The Exeter Advocate, 1888-1-26, Page 4Etuar iL T+iO ', Solicitors, Conveyancers, 40. Money fo. Lona at 6% B. V. Elena.. J. L to.c The Exeter Abuocate.: ILLIAm SANDERS, :leaven a,i Parutasuss. !CZ: = Main Street, Zreter. TH1 It Z)AF.JAN It LEDI TOR+f sowing disposed of the plant end -will of this paper, we, lneneefox'rh, cease to he the pehlisbers of the ADvonerre We have struggled h.M egainst heavy odds, and Lave done mar a'ltitnostt tta make the venture a, names We have been able to dmehaarge every dollar of cur liabilities,. mei our creditors have reeeired or wild receive every deist dace thesis, Ale- contracts mei bansiiaess li;abalitiee since January, 1€ 1$08,.hese been aaa sanmrd bynay sig ceeeor, who succeeds IIne inn the piiblis. its; of this ;paper, and ail debts dire la f'roiu the first of Jenutu , 1 Etc ]II€w been aeeigned to hint, tanai° a#1 moan for jab printing, subscription; etc, exited suede the fillet iassiis of t until that Mete, must Ile paid publisher. Our creditors and the .general publi have treated uta well, while en. number Qf Ocenaservaativeti have also bind y ex- teaded to ma their patronage, -for which they have our sincere thcauaks We thank our readers nand Mende for their kindness end vet ce. In ia,'business way we here tiie, deal honorably with everyone, .w I from this venture Ieilin anre e one can put their finger on, -a epeLt in our ctamiiaercical reputation. For our readers aged those oho have aahown u so mull indulgent kindness, lre had that sansei aff'e'ction that we hand menet friends. In " private life es formed the acquaintance of ny denied friends, ala we purpose leaving the village in a few weeks, wo urgently request that all accounts due us he paid on or be- fore the tenth deny of February, y, 1888. TI O IAS PAtiMoltB. yd4' ".i;^I r sa,/L ANIVO1dIE I.C, l is .naimanuuug the e publisbing of Tera: xteeett Anvoe vr; t am quite cogniz- aut of the respotesibility attending the proprietor respecting the paper et)en the p)abiication thereof or job work done in said office'since tine said date win be paid, eollectedt said faithfully carried out lay rale, All who have paid then:: subscript-- nous ubscriptions in advance -mall eneeiirt'' the paper regularly fronethis ofi ce.. No order for' discontinuance vill, bo aceepted'untFoIl'arrea. are. peid; As we have started upon this eater; prise we solicit telae confidence' and peort Cf tine great Conservative arty and general 'parbFie and we trust :•our feebleefforts iai: ativoentine he above -platform will be appreciated. 'loping that our efforts put forth in this direetton will be crowned with sueeeee. 1 rerea;ti, Faithfully yours, WILLIAM SANDED, Tem Tim R has now calved,- that tine Reformers 'should withdraw those ran "petit), in elections," from thein platform. Their rands of late has been sailjjectste nasi, defeats, not only '. as Qateem"s, N. I3,, but in eli]aost every tnf the bye-eleetions that hes tech n The bribery and vorruptien ► the "parley of purity" have re- d to in the clif'ei'ent elections held Quid shame every Reformer, wbe bears the mune honestly, and, causer paint to hide his few Irmo the world ever in the above,. to Mr. Puree!, rated member for Glengarry, to paid out $1Q5,000 for the purchase votee, to gain him a ewe, and allow dila to Wile M. P. after itis name The tide has tureed, and Mr. Puree ie left at home by the courts -for seveu long ,rears. MAY said the chits .must be. Management ofa newspalier. At the outset we wish it to be din- iiuctly understood that tans paper will be strictly condn:ted open aro purely tlonservative Iifatis, believing that the public affairs of Canada have been, oix the whole, wisely and ably adminis- tered ander the premiership of Hoe. fitit Jour A. siiiacnmeene, and bolding that the remarkable progress .of our', vountry Inas been due in a largo meas- ureto Ids far-sighted and patriotic sand: :ministration, and the Alevuc et will extend to the Leader and his Govern- ment its fullest confidence and heart- iest:support. Wo aiso believe that the principles advocated by Step Joint A. RIAODoneen and his Government are the best adapted for the country, and the Avvoctimn will do all in its power to promote those principles and aims of the Liberal -Conservative party. The wisdom of past le;islttion and administration, evidenced by repeated victoriesfor tine 11Tinistery .since the general election in February last, con- veys assurance that ought to satisfy reasonable Hien of the ability and sound juruent of those who have the management. and responsibility of the ;government of Canada. We shall abstain from. publishing petty personalities or reflections on pri- vate conductand censure shall only be #sleeted out when it is deserving and when, the cause is suradi.entto justify the action. All the business contracts made by Mr. Pasmore in connection with the ;publication of and advertising in this paper since the 1st January, 1888, and debts owing to or due by the late ,. low c^a: see believe ut l taio will he ra beon to men tlae a Tarty taf Purity" reap leved ccrruptiaan svltith bats n their ranks enuring the ecc*tat lase cicetions8 Can we bluest y believe Chanel No, eneycr, when tub dastardly, wholesale corruption takes place Our convictions lead us to believe that it is:a"fakir"only whish is being used in order to obtain. power, we aaek the questionand newer it. hey ever get there by such sche- as "euwiuereial union," "annex ," and newel other 'nide issues" ell they have fruitlessly resorted to? \Ve eanphaticaliy say ]Oi Qumi 's, N. l2. ',Mat is the the "Party of Purity" said belonged to Mr. Kiug. If that be the case how, or in what way, could they have claim-' ed tlae seat. when Mr a3airdhas been reedected over hie antagonist by the unexpected.and handsome majority of one luuidred:aud eleven. The people of New Brunswick have acted wisely indeed in electing MMI:. Baird es their, representative, and by doing so they honorably and with good intent reject- ed a usurper and falsifier of this won. derful "party of purity." or LATE there has been • rumors : a- float that a third. party. wilt be formed in Canada. We have• me.been aware that there were two parties in. Canada. Maybe the "Grit Corruption Machines" call themselves a party, if so, we quite understand the position of affairs. NOTICE T() CREDITORS. In the matter of Richard Lux- ton, late of the village of Exe- ter, irr the county of Huron,'. deceased. Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario and amending nets. notice is hereby given to all creditors and persons haring any claims against the estate of the said .tich- ard Lnxton,'deceased, who died on or shoat the lith day of January, 1888, to. send in to the undersignod, 1i. 11. Collins, of they said village of Exeter, Barrister, etc., Solicitor for the executors of the last will and testament of the said Richard. Luxton, deceased, on, -,or before the first thsy of .April, ]888, t+keiv cltristian rnd surnames, addresses, and, descriptions- 4vitit full particulars of their:claims, 'state- ment of accounts and nature of security, (if any) held by tlu:in. Every person and creditor Bolding any security,' is to pro- duce the same bolos; ire on or before sa,ilfarst day ofAjuil, 1888, after 'which date the said execiriurs will distribute tate assets of the said decea-ell, anti will nut be liable for the assets so distributed to any 1u.r„tri of whose claim they shall not have:had notice at said date R. H., COLLINS, Solicitor for the Es.,et atone.• Dated +lie Inti day of. Jxr,:t"iry,. 188& 10141 Council, Tbocounceme'tpursuant th adjourng meat at the "own hall, 18tle January,. , -1$88: Ald tee members preeeen The min iess•of !merlons aaieeti eewere read nd confirteet, 31"2c1 by Pickard, se~ouded by T, l3, Carling; That ordex°e a be granted for the ffllowng surras, viz: D.• I3raund, $15.00,•ita full of account tee date; and Items; lrandforfi $1.450, repairing hose mad cart, Carded. Moved by J. I'ick.ard, swouded by T. U. llleOa]latat, that the Venn office do the priteting•at same Nice s I >t year. -Carried. Moved by T. II; McCallum, second- ed by J. Pickard, that the lust of per one selected for firenaeu by the Chief I'rngineer, cempose the fire depeatwe1L of this village, and that vineaucies as the eaten`Ibe filled by the voice of the company or Coaauies into width they array be decd, The Clerk to ascertain the price of a :tank t4 place in beseaueet' of towel Aa#➢. The elate was appointed to hike the ceases of the village at PlaCel oaa wetiau of J, Pickard, seeded by T. U. Me.. Qallanana. $j'lew No, 7, for the above purpose was d0 1y read and paged. on motion. of T. B. (,'aarliang, seconded by W. G. hiss ett. no -council adjourned until Monday- the 80th inst., at 7:30 p; m., on motion of T. P;cicard, seconded by W. G. M. 1?r°Ao?in x;-Clcrk TO GRED. TO1W: Iii. the mutter Alexander nder McDonald. or the township of Tuekersmith, in, the o.caurnty of Iluron, an. Insolvent. 'Plata above .owned Alexereltr Mr11Csald /M3 011,110 aaa nadignwent tc► A,arhiteld Liabup, stf the tewnsbi of L benne, in - Faineance a*t to Tice Chap. 2O Ontario, and ainaenwalieg eves, of all his real and pereanaal cwt to IIna trust for the ;Nevin a. creditors. en meting of tine eretlitats of the :Mand Alexzautler ;adellonate will be held at nay office in the villego of Exeter on lealtrriley the 28t1t alar of January, legit, et elaavena o'clock in the feminine fair elite pummel of the appointment gs•''luspectors nntl Rhine dlreetions for the dispontal c e the estate. Creditors nee requestett. to file teen claims against the quid estate verified by atiiday°it Rating #,lie #nature of the sslvuirty if aux heltl,l►y them, en or before the clay of mantle,as Join:wed ,by , the ala fln4F4:.4. B. iL COALth"r'+, Solicitor 1,r.•1.rchi iahl T3iabo Aaiigneaa. jA S! T. DEARING his entireenteannOth toe of - Ready -Mae Whinge DrThitoods Boots and Shoes Oirecoiies,Croekery, 'UJaswIyaTt &t less than Actual Oast. He isbOUTKI to reduce his stoc and will offer— RGAINS er .before offered in Gonda'. ell assorted d every=.thin_ fresh. No shelf 'wenn ids hie Meek, Bargains for You. Bargains for YourNeighbor* member and Call Early and bring Ari/ clang, for which you will Je morn than fu]1 endue AIJCTION SALE NUR STOOK ON Tu e y, , ' to 2414 1880. Luokenut for od rs. T. DE R1NQ,, SON'S BLOCK.. E# TENDERS WANTED. Sealed Tenders will Ito reeeived by the undersigeed up to tl o't;lock, p. in., foe - day, the Seth .Tanuary7,1S. , ler the whole work nevematry for the erection of a brick 31letbotlist Chureh, in the village of Critialia, Plans and specifications may be seen at anytimr, at the re4douce of Joseph Marshall, in thesaid village. A. KNOX, See'y Building.Conmitte Centrallae Jan. 17th, 188S. CI.IRISTI'S COMMERCIAL LIVERY 111 volor matt Rigs and. horses First -Class. 'Orders left at the.Hawkshaw house or at the stable will be promptly attended to. Teleses: REASONABLE. 1888. --GREAT— 1888. Rebellion against High Prices AT G0ROE MANSON' One door south of the Posttifface,, •Maxi..-st, Exeter, A well -assorted stock of READY_- MADE BOOTS & SHOES From the best Canadian manufacturies in the Dontitiion. ALSO HA.N D- MADE WORK of the highest class. ' A tri ll solicited and satisfaction guarantee.& Cu:,t cxn vu•ork a:S1?eeitalty. • i 13ast Family Newspaper in Canada, Esrentastese 4a Yaa&aa: MG OF WEEKLIES t —. ells— rree Press L+QNDON, oNT, The Ilanldsomsstr Dieted frailer to -_ - Gala.-- '''''''''"'"'Cmeet to s ote ,i fRat9r. ' tu,"'F1 ee p...,. - 4S 4 } up to the sits and concluded tg persons pralskluttly *Wed ut Ran work ostrattelte, aoticaI and et giveneauti week. All the News w Liar Ileograpb, Tetepbone, WI and` Ceirenpoa, fierce up to ta:e bow st r atAisatten, spedst market Iieptrtment. Agricultural Dciea - u east, cppfoi 5 ern always Itunnbsas, ingen- rea s ranee t aIti,'ao. t e:E,aeAognPexeeen WUST THE THIHQ FOR THE FAMILY I ry ;Welter of the household eersel looke for it vaeln week. rem' , i3. * * lea Claa.as of 4 .and upwuri.s, Iso tach. au e 7 free 2,000' IN PRE . MI Oliva Array Prod tQ dant;. a thieve- igiucvnlvetg 5!it ecr t fan" Oaf ,441.a. lrw +Wing, Talker., X914¢*0a awl ercarneaita]. AGENTS WANTED EVERYW:IIW1tE.. arzent,popular paper to pori for. ]Nora x+:aaog iia be aaaraa uorkkg for tlaa .,,fie. l' ' Mac ena r4tar.siiit$r omploymaut. Woof. Oarawao- PLLICK S OPENED A?!1OW 1(48 NEW TMW Winatre hreliared to furnish the Public with SSD A• end Confectionery ery us be uses only First-class Roller Floe inland to leave yoursorders for nicely Qrnaana+ented'Christuikis i alcas; Vedding Cakes, and Party Cakes, at reasonable privet. ORDERS—I'1tdMPTL '.—ATTENtl131) 'O-- o door north of ]3e11's old stand., .nd.•. MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. rfc lipoltic Having this season purchased most of our stock direct from maanvfttcturerz, in England and Germany, to do so we bad to give our orders very early in thee season, and as the prospects looked well wo bought largely, the goods have now arrived and we find that .lard( times aro causing a great depression i*:' trade, we bare therefore decided to meet the times by marling all goods at;• HARD PAN - PRICES as to insure a speedy clearances therefore we would invite all intending' pairs chasers Mean and Inspect cur Stock and. nate Prices of all. New Goods, including Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets, r ITls tern, Misses' and. Maids' Ulsters, all sizes., lack ()lore SATIN Dress goods in all the newest colors and styles. Plain' and Fancy :Plushes, Scarlets, and Plain •and Fancy Hosiery and G;ovea. Also a full line of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' 4tD 4-- • CLOTHING r HATS and CAPS, .All oi• ti•14;. is ivi1.1 he sold at.•vlte LO ,r4S' POE SIBLE PBICE..