HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-1-26, Page 6London Huron. ck Bruoe Railway Northern Division Goren Norma -Tam T.,s , ,,._Pass'e'r. Landon. depart;; .8.10 AM, 4.25 ,ns. l;cucan Crossing., 9.$5 5.45 Ulandeboye.... ,. 9.10 5.15 2.28 f+,33 131XETER,,.,„ 8.35 5.45 Benson ... , ,. , 9.46 5,53 E:ippen , , ...:, 9.51 6.06 Brucefield...... . 8.56 6.15 Clinton ,.,..,.,.10.10 6.35 :Londesborte . , . , .10, 37 6.55 Blyth :.... .20.46 7.05 Belgrave,.. „11,00 7.20 Wingham,arrlve.11.20' 7.30 Gorz Soma. Passenger 4 iugbam,depart. 7.00 :;4.zu. 8.00 P. Belgrave .. .. 7.17 3.28 'yth , .... . 7.31 3,4? Iiendesboro'.. , 7.40 3.51 . Gunton... . , 8:00 4.10 Braaeefield... , ; .. 8.18 4.26 7ilapen-.....,. 5.;;7 4.57 Eeasall...... ...8.33 4.43 Exeter....,,,,. 8.47 4.:17 Geuralia.. , ...: 8.57 5.07 Olatdebore.,.... 9.10 5'.20 Tuan -cross' .... 9,20 5.2 a 1. rondou,arnva...10.10 6.00' Loea ewe, PJULIO a OTTI. Having disposed of my business all accounts due Inc up to December 31st, 1St?7 **dust be paid at once: Al> G aluoney. due arae can be left pet with my successor, liz Wm. Sanders, s, wh+ .ilr s been auth- n oi1zecl to receive auk grant era -Mr. Will Levett spent a. couple of days in Parkhill last week, -'--New boots and shoes, in endless variety, at Samwell 'k Pickard's. * -Qrdered clothing a specialty, a first-ofass fit guaranteed. Samwell Pickard. * -Scot* English and Canadian tweeds; large variety at. Sai awell and Pickard's. * .-Nei years Day, April Fool's Day and Dominion Day all fall upon a Sun day in 1888, -Do not forget to renew your sus. scription to the Atetreee.Tx. Only $1 per year in advance. - Strath roy hashad to pay $300 to settle a claim caused by a lady tripping on. broken sidewalk plank. S- aturday night was the coldest night of the season. The threinomot- em= fell several degres below zero. ^- hand'safn8 brick residence will ire erected on Huron at, next summer; by Mr. Albert Ford, of flay Township. --t`v Michigan town boasts of a girl six feet nine inches tell. \Y en a fret= low gets a hiss free) leer lee has to say please, and don't you forget it -Mr. A. L. Shipley, a falcon, " bas been removed to Exeter to act as op. rater and ticket agent at the G. T. R. lace Mr. Alex McQueen, resigned. A. defeated candidate for the Orilla Council says he "could belt any an in the Council either with his Etats with his tongue," Iiis is hound to get into a ring somehow., No date has yet been Axed for the elections for th repeal of the Scott Act in Renfrew Sinicoe, Huron,Bruee, uelph and other places from which Miens have been forwarded. Those of our inhabitants who are ow breathing the balmy breezes of uthernn clauses have reasons for rejcie. Here snow and the tempests coma- e to make existence a struggle, --With reguarLl to the proposed singe to be made in the regulations arding postage on newspapers, it understood that lima ride daily or eimly newspapers will not be affected leer clay; --'The best waay to get all the fun ere is out of a Sleigh ride is to st$ in warn), cosy parlor with the curtain awns with your best girl in an easy air by' as glowing open Are and talk out it. ---We MO the attention of the au- rities to the nuisance of this "small " eoasting on the streets of our w.n. This: is no place for such sport should be promptly checked before e person is lamed or otherwise in - ed. -The Annual neetieg of the South roar County Loyal Orange Lodge be held in the *'range Hall (O,dd- :'ows now hall) I•v',reter, on Tuesday ruary 76, 1888, at the hour of a m, A full representation. from ry lodge in the county is rrsgnestead: -Walkerton some time sine° boo ed a wollen factory to the extent of 000 Now the factory is bankrupt; the town is asking itself how mlielm ter off it is for having granted the us. It is'tno that the absurd ay - army el on with both feet. n ' vs that a foideclnews- er place* -tz' pyr the coat in the 11 of the back is an excellent sub- ute for an overcoat. There is con- rable warmth in a newspaper,that's ct. Many a man has become heat. by simply reading an article, or even all local, in a newspaper; and at time he wants to share up his and make it hot for the editor too. T5e Ontario Government . has e the following appointments: is John Millican, of the town of in the county of Waterloo, bar - r -at -law, to be a notary public in for the Province of Ontario; Joseph t 11o, of the town of Orangeville,in ounty of Wellington, to Be clerk e Ninth Division Court of Well - n, in the room of Guy Leafie, de- receipts for the same. A ; rad,. prompt compliance to this lmzaa notice will greatly oblige. ch Tours respectfully, Thomas Pasmore. ,Yeg ---Ma. Dan. Dyer, of Zurich, gave t e nal a friendly call yesterday: ---Mr, Will Folland, who is away ora his holidays, is expected. home in as few th slays. a --Mr. George Tiedman, of Dashwood, shot two wild cats in that vicinity re- ah ccntly. tab The Reeve and Deputy yeve tended the J'aarluary sera On - of the Alma County Council this week. imoy -The Ladies Aid of the IaMes'.st. tO Methodist church intend holding and Bazaar on Good .Friday, March ..Otim. lona --:Three b's in the date line for the Jur next 12 months, then a skip of"1,000 li'u years before you will have to renmeui- `'+ ber to use the d's again. will ,and note heads,envelopes, statement), Feb ' 10 in stock at TA Almvoti.kTl, ofiiee. -Every member of Exeter L 0. L. Wo. 024, is respectfully requested to Sus nneot in the hall on Friday evening, l, 'Feb. 3rd. Let every -member be and presemit. bet --The anniversary and tea -meeting bon held in Cavell Presbyterian church on; atom Sunday and Monday last,was a decided A. success, and tanks with any held in pap Intmc'%aus years. sma -There is a lady in Mitchell who stit has run a sewing machine for twenty side years and in all that time Lias only a fa broken one needle. We say that that ed woman is a jewel of a wife. a sm -At the meeting of the ' County such Council of Huron, held in Goderi.cb, heat mn Tuesday, Mr. Thomas M. Kay, of Usborae, was elected Warden. mad Our congratulations to Mr, Ray. i in A. tip-top stock of bill head, Ietter i soenkoranduans tans etc,,kept always eve -Judging from the almost countless Galt, teamsladerr with wood, logs, hay, lum- riste her or grain one meets nowadays; we and would believe our farmers are fairly Pat u »fling up money this winter. Surely the c tinae:s will soon be better. :•of th -The editor of the Meaford Mirror ingto ;ides been presented with some fresh cease rhubarband anions. A splendid mix- ture to commence the new . year on. the To It will ta,pt be an easy matter ' to tell deem whether our Bro, has sworn off or not us ea r -Tne dudes in St. Paul, Minn., are ,est in carrying icicles for canes. This would wher indicate that the weather is )moderating ent,, fat -that point In some= parts of the pubh West the weather is so cold that. the urns. .drummers can't do anything more than do for make freez ing'remarks and throw cold your. ,stares at the girls. -Il :Societies" have. been the 2 introduced to swell the church treasur- ly fav ies, and the Battle Creek Moon gives bef;ins the following as the standard scale of at 5.2 prices: Girls under 16, 35 cents for times reach hug of two minutes; from 16 to 20' NV Weil dears of age, 75 cents; schoot im'am's, with s 40 cents, widows; 'eroding to looks, of tot from 10 cents to S3; old maids, three echps Bents apiece or for t nickle and ,•o Ern- leas it of time. N. i;. 'ylinisters are not 7.23'i 1 charged. the ec To our correspondents throughout wnsbips we might say we shall it a great favor if they could send ch week items'of general inter - their neighborhood and in places e theme is already no correspond - we shall be glad at all times to sh any news suitable for onr col - Come, friencla, try what you can us in this respect,. and wield pun to advantage. The moon is totally eclipsed on 8th of this month, underunusual- orah]e conditions. The eclipse before sunset, the sun setting 3' p. m. (standard time); The of different phases of thin eclipse are as follows':=First contact had ow, 4.30, 5 p. um.: begining al phase,5.31. 1 p. in.; middle of e, 6.20. 1 p.'m, ecoid of total7. 6. 1 p. m. Tlic-toot:'ot; after' m, ezi. , befor the termination of Blue. -Me, John Gill, jr., of London, is spending a week with friends and rel- atives. -Physicians now clan that there is great virtue in onion*: Onion* are. strong enough to be virtuous, --Mr, John McKay, who has been in Toronto for some time, is home on a visit to friends mat relatives in town, --Mr, Thomas Pais pore, formerly cif this journal spent a few days with the "old folks at house", Derwent, last week. -On Monday, Feb. 6th, on lot 9,, con. I1, Stanley, at one o'clock, p. re; the farm stock of Wm. Swigdell, E. Boysenberry, allot -Mr. E. 3. Roberts, of London, general agent for the Economical Fire Insurance Company, of Berlin, was in Tow part of the week. --Saanwell 4 ; Pickard. have just re eeived a 1a°rge vonsign cent of goods; di-' rect from England and which they are offering at Rock Bottomn Prices.- * -We will be thankful for news ems of any kind( either by =rape encs or otlmorwi'c, at this oAiee, us a calla Please report yoursel visitors. ---The creditors of Alexander Dorald are requested to attend a.mxt ing at R. H. 4Jullins law office, Ex on Saturday, 28th inst„ at ole *leek in the forenoon. Remember, young ladies, t there is al great many diffident and tiring young men only waiting to asked,- and it is now your pratvilege do the asking. - A recent la* in. Michigan e wands each town to provide itself a seal with which to seal elections turns, The folks in the Township Star, baiimg frugal, told a local car tem out the word "Star" upon the e of a stick. The artist was not qu up to the work of cutting the let so that they would, appear properly the seal, and that's the reason pthe cent laical opinion return from S were sealed' with "rats °Y ---It inay' Ile of advantage, at thin zaeaasoca of tla`'e year to have it recalled to mined tet a.pieaa of zinc; placed in live coals of a" lint stove wil) effectual- ly clean out a stare pipe,. and vapors produced carrying oft' the soot by de. composition. Many of those persons SYho have distinct recollections of the severe stride upon their eventempered dispositions, by taking down pipes for the purpose of cleaning them, and re.. storing them to their proper positions, will bail this iiifronmation with delight.; --The bills are out announcing the anniversary services and tea meeting of the Presbyterian church, Thames road, which takes place on Sunday and Monday next, Januamy 29t11 ,4 30th. Sermons wi'.l bor preached' on 'Sabbath": by the Rev. J. Graham; Exeter, On Monday tea will served in the basement of the church from 5 to 7.30 o'clock, after which addresses will be delivered by the Revds. Wells, ofJarvis,Graham and Martin, of Exeter, McLean, of Blyth, and other neighboring Ministers- Admission 25 cents; Children, 15 cents This will be a grand affair, and every- one should attend. WII4r 5It)N'EY 6311TH BAIA. ney Smith once said: --."My plan of is to make' myself, if riot as rich as ers,. at least as rich as an honest an can- be." And Sidney Smith was nht. Re struck at one blow the real, e, h`nest sentiment that should em a from the heart of every business n. Cartwright, the dentist, follow ney Smith's principles. Good valu all his patron's money. Best sets eral teeth, perfect in eating and aking.• Fine gold and other fillings oderate fees. Vegetable vapor for nlesa extraction. W. E. emin- ent, Dentist, next' door to Treble's ness shop, Exeter. itF ad, give yes, Mc'_: eet. oter, von hat; be' to with+ re - of ver ite ter* ora re - tar Sid life oth m rig tru an to ma Sid to min spe atm pai WRI har -Among the bills to be introduced in they Ontario. Legislature the coming session is one to do away, with the pro- perty qualification of muucipal council- lors. There is -much to be said on both sides of the question. On the on'e hand, as regards levying taxation . and borrowing money on the security of .the corporation, there is justice in the claim that those who pay the one and become responsible for the other should, through their representatives, control thespending authority and that a man with private property to be af- fected by his public acts is likely to be prudent and economical. On the other hand anuncipal councils often make by- laws that effect every one within. their limits, and in which all concerned should have their views represented. The bill will lead to considerable debate no doubt, but it will hardly become law at Once. D►lC]D, Cuniaonn.-In Exeter, on 21st inst. Vera, infant daughter of Joh and Elizabeth. Cadn or`e, aged 1 year, 2 tiaonthe' anrl• it clays. AT FE OF icelary's C, ele rat SALE AT BISSETT BRQS'. 1411G II,IP 0 will also And at their store You wvx The largest best stock o Ei kincis,._..i>s tow1k akrzd i tell ata' they Sell Temp.-,., .. er "BOY are 'aowahowuig:l, Seleot A ortment o£BTJILD i G AW ARE at pizcss tit have *lever been equalled in Exeter. Just received a large consignment of JLxc ro ant S Gall and examine their stock, get prices, and you ww°ill be well repaid. 4.,r eut sa for the RAYMOND SEWINGMachina MAIN -ST.. W.SOIITHCOTT, ERCffANT Deafer in all kin cis of MY GOODS ABB FIRST-CLASS, AND A GOOD PIT G1LU A.NTEED. A CALL SOLICITED vs NOSE BUT =morass WORK- e o MEN .EMPLOYED. Now is the time tb leave your order for a first-slass overcoat" CHEAP. . Soeott, Corner Main ds John sts, EXETER - - ONT.. WIIUAM SANDER ---AGENT FOR THE Commercial Union Assurance Company ot GREAT BRITAIN. Capital. and Assets, [$21,0)0,000. AND THE • Lancashire Fire Insurance Co:. 1b1A'h CIIESTE),?, .t✓NG.. CAPI T AL, $14,600.003.00: The'best and most, reliable Fire Insur-' ance Companies in the world: AO.YOG.ATE 'OFFI..GE, RETE&. J. O. Ston .an, MAZER IN 1rTATOHES, CLOCKS, JEWEL1t1'tre VyY Silver-plated ware, Musical Instru.. silents, and SPECTACLES of all seals, and to suit all ages. (Repairing a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed every time. J. C. STONae3fA'v, Heneall, 0',t. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician sago bashed a life Jong expemdenc w,', treatisefemale diseases. is etl' monthy u;with perfect success by over 10,0001adles. pleasant, sale. effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers arn3 take no substitute, or inclosest, age for sealed particulars. bold bp' 3 K4OmareAst$J . ,boxorr *Gia s.. oId in Exeter by Dr. Lutz,endl' druggists everywhere. Oct 1 7 'PATENTSY. Caveats, Re -issues and Trade -Marks sPout Pax all other patent causes in the Patent ce and before the 0ouzrtspromnptly amncl, carefully attcndsrd to. Upon receipt of .1''odel or Sketch of In- vention, I make careful examnination,.nn(1: advise as to patentability Free of charge. FEns MonnaaTE, and make No chary o' unless laatenb is secured. Infurrnatic,m,,, advice and special refrences senton app.i cation. J. R. LITTELL, Washington,11 C'.. Opposite U. 5. Patent Office: 'rite Great E;uglislri.Proseriptlon:. A. successful edicine used over SO years in thousands of cases. 4 t Cadres Spermatorr1,cd Nervous Weakness, Emissions, impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. friszroas) indiscretion, or over-exertion, r,urrr Six packages Guaranteed anteed to Cure when all of ler Fail. Ask your 'Druggist for Tb.o f real Le,. , rl ,. Premoription, take no substitute Oreo^ eacl.taK;a, 51. Six $G, by Iliad. Write for Pampblec. S3 urelt,e,•'CYlaemaical Co., :v)ctroit,:;.il3411 Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, anal drogza,ists euetywlrese. Owt J. a a