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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-9, Page 5
London Run d Brune B iwael 1'lortkn,ern Pivieion GOING Non'rn Ti'.il£ TABLE -,-Pass'e'r: London, depart, ..8.10 A.U. 4,25 eat.. 'mean Crossing,. 9,35 5.45 Clendeboye, 0,1.0 5,15 Centralia.. , , J.28 L33 EXETER..-.. 9.35 5,45 Ileiisall. , , , 0 46 5.53 a:ippen, , , ; , 9.51 6.03 Brucefield.,,,,,, 9.55 6.15 Clinton.. , , -10.10 6.35 Lettdesharo' 10,37 6,55 Blyth, , . _20.46 7,05 l3t:lsrave ,11,00 7.20 Wingitant,arrive, 11.,2 ? 7.30 GOING Soon, Passenger: Wita; haus,depart. 7.00 A, 1. 3.05 eat Delgrzeve.. , , ,. 7.17 3.28 Dlytli - .. 7.31 3.42 I.;eaeolesbore'. , , .. 7.40 3.51 ,,, 8.00 4,10 .iarutelield . , . , 8.19 4.26 iigepeti.,..,,.,.8.17 • 4.57 8.33 4.43 :fleeter,,,,.,. 8.47 4,57' Centralia . , , , 8.557 5...07 'Clatetleboaye , .... 9,10 5.20 Luc eae•Crobs' , , , 9,20 fi.25 Londommrrive.. ,10.lil 6,00 TC NOTICIO, Ha, III disposed of l>lusineisl, gull u•ci;caulur.ts due gat ctln to DRtc. 31st, 184'7, aUU he Raid at once, All Parti lt; l% trim; bills to settle a:tn etc s., with my successor, ssor, ",1QIr. W. Sanders, at thti Advocate of... nee, who is authorized. to re- ceive such aiul grant re. ,c.,►ilaf for the same. A faro- pt reply to this notice will greatl • otnlizae, l ont,s t espeettI ley, THOS. RAS.MORE, Dietz'. a©QQ, nWe k gear friends and readers 1» assist fns ieQ making this ,caaluui interesting lei• coutsibuting itemm -AU chi gee fur advertisements in ',rite Amen= must he brooded iA he• Suras Tue sileynoon, from thin time for- d. This rule will le. ri, itllye elhere d t< and advertisers will pie, tics lucre u . trice. No exauptions will he made. a4 vrte-a .ander this line each iusert- Loeat News. .News islike money these daysee- very scarce.. -We understand that there za likely to bee few weddings, soon, A large quantity of saw logs Corner to J. Go:ilds mill here daily, -.,.Miss Florence Oke has been on the sick list, She is Improving. The London road is not in the. very best condition, as pitch holes are ----Mr; John, Rauton, .of the firm of Banton CO, Dry Goods 1,11erehants, is atpresent in Ethel, holding auction sale:, _messes. Rowe & Andrew, must be doing a rushing business, es large loads of furniture left their establithreent every day last week. --Do not throw away any of your .1887 ealenders, Scud them to the man who docent advertise. They will prove scrvicseble to ,hint until he catches up the tulles, -Remember that kerosene larrups tamed down so rite burn low snort pole son the air of the roma, The practice shoeld never be allowed le a horn ;arQd certatinly not inn sleeping'cool Me Electrical al Review s . 0litin gn ad isar lieofsuperstitiet Tel that the day will corse when i lhtuiug roil eu a. house will be regard. ed in the wine light as o horsses-boe evei door. Th e next bank: to go into liquida• - Inn titiful weather. 11ensels are prevalent in toren. .=S'a teteribc for the Anvoc enionly 00 cents to Jenny, 1 ,it flop. The County of Haltom will vote inn the Scott Act Repeal question on March Ist. -Mr. A. L Todd, of Nears tiR arts, Clinton,gavc us a friendly call onTue- «day last. 11e WAS in attendance to the county orange lodge, of South Huron. -Mr. Eli alternate of Indiana,will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday next, Feby. 11th, to purchase colts, aged from one to two years old. -Read the advertisennent, wlzicli appears in another column, of the Lon- don Business College. It will interest all who intends taking taking a course in a college, to try this one. -A number of our young people attended a party one night re- cently at the residence of Mr. Samuel Sample, of Usborne, and spent one of the iuost enjoyable evenings they ever had. --Clinton-'4''errs-Record.-Tnit b:xe- rnn Anvoceen has changed hands and politics. It is now conducted by Mr. Wue Sanders, a gentleman of experience in the business and one in every way qualified to get up a good paper. We heartily wish Mr. Sanders every success, -We are inforwed by one of the License Coin ntissioners that the report of fines' received in West lfuron,which appeared in the county council minut- es in last weeks.issue,should have been $2,000.00, instead of $650.00, as _ the return for Nest Huron contained such. -The Mason ,G Morgan's Unole Tom's Cabin Company exhibited . in Drews Opera Haase, on Saturday evening hist. Tke audience was some- what small, but the perforanance was ,good, and the company deserve credit for the way they rendered this beauti- ful piece. Miss Eva was encored sev- eral times, and she perfotned her part well, -Home Knowledge Association. This is a society of publishers•aucl book manufacturers, duly incorporated and Organized for the purpose of supplying clireet to the people, the most their able editions of the writings of .the world's greatest authors. It is endors- ed by leading educationalists of : this country, and we peedict for the 'assoc- iation 8 access, -Miss Muir, of Clinton, is visiting friends in town. Toboganning- is the order of the day now in this place -Dir. Oharles Mason, of Forest,, is visiting friends in town. -A tiptop stook of bill head, tetter and uote heads,envelopes, statements, memorandums, tags, eco,,, kept always in :took et Tun Aevooe're .Druce, - --Mr.Toseph Beck, District Super intendent of Huron district, paid Leb- anon Chapter, R. A. M.,of this village, an official visit on Tuesday evening, -hir, .Tames Williams, of Loudon South, was the guest of Mr. John Spackman, for a few days during the later part and the begining of this week. -Mr. Jana Oke, our popularcattle dealer, wee in attendance at a meeting of the Dominion Live Steck Associate tom, which was held, in thecity of Tor- onto, on Friday last -The Grand Trunk, Railway O.o, in addition to settling the claims for those injured or killed in the St.. Thomas dis- aster, last July, has also paid some heavy doctor's bilis, those for Mrs a,. G, Zealand, being the largest, aed unting;to about $525. She w the cacti of four medieel me of the time, Ito flee /MOW hanks, and the nt ;ltt haul, to be a wiled up is the sand hank; then the bank of the river for the small boy angling for the unwary ut. Mr. erne. Cornish, of treberne, lost his valuable home e a few days ago. Tflei. is the third horse that has died eau his lands (luring the feat si;e yearn, eteeh ones taf wbkh Was north over $200. The Detroit . s aaolaay, 'tern, iso paper pnbli-.bu1 e'+mry Smithy. It is chuck (kill of interesting news from all parts of the world. It is spiry and well +written, The object of the Sena is a goof one "suppression of viae." We wish the ,,Sou long life. We have reeaaived a copy of the third iseuo of liamee, amagazine pub. lishevl monthly, by Woman Publishing io., 122 Nassau st. New York. It 'contains some very interesting stories. The price is 42.75 per soman, and is well worth the money. -Wo extend our thanks to T'1r, William holt, of Mira, who kindly provided ua with three fine rabbits. Mr. Holt informs us that rabbits are quite numerous in Anis scale%, and uo leas than some eight or ten was, shot in a few hours in that part, -Wiggins is at it again. This time he has allowed us a little breathing spell as he has faxed the date of Canada's next earthquake on August 19, 1904, All right, old roan, we shall try to be there, if we can: only 16 years seems a loi,g way oil: You had better give us something else in the meantime, a blizz- ard or something, to break the mono- tony so to speak. -The Supreme Court of Michigan has given judgment declaring that "Bo- hemian oats notes" are procured by fraud, and are noncollectable unless in the hands of innocent purchasers. The court terms them gambling contracts. This is a piece of good news to many Michigan farmers who bave been vic- timized. The oats fraud is very sim- ilar to the seed wheat swindle recently practiced on farmers in „the Province of Ontario. -The Jackson (Mich.) Patriot says: About eight years ago, while residing at Zurich, Ont., John R. Eckstein, a clerk in Tuomey ib+_Co.'s hat store, had a Canadian ten cent piece, on which a blacksmith there punched the initial " J. Ila" in quite large letters. Mr. Eckstein kept it for a pocket piece for nearly a year, when in some mariner he lost it. The circumstance had near- ly faded from his memory, when yes- terday a customer from the country came in and in paying for his purchases handed over the same ten cent- piece, which was at once recognized by Mr. Eckstein as his old pocket piece. -it was calculated that on the aver age each mau who atteins the age of three score and ten consumes during the course of his life twenty wagon loads of food, solid and liquid, at four tons to the waggon this would correspond to an average of about 100 ounces' of food per day, or say about 120 ounces a day, during adult life, and about 80 ounces during infancy and youth. Most modern doctors agree in regarding 120 ounces of food per, day corresponding to five or six half pints of liquid food and 7 or 8 lbs of solid food as of the real. daily requirements of a healthy rnan Or woman. rsons whoa business eonufnnnes town have ziv idea of the dif- culty experienced by fanners in reach.• g town, and more especially those who are any dist'Tnee away. The re- out storm bas filled up the roads en tirely, more especially those running north and south, and when it bootees necessary ter rigs to pass ono another,. it has to be done with the utmost caut- ion, otherwise there is a tip over, -Everybody should remember, and keepd-i.euga;ed for tomorrow evening, Tb the Concert which will he given by. the 'Tritatt Memorial Church Guild, titill be Dries of the best over held in the lege. The talent secured. for the oeCmien isl first class in every pe rtieul- r, anti all who miss this will anise aw sand treat Doors epee 7,30, perform - 81100 to cowmeneo at 8 o'cioek. Tick- et; 25 emits; reserve seats 35 cennts,to bas eccured at lsaac Carnegie, Be there everybody. Reulember the date to. morrow (Friday). evening. -On Wednesday of last weok,sorne colts get into the CT. T. Reihaad cul- verts on Devon sideroad mei stuck fast in the snow. Mr. A. Down seen the cone in this position,and the north train approaching, he drew his hand- kerchief from his packet and signalled the train. The train stopped, but within twenty feet from the colts, when the hands got off and extricated the animals. This was brave of the young fellow. \'Ve believe tho'railroad Co. are compelled to shovel the snow from the culverts, as they are dangerous when full of snow for horses said cattle. -Someone who has had experience gives his idea of the advantage to be derived from taking a paper in the fol. lowing strain: -Sono papers aro not of much account as to appearance, but 1 never took one that did not pay zee in some way more than I paid for it. One time a friend started a paper in Brant Countyand sent it to roe, and 1 subserib ed just to encourage him, and after a while it published a notice that an administration has en order to sell sev- eral lots at public auction and one of the lotswus in my County, so I enquired about the lot and wrote to my friend to attend the sale and run it up to $50. He did so and bid ale off thelot for $30; and I sold in a worth to a man whose lot it joined for $100 and so' I made $86 clear by taking that paper,. -The annual meeting of the County' Orange Lodge, of South. Huron, was held here in the`Oddfellows Hall on Tuesday last. There were about. 80 delegates present, from all parts of the County, Among some of the prominent delegates present,we noticed,Mr T. M. Kay, peeve of Usoorne, and 'Warden of Huron, ler John Torrence, Reeve of Stanely, Mr Joseph Beck, Reeve of Colborne, Mr John Beacom, Dep -Reeve of Goderich and Mr John eherritt Councillor of Stephen, Mr A. M. Todd Editor of News Clinton, The reports of the W. C. M., and the Coun- ty Secretary showed progress of the order iu every quarter. The next an- nual meeting of the County Lodge will be held in Exeter, and the coming Oele- bration of the 12th of July will beheld at the town of Seaforth. The election of officers resulted in the following brethren being chosen for the current year. W. C. M. Bro. E. Floody, Clin- ton; D C. M,, Bro, Wm, Miners Elinn- vine; 0. Chap, Bro. Geo. Hanley, Clio - ton; 0. Secy. Bro.Wm. Sanders,Exeter; 0. Tress, 13ro. John Beacom, Clinton; 0. D. of 0. Bro. R. Tichbourne, , God- erich; 0. Lecturer, Bro. A. M. Todd, News -Record, Clinton, Deputy Lect- urers, Jiro. F. Davis, Centralia, and Tiro, Woe Flack, Iciphen, SAYS RflE WIFE OF 1{ILL HAVE • You will .tsiso li n The 1argest best stook of Of all kiuds,-,.•.in town,-aud.1 tell you. they eS*"ell Chea; are uo rile l ng a Select Assortment of BUILDING HARDWARE at Flues that have never been equalled in :.peter. Just received a large consignment of Axes • 'r cut Call and examine their steel;, net prices, cool you nen be well repaid. .Agents for the RAYMOND SEWING Mach ne ISSEriT. MAIN ST SOIITHCOTT, ERCHANT « TAILOR Dealer in all kinds of -PPrT f FP. I PJ4,1 J ` P". MY G00T)S ARE FIRST-CLASS, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED, A CALL SOLICITED. NONE BUT FIST -CLASS , WORK- MEN' EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leave your order for a first -suss overcoat C HEAP. W. SitatithieOtta Corner Main &John sts, EXETER - ONT. ILLII%M SAD --AGENT For. MR :Rs Commercial Union Assurance Company 01 GREAT BRITAIN. Capital and Assets, $21,000,000. Aon Tun Lancashire FireTnsu ance_ Co. .111,4,Y CHEST+.R, ENG. CAPITAL, $11,600.000.00. The best and Wiest reliable, Fire Insui ance Companies in the world, ADVOCATE TE OFFICE 110 S TSR. 4 J. C. Stouman DRatElt IY AiTerI-IElaSceCOCreK,JasEWeELF„- menta, and SPECTACLES of all mal:, and to suit all ages. Repeiringrt spa:inln, Satisfaction guaranteed every time. J. C. STONZ5.1ti, Hostel, Out. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician whc basin], a life long experience treating. female diseases. Ys use i monthly with perfect success 'i,;>r over 10,00Dlath/ s. Pleasant, ",,rfe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers ant taken substitute, or inclose 0,s -t- oga for sealed particulars. Sold bs. all druggists, $i per box. Addres i ErnuiKicros ttw KCAL' CO., DwraOrr, Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere, Oct 1 7 PATENTS, Caveats, Be -issues and Trade Marks scenic 1 and all other patent causes in the 1'ateet, Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of Hodel or Sketch of In. vention, I make careful examination, wet advise as to patentability Free of charge. Fens Mott RATE, and I Blake No ehar;,e unless patent is secured. Information, advice and special refiences sent on Lippe cation. d'. R. LITTELL, Washington, D. C, • Opposite U. S. Patent 0}i1es. lice Great English Prescription. A successful Bledicine..used over 3D years in thousands of cases. Cares Spermatorrhea, Nervous', p` l+ and all Weakn ess, caused by abuse 4ssrotes] indiscretion, or over-exertion. term:l fix packages Guaranteed to Cure when as others 1 a52. Ask your Druggist for The areal Entiii 14 i'redcrintron, take no substitute. Oue packag(3 51. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet, address Eure1 a Chemical co., Detroit, fleet„ Sold in Exeter by Dr, Lutz, ail. EXETER.. druggists. eiergQat 1 a