The Exeter Advocate, 1888-1-26, Page 8• Our Washin&ton, Letter, (Trout our own Corneaoadent.1 As the city of Washington grows Topulation, wealth, and material a 1 ainments, dek elepes ata manifold a tractions, and : rod ens and dtsinfluence , do that proportion in the standing vi ,Distriet cornrnittees in Congresa proved, and in that proportion the in- terest and pride of these committees in their increase It is no small matter to be one of a very few men to whose bands is virtually resigned the power ,of moulding all legislation for nearly a quarter million people, and of melong the national eapital worthy of the stat. ion, So, stertime £row . the level of 'slight consideration there as been r eantinuons elevation of the public ri gard in respect to the District eonemi teen wed .the District itself; .and from generel negtect'on the part of its lees- lators the paint as been re ehed:.wherre District'nitairs received the faithful 'Mad interested consideration of scone of the ablest men in Congress. But the -hest efforts of the District connlitteea rise frequently rendered inefreetual by teas# short time given to them in the troll legislative 8rodies, especially in the House, and by the modest and Self-dis- tritatfild dispaeitaoh of sotone of the members when Dietriet affairs are lis l ssed, which often prevents a quorum zit sash tinier,From the present Fon tires, the District will ask addition days for the consideration of its Waite, arta a eoutinuanteo of tits intelligen Jabots in its behalf by the Distric couemittees and its other friends i t_'iangresa, disregarding ell dieeoarage ,;lett and dnsanpoiitt -tent the iZtrst lams of fish•foorls and of the sport o gathering it iia► aro to be congratulated .oil the spirit shown by Congress i. alealing with that Fish C amissiou. The first bill which, as got through both &ousee in the past -sitk weeks of the res icon provides for the appointment ,of a alaried o:lncar tea preaasie over the novae aatiiaioll, and the aignatnre of the Pre It it# ss gond as ossnred. Tho work. is bureau was kept up to the high. for e J Bien ey under Professor if the President makes tl wise a eoiee of a voaalstaissianer, it wi ant.inuo to be one of the midst d'a ra ugbily useful branches of the pnkrli Ilerri ee,. 'Leni6Ceut influence is +repel ally felt in the western and out western country, which as made m9a halaitetile for piouet eettlere by Ravin ae4 streams stool el without generally too poor to undertake the expence of transportation themselves, This dis- semination of food-fnali is in the nature an improvement of the Government lands, like planting timber trees working wagon•roads, and therefore ., ebjeetion earl be raised to the van o public looney for it, The passage the bill ,Prislay was the first real r 'cognition by Congress of the value tht. work thus: far done by the Fish aComlrission, It was, more over, a `handsome posthumous tribute to the patient and unselfish devotion of Prof. Baird to the greatest task of his life. EfTorts are again being made this ses- sion to introduce a bill increasing the pay of the watehnleu of the Treasury Department ,It is proposed to luereaSe their pay from $60 a month to $75. The watchmen of the State, War, and 'Navy Departtnont building have al- aready succeeded in getting a bill cf this eharaeter before the House. The (immure which the Treasury Depart- ment watchmen are preparing is in - ended .to include.all watchmen employ - d by the Government. There is no lass of departmental employes more leservina; of relief than Ole watchmen, and, perhaps, those at the Treasury ave a better claim to Congressional at- ntion. Tera, are allowed no holidays end obliged to he at their posts on Sun- ays. While :here is no manual labor attached to their position and elittle •that calls for the brain of an Agassiz here is a certain responsibility which should be entrusted to men who are rtlii cult to be .obtained at the . salaries ow paid. Through the progress of onstruotion of the Congressional Lib- ary building has been slow to the ex ertral observer, mucllhas been accomp- shed and is visible to one 'who takes ains to look for it. The high board ei ces which encloses the ground even ouceals . ruch more of Work done than casual observer would note. Eor a uildin g of such dimensions :tial pre- ensiona the perltminary work done is mater of no urtiaillconsideration. squares time and talent to make pr. orations for, a building that as to he cond in size and importance -only to he National f kktpitol. Mies Annie Hough,daughter o£ Rev, John plough, alintop,formerly o£ Lon- deaboro, has taken a situation as as, sistaut teacher in the Ailsa Craig Pub. he tic School for the current year. Mr. Jas. Jarrot, ,jr., of H llsgreen, has disposed of his 50 nere farm in Hay,to Par. Henry Reichert Mr. John Cochrane jr., has removed from, the Parr!rne,hiay, to his fast on the 5th conees4311, 'Stanley, A. letter was dropped into Clinton post ofiiee the ether Jay addressed to "t.5Ir. Snaith." As there are several people who beer this t541neoln41o1ll" name, itis no wonder the usually ur- bane poet master was perplexed to know what to do with it. Mr. C, H. Cult, who has been a re- sident of Clinton, for 26 years, and who has filled the positions of agent t_ of the Montreal Telegraph Company and of the American Express Company for upwards of 22 years, has resigned hie position and intends remov=ing to to Toronto with his family. The well and favorably known trot- ting stallion,,,, Royal Revenge, oweed by Mr. D. Erwin, of the Central Hotel, Blyth, for t,•ely orf Clinton Inas become the property of Mr. Jonathan Eedy, of Luaan,for the nominal aaaaa of $1,200. Our county ovinia few if any better bred Poises, nand few it any whose stock is gaining in public fever with the Mine rstpndly els Iris, On Monday least another Huron pie. passed away in the person of hfr. ;ander Ross, of the bouillon Road they, at the age of 74 yells and 8 nths. Mr. Ross has not been in good health for sorllo Limo pang rued his death was not therefore entirelytrarlasr<h• ad tor. About 50 years ago, set, d en the lot that hes been his home' aims e. A man of kindly disposit• spected and esteemed by hire. In polities its was irn church matters, a iter of the late John Rosa. ere interred at Bruce - Wednesday. • Int t t • f n • del, the Refor note by any paean: rived, as they haw ter weeks, even o aurrpriae that in 'party of purity" suf. eat oared oral thereby buried deep - under the refuse of corruption. wi.Al soon by out of sight. NO CURE NO PAY! 4 Square Otter to invalids to tar t�he Nov Method Treatment its wAna! of curse esbaseeeena chrome tibia. we willnowguarantee totrcatindorreputed incurable casco, for aaUpnlated Price unto ured, nue In diem of tailor* tooround all tel o mead paidusttndorouchwrittenguarantee. 'altos isennothing tofnvcsttgatettoIso1J. as consultation at the Meteorb' letter Is e. Tate noellanee�—paynonnonoa toadoe nr. unless .he bas contuctonce enough fn me kiln toguarauteeaours. Flo matter whattllo nsmeornatureofyourdtsememayt a cailott orwrItototra, glvirr$nge, sex, eompiesikn and symptoms. :lend tamps to prepay puatago on the NEM iitETIIQti etTliE hooka. :Fart I. contains e pages. ever =Illustrations.. bYmpteme ar dlseoena xnd xeepnrts ofover m(ta: curer, 1'. e1erlptlons for Abe rurpot acute diseases by Allopathic,notumopathtcandEclecttoresno- dIer, 1tyglen icinetrnctronafor every rady gentlis- runnandfamily Wal be tn*iiett on receipt of 2) two -cent stamp!, r,r 43 cents in *liver. i'artiJ,private Information for cage and boys. young orold, maned sealed In Vain 'envelopp,6on .receipt of 3two•ten5 Alamos or Kayenta In silver„ kuarrl d orra ngle. la colored diluatratiois- dies. symptoms,,tdvloe and reports of stares: rustled to ladles only, sealed In plain envelope on receipt of y too -Cent stamps dale cents 1n Clever. T3sethras bCoaoka hell be mailed for LI ttvo•rent stamps, er 60 e TheOiricesotThears ft&t[Surg ons,eitherat 16g tlrlhwold St.. Detroit, Mich. or St Elm 8t. Illnoinnatt d. Ali letto amust be addreg. .sed to Dr. I. C. K'ennWlyy, Hall's Block• Detroit, belch. throrhbveeorreeepponaence;i emeparts ie and lonntaua- stuns being aim br Mall or szpress. m The abet -day while Mr. Jolts Ross, ;an old man about 80, of the 2sid con. ,of Stavley `was walking aro and alae slip- ped down on she Ise and dislocated his Ip1,r,oulder. r 8MALL1C9BE, 21oreitant 'Tatter, ` Wet Side vf Main : Street EXETER, Opposite the new English Moran A GOOD IT GUARANI' 'I'J Latest atyles o£ Goods .kept in STOCK A'iAT rr Souortka r . icoxn e BUTTR A 4Lat) J. eSany OBTU. itarrtt is well asxarte.7 for the eau a rsdi. Paw prime gin utets teirt. BOOBIES Ili white ,'gar • Is ease la h sys to des (all $0tes) at low prior*, *awls awned stook of aIwS, SCYTHES and GLASS tltp y citm 0344 SWoko, TOO Sett 0144 pieces, $2.75 *geed salt et niatpmite Cls :log tor 50. Urblcmd baits got alp it+,,,;.ad wee- 011.13' weeQuf' Or eau Go ods -lava niarlt. eel clown to the lowest . notch.. T p —.-•2o yds, for 61.00. aAtome end let. *Ivo elatatar sok. Apply S AJJIES R GULFATINif Pius are endorsed by Thousands of Ladies who use them Monthly. Nev er fail; Relieve pain; Insure regularity; Pleasant and effectual. Package sent by mail secure from observation on re- ceipt of 82. Correspondence confident ial. Address TORONTO MEDICINE Co., P. :. Bos b76 Toronto, Ont:—: jan26 8 Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO— Rowe and ndrew -d-room and Parlor Suites, Sideboards and Ente tsien Tables, Lounges and Easy' aebtairs. lZ.'argest varerooms in town. IMDERTAl>,1N(, outsideof the under- takers' ring, in all its branches. • Open day and night. STAND: D: one door north of Molson's hank. I1£airt-stateet, ;Exeter. JOHN MATHESON, Ray pestefiice, PurDRUGS PATENT MEDICINES 4i ail kinds tit the DOMINION LABORATORY Main-Streef., Exeter. Prescriptions promptly Filled, PROPRIETOR. PN�iTOCRA HSI MR. JOSEPH SENIOR having purchased the business of Chas. Senior, wishes to in- form the the public that be can be found Att.�e_O1d stand Main Street, Exeter. The Finest Cabinets in the coun- ty. Elegant Finish. .Copying and Enlarging done on shortest notice. JOS. SE ``'' 10R. A Positive it A Painless Cure. PACTS `OR ' ALL AG, mos s, a or star. *moo of Healing, end Knidnoor of :Medicines. v c tie rerr'lble aaonreckueerrcoo or riltdigtteeet0il, r4CP4 xua41, ,s±r,l E►yarrrearR. 'i4boare brokendown tronathe electsofabrin 72 grain No. 8exkedge:,: cureierpervotts lobuliy,organic wes:knseo, Involuntary lows. ow. orx mrs4 Po#a wu1 ar no. Er .seoo,.n as DsEn.—Want of .energy, veru 0, +rant of purpose, din:mema of slghe, nvorelog to Maty, went of coae,tea.^e, avcai•IQn a `bt conteeet,ti3u• desire for solitude, listlesauess and Inability to as the r ttentioa on n Ferelogt,:ar subject, oowardico, depression of spirit;. giddiness, Zoos of moor+err, axuitskllity+eitempos.,sper- restorrh¢eg. or losoof ate nominal *lull-5bo resales of self•abnse or rearitat exce .anakao.. tenoy, Iranufritiou, emu,lation, knxnennesa, yelp* gen of the bear:. hysse•riefeeliu i in. femmes erembli,=c, melancholy, disterrblprf dreams, oto„ Pre all 5;1w tons of 44i4 trerribkr bsldit.o; to ss;..rr& Innocently aoquire+l.. to short, the „3,ri0-5 eel. va'kcl Yoroe baying Jost its teasiou,everyrfano:too wanes t0 eos sagoenca. fklvntlf c wrirersand tharnpertrseodi:5We insane asy.rn„ t aspita to nomAlln8 to the traccta of sett-ans.) rise great nalsjoraiy of 'wasted lives wra'cit eo.rte ander shear novice. It Ton ar» trreorrpeeent for the satinpi$ duties of b:raloeas, inca.Vdclsated or the enjoyment. or We, Vo. i3 oaors.an essupo from the e#%etsotearl,#.'Om 15 yonsre advanced to veers, an. aWin give you full MR. and gtrengno- If Fon air,' brain down, phyairaaly nasi A?o 'Pout eraly indiaeretial,, the,resuls of Iggororace and telly, send yon' edam.' and. i4 cia40 in ata,trire for X. V. 4,7134;WIE} Treadse � R Reek, Norm on Diseases of 1Taai, f3e4ied se:d'aeSttira lama:: obscera[Rttion,. d1* 531 c' p1a55a55 to Ilt, T, > t7$cQRf.4 Worli igtgat 1St. 1 , ToDe+,rtp. A alaswithout wisdomlitislaatsors ptsra li SUMASIIED. HEAL THrs SiG fr 1. Would take tbis method o tat Inv tee the attention of the gener k comprising the: following,.,. Afirstrelass stook cif Fur Si ARS AN LAMBS, BEAVER AND MINE., FOR. WF{ICR TES THE CAREFUL INSPECTION' OF HIS OLD QQSTCH?. r AND ALL OTHERS WHO ARE PLEASED TO 0.4 A First-class Mock of Boots SEWER, EUBBEB QYERSUIES, nd Gtdldrous; comprising the difforsuat ki tci , ALSO AN EXOF.LLEET aSORTILENT OP - O OQ ERY, CHIN.. & LASSWA'E .ALSO & GOOD SELECTION 011' Flannels andiNiinceys, plain and check; 72 inch wool sheetihp, Heavy all wool Blankets, white and Grey Hoods, Tauioshanters, �P`tlol rFaakets; .An excellent assortment of Hosiery. ItaQEk.IES AS H ° ETO'OB A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL STAPLES, AS REQUIRED IN E -VERY HOME. Cfr3ac HE P:. THE OI'DEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA 12AlLY 01.08E, Morning Edition, - s, t+ 12 o'clock s. . • es cs WEEKLY °LOSE, « • • SATURDAY DAILY GLOBE, ■ $6.00 per annum.' 8.00 N ss • 3.00 44 " 71.00 M ft& 1.00 ft n The different editions :of The Globe can be procnmled from all News Fatale throughoitt Canada. - - - Tl GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN -between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd. March. . last, will be continued throughout 1888, This train arrives at London at 6.4s aa, �n.., making connection witle all the 'early trains from that poisit, securing for The Globe a delivey throughout Wtslexu Ontario hours in, advance of all Toronto' papers. ...' TO ADVERTISERS ' As ars advert'sing medias&, The Globe has no equal In Canada. Its circulation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far in ,advance of ell other Canadian papers, and it is the intention Of man- ement to always keep The Globe in its proud position as the, lNQ 8P:PEN OF °ANNADAo both in point : of ciscttation and influence, v.;111E:CLOSE Pil CO, ,- ,,>. TORONTO