HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-2, Page 5London Huron & Brno, Railway Northern Division, GOING NoliTki—T rte TABLE --.Pass'e'r. Landon, depart: .8.10 A,li, 4.25 P.M. Iowan Crossing.. 9,35 5.46 Claudeboye....., 9.10 5.15 Centralia ., 9:28 6.33 EXETER , ... 9.35 5.45 11cnsall , 946 6.53 1Cippen., 9,51 6.06 Brucefieid, , , . , .. 9.55 6.15 Clinton .10.10 6.35 Londesboro' .10..37 6,55 Blyth, .; . .20.46 7.05 Belgrave .......11.00 7.20 Winglam, 7.30 Passenger. GOING SOUTH; Winghaus,depart. 7.00 A.m. 3.o6 zee Belgrai.ve , 7.17 Blyth...-.. , . 7.31. Londeeboro'7,40 Clinton . Brucefield.. ,, a , 8.19 Xippen ...... , 8.27 Hensall 8.33 3.28 3.42 mal 4.10 4.26 4.4'7 4.43 Exeter 8.47 4,57 Centralia ... , 8.57 5.1;7 Clat►deboye , ..., . 9,10 5.20 Ltncan-cross'g 9.20 5.25 $.ondon,arrive.. , l0.10 6.00 UB UV 1VOTncE Having disposed of niy business, ah accounts due uta.+ up to.Dec,c31st, 1887, must be paid «t> once. All parties leaving lij11s to settle can (10 so with my successor, fir. VV. Handers at the Advovate o1. nee, who is authorized to re- eeiye ,ueii and grant re- cei1pts for the slime. .t pi . ;rept reply to this not lee twill greatly oblige. Yours respectfully, TUO$. PASMORE. gee'. I.<n al notice i:ne rted ander this heed at five cents per !ism loth insert- ion. e ould ask mar friencds and readers to assist us in making this eolum interesting t v et►nteilnrtheeit( PIS elteir;gee far wive; tiseine.at::n me .'CurrrireATa wee bo healed in. .be- fore Tinealey ream. frena this time fur. ward. Tupik rule all 1 I rigidly adhered to, and adv, rtiecr. rail piasters take no ti 'P. ,Ni) , ;4 t'litrone will 1 Jeanie. Local News. —Miss Darling, of thisvillage, visiting friends in Teeswater. —The Hon. ,Alexander Mackenzie was 66 years old on Saturday last. —Mr. Wnr. Copp, of Seaforth, spent Tuesday last, visiting friends in towel. ....Mr. James jewa11 and wife, who has been visiting friends in Michigan, returned home last week. —Mrs. Ezrn Spicer, o£ Cookstown, is at present visiting friends in tow; prior to her removal to Michigan, —Five chartered banks in the Dom- iniou are shown to bo bankrupt by the December statement. ^Moonlight nights again; and the girls can smile mi the man in the moon. Every man must get a smile this year —leap year, dont you know. —A lunatic from near Underwood, was taken through here en -route for the London Asylum, on Tuesday last. The erose is an incurable and sad one. Every member of Exeter L. O. D, ;h'o. 924, is respectfully requested to meet in the hall on Friday evening, Feb. 3rd, Let every member be present. -1dr John: Bell, QUO time a resideut £ this place, but now of Hamilton, is visiting friends in the village. Ho speaks ell of Hamilton and likes the change very wueb. -Mr. Reid an American i'orse buy- er, who has been purchasing colts here at the Central Hotel, shipped 20 Ants colts, to Winnipeg, en Wedaesdgy taftesioon Bast. —.Messrs, Joseph Davis and Daviel Tait intend leaving for London in a few Jays, to teke a course in one of the colleges in that city. Success in their new venture. -•-Where is our January thaw 1 —The dais are streteltiral out at ;±oth endo. Read J. 'W. 2)ro;t•nirg s change of -°ad" in thio ieeue. .C'nua+t rfeit twenty- five emit. !levee t• ars in vire—relator. —Mr. William Piekerd an'l wife, of hiesrforth, Apc,i t Sunday in Town. --nip: ire Irnrvest hat commenced, the hutches s and others aro putting in their usual emitter supply. ---The Pre.iry terians of Blyth have rejected the taw of an organ in the duels by x majority of sixteen. -5--"Cher'serine" is the latest fraud in England. It has a suggestion of cheese, as American oleomargarine suggests butter. --The recent snow storms have blockaded nearly all the roads in the western part of Stephen township, and eauses travel to be almost impassible. --The most important business to be transacted by the rresent seesion of Ontario Legislature can be gleaned by reading an editorial on the opposite Page —Ashes or sand or sawdust aro not particularly near cleanliness, 'out the sprinkling of a Iittle of any of them on sidewalk slippery places these days is far from godliness. —Somebody says that the more a man has the more ' he wants. There are, however, striking exceptions, for, as a rule, no matter how small an a- mount of poverty a man may have he elosen't want any more. —At a meeting of Directors .of the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural So- oiety, held on Saturday last, Mr. A. G. 1)yer was re-elected Secretary, and Mr. W. G. Bissett was re-elected Treas- urer for the current year. -Dr. Rollins and W. G Bissett, Reeve and Deputy Reeve of this vill- age, returned from. Uoderich on Friday morning last. They were attending the January meeting of the (County Council; minutes of which appears in another column. —Building prospects for text season are good and in consequence r'ur local mechanics are wearing a smiliug faces. Farmers and others requiring the services of mechanics for any line of business cannot do better than consult these who live in the vii1 sge of Exeter. -Airs. David ilis.ett, of London, is mat present in town. She attended the Nueva' of seri Welber, S^.muel (a b;tan, who Wats interred in the Exe- ter cemetery ©a Tnessiay,last, -=-0U'iust to the enowstorrns ef last weak, the nail trains on the London' Huron k Bruce railway 2 houses luteottn Thursday taver'niag and were e:nsider- ably leaded schedule time for venae days. .--.-ilow uaanygirls in town hate got silly dreeses this year, ebl Now, girls, ie your ehtette. Win seine now oak gowns or a husbeed before the year is out . Lima acmes your goldenappor- tunity. -. '1'he contract for furnishing the new town hall with the neeevaries for Gran acrrotrnnoalatiun of the I.rtilie, has li 'et4 awarded t . Mr. S. (:lidltry, who seenpia a bis new stand, Oaltifellaas, Ilk;ek, Exeter. -The unesl eeted change whit'h has taken place in the Proprietorship of this journal, and the Politieal platform assumed by the present puhlielu'r,have caused no small stir among the people of this section. ---The Annual rneetirg of two South ITuron County Leynl Orange Lodge will ba held in the Orange Hall (Odd - fellows new halls Exeter, on Tuesday February 7th, 1888, at the hour of 10 a. en, A full representation from every lodge in the county is requested. —A young son of Mr. Thames Ching was driving a horse down main street, on Saturday afternoon last, whenin turning. around the cutter upset, throw- ing the Ind out and the horse ran away. The only damage done was the break- ing of the shafts of the cutter. —Mrs. GavinStruthers, of Goderich, is spendit,g a few weeks with her daughter, ,M1fr's, Harry Cowen, of this village. Notwithstanding the effects of time and the recent Loss of a kind and loving husband, Mrs. Struthers bids fair to override the storm of life for many years yet to come. —An entertainment will be giverein Drew's Opera house, on Friday, Feb. 10th, by the Ladies' Guild of Trivitt Memorial church, in aid of the organ fund, It is expected that Dr. Sippi, of London, will be in attendance and take part in the programme. Every- body should wait for it, as this will be the entertainment of the season. —Thus year Easter will fall on the lst of April -=nine days earlier than last year. The earliest possible date for Easter is the 22nd of March, and it fell on that day in 1818—for the last time in about two hundred years. In 1913 Easter will fall on the 22nd of March, as it did in 1845 and 1856. The latest Easter occurred in 1886, the 25th of April, and it will not fall on that date again until 1943. —The annual tea meeting of the Thames Road Presbyterian church, was held on Monday last. The tea was first-class in every particular, and the addresses delivered by the several ministers was very . interesting, and listened to by an appreciative audience 1'he attendance was -large and $110 was realized. A social was held on Tuesday evening and was a sr mesa —Mr. E, Floody, of Clinton, spent Tuesday in town. -The Edinburgh Concert company gave another of their converts on 'threes day evening. —Let a r=an sit down on a bent pin and he will arise promptly and spec, k briefly to the paint. _-Messrs. Enright Bras:, of Dundasl aro at present at the Coniwercia House, purchasing home for the Man- itoba markets, lemurs, your dwellings with W. Sanders, Agent for the Lancashire Eire Insurance Oe, of liana.ester, England. --A tip-top stock of hill head, letter and note heads,envelope3, statements, memorandums, tags, 'eta, kept always in stock at Tel. ADvow, rn Dace. —The Mason d: Morgan's Uncle Tong's Cabin Company will appear in Drew's Opera house, on Saturday even ing next, Feb. 4th, The company is now on their fifteenth animal tour tbroufle Canada. and is really a first claee organization. In every place. they have appeared, the company is highly spoken of by the people and press. Tickets may be secured at the regular plasm. Usual prices. Eemeua ber the date, and atteml, -\Vo understand that Mt. Ambress Cottle is going into building on an exe tensile scale this e0111iUtr season. :lie o intends baying erected, a now house, size 20x36, which will coat in the neighborhood of $900, the carpenter work of whieh has been awarded to Messrs. Ross & Taylor, of this village, and the brick work to Mr James Sweet. the will also build a new feet. area size 26x38, which will cost about $100. Enterprise is tho wee bone of any town. —At a largely atter led toter ing ef the Christ Church Guild, heal at the reditleuec of J.. A. C. Denovan, it wars d'eideal to change the name of the Guild to the "Tritiitt :'4erasorinll Chun'lt Guild." The followtrig eli:cers were appointed for the current year: -m Mrv. Trivitt,President; Min Ilynd. 'WWI, Mrs. Iitemp, Mrss. S. Willey, Vice President%} Miss Carling, Secretary - Treasurer; Mies Hyndeaan, Mrs. O'- Neil, Mrs. S. F. Whinges), Miss Davie Miss liawkshaw, Mrs. Fairburn, Mre. Mill, Miss .Mortloeir, Miss .Mei)onell, Rev... F. Robinson, A. A. 0. Deno. van, W. J. Carling, _. Elliott, 11. S. O'Neil, N. Dyer Burden, it,. II. Cell. ire, David Mill, II. K. Ilyndrnan, M. Executive Committee, It was oleo decided that an entertai ament, consist, ing of a concert and tableaux, be held on Friday evening, February lath, 1888, in Drew's Opera house, for the benefit of organ fund of the new church. N. Dena 1fr5no3r, Secretary pro tem. --Council met 30th nit. A11 pres- ent. Minutes of pra'vioue meeting read and coutirnsed. Tenders for tank were received from Messrs. J. Gould and Swallow Bros., at the same figures M20. Moved by T. Il. Carling, sec- onded by J. Pickard, that the tender of J. Gould he accepted, provided he sets the tank up an cedar sille properly supported. Moved by W. 0. i;issett, seconded by T. H. McCallum, that orders be granted for the following sums, viz:—James Creech, .$.'3.72 for charitable purposes; «V w. Sutton, $10, board of S. Ford, au indigent; Jansen Creech, $82, balance of salary to 26th Jan., 1888; do. 67e, telegram; do. $2, rent of ground for burying animals; do $19.50, wood for town hall; Jaines Balsden, $4.50, labor; E. R. Bissett, $3, labor; M. Eacrett, $5, taking cen- sus; do. $4, postage.—Carried. Mov- ed by W. Cr. Bissett, seconded by T. H. -McCallum, that the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed to deposit $1,500,00, for 5 months, at the credit of this corporation. Tho Judges chair was satisfactory to the council, $2 extra, The council adjourned for two weeks, on motion of W. G - Bissett, seconded by T. B. Carling. M. EaC- RETT, Clair. EXETER MARKETS. Red Winter, per bus't White Spring Barley Oats Eggs Butter, Rolls Butter, Crocks Potatoes per bag Dressed Hogs per 100 Hay per tots It $ 80to 80 78 to 80 78to8te 68 to 78 37 to 39 20 to 23 25 to 28 23 to 25 0.90 to 1.00 6.75 to 7,00 8.50 to 9.50 Dy3EST, Siert.—In Stephen, on 31st ult., Elizabeth Snell, aged 41 years. GIBSDN.—In Stephen, on 28th silt.,. Samuel Gibson, ag rl 18 years. ALE AT DISSET ' DROS'. '2ott will also find at their stores The largest & best -4f all kinds, ---ha tows —and t tell yore they Sell f'he a, 'ley are ow shov.dm a Select ila,ortmeut of BUILDISG EIRDW..I E at price tile: have nnom beet e n~31led ni Exeter. APR 3t45t rine veal a l on a co a.gigarenent of Azar ; "' oSEmO . t. 611.7(74 Call and m aanaire their etcyk, get t.r:.r, c rad eotz evil! Le aril relaid. A gents for r 111 It.P.LYMOND SBWING Maohine. . SOUTIICOTT, ERCt!ANT TAiLOiLa Dealer in all kind- of -::Pf-Prrs' yP.r-NPJr1,1NpS.:.- M1 GOODS AP.E FIRST-CLASS, AND A GOOD FIT GUAI',ANTE1:I). A CALL SOLICITED NONE BUT MIST -CLASS ,'WORK- MEN EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leave your order for a first-slass overeoat CHEAP. S®l`athedat it, Corner Main & John sts, EXETER - ONT, WgiuA SANDERS —AGENT FOR THE--- Comercial Uxiion Assurance Compaszy ort GfEAT BRITAIN. Capital and Assets, $21,000,000. AND ME Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. MA.NCHESTEIR, ENG, . C. Stonnaaa, DEALER IX TL'rell'ES,CLOCI S, JEWELER r Silver-plated wsre. Unshed Intern• menu, and SPECT.40LES of alt re ter a and to tiuit all ages. Ilepairinga specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. every time, J. C. Secnrezents. Heusall, 0..'. PENNYROYAL WAPa2s. Peen rintien of a physician ,r20:a has hada life len esp;s?kn a is1. treating; female diseases, Is L e:11 monthly with perfect success over 10,0uOiadaes. Pleasant tat' e`.fectual. Ladles ask yourusu,.. gist for Pennyroyal Wafers ats4 take no substitute, or inclose ppr age forsealedpartioulars. Soldb^• all d a, sts el per box. Addre?i zr r+ - C Cali CO., Dsraoti, a. Sold in Exeter by Dr, Lutz, end druggists everywhere. Oct 1 7 CAPITAL, - $14,600.000.00. The best and most reliable Fire Insur- ance Companies in the world. . PATENT 9 Caveats, Be -issues and Trade -Marks vowed. and all ether patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of Model or Sketch of In- vention, I make careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of charge. FEES MODERATE, and Imake No chergu unless patent is secured. Information, advice and special refrences sent on appd cation. J. R. LITTELL, Washington, D. Opposite U. S. Patent O6ice. Mita Orient En"Aleh Prescription. A successful eMedicine Used over 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spernaatorrhea Nervous kn Weaess, Emissions, impotency and all diseases caused by abuse, jnsrronl indiscretion, or over-exertion. fly-rsal Stec packages Guaranteed to Cure when all other.+, Fail. &sk pour Druggist for xlto erout Enttn.aa Yroarraptnon, take no substitute. One package $1. Six 55, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka. Chemical Co., Detroit, llliakt. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutt, and ADVOCATE OFFICE' EXETER, druggists crer;where, Oct 1. •