HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-1-26, Page 3SCIIITIFIC. 'I 1iR CARS of THS, EARS. Never put anything into the ear for the relief of toothache, Never wear cotton in the ears if they are discharging' pus. Never attempt to apply a poultice to the inside of the canal of she ear. Never nee anything but :a syringe and warm water for clearing the ears front pea, Never strike or box a child's ears ; this haat been known to rupture the drum and eaauae incurable deafness. ' .Never wet the hair if you have any tend- envy to deafnees; wear an oiled -silk cap where bathing, and refrain from divine. Never scratch the eare with anything but the finger tipa if they itch. Do not nee the head of a pin, hairpins, pencil tips, or any- thing of tont Ratliff& Wever let the feat become cold and damp, or sit with the back towards a window, ae #hese thinga tend to aggravate any exiting berdnea# of hearing. Never put milk, fat, cr arty oily substance Into the ear for the reltet of pain, zor they soon beeonie rancid and tend to incite in- flammation, n-flamm ation, Simple warm water will an - ewer the purpose better then anything else Never be alarmed if a living linnet cetera the ear. .1'aiurieg warm water into the canal will drown it, when it will generally come to tine surfaceand can be easily ream. ed by the finger,. A fere peaks of smoke blown into the ear will stupef; f the ;meet Never nte'die with the a ar if at fere3,ga body, *ugh as a bead, button, or seed Mere it; leave It absolutely alone, but .have a frbyelelan attead to ie. More damage baa t sen done by tujudiciona atretepts at the extraction of a foreign body alien eoliit ever come Emus its preaeaao in the oar. I'0RT NT PIi(kTorliaaa!iliv I}1SCov? tx. Mr. Philip W. Dufresne, of Toronto, bee made a discovery ie photography which ruauit&ea to have vary important results. it is galled "reelected pbetegnAtskAn aaud it1 coaxiats of the production of four phots. graphs at one tatting, showing the same lager* in four dietinot attitudefa. Ono example shown by Mr. Dufresne is a Amite - graph. of a youth, giving a view of the ;face, back stud twit protilee, one darlr and cue light. Mr. Dufresne ill the brat gereon who I res auor:eeded in accoii.plisiting alis reit. Mr. Richard IL Procter, the eminent as. troiaomer and *dentist in general, whets tac- claaulir. d to write lengthily and confidently with equal freedom on. every subjeet, from English etymology to the flap of the latest conte;', tail, now cornea forward with an article entitled, "Why hien Caauoat Ely." Work -at -Home Swindles. OE all the petty nwindlee perpetrated d on the ptibUo, the rkat. one fiend is the meanest and moat- heartless. In ail cages the victims are people whoare in search of employment of some Bert which they oair Perform ae home, and in most canes they cam UL afford bite dollar or more of which, the. aharpera usually fleece these, to say nothing of the aggravation of dieappofnted hopes, The bait offered is usually attractive enough to be atrongly tempting without eacitieg suspicion,. Swindlers of this kind haft, frolic all over the country, tom small as well ea large towns and cities ; butthose in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Qinoinnati and chlcago are the moat Festiferous. The bait is of various kinds, from working lace or worsted to painting photographs.. It a{s usuallypreeanted in en talladvertieelneuta various v;•eekly publications of a latae coun- try eiacelaticn, and tagtenerelly addre�se_Ad to. women or inealfda of either Rex. Here is a specimen ; WANTED—Lad lea be wok for to et their homta Seven to ten dpllaera per week can be quietly made, No photo painting, no canve:ming. Vet' full psrtioulare please lad^ dreaaa at once the Art Company, 19th at., Beaton. An advertisement like this bridge =aver- age of from 50 to ICO replies a day. Au in- quiry aa to the nature of the bnr,inesa conte only one (eat for a postal card, or two cents ter a 'tamp, and bundreda of laditee in conn• try and city, anidous to eke ont a slim in come or to stake pin -money by some sort of home work, send their addresses to the coo - cern. l!aa reply they receive -a circular gen- twining lauaabie and alluring oilers, which ;agar; tiny cell for the esxpeaoiture of a den- ier for the a' outdo^." Toa Eye-opener has a pigeonhole full of each circulars and ad- veettstineote eulleored within the current year, to Ray nothing of hundreda waste- paper balloted In former yeare. They are'. alll of w piece, varying Sally with the charas ter of the bait. Testy all want remittances fvlcllatterne, instructions and the roc h Ina tenial to be worked op. They *11 tell 'how eaaily the work' is learned. atter two or three days' practice, any cue call earn from T to $15 e. week. Each promisee to bay tbe.;loitbed article at a lair figure and to remit " payment promptly by return rami on receipt of work." Tout 1I1 a stereotyped premien. A very large proportion of those receiving these etreulara are caught. They rarely need the money from the work, and time outlay is entail, wima'1. e;' the premises are antieing. The material sent In all asses Ea. worth only a few ceuto—geueraUy Seas than as dime -..,,sad of courage mai a rule any Dae without experience who ettempte to do the wont anon gives it up for a bad lob. The few wbe do forward to the advertiser any completed work, in almost aU CAWS receive in reply A nate toying that it is ,pet math - factory. €anally also attempts are made to weadle more measly out of the victim a pocket for more material, further ine ruo- tions, or e completer outfit. When minium money eon he obtained, the dupe is distelan ed in short order.—Rural Steelworker. &etherize, the product from tar which Is said to be 3U0 tunes sweeter than sugar, has been of wonderful benellt to the) Grown Prime of Germany. It is said to have great curative qualitiea for diabatia per.oni and some forma of gout. In mass of obesity and in the metalloid ccanplioatioua where or - Maury augguur food is objectional saccharine is invaluable. new invention for tho propelling of street carts is in the application , of the gag. engine. All such attempts have failed heretofore for the reason that the gas.englne starts and stops too slowly. In this ease the engine will bo in motion continually, and the power will be thrown ori and on as occasion may require, by the use of movable' friction -wheels geared on an matte link - belt. This belt is to be attached to the engine. Ordinary illuruinating gas will be Tolstoi may be quixotic, but his is a *In- oue quixotism. In a recent talk with a visitor to his country home the farmer•ahoe- tnaker•noveliat•ariatocret said, with an en- thualesm not to be assumed : Oh, yea, every day, according to the season, 1 tabour on my f arm. I out down trees, lollop wood, I mow. Ali 1 and I plough. You do not know what a pleasure that is. You go slingturning up the fresh earth, traoing the oag furrows, and do .not notice that one hour, two, three hours pass. The blood oonraos joyously tbrouuh your veins, your head is clear, your feet scarcely touch the ground, and how hungry yon get, and how yon sleep afterward 1 Qaotawaya on Little Istaicia. We published recently the atery of am l inora. of a shipwrecked crew whr lived for nine months on an'nr+anieetbitod liable ;eland .several hundred anile, front the. Marshal; ,group in the Pacific. When they deserted chs island in a scow they, ref t tt whatever: fate might befall bin one of titer number who had murdered two of theireentrades. Unless relief is sent him it is not roprobable that, like pefoe•s here, he mightiive there alone for years before a passing ?easel pick• ed kin up. Hundreds of these lttle f'acime islands aro rarely setae by elope and many 4f there are shown on the beat maps with interrogation pelma to *thew .that their position even is not a accurately mows. Castaways who suffer for watts on un- inhabited, Kande i a nut 00 fen iu Dumber ea might is pp ed The Ei„lisb news• papere anntenteel a few wet** age that a veaael was to L?e§ t le the •Crozet Islands %.n the Indian Oeeau, almost within eight of Antarctic me, to rescue ,otos shipwre,ked poopie who are supposed to be there. Many of these far- southern islands are out of the track of ships, and. caetawaya might' like on same of them ter years without being discovered. The (:rozete are femme as the tiuittviting borne of several tbipwreeked crown. A wit{lb ago the survivors of the ager Strathmore reached the (,'rorete, wnere they lirdd for merry weeks on penguin flesh and eggs before a vessel luckily. hap- pened to beave in eight. A. few weeks ago mere errived in England eight of the crew of the Derry Castle, which was wrecked off the Auckland Islands, booth ofNew Zealand. PATENTS Fess f caro to GOODiaioorn4, 1f7 WANTED over he s nthe Da• Addrear.OEq. A. FIK1ltltla}, tri Cbnre% %irr.et, Torentn- it1 ke utak. baa wetectlaiata a,*I .pte�aC t O[IIQUyS FIFTY YE d ttAapRatasS�A .40et1lnw,ee. In the Church of Rsme—Toth edition—cheaper in p210e,83tpeges, Agents,Indieeorgentlemen, tosell SEEDS ID, D'ASCDSAIINSt snit Tazaeru book, Liberal WEDS. ADDRESS, J. al, WATSON, Torcazo W0T.a5u Tabor DEPOSITORY, Toaorro, $lyOOQ CHALLENGE. I N all New loth paper* wy ekSem i- .11. Se&res!a a Se- diet challenge. Writing iieaehir.ea to a thea of speed chit the ltem1ngtom Standard Type. welter, For;pnrtienlare sight to ORO. 9SNOORO11. Canadlam Agent. SS RIAT$t. E-. Toronto, Ti, l:laA ail % t & Cos stet • Forge d4, Toronto, dealers lmi kinds Baud and Orchestra Inetroa- nmente. both New and #cocoa -Hand. inatanusatal Music, 3fuere Books, etc. in- traictten Rook., for every ir,ltru,nent. Agents for Carl F echer'a BSD 4t 0110 mane l'frrSie. Send for CraulOgiee. Vocal and Imparter W a M ,'CD A+ LLil Mares geode of min' deeoiz onm, i3vn Aporia On receipt of 10i5.04, I wW aapres **Aar sddreaa, an 1'ngtieh made double haws; Moue -wire t gun. With Darer and We complete. W. Mcetow&u . el King Moat ?i'r• te• Tome% l $CTATica.—An effectualreruedy }naveltro coat pee,i1ed by S. J.I440aeeie .. for. I a itamexrlru8n�ttaxe,ra Z16ntgty,GouterMiLnrn. They heti a bard eer+r; g,1e ler lite daring i lea a WPC' runch 44'4eme #arils 1e erpr.+aed tWNW sar the three raOORlia. they ,peat 90 the laleeda, a,y. p vt 441"'"aa to 1tgei lmehraeca sm hares e7• orf Shell nth awl. sea 491 11014 were all 'their ceipi,sitati'a o order it. hent to ca mss. Pro Ned, and a regular thea; of °velem peeled k ; wnuu r*. t Pills *a. aa.•[. Con their appetites long before they eam,:saned a CANADA PERIIANENT it. Tinto were timber in abundsuce, ut the poor fellness had no rna:cbea, and they had to eat their food raw uutil etre of thou.; happened to dada cartridge ifs tile pocket. They were thus able to kindle a Ore, whose fiemse were tea eight and day der -mg the remainder of their bray is this invitee prison.. One day they round a nettle of Batt, wbicll premed a moat desirable adjunct to tttelr oysters. Tee ears is aappo.se:d to have been left there try tilecrew of the Gen. thaut, who were Gnat away ou these 101uads twenty eters ago, mid Wren there many months. they had saved seise creatarrer comforts from their ship, whiata rendered existence more endurable. Their exile wass far lougesr than that cf the crew of the Dor ry Castle abate aiguad lire, were ek- d after they had lived three mouths on. ,tong the artoat terrible of shipwrecks' thoas of the whalers and sealers in Gehring Sea and ttie Arctic Ocean. It rte probable that some of these unfortunates reach land oily to perish IA the desolate regions of the north. Row Farmers are Doped. The Detroit ;'ret Press says :---Iiir. J. M. Orsett, formerly of 1 pellanti, has the cre- dit of being out+ of the pioneers of that'bene- lloont system of tratUo lay which the pre - ready ignorant rustle watt taught to appro. cleto the Bohemian oat. -Re thrived, in his modest way, bought a ban's account and in- vested in diamonds, grow stout, ruddy and healthy, and might have eontianed to be a useful and prominent citizen at Michigan had not the Courts interfered with his busi- ness. There was even talk of depriving him of his personal liberty, jaet booause his pledgee were not always kept, cudsome of his associates ware actually seized and thrown into the Delia of a common, vulgar jail. 'Then Mr. Qroutt packed itis trunk and removed with his wife to Windsor, whores reporter aaw him contentedly amok - lug an after-dinner diger at the Brittsli.Am- erlcan Hotel.. t'a" I tell you," he slid, " that oatbusiness wen a good, square dual at eras, and would have been yet if every Tom Dick and Harry hadn't crowded into it as aeon as it was found that we were making money and fixed it so that we couldn't live up to our promisee. We had a company composed of firat•olass men—the leading citizens, and, during the first year or two farmers made big money.' How; were the oats good 2" " Oh, no," he said, " the oats weren't any good, that is not so good as common ones. There were heavier but there weren't the nutriment in them. The farmers made mo- ney, became we were able to and did boy the oata they raised at the agreed price." "Just as the thing collapsed," he went on, "I had succeeded, after many experiments, in. producing a beardless barley. Finest looking barley you ever saw, only it wouldn't malt. I'd have made a good thing off from that, if the stockholders of the company hadn't got frightened, and taken to giving away their stock to their hired men or any persons who would take it. That destroyed the public confidence and busted the deal. Going home 2 No. I'm a Canadian nein. "T couldn't goback without endangering other, people as well as myself, and I'm well enough fixed so that I would be comfortable for a few years if I didn't do anything. I can't be idle, though, and so I have taken up these ' English Doctors', and am going to campaign them through the Dominion. Great scheme,that "1 I first got a wire from St. Thomas saying that they took in—dol- lars ndol- lars last night, and I am going on to join -them this evening." 1 Scotch Smuggler's Retreat. The revenue officers have discovered an- other ingenionslyconcealed smuggler a " hothy" in Strathcarron, Rosa -shire. In their search the officers followed the gorge of ,stream which flows in a series of cas- cades through a rocky chasm of great depth. Here, twentt'feet from the bottom of the rocks, they found one of the most artfully constructed hothies ever seen. At Bret it appeared to be a cave, but onentering it was seen that it had been scooped out of the rock and roofed with planks, over which boulders and shingles were 'thrown in a haphazard way, as if thewhole were a mass of debris from the rocks overhead. The water channel to and fromthe bothy was also covered with boulders—in fact, there was nothing to indicate that such a plaoe existed except that the rocks above were blackened with smoke. In the bothy were found a mash tun of 250 gallons capacity, a receiver of 20 gallons capacity, a thermometer, several minor utensils, and, most important of all, the poit-dubh (or blaok pot), as the natives call the still. How the smugglers managed to get their goods in and out of such a dangerous place was a puzzle to the officers, until after some risky scrambling the gorge was further explored, resulting lin the discovery of a cleft in the rook, down which a rope ladder was suspended from a tree at the top. Others of the officers had in the meantime discovered another bothy, near whioh was concealed a mash tun of 350 gallons capacity. All these utensils' were destroyed on the spot, except the still, which was borne away as a trophy.—[Edin- burgh Scotsman. A colored woman and a white. man met on the street at Beaufort , S. C., the other day, and the path through the mud would only permit coon passing at a time. Neither would waive the right to the first place, and they both remained in the street all day, sending for chairs and their meals, while their friends gathered about to watch the " sitting match." When the old lady sent for her knitting the white man concluded he did nob want to go that way, and turn- ed back. In polite circles the word "drunk" or. "intoxicated " is no longer used. " Over. estimated his capaoity " fa the proper thing. 4.444441.44.444.444014444.444.444441. ,Inotber Large Cava Discovered, Another tslafrmtnot* ease .bas been din covered in fi.entucky, It is as yet but very imperfectly explored, but the ;seta, eo far as yet known, acre air foltowa: Mr. J. A. Allen, of Bloomfield, K., while exeavatiiid the feuodattomi tor a new ,trill, struck the dome of a. caevcrn of immense pro- portions. Meters. Allen, mind Hunt explored it for a diet,aaco of over two ranee and din covered an opening yin a cliff ore the dant of Benjamin ala;Isco, mud a well beaten path was easily discerned that wee once trodden by human beings, although it is now in many place:, covered with forest trees and undergrowth. On emu of the large avenue nuutorous evidences existed that the place had been the abode of the cave men, as numerous relies were found in the abape of pottery and bronze. A sepulchre was elbeovered and in it are numerous bodies. The formations in tee cave are beautiful he- yond description, stately towers of utalee tites and beautiful pendants of translucent .stalagmites suggestive and grotesque, and unique figures ere encountered all along the wonderful.eubterranean avenues. Thera is a beautiful little lake with winter as clear as cryatal, and ae is canal in acme stroama it is full of tiny eyeless fish. The avenues of the cave will measure in all probability about seven miles, so that it may be fairly consid- ered another rival to the Mammoth, end certainly one of the many great cave wonders of Kentucky. The Circular Nuisance. .OAN. AND SAYINGS COMPANY t13uwut$I,:EU A.Q. Sedierr'ibe4 Capitals . , ec,sM,ele+t fi'M1m1.4pt=wpflmlt3. . . , 1,11041.1.49lteeerse rarity • • e X, 210,11111 Teta; Assets. a , 9.0ei1UT5 a15c0 t -^'C01'5 Skip, Toronto St., Toronto, STRAIQiIT LOAM, UR WRIT EWER Piled. The e:Qmpaeny hew a large amount of money la lend oa teems{ Hamate sseuritei s t the lowest curtest rate of tatereet repayable other inane suraorbyinstalments as may be domed by tate borrower. Applfce trona may be made dmreri to the tum Teta:gaed byr rener ax otherwise, or tot the loaal reproaeata:ires of the Ceekrnny throughout Ontario. as She Own. pony slwars.has tunes oo land no delay need be ex, pae,aed. r.xnarsei rscluaeo to amtmmoni. Mortporatand fleas; et.ithrrolureaPatrukrja al 4, UMW= Sisrot;4,nenteenervernier. Not to be Discouraged, You can't discourage a crank. There is one in Louisville who never lets a general election go by without being; a candidate for art important effioe. He was a sure winner in the'mayoraity race. He got .one single vote and has been at great pine to prove that he did not vote for himself. This he established, and ie hinhly, satisfied with himself and the whole town. -[Louisville Democrat. • e • Commodore Vanderbilt's thorough ways of doing business are proverbial. At ono time some of his laborers applied to have their time reduced to the eight-hour system. The commodore ordered their time reduced to seven hours and paid them pro rata. Not liking this turn of affairs, one Irishman said to another : "Mike, I wish the Commodore was in. h-1"" Faix," answered Mike, ".that same wouldn't help you, for he'd have oonthrol o'' the place in a week 1" Toronto Silver Plate Itloep as saevsatri saera►;or ^agree a:azmrarr es n* ear SELLER PLATED WARES. TRADE BE. AIL GOODS GVARANTEEI/ TORONTO. [UU 1a/t DDrohesle ete.Ott iUD liltiR S ,are )et messes# ed, twine hal o ar re. taw lr' halls it U 0Ess . ytl#1 Move to new 1aestlon 7 it realesta*da. cheat, whit*. wit* tnereaaetava1 eerev tole la Ave ;;ears. No ether •ppoa•tuallteatat existing. null portion/are tree >tt11en, appllaattoa to C. 0. WARWIF0 Gen. ram Ast.,i[t. rimia, Mien, or' J, firelilat& Tran. lease. Agi-, 4 relaxer Rouse incest ToRoSTr . SAUSAGE CASINGS,. EaT 1DiPORTEDENGLIB$ 8s*F,.pS, 410i 1. Amerlosi, Hoge ga Qae lly mum sed, Ie told iii $nit weentarers. Write for prices. Jas. Park & Sonf TOBOGGANS; �C NOW$HOE'S, Housekeeper (to •servant)-" Y am going'' out for the day, Maggie, and I wish you would. tend to the door -bell and keep trace of everybody who calla." Maggie Yea, mum." housekeeper (returning)—"Well, who's been here while I've been absent 2" Maggie—" Well, its rained hard all day, mum, an' it's been nothin' only oiroulara to- day, mum. Everything waa cuoulara, mum. I kap' track of 'em, an' here they are, mum. One eye water, two bakin' powder, four milliner, five corn halve, seven tooth powder, eight soap, ten sewin' machine, eleven life- savinbitters, three stove polish, sixteen openin' sale, and ten olosin'"bot below cost, mum... That was all, mum 1" Nothing can constitute good breeding that has not good nature for its foundation. Basan B. Authony says that " if a young man spends two hours with a young lady every night and her ' old folks ' don t make any fuse about it, and his ' old folks' don't make any fuse about it, the two young folks may be said to be engaged." (nearly. Fathionable Daughter to Plain Mother— " Oh, other—"Oh, mamma,• my fiance has caused me mnoh pain to -day.' Plain Mother—" Well, why don't you take somethinglor it 2 1'11 make you a mustard plaster. it won't never do to be gettin' sick right as the society sea- son opens.". A Frenchman claims to be able to prove that fishcan hear a man talking in an or- dinary voice half a mile away. How far a piokerel can hear the tones of the man who has bobbed from some old wharf for half a day without nibble this Frenchman does not figure on, and is not asked to. A high sense of honor, a determination never to take a mean advantage of another —an adherence to truth—delicacy and pol- iteness toward those with whom youmay have dealings—are the essential and distin- guishing oharaoterietics of a gentleman, Lord Braxfiell was 'an' eocentrio Scotch judge, with'a bad-tempered wife. His but- ler determined to leave because Lady Brax- field was always scolding him. " Why," exclaimed the old judge, :"ye've little to oomplain o', ye may be thankful ye're no married to - her." Water PO Ar11E:Rt1, bots Zia roue ppaar hour. Also Rock Dans—Hand, Dome, %earn Rewer. Send for Catalogue. L*UUaw Manufacturing Co., Mainterort. Owe iIeaales OC CA81N lea ltetsli• ante to Clubs And Dealere. OW fey nenteleente kT.1.14IIEIctftwell_10k17EAL , MERCHANTSa BUTCHERS. MERCHANTS: ATI" 'MAMMA wn + trent a 1oonxin -any ya�psr locality too ick tf ap WAR. dash Walt/rod en mild Addreee Q. S. BAGS, Dyde Park. veneent, V, .,.L.JONES . 000 ZNGRAVER: 10 &NC ST EAST ;1 TO ^ a fit O. L1T OR& Eaaratara going to Manitoba will 9nd:f1 theiradvantage to call upon or write to. W4 B. Gillett, 523 Itain street, Winnipeg, wbs bas unproved farms far gala. Information cheerfolly forritshed withou% Charge. Annietarmoa given to bone fide mitt, lora who umsty buy farms from hum. Mo007 Iaitatlow ratesaf interest MI personal peep, erty, to ataalat such eett!ersa to staartfarnuug, Line $eyai sit Stkarts104. �durlaa; winter DamBerttaad ux o.ry Tealaita eaittax aY#47104udaa7 rpt Lisespoor waxier from Qaa'.a.rt entry Saturday !at L aal1taga1Dardatsdesry f•o tend r alts,, �pwa for Scot/wad and Wand' • .relfo Istat Ba1Ma 1$ Itax and gr. Jals*'*. M.P.. to limp* s0 du wormer momit. The Owns" of row asee sail do erhmter to and t Poriund. Bomaoe and tladeiphta- nor between 0 and if =toll and Boston w and Glasgow fortnightly. For irelghl, pump, or ether toformatlon iippb, Sokuntecker k 00, lltaltimots • 8 Uanfax• ShesfaCo., S1. John`s.21.F.; Wm. div eon k ? o., S9, Jahn 2i.D. ; Allan # 0o., e t,eva is R i * Co Nos 11. W . 8 i, Matt ten Tart:and Beaton Montreal. RE greatest 4. a• ,arum eti$ at 01 tau tarI g the bowels, all Blood IUs r and iiidAtyperfect flood Budder. A aw la Ifarnusoo wbohan been benttlted by tee Dae sirs. AL Xmas 52'Robert fit care# f Erysipelas of ! ug ; itobl. Cor: 11, 24 south strau4 tighter oared of plleptlo AM after sere a'Ceming ; Jen. le Ie1rrel. 6*,Wainet trent. curd of WeakneaaandLung Trouble; John Wood gal f3tYa. cart $k cured of Liter Complaint and Allilancrewr used *nit fatty-aentbottles; Yrre. J. Beal, 8 Amp*, oma 1 battles gavyear* rw�wra�esatNreU*t. Sold at . at Q s. P, DALLEtTks c0., ProprtulosS. Desiring to obtain a Bualniss Edueetion, or beeoma pros Ia t in Shorthand a andTypewrltiug. should at. tenthe BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Made, Yonge, street Toronto. Por Circulate, etc., address a. O'DEA. Scorebary T,r4.n118Et' Dress and mantle cutting by this now and improved TAILORS' SQUARE. Satisfaction .guaranteed to teach ladies the ;nil art of cutting ail garments worn ladles and children. PROF SMITH, 186y . Queen St W., Toronto. Agents wanted. NEW & SECOND=HANDI 'ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE !ACM 1 N ERY • FREE- H-W•PETRIE, BRANTFORD.CANADA.. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the poet fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price $1 per box, ora boxes for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application, THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. STANDARD CHOPPING LLS, USESBESTFRENCHBOAR • MILLSTONES FUMY %W11i5 Woeto Na ItD4Wina W tines Ratsmete +rill BARNUM WIRE and IRON WORK WINDSOR, ONT. We are offering special i1I- ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this fall. We Guarantee the Best and Cheapest Fences made in the Dominion. IRON FENCES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - [Send for Catalogue. FARMERS & TH ' ESHERS USE ONPYOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN Have boon awarded it dothg ho last four years Try also PtME:RLE$F RINE GOLD:MEDALS AXLE GREASE for your wagons and horse Fowemv. • Manufactured at QUEEN CITY OILIWORKS by Si1MUEL,ROGERS & CO. TORONTO*