HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-2-2, Page 4The Exeter 10vocate. WILLIAM SAND '+DITUA P1leiI+ISaEki;. (EMCE: -' Main; ktreet; .reter, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ?, 1S48. EVE SINCE the Parliamentary e- lections which took place in February last, there has been. numerous charges watts 1►;y the- Reformers against the Conservative members elected, but i neerly eyery rase the charges o£ bribery was withdrawn or proved futile in extension of the franchise are the most important measure$ to be brought be- fore the House, and those benefited may thank Mr. Meredith and his Con sere ative supporters. The contents of the address from the throne which is of more than ordinary length does not foreshadow much 1egislatien, conse- quently rerezires little comment, except as they are dealt with by the Proles alai Legislature. favor of theOppositionists, who have i.n nlaraY instances, been Conapr<lleft to ham. Some time ago the innocent withdraw the charge and boplessly yeoman was waited upon by a couple abandon proceedings in order to save themselves from disqualification and anuihilatioa. Oat o£ sixteen bye- elections which have taken place since the general elections iu February last, the Opposition have not sueeeded in gaining a. single sent,• aid have not heels able to make a break in the Lib- eral -Conservative ranks, but according to the Reform count, five constitutior- eiee base been redeemed by the faithful Cestscrvatire Paco. The record of I it. Tire matter was dropped for sorsa the bye -elections noir buen s as follows: time, but now Mr. Brown has re - A.xtrrnee case of the hay foils swin• elle game has came to light, the victim being a farmer in the township of Bay - of sUek.tongued rascals, who after set- ting forth the excellent qualities and .1etrnorfliu ary advantages of this gond erful hay fork, they succeeded is ob- taining the farmer's consent to purch- ase one, arca to matte the matter right in the salad of their victim and at the sae thaasecuring,their owrt devilish purpo.-s by getting the uneuspccting fanner to sign an agreement, which was lit reality a ,genuine note. The fork ';rale sent to hifn and he refused to take ti1IINIsTEI:I:4r,es TS ELECTED. Shclburlte, N pv ti Scotia. Victoria, Nova Scotia. Cumberland, Nova Scoti;e. Colchester, Nova Scotia, Diby, Nova Scotia, Quecena, New Ira¢nswfck. Resti ouche, 1 ruaaswe:a- I hcrlevoix, queb;?o. E ast >i:eali Bence, Q;t4ario: S outh 'Vrr ia.t-'Db, 01et22'10,.. .peau:h Y►4, Jeer, Onte xi e. Edalelrrutaeul, tert::rie. East Nertliu aberl gel, Oratorio. t=it Beene, 4t .eerie. ceived notice that Peter Woods, of Brantford, has entered en action to recover the amount of the nate held 1 by bias against Brown, far the sure 1of firo1,00—rather an expensive fork. .As Mr. B.own can neither read nor I write hie own =nee, the case will 1 be sifted at the St. Thcmas Dis ision Court. This is :mother a£ have had . � v r r- .v r s # tar.uer: the many +acne whieh he n gqC'ICtercete,1 to t<h<lra Owen lithe metlit¢ati ti f>f therive- The public should huv' i at hot .es with htrrtest teed de 1ersanal then disee :venial lie 1191 CLOUD fwtr PHOTOGRAPHS: MR. JOSEPH SENOR having purchased the business of Chas. Senior, wishes to in- form the the public that he eau be found - At the Diad stand Alain Street, Exeter. T3a,e. Fiue.;t Cabinets in the coun- ty. Elegant Finish. Oopying and Enlarging JOS.= on shortest notice, J'S.= SEIQ-R"'. SOMETHING NE THE PROPRIETOR OF THE DOMINION LPP13ORATORY Begs to :uauouuce to his alma, ous Friends and Patrous that lle has just put in a fell lino of Staple & Fancy Stationery, egret. r . " $0?..Fr A! .crit'"r, et;ata amain in the tare at- .9litaiuteeri;�,xYst;� c �'#.�.1..... • . " .. l:• 1 llap 7sitiemi to (.; 'M arra ed:diets gains t to r eitioeiets biline. Wilt of quest.nr affected tbe trade re, !idiom el C'tltatele. end the United atetee a are cviaant:y acting on the lir; to;lit* mio terta1 2'►i1+4 on di%kion... ,.. ,t ttlest the more they alarm the more they Can there to stror[ ,cr eviaiiryi that well gt t t.o wattc-r whether thf tr claim, the ;col If of C"t:r.aela methane to feel just or lir jibe,. Net satisfied with the ceratoler,et thc.y have •'0 often roan- denutuaing the fc ee u.•,e of oily belle rite e,tvd ell tie, Mw1onuld Adwfuititer. without allt;tebig us any Privilegte in atien and it.i I�;:°.Hey. It is almost the ! l' star n, they new come forward with et tris seri title rule that a :ii inti:..try tit ith a 1 cfe'meal thee .merieen v cssels in parrs law major=ity in. urs tt,riit+ le0,,es in i rag through Caetadiau carotis be allowed. bye4..lectione, but Sir .7t:lxai ielaet1:lnalei et•rtain 1=rhilmmes whit'Ii are not granted even to Caeadien vescele. The great A uvriean eagle bears a wouderfull re sefllblauee to a hal; and his eulleaguee are reaping the sue. a•ess of the fast two F'arliate.ielit:3 l.y gaining instead of le:.ieg strength. Opposition leaders arid their journals are very feral of asserting that the Admibietrutien at Ottawa does not really represent the electors, but the people of ()merle have spoken again and again praclairnieg without beim; n,isnudorstood that adherence to the policy under the able management of .`lir John A. Mavdoriald, that the Do- minion i5 prospering, and their con- fidence in the statesmen who aro administering it so wisely. Tun Sscoen) session of the sixth Legislature of the Province of Ontario was duly opened at Toronto on Thurs- day-iy Sir Alexander Campbell, lieu- tenant-governer, of Canada, with the usual ceremonies, but no boom of can- non nor sound of cavalry marked the opening as heretofore, but simply a gu- ard of honor and n brass baled marked the event A brilliant assemblage, com- posed of notable ladies and gentlemen, were present to witness the annual op- ening. The speech from the throne was a lengthy one, appropriately word- ed and delivered in a very able manner. Among the more prominent measures intended to be brought before the House will be a bill respecting the franchise or the right of voting; a bill respecting friendly societies; a bill re- specting alimony; a bill for the sepor- ation of Parry Sound and Muskoka from the adjoining counties for certain purposes; also a bill -respectingthe hours of daily labor for children and you1.g girls in oraitiary retail stores in cities, towns and villages according to the judgment of the municipal author- ities, The protection of labor and the FOLLICK HAS OPENED AND NOW OCCUPIES MO izW STANO Where be is prepared to furnish the ;Public with FIRST Pe4 CLIISSBREAD CAKES UFS and Confectionery Mount Books,- School Books,. and all kinds of School requisites Letter and Nate Paper Fools eap Paler. Account Papers. Colored T ut s, Papers and Drawing paper ifl lt Pens, inks Pencils, and also a full title* 'af all the newest and most popular weal:+ of Fietacwn, all of w aeieia will ie sal at the lowest reaseurt3tevo nett as he uses only First-class Roller Flour Now is the time to leave your orders for nicely 0rneruented Ohristi ns Oakes,. Wedding Calves, and Party Cakes, at reasonable prices. —ORDERS--PROMPTLY—ATTENDED—TO---- 430 RDE]PS._..—FI OMPTL' `—+ TTEI~DED--TQ- - 4 e door nortlx. of 13e1V's old ataxia, - MAI N -STRE ET, taxia,-MAIN-STREET, — EXETER. Now that the; woods of British Co- lumbia have been brought into pruiflirl- •nCe by means of the Canadian Pavifle railroad they are being appreciated. An exchange says that Barney & Sraith the car manufacturers of Dayton,Ohio,bave recently received a shipment of Douglas fir from British Columbia freighting it some 2,5O0 miles and finding it possible to lay it down at their works for about' the same price as Southern pine. This is but one of a thousand openings for the consumption of this valuable wood Two officials of the Central' Bank are raid to have gone over to the States for their health within a day or two. winter travel is disagreeable but sometimes it is absolutely necessary as a preventive of the chills NO CURE NO PAY! A Fair and Squaaee Oiler to Invalids to try The New methodTreatment By which our success in curing chronic dime. ses and defOrmiti es has been so uniform, that we will now guaran tee to treat bedtrr reputed incurable eases, for a stipulated price until cured, and iu case of failure to refund all the money paid us under such written guarantee. It will cost you noth ingt.o I nvestign to this off- er, ns consultation at the offices or by letter is free. Take nochance—pay noinoneytoadoc- tor unless he has coilfidence enough in bis skill to guarantee acure. Nom atter what the name or nature of your disease may be canon or write to us giving age, sex, complexion and symptoms. lend stumps to prepay 'postage on the NEW METHOD CURE books. Part 1, contains 228 pages. over 200 illustrations, symptoms of diseases and reports of over 10,000 cures; Prescriptions for the cure of acute diseases by Allopathic, Homo npathlo and Eclectic reme- dies: Hygienic instructions for every lady gentle- men and family. Will be mailed on receipt of 20 two -cent stamps, or 90 cents In silver. Part IT, private information for men and boyo, young or old, mailed scaled in plain envelope on receipt of 5 two -cent stamps or 10 cents ins Iver. Part IIr information incl iiletructions for la- dies, married or single. 14 colored Illustrations, symptoms, advice and reports of cures; mailed to ladies o,tiy, sealed in plain envutope on receipt of 5 two -cent stamps or 10 cents in •silver. Thethreo books will be mailers for 25 two -cent stumps, or 50 dents in silver, or wit be given free at The Offices of The Drs. K & K Surgeons, either at 159 Griswold St. Detroit,. Mich. or at1f13Elm St.,Cinoinuati3O. All letters must be'addres- sed to Dr.1. C. Kennedy hall's Block; Detroit, Mich. 'We have cured invalids in all parts of the world. through corresiwudene ; remedies and iustrate Mons being scut ey Dietl or Express, 0 . Rf ,.I cit2 BUTTEII A\D Matheson, EXETER NORTH. Our Ster.:11 is will .. tt+R we the at.4.5ec> a trade. Low 1.51 t! ".1.5 iS!'6+tlty;Ott, GBOOERIES : —16 lbs.'suger for $1.00 a 13 ibs. white suer for $1.00. 'aro can't le Studer: ld in T. -se :kola 5e to Tet• per ib. Gots cf Shoes (all Styles) at kw prices. 1,1,:e y assorted e.uedt of '"34'1 FORK'S, SCYTHES and GLASS all ekes (cheap.) r, t T'nehlrte oil, G0,, per pial. a nal (1 cis low as the lowest, a nice Tea Sett of" 44 pieces, $2.75. t gond suit of Ready-made Clothing or E0. Ordered Suits got up h' good style. Our Dress Goods are mark- ed down to the lowest notch. COTTON -20 yds. for SIM. A house and lot, also a faren for sale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON, Eray postoifice. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure OTS LOR liZAT 02 AG oaf.5r,As , a cam air. 'ST" S.tZT70 i"a IQs $q. Mallet Of Main, and Kchlneer of f+iepi�iaes. a. (.1%,!! the r cw.ar-sr.e.:...r Vit' /mina• c.k4'i. ev WGrlc. E:.r..s:' Gnat) ...,'1�/r 77"'�i- ,4., wee ere brolem (;^r•n!met ato &':" .•!a Cf abuse wile Cul in Ica. Q a MEN); C s;6 t,r'nervei3a d ° itl or at :e ..-a t tics= •2:V. tlt.en s tits! le ' t:9. ate. • Suis ss�.1 v.: cTatt.etr h.. is a pt .!* ! e bT. r, tits t rY . trrlc' .... '.o, spelt or " ..01 SC ''t1.iAC`1 c,Y ,hh! C ' Y'' *h to 1 '.[t•r Salt: ct c i ':'[r• P t3S0 •,sect+ [r. C. It( t>tAnr e : i moa 't'� o.• 7-= Z It r t t at.l1 a z c a S t- 4 t [ f,,Qin It e e<� p. r, t 4 e t7 ;re f e t: e+ zr••i,t(.e., est 1Z rri.1! r csc e p t!` iev:sle ''j ire. 3t a !to aX 1 • t r. .7C r.r i [ !,9. it t habit i ik •4R31,11.41,. envy. e k t1 .:'nr [len .cl,t r ,' F ref t *y 5teeli et r1 • Lean. Zsysti re re¢ iiu fa^ia4e3 treeei is + 1. ,a!:.$ Xq.a oa i•7, 4 R'ra -i G tai: \D. eten',a c•Y Dna i i.•rr.I .: 17qt it. t. n 9a^,es t[1 ee ritl9 c t " 1 i. bt3 rt r: r .n Fl as , F Y s+a i Y VOltioSea,::. r let. tfnfi,11 • ti" ry Y:is U'7: vii an.s s e..'ti 'e r 'tems.• Fe7,-17 [ 3=t'7 t: d t9' ttj" r n.F 1out'� cY e'1+ ! r* .l ; 1a s 01'4* 1A a� as :: , eu 3.o . ft Z•:,g,u u thr., Fiat >ra taxa c•f .5 [•t. tee Ul7,h axe). lee3 r tr_cae net,ee. 116 4.41 n , a crud "!au" a,r tfl[•tr1 try, 1,111 -?13,77-1. iu !,•r.*.ilt'i.f'`r ace—D:0 ['!i ba•.'ai:C„e•:.r *:4? t''d:Cls.Sb c,•e yofror! cr•.ectaott:ai\a ”. ItF5,12 nn,2trive•• tnoleast �•• tl ..1• e;veiteaveer eeii sue: e i $Q 7:"1 -sero hr tern de r"1, [31 9e.�My cud Derr'. ear 9' r . ^ al C.l i•1 � ,S ",r Ds)C ' rr•,.Xr e '•41nn0r.- r•rTitz,,,QrG0 rr '�iauA sul'I) .11111j1'3Qr;Cir i-• .. f ..et1 •i t1 g: 0.;; ri,'-!'t fit Ia".:t•^ >;8 of h10 -s - -'.s.8 GUI o,-,.... !emu et Fir nlione jells. e [i"@ c • lite a a Vgene l tea :M. 4'. l'.r'I£XR . 41? Wellington 6i, CRT c $lett A Veil x;,haft: a r.Ce .t lelee lee tore, pered;nei. 07413 uaiiiai aTtel. 11. S1i1LL1COIBE, Meter<shniat r3('nldor , West Sicle of Main - Street, u XErrE R, Opposite the new English Uhurch. A GOOD FIT GUARANTT Latest Styles of Goods kept in STOCK. A CALL SOLICITED: J,, G -r Sinallieembe, rietsant Cure J. Subscribe • or, =.� "..• TER ADVOCATE. Only 1 per year. Would take this method of returning thil.nlre for past support aiyl. ulso invites the attention of the general public: to his new Fall and 'Winter Stock cornprisint, the following:— s Af rst-chiles stock of Furs CONSISTING of -- PERSIAN LAMBS, BEAVER, AND MINK, FOR wafer HE IN- VITES THE CAREFUL INSPECTION OF HIS OLD CUSTOMERS AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE PLEASED TO CALL Mk.A First-class stock of Boots & SHOES, RUBBER OVERSHOES, In Ladies, Gents and Childrens; comprising the all different kinds, • —ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF— CROCKERY F COC .ERrY, CHINA & G ASS A.g:.. ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF Flannels andWineeys, plain. and check; 72 inch wool sheeting., Heavy all. wool Blankets, White and Grey Hoods, Tamoshanters, Wool Jackets; An excellent assortment of Hosiery. ALSO S AS HES O!9RL WA: Mer47117fr-.: PirtSC2 4) A GOOD StPPLY OF ALL STAPLES, AS REQUIRED IN LEVERS ROME. �_�"efo VX