutton. -
bar. you know, and so I went right in." soeiates,
No one could help smiling over Rob's and female weaknessee. Dr. Pierce's Favor -
meet e free item retraeole debility ea— cnne out, and merely nodding to the
cha.racteriatic explanation, though all hearts ite Prescription will benigh these, and it is eotespeetor sat dewn ma a stump.
were 1 ull of thanktulnesafor his quick-witted warranted to restore those functionel har. ingPrbeissewntalyy aamnotowld tfhelelobwu,shooan, tiaopuityoapeihceka-
and courageous behavior. His uncle and monies which are indispensable to' health, the postmaster, who uponseeing him sprang
aunt, who came back for their children in As a speoifie for all thosechronic weaknesses
due time made quite a hero of him. But and ailments pecoffier to women, it is un- to his feet ana exclaimed:
Bob oared most for a new velocipede with equalled. "What* in thunder do you want here, Abe
"a regular bicyle seat on springs, boys," There is this difference between happi- 8111"itChomi"e after that paper."
on which he raced all the fall and forgot all ness and wisdoni : he that thinks himself: "Didn't I tell yor that yer kain't git
about mad dogs in his delight over the won- the happiest man is really so ; but he that/ it ?"
derful " time 4 he could make. thinks himself the wisest ie generally the "Yea, but flowed that yer might change
greatest fool.
•11-01110411411111.--1 yer mind."
Composition About a Cat. Great Little Men. "Wall. 1 hain't. When yer refused ter
Following is the composition written by a were of Small stature and. insignificant ap- oaten this office."
need, collets for much with e people ine
ginative and preneeo the worship of hero-
L Carnet le in the prene of life, havieg
3ese tureee fifty years, His father. a Man
of lettere AS well as an estimable statesman,
etill liviug at the age of eighty-sio end
the senior Senator of France, one tts
interesting to note thot oue of the first vis.
it* paid by the new President, otter hie
eleceioa, Was te this veuerelele permit,
The President was teemed "Sa44" at&er his
uncle, to witom It was Oren heoorof the
fatnOini Perean poet of that Wallet
It is unusual that a reathemetician eltoula
be raised to the highest oefietelyoste.
C4TAKIP is by profeesion en engineer. lib
Special talent Seeine hAVe been fer !math-
eglkixtiCA‘ 1:104 gradnete et the faIUM
Polyteclanie $eiteol which hie grenditither
pie -need, end after greduetion beceent
state togieeer. In yotinger daye, Mete*
over, he was trained to be 4 ]oiner by troile,
while his brother keened the trade of a
CATAlet organized the defame of Nor -
Inanely lo the F1'415CP,0%11144 war ; and, in
1871, he first entered political life m dep-
uty to the Natieuel Arevembly. Five yeare
beeer he oided orgotu—tina the PartY eell*
ed. the "Republieen Lofte" Moth recently
be beet been what la celled an " Indepeini.
eat Repehlkam"
Ilis firet entrence into efficial life was
leader the Premiership of 7$1, de Freyelnet
(an ergioettr, iiiielimselth when he became
Under•Secretory of Public Works. In the
Ferry Cabinet 41S$11 he was promoted to
Cabinet rank en Minister of Publie Werke •
mod la iSeta he became Minister of Views
in the Ileii„s=ou Cabled; an oitce which lie
Weed under De Fveleineti Dawn's sue,
M. arnot describrel as a mane! nuke.
peso! tole political awl personal purity ;
quiet and unosteutations amoter ; of a
rather melancholy tempcno.oceut ; studious
and lotelleatual; reserahlitv, belga features,
his famous grandfather ; terupeloos its dress,
awl elegant m bearing.
"Nobel git it, Abe. Yer fit Inc that
PtMer ao' not fer the letter."
"Got to heve Plowmen"
"Not lessen yer Whip Me in,"
" J3Telre I ken do 10."
"ALL right, Abe."
They went at again, pranced Roomed
striking tie eeeb, other. Finally Plummer
struok Abe e healey blow aita felled him;
then seating hineeelf on the preateete mon,
he sea(' :
" Dsn't want the letter, de yer, Aber
(4 Reckon not, Plammer,"
" right, come mimed WA ei yer
Whea Abe had gooe the poetroeeter tun-
ed the inepeetor and eatd:
" WaAt AArking 0044 r
"NO, I bOU4Ve nag"
" Ef yer letter here an' 1 didn't
want yer to 'mete it, yer wouIdeet argy eller
plot would yer
" don't tate* that I ['hyoid,"
"Doo'twarit trock with me V"
" then, good-bye. Got ter go in
Were Make up ther
Hie literary cud. philezepblo teetee are
Walei by Ida beeing trenelated John Stu.,
t Mill's eteey On the rreuch ilovolutien
is always iuterestiag_ to know some -
g of the fareilice of neon, even though.
Y be rulers of repubilea may. M. e'er.
'4 Wife., Whl io PAW t0 preside ever the
talittes of the hiatorie Mese° Palace,
partly Engliett blood, her family mune
being Hapont White. Her father W53 a
friend of John Stuart Min. Madame ea.
not is said to be very relined, A favorite in
Periehen society, and a devoted, wife and
mother. with A dialike for politic&
Tbe Prealdent boa four children. of eaten).
a dauglater is married to Caniseet,
perm:nine:it journaliat and lawyer of Dijon.
He him abto an only brother, ...Adolphe Car-
at, who is a professional engineer.
There is a aloot immune eau %aim. Modoretee cool, wise, and fervidly patrie
Sooner sr later that time will errive, that otie, Carnet will, it Is to be hoped, heve
place will wait for your corning, Viet chain a strong and aueceesitti administration of
must bind you in helpless death, thet /deep lathreparrreasAlflyenay. The republic: mode all hie
must fell on your :tense% ilet thousands eterling quelities in the preser-
vation of peace, and m the methtenauce of
every year go untimely to their fate, el
thousands moth lonethon out their daysa4 stability.
heetiful, timely mire, I or the f iline During bia term of semen yeers as Prat
atrontb, the weakening orgatis, the lecta-e tinge dent, numy perils will doubtleae meneco
blood, Dr. Pierce's Golden aledical Dlecov- end it is fortunate that a man should, be
chosen to the higheat place whose motto is,
try %wonderful restorative tout a prolong-
er of strength and life. It purifies the blood. w"ArTas.he ti,atioual good lint, and party vita -
and invigorates the se stem, thereby fortify-,
ing it agaiast diseatm. Of druggists.
He who lesons the roles of wiedom with- The Sort of Postmaster They Have in 11 -
out .conforming to them in his life is like a,
man who labored in his fields but did not
A traveling Post office inspector went up
into Scott County a few days ago for the
falil°115 Women., purpose of investigating certain reported
It ia eignifielkab feet that moat of Lao crookedness. One afternoon he reached a
women who hove aeltieved fame in art, lit- smolt cabin sicriatea near a lonely road.
erature, or " affeirs," have enjoy.ecl vigorous lie stopped, intending to get a drink of
eoveramolt Tenertexe alleela.
Gen. Streleihotl'm plan was arreat
tementely a large number 0 peesone belong -
log tee eae " untteeetwortbr class.; threw
them hato prieon, keep them for le day* AV
tWO Weeka in the etricteee eolitary confine -
moat, and then sohject them to a evrtifyieg
exennontion with. the hope of
extorting r-apa infermetion, here a little
ad there 4 lirtiet nhieh might be pleml toe
gether, like the perte of A disseete4 map, AO
4*2 ta tevotel the otttlinea ef 4 revoletienery
plot. If, for exemple, eoaug girl belenged
to an "untreetwortby" iemily, end
ViRISAI3** letter to Ler 114 1N.e4 intereepted
by the authoritiea ; or if ate bed heeta *gee
comiug met of a 44 tciORA" hQUCO at a hate
hoer la the evening ehe was arreated it; one
of those. pollee raids, generally At night, Oa,
eyed to 4 Plalfe call1040 to the Odessa pti,
Ilk pat 444 erfiall Selitart,e9affaement
cell and left to her OWA agentmeg thoughts,
No explanation Waif giveit her of ;hie MOM -
eatery proccedingt and it she apFoled to
sentinel vu duty in the corrider the oely
ply. elle (Attained woe Prikezeue tie game.
ferbliden." The effect
prodaeed expon a youpg, inexperienced, irn,
preasible girl by the overwhelming shock of
such ttansitiou froro the repe'oe iitfiet, mot
security of her own bCdtVAP*.14 her 9W4
.01 4 Tt4rrowr gloomy ocU to a common
prieen At melt, CaA readily he im,
glued. &vat it kake were eel of our.
aed tivanterie of eberoeter, her tielf.
trot might give way under the strain
och an ordeal, The VV14415 which break
e etillneee el it. Itoulan criminal prison at
—the stealthy tread el the waiattl ; the
y heard cties and etrugglesof 4 drank -
d ray "Ca,ittlal" ;NU le beleg
t to hie ited ouether pat of the
prizon•••44Z3 wbieh etagget to au isexperi,
;speed girl seine tcrage scene of sluice%
and QU'rago tbe ozromienal dame of %hem?
deer; the itiontiee Axel byaterieed vieeping
of other reccutly•arreeted priteners la cells
ou the ti31110 corridor, end the madden and
neiteleeeoppterauee now mut thee el an un-
known humen few at the ilttle elltalre port.
hole in the ecu l door through %Nen the prie.
watched; 'all combine tomato the
nt O of a youror girl in prime an ex.
erieuo never to be forgottea While! she
iVea. Tab experienette however, is only
the beginuieig of the trod which her couraae
and aelteontrol are (leaded to undergo.
Ono day enteeeseetwo daya—three dayo—
en days —withont bringing any news from
the ontelde world, or any informatiou con.
eery:hag the neture of the ebargen meat
agaiest her. Twice every '24 hours food la
handed to hor through the vinare porthole
by the tociturn guartl, but 'nothing else
Intake the Monotony and the aolitudo of
her life. Slie has no boob; no wrieing
nutterkds, no meatus whatever of diverting
her thoughta or relieving the tneutal strain
which soon becomes almost unentiumble.
Tortured by apprehenaion and by uncertaito
ty as to her own fate mei tee fete of those
dear to her, she can only pace her cell front
roar to corner until ahe is exhaueted, and
then throw herselt on the narrow prison
beaau I in sleep try to lose consciousness of
her misery.
The railway blockade ia now completely
removed, and trains on both the C. P. R.
and the Southern roads are running close
on time.
Item hissers. Crossley and Hunter, the
noted revivalists, will visit Winnipeg in
lend me yer slide an' boss t other week I
Some of the greatest men that ever lived told, yer that yer couldn't gib nothin' else
small boy OA a cat :— pearance. The reader will readily recall "I'm ergoin' ter gib that paper."
The cat is a curious animal; it has thur many instances. Very small are Dr. PieroelNot lessen yer are er better man than I
feet and also four. lees. Its head is at one Pleasant Purgative Pellets, bat they are far bee,
end of Rs body, and its tail is at the other. more effective than the huge, old-fashioned "An' that's erbout what I think."
When it walks its head goes before and its pills -which are so difficult to swallow and "Waal, help yeraelf."
tail follows along behind. Its front feet so harsh in their action. The "Pellets" are With agility surprising in auch old men
walks before and its hind feet walk along gentle and never cause constipation. For
behind. It is not good for a cat to tie a, they grappled each other and began a des.
liver, stomach and bowel derangements perate struggle. Abe Smith succeeded in
climb trees ; dogs can't. That is lucky for they'have no equal, .
bunch of fireor ackers Oo its tail. Cats can
cats. When a dog gets after them they The Austrian Crown Princess Stephanie,
on climb a tree, where they can sass back while curling her hair ''recently, ran the hot
without getting hurt. 'You can't bit a cat curling tongs against her eyelip and. was
Once I threw a boot and I hit an o ld rooster . P
laid u for a week. She should hire a
The old rooster he died, but the c at didnmaid.t._ o e
Ocean Steamship rasseng ers
Via New York should take the Erie rail-
way, as it is not only the shortest a,nd best
line but lands people close to the piers of
theleading steamship cennemnies, In buy.
hag tickets, ask for the Erie. .
An Irish terrier belonging to George Gas-
kin, of Babbacombe Beach, England, watches
for mackerel from a high'bluff near the hotel,
and barks and points when a aohool appears.
At a meeting in Hamilton of the directors
of the Hamilton and North-Western tail -
way, the agreement for the amalgamation
of the road with the Grand Trunk was or-
dered to be signed, and will be submitted
to a meeting of the stockholders on Febru-
ary 16th. The agreement includes the Nor-
thern railway, hub has not yet been signed
by the latter board.
throwing the postmaster.
"Naw," said Smith, as he began to choke
old Plummer, " goin' ter let me have that
paper ?"
A gurgled " Yes" came from the post-
master's throat. Smith released his hold
and suffered Plummer to get up.
"Waal," said the postmaster, as be stood
brushing fraginents oi leaves and bark from
his beard, "1 reckon I wuz sorter mistaken
in yer. / didn't know that yer wuz such a
nice man. Come in, Abe, und git ger pa-
per, for yer have earnea it like a white
"Ain't thax a letter Inc me too I"
te yes..
"Waal, I want it."
Charles Weetion,a fireman in the C.P.R.
was badly injured by being crushed
between two trains, and was taken to the
hospital. His recovery is doubtful.
Mr. Hugh. Sutherland has been examined
at manic length in the snit against th#3 Win.
nipeg and Hudeon's Bay railroad, bat no-
thing important was elicited.
Ibis said Mr. McMillan'a mill, recently
destroyed by fire in Winnipeg, will be re-
built at Rat Portage.
A Nanaimo, B. C., despatch says there
was an explosion in No. 5 shaft, at the Wel-
lington mines, a few minutes before eight
o'clock the other morning. The hoistinggear
was damaged considerably, but no one was
killed. There were 200 men in the mime at
the time of the explosion but most of them
have already been carried. out safely.
A Theater's Horrible Death.
A young farmer named James Rakiu, liv-
ing about eighteen miles Northeast of Brok-
en Bow, Neb., started out on the morning
of December 10 in a sleigh for a hunt.
When he had reached a point in the woods
about half a mile from his father's house
his doublled-barreled shotgun alippedoff the
seat, and in attempting to draw it towards
him the hammers caught and both loads
were discharged into his heart. His cloth-
ing caught fire from the Rash and Was burnt
off with the exception of his overshoes and
the feet of his felt boots. The remains
were discovered a few days afteraying lathe
seat of the sleigh about a quarter of a mile
from the mam road in the woods. His
rigbt hand still held the reins firmly and
the horses were standing on the edge of a
deep ravine. They had been -without food
since the accident occurred and had gnawed
the sleigh tongue nearly in two.
One Better.
"0 Maud, what do you think? My oan-
egg r"
uch ; my me laid
two stair carpets yesterday 1"